The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, January 26, 1900, Image 6

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Ob, the old trundle bed where 1 slept
when a boy,
What panoplied knight might not covet
the joy?
The (lory and pence of that slumber of
Like a long, gracious rest in the bosom
The <><■ aint, homely couch, bidden close
from the light,
But daintily drawn from its hiding at
Ob, a nest of delight, from the foot to
the head.
Was the queer little, dear little, old trun­
dle bed.
Oh, the old trundle bed where I wonder­
ing saw
The slurs through the window, and list­
ened with awe
To the sigh of the winds as they treui
blingly crept
Through the trees where the robins so
restlessly slept,
Where I heasd the low, murmurous chirp
of the wren,
And the katydid listlessly chirrup again,
Through the maze of the dreams of the
old trundle bed.
Ob, the old trundle bed! Oh, the old
trundle bed!
With Its plump little pillow anil old fash­
ioned spread;
Its snowy white sheets and the blankets
Smoothed down and tucked around with
the touches of love;
The video of my mother to lull me to
With the. old fairy stories my memories
Still fresh as the lillies that bloom o'er
the head
Once bowed o'er my own in the old trun­
dle bed.
—James Whitcomb Riley.
to try my luck with her then. But as
long as you introduced us I thought I
ought to give you the first chance.”
This soun .ed familiar—too familiar.
In fact.
“Oh, don’t mind me,” I protested im­
“My luteutions toward
Marguerite are wholly innocuous. Wish
Incidents of Ills Early Life and the
you success, Dillard.”
Cause of Ills Hucceimful and Remark­
I managed to evade his parting hand­
able Career-Buried Near the Siene
shake, thus saving my fingers a second
of Ills Birth.
crushing, and he departed happy.
When I went to lunch and had time
to analyze my feelings I found that I
In the township of Northfield, Conn.,
resented tielng forced Into posing as a is a small elevation known as “Round
sort of trousered fairy godmother to Top.” It Is the summit of a gradual
rising slope, and Is crowned with more
Of course as long as I had no Inten­ than a score of sturdy old pines left
tions whatever of asking her to marry from the forests of years ago. In the
me I could hardly be so absurd as to shade of these trees Dwight L. Moody
resent some one else doing so. And played when a boy, and on the slope of
certainly Forsythe and Dillard had be­ the hill over which they keep silent sen­
haved handsomely—no one could have tinel the remains of the great evangel­
done more.
ist have been given to the grave. It is
But to be asked for my consent to a fitting resting-place for a lover of na­
Marguerite’s nuptials as though I were ture and one of the greatest students
her elderly uncle or benevolent maiden of humanity. The sighing of the
aunt was n trifle trying.
mournful pines faintly echoes the grief
At 5 o’clock 1 was on my way to see of the world that knew him, and the
her. 1 felt that however unpleasant plain, rugged beauty of the surrounding
my new attitude toward her might be, scenery are emblematic of the life and
It at least gave me a right to know character of the man.
which one of my friends she had accept­
People who have listened to Mr.
ed. By the time I reached the car I Moody or who have come within the In­
was sure It was Forsythe; when I fluence of his personality have wonder­
alighted at the corner my mind was ed why he seined to affect them more
made up to accept Dillard as her fu­ than any other person that they had
ture husband, and when 1 entered the ever beard or seen before. To some
door I hud come to the conclusion that small extent this was owing to what Is
whichever she took she was undoubt­ 1 usually called personal magnetism, but
edly doing well for herself.
the secret of his power lay in the fact
“What, ft Is you?” cried Marguerite, that he was one of the greatest stu­
when I found her in the library.
dents of humanity that the world has
"Did you expect some one else?’ I ever known; that he could feel, and did
asked, scanning her closely. She un­ feel, as others felt; tliat he looked upon
doubtedly looked happy.
the practical side of things and used
“You were here yesterday,” she re­ practical means to secure results. He
did not fight the devil with snowballs
“One good turn deserves another,” I of eloquence, or use soothing lotions
said. "Besides I’ve come to congratu­ upon his seared victims; he fought
late you.”
with fire, and applied the strongest an­
"Well?” she asked and settled down tidotes. He possessed the skill of a
comfortably to listen. Marguerite Is general and the tact of a diplomat. He
very provoking sometimes. She knew realized that practical work was as nec­
I was all at sea.
essary as preaching. At one time
“Dillard Is a man to be proud of,” I when he was holding revival meetings
hazarded, watching her face.
In New York City, there was a great
“Are you proud of him?” she In­ cry against the roof gardens. His posi­
quired, looking up at me with big ques­ tion on the subject showed the lines of
tioning eyes. After all the role of fairy action which he pursued. He said,
god mot lier to Marguerite wasn't so “We need more roof gardens, but they
bad, I reflected, that is, If one couldn't ought to be on the tops of churches.
be anything else.
Every church ought to have a roof gar­
“And his fortune----- ” I went on, Ig- den. Make them as attractive as the
noring her question.
beer gardens. Sell lemonade and soft
“Ah, ills fortune—are you proud of drinks there summer evenings. Have
that, too?” she asked.
them open every evening. Have songs
Perhaps It wasn't Dillard nfter all.
and sermons."
"But Forsythe,” I said, shifting my
He was not a highly educated man,
ground, “he is a man In a million.”
nor was he what the world would call
“Yes, he Is,” said Marguerite reflect- eloquent. Ills power ns a speaker lay
In the fact that he spoke to ills auditors
I cried desperately, In a manner and in words that they
going to marry?”
could understand. He was careful
a million or the man never to shoot over their heads, and al­
with a million?" she cried with a saucl- ways endeavored to be entertaining as
ly lifted chin.
well as interesting. On account of his
“Yes, which Is It to be?” I repeated plain manner of speaking he was ac­
cused on a certain occasion In Boston
"Suppose," she said, slowly, “suppose of lowering the pulpit. This was his
I asked your candid, unprejudiced hon­ reply: “If lowering the pulpit means
est advice?”
bringing them to the people I would to
“Oh, then 1 suppose I should have to God 1 could! If I wanted to hit Boston
advise you to take them both.”
you don't think I would mount my guns
“Yes. I suppose you would,” she as­ on Bunker Hill monument and tire into
sented thoughtfully.
the air, do you?" lie made a study of
"Or else to refuse them both,” I add­ every one that he mot. He worked upon
humanity through itself. At one time
“Ah, suppose 1 had already done when In Chicago hi“ wished to secure
that,” she said softly.
some particular favor from Mr. Ar­
1 felt m.v breath fail mo suddenly.
mour. who was always a close friend
“Marguerite!” I cried, and a moment of bis. Mr. Moody was always an
later found myself an engaged man.
early riser, but one evening he notified
"By the way,” I remarked as we sat
waiting for the pate at Martin's that
evening, “how were tile pictures?”
"Really I've forgotten," said Mar­
guerite with a happy little sigh. “This
has been such a busy day.’
"Come to think of ft," I replied, "I’ve
had rather a busy day myself.”—Chi­
cago Times Herald.
T WAS my busy day.
A pile * of correspondence ns daunt­
ing to a <: man’s ambition as Pike's
Teak or tin* Eiffel Tower burdened my
desk and there was a kink In my tem­
per which I had calculated would re­
quire a dinner at Martin’s, tete-a-tete
with Marguerite, to effectually straight­
en out. Martin's chef makes a certain
pate that puts a man at peace with all
the world, while Marguerite Is at once
soothing and stimulating, like cbam-
At this point my reflections were ln-
terrupted hy Forsythe, the best fellow
In the world, but with an unlucky habit
of turning tip at the wrong moment
I didn't give him the glad hand exact­
ly, for which I was sorry enough after­
ward, but he was too preoccupied to
“Oh. I’ve sometlilng to say to you,
Austin,” lie said after a few preliml-
liaries, with the effect of having Just
remembered something.
“All right.” I replied, taking my feet
off a chair to shove It toward him, “but
make It twenty words if you can. I'm
In n rush to day."
"I can do It quick enough," he went
•n, with tin uneasy laugh. "I Just want
to ask you If you've any Intentions of
a sort, you know, toward
"The devil yon do!" I exclaimed. “It
•trikes me that's my business."
"Perhaps It 1s," lie said, will) an air
•f wishing to do me every Justice, “per­
haps Il Is. lmt It's mine, too."
“Indeed." I remarked, feeling that I
was unanswerable.
“You see. Austin," cried Forsythe,
“when you Introduced Dillard ami me
to Marguerite we both thought you
were a trifle gone In that direction, ami
«hen I found I thought such a lot of
her I couldn't live without her I felt
that I had no right to ask for her until
I found out whether you wanted her
you rself.”
Great Pest tn South Africa.
"Deuced good of you," I commented,
One of the greatest pests of south Af­
stiffly, seeing he had paused for a re­
rica Is the locusts, which descend In
“It only seetm-d fair to give you the swarms each year upon the farms of
first chance," he finished, looking nt Natal and the Transvaal. They some­
me in a hurt sort of a way that made times fly In such numbers that railroad
trains are blocked and are forced to
me aslinmed of myself.
“You're all right, old boy," I hastened wait until the bodies of the Insects are
to say. "Forgive me: you took me by shoveled from tip“ tracks. Last year
surprise. But since yon ask me I don't the government of Cape Colony paid
mind saying I never bail a thought of out $8,500 for locusts' eggs, at the rate
marrying Marguerite" twhich was true of 12 cents a pound. As ft takes 40,000
enough, and I'd never thought of any eggs to weigh a pound an Idea of the
enormous number destroyed In this
• ne else marrying her either).
“I'm mighty glad of that," cried (•'or­ way may be gathered. But the locusts
tire not an unmlxed curse. They are
•yt'ie. Joyfully.
“No doubt," I said, a trifle dryly; but eaten by the natives, who say they
lie hastened on: “I'm going to take make delicious food, and all anlmnls.
her to a picture exhibit this morning. Including horses, are said to be food
■ nd thought I'd like to ask her then. of them.
If you assured me the field was clear.
1 hope I have your good wishes. Aus­
Oldest Tr e In the World.
The town of Kos. the capital of tho
“Certainly," I said. "Go ahead and small Turkish Island of tluit name lying
try for her. and good luck go with you. off the coast of Asia Minor, possesses
■Id man."
the oldest tree In the world. Under Its
The painful memory of the grip he shade Hlp|>oeiatvs Inculcated his d s-
gave my hand oti leaving still lingered clples In Ills methods and views < con-
with me when Dillard drop|w*<l In an cerning the healing art 2.000 years ago.
hour later. I gave Dillard the other Tradition carries the age of the tree
buck to tile time of Aesculapius I (of
“Hullo." he cried. “Busy. Austin?”
whom Hippocrates was a lineal de-
"Rattier," I returned. shortly. Dil­ scendant), which would add some 400
lard's only occupation In life Is spend­ years to Its age. A great part of the
ing an Income of forty thousand a year. trunk Is built round, and there Is a
■ ml It's hard to I m * glad to see a man fountain
like that when you've got your own Fouutalti. The elrcumfe em-e of tb»
■use down on the grindstone.
trank Is 30 feet, and theie are two
"Just a word In your ear and
main lower branches, which are sup
through." he announced. “It's a
ported by masonry columns.
Marguerite, you know."
“Marguerite!" I exclaimed, “then
Making Allow rtnerm
you’ve heard
“l»o you admire Beethoven's music?”
“Heard what." he cried. “Are you asked the young man whose hair is
engaged to her?”
long and curls at the ends.
"Certainly not." I answered, with ent
"Oh. yes.” answered the young wom­
fhaals; "what made you think that?"
an. “Reethoven was all right for his
“Oh. I thought you rather fancied day. You see. rag time hadn't been
her and I'm tremendously glad to bear Invented then."—Washington Star.
you don’t care alamt her." <1 wasn't
■ ware that I'd «aid that, but I let It
People speak of the havoc mince pie
pass.) "She and her aunt are going to can work on the stomach, but It Is as
take lunch with Forsythe and me to­ peaceful as gruel compared with suet
day. and I thought I might get a chau-w puddlug.
the hotel clerk that he wished to lie
called unusually early on the following
morning, lie explained that he wished
to call upon Mr. Armour in the morn­
ing. and milled: "He likes people who
get around early.” On another occa­
sion when preaching In the slums of
a large city he was delayed In leaving
tlx* hall till late in the evening. As he
left the building a iiumlwr of roughs
were waiting to annoy hint. He heard
them say, "Here he comes!” and they
prepared to jostle him from the side­
walk. He walked directly up to the
ringloader, and with the greatest self-
possesslon said: "Mv friend, won't you
Just help me on with tills overcoat? I
am not quite so active now as I was at
your age. and some day. when you are
as old as I am. I'll Is* glad to do you
the same favor.” The bully gracefully
held the overcoat, and Mr. Moody,
after thanking him. walked on unmo­
lested. Such Instances as these show
the wonderful tact that the man pos­
sessed lu handllug people.
Beginning His Work.
Mr. Moody lagan his work as an
itingtllsl In Chicago He was the
■a. her of a small Sunday school class,
tud be determined tn reach the chil­
dren of the slums and streets. He
worked among them and used every
means to attract them to the Sunday
school. Sometimes he attracted them
amly. and he had a pony with which
he went about the city In search of
boys. It Is said that he would start
out on a recruiting expedition ou Suu
day morning and return to his Sunday
school-room with his pony loaded
down with street gamins, and the last W«miu< Note« Calling the Wicked to Tonimantler Lucien Young Win« th«
Purse in a Novel Contest.
enlistments would be banging on to
A good story comes up from Cuba
the pony's tall ns they marched along
L M S Inspire
■bout a well-known naval officer.
During some of these early
Wherever the United States navy is
Chicago days Mr. Moody would sleep
Wind is not
known Commander Lucien Young is
on the benches lu the Y. M. C. A.
known. Young was one of the men
rooms tiecause he had no other place !
Serve and de­
who went to tlie rescue of tlie ship­
to go. Iu strange contrast to the many |
wrecked sailors at Samoa after tbo
valuable oil paintings which adorn his
Poverty and great cyclone in 1888. says the Washing-^ I
late home are two plain photographs I
piety are not ton Star. He also performed a daring I
which occupy prominent places on the ,
feat off Cape Hatteras when the lluroLsl .
wall of his favorite room. One repre­
The ldve of the was lost, and was presented with
sents 14 ragged and dirty street urch-
law gives true sword by the state of Maryland as a reaV*
lus; the other, 12 of the same group,
liberty in life.
suit of IL He was one of the leading«
clean and neatly dressed after they
The fear of the party at Honolulu when the cruiser
had been under Mr. Moody's instruc­
fear of man.
Boston sent troops there to support
tions for a few weeks.
Toll Is the toll at the gate to success. Minister Stevens in bis recognition of
Mr. Moody will live lu memory as
one of the greatest, if not the greatest,
Two fools do not make one wise man the provisional government which over­
evangelist of the nineteenth century,
Prayer without practice Is mere prat threw Queen Liliuokalani in Hawaii.
lie spoke to millions of people, and tie.
Lucien is a Kentuckian, and as a talker
thousands were brought within the •
Is second only to Joe Blackburn of that
The richest grain is often sown in state. But to get to tlie story. It ap­
folds of Christianity through his influ­
ence. The civilized world has read, storm.
pears that some naval officers were to­
There can never be a fat life on a gether down in Havana, and a late ar­
and reads, his sermons, and Christen-
lean souL
rival wiped his brow, ordered a drink,
Whisky as medicine meaus whisky and remarked that lie was completely
as master.
talked out. as he had been up against
No man Is so weak you can afford to the greatest talker in the navy.
"1 guess you must have struck Lucien
oppress him.
The atheist is the apostle of anarchy Young,” remarked one of the other of­
in moral law.
“No.” be replied; “I havejust been up
No man Is strong enough to do wrong
j against plain Smith,”
with impunity.
“Well. then, you hive got an ther
You cannot pray for others till you • guess com lug as to who is the great­
feel with them.
est taiket.” responded the man who
Ambition Jumps high but does not al­ had mentioned Young's name.
ways land right.
“I don’t know what your man Young
Personal theocracy makes perfect po­ can do.” said the newcomer, “but 1
have $5 to back my man Smith against
litical democracy.
They only find rest to their souls who him.”
“Taken,” answered the champion of
will toll for souls.
The most contagious diseases are Lucien Young, quickly, and tbe money
I was put up in a third man's hands.
those of the heart
It was agreed that nothing should bo
The only dangerous atheism is that
. said either to Young or to Smith, but
I It was arranged that this group of naval
ilotn sings the hymns which he and his
The man who starts to go nowhere officers should bring them together and
fellow worker, Sankey, composed. He
aided in the erection of dozens of Y. I will usually get there.
quietly allow them to get started on
M. C. A. buildings. The Christian, br.t
He who boasts of a good deed shows some topic. Tbe arrangements were
non-sec^trian, schools at Mt. Hermon that he is not used to them.
all made. Tbe men met casually. A
and Northfield, Conn., were founded
You cannot calculate the warmth of drink or two was passed around and
and supported by Mr. Moody, and are a fire by the crackling it makes.
some topic introduced with which both
now among the most flourishing edu­
God's harrows of pain are the fore­ Young and Smith were familiar. The
cational institutions in this country.
runners of His harvests of perfection. others dropped out. leaned back in their
Hundreds of young men and women
There Is a great difference between chairs, and smoked their cigars, while
are educated there each year. The 'n-
in the fact of a god and faith in Smith and Young talked against each
stitutions are so endowed and provided
other over the table. This went on for
j God.
for tluit tlie deatli of their founder will
a matter of two hours, and each ap­
There Is no capacity for God's Joy in
not Impair their usefulness. He re­
parently doing ills level best. Finally,
ceived large amounts of money, but the heart until it has emptied Itself on Smith brought his fl-t down on the ta­
always spent what he received for the
ble with a bang and said: "Lucien
It would be a sorry world if God had
advancement of Christianity as be be­
Young, you are the greatest talker in
lieved right, anil died a comparatively ' left us out of His plans, the way we the navy. I’ll quit you right here.”
poor man. Mr. Moody was non-secta-
The money was passed over to
rian in every respect.
He preached
Young’s barker, and the Joke explained,
the broad doctrine of Christianity to
amid loud laughter on the part of those
all alike. He was born in 'a Unitarian How It Looks to an American Who
who had perpetrated it upon the two
home, but had full appreciation and
toleration for every other man's belief.
Mr. Moody was a plain, every-day American occupation of Cuba, a man
sort of man without any pretensions who had spent many months in Havana
Mein tier of British Parliament
to the style and forms of the world.
to Fight the Boers.
When not holding revivals he worked lows:
"The city is cleaner than it used to Lionel Walter Rothschild, who volun­
on his farm and delighted in the work.
He arose every morning at 5 o’clock be. If you know what it used to be, teered for service In the Anglo-Boer
and rain or storm couldn’t keep him in­ you will sot be astonished at my speak­ war. is compared with John Jacob As­
doors. lie was always strong, rugged ing of this change first. But it has lost tor. the wealthiest of tlie volunteers In
and active. He was a social man and its picturesqueness. In fact, we are the American-Spanish war. Young
a Jolly companion. In his home life making it Y'aukeefield. At the Pasajo Rothschild is tlie son and heir of the
he was an ideal husband and father. Hotel the other day I saw a tobacco first Baron Rothschild, and is member
He studied the Bible closely and was buyer from St. Paul in the knicker­ of Parliament for the Aylesbury divls-
a great reader of newspapers and cur­ bockers and golf stockings, the latter
rent literature. Although he appeared showing, or seeming to show, pictures
to speak off hand, be gave great prep­ of golf clubs, niblicks, brasseys and
aration to his sermons, and it is said other things of the sort! Even General
that he has given as much as two Ludlow's predecessor was picturesque;
years to tlie formation of one sermon. he tipped his chair back. Just as the
As a speaker he was plain, witty, sym­ St. Paul drummer did; but he combined
pathetic and enthusiastic. The legacy more color, with his blue uniform, red
which he bequeathed to his family face, and decorative language.
“But we have done away with many
was the continuation of the work that
things that the Cubans love, which we
he considered he had only begun.
think useless or wrong. The dally
Cost of Schoo!« in Cities.
guard mountings of the volunteers
A shortage In the school fund In St. (Spanish volunteers. I mean), which
I’aul lias caused the superintendent o* used to take place with band and mar­
tlie school system in that city to make tial trappings, l^ve lieen given up. We
a comparison of the cost per pupil with have forbidden jieople to appear on the
tlie similar cost in fourteen other cities. streets In the useful undershirt! We
On the basis of the figures of attend­ require them now to wear the ’boiled
ance the cost in St. Paul is $22.08. Only shirt,’ which dot's duty now until the
two other cities show a smaller cost— health board requires it to be reboiled.
Kansas City, where the school year is The voice of the merry vender of lot­
only nine months long and where the tery tickets is no longer heard In the
cost is $20.07, and Milwaukee, where land, and you no longer see and hear
the salary account alone makes tlie six feet of strapping humanity chant­ ion of Buckinghamshire. He is famous
cost $21.87. Several cities run from $24 ing. ‘I have the grand prize; No. 10000, as a naturalist, and possesses the finest
to $28, while tlie cost amounts to $37.80 and so-and-so; won’t you buy a piece?1 existing private collection of zoological
In Pittsburg and to $40.77 in Denver. The old gendarme police has been specimens. His museum is situated at
The eastern cities have a much higher changed into a linen-suited Cuban, all Tring Park, his residence In Hertford­
rate than those in the west, Denver ex­ dignity and revolver, and. worst out­ shire. Mr. Rothschild's wealth is enor­
cepted. and there the cost of labor and rage of all against our esthetic taste, mous. On h!s scientific museum alone
fuel Is excessive. Tlie figures given we have compelled the poetman to wear he spends not less than $100.000 anno-
have to do with the entire school sys- , a ‘white-wing’ helmet instead of the ally.
tern, but the difference is wider when ! once universal panama.
A Careful Mother.
“We have cleaned the city, we have
high schools alone are considered.
Boston, with its suburbs, has twelve ■ made It healthy and safe to live In; we
high schools, for which it pays a per have suppressed bull-tights and cock­
capita rate of $85.40; on a salary basis fights. Gambling is more or less sup­
alone It amounts to $02.10. In St. Paul pressed, and houses of Ill-fame are rele­
the total per capita cost In high schools gated to certain districts, but we have
on the basis of average daily attendance given to Havana the American bar,
Is $44.3)1. and out of this $34.01 is ex­ with its 'high-ball.' and have given to
pended for teachers' salaries.—Buffalo the city the American advertising flend
and his poster. He Is no respecter of
persons or places, and the oldest monu­
A Puzzle In Trade.
ments are adorned with advertisements
A mother gave to each of her two of whisky and soap. Apparently, the
sons thirty apples to sell. Johnny sold entire population of the United States
his at two for a cent and brought moth­ and Great Britain, with a few excep­
er home 15 cents. George disposed of tions. who are fighting Agutnaldo and
his lot at three for a cm returning 10 the Boers, are occupied In brewing beer
cents. There combined sales amounted and distilling whisky.
to 25 cents.
On the following day
’“I have heard It said that we could
mother went out with sixty apples and govern Cuba with a few (tolleemen and
sold them at the rate of five for 2 cents. more military bands; and I am inclined
Teacher—What do you know of the
receiving 24 cents for the loL Where to believe the statement. It seems to
me that General Wood thinks the same microbe family?
is the missing 1 ceut?
Little Maudy—Please. ma'am, mam­
way. too."
Do Things by Contrartra.
ma has forbidden ns to gossip about
At the holiday season in China the
other people'» family affair».— Ex­
A Boer fl< Id cornet Is usually the mag change.
American calling card system la revers
ed. Instead of the caller leaving his or latrate of the neighboring country
('o«t of Telephoning In German«.
her card, as la the custom In this cotin- , wherein he resides, and Is Invested
Slot machine telephones have been
try, the host presents hts can! to the call­ with the power to commander«“ all
er. It consists of a long slip of paper able-bodied men on such an occasion fitted up iu Berlin by the use of which
one may talk to bls friends at a coat of
with the owner's name priuted on one as the present war.
two cents or. if the connection be with
aide In black ink.
Tunnel Under the Hoogly.
one of tbe suburbs, four cents.
A cynic Is a busybody who meddles 1
In the affairs of other people «nd neg struction of a tunnel under the Hoogly New G oves tor Grcwaome Servlc«.
River st Calcutta.
In Anstrls at tbe present day the
lects his own.
Clothes do not make the man. but | Making a noise is one of the leading public executioner wears a new pair of
white gloves every time be la called
they sometimes make a monkey of him. Infant industries.
upon to carry out a cap. tai senteocSk