The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, January 26, 1900, Image 5

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    NO. 3««T
National Bank
—McM Inn villa, Ore«on.—
Paid up Capital, $50,000
Surplus 910,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Office Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. ui.
LAUGHLIN, President.
ROOERS. Vice-President.
C. APPERSON, Cashier.
W, S. LINK, Assistant Cashier.
g E. GOUCHER, M. D.,
and Surgeon
Office over McMinnville National Bank.
M c M innville
O regon .
and Surgeons.
Rooms in Jacobson Block,
M c M innville ,
O regon .
C. MICHAUX, n. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
M c M innville , O regon .
Office in Union Block
Attorney and
Notary Public
Office rooms 9 and 10, Union Block.
Notary Public and
Legal papers written ami acknowledgements
High - lass Photography
a Specialty.
I am located next door to R. M. Wade & Co.,
and am here to do good work and give satisfac­
tion. Terms reasonable.
Reynolds & Bond, Prop’s.
Fre>h and salt meats and sausages of all
kinds constantly in stock. Cash paid for
hides. Highest market price paid for all kinds
of fat stock.
Proprietors of
Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds
South side Third St. between B and C.
C. F. Daniels, Prop.
Cash paid for Poultry and Country Produce.
Hide» and Tallow bought. Hay, Oats, Millfeed,
Oil Meal. Flaxseed and Bee Supplies of all
kinds kept on band.
We Are located opposite H. C. Burns’ and aim
to give all customers good treatment for little
money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pat­
ronage solicited.
Manufactures and Deals in
Thos. H. Rogers went to Portland on
G. 8. Wright, dentist.
Plows and harrows cheap for cash. business Tuesday.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Hodson is selling them.
G. S. Wright, dentist.
H. Irvine on the 21st inst.
New goods at the Racket store
Great reduction on the entire line oi from New York.
Chaplain Gilbert is to lecture iu New­
cloaks and capes at R. Jacobson & Co’s.
Wm. DeHaven is moving into J. E. berg on the evening of February 2d.
Allie Williams lias gone to Salem to Durijam’s house.
We regret to hear of the renewed ill­
accept a position as ward attendant in.
The old wagon bridge down at the river ness of \\ tllie I'ngeruian, who is now in
1 the insane asylum.
collapsed from the heavy w ind of Mon­ Portland.
There have been more U.S. A. double day night. It had stood over 20 years.
Miss Mabel Manning is recovering
and single axes sold than any other.
two weeks of severe illness from
Parties interested in saving money
Cause: Fully warranted. Hodson sells
can’t do any better than to call at once pleurisy.
Umatilla county will pay (3.000 into
at R. Jacobson A Co.’s great clearance
A new “gates ajar” monument was sale. Remember the sale will positively the scalp bounty fund, aud her citizens
1 ist week erected over the grave of Je'- close within 14 days.
will draw out (5,000.
ferson Nelson fn Masonic cemetery.
The family of B. Dresser removed to /Zz\n old proverb says, for every fog in
Lot Pearce, secretary for R M. Wade Portland on Monday, where Mr. D. will January expect a frost in May. We hope
A Co., is over from Salem in connection join his brother in the grocery business uot, but we certainly have had the fog. x-
with the business of the firm here.
Mr. Murton has moved into the house
E. C. Pentland has sold his newspaper,
We want to close out our line of fine vacated by Mr. Dieeser.
the Independence West Side, to J. W.
umbrellas and are selling them cheap.
The lecture by Dr. Kellogg at the Bap­ Crawford, a Portland attorney.
W m . F. D ielbchneider , the jeweler.
tist church Friday evening, on the sub­ The serious illness of Mrs. A. M. Daw­
James Ramsey, a brother of Judge ject, "Forces that Win in Life,” was son was reported during the past week.
Ramsey, died at Dundee Sunday and poorly attended, but it was one of the The lady is slowly improving at present.
was buried Monday. He was a bach­ best lectures ever given in McMinnville.
Elsia Wright's new lodge directory has
Rev. H. A. Denton, at one time pastor been placed at the foot of the stairway of
Emerson A Milton pianos, Kim­ of the Christian church in this city, is his hall. It is a neat and useful piece of
ball organs; bottom prices and easy now located at Warrensburg, Mo. A work.
denominational paper makes mention oi
terms at C. Grissen’e.
Mrs. Caroline Burt, a pioneer of the
Mrs. Jerome Pratt died on the Fletcher bis recent success in pulpit work, result­ Pacific northwest, died at her home in
farm near McCoy on the 20tb, of a com­ ing in over seventy conversions.
Hillsboro last Tuesday evening of heart
A suit was tried before Justice Snyder failure.
plication of diseases. She was about 58
years of age. Burial w as made at Amity on Tuesday, brought by Jack Collier to
Attention is called to the ad of L. E.
on Sunday.
recover wages from Dr. G. S. Wright for Walker in this issue. Lindsey is a born
The iufant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh earing for a horse. Counter claims aud business man, and knows the proper
Collard died early Sunday morning. It previous pay ment were claimed by de channel for reaching out after trade.
was a tiny babe born six weeks ago. iendant, for whom the case was decided.
Farmer John Evenden was in town
Mies Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., Wednesday, ami reports very little seed­
Burial service was held on Monday.
eays, "I suffered a long time from dys­ ing done in the pretty little valley of
St. Charles store wants to buy 100 to
pepsia; lost flesh aud became very weak. Gopher, but farmers are all very anxious
200 sacks of Burbank potatoes. Cash
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured to get down to business.
paid on delivery.
N. E. K ego .
me.” It digests what you eat and cures
The Grange store has moved its gro­
The city council was to hold a meeting all forinB of stomach trouble. It never
last evening to let a new contract for a fails to give immediate relief in the cery department into the room in the
rear of the main building, and will fill
dynamo, Mr. Cannon, with whom a con­ worst cases. Rogers Bros.
the vacancy thus caused in the main
tract had been drawn, reporting that he
Th M. Caldwell has completed the store with clothing stock heretofore kept
would be unable to fill it, owing to the
school census and finds 694 children of upstairs.
company going into insolvency.
school age within the confines of district
Mrs. J. C. Cooper will return home
‘‘I was nearly dead with dyspepsia, ; j No. 40. These are about equally divided
evening of this week. She
tried doctors, visited mineral springs, as Jo sex. The number is a few less
and grew worse.
I used Kodol Dyspep than the total of last year. The number has visited the Mannings, Bettmans,
sia Cure. That cured me.” It digests of voters in the district is 3S7. The and other formerly of McMinnville
what you eat. Cures indigestion, sour number of inhabitants found is 1940, a people now residing in various parts of
_ |
stomach, heartburn and all forms of considerable gain over last year,
Capt. H. L. Heath represented Yam­
dyspepsia. Rogers Bros.
This office has jnst issued the year
The Oregon Historical society lias an book of the Cumberland Piesbyterian hill county at the meeting of the state
interesting collection of curios at the city church of this city for 1900. It is a neat democratic central committee held in
He was proxy
hall, Portland, comprising many articles publication with all departments of the Portland last Saturday.
of New­
of home manufacture, and relics of pio church represented. The church is in a
neer days. Yamhill county furnished a healthy condition, with all its debts paid berg, and late campaign manager for the
number of these treasured souvenirs and money in the treasury. F. E. Rog­ fusion forces.
Captain A. E. Parker of Salem was in
which relate to the early settlement of ers is the tieasurer, and lie is proving
himself a whole team in managing the the city Wednesday, closing the deal
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jacobs, who have finances. The membership of the chinch whereby he gets possession of the J. W.
spent the past nine months in Oregon, is now 134, and that of the Sunday Cook farm southwest of town, the con­
sideration of which was (5,400. Mr.
Mr. Jacobs being latterly employed at school is 205 in all branches.
the Grange store, departed on Wednes­
Yon will miss a treat if yon fail to Cook will move to McMinnville. The
day for Burlington, Kan.^ their former come out to the Christian church this Captain says this has been a hard year on
home, where they expect to remain. week. J. F. Ghormley, D. D., a distin­ Salem, and cites in support of the state­
They gained many friends in Oiegon, guished evangelist, who is now pastor of ment the failure of the fruit crop, the
who were loth to see them
the First Christian church of Portland, burning of the flouring mills and the late
His subject smallpox scare, now happily over. He
Lord’s day morning pKJtnr Lindsey is doing the preaching.
expects to spend the coming summer on
will discuss the subject. “Does One Friday evening will be. “The Fact and his extensive ranch in this county.
Know This Side of Death, Whether he is
Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., says,
Saved?” In theevening, “What’s the will only be here until Friday night.
baby was covered with running
Dr. Alanson D. Howard, who was a
Matter with the Society of McMinn­
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve
Special music by the choir. resident of McMinnville in the ’80s, and sores.
” A specific for piles and
Mr.Rowlanil ar d so 1 will favor 11s with a who went, from here to Florida, and then
skin diseases.
Beware of worthless
cornet duet
Miss Jennie Snyder will to Michigan, died at his home in Sturg­
sing one of her latest, selections and Dr. is, Mich., on the 9ih inst., of paralysis,at
Nelson promises a male quartet. We ;
Please Take Notice.
enjoy seeing you come. All are invited I with total blindness about a year ago. | The great clearance sale of R. Jacobson
^McMinnville is likely to see n new 1 He was a prominent Odd Fellow. His & Co. will positively close Saturday eve­
wife and one son, Dr. E. I’. Howard, ning, February 3d. Remember the great
business block erected in thespring. H.
I survive him.
reduction includes everything that is
C. Burns is the projector, and has plans
Thomas Paine anniversary entertain­ carried in our mammoth department
already drawn for a brick building to be
70x80 feet, the upper story lobe a pub­ ment at the First Secular church next store. This is a positive fact that hun­
lic hall, with two store rooms beneath. Sunday evening at 7:30: Address by dreds of articles are sold at our present
The estimated cost of the building is Nettie Olds Haight. Subject, “Paine sale for less than the same goods can be
$8000. If he fully determines to build, and Ingersoll; Headlights of 20th Cen- ■ bought today at wholesale price. Re­
it will be on the lots east of the St. tury Christianity.” Special music. So-; member you will be the loser by not at­
Charles grocery, now occupied by a lo by Bertha Booth Hibbs; recitation, tending our great offering of bargains.
R. J acobson & Co.
blacksmith shop and residence. This Mies Lora Booth ; violin colo, etc. Seats
would be a great improvement to that free. Every one welcome.
pirt of town, and it is believed Mr.
"One Minute Cough Cure is the best Bears the signature of C has . H. F letcher .
Burns would make the venture win, j
remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. Iu use for more than thirty years, and
The second trial of Kiernan vs. Kratz It is uncqualed for whooping cough.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
was Itegnn iu the circuit court oi Mult­ Children all like it,” w rites II. N. Will­
Never fails.
nomah county on Tuesday, the jury hav» iams, Gentryville, Ind,
ing failed to agree in the first trial held a It is the only harmless remedy that
few weeks ago The litigation is over gives immediate results. Cures coughs,
shares of the Portland Savings bank, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia,
which Mr. Kratz gave Kiernan as part bronchitis and all throat and lung
payment for the mill in this city, guar­ troubles. Its early use prevents con-
anteeing their payment. He now ,1a. BUtmU " iol in. Rogers Bros.
fends on the ground that Kiernan ex-p ■ Th.
The r county court at a special session ;
changed these certificates, which he held Thursday of last week, fixed the
claims would have been paid in full, for county tax levy at 18.4 mills. Of this
other certificates, and made an arrangi- 6.3 mills is state, 6’4 mills county gener­
ment on his ow n account with the bank, al, 5 mills school tax, one-tenth mill in­
thereby releasing Kratz from liability.
digent soldier, and one-fourth mill scalp
Perhaps one of the beet displays of the tax other than sheep. A late law re-1
strength of a minstrel show is its street qnires sheepmen to pay a Isiunty of one
parade, and yet the big street parade cent on the dollar on the value of sheep
given by Richards A Pringle’s Famous they ow 11, to raise ft scalp bounty fund.
Georgia Minstrels, fails to give even an The levy for the city of McMinnville is
adequate idea of this company’s numer­ seven mills, to which is yet to be added
ical strength, nor the magnitude of its the school district levy, which will bring
etage performance, which in point of ex­ the total tax in this city close to 3 cents
50 PEOPLE 50
cellence and genuine merit remains un­ on the dollar.
rivalled. Every detail has been looked
The St. Charles store cannot advertise
after; an orchestra of thirty pieces fur­ all its bargains at one time, but will talk
nishes the best of music for the stage svrtip and molasses this time. To start,
performance; rich and gorgeous ward­ we will say we have just received four
robe is used with attractive advantage; and one half tons, or 9<X>0 pounds. We
Famous Troupe of Arabs
calcium effects and stage properties amt will sell you 25 pounds pure Ideal syrup
oue solid carload of special scenery, rep­ for 85 cents; will sell you a two-gallon
resenting three tons, is carried for the pail of Sugar Drip for 75 cents; old
stage presentation.
Fifty people are fashioned country sorghum, 40 cents |>er
included in its roster, a score of big bucket; Tea Garden syrup, 75 cents per
specialty acts, the famous troupe of gallon; New Orleans, best quality, 18c Gala Street Parade at 2:30.
tumbling and acrobatic Arabs, a host of per quart, 70e per gallon; Few Orleans.
Reserved Seats 75c
comedians, singers, dancers, trick bi­ | I quart can 15c; cooking molasses, 8c per
Admission 50c
cyclists, wire walkers, and a spectacular 1 quart. We have 15 different brands of
finale, brimming with good wholesome syrup. You cannot be suited if we don’t
Children 25c
fur. This big attraction will appear at 1 please you. And then coffee’ Cotree! 1
the opera hens«*. Monday, January 29th. I
X. E. K eoo . I Now on sale at Rogers Bros.’
.nd brashes, and sells them cheaper than they
can be bought anywhere ebe in the Willamette
Valley. Our all home made sets of harn»ss are
pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them
Truck and Dray Co.
Goref. of »11 Jescrtptions morrd. and earefiil
h*-><f1lng rmninu-ed Cn'tse’lon. will be mad,
loathly Hauling of all kind, done cheap.
The Success of Our
The talk of the town. The dullest month of the year
turned into one of hustling activity, Well, there
is no
reason why it should not be so.
The Values found in every Depart-
ment of our house are without
doubt the greatest ever offered in
Yamhill County
There are very few articles in our stock that Portland
Special Sale prices are as low. Better be in a hurry and get
Best Blend
Coffee !
You prefer a rich,
aromatic, heavy liquor­
ing Coffee of Delicious
Warren’s Best Blend
will suit you.
The Popular Grocers, McMinnville, Oregon.
The Grange
Opera House,
Monday, Jan. 29
Farmers Co
Have just opened up a New Grocery Department ad­
joining the Store, and will sell Groceries and Crockery
at the lowest prices ever offered.
Nearly a carload of our New Spring Goods are on the
way. We are making
A Speeial Sale
Special Train of Cars
On everything in the Store till the New Goods arrive.
Call and make a purchase. You will save money.
McMinnville Grange & Farmers Co
• CHAS. P. NELSON, Manager.