Yamhill County Reporter I». I. INIII in, editor A I’ropr J. <;. E( K HAN, »«»octal«.- editor Subscription $1.00 Per Year. ADVERTISING K \TES. Reading notices in local columns 10 cents per line for Hr week an«! > cents per line thereafter. Display advertisements, animal rates, one meh per month fl; each additional inch 5o centa per month. Obituary and marriage notices not exceeding 10 lines published free, if furnished in lime to l>e current news. Additional matter 10 cent* per Hao. FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 1900, B y the end of the present year the United States navy will be twice as strong as it was at the beginning of the war with Spain. It is a marked change for the better, and in the di­ rection of peace. O hchardists will have to trim up their orchards and spray the trees. The state board of horticulture has decided to prosecute all orchardists who refuse to comply with the law in that respect. C ongress has decided the case of Polygamist Brigham H. Roberts, except as to the exact mode of put­ ting him out of the capitol. The es­ sential thing is agreed upon, that Roberts and his harem will be given their walking papers. A venerable and distinguished New Jersey poet lays down the prop­ osition that no writer should un­ dertake to transact poetry till after he is thirty. Probably the limita­ tion was only designed to apply to j New Jersey poets, in which case it is a question whether the time limit might not with advantage be lifted some notches higher. O regon democrats can see neither romance, honor nor hope of reward this year in getting up a flirtation with the pops and the ephemeral silver wing of the republican party, and have therefore wisely decided to hold their convention early in the season, so as to forestall fusion and avoid the certain confusion that would follow. work will not be commenced until LOCAL NEWS. 1902,when it is his purjioseto extend ' the line down the coast and connect | Umatilla populists are reported to le with the Corvallis and Eastern at agailntt fusion this year. Yaquina bay. Mr. Hammond and I Mrs. J. E. Durham intends leaving his associates are acquiring timber] Saturday, to join her husband at Koss- lands all along the line of the pro­ land, 15. C. \V. H. I.ogan ami Ed Briedwell return­ posed road down the coast. 9 Is Your Canned Fruit (letting Low? Save it by buying some of our Cli<>iee I >rie< I LVuils & ed Weiinesdav morning from a short !» We have a good variety—Clean, Choice and ( heap. 1 ing state, school and county taxes, is 2) !» The fine product of onr Bakery is the comment of our customers each day. \\ e are scrupulously clean !» and neat in the production of all our baked goods. ] aguacanal. T he old copy-book proverb, “Hon­ mills. This does not include municipal esty is the best policy,’' is trite, but ; or special school taxes. there are too many Americans who Prof. McCann of the North Yamhill do not seem to realize its truth, In schools has been seriously ill, but is re- the annual report of Secretary Wil- | covering. son, the destructive effects upon our Jones & Adams have begun repairing commerce by food adulterations is the damage to their store building caused shown time and again, A most re­ I by the late fits. markable example of it is tile loss of Thirty-five students, nearly all from a profitable market for American abroad, are now taking the farmers’ short dairy products through adultera- course at the Corvallis agricultural col­ lege. tions. ?» » Capital invested in farming in this visit to 1 fellas. Both branelies of congress, the presi­ country is estimated at $16,090,000. These are actual dollars and not dent, and the American people are in i ,vor of the speedy building of the Nicar- figures of the trust variety. J apanese newspapers give sign ^V\\e Oregon gold fields have the ad- that that country is drifting into a I vantage over those of the far north, of war with Russia, though to the being easier of access, w ith the danger world outside the collision does not i from freezing and famine reduced to the minimum. seem imminent. Should it happen, Russia is likely to learn something The English are at last getting the best of the campaign against the Boers, about the Japanese which it didn't I but their victories are not gained with- know before, as England is now do­ ! out severe loss to themselves. ing in the case of the Boers. The tax levy for Folk county, includ- !» !» !» !» !» We Meet Competition on Groceries. L. E. Walker. !» !» !» Karl’s Clover Root Tea Beautifies the Complexion, Purifies the Blood, give«a Fresh.-Clenr Skin. Cures Con­ stipations Indigestion, and ail Eruptions of Lie bkin. An agreeable Laxative Nerve lomc. Sold on absolute guarantee by all druggists at 25c., 60c. and $1.00. SALE ! PUBLIC S. C. WELLS 4. CO., LEROY, N. Y. ----- 1 WILL, ON----- SATURDAY, FEB. 24th, 1900, at 1 o’clock p. m., Notice. At the Court House Door, sell to the highest binder, for cash in hand on day of sale All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to the company of Calbreath A Goucher are requested to make imme­ diate settlement. 3-4 -------^o->--- —• ——288 ACRES OF LAND—-— More or less, one mile south of Sheridan, and known as the Har­ rison T Graves farm, one of the best in the county. For further information and arrangements call on the Trustee. Dated McMinnville, Jan. 23, 1900. R. JACOBSON, Trustee for Estate of Harrison T. Graves, Bankrupt. t'nrc » t olil in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to Representative Clarence Butt of New cure. The genuine lias L. B. Q. on each 47-6 A dispatch from Washington says berg was in the city last Friday, and tablet. For sale by Rogers Bros. «0«--------- that the state department has re­ took home with him a commission ceived assurances from Costa Rico authorizing him to register voters in his Warren’s best in spices, and Nicaragua that they are willing section of the county. to lease territory to the United The Cumberland Presbyterian church in Baking powder, States for 100 years or 200 years, if subjects for next Sunday’s services are in extracts, “More Desirable than Gold” at It a. in., necessary, for the construction of and “Faith and Doubt, or Lessons from in coffee are giving good satisfaction the Nicaragua canal, This definite the Lives of Moody and Ingersoll," at at Warren A Son. assurance absolutely removes any 7:30 p. in. All who attend these services The highest market price paid for but­ doubt that may have existed as to will be welcome. ter and eggs. the agreement of a treaty between , -Flour is selling at $10 per barrel within the United States and Costa Ricara a little j Wednesday morning the weather had more than two hundred miles I and Nicaragua by which the abso­ east of this city. At the town of Burns, a decidedly winteri«h aspect, and was the coldest,of the season. A white frost lute control of the canal shall be ! in Harney county, this is the prevailing i price. Our farmers would be willing to covered walks and waste places, but po­ vested in the United States. t supply the market with the best flour tatoes left out over night were not frozen. I t does not pay for a nation to be ever made, but a difficult transportation important to Mothers. quarrelsome any more than it pays [ ' problem stands in the way. -r THE REPORTER’S LINE OF Specialties IN STATIONERY INVITES PUBLIC ATTENTION Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA. he fangest, Reales!, j^ost (jp-to-gale a man in business to pursue such a 1 Acker»* I ng I is I. Kem <-■> announcements. Invitations are are only 35c a box without print­ of the toilers who tread therein, that | money with an unfriendlyand quarrel- In use for more than thirty years, and not quite as much in evidence as ing. meeting in the interest of Sunday school I those who chose have not been in j some country. The Kind Yon Havt Always Bought. were a few years ago, though work. 1LM < AftOS. I they ------ < —<-------------- the least disposed to regret the di they are still all right, Announce- We have just added a few CASTORIA OI II <1.1 IlHINt; 1.1ST. ments sent out immediately after handsome designs in menu cards vision A higher rate of taxation seems Bears the signature of C has . H. F letcher . the important event, are very to our stock, both folders and to be the rule this year, not only as We have special arrangements with J ii use for more than thirty years, and generally used, Either is accepted single panels, andean supply them T he Yaqui Indians of Sonora, the i regards the state levy, but in all of the following leading publications, The Kind You Have Always Bought. as a token of friendship, and is in any number, great or small, ■ only race in all Mexico that was able the counties. This is doubtless sig­ whereby we are able to offer them in treasured as a souvenir and keep­ plain or printed. to survive the Spanish invasion and nificant of the fact that we are pro connection with our own at exceedingly The prospective Cape Nome rush in sake in ever}- household where the spring now appears as though it preserve its individuality, are i Visi t | Nt; CARDS. grossing beyond our income, and low rates, as follows: The R eporter would rival the Klondike rush of 1897. Is healthy sentiment abounds. The ing their last stand against that we must pay more attention to and There is nothing like being in sending should not be neglected. Mexican government Like business details than to the glorv of Weekly Inter Ocean.......................................... fl.Sfi An entertainment will be given at the >■ An announcement or invitation style, and a calling card out of LouisGlol»-Ih-niiM'ral,'i-ini-weekly ........ 1.50 opera house this Friday evening, for the other fighting people, the Yu office-seeking. In some govern­ St. should be artistic both in form date in shape is one of the tlii ngs Rural Northwest. Portlaud, semi monthly... 1.26 benefit of the Catholic church. believe in the United States, and ments the office seeks the man, and Oregonian, weekly..... ........ ....................... 2.00 and execution. We have beauti­ to be avoided, ( >ur stock is direct >> have asked for the sympathy of this imposes a penalty if he does not McClure'» Magazine, monthly...................... 1.85 ful stationery, and have recently from a leading Chicago house and •test M inier Umile. Magazine, monthly............... 1 85 nation in their struggle against the serve. For instance, if a citizen of CosmopolilHii added a series of type by which is vouched for as the correct thing For sunshine, flower» and oranges The Weekly Sun Frnnetseo Call. .. . 1.70 the fine effects of lithography can for 1900. We sell them imprinted Mexican government. Berlin, Germany, is elected to office The Weekly New York Tribune......................1.25 take the Sunset route via Los Angeles to if desired. pointa east. Tourist excursion cars all The Tri weekly New York Tribune 2 00 >- be fairly imitated if not equaled. and will not accept he is disfran Detnorest'a Family Magazine. Fl NI RAI. INNOt Nt F.yiENTS. ......... 1 75 1 and chair ears to El Paso, Fort Worth, T he resignation of Collector Ivey ehised, and his taxes are raised 25 McCall’s Monthly Magazine PIRTV INVITATIONS. 1.30 Kansas City, Chicago, Cincinnati, Huns- >'• We have recently added a line of Alaska, will offer an excellent op­ percent. It is different in Oregon; Th» < iregon Teacher«' Monthly ........l.GO 1 ton, New Orleans and Washington, D For most invitations the square of mourning bordered note paper, l or rates, guides and information Word A Works imonthly) and Hicks' altn'tte 1.75 portunity for a great scramble for the man who is elected to office ac lievel-oiiged card 3’._, x 4'_, cannot to meet the legitimate public de­ address C. 11. M arkham , the office held by him. Senator Si­ [eepts and raises the taxes of be surpassed, either printed or mand for this class of printing. tf Portland, Or. •X mon has recommended Willis S. I ' other fellows. written. We have them and can Onr facilities are unsurpassed, and 1 want to let the people who sutler i> furnish them either written or calls from adjacent towns can be Duniway, of Portland, for the po­ from rheumatism and sciatica know printed very reasonably. sition, while it is said Senator Mc­ T he Washington Post feels filled in an hour’s time. that Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieved Bride favors lra Smith, of Polk posed to see danger ahead for the re­ me after a number of other medicines I «> We earn- a large line of county. There lire a number of publican party, in that no president stationery for all kinds of and a doctor had failed. It is the best other applicants in Oregon, und since Grant's time has been re-elect­ liniment I have ever known of.—J. A. C ommercial ^P rinting equally as many in Washington. ed, and it points to the returns of Dodgen, Alpharetta, Ga. Thousands » the past to show how a “terribly have been cured of rheumatism by this A M RD ford man attempted to be beaten party can rally," and how “a remedy. One application relieve» the Such as Posters, Pamphlets, Letterheads. Statements funny and got into trouble. He bar­ triumphant party can collapse.' His pain. For sale by Howorth A Co., drug­ ■ Envelopes, Cards, etc., and keep in stock a line of reled deer hides and described the torv repeats itself sure enough, but gists. Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Note, Receipt and Order contents on the railway shipping there is no occasion at this time to > Books. D r . PIERCES bill as “dried shin bones, The believe that the voters of the United ^RS. JENNIE CHILCOTT, railroad agent could find no rate States, after their frightful experi­ GOLDEN MEDICAL classification for such freight and, ence that followed the second elec­ PRACTICAL CARPET DISCOVERY pending instructions, investigation tion of Cleveland, and after it has WEAVER was made resulting in the arrest of been demonstrated that Bryanism as HOTEL BREWSTER •• have lately purchased the Celebrated New the funny man for having deer hides preached in 1896 was false, will com­ roinb Fly Miuitio I.« h » hi We do all kinds* of in his possession contrary to the mit industrial und financial suicide Carpet and Rug weaving, al«o Fancy Weaving Best Brick in City. It makes muscle by making health. on 5hawK Mufflers. Etc. t all and examine law. work. \\» u ill guarantee first-class work at low It makes health by curing the dis­ in 1900 They surely have learned a Third St., Cor. Flanders, PORTLAND, OR. price«. —--- *♦ » —- - eases which undermine the strength. lesson. All people who do not believe Residence west of Star Mills. The starting place of physical de­ Men's Boots and Shoes are Ex G overnor S ylx ester P ennoy that they have learned it well, should AMERICAN PLAN. terioration ami weakness is generally marked down 10 to 15 per er declares he la out of politics and hasten to join a don't worry club. the stomach The ” Discovery “ pos. «1?.°™ nC0?rJ,',u ?i'h Electric Lights, Bells, Send For Us-|<---------- k! i ? -H ’ B“!? Ru',ln on ‘■•ch floor. Elevat- itively cures diseases of the stomach cent. will never again speak from the or ler »ceommodation of Kates »1 to and organs of digestion and nutri ­ Got your soiled linen, your underwear, your Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved hi« stump. He says that his efforts to Fr/»!:! . V, according to room. Meals 25c. Shirt«. Collars and Cutis. Lace Curtains, etc. tion. Take "Golden Medical Dis­ tree bus to and from all trains. child's life by One Minute Cough Cure. done up in u bundle nn«l then send here. reform the people of Oregon are as covery " and you'll get well and E. SANDERS, Manager. G«x'd machinery. perfect sanitary sv«tem, Ladies' and Misses’ 15 to 20. Doctors had given her up to die with expert help, purest washing materia)« and strong. the voice of oue howling in the wil­ croup It s an infallible cure for coughs, promptness means but one thing — GOOD -1 wish to exprès» my thank« to you fot WORK. A p«»«ial brings our Magon. Send derness. He says he will devote his colds, grip|>e. pneumonia, bronchitis anil your wonderful medicine.” writes Mr Geo. Boys’ and Children’s 10 to 15 todav. Log au Doggvt. of Hediuout Greenville Co , time to farming for pleasure. Pen- throat and lung troubles Relieves at Mi MINNVILI.E STB AM LAUNDRY S. C. Box "I was ahnest past work «uttering so much Irom chronic catarrh and P. S. Ra*c Carpets. Quilts and Blankets FIR FENCE TOSTS noyer speaks in a manner which once. Rogers Bros. indigestion Your ’Golden Medical Discov­ washed on short notice. Satisfaction given Coated with Reductions are only for ery ’ was recommended. I used it for three shows that the prosperous condition months, .and was completely cured of indi­ CARBOLINEVM AVENARll'S Farmers in this section are not actually gestion aud greatly relieved of catarrh. ” cash during tlic month of Jan ­ of the country is not such a source will outwear eedar. Itiaalwia LEGAL BLANKS. uary. 1900. of disgust to him as it is to some buying butler, but consumers have had RArd< AL REMEDY AGAIN-T CHICKEN LICE The following general form« are always in stock difficulty lately in procuring fresh sam­ and for sale at the Reporter office . other*. It« application to the tBside walls of poultry k Reductions! Big Reductions T ub people of Tillamook county are urging the extension of the As­ toria and Columbia River railroad from Seaside to their county, but President Hammond has stated that ples of that article. If there were a few creameries to which farmers could de­ liver a few cane of milk daily the scar­ city of butter would I* reduced to a min­ imum. and diversified agriculture in the vicinity of such institutions would be­ come a reality. Real Estate Mortgage Warranty Ih-e«'» Chattel Mortgage Quit-claim Deeds Bond for Deo I Satisfaction of Mort. Tran«fer of Mortgage Farm Lease Notes and Receipts. JBU of Sale Crop M« h tgagvs. Order books. Ac know ledgements. Abstracts. Justices' Blanks. W» carry a large «trick of stationery an<1 are prepared to do Joo printing of ever» sort in the tw-t .1} k- of the art »nd al low figure». Boots & Shoes. houna will permanently exterminate all Lice. Remit. HEALTHY CHICK­ ENS—PLENTY EGOS. v rite for circulars and prices and mention this paper. O. O. HODSON, Agent, McMinnville, Oregon.