EVERY YEAR. FEEL ’tls growing colder Every year. And my heart, alas! grows older . . Every year. I ran win no new affect Jon; I have only recollection. Deeper sorrow and dejection Every year. Of the loves and sorrows blended . Every rear. Of the Joys of friendship ♦ nded __ . , Every year. es ^at still might bind me Tiir»rf and Death resigned me My Infirmities remind me Every year. Ah! how sad to look before us . Every year. wnen the clouds grow darker o’er us, .... Every year, n'u en the blossofiis faded. That to bloom we might have aided. And Immortal garlands braided. Every year. To the past go more dead faces . .u . . Every reap. As the loved leave vacant places r. . _ Every year. Everywhere the sail eyes meet us. In the evening's dusk they greet us« And to come to them entreat us Every year. I os, the shores of life are shifting Every year. And we are seaward drifting , Every year. Old plensureR, clinging, fret us. The living more forget ns. There are fewer to rerrot us Every year. Ent the truer life draws nigher Every year. And Its morning star climbs higher Every year. J'nrth’s hold on us grows slighter, And the heavy burden ilahte*' And the dawn Immortal brighter Every year. I SIMAS PRESENT * YQxETEATED robberies of the «tagv IfTrcoach which made a weekly trip ¿•Y^from Flagstaff to Pittman Valley. Ari., finally aroused the rau'chmvu and Drtall storekeepers along the line to the ieterniinrttion that something must lie lone tn put a stop to the holduiw by the -«ner-’> highwaymen. So bold had'the In bi« search for tbe daring highwaymen. Nothing out of tbe usual happened dur­ ing the greater part of his jouruey, and he war fast beginning to think thut bis trip would Ire made without incident when he neared tbe lonely spot at which almost ail of the robberies bad takeu place. Standing bis Winchester by his side and placing his revolvers iu bis lap. he slowed up and jieered cautiously on either side. Suddenly, as ire turned a bend in the narrow pass, a figure loom­ Jl ALL THKSK It YtUK'.V." Pres.-nta for th • Poor. “In your Christmas purchasing do not be tempted to forget those who. because of their poverty, are uuable to do any shopping either for themselves or for others,” advises Frances E. Lanigan in the Ladies’ Home Journal. "Let your presents to them be of a substantial char­ acter—a ton of coal, some warm clothing, some money, a box of groceries, or a basket of Christmas marketing, topped with a bunch of holly. And to the little childreu in whose homes Christmas is lit­ tle more than a name, send some of the many bright, new tin toys which are so inexpensive: some candy, some fruit, bright red woollen mittens and Tam o’ Shunters, and, if you can afford it, some good stout shoes and warm stockings. A piece of bright colored plaid will make a pretty gift for the little girl who has never, perhaps, had a new dress in her life. Accompany your Christmas pres­ ents with some cheery Christmas greet­ ings and some Christmas greens. Be very sure that this thoughtfulness will bring its own reward, and that in the years to come the memory of the Christmas when you gave the most and received the ¡east will be the happiest of all memories tu you." ed up in tbe center of tbe road und sliout- ed: "Hands up!" In an instant tbe agent bad I caught up hla revolvers, but before he could pull tlie trigg«» the highwayman tired, and the rkfuky' agent rolled from his seat a de^erauly wounded man. Before ad- vaucijg “ atep-xhe rubber fired again, killing one of the-iead : horses. ----- - He then quickly strod» to the ¿Bach, picked up tlie ■ ouuded man. threw liitn under the seat. And began fitting the old vehicle. A small I m )«, containing the money destined for the.. Pittman Valley office, was nil tiiat was «fcWred. A« tlie robber hacked out of the coach hi, eye caught siglit of the Yulctide Amenities. little buqd»e of blanket, on tlie seat. Mias Antique—My stocking was so full Stooping down he polled aside the cover­ ing, .and wa, startled by hearing a wee they couldn't get anything more in it. Miss Pert—You poor thing! And was liltie voice say: "Is yon my papa? I’m his Christmus that ull you got?—American Humorist. g>f’: mamma »ent me.” Holiday Troubles. "You bet I’m yqur papa, and I take vou ns th* most precious Christmas gift mor­ “What do you intend to get your hus­ tal man ever jot.’’ band for a Christmas gift?" Fondly clasping the cooing baby in his “I can't make up iny nnud whether to vn before they had big brawny arms, he leaped t resistance. coach, cut loose the dead horse and ik ■e. and G. Frank living companion, and then Inshe.i he Flagstaff, finally remaining pair into a run in the dirotion ve the coach on of Pittman \ alley. A moment latv., as .need his inten- stood in the middle of the pa««, he >d to'' • gave a shrill wbiatle. and from a clump of pine trees on tbe s! Io of the road ■merged a tall aud pov- •> I elk. Without ’he gt- aiioii need Hostetter’s It helps nature to bear ensues troni coniinement. BESTFORTHE BOWELS If you haven't a regular, healthy movement of IM bowel» every day, you’ri sick, or will be. Keep your bowel» open, and be well. Force, in the shape or violent physic or pili poison, is dangerous. Th» smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping th» bowels clear and clean is to take CANDV CATHARTIC Foolish men make feasts and wise men eat them. HOWS THIS. w’e offer One Hundred Dollars Pov/ard for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cure! by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, 0 We the undersigned, h»ve known F.J.Cheuoy for the past 15 vears, and believe him perfectly honorable in all busin ss transaction erd tin- anciali ’ able to carry out any obligations medt by taeir firm. wist & T ruax , Who esale Druggists,Toledo, ‘ W aldino , innan & Mxrvis. V» no)e«ale Drug ists, Toledo. O. TlalVsCatarrh Cure is t ken n many , ac in* ■’ircciiy on the blood and m cous surfaces o the system. Pri e 75c per bo .le. bo.d by at drug. ists. Testlmoni Is free. Uall’s Family Pub r th • 1 est. Mexico sold the United States $2,- 000,000 worth of hides last year. TO CtNM A <(>!.!> IN ONE Pleasant, Palatable. Potent, Taste Good Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 20c. 50c Writ» for free sample, and booklet on bealtb. Address Starling Reardy ( ompaay, Cblea«»' ■oatraal. Naw Terk. ttU KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED BT ... CALIFORNIA FIG SVRUP CO. tar WOTS TUE XAME. DAY PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it Fence xml Wire Works. fails to cure. E. \V. Grove’s signature PORTLAND WIRE .1 IRON WORKS: WlltB is on each box. 25c. and iron fencing; ofiice railing. etc. 334 Alder« In Austrian hotels it is still custom­ ary to charge extra for candles. CAWSTON A CO.: ENGINES, BOILERS, MA- rider on Jumping off may grasp It In­ chinery, supplies 48-60 First St., Portland, Or. I Eat Them Tike Candy. stantly. It must also be disposed so as JOHN POOLE. P ortland , O regon . Dainty, fragrant tablets of confection — Cas* not to fatigue the rider or interfere with carets Candy Cathartic, the medicine of today. can give you the best bargains in general his pedaling. Another important fea­ Fills and liquids are out of date. All drug- machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, g UH -, 10o, e, fiOC. plows, belts and windmills. The new ture In to provide for the wheel when steel IXL windmill, sold by him, is un­ the rider dismounts. It |s hardly prac­ He who is not true to himself is a equalled. ticable to take time to stand the wheel traitor to Heaven. upright every time the rider dismounts, Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth­ and In the ease of the wheel shown iu ing Syrup the best remedy to use for th' 'V the illustration this feature is nicely ahtldren during the teething period. provided for by extension handle bars, p. Ever use it? You should. Michigan, Ohio and Indiana lime which telescope when the wheel Is be­ SOI.E AGENCY ing ridden. The rider can. on dismount­ makers are forming a trust. Worthington ing, either trail the wheel behind him, We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub- pub­ 8team Pumpa or in emergency abandon it instantly. lished testimonials are proven to l>e not and Water The gun is carried vertically in a rest, genuine. T he I’tso Co., Warren, l’a. Meters. over the small front wheel. Pumping Plant« ot Wyoming’s coal mines are producing Any Capacity 22,000 tons per day. TATUM & BOWEN T1IK SOLDIER’S WHEEL. ARTER'S INK C Girls with JibiiioiiH. Young ladles who think it tlieir mis­ sion in life to visit the poor need an enormous amount of tact to carry them smoothly over the hidden shoals of the pride among the lowly that resents patronage. One of a set of girls who lately have been devoting themselves to poor vis ting In the slum district met with tile unexpected In her last round. She was a novice in the work, and not quite up in the regulation questions. Iler natty tailor-made was severely and expensively simple, her collar the highest she could possibly wear and the crown of lier hat was so big it would scarcely go through the narrow doorway. She seated lierself on the edge of a chair, and her hostess continu­ ed scrubbing over in the other corner, as if just she nnd the floor were alone. Finally tlie determim d-to-Le poor vis­ itor stammered: “Does your husband drink?” “No. Does yours?” came the wry sudden reply, which drove the tailor- made and tbe big bat into outer sun­ shine. VITALITY low, debilitated or exhausted cured by Dr. Kline’s Invigorating Tonic. FREER. Trial Bottle containing 2 Weeks* treatment. I)r. Kline’s Institute, 83 i Arih St., Philadelphia. Founded l»7i. At Koberta, Ga., cotton soed costs 15 cents a bushel. < The Pleasantest, Most Powerful and Effective Neveifailing Remedy for ”t> to 35 First Street, Portland, Or. Machinery—All Kind«. ■ ATA atul Maxie Lantern Bargain i.irt 111 III No. 15 now readv for mailing. 1H1II ANDREWS, 109 Montgomery IU I U st. San Francisco. WOMAN’S BLESSING PKKVKNTINK, the greatest antisentio and {erinicide known. Will cure all female tro»- Gr'PPe’ Catarrh, >h s. Positively safe ant! certain. No wodibb safe without it Mail orders promptly filled. Rheumatism. Will cure any ache or uain known $1 a box. Agents wanted Big money made.. REN ADD DRUG CO., A 161 I a Salle street. in the human body. Send for trial bottle, ----- , This offer lasts 30 days only. Large bottle (300 Chicago, Ill. doses of 5 DROPS each) fl.do or 3 for |2.‘>0. SWANS«.I* RHEUMATIC CURE CO 167 «nd 163 Dearborn St. Chicago. Horrid Rheumatic Pains Are caused by tbe i in purl ties in th« blood. Yon will be relieved of the pain quickiy, your bloo< The O. R. & N. and Oregon Short will be made pure by Idne have added a buffet, smoking ami i library car to their Portland-Cliioago Easy and pleasant to take. One bottle give« through train, nnd a dining car service relief. It.(0 |,er bottle nt your druggist's. lias been inangmirated. Tiie train is •• DR. MARTEL’S BOOK, equipped with tbe latest oliair cars, day conches and luxurious first-class 8ent/y*e«,in plain, sealed envelope. Writ» nnd ordinary sleepeis. Direct coitnec- to-day for this book:.containing Partlc®- Inrs and Testimonials of Dll. MARTEL’S tiou marie nt Granger with Union Pa- cific, and nt Ogden with Rio Orando Praised by thousands of satisfied ladies a» line, from all points in Oregon, Wash­ safe, always reliable and without an equal. ington ami Idaho to all Eastern cities. Mold Dy nil drmrgisrsiu metel box, FrvitdL flag on top in Blue, white and lied. Take no other. For information, rates, etc., call on Frunoli Drug Co.,881 * BeJ PuurlBl., New York City. any O. R. & N. agent, or address W. II. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent, Pott land. Improved Trulli Equipment. Moore’s Revealed Remedy. Kellef for Women French Female Pills. Merely a Question of Spelling. He was the engineer of an ocean liner and prided himself on his knowledge of electricity. On one of his b: i< f stays at home he accompanied his wife to a Climate, Scenery and Nature's Sani- ta riiim. party. The subject of electricity com­ Scenery, altitude, sunshine and air, ing up. be indignantly combated tlie idea tliat it was possible for two people constitute the factors which are rapid­ Always cheaper to p.o luce an electric al current through ly making Colorado the health and In tbe end than »uy »eeda tlie body of a tit.rd l.y simple physical pleasure grounds of tbe world. that only cowt half an much. Here the sun shines 357 days of the Tented, true to name, freMh and contact. His wife and a fr.end said reliable. Al ways the beet. A h K they would prove It. and, lead ng him average year, Bild it blend« with the tor Ferry’s— take no other«. to a window, told him to pull up his I crisp, electric mountain air to produce Write for 1800 Need Annual. a climate matchless in the known I>. M. FEKKV A DO., sleeves and place both hands flat on the Detroit, Mi<-b. world. No pen can portray, no brush glass. They then, on either side, took a firm grip on bls wrists. At the end can picture the majestic grandeur of the scenery along the line of the Denver of a few moments his wife snId & Rio Grande Railroad in Colorado. “Don’t you feel a pain, Willy?" I’arties going East should travel via "No!” he replied, and returned a like this line which is known all over the ITCHING Pilei»proance moisture and chump itching. negative to a second a ud a third In­ world as the Scenic Line of the world. This form, sh well ah Blind, Bleeding or Protruding give him lace curtains, a dinner set. new quiry. Piles are cured uy Dr. Bosanko’s Pile Homed» For any information regarding rates, Bt<»ps itching and Bleeding. Ahsorrs tumom. fine« portieres or a drawing room clock."—Chi­ At this third response most of the Jar at druggists or s«ut l»y mail. Trent ir.u free Writs cago Kecord. time tables, etc., call on or address R. uic about your case. DR. BONA N KO, Fuilada., P jl company began to laugh, and it sud- C. Nichol, general agent, 251 Wash­ di n y flashed into Ills mind that tlie Discover. <1. ington street, Portland, Or., or any CURE YOURSELF I "Papa,” said little I’etie, "does Kriss pronunciation of pain and pane was tbe agent of the O. R. & N. Co., or South­ c Ü«e Big I nil CUKES discharges,io I d . . r>..t m-ns, Kringie bring little boys toys ahead of same. In I to 5 dar«. ern Pacific Company. irritations or ul nx Guaran.erti Christmas?” of in