The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 22, 1899, Image 4

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Yamhill County
U. I. 4NBIHÏ, Editor A I'ropr
Subscription $1.00 Per Year.
Rokillng notice, in local colnmn. in cent, per
line for flr-t week and 5 cent» | h - t line thereafter.
Display advertiM-meiila. mutual rales, one inch
p r month II; each additional inch SO cent, per
Obituary ami marriage notice* not exceeding
10 lines published free, if furnished in time to
I e current news. Additional matter lOcent’per
FRIDAY, DEC. 22, 1899.
T he death of the brave General
Lawton is deeply regretted through­
out the United States. The army
will feel his loss, as all confidence
was imposed in his judgment and
O f the nineteen vice presidents of
the anti-imperialist league elected in
Boston, fifteen are prominent demo­
crats or mugwumps and almost the
entire number opposed the war with
Spain. If Aguinaldo hears of it he
will be encouraged to keep on run-
ning, and not throw up his job just
yet. For more than a year he has
believed that one blast upon the
Anti-Imperialist League s horn was
worth a thousand men. But since
their par valve has been proven the
tagal chief should be informed, so
that he can come back to Gen. Otis
and be forgiven.
G overnor G eer has written a let­
ter to the Union Scout, a paper pub­
lished near his old home, in which he
denies the charge brought by Plum­
mer, and explains why he has not
before taken notice of the calumnies
that few public men escape. The
people of Oregon will insist upon
Gov. Geer prosecuting Plummer in
the courts for criminal libel, and thus
forever silence him, and more fully
vindicate himself before the world.
It is true, public men are subject to
all manner of censure and villitica-
tion, but an example should be made
of those who carry their blackmail­
ing schemes too far.
.. /
roly upon the hens of the country
for the eggs of our country. When
eggs are cheap and abundant, we ■ '*ZGoo<l wheat is worth 40c in this mar- i
must pack them in cold-storage and ket.
send them out to compete with the Turkeys are selling at lie live and 15c
packed eggs from Iowa and Nebras dressed.
ka when they get to bear a good1 """"7?Tnes Howell of Portland was in tflwn
price. There is no industry requir­ Wednesday.
ing a small capital that can be made Mrs. Mary Clark lias returned from .
more profitable than the production her visit to Philomath.
Miss Akin of the public schools will
of the egg of our country.
------ »•«------
spend the holiday vacation iu Corvallis.
T he panic in the stock exchange The Rural Northwest kindly corrects
on Wall street Monday subsided al- the damaging report that hog cholera
most as suddenlj’ as it was precipi- exists in this county.
tated. At noon call money was The Nashville Students will have a
loaning at 25 per cent, In half an fine house Christmas night, The board
hour it was down to 6 per cent,
---- is well sold already.
at 2 p. m. call loans were 2 2 per cent, ^^iíecenjber I2th is the date of the first
There is little reason for a money snow this year visible from McMinnville
panic in the United States at this in the coast range.
time, and not much apprehension of
a serious business panic except from stereoscope without any views from her
husband last Christmas, proposes to give
the over-capitalization of trusts,
it back this year.
some of which the more conservative. "
— A farm in Josephine county brings 'an
people expect will tumble from their annual income of between and
own weight and fall with a mighty $ 15,000. The products are hay, grain,
crash some busy day.
potatoes and 400 head of fat cattle.
O ne of the London papers thinks
that McKinley shows himself an op­
portunist in his message. His ref­
yone is
erence to no alliance with anyone
at least opportune. In view of
friendly relations existing between
Great Britain, Germany and the
United States, a mistaken notion
that an alliance has been formed has
gained currency.
But, stronger,
than material considerations, that
which tends to draw the United
States, Germany and Great Britain
together is race sympathy. Add to
this the fact that the population of
the United Stated is chiefly made up
of people of cither German or En­
glish ancestry, and it is not difficult
to discern causes that tend to draw
the three countries close to one
another. These three nations stand­
ing together can rule the world.
How close to one another they will
stand cannot now be determined,
but it is highly probable that they
will never in many years to come be
wholly estranged.
W ith this number the Reporter
For full 29
T he 29th congress was confronted begins Vol. XXX.
with an “expansion' problem, and years this paper has sung the prais­
when congress met in December, es of Yamhill county, and heralded
1845, tin1 Oregon question and the the glad tidings of prosperity when
annexation of Texas claimed nearly there were glad tidings to herald,
as large a share of the public mind and has told the truth whenever the
as the Philippine and kindred annex­ tidings were not so glad. The fair
ation problems do today. The spirit maiden whose arrival in the world
of national aggrandizement and of was announced by the Reporter has
territorial expansion was in the air, maidens of her own now, who regard
akin to the present feeling along the weekly visits of the newsy Re­
that line, and it did not spend its porter to their home as a most wel­
force until the southern and north­ come feature. This paper enters up­
ern boundaries of the republic had on its 30th volume with a conscious
been fixed and its dominion settled pride in its large and rapidly ex­
from ocean to ocean, The republic panding subscription list, and with a
expanded, survived and prospered feeling of gratitude towards its pat­
then, as it hail done in various in­ rons and well-wishers. When anoth­
stunces before, anti ns ail reason er thirty years shall have passed
teaches us it will do since the ac­ McMinnville will be a large manufac­
turing city with all manner of ma­
quisition of our island possessions.
chinery propelled by electricity gen
T he chief of engineers has recom­ erated by the streams of water cours­
mended to congress that unless the ing down the rugged sides of the
canal and locks at Willamette falls Coast mountains. We may safely
can be purchased by the government forecast, too, that the Reporter will
for or less, the government keep fully abreast in the march of
should not take the property off the progress, and that it will be the lead­
hands of the Portland General Elec­ ing and favorite newspaper then, as
tric Company, the present owner, it is now.
which asks fl.2OO.oiMi for it.. An es­
T he Boer«, while leading a forlorn
timate has been prepared by a spec
ial board of engineers, which shows hope against the British empire,
thut a new canal ami locks around have won at arms so far. and besides,
the falls could be constructed for have gained the admiration of the
♦ 450,1X10, and that this would be world, with undying fame.
more proper than purchasing the old stantial and lasting independence
canal, which is in need of extensive ought to be theirs as a reward for
repairs. This board says that the their courage and endurance. The
commerce of the upper Willamette South African Boers area race of
will justify the expenditure, but not primitive lighting men. whose like
exceeding that amount. General exists nowhere else on earth in this
Wilson says a substantial canal in ' age of softened muscles, diplomacy
the hands of the government at this ! and machine guns. They are strong
point is very essential, anil that a and simple and daring, little learned
government 1 anal would so reduce J but much enduring, slow to anger
freight rates in a few years that the , but tierce and tenacious. It was
saving woultl more than pay the cost 1 not till about sixty years ago that!
of construction. In the face of these British law and administration be­
reasons, congress will undoubtedly gan to press hardly upon them.
reject the offer of the electric com­ Then began the amazing series of
migrations or “treeks " With their
pany and authorize a new canal.
families and goods they plunged
T ariff has done what it could to farther and farther into the wilder
stimulate the hen of Hie Union into ness to escape the blight of British
sufficient production of the egg of civilization. They set up successive­
the country, but, vain has been its ly three republics on land won from
In ISs'i when eggs were savage tribes, only to tie followed by
free of duty we imported from Can the insatiate British and forced to
adu 15,918,Sil'.l dozen.
Tarif has yield their independence or to aban
whittled this down
year don their lands for another migra­
“we imported only
dozen, tion. About eighteen years ago the
Hat! the American
risen, or Boers made a successful stand
against the British and refused to
rather laid to the
The present war is
would have supplied the deficiency. ( move farther
It is not through the importation of simply a continuation of the last
Its ultimate result, if
egg« laid by the hens of despot-rid conflict
den countries that the farmers of j Great Britain perseveres, can be;
thia republic are to be disenthralled foretold But many diowatera wi]| 1
from the burden of debt.
We must be hers before the object is gained. ,
j ^ it - r*'"
The good, old fashioned people that
bring a fat Christmas turkey to the edi­
tor live in Douglas county, and the for­
tunate editor is Stratford of the Rose-
; Plaindealer.
O. Lownsdale is packing his apple
crop for shipment. His apples are keep­
ers, and he sells at a time when they
are worth ft and upwards a box. It
takes care and systematic effort, but it
pavs in the final results.
N. C. Maris, formerly of Newberg,
who is traveling in the east buying
Shorthorns for the stock farm of Oscar
Minor at Heppner, Oregon, has so far
bought seven head at an aggregate »cost
of $1,705.
This includes a cow for
which he paid $800 and her calf for
which lie paid $300 at the Sauer sale in
Z. T. Davis of Dundee, sold a large car
of Italian prunes of this year’s crop at
6*4 cents net in sacks, on board the cars
at Dundee.
The Itemizer reports that M. M. Ellis,
.1. B. Nunn and A. B. Enns of Dallas,
have sold their prunes, aggregating forty
thousand pounds, at five cents per pound.
W ith the first number of the new
volume The Reporter takes pleasure
in announcing the association of Mr.
J. G. Eckman with its publication, in
name as well as in fact. Clearly,
the eminence to which The Report­
er has attained as a news dispenser
has been due to Mr. Eckman’s con­
nection with the paper.
more, as an artist in the job printing
line he has created for The Reporter s
job department an enviable reputa­
A Merry Week==The Last Before Christmas.
Don’t put off buying until assortments are broken; better come early in the
week. We have thousands of useful and APPROPIATE Gil* IS for your
friends. Better look the Chicago Store’s stock over before buying.
If you want the finest line of
Gents’ fleckuiear
ever shown in town, take a peep at ours. Thousands of them every shape, every
color known to the makers are found upon our counters.
Christmas Bargains in all Departments of our house, g
Chicago ©tore
15 DAYS!
December 15th to January 1st, iqoo
15 per cent off on all lines of wool under-
10 per cent off on all broken lines of Men’s
Boys’, Children’s and Ladies’ Shoes.
10 per cent off on all wool Dress Goods.
20 per cent off on all Capes, Jackets and
10 per cent off ou all Blankets.
All broken lines of Boys’ Suits» Men’s Pants, Men’s
and Boy’s Hats we are selling at cost.
McMinnville Grange & Farmers Co •J
CHAS. P. NELSON, Manager.
01 it ci.niHOfì i. 1 st .
We have special arrangements with
the following
leading publications,
whereby we are able to offer them in
connection with our own at exceedingly
low rates, as follows: The R epórter
All Mackintoshes reduced from io to 20
per cent.
Something New
in Rubbers.
The Bailey Talent Ribbed Back. The
ribbed back prevents their breaking
down at the back and slipping off the
shoe, and they- do not muddy or soil the
THE RnnLrimf Qfnrp
=o<>_JDdnKrUpi OWIc,
Apperson’s Old Stand
CO«. 3d and C Sts.
The Bankrupt Stock of Benuet Bros, of San Francisco,
bought at
Weekly Inter Ocean............................................ 11.35
St. Lou is Globe-Democrat, semi-weekly......... 1.50
Rural Northwest, Portland, semi-monthly... 1.25
Oregonian, weekly............................................ 2.00
McClure's Magazine, monthly....................... 1.85
Cost but very little more than the or­
Cosmopolitan Magazine, monthly................ 1.85
The Weekly San Francisco ("all....................... 1.70 dinary and wear twice as well.
The Weekly New York Tribune....................... 1.25
This Stock consists of Clothing, Dry Goods, Gent.--’ and Ladies' Furnishing
The Tri-weeklv New York Tribune .............. 2 00
Goods, Hats and Caps. Etc., Etc. Also a complete assortment of Ladies' Plush
Demorest’s Family Magazine........................... 1.75
Capes. We are determined to close out this entire stock, anil have prepared an
The Oregon Teachers’ Monthly......................... 1.60
aggregation of Bargains that we think were never equaled.
Word Works (.monthly) and Hicks' alm’nc 1.75
On The Dollar
Exclusive Agency for Mc­
F. Dielschneider,
Aller Marriage
They are going to lx- together just as
much as before; going to rule the wheel,
take little pleasure jauuts, etc , enjoying
everything together.
Isn’t that what
many a young couple promise each
other ?
And vet. how very soon the
wife begins to say
" No, I don’t think
I care to go. Yon
go alone, dear"
Young women don’t I
reckon on the great I
physical changes
which follow tnar
How can
they when they are
allowed to grow up
tn entire ignorance
of vital physiological
facts? They feel
languid, weak and
nervous. Sometimes
there is headache
and backache. The
pulse r.o more leaps
in answer to the
thought of a spin on
the wheel Women
who have used Dr
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription, know
how promptly the
languor, headache,
backache, nervous­
ness and weakness
are cured by this
medicine. Many
husbands write in
gratitude to Dr. Pierce for the medicine
which gives them back the wife's compan­
ionship. as it gives her back her health
" All praiae is due to yon lor your wonderful
■ Favorite Prescription.' - write» Mr John W
Cofltaan of Ft1i«bur( Casey Co Ky -My wife
M.ff. rr.1 wilii tenule irregularity w«i c.mbned
to bed every thiee weeka After using two hot
tie. of Dr Pwrve « Favorite Presrrlptb.n «he
was cure, I and haa not »uifcrvd any dtrange-
ment since
Your Favorite Prescription' la
a boon to deluale women •
»There is no alcohol tn "Favorite Pre­
scription," aad it is entirely free from
opium, cocaine and all other narcotic*.
Boots & Shoes
Three More Days !
Until Christmas, but only
two more to make your
Christmas purchases in.
You can do no better than
to come to our store and
make your selections.
\Ve have a splendid
stock to choose from and
you can depend upon the
quality of the goods to be
exactly as represented.
We are going to give
away a Clock. Silver plat­
ed Water Pitcher and a
Ring. For particulars
see window.
\V m . F. D iklschneider ,
The Jeweler.
Presents for the Rich, Poor, Old and Young,
Great and Small.
Coated with
will outwear cedar. It is also a
Its application to the inaide walls of poultry
houseswill permanently exterminate »11
Lice. Results: HEALTHY CHICK-
Write lor circular» and prices and mention
this paper.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests wtat you eat.
O. O. HODSON, Agent,
Itartifirial!ydttf-st< the food and aids
Nature in strenrthening and recon­
McMinnville, Oregon
structing the exhausted digestive or­
Th. Aillo« Ing general k>rm«are alway« In Mock
it i« the Iztest discovered digest­
You can get a complete set of abstract gan«.
and i t «>1« »1 the Reporter office :
ant and tonic No other preparation
Warrant, ISssH
Real • -
can approach it in efficiency. It in­
Chattel Mortgage
quit-claim D/eda
Bond for Ite« 1
Satis faction ot Mort
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Cure ■ Cwld In One Day.
Transfer of Mortgage
Farm I < aaa
I yspepsia. Indigestion, Heartburn,
Note« and Receipt* Bill of Sale
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablet« ¿/atulence. four Stomach. Nausea,
tinier book«.
crop Mortgages.
Ack no« ledgemen ta. Abstracts.
All dmcRieta refund money if it fails to i1','*?'’ada<’te.Gastralgia.Cramp8.and
Ju«tic««' Blacks
We carry a large Mock of «tationery and are j cure, The genuine has L. B. Q. on each BiLdher results of imperfect digestion
P’»por«<l byE C DeWitt a Co . Chicago
pre pare 1 to Jo Joo printing of every aurt in tb« 1
oe«t «tyle of the art and at low figure«.
, tablet.
For sale by Rogers Bros.