The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 22, 1899, Image 1

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Entered al the l’ostolticein McMinnville,
as Second-e la», mal ti r.
The Reporter’s Bargain Column
Bargain Counter
Is being well patronized, and no wonder, as
many articles on it are marked down below
cost. We have in our store many odd articles
in various lines, ranging from toys and no­
tions to millinery, jackets, mackintoshes, etc.
In ord« i to dean them up we bave marked
them down to prices that are bound to move
them quickly.
We Wash
!±!We Iron,
Then give your starts, collars and cuffs that
rich gloss finish (hat characterizes perfect
laundry work. Our plain work is washed by
a process that makes the clothes healthy to
wear and far sui»erior to Chinese methods of
lanndrying. Send in a trial order and be
convinced. Prices reasonable.
Our Specials
' jr
3 Spools Clark’s Best Thread for 10c.
Umbrellas at *1.25—worth «2 00.
Ladies’ Capesand Jackets from 1t.25tofl3.50
Shoe»for w inter wear at reduced prices.
yS.Qf-igoo.l coffee for fl.00.
Schilling’s coffee ;25c th. Golden Gate Baking
Pnuilur 40c nur
per 11 lb, at the
We Want Every Wife
i Town ">• .
To inspect our handsome display of crock­
ery and glassware. We are receiving new
goods constantly,and carry a large assort­
ment of Presdeo China, and Theo Haviland
I French ware. Also largest and best stock
of lamps in county. Choice Groceries.
Chase A Sanborn
Seal brand coffee, 2 cans 75c.
4 Dream of Perfection....
['riwrietor Lycoum Shell Oyster Parlor, of Roc.hestor, N.Y.
Obtained $2,000 Lite insuranoe Policy.
See the Racket Store X mas ad
Read the new list of prices in Irvine
“ Mv business a-, proprietor of the Lyceum Shell Oyster Parlor, 245 Main & Son’s ad.
street, Rochester, N. ¥.. writes Mr. Charles W. Babcock, “was so confining
Plows and harrows cheap for cash.
that 1 . • lungs became affected. My doctor told me I'd have to leave the store
is selling them.
an 1 ;;o to work at ■ onu-
thiugo ildcors. llcsaid
A. 1). Siebert the blacksmith expects
my lungs were in bad
to move to Pendleton about the first of
shape, and I kuc-w it
the year, where he wi|l engage in busi­
just as w ell as he did.
'1 he troul lc bad been
growing on me for a
Great reduction on the entire line of
long time. Like most
cloaks and capes at R. Jacobson A Co’s.
other people. 1 t.itd to
The ladies of the Episcopal church de­
make myself believe
the trouble was not in
sire to thank heartily all who aided
the lungs. I called it
them in their social, including the boys
stomach trouble or ner­
the band.
vous disorder, but I
kept coughing, spitting
Irvine & Son are closing out their
and wasting away right
stoik of groceries at actual cost, Read
a'ong. I lost in weight,
their ad and save money on your win-
falling from 140 to 115
ter’s grub.
pounds. Somehow or
other. I got hold of Ack­
The Christian Endeavor of the Chris­
er’s English Remedy
for Throat and Lung Troubles, and after taking it according to directions. I was tian church w ill give their musical and
as well as any man in New York State. I was healthier and stronger than be­ literary entertainment on the evening of
fore 1 took the cold which came so near killing me. 1 now weigh 150 pounds— Jan. 5th, 1900, instead of on the 29th
ten pounds more than ever. After recovering, I applied for a life insurance
policy. When the doctor began examining me, I was afraid he would discover inst. as previously announced.
that my lungs bad once been affected, but he didn't. I passed all right, and
The ladies of the Baptist church ex­
was pronounced in a first-class condition. If that isn't proof of the most posi­ tend heartfelt gratitude to all who so
tive kind that Acker’s English Remedy is a great medicine. I don't know what
you call proof. 1 give it my warmest endorsement. My address is given above. kind))' donated different articles of fur­
niture, etc., for their Christmas sale and
Anyone who wishes may write me personally about my case.''
Sold at 25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; supper. Mrs. Magers, chairman com­
and in England, at 1«. :d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, mittee.
return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
For Christinas we have hand decorat­
n’r attWorint (A cbot'C r/uarmttce. II’. H. IIOOKI.1: <t CO., Proprulon, New York.
ed opal glove, cuff, collar and handker­
For Sale by ROGENS BROS.
chief boxes, rose bowls, comb and brush
trays, cologne bottle for 50 cents, hair
pin, jewel, bon bon boxes, manicure
W<>O>C<><XXX><XXXX><X><X>Q trays
and puff boxes for 25 cents. Pin
L HI,,,I 1*1««. r Roori
O trays for 10 cents. Ask M. E. Hendrick,
the leader in crockery, china and glass-
, /
Our PANETELLA 5c cigar is equal to any­
body’s best. Patronize home industry and
get something choice. Largest stock of
pipes and smokers’ goods in town.
Opposite Hotel Yamhill
The Pauetella is for sale by all local dealers.
Without a Peer : :
That’s our Gambrinus beer. And judges
of good liquor say our Cyrus Noble is about
the right stuff.
Finest brand of
T. A McCotter, Propr.
turetgn iud domestic wines, liquors and cigars.
But we have hammered away night and day for lfi consecutive years at the pre-
scription counter with the result of having attained the largest prescription file in
the county. There’s a reason for this. Anyone can dish out patent medicines, but
when it comes to filling prescriptions you want a competent manat the tiller, so to
speak, with a clear uye and a clear head —in fact, a man who realizes that a human
life hang.' in the balance. We do this, it’s our specialty.
We are Engaged
In putting down liquor. Come and help
us. Our brands are above par.
Wholesale dealer in Swiss and Limburgerchee-e.
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists.
book f-lere!
Bargains in 2d hand instruments:
1 square piano, good ease, good tone,
1 square piano, high grade, in good con
1 organ, high top,
1 organ, fine parlor case and good action,|50
1 No. 15 Regina music box and 14 pieces music .<57
These instruments are all standard make
and in good condition.
You flay Be a Hard One
Extends a cordial invitation to examine their
Christmas Goods
_______________________ 6)
Rest Brick in City.
Albums, Standard Poems,
Books, Toys, Dolls, i»
«. And many Picture
other things, and at prices that all may have something.
Third St., Cor. Flanders. PORTLAND, OR.
Have about 70 Suits of Boys’ Clothes,
But we’ll venture you are not too hard a
subject for a satisfactory photo if you
bring your face to
The leading photographer.
Come in early for orders for Holiday season.
udmcomiletv with Electric Lights, Bells,
Stesni Heat, Bath Room 011 each floor. Elevat­
or for «' <-oruiaodation of guests. Rates il to
«1 25 ?cr day, according to room. Meals 25c.
Free Lils lo and from all trains
E. SANDERS, Manager.
3 to 10 years, that, must be clued out D.m’t niiss this chance. Will
make special prices on M YUKIN TOSIlES w bile they last.
W e S till C arry
fc’ TYVV*V»*»Y*»**V****»V****'»»»*»»*<<
*5^ hoes
I Will Examine Your
Seasonable Merchandise
Eyes Free of charge
By the intelligent use of the
Opothalmo6cope. I am prepared
to make the internal examination
of your eyes and determine
whether or not the defect is at
error of refractions or disease.
I also have the finest Trial case
for testing your eves in Yamhill
County. Lense« ground for the
most difficult cases.
D. A. SMITH, Optician.
Next door to P. <).. McMinnville.
Air=Tight Heating Stoves
The RKroBTKB and Weekly Oregonian
one rear for »2, strictly in advance
All Kinds, Sizes
and Prices
Best of Ammunition
for Everybody
o. o
•» A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAA A A« A A« A A A AAA A A tf
j AO «So
*•*-> •dZ)
a O
OTICE is herebv given that the undesigned
■s administrator with the will annexed of
Ibe estate of Alexander Staufenberg, deceased,
has filed In the county court of Yamhill county.
State of Oregon, his final account ot his admin­
istration of »»id estate and that, by order of
said court, said account and all objections to
the same will be heard by -aid court at the
nsuai plaee of holding said court, on Tt.sday,
January 2d. IMO. at the bnurot ten o’clock a. m.
of said day. at which time and place any per­ i
son interested in said estate may Hie objections
toanid account.
Attorneys for Estate
White’s Restaurant
The well-known place for the best meal in the city.
N ew D ining R oom
The Largest in McMinnville, has been recently fitted with beat of
taste. Liberal service and all you can eat.
« Fruits, Candies, Nuts and Cigars.
Olve Ua a Call.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Singlenumbersfivecents.
R oyal »
A bsolutely P ure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Death of fflr«« Collin««
Cook-Mn yder.
Hattie M. Collins, familiarly known as
“Auntie” Collins, died suddenly at
Carlton on Friday night, Dec. 15th.
She was born August 28th, 1832, in
Cataraugus county, N. Y.
She wae
twice married.
Her first husband's
name was John Feck. In this union
three children were born. One is still
living at Haystack, Crook county, Ore­
gon. She was married to J. W. Collins
Aug. 15th, 1868. In this union there
ware two children. Both are now dead.
J. W. and “Auntie” Collins came to
Oregon in March, 1880, and have resided
in Carlton ever since the fall of that
year. She united with the Christian
church at Altona, Missouri, in the year
1872, but never removed her member­
ship from there. The funeral was con­
ducted by Elder J. Campbell on Sunday.
Ileal Winter Route.
For ftinshine, flower? and oranges
take the Sunset route via Los Angeles to
all [toints east. Tourist excursion cars
and chair cars to El Paso, Fort Worth,
Kansas City, Chicago, Cincinnati, Hous­
ton, New Orleans and Washington, 1).
C. For rateH, guides and information
C. II. M arkham ,
Portland, Or.
One of those quiet yet sensible and
unostentatious weddings occurred on
Saturday, Dec. 111th, when Mr. Wilbur
C. Cook and Miss Satie Snyder were
united in marriage by President H. L.
Boardman at the home of the bride's
parents. The ceremony occurred at 2
p. m., and the 3 o’clock train was taken
by the groom and his bride for several
weeks’ visit in Los Angeles, Calif. They
are among our worthiest young people,
industrious, intelligent and self helpful—
the kind that have the best right to get
married, and who make of it the greatest
success. They have the wishes of The
Reporter for the most abundant happi­
ness and prosperity in their new rela­
A Worthy Organization.
The called meeting of hopgrowers
which met ill this city last Saturday was
largely attended by representative hop
growers from every section of the county.
The benefits to accrue from a thorough
organization were explained by M. L.
Jones, president of the Oregon Hop
Growers’ Association.
The prospects
were regarded with favor, aud some
1290 bales of hops were pledged to the
On Tuesday a business
meeting of the association was held at
Salem. Real progress is being made by
the association, which advises growers
to |>ool their hops, ns they have assur­
ances of receiving 15 cents per pound.
The middlemen, who have beeu making
immense profits, are being dropped, and
the association will sell direct to brew­
About 24,000 bales have been
pledged to the organization, known as
the Oregon Hop Growers’ Association.
It en I l'atnte I rniialcr».
Some of the new electric line poles X.
being put in by the city are anything Two weeks ending Dec. 20th :
but sound. One in front of the Atlas A T Tupper et al to Fidelia Tupper
7.64 a t 2 r 4.........................
mills is noticeably decayed. Ina short
Nettie A Forehand et al to Chaa M
time it will cost more to change these
Thayer 18 lot« in Dundee and 22
poles than it would cost to buy good ones
tracta in Dundee Orchard Honten
he American Mtg Co of Scotland
in the start.
to O Gehrig tracts No. 6 and 7
4-t takes but a minute to overcame
Dundee Orchard Homes...........
tickling in the throat and to stop a cough Union lodge to Moses Morgan lot
457 1st add to Cemetery............
bv the use of One Minute Cough Cure.
This remedy quickly cures all forms of Union lodge to B Walker L lot
315 cemetery ......... ...................
throat and lung troubles.
Harmless J B Scott and wf to A 11 Leighton
and pLeasant to take. It prevents con­
485.12 a Highland lodge farm t
I'rnliale Court.
5 r 6 and 7 ............................... 11000
sumption. A famous specific for grippe
F.Htatn of M. Messinger. Final »<•-
and its after effects. Rogers Bros.
in 55 a sec 6-3-2 ...................
850 count filed and Feb. 6tb, 1900, at 1 P-
Chaplain Wm. S. Gilbert formerly of J II Messinger el al to W B Smith
tn. set to hear same.
194 a pt Robt Reed <1 1 e t 3 r 5
the Second Oregon, now pastor of Calva­
Estate of R. I.. Simpson. Final ac-
ry Presbyterian church, Portland, filled
45 a pt 0 Moore d 1 c t 3 r 3. .
500 count filed and set for hearing Feb. 6th,
his number in the lecture course of the Maggie Lindsey et conj to Gideon
Administrator direct-
1900, at II a. m.
B. Y. P. IT. last Friday evening. The
Sowers lote 4, 5 and 6 blk 27 La­
on hand aa
fayette.................................. . . .
audience was not as large as most people
prayed lor.
would have guessed it would be, but
I* C Thomason 5 lots in cemetery 8 35
-------- -------------------- -
those present enjoyed a highly interest­ First National Bank of McM to ,1
F.xperieiice 1» Hie heal leneber.
ing narration of the events in the Phil­
F Rowland and wf 79 a pt R
Merchant die............................ 2600 Use Acker’s English remedj’ in any caBe
ippines. The chaplain is a little man
of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail
Lawrence et nx to Wm II
with a rapid tongue, full of smiles and
Morris 5 a pt Jno Hess die...
140 to give immediate relief money refun ded
sympathy, and enough dramatic ability C S Williamson et nx to T F Good­
25 cts. and 50 cts
to make his lecture effective. About a
rich lot 6 blk 6 Wheatland aluo
dozen volunteers were [-resent and greet­ eV, lot 5 blk 6 .......................
Advertised i.citers.
ed the chaplain warmly after the lecture. F W Spencer to F G Adams int in
lots 2 and 7 and e 20 it lots 3 and
Letters for the following persons re­
He also received some bouquets from the
6 blk 2 original town of McM
41MI main uncalled for in the McMinnville
Isaac Lambright and wf to F G
postoflice Dec. 20th, 1800.
Adams n h'f sec 31 t 3 r 5 and e
Prof. J. H. Ackerman, state superin­
Iordan, Jos. A.
lit ne qr sec 36-3-6 ................ 1007 Barker, E. H.
Burgholzer, F. C.
Kelly, Monroe
tendent of public instruction, has called R W Phillips et nx to E S Rem­
Cook, John
Kuykendall. Blanche
a meeting of the department of superin­
ington 70 a pt II II Hyde diet
Finn, Geo.
Martin, May I.
tendence of the state teachers’ associ­
Haggln, Geo.
Patterson, Allen
ation to be held in Salem Dec. 27th to
Hill, Mrs. Jack
I’esrrc, Lot L.
27.75 a pt Jno Richardson die 15
29th inclusive. This is done for the
r 3.
250 Hillard, Monsieur M. Rife, Mr». W. H.
J as . M c C ain , I*. M.
purpose of bringing up for discussion im­ F F Manning et ux to S A Man­
int in lot 5 blk 10 John’s
portant questions affecting the teachers,
50 Special II cell ng of City Council
add to McM
and giving the latter an opportunity to
Addison C Darr et a) to J S and J
The city fathers met in special session
hear these matters, vitally concerning
C Morin 10,1 pt Laban C Morin
them in their chosen vocation, dis­ d 1 c t 5 r 3..................
2400 Monday evening and transacted the fol-
lowing business:
cussed by the leader» in the educational Sarah E Thompson et conj to P .51
Flynn 1-9 int in 66x264 ft. in
Ordinance appropriating |550 for wire
world of the state.
It is expected that
55 and polos for lights was panned, and
every county superintendent and the II C Burns et al to P M Stow et al
principals of all the leading schools will
Ml«t4 r ft
1350 Councilman Wright was instructed to
purchase of Mr. Ward of North Yam­
be present and assist in making the Sue B Halloway to .1 ,1 and 1. N
Woods lots 10, Il and 12 blk E
hill 80 poles nt $1.50 each.
gathering an unqualified success. Prof.
Hobson's add to Newberg
Ordinance amending section 10 oi or­
Littlefield is on the program for discus­ Margaret Conrod to J T Conrod
sion of the question whether it is correct
lot I sec 36 t 5 r 6
110 dinance No. 3, was passed. This ordi­
nance closes saloons at 1 n. in. instead
to give fifteen questions in teachers ex­ c II Christenson and wf to P A
Batea lots I anil 2 blk I South
of 10 p. m., an<i allows them to open at
aminations, with per mission to answer
Park subdivision t 4 r 4
4:30 a. m. instead of 5.
ten, and if eo, to what branches may it John Conlee and wf to Effie L
By resolution the marshal was instruct­
be applied? Prof. Reynolds is to have
Christenson 40 a pt claim 39 t 3
r 3
300 ed to arrest all violators of the Sunday
a paper on "The Rights of Pupils.”
Chaa Palmer to Nettie McConkey
law, and the same resolution ordered
lots 1 and 2 blk 10 Oak Park add
Columbia« School .H me*.
to McM
500 the superintendent to shut off all water
ta[« not paid for.
Mary A Hal) to Frank C. Ferguson
We will have ten days v «cation
lain McM
The recorder was instructed to ask of
year because school closes the 22d
Frank C Ferguson and wf to Mrs
local attorneys bids for codifying city
opens January the 2d.
A W Weaver same land
The high achool had two tardy mark« Emily Lumm to Mary E Lewis 600
The appointment of Claud Wnlker as
lots 276 and 277 Dayton
Tuesday. If thia had happened in the
assintaut engineer was confirmed.
primary room it would not have been so
Fare is < old in line Day.
Bill allowed H. B. Reed for wire,
bad, but great big pupils like thoae 'hat
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablet«. >368.68.
made these tardies, ought to be ashamed
Communication was read bearing the
All druggists refund money if it fails to
of themselves.
cure, The genuine has L. B. (J. on each information that the new dynamo will
Next Monday is Christman. It does tablet. Por sale by Rogers Bros.
47-6 arrive the last of December or first of
not seem long since last Christmas, but
"time is fleeting" and the years are roll­
Dyspepsia ran be cared by usina
important to Mothers.
ing by. Have we readied our goal with
Examine carefnlly «very bottle of CASTORIA. Acker’s dyspepsia tablets.
One littlo
this year’s work r’ If not, let ns make a »ata and sure remedy for Infanta and children,
tablet will give immediate relief or
new resolutions and alien we return to and see that It
money tefunded.
Fold in handsome
im bool in li*00, go there with a determi­
tin loxes nt 25 cents.
nation that wears going to do lietler signature of
work and make better lojsand girls.
J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., nay«, "Sur­
In Use For Over 30 Years.
geon« wanted to operate on me for piles,
In closing the achool notes lor thia
The Kind You Have Always Bought
but I cured them with DeWitt’« Witch
year we wish all teachers a merry, merry
Hazel Salve." It i« infallible for pilea
Christina« and a happy Ne v Year, and
Irvine A Son are disposing of their
hope that all will be benefited by the stock of groceries, with a view of engag­ and «kin diaeasea. Beware of counter­
feit«. Roger« Bros.
ing in other line« of trade.