VOL. XXIX. Enteredatthe Pustoffice in McMinnville, a» Second-class matter. M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 18M. Distinguished Testimony No secret society in the world stands higher in noble aims and charitable accomplishments than the Knights of Pythias. That order is doing great good, and one of its finest institu- ~ tions is the Oho Pythian Home, at Springfield, Ohio, which is ably presided over by Superintendent Le Fevre and his wife, Mrs. Callie I. Le Fevre, the matron. The latter has recently written a letter, which will command widespread attention because of the prominence of the writer. It is as follows:— “Messrs. W. H. Hooker & Co., New York: Last year I used Acker’s English Remedy at the suggestion of a friend, for a serious, long-standing throat difficulty and extreme­ ly hard cough. Had used many well-spoken of prepara­ tions without relief. I can honestly say that Acker’s English Remedy removed the difficulty’ and stopped the cough. I did not purchase C allie I. L e F evre , Matron Ohio Pythian Home. or use more than three bot­ ______________________ tles, and at least one-half of the last is still on hand. I also consulted phy­ sicians with no permanent results. (Signed) C allie I. L e . F ore ., The friend to whom Mrs. Le Fevre refers as having suggested Acker s English Remedy is Mrs. W. B. Chilton, wife of the president of the 1 roy Transfer Co of Troy, Ohio, where this remedy has accomplished many other cures in Throat and Lung Troubles. In conversation with an acquaintance Mrs Le Fevre also said “If you will call on Mr. W . H. Schauss, a prominent china and art merchant of Springfield. Ohio, you will find that he, too. has had any amount of experience with Acker’s English Remedy in his family, and thinks they cannot keep house without it. Acker’s English Remedy is sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee that your money wilt be refunded in case of failure a5c., 50c. and $1 a bottle in United States and Canada. In England, i- ad , s ,d.. and 4s. 6d. Reauthorize the above guarantee. H'. JI. JlOOhE/i CO., Proprietors, New York. For Sale by ROGERS BROS. oo 8 8 8 8 We Haven’t Killed flanv But we have hammered away night and day for 16 consecutive years at the pre- scription counter with the result of having attained the largest prescription tile in the county. There’s a reason for this. Anyone can dish out patent medicines, but when it comes to filling prescriptions you want a competent man at the tiller, so to Xj speak, with a clear eye and a clear head-in fact, a man who realizes that a human life hangs in the balance. We do this; it’s our specialty1. ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists. x OOOOOO THE RACKET STORE » I» >> Extends a cordial invitation to examine their © ♦? ♦f ♦t ^5) Christmas Goods i» i» i» » ___________________ © ?> i» * © » » Albums, Standard Poems, » Picture Books, Toys, Dolls, » i» And many other things, and at prices that all may have something. ♦ j ♦i Have about 70 Suits of Boys’ Clothes, 3 to 10 years, that must be cla«ecial plea Please Take Notice. on first day of next term. Entry partly obliterated.) Parties indebted to the film of R. Jacob­ John Lurrison vs Joseph Hess; slander. Deft, files demurrer to three counts. A Co. are respectfully requested to Plff tiles joinder. Demurrer sustained and judgment for deft for costa on 3 counts. son accounts at onco. Joel P Walker vs Warren R. Foster; In chancery. Demurrer filed. Continued. cull and settle their R. J acobson A Co. Joinder in demurrer overruled. Jesse Applegate vs Solomon Eads; petition in debt. Discontinued at plff’s cost. Hcst Winter Houle. Phebe Jackson vs Thos Jackson. Bill for divorce. Continued and order for pub­ For sunshine, flowers and oranges lication. take the Sunset route via Los Angeles to Joseph Hess vs John I.arrison; appeal. Continued. Joseph Hess vs John Williamson; appeal. Motion to discontinue suit overruled. all points east. Tourist excursion cars I and chair cars to El Paso, Fort Worth, O ntinued. NO. 3801. W G Buffuni vs Ransom Clark; appeal. Trial by consent. Judgment for plff for Kansas City, Chicago, Cincinnati, Hous­ ton, New Orleans and Washington, D. HEP48RT OP THE t'OMHTIOII Í9.’ 65. James A thy ami Wm T Osburn vs Miles Cary; petition in debt. Deft moves to C. For rates, guides anil information of the McMinnville National Bank st Mc­ address C. II. M arkham , quash writ. Motion overruled. Plea given at issue filed, and continued. Minnville, In tlie State of Oregon, at the cinse of tf I’.nHand, Or. business, Dee. 2d, 1699: Oregon Territory vs Chas Patton ; indictment for malicious mischief. Motion to KEsovacr.s. quash indictment.' Demurrer filed. Overruled by court. Leave to plead on or l>o- Cure a < old in Ono Ila). Loans and Discounts »16,5,441 SB i.ire first day of next. term. Securities, CM Walkerand Henry Noble. Amount |200. secured and unse­ The attorneys appearing on this docket are Burnett, Lovejoy A Snooks, Tevaull Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. Overdralts, cured ........................... «,831 93 A Thurston, Ford A Nesmith, A A Akens,----- Walker and----- Elliott. Bonds to secure circula All druggists refund money if it fails to U.S. lion ............... lli.OUO 1IO ,AI0 00 cure. The genuine has L. B. Q on each U. 8. Bonds on hand................ DISTRICT COURT SEPTEMBER TERM, 1849. Premluma on L. S. Bonds . 1,000 00 tablet. For «ale by Rogers Bros, 47-6 Stocka, aecurltlea, etc.......... 36,012 49 Bunklng-house, furniture and < iregon Territory vs ( liarles Patton; Indictment, malicious trespass. Default’ hxtures ... B,.'i00 OO Motion made to foifeit recognizance allowed. Due from State banka and John Larrison vs Joseph Hess; slander. Indictment entered in pursuance of stip­ bunkers 2,«53 48 Due from approved reserve ulation against both parties for the costs each has made. agents............... . .... 31,663 30 CASTORIA Phebe Jackson vs I’hoiuM Jackson; hill for divorce. Transferred and dismissed Checks and other cash items 273 25 for want of prosecution. Cause reinstated. Proof of facts in bill made and divorce Bean the signnture of C has . It. F lktchzs . Notes of oilier National Banka 2 4J 00 Fractional paper currency, decreed with costs. la uae for more than thirty yean, and nick les and cents................... C0S9 Joel P W’alker vs Warren P Foster; chancery. Transferred and continued. Lawful money reserve in Bank, The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, Sidney Smith vs Joseph Hess ; Blander. Cause dismissed on stipulation filed at Viz: plff’s cost. Specie..................................... .122,5.11 So Legal-tender notes.................. 1,156 00 23,707 85 Joseph Hess vs John Lurrison ; appeal. Continued. R<*deni|>llon fund with U. S. Janie« Alhy and Win T Osborn vs Miles Cary ; petition in debt. Judgment for Treasurer (5 per cent of cir­ plff. culation)................................... 1,575 00 Hop «»rowers, Attention! Hiiiney W Mess vs John Hord; assumpsit. Continued. Total ...................................... »313,531 07 There w ill be a meeting of the Oregon James F.o hels vs Samuel Campbell; appeal. Transferred and continued. t.lABILITIKS. William Higgins vs Henry Hill; forcible entry and detainer. Dismissed at pl'ffs Hop Growers' Association held at Elsia Stock paid in................ 60.000 00 coet. Wright's hall, corner of Third and F Capital Surplus fund....................... 10.000 oo Marvin R Alderman vs India Alderman; divorce. Dismissed at pitra cost. Undivided profits, less ex- streets in McMinnville, Saturday, Dec­ Ransom Clark vs Sherry Ross; appeal. Continued to next term. |a-uses and taxes paid............ 12,374 73 John Williamson vs Joseph Hess; bill of injunction. Default of complaint. Mo­ ember 16th, to discuss the objects of the National Bank notes outstand­ ing ................. .............. 31, .100 00 association. M. L. Jones, president of Due to State Banks and bank­ tion to dismiss bill and dissolve injunction allowed. Joseph Iles« vs John Williamson; appeal. Deft, called. Default made. Dam­ the association, will lie here at this meet­ ers............................................. 2,598 35 ages a.-seesed by inquest for $32.70 ami costs. Execution issued and returned satis­ ing. All those interested in the raising Individual deposits subject to check......................................... 15>,809 22 fied. Demand certificates of deposit 51,257 78 Janies M< Ginnes A Co va Gilbert Mundon ; appeal. Appeal dismissed on de­ of hope should attend, as it is for their Total ...................................... »313,581 07 beet interests. fault of plff with costs. State of Oregon. County of Vamhill, as. Plea-ant M Armstrong vs Rhinehart Cripe , trespass on the case. Continued on 1, E. C. Appertain, cashier of tlie above-named motion of deft. Leave granted for plff to »mend declaration within 30 days from My son had been troubled for years liaiik. do solemnly »wear that the shove state­ the rising of court, and deft required to plead within 20 days before next term. ment I» true to the best of my knowledge and be­ E < Al’PEKSON, Cashier. Matthew Pa'ton vs John II Hess; assumpsit. Continued and an alias summons with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago lief Subacribed and sworn to before me Ibis 13th I persuaded him to take some of Cham ­ I ordered. day of Idecember, ISV9. < . W TALMAOE, Altornet a appearing on thia docket and not on that of the previous year, were berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea (Seal i Notary Public for Oregon. Remedy. After using two bottles of the Correct 1 Messrs. Skinner, Chapman and Matlock —Attest: LEE LAUGHLIN, ) On reverse pages of the docket are pasted printed copies of the act creating the 25-cent size he was cured. I give this J. L. KotiEKH, ¿Directora. office of Surveyor General of Public Lands in Oregon, Governor John P. Gaines’ testimonial, hoping some one similarly W. L. WAKKEN, ) messsge to the Legislative Aseemhlv. dated at Oregon City, Decsmtier 2, 1360, and afflicted may read it and lie benefited. hi* letter addressed to President Polk on the needs of Oregon dated liecenitier 21), Hear Cliaplaiu Gilbert Friday night at 1849, fifty »ears ago, previous to bis departure from Washington, f>. C., to the ter- —Thomas C. Bower, Glencoe, O. For the Ba|>liat church. Admission 25 eta. I ritory over which he was to preside, and also the forms for obtaining bounty lands. eale by Howorth A Co., druggists.