The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 08, 1899, Image 6

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    Text oî President’s An­
nual Address.
Kv be Ilion I n Nearly Ended and Milken
Keconiinemlation for Future Govern­
ment— All Governments Are Friendly
to the United StaleM Favors Gold.
I upon the deputed questions Involved In
I the subject of combinations in
straint of trade and competition.
| have not yet completed the investigation
of this subject, and the conclusions and
recommendations at which they may ar­
rive are undetermined. The subject is one
giving rise to many divergent views as to
the nature and variety or cause and ex-
■ tent of the injuries to the public which
may arise from large combinations con-
I centrating more or les« numerous enter­
prises and establishments, which previous
to the formation of the combination wero
carried on sepa.ately. It is universally
conceded that combinations which engross
or control the market of any particular
kind of merchandise or commodity neces­
sary to the general community by sup-
' pressing natural and ordinary competi­
tion, whereby price« are unduly enhanced
to the general consumer, are obnoxious
not only to the common law, but also to
the public welfare. There must be a rem­
edy for the evils Involved in such organ-
izat.ons. If the present law can !<•• ex­
tended more certainly to control or check
’ these monopolies or trusts, it should be
! done without delay. Whatever power the
' congress possesses over this most import­
ant subject should be promptly ascer­
tained and asserted.
To the Senate and House of Representa­
At the threshold of your deliberations
juu are called to mourn with your coun­
trymen the death of Vice-PretJ dent Ho-
bartr who passed from this life on the
■10ruing of November 21 last. His great
»oui now rests in eternal peace. His pri­
vate Ufe was pure and elevated, while his
juUk career was ever distinguished by
large capacity, stainless integrity and ex­
alted motives. He has been removed from
the high office which he honoied and dig­
nified, but his lofty character, his devo­
tion to duty his honesty of purpose and
aobie virtues remain with us as a price-
K jm legacy and example.
No Dispute of Serious Character With
Any Government.
combatants. This has been an easy task,
In view of the positive declaration« of
both British and Boer authorities that the
personal and property rights of our citl-
ze’is should be observed.
Upon the withdrawal of the British
agent from Pretoria, the United States
consul was authorized, upon the request
of the British government, and wl h the
assent of the South African and Orange
Free State governments, to exercise the
customary good offices of a neutral for
the care of British interests. In the div-
charge of this function I am happy to say
that abundant opportunity has been af-
forded to show the impartiality of this
government to both the combatants fur
the fourth time in the present decade.
Ol>lto Cuba Nliint He Kept.
This nation has assumed before the
world a grave responsibility for the fu-
ture good government of Cuba, We have
accepted a trust, the fulfillment of which
calls for the sternest integrity of purpose
and the exercise of the highest wisdom.
The new Cuba yet to arise from the ashes
of the past must needs be bound to us by
ties of singular Intimacy and strength, if
its enduring welfare is to be assured,
Whether these ties shaM be organic or eon-
ventional, the destinies of Cuba are in
some rightful form and manner irre-
vocably linked wiih our own, but how and
how far is for the future to determine in
the ripeness of events. Whatever be the
outcome, we must see to it that free Cuba
be a reality, not a name; a perfect entity,
not a hasty experiment bearing within
itself the elements of failure, Our mis­
we took
sion, to
to be fulfilled by turning adrift any
1 ;osely framed commonwealth to face the
vicissitude« which too often attend weak­
er states, whose natural wealth and abun­
dant resources are offset by the Incongrui­
ties of their political organization and the
recurring occasions for Internal rivalries to
sap their strength and diss pate their en­
The greatest blessing which can
come to Cuba is the restoration of her ag­
ricultural and industrial prosperity, which
will give employment to idle men and
re-establish the pursuits of peace. This is
her chief and Immediate need. On the
19th of last August an order was made tor
the taking of the census in the island, to
be completed on the 30th of November.
A review of our relations with foreign
states is presented, with such recom­
mendations as are deemed appropriate.
In my last annual message I adverted
to the claim of the Austro-Hungar an
government for indemnity for the killing
of certain Austrian and Hungarian sub­
jects by the authorities of the state of
Pennsylvania, at Lattimer, while sup­
pressing an unlawful tumult of miners,
September 10, 1897. In view of the verd ct
of acquittal rendered by the court before
which the sheriff and his deputies were
tried for murder, and following the estab­
lished doctrine that the government may
I not be held accountable for injuries suf­
¿Prosperity itt Home mid I'euce With fered by individuals at the hands of the
/til Government«.
public authorities while acting in the line
The 56th congress convenes in its first of duty in suppressing disturbances of the
regular sess.on with the country in a public peace, this government, after due
•ondltion of prosperity, of uni­ consideration of the claim advanced by
versal go id-will among the people al the Austro-Hungarian government, was
homo and relations of peace and friend­ constrained to decline liability to indem­
ship with every government of the world. nify the sufferers.
It is gratifying to be able to announce
Our foreign commerce has shown great
increase in volume and value. The com­ that the Belgian government has mitigated ApquiNiHon of tlx* Island«—The Fili­
pino IiiMurrection,
bined imports and exports for the year the restrictions on the importation of
are the largest ever shown by a single cattle from the United States, to which I ' On the 10th of Decemb- r, 1898, the treaty
year in all our history. Our exports lor
of peace between the United States end
189:» alone exceeded by more than $l.OUd,-
Spain was signed. It provided, among
$UU,000 our imports and exports conib.ned
Ouher things, that Spain should cede to
in 1870. Tile imports per capita are 20 per
the United States the archipelago known
•ent less than In 1870, while the exports Status of (lie Negotiation« for the as the Philippine Islands, that the United
per capita are 58 per cent more than in
State« should pay to Spain the sum of |2x-
Inter-Ocean U aterwvay.
1870, showing the enlarged capacity ol’ the
000,000, and that the civil rlghis and po.lti-
The contract of the Maritime Canal cal status of the native inhabitants of
United States to satisfy the wants of its
•wn increasing population, as well as to Company, of Nicaragua, was declared the territories thus ceded to the United
contribute to those of the peoples of other forfeited by tlie N.earagua government States should be determined by the con­
nations. Exports of agricultural products on the 10th of October, on the ground of gress. The treaty was ratified by the sen­
were $784,776,142. Of manufactured prod­ nonfulfillment within the 10-year term ate on the 6th of February, 1898, and by
ucts we exported in value $339,592,116, be­ stipulated In the contract. The Maritime the government of Spain on the 19th cf
ing lurger than any previous year. Jt 1« Canal Company has lodged a protest March following. The ratifications were
a noteworthy fact that the only years in against this action, alleging rights in the exchanged on the 11th of April, and the
all our history when the products of our premises which appear worthy of con­ treaty publicly proclaimed. On the 2d of
manufactures sold abroad exceeded those sideration. This government expects that March, the congress voted rhe sum con­
Nicaragua will afford the protestants a
bought abroad were 1898 and 1899.
full and fair hearing upon the merits of templated by the treaty, and the amount
was paid over to the Spanish government
the case.
commission, 1 on the 1st of May. In this manner the
Philippines came to the United States. The
Receipt« mid l>iNl»ur«r ment« for tlie which has been engaged upon the work
( of examination and survey of a ship canal islands were ceded by the government of
Ln«t FI h <* u I 1 enr.
Spain, which had been in undisputed pos­
Government receipts from all sources f.»r route across Nicaragua, having completed session of them for centuries. They were
the fiscal year ended June 30, 1839, includ- its lab rs and made Its report, was dis­ accepted not merely by our authorized
fcig $11, 79 a , 314 14, part payment of the Cen­ solved on May 21, and on June 10 a commissioners in Paris, under the direct.on
tral Pacific Indebtedness, aggregated $>1‘J,- new commission, known as the Isthmian of the executive, but by the constitutional
182,01)4 35. of this sum, customs receipts canal commission, was organized under and well-considered action of the repre­
were $206.128,481 75, and those from inter- the terms of the act approved March sentatives of the people of the United
sal revenue $273,437,161 51.
For the fiscal 3. 1899, for the purpose of examining the States In both houses of congress.
year the expenditures were $700,093,564 02, American isthmus with a view to deter-
I had every reason to believe, and I still
m ning the most practicable and feasible
leaving a deficit of $89.111,559 67.
believe, that this transfer of sovereignty
The secretary of the treasury estimates route for a ship canal across that isth­ was in accordance with the w’ishes and
that the receipts for the current fiscal mus, with its probable coat an<i o hef i the aspirations of the great mass of the
fear will aggregate $610,958,112, and upon essential details. This commission, un­ i Filipino people. From the earliest moment
he basis of present appropriations the ex­ der tlie presidency of Rear-Admiral John i no opportunity was lost of assuring the
penditures will aggiegate $600,958,112, leav­ (r. Walker, United States navy (retired), people of the islands of our ardent desire
ing $4 o ,<X m ),000. For the fiscal year ended entered promptly upon the work Intrusted for their welfare and of the intention of
Junw 30, 1899, the Internal revenue receipts to it, and is now carrying on examina- ' this government to clo everything possible
I t;ons in Nicaragua along the route of the
were increased about $100,000,000.
Panama canal, and in Darien from the to advance their interests. In my order of
Atlantic in the nelghh rhood of the Artrlc the 19th of May, 1898, the commander of
I river to the bay of Panama, on vhe Pa­ the military exped tion dispatched to the
Good progress has been made, Philippines was instructed to declare that
A Fitting; Time to Make Provision for cific side.
l>ut under the law a comprehensive anil we came not to make war on the people
Its ( on ( I ii mi lire.
of the country, “nor upon any part or
I urgently recommend, to support complete Investigation is called for. which
the existing gold s andard and to main­ will require much lab >r and considerable faction among them, but to protect them
The work in their homes, in their employments and
tain the parity In value of the coins of time for Its accomplishment.
in their personal and rellgtous rights.”
the two metals (gold and silver) and the will be prosecuted us expeditiously as
That there should be no doubt as io the
equal power of every dollar at all times possible, and a report may be expected
authority there, on the l"th
in the market and in the payment of at the earliest practicable date.
The great importance of this work can­ of August, it was directed that “there
debts, the secretary of the treasury be
must be no joint occupation with the in­
given additional power and charged with not be too often or too strongly pressed
(lie duty to sell United States bonds and upon the attention of the congress. In my surgents"; that the T’nlted States must
the peace and protect persons
to employ such oilier elf ctive means as m -ssago of a year ago I expressed my
and property within the territory <?c. u-
may b * necessary to the v ends. The au­ views of the necessity of a canal which P .-d by their military and naval foro s;
thority should Include the power to sell would link the two great oceans, to which that the insurgen s and all others must
>onds on long and short time, as co dl- I again invite your consideration. The
the military occupation and au­
tlons may ivqulre, and should pro »ale reasons then presented for early action recognize
thority of the United States. As early as
for a rate of Interest lower than that are even stronger npw.
I December 4. before the cession and In an-
fixed by the act of Janu try 14. 1875. While
I tlclpatlon of that event, the command r in
there is now no commercial fright wh eh
Manila was urged to restore peace and
withdraws gobi from the governme'.t,
tranquility, and to undertake the estab­
but on the contrary, such widespread AliiMkn Itonndnry (’<»n ten tl«»n nml
lishment of a bénéficient government,
(Hl»s*r I imvttlrd QurMtlon«.
confidence that gold ¿seeks the treasury,
d<*mnndlng paper money in exchange, yet ■ In my last annual message, I referred to which should afford the fullest security
•he Vt ry situation points to the present as the pending negotiations with Great Brit­ for life and property.
' On the 21st of December, after the treaty
the most fitting time to make adequate ain in respect to the Dominion of Canada.
was signed, the commander of the forces
provision to insure tin» continuance of the By means of an executive agreement, a of occupation was instructed “to announce
gold standard and of public confidence In joint high commission had been created
the ability and of the govern­ for the purpose of adjusting all unse tied and proclaim. In the most public manm r,
ment to meet all Its obligations In the questions between the United States and that we come, not as Invaders and con­
money which the civlliz. d world recog- Canada, embracing 12 subjects, among querors. but as friends to protect the na­
i which were the questions of the fur seals, tives in their homes, tn their employments
•isea as the best.
the fisheries of the const and contiguous and In their personal and religious
(Hit MllKlltM MIRINI:.
j inland waters, the Alaska boundary, the rights." The same day, while ordering
1 transit of merchandise In bond, the alien General Otis to see that peace should be
luiltittfrlnl GreiGne«« Miotilil II«» Mup- labor laws, mining rights, reciprocity in preserved In llo Ilo, he was admonished
trade, revision of the agreement respect­ that: "It is most important that there
l>lr ms'iitrd by S«» h I'rowre««.
should be no conflict with the insurgents."
The value of an American merchant ma­ ing naval vessels in the Great Lakes, a
rine to the extension of our commerc al more complete marking of parts of the On the first day of January, 1899. general
orders reiterated that the kindly inten-
•ratio and the strengthening of our power boundary, provision for the conveyance of
1 tlons of this government should in every
upon the sea Invites the Immediate ae.loti criminals, and for wrecking and salvage.
Much progress had been made by the possible way, be communicated to the
ci congress.
Our national development
will be one-side.I and unsatisfactory so commission toward the adjustmeht of | insurgents.
The l'hlltpplne Commission.
kmg us the remarkable growth of our In­ many of these questions, when it became
land industries remains unaec-mpanled apparent that an irreconcilable difference
On the 21st of January. I announced my
»y piogr» sh n the sea. There Is no lack of views was entertained respecting the Intention of dispatching to Manila a com­
sf constitutional authority fur legisla ion delimitation of the Alaska boundary. In mission composed of three gentlemen of
which shull give to the country maritime the failure of an agreement to the mean­ the highest character and distinction,
Strength commensurate with Its Indus­ ing of articles ill ami iv of the treaty of thoroughly acquainted with the Orient,
trial achlevt meats ind with Its rank 1825 between Russia and Great Britain, who, in association with Admiral Dewey
among nations of the earth.
The past which defined the boundary between Alas, and Major-General Otis, were Instructed
year has recorded exceptional activity In ka and Canada, the American commission­ to "facilitate the most humane and ef-
aur shipyards, and the promises of con­ ers proposed that the subject of the fectlve ends and to secure, w th the least
tinual prosperity in shipbuilding are abun­ boundary be laid aside, and that the re­ possible delay, the benefits of a wise and
dant. Advanced legislation for the protec­ maining ques.ions of difference be pro­ generous protection of Ufe and proeprty to
tion of our seamen has been enacted. Our ceeded with, some of which were so far the inhabitants." These gentlemen wero j
•east trade, under regulations wisely advanced as to assure the probability of a Dr. Jacob Gould Schurman, president of
framed at the beginning of the govern­ settlement. This being dee ln< d by the Cornell university; the Hon. Charlo.« D n-
ment and since, shows results for the past Biitlsh commissioners, an adjournment bv, for many years min's’er to Ch na,
Usual year unequaled in our rceortki or was taken until the boundary should bo and Professor Dean C. Worcester, of the
those of any other power. We shall fall ad lusted by the two governments. The university of Michigan, who had made
to realise our opportunities, however. If subject has been receiving the careful at­ a most careful study of life in the Phil- .
we complac« ntly regard only m liters at tention which Its Importance demands, ipplnes.
tome and blind ourselves to the necessity with the result thiit a modus vivendi for
While the treaty of peace was under :
•f scouring our share in the valuable car­ provisional demarkat ons In the region consideration tn the senate, these comm’s- '
about the head of Lynn canal ha« been «oner<» set out on their mission of good
rying trade of the world.
Last year American vessels transported agreed upon, and It Is hop« «1 that the will and liberation. Their character was a
a smaller share of our exp rts and Imports n«'go latlons now In progress between the sufficient guaranty of the benefleient pur- i
than during any former year tn all our two governments will end In an ag-ce­ pose with which they went, even If thev
bistory. and the measure of our depend­ ment for the establishment and delimita­ had not borne the positive nstructlons of
ence upon foreign shipping was painfully tion of a pel manent boundary.
this governm« nt which made th» ir err in I 1
sianlfes'eJ to our pt'opb».
Without any
kttltuelr Iti Itiiilo-Porr NN ar.
pre-eminently one of peace and friendship. I
«holes of our own, but from necessity, the
Apart from these questions growing out Rut before their arrival in Manila, the
departments of the government charm'd of our relatlorship with our northern s'rlrter ambition of a f* w leaders of the
with military atvl naval operations in the ne ghber, the most friendly disposition Filipino« had created a «tuation full of
Fast and In the West Indies had to ob­ ami teady agreement have marked the embarrassments for us and most grievous
tain from foreign flags merchant vessel« discussion of the numerous matteis aris­ In Its consequences to themselves.
«agential for these operations.
ing in the vast and Intimate intercom««
The clear and impartial preliminary re­
I of the United States with Great Britain. port of the commissioners which I trans- ,
This government has maintained an attt- mlt herewith, gives so lucid and compre- *
•'Rom i : m of the trusts .
tude of neutrality in the unfortunate con- henslve a history of the present Insurer- I
Ircd of Early Nmendment of (he K<- ; teat between Great Br tain and the Bot*r tlonarv movement that the story need
states of Africa.
We have remained not be here repented. It Is enough to say
IntlsK Law.
taithful to the precept of avoiding en­ that the claim of the rebel leader, that
Comlinations of capital, organised Into tangling alliances as to affairs not of our he was promised Independence by any !
Had circumstances officer of the Unite»! States In return for
trusts to control the conditions of trade own direct concern.
among uur cltlsens, to stifle competition, suggested that the parties to the quarrel his assistance has no foundation In fact,
limit production, and determine the prices would have welcomed any kind expression an«! Is categorically denied by the very
•f products consumed by the people. are of the hoi*e of the American people that witnesses who were called to prove It.
provoking public discussion and should the war might be averted, good offices The most the Insurgent leader hoped f«v
The when he cam»' back to Manila was the
•arty claim Che attention of congress The would have been gladly tendered
Ihdustrlal commission
created by the United States representative at Pretoria liberation of the Islands from the Spanish
of June It, l'l'1. was early Instructed to see that all neutral control, which they had been laboring for
*•« been engaged in ««tended hearings American interrs « be respected by the years, without success, to throw off.
Outbreak of the Insurrection.
The prompt accomplishment of this
work by the American army and navy
gave him other ideas and ambitions, and
insidious suggestions from various quar­
ters pervfirted the purposes and intentions
wdth which he had taken up arms. No
sooner had our army captured Manila than
the Filipino forces began to assume an
attitude of suspicion and hostility, which
the utmost efforts of our officers and
troops were unable to disarm or modify.
Their kindness and forbearance was tak^n
as a proof of cowairdice. The aggression
of the Filipinos continually increased, un­
til, finally, just before the time set for the
senate of the United States to vote upon
the treaty, an attack, evidently prepared
in advance, was made all along the
Am^fican lines, which resulted in a terri­
bly destructive and sanguinary repulse of
the insurgents.
Ten days later an order of the insurgent
government was issued to its adherents
w’ho had remained in Manila, of which
General Otis justly observes that “for
barbarous Intent it is unequaled in mod­
ern times.” Tt directs that at 8 o’clock
on the night of the Urh of February, the
territorial militia shall come together tn
the streets of San Pedro, armed with
their bolos. with guns and ammunition
W’here convenient: that Filipino families
on’v shall be respected; that all other
individuals, of whatever race they may
be. shall he exterminated without any
compassion, after the extermination of
the army of occupation, and adds:
“Brothers, we must avenge ourselves on
the Americans and exterminate them,
that we may take our revenge for the
infamies and treacheries which they hav*
committed upon us. Have no compassion
upon them; attack wdth vigor.”
A copy of this fell, by good fortune,
Into the hands of our officers, and thev
were able to take measures to control the
rising which was actually attempted on
the night of February 22. a week later
than was originally contemplated. A con­
siderable number of armed insurgents en­
tered the city by waterways and swamns,
and. in concert with confederates Inside,
atiemnted to destroy Manila by fire. Thev
wore kept In check during the night, and
the next day driven out of the city, with
heavy loss.
ANlxit Hie Commi ms Ion Found.
This was the unhappy condition of af­
fairs which confronted our commissioners
on their arrival in Manila. They had
come with the hone and intention of co­
operation with Admiral Dewey and Ma­
jor-General Otis in establishing peace ard
order in the archipelago, and the largest
measure of self-government compatible
with the true welfare of the people. What
they actually found can best be set forth
in their own words:
“Deplorable as war is. the one in which
we are now engaged was unavoidable by
us. We were attacked by a bold, adven­
turous and enthusiastic army. No alter­
native was left us, except Ignominious
retreat. It is not to be conceived of that
any American would have sanctioned the
surrender of Manila to the Insurgents.
Our obligations to other nations and to
the friendly Filipinos and to ourselves and
our flag demanded that force should be
met with force. Whatever the future of
the Philippines may be, there is no course
onon to us now except the prosecution of
the war until the insurgents are reduced
to submiss'on. The commission is of the
opinion that there has been no time since
the destruction of the Spanish squadron
by Admiral Dowev when it was possib’e
to withdraw’ our farces from the islands
either with honor to ourselves or with
safety to the Inhabitants.”
The course thus clearly indicated has
been unflinchingly pursued. The rebel­
lion must be put down. Civil government
cannot be thoroughly established until
order is restored. With a devotion and
gallantry worthy of its most brilliant
history, the army, ably and loyally as­
sisted by the navy, has carried on this un­
welcome but most righteous campaign
with richly deserved success. The noble
self-sacrifice with which our soldiers and
sailors, w’hose terms of service had ex­
pired. refused to avail themselves of their
•right to return home as long as they wero
needed at the front, forms one of the
brightest pares in our annals. Although
their operations have been somewhat in­
terrupted and cheeked by a »*alny season
of unusual violence and duration, they
have gained ground steadily In every di­
rection. and now’ look forward confidently
to a speedy completion of their task.
The unfavorable circumstances con­
nected with an active campaign have not
beep permitted to Interfere with the
equally Important wrork of reconstruc­
tion. Again T Invite your attention to the
report of the commissioners for the inter­
esting nml encouraging details of the
work already accomplished In the es­
tablishment of peace and order and the
1”aucuration of self-governing municipal
life In many portions of the archipelago.
| accustomed channels.
Manila, whose fn-
' habitants were fleeing to the country a
few months ago, is now a populous and
thriving mart of commerce. The earnest
and unremitting endeavors of the com­
mission and the admiral and major-gen­
eral commanding the department of the
Pacific, to assure the people of the benefi­
cent intentions of this government, have
had their legitimate effect in convincing
the great mass of them that peace and
safety and prosperity and stable govern­
ment can only be found in a loyal accept­
ance of the authority of the United States.
The Duty of Congress.
The future government of the Philip­
pines rests with the congress of the Unit­
ed States.
Few graver responsibilitlet
have ever been confided to as.
If wc
accept them in a spirit worthy of our race
and traditions, great opportunity comes
with them. The islands lie under the
shelter of our flag.
They are ours by
every title of law’ and equity. They can­
not be abandoned. If we desert them we
leave them at once to anarchy and finally
to barbarism.
We fling them, a golden
apple of discord, among the rival power«,
no one of which would permit another to
seize them unquestioned.
Their rich
plains and valleys w’ould be the scene of
endless strife and bloodshed.. The advent
of Dewey’s fleet in Manila bay. Instead
of being, as we hope, the dawn of a new
day of freedom and progress, would have
been the beginning of an era of misery and
violence worse than any which has dark­
ened their unhappy past.
It doe« not seem desirable that I should
recommend at this time a specific final
form of government for these islands.
When peace shall be restored It will be the
duty of congress to construct a plan of
government which shall establish and
maintain freedom and order and peace In
the Philippines. The insurrection is still
existing, and when it terminates, further
information w’ill be required as to the
actual condition of affairs before inaugu­
rating a permanent scheme of civil gov­
The full report of the commission, now
in preparation, will contain information
and suggestions whk'h will be of value to
congress, and which I w’ill transmit as
soon as it is completed.
As long as the
insurrection continues, the military arm
must necessarily be supreme.
Necessity for
A necessity for immediate legislative ac­
tion exists in the territory of Alaska.
Substantially the only law providing a
civil government for this territory is the
act of May 17, 1884. This is meager in Its
provisions and is fitted only for the ad­
ministration of affalis in a country sparse­
ly inhabited by civilized people and unim­
portant in trade and production, as wa?
Alaska at the time this act was passed
The increase in population by immigra­
tion during the past few years, consequent
upon the discovery of gold, has produced
such a condition as calls for more ample
facilities for local self-government and
more numerous conveniences of civil and
judicial administration.
Hardships Worked by the Laxv« a«
Present in Force.
I recommend that legislation to the
same end be had with reference to Puerto
Rico. The time is ripe for the adoption
of a temporary form of government foi
this island, and many suggestions made
with reference to Alaska are applicable
also to Puerto Rico. The system of civil
jurisprudence now adopted by the people
of this island is described by competent
lawyers who are familiar with it, as
thoroughly modern and scientific, so far
as it relates to matters of internal busi­
ness, trade, production and social and
private rights in general.
The cities of
the island are governed under charters
which probably require very little or no
change. So that with relation to matters
of local concern and private rights, it is
not probable that much, if any. legislation
is desirable; but with reference to pub­
lic administration and the relations of the
islands to the federal government there
are many matters which are of pressing
Dcnounoed — Lynching!»
Not Be Tolerated*
The love of law and sense of obedience
and submission. to the lawfully consti­
tuted tribunals are imbedded In the
hearts of our people, and any vlola-
t on of these sentiments and disregard of
their obligations justly arouses public
Civil Government in NeKron.
condemnation. The guaranties of life, lib­
A notable beginning has been made In erty and of civil rights should be faithfull}
the establishment of a government in upheld; the right of trial by jury re­
the island of Negros, which is deserving spected and defended.
The rule of the
of special consideration. This was the courts should assure the public of the
first island to accept American sovereign­ prompt trial of those charged with crim­
ty. Its people unreservedly proclaimed inal offense, and upon conviction the pun­
allegiance to the United States, and ishment should be commensurate with
adopted a constitution looking to the es­ the enormity of the crime. Those who
tablishment of a popular government. It in disregard of law’ and public peace,
was impossible to guarantee to the peo- | unwilling to await the judgment of court
pie of Negros that the constitution so I and jury, constitute themselves judges
adopted should be the ultimate form of I and executioners should not escape the
government. Such a question, under the severest penalties of their crimes.
treaty with Spain and in accordance with
Extending the ClintMifled Service.
our own constitution and laws, came ex­
The executive order of May 6, 1896, ex­
clusively under the jurisdiction of con­
gress. The government actually set up tending the limits of the classified serv­
by the inhabitants of Negros eventually ! ice, brought within the operation of the
proved unsatisfactory to the natives them­ civil service law and rules nearly all of
selves. A new system was put into force the executive civil service nut previously
Some of the inclusions were
by order of the major-general command­ classified.
ing the department, of which the fol­ found wholly illogcal and unsuited to
the several departments. The
lowing are the most Important elements:
It w’as ordered that the government of application of the rules to many of the
the Island of Negros should consist of a places so included was found to result
military governor, appointed by the in friction and embarrassment. After long
United States military governor of the and very thorough consideration, it be­
Philippines, and a civil governor and an came evident to the heads of the depart­
advisory council elected by the people. The ments responsible for their efficiency that
military governor was authorized to ap- | in order to remove these difficulties and
point secretaries of the treasury. Interior, promote an efficient and harmonious ad­
agriculture, public instruction, an attor­ ministration. certain amendments were
ney-general and an auditor. The seat of necessary. These amendments were pro­
government was fixed at Baeolor.
The ' mulgated by me In executive order datea
military governor exercises the supreme j May 29, 1899.
executive power. He is to see that the Anniversary of NNnmhington’s Death
laws are executed, appoint to offices and
The 14th of December will be the on«
fill all vacancies in office not otherwise hundredth anniversary of the death of
provided for. and may. with the approval Washington. For a hundred years tne re­
of the military governor of the Phllln- | public has had the priceless advantage
pines, remove any officer from office. The of the lofty standard of character ani
civil govern«'»* advises the military gov­ conduct which he bequeathed to the
ernor on all public and civil questions,
It is an Inheritance
and presides over the advisory council. • American people.
He. tn general, performs the duties which time, instead of wasting, continu­
ally increases and enriches.
We maj
are performed by secretaries of state In justly hope that in the years to come the
our own system of government. The ad-
of hi?
visory council consists of eight members
e'ected by th»' peonle w’lthln territorial ■ country may be even more potent fo?
limits, which are define«! in the order of go '<1 than in the century which is draw­
ing to a close. I have been glad to learn
the commanding general.
that in many parts of the country th»
Ngreement NN Ith Millan of Snlns.
people will fittingly observe this hi«tork.
The authorities of the Sulu islands have anniversary.
a-'ceptrd the succession of the United i
Rexpnnmibllitles of Congrenn.
States to the rights of Spain, and our flag
Presented to th s congress are great op­
floats over that territory. On the 10th ; portunities.
With them come great re­
of August. 1899, Brigadier-General Rates. 1 sponsibilities.
The power confided to uk
United Stages volunteers, negotiated an Increasf* the weight of our obligations tc
agreement with the sultan an«! his prin­ the people, and we must be profoundly
cipal chiefs, which I transmit herewith.
sensitive of them as we contemplate the
Rrbrlllnn Nrnrlr Ended.
new and grave problems which confront
I communicate these facts to the con­ us.
Aiming only at the public good, wt
gress for its information an«! action. cannot err A r ght interpretation of the
Everything indicates that with the speedy people’s will and of duty cannot fail t<
suppression of the Tagal rebellion, life in injure wise measures for the welfare ol
the archipelago will soon assume its ordi­ the islands which have come under the
nary course under the protection of our authority of the United States, and inure
sovereignty. an«1 the people of those fa­ to the common interest and lasting honor
vored islands will enjoy a prosperity and of our country.
a freedom whk'h they have never before | Never has this nation had more abun­
known. Already hundreds of school« are dant cause than during the past year fo»
open and filled with children. Religious thankfulness to God for manifold bless­
freedom Is sacredly assured and enjoyed, ing and mercies for which we make
an»! the courts are dispensing justice. reverent acknowledgment.
Business is beginning to circulate in
■Mt.rn Or»«on Copp.» Pro.p.c« «’»»’—
Ise« Great NVealth.
The three great copper claims which
the venerable Lewis and his
have clung to so lon^ »re at last to be
opened, says the Baker City Democrat.
Thi« means that Eastern Oregon will
soon have the greatest mining property
upon earth. There are lying upon the
surface of the Atlantic. Gigantio and
Pacific, as these claims are called, halt
a million tons of ore that will average
J pel cent copper, besides some gold
and silver. As a copper mine no two
properties in the world can approxi­
mate it when developed. The claims
are well named, in view of their almost
incomprehensible magnitude. Through
their entire length of 4,500 feet they
are traversed by two mammoth ledges
hugging each other side by side, run­
ning down practically to China, and
forming one continuous ledge 160 feet
in width. In the comparative esti­
mates given as to the richness of the
ore it must be remembered that in the
Calumet & Hecla, and also in the Ana­
conda, the ore comes from a depth of
hundreds and even thousands of feet,
while in the Oregon wonder it was
taken from the surface, where the leach­
ing process has somewhat impoverished
it. With depth it will increase also in
richness. Nor have we mentioned the
gold, to say nothing of the silver, which
also runs to a considerate extent in
this marvelous ore body. The esti­
mate is staggering already. Suffice it
to say that it is now bonded to a com­
bination of Baker City and Des Moines,
la., parties, with the controlling in­
terest in Des Moines, and that the
greatest mineral deposit known to ex­
ist on earth will soon be opened within
20 miles of this city.
Southern Oregon Mines.
The Josephine dredger at Sailor dig­
gings started up again last week.
Henry Rissue has made a valuable
strike on one of his claims in the Bo­
hemia district. The ledge is a well-
defined one eight feet wide and will
assay $30 to the ton. A large deal was
recently made of 640 acres of patented
land, containing placer and quarts
claims, on Galls creek, near Gold Hill,
formerly known as the Klippe property.
It was an all-cash deal, and the buyer
was F. H. Osgood, of Seattle.—Grants
Pass Mining Journal.
Shipping Cape Nome Sand.
The steam schooner Albion, which is
now speeding to San Francisco from
Alaska, has a ballast cargo of 400 tons
of Cape Nome beach sands. The J. S.
Kimball Company, owner of the vessel,
has undertaken to demonstrate whether
the ordinary sands of the Cape Nome
beach cannot be transported to San
Francisco at a profit. The gravel is to
be treated by the most modern and im­
proved machinery. Should it be found
that it contains pay gold it is probable
that next summer all returning vessels
■will try for Cape Nome beach ballasts
The Alpha, also of the Kimball line,
which arrived at this port from the
North en route to San Francisco re­
cently-, also had 50 tons of Cape Nome
sands for ballast.
Mining Notes.
There is an unprecedented demand
for coal in the East. R. R. McMas­
ters, of the Illinois Coal Company, of
Chicago, says that if the Washington
coal mines could produce four times as
much as they are turning out, a mar­
ket would be ready for it in any city
east of Omaha. There is a coal famine
in the East, and the Northwest will
have to supply the shortage. Mr. Mc­
Masters says: The mines from which
we have hertofore received our supply
in the East, owing to a scarcity of la­
bor and a lack of cars to ship, are away
behind with their supply, and we are
forced to get coal from any source we
can. Coal in the Chicago market is
very high, and unless relief comes soon
will go higher.
The prospecting expedition sent out
by the Olympic Mining Company, of
Seattle, last summer, has returned.
They prospected along the Coast with
their own schooner and report having
secured one property of great value—a
copper bearing lode situated 50 miles
northwest of Wrangel, on Duncan chan­
nel, on Kupreanof island. The whole
vein assays over 10 per cent copper, be­
sides considerable gold and silver.
The ledge is about eight feet wide with
a solid pay streak two feet wide. This
is the fourth shipper which has been
unearthed by this company during the
last four months. The company will
commence shipping ore from this prop­
erty soon.
The far-famed Treadwell mine on
Douglas island, Alaska, paid out, on
October 28, the fourth quarterly divi­
dend of 37 % cents a share to its stock­
holders. The amount paid out since
January 1 to October 28 was $300,000,
a sum that averages about $1,000 for
every working day of that period.
October’s gross receipts at the mine
were $107,087, and expenses $36,500.
The October report showed 540 stamps
crushed 58.407 tons, yielding $68.646,
with a saving of 1,083 tons snlphnrets,
worth $30,173. The ore averaged but
$1.83 per ton.
The Pacific Coast Company, which
operates the coal mines at Franklin,
Newcastle and Black Diamond, has
recently made several advances in the
wages paid to its men, amounting to a
total average of 7 per cent.
State Mine Inspector C. F. Owen es­
timates that Washingtan’s coal output
for the year to December 31 will be
over $,000,000 tons, a 12 per cent in­
crease over the 1898 output shown by
reports received to September 30, 189».
Ore similar to that of Index, and in
large quantities, is reported to have
been found in the Leavenworth dis­
trict, on the east side of the Cascades.
The Cjuilp mine at Republic has l«een
•old to Canadian capitalists far $70,-