Yamhill County Reporter LATER NEWS. HELD UP BY ONE NO MAN. REBELS THERE. roan* expected a Fight at Tagudlu. Daring Robbery of an Fxpretu* Car in The British transport I »more was but the Enemy Fled. South Carolina. driven ashore near Cape Town. D. I. ASBVBI, Pnbll.her. Manila, Dec. 6.—The Spanish trans­ Charleston, 8. C., Dec. 4.—An un­ Private Merritt, of Battery B, com­ known white man, closely masked, Senate Adjourned Farly as a port Aliva and the gunboats Villa M c M innville .... Strength of Boer Resistance held ...OREGON mitted suicide at San Francisco. Lobes and Quios, with the Spanish gar- up the two messengers in a South­ Archbishop Chapelle will sail for rison and civilians of the Carolina ern express car tonight, and under Woefully Underrated. Mark of Respect. Manila on the transport Sherman. islands, arrived here today. They re­ cover of a revolver, compelled them to port that the German governors of th» Thirty-eight wheelmen staited in a give up $1,700 in cash. Eight thous­ islands, who arrived on the warship * six-days’ bicycle race in New York. and dollars in another safe was over ­ ANXIETY OF BRITISH APPARENT HENDERSON ELECTED SPEAKER Jaguar, occupied Yap November 3, looked by the outlaw. The train had General Methuen is believed to have Reipan November 16 and Ponapi Octo­ just left Branchville when Messengers resumed the advance to Kimbereley. The Whole Border District Bet ween Ramsey and Rhodes were covered with Objection Raised to Roberts Taking the ber 3. They garrisond the places with Couiprehemlve Review of the Import­ ’ Four vessels from Brazil are quaran- The Spanish governors Colesburg hik I Burgersdorp lias De- two revolvers. One Oath and Action Postponrd Pending 15 men each. messener was ant Happenings of the Past Week 1 lined in New York for fear of plague. of Yap and Ponapi said they considered clared for the Boers. made to stand with his hands over his Report of Special Committee, Culled From the Telegraph Column». the small German garrisons in danger The schooner Eureka, on the beach head and the other was compelled to from the natives. The Spanish gun­ near Coquille river, will be a total loss. London, Dec. 5.—The week opened hand over the money packages in the Washington, Dec. 5.—Appropriate boats will probably be offered for sal» Lawton has reached Bayombong. After 82 days the Glory of the Seas without a word of news such as the safe. After warning the messengers The battle of Graspan was the first has arrived at 'Frisco from Puget British public is so anxiously awaiting. not to put a foot outside of the car un­ tribute to the memory of the late Vice- to the United States government. President Hobart was paid by the sen­ The Spanish secretary, Senor Ben- battle fought on Free State territory. Sound. With a kirger army in the Held than til the train had got under way again, ate today at its first session of the 56th quente, has arrived here with a not» the robber pulled the bell and jumped The internal revenue collected in Five persons at a Thanksgiving party the country ever before mobilized, it congress Monday. The session lasted from Lieutenant Gilmore to his sister, Oregon the last fiscal year amounted in Medford, Or., had a combined age can only be said that the loss of 3,500 off as the train slowed up. The con­ anly 33 minutes, and only the moBt Mrs. Major Price. He says he ha» ductor saw the robber escaping along ­ to $413,775. |nen, entailed before the enemy’s bord­ of 376 years. formal and necessary business was tran­ been 111, but is now in fairly good side the track, but, thinking him a Troops in Cuba are to be removed, The postmaster at Cape Nome reports ers have been crossed, is a serious mat­ tramp, signaled the engineer ahead. sacted. After the adoption of the usual health. The Spaniards befriended hin» General Wood has given his approval I to Washington that the district is as ter and, while there is no feeling of When the train got under wav the mes­ routine resolutions and the administra­ and gave him money and clothes. despondency as to eventual results of tion to the new members of the oath of of such action. rich as is represented. The Americans left Namapacan, prov­ the war, it is regretfully admitted on sengers came out and told their story. Secretary Gage will probably con- Mr. Taylor, of Ohio, objected to the all sides that the strength of the Boer The car was a combination baggage office, Sewell (Rep. N. J.) presented ince of Union, this morning, expecting tinue the purchase of government bonds swearing in of Roberts, of Utah, as resistance has been woefully under­ »nd express, and the door had been fitting resolutions upon the death of to have a fight at Tagudin, in South the vice-president, the resolutions were Ilicos, but they found, on arriving for another month or more. soon as congress opened. Jpened to permit the conductor to rated. ordered to be communicated to the there, that 600 rebels under General reach the baggage section, which wn Ex-Collector of Customs Thomas J. A big log boom gave away at Che­ It is now seen that the attempt to house of representatives, and the ses­ Tino had evacuated 36 hours befor» Black, died suddenly of heart trouble halis and 2,000,000 feet of logs are hold a useless position at Mafeking in the forward end of the car. sion, on motion of Kean (Kep. N. J.) deserting an almost impregnable posi­ and asthma at Portland, Or. afloat in Gray’s harbor. was a serious tactical mistake, as was How tiie Khalifa Died. was suspended. tion. As usual on the opening days of con­ E'our blocks of business houses were Cairo, Dec. 4.—Officers from the Appropriations for the three state also the endeavor to keep the large The residents of Tagudin received Soudan who have arrived here say that gress, the Senate chamber was a verita­ the Americans outside the town with a. laid in ashes in Philadelphia. The scohols in Oregon are running short civil population in Kimberley. Perhaps the brightest spot for Eng- when General Wingate’s force overtook ble conservatory. Pending the actual brass band. They had been robbed of total loss is estimated at $3,000,000. and the schools may have to quit. lish readers today is the announcement the khalifa, the latter tried to outflank convention of the senate, the chamber almost everything by the insurgents, The iron and steel trade is rather The United States supreme court has that President McKinley lias designated quiet in some lines, but prices are declared that a combination of pipe the son of Secretary Hay to succeed the Anglo-Egyptians, but failed. See­ presented a most animated and pictur­ and were glad to welcome friendly and ing his position was hopeless, the kha­ esque scene. The galleries were tilled protecting troops. holding up, and scarcity is predicted. manufacturers is unconstitutional. Mr. Macrum in Pretoria. The Daily lifa bade his emirs stay wth him and with a brilliant and distinguished aud­ A similar reception awaited General President McKinley is considering a Owing to the death of Vice-Presi­ Telegraph says: die. He then spread a sheepskin on ience. Young at Santa Cruz. plan for dividing Cuba into two parts dent Hobart, the president’s message “This appointment is a graceful the ground and sat down on it, with Two protests were filed, one against The inhabitants of Santa Cruz and of and placing Geauels W. Wood and Lud­ waH not sent to congress on Monday. concession on the part of the United the emirs on each side of him. The the seating of Quay and the other other towns through which the Ameri­ low in charge. Section men on the Southein Pacific States government to British feeling. khalifa was found shot in the head, igainst Clark, of Montana. cans passed sav that Aguinaldo and hi» The Oregon, Samara and Callao, near Milwaukie, Or., struck because j Our countrymen’s interests will be safe heart, arms and legs, and the emirs entre refugee army have gone into the in the hands of the new consul. ” In the House. with 160 bluejackets and marines cap­ they could not go home to meals and were lying dead beside him. The mountains eastward since the Oregon, South African news is now six days members of his bodyguard were all Washington, Dec. 5.—Enormous Samar and Callao attacked Vgan and tured the port of Vigan, province of lodging. in arrears. The censorship does not crowds witnessed the opening scenes in landed a force there. south Slices, notrh of Manila. Eastern woolen mills have bought yet permit details of the Modder river dead in front of them. General Win­ The principal gate’s force Bwept over them without the house yesterday American manufacturers are selling 1,250,000 pounds of wool in St. Louis battle to be transmitted. Some vague SITUATION IN CUBA. to the outside world over $100,000,000 at one sale, It is the biggest sale ever statements have been published in Cape recognizing the khalifa and his emirs, interest centered in the disposition of but they were identified later. The Roberts, the Mormon representative worth of iron and steel in excess of any made in the West. Town papers, and according to these khalifa is described as of medium from Utah. Those who anticipated a Havana Commercial Company Send» earlier year in their history. Armed Guards to Its Plantation. The latest report from the Modder Boers numbered 8,000 men, and were height, strong and stout, ci light sensational denonment were disappoint­ General Methuen, in command o: river camp says the Boers were not entrenched on both banks of the brown, color and wearing a long gray ed. The programme outlined by the Havana, Dec. 6.- -The Patria, dis­ the British forces, was slightly wound­ driven to retreat, but marched away in stream, although mostly on the north­ beard. Republican leaders at their conference cussing the references to Cuba, in Sec­ ed at Modder river. Colonel Northcott the night after the battle. ern bank. The British, according to Friday night was partially carried out. retary Root’s report, pronounces them Wrecked by a Breaker. and Lieutenant-Colonel Stopford were I The objection to the administration of very satisfactory,” and says that “in­ Among the river and harbor improve­ these accounts, drove the enemy across Eureka, Cal., Dec. 4. — The steamer killed. j the oath to Roberts was entered by dependence is safe.” ments eestimatd for under continuous the river, compelled them to retreat The great Thanksgiving football contracts on which the sum asked for i and established themselves on both Weeott lies a total wreck on the south | Tayler, of Ohio, as predicted, and he The Neuve Pais says: game at Portland between the Mult- is $100,000 or more are the following: banks. These details, however, are jetty of Humboldt bay, having struck stepped aside without protest except to “The Americans evidently still be­ the rocks there, and of the 24 souls on nomahs and the Olympics, of San Fran­ Oakland, Cal., harbor, $180,000; San too meager to enable an accurate idea ask if by doing so he waived any of his lieve that the Cubans are not fit to gov­ board all are safe but two. One pas ­ cisco, resulted in a tie, neither side Francisco harbor, $170,000; San Pedro of the engagement to be formed. rights. To this the speaker responded ern themselves, owing to their lack of •coring. A dispatch has reached Loudon an­ senger, Mrs. Carmichael, a resdent of . in the negative. There was not a pro­ education, and they still intend to edu­ halior, $200,000; Everett, Wash., har­ Ferndale, this county, and Gus Nelson, test from any quarter against the objec­ Eight thousand Boers were defeated bor, $150,000; Gray’s harbor, Wash., nouncing that Lord Methuen is again cate us until we are fit for self-govern­ a seaman of the steamer, lost theii tion to the administration of the oath by General Methruen in the hottest $345,000. Also the following river in the field, and it is also said that ment. Mr. Root does not discuss the lives. Mrs. Carmichael was the first i to Roberts, but on the contrary the only subject of independence, leaving it battle of the war. The fight took and harobr improvements: Mouth of Count Greichen, who was wounded in res- person the lifesaving crew tried to voice raised, except that of Tayler, was where it was on January 1.” place at Modder river and lasted 10 Brazos river, Tex., $220,000; lower the fighting at Modder river, was cue. She was in the basket which was that of McRae, a Demcorat of Arkan­ hours. The Havana Commercial Company is Willamette river below Portland, Or., struck in the neck by a bullet. Serious news comes from the north­ on the lifeline run to the doomed ves- sas, who joined with Tayler in his pro­ placing armed guards on its planta­ Great Britain has protested vigorous­ »300,000; Columbia river at the cas­ sei from the jetty. A big breaker ly to this government against the or­ cades, Oregon, $125,000; waterway ern sections of Cape Colony. The struck the basket as she was almost in test. Tayler offered his resolution to tions in the province of Pinar del Rio, ganization of expeditions here, in­ connecting Lakes Union and Washing­ whole border district between Coles­ the arms of her rescuers, and she was refer flie case to a special committee, and will apply to Governor-General burg and Burgerdorp has declared for and by mutual arrangement the consid­ Brooke for an infantry contingent. tended, presumably, for the assistance ton, $100,000. the Boers. In Venterstad alone more swept away. Her body was not re­ eration of the resolution was postponed Mr. Merryless, the manager, says: ol the Boers. The Samoan treaty was signed at than 2,000 have joined the rebellion. covered. Nelson was killed by a falling until tomorrow, in order that the rou­ “The company would not go to the The Vanderbilts now have the B. & Washington. The farmers have formed a command­ spar which struck him, breaking his tine business in connection with the expense of arming a number of men O. They have also acquired Morgan This year’s hop product of Washing­ eering committee, and talk confidently neck. organization might be transacted today. unless this was thought necessary for holdings in the Big Four and Cheas- ton amounts to 33,983 bales. Storm in Texas. of a triumphal march on Cape Town. Although Roberts was not sworn in the protection of its interests. We do l>eake & < )hio. This is a combination Rockport, Tex., Dec. 4.—Reports today, he secured a seat. This was by not believe there is any immediate The new Austrian budget provides General Buller’s proclamation has been not contemplated. torn down and tramped on, and the loy­ from points on the gulf in this section an accident, pure and simple. In the cause for alarm, but we do think that for a consul-general in Chicago. Lightship No. 50, whose station is at alists are bidden to hurry to Cape Town show that the damage to property and seat-drawing lottery, no provision had the spirit of disaffection is spreading, The tone of the Japanese press on the to prepare coffee for the rebels. the mouth of the Columbia, after vicis­ loss of life by the recent severe storm been made for Roberts, but when the and is likely, sooner or later, to burst situdes probably never experienced be­ war in the Transvaal is decidedly pro­ were much greater than at first report­ drawing was completed two others, as into flame whenever the United States British. CAPTURE OF CONON. fore by a lightship, is ashore on Mc­ ed. A number of small fishing craft well as himself, had not been provided government does or refrain from doing Genreal Joe Wheeler writes that the Kenzie head, between Cajie Disappoint­ are missing, together with their crews. with seats, and the speaker asked and something which the Cuban leaders op­ Lieutenant Monroe Worked a Ilin IT o|. ment and North head light, and will Filipino war is being prolonged by the The bodies of James Sanders and two secured from the house permission for pose or desire.” the Filipino. probably be a total loss. Iler ciew of antis in this country. other men not yet identified have been those members who had not drawn Manila, Dec. 5. — The capture by eight men were rescued by the breeches The British railway companies have Lieutenant Monroe and 50 men of the found in the mouth of St. Charles bay. seats to make such selections as they SHIPS WRECKED BY STORM. buoy. Several thousand head of Bheep and could. Under this authority, Roberts Australian« Struggling With Tarift agreed to convey free to the port of em­ Fourth cavalry of the Filipino general, Richard Croker says Tammany will barkation, all books, papers and peri­ Conon, with 800 men and officers, with hundreds of cattle were driven into the got a seat in an obscure portion of the Question—The Wool Crop. odicals intended for use of the troops rifles, several American and 70 Span­ gulf by the storm and drowned. One hall. His daughter sat in the gallery support Bryan. Vancouver, B. C., Dec. 6.—Unusu­ ish prisoners, at Bayombong, in the ranchman, George Brundett, lost over and watched the proceedings from be­ ally cold weather and heavy gales are Chicago is after the Republican na­ engaged in South Africa. 3,000 head of sheep in this manner. In ginning to end. reported from New Zealand. During tional convention. At the caucuses held in Washington province of Nueva Vizcaya, was a suc­ Refugio and Aransas counties, there After the election of Speaker Hen­ a storm in November the ship Pleiades cessful bluff. Monroe tapped the rebel Admiral Dewey lielieves war in th« the democrats chose James D. Richard­ was a terrific fall of hail and chunks of derson and his induction into office, went ashore on the New Zealand coast. son, of Tennessee, as their candidate wire, telegraphed to Conon that he was Philippines is practically over. ice, some being five inches in diame­ the appointment of the usual commit­ Her officers and crew were saved, but tor the speakership, The republicans advancing with a large force, and de­ New Zealand's government is stock­ nominated David B. Henderson, of manded his surrender. Afetr negotia­ ter. More than 700 head of cattle were tees to wait upon the president, the the ship cannot be moved from the ing up the island with American game Iowa. tions, Conon consented to capitulate to killed by falling hail in the vicinity ol seat-drawing contest, with the usual rocks upon which she is now resting Lumar. amusing features, went off without a high and dry. During the same gal» birds. General Leonard Wood will be the the "superior” force, whereupon Mon­ hitch. The only feature out of the or­ the steam collier Hesketh went ashore Great Britain now realises that the master of all Cuba under the direction roe telegraphed that he would enter A Cure For Leprony. dinary was the reception of the Reed war is null and seeks expression of neu­ of the president until the time comes the town with a small guard and re­ Honolulu, Nov. 25, via Victoria, B. rules as the rules for the present con- at the Greymouth bar, where also the He C., Dec. 4. — Ex;>eriments are to be trality. Mapowicka was recently stranded. when congress takes action by provid­ ceive the garrison’s surrender. gress. They were adopted by a strict A tariff conference has been held at Bert Repineff, of Nashville, Tenn., ing a new civil government for the captured the whole Filipino force, and made here with a remedy for leprosy, party vote. secured their arms, the rebels suppos­ which is said on reliable authority to Melbourne by manufacturersand other» won the six-day wheel race at St. island. Seldom, if ever, have euch enormous interested in securing a protective tariff ing Monroe had an army behind him. have actually accomplished cures. The Louis. crowds swarmed around the house to The Hernandez revolution is gaining cure is a Venezeula shrub, of which witness the opening scenes of the ses­ for Australia. They prepared a tariff May Help Consumptives. The trans|M>rts Elder and Belgian ground in Venezuela from day to day, schedule for submission to parliament, Chicago, Dec. 5.—A new serum, samples were forwarded here by Sur­ sion as besieged the doors today. King are now out of the government and is supported by leading members when customs regulations of the federa­ geon-General Wyman, of the United Very early in the day a monster peti­ tion are lieing determined, and an in­ ■ervioe. of the financial and commercial worlds, which it is claimed will show the pres­ States. The shrubs are growing here It is expected to have an all-trolley i who supply the revolutionists with all ence of tuberculosis long b 'fore it would under the cate of Dr. Carmichael, of tion, said to consist of 7,000,000 tercolonial protectionist association names, protesting against the seating has lieen formed, and efforts are being be possible to detect it by the micro- line from Portland, Me., to Boston open the arms and motley they need. the United tSates marine hospital ser­ The British dead and wounded at the 'cojie, the X-ray or other methods no1 vice, who was asked by the department of Rolierts, was brought into the hall. made to change the free-trade senti­ by spring. It had been collected by the New York u use, has been invented by Dr. A. J If Goebel is given a certificate of hard-fought battle of Mt alder river Jenkins, of this city. He does not at Washington to make experiments Journal. It consisted of 28 rolls of ment throughout all the colonies. numliered hundreds, The war depart ­ The wool crop this year will proba­ with them. The shrub credited with election martial law will 1 h > declared nient has given out the information claim to have discovered a new cure, the power of eradicating the malady, names, each aliout two feet in diam­ bly be less than that of 1898. in Kentucky. eter, encased in the American flag. that the total number of eausualtiee but that the use of the serum aids com­ Mistaken for Aguinaldo. Whalers are preparing to go out was 452, and the number killed, 78. petent physicians to detect th* presence hitherto found to be incurable,is known These rolls were stacked up in the area in Venezuela as tantua. Vancouver, B. C., Dec. 6.—This city in front of the clerk’s desk and were again. Expense of the business has The Boer loss was slight. of the disease in its earliest stages, and was thrown into a state of tremendous Secretary Hitchcock's Annual Report. viewed with great curiosity. increased 40 per cent over last year. Bubonio plague has made its entry in time to effect a cure by good sani.a- excitement tiday by the detention at Washington, Dec. 4. — Ths annual General Methuen's second battle in into Japan, five undoubted eases having tion and plenty of outdoor exercise. It police headquarters of a man supposed report of Secretary of the Interioi COAL MINERS STRIKE. makes it [lossible to discover whether the advance to relief of Kimberley re­ been report!»! at Kobe, three already to be Aguinaldo. H. W. Treat, of sulted in the loss of nearly 200 British proving fata). The pest is traced to or not a case is true consumption, no Hitchcock, made public tonight, while Women Use Guns anil Knives to Drl»« New York, informed the American summing up the work in all the bu ­ matter how early or light the attack. soldiers. cotton imported from China. Much Men From Work. consul this afternoon that a suspicious- reaus, is of special interest by reason Wrecked by h Steer. The Pacific Mail Company is charter­ dismay prevails in the infected city Cheyenee, Wyo., Dec. 6.—A week looking stranger, bearing a marked re­ of its statement* regarding pension Great Falls, Mont., Dec. 5.—A policies. ing tramp steamers to replace these and the most drastic measures are be­ ago 600 miners employed in the mines semblance to Aguinaldo, had come over fieght coming in on the Niehart branch chartered by the government for trans­ ing taken by the authorities. At the close of the fiscal year there of the Diamondville Coal & Coke Com­ from Victoria today. It finally devel­ port service. According to late advices the great of the Montana Central railroad round­ were 991,519 pensioners, a decrease of pany, at Diamondville, Wyo., struck oped that the stranger, who is a Hin­ drought in Australia was broken in ed a sharp curve one mile from this 2,195 during the year. The average for an increase in wages. Their de­ doo, had been under suspicion in various The Knights of Lal>or will depart city this evening and struck a steer, annual value of all pensions was mands were refused, and a small force American cities. When he learned from their time-honored custom and October, Terrific storms followed, do- causing a terrible pile-up of the engine $132.74. The Spanish war probably of non-union men went to work. At that he was believed to be Aguinaldo. take a hand in politics. It alm) con­ ing great damage, epeciallv to build- and 12 cars. L. A. Daniels, engineer; will increase the pension roll in the an early hour this morning a mob of he quickly proved an alibi and was re­ templates establishing schools for its Ings. The Adamstown Roman Catholic school, in which 40 children were as­ Patrick J. Riley, fireman, and Henry coming fiscal year. mem Iters. The secretary 300 women Hnd girls, armed with guns, leased. sembled, collapsed. One scholar was K. Edmiston, head brakeman, were concurs in the recommendations pro­ knives, clubs and stones, marched to Hobart’« Will. A manufacturer of wine asserted be­ killed and two others seriously injured. rushed to death lieneatb the cab and viding that no pension lie granted to the mines and compelled the operators Paterson, N. J., Dec. 4.—The will ot fore a senate committee that 50 pet the wrecked ears, within five feet of It has been definitely settled that the commence prior to the date of filing to tlee. the late Vice-President Hobart was cent of the imported wines are Ameri­ auditing department of the Oregon each other. Daniels leaves a family. The miners at work were drained filed for probate today. The value of the claim. can wines seut abroad, doctored and Short Line is to be brought under the 1 Hrndley Boom. from the mines and also driven away. the estate is not given, but it is under­ Gigantic Sugar Tru«t. ■ent back. supervision of Auditor Erastns Young, Several were injured by being struck stood to be $3,500,000. Of the estate Cincinnati, Dec. 5.—There is * Chicago. !»<•■•. 4.—The News say* to­ The Puget Sound Can Company hat of the Union Pacific, and all account! novenient on this side of the river as with club*, «nd one man was shot at, the widow receives $1,000,000 and day: A »200,000.000 trust is in con ­ incorporated under the laws of New for both lines audited at Omaha. It vell as in Kentucky, to présent the presumably by one of the number ol half of the remainder, After a numl>er Jersey, capital $'.’00,000; Oregon Can is also rumored that the O. R. A- N. lame of Goveruor Bradley for the nom- templation. There is every prospect strikers concealed near the mines. Th« of bequests are paid, the eon. Garret that the American Sugar Refining Com ­ Company, $-'00,000, and California Can auditing department is soon to follow nation for vice-president on the ncxt pany, and all so-called independent small force of deputies guarding th« Hobart, jr., inherits the other half Company. $300,000. in the wake of the Short Line. icket with McKinlev. when he attains his majority. sugar refineries, will lie consolidated. company’s property was powerless. The miners have l>een importing Rapiti I airgraphing. Rear Znd Collision In Colorado. The descendants of Queen Victori* Advance in Wages. arras and ammunition and more trou- Mrs. McKinley has made over 4.00C New York. Dec. 5.—A successful Denver, Dec. 6.—A rear-end collision now numlier 71. She has seven mum Fall River. Mass., Dec. 4. — All cot ­ ble is looked for. pairs of knit slipper* for charitable in­ est was made tonight of the Pollak- occurred between two passenger trains and daughters living. .13 grandchildren stitutions. ton manufacturers in this city repre­ •’irne system of rapid automatic tele- on the Rio Grande this morning, in and 3 great grandchildren. Csiifht In » Catp-In. sented in the Fall River Association Former Senator Davis, of West Vir­ traphiug between this city and Chi- which six persons were killed outright decided today to grant an advance of Frit* Eloff. one of President Kniger'r Denver. Dec. 4. — By a cave-in at th* ginia, is to present the state with an ■ago. The dispatch** were sent from 10 per cent in wages beginning Decern- excavation for a sewer at Thirty-fourth and several others severely injured. B0 grandchildren, bears the honorary orphan asylum. he World office, via Pittsburg and bur 11. About 2,800 hands will be The accident happened at English title of lieutenant, despite the fact and Downing avenues this evening, switch, al>out six miles east of Salida, 'ort Wayne, to the Tribune of Chi- Hiram Cronk, of Ogdensburg. N. Y., benefited. that he is only 4 years old. several laborers were buried. The bod­ at « A. M. The killed are: C. E. Os­ is #9 years old and the last survivor ot •ago. Jiwph Virag, fns of the in- ies of George Holts, C. A. Carlson and good. Denver; H. R. Matthews, Den­ Mrs. Roger Wolcott, of Boston, has the Mexican war. enters, handled the New Yoik key. Elgin. Ill., Dec. 4.—The Elgin Na­ given an imposing monument to Pep-1 Vlthough the wires were not in perfect tional Watch Company today surprised Henry Nelson, have been taken out. ver; Peter Barnes. Denver; Mrs. Geo. Harry J. MacDonald, who died in corking order, he managed to send It is not known how many were in the Porter, Grand Junction; A. R. John­ pareli, Maa*., in memory of the me* its 2,400 employes by giving note* of a of that town who fought at Bunk** New York recently, was the eon of * >nr messages at the rate of about 1,000 restoration of the wage scale of 1892, trench, but the foreman believee al) ston. Ot-erlin, Ohio, and an unknown ar* accounted for. .ords a minute. man. HUI. I native Afncau king. the advance l*ing unsolicited. I