All w ho have donations fur tire Thanks­ giving box for the Refuge Home are re­ a quested to leave same at Mrs. Harding’s I’nitcil Stu ten Laml OtHce, C. Grissen’a new stock of wall pa|>er. 0 I ■ ÖS now To Find Out. Oregon Chy, Oregon, Sept., I', 18iK> by tire first of next week. Umilili: \TOTI(’E is hereby given that in compliatici Men's fast black hose, 3 pairs for 25 Fill a bcttle or common gloss with your with the provisions of the act of congrcM» The old Christian church building on - i of June 3, 187», entitlv«l “An act for the bale of water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a «rents, at the bankrupt store. 3 Blu B street is being fitte«i up with a new limber lands in the Stale.- of( alifoinia, Oregon, sediment or set- * B « 1 Frank C. Ferguson and family have Nevada, ami 'A a-hingtnn Territory,” as extend iloor arid will be used for a roller skating tling indicates an J El B e 1 e«i to all th«* Public i.aml States by act of Aug­ ¿J,-—unhealthy condi- I nil been ill as a result of vaccination. ust I, lb’.rj, Jennie Cook, of McMinnville, rink, to be open for the public on Satur­ l’or Infants and Children. «•«luuty of Yatnhill, Stale of Oregon, has this tion of the kid- Charles Benedict has gone to Ccn- «lay file«! in thisolTice her sworn btatvment No. ncys; if it stains { traliH, Wash., where he has found em­ day afternoon, the 2>th inst. I'»74. for the purchase of the^SW. «piarter of See your linen it ¡3 The wind of last Saturday morning 32, Township N«>. 1 S , Range No.«- W , and will «Li ■ A offer proof lo show thut the land souglit is inor< evidence of kid­ ployment. ¿fe I brought down the flagpole at Burns’ fur­ valuable for its limber or stone than for agri­ ney trouble ; too Es Warreu 9. rOTK Eis hereby given ilmt in compliance wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant Photo mounts cut to any size you wish church held in Union block Wednesday N ot N aïïcotic . v. ith the prov i.-miiN of tin* nut of «-«mgresi- necessity of being compelled to go often «»f June 3, 1878, entitle«! *'An act for lhe. ,-alc ol luring the day, and to get up many times at this office, and for sale cheaper than everting was a financial success, and was limber iamls in th«- stale* «»f < alilbinia, Oregon. well attended. The “Diana” quartet .Nevada ami Washington 'leiritory,’ as extended during the night. The mild and the extra­ the cheapest. cf CU. ? !<» all tile public hind .-tales by act of August 4, ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon • / John Allison got home Saturday from sang, Mr. Macy sang a solo, Mrs. Asbury 1892, lx roy Jx*wiH of McMinnville, county o. realized. It stands the highest for its won­ 3 J\u7>pfcin Yamhill, Mate of Oregon, han this «lay iiletl in Idaho atxl Montana, where he lias been * I gave a recitation and Mr. Duncan Harris derful cures of the most distressing cases. this oliice hbt sworn-tHlrim iit No. 5091. for th« J^oc/icllz Salis - I purchase of the E*2 of E’2 of .Section No. 31, ih If you need a medicine you should have the lire past two years. gave an entertaining description of the See J * t iownnhip No. 2 non til, range No. 7 went. an«l will jest. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. Jippenoint - f We now have a few thousand dollars to battle of Manila bay. The receipts from oiler proof to show that th«- laml sought in mon Ci/f f- ‘¡mû J'. ila * I You may have a sample bottle of this \ aluable for its Iimla r or .-tone than for agrieul JKevt Sretl - admission and the sale of fancy articles loan on farm property, at good terms. t’lral purposes, ami to establish his claim Lo sai«- wonderful discovery { iff ditti Suÿ^r . Lind beibr«* the register ami receiver of this ofiie« and a book that tells were very satisfactory. The band boys IteJrW*'1 J 12tf I rvine ai«l 2«! «lay ol January, 1900. erty at good terms. Parties w ishing to Taylor of this city, was one of the nurses ( HAS. B. MOORES, Register. FacSinule Signature who, with 24 hours notice, was ordered EAST AND SOUTH borrow, call and see me.R L. C onner . to sail on the United States transport Timber Land, Actjune 3, 1878. Notice for VIA ■ NEW YORK. Publication. Turner Oliver, a prominent business City of Pueblo, to nurse the sick soldiers on the way home from Manila. She man of LaGrande, visited his friend O. «K United Stutew Land Ofllee, wrote early this month from San Fran­ V Oregon City, Ore., Oct. 2, 1899. »ix? fl. Irvine in this city last week. 'OTKT* ¡ m herein given that in coiiipliaiic« cisco, expressing her regret that she OF THE with tile proviNioiiN ot the art ol congrew One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures could not come home, as they had orders of June 3, 1H7M, entitled “An act for the sale oi i: 1 limber lands in the Males of California, Oregon obstinate summer coughs and colds. “I to return in a few days. The trip was J/- Pl S I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Nevada and Washinghm Territory,” as extende« consider it a most wonderful medicine, rough, “and tire poor patients,” said she, ntt 'r a? u ■ I T to all the public Inml HtateK by act of August Ith 1892, W. .1. Wisecars er of McMinnville, count) THE CfNTAUÜ CCM”*MV, NEW YORK CITV. —quick and safe.”—W. W. Merton, “we had 105 poor boys! Seven «.lied on Two’Kxpres« Trains Daily of Yamhill, slate of Oregon, has this «lay tile*« in this oll'ii’e his sworn statement No. .»(>90. lor tin Meyhew, Wis. Rogers Bros. the way. It is no way to send sick home, ARRIVE. imrchaaeof the E!2 of W1., of Section No. 2.1, ii Portland.......... 7:1«'» P M Township No. 2south, Range No. 7 west, ami will I)r. J. F. Calbreath went to Salem on and such very sick ones as some of them Portland.......... 9 15AM oiler proof Io show that the hind Relight is mor< San Francisco..7:00 a M Tuesday. He was accompanied by his were. We came the northern way by \ aluable for its tiinberand stone than for agrlcul .Sun Francisco..(»:55 P M lurai purposes, and to establish his claim t<* mid daughter, Helen, w ho went to familiar­ Nagasaki, Japan, up through tire inland land before the register and receiver of this ol Ibove trains stop at »11 stations between Port ize herself with the surroundings of sea. lice at Oregon City. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 2< Beautiful it was indeed. We were land an>l Salem. Turner, Marion, Jefli'iaon. • lay of January, 1900. tlbany, Tangent, Hhedils, Halsey, Harrisburg. w hat will be their new home after the 20 days, I believe—lost some time on ac­ He names as witm-sses: Leroy Lewis, A. E Iniietlon city, Eugene, Cottage Grove, brain ( <»ok ami Henry I’h’t’ hcr of McMiniivillu, On- count of storms. The Pueblo is one ol . taklaml anil all stations from Roseburg to San- first of Hie year. gon, and John Starr of Diiytoii, Oregon. It’s a long life, but devotion to the Franciaco inclusive, Any and all pi rsons claiming ailvcrsely th« the fastest boats on the line, but O, how true interests and prosperity of the Irritating stings, bites, scratches, ii I mivv describe«! landN are retiuested Io tile theii DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. eiaiiHM hi this office on or before said 2d da) wounds ami cuts soothed and healed by sire rolls! I wish I could tell you how American people has won for it new of January, 1900. PULL.MHN » BUFFET DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve,—a sure lovely Nagasaki is; so clean, looks as friends as the years rolled by and the ( IIAS. B. MooRES, Register. members of its family passed to SLEEPERS and safe application for tortured flesh. though it had been scrubbed with soap. original their reward, and these admirers are AND 'JPiiHber l.iiiiil, Act June 3, 1K7N No­ Rogers Bros. There are a great many walls all about loyal and steadfast to-day, with faith in Beware of counterfeits. SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS. tice for l*ni>lication. the place, all along the sea w all up the its teachings, and confidence in the in­ Umbrella lost — At M, E. church, this Attached to all Through Titling. hillsides. The place is so green and formation which it brings to their homes city, Sunday evening last. Marked "N, Went Side Di via ion. United States Laml Office, fresh, after musty old Manila, and the and tiresides. Oregon ( ity, Oregon, Oct. 10, |s99. Kindly return As a natural consequence it enjoys in PORTLAND a ND CORVALUS C. C.” on end of handle, OTICE is hereby given that in «-«»mpliance BETWEEN people look so happy, the place is a good its old age all the vitality and vigor of with the provisions of the act of Congress Mail Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) to this office and get reward. tonic. The climate is very like San Fran­ its youth, strengthened and ripened by of June 8, 18/8, entitled “An m l for the sale ol timber lands in the States of California, Ore 7.30 A M Lv Portland Ar I 5 «' j 0 P M See Elsia Wright’s fine line of single cisco, not quite so cohl. We had one the experiences of over half a century. gon. Nevada and Washington Territory,” as ex- 0:15 A M Lv McMinnville Lv I 3Æ6 P M It has lived on its merits, and qii the tenued to all the public land slates by act oi 15» P M Ar The stock lias just been filled Jap dinner. In the first place we had to Lv I 1:20 P M harness. Corvallis August I, 1892, Chiisloplier < . Robbins of Me cordial support of t-roaressive Americans. up with the latest styles and the very remove oqr shoes before going into tire M inn ville, county of Yamhill, state of Oregon, At. Albany an«l Corvallis connect with It is The New-York Weekly Tribune, has this day file«! in this office his sworn state best workmanship. 20tf house. There were no chairs, only cush­ acknowledged the country over as the rains of Or. Central A Eastern By. nient No. 5103, tor the pnrehas«* «»f the E'2 of E1.. of Section No. 24, in Township No. 2 S. in Rang« Mrs. Elizabeth Sutherland will leave ions, a little low table with a hole in the leading national family newspaper. No. 7 W., and will offer proof to show that the Express Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) Recognizing its value to those who desire all the news of the state and nation, land Nought Is more valuable for its timberor next Monday for Stockton, Calif., where center, where was placed a little char­ the publisher of 'l he Reporter (vour own favorite home paper) has entered iy/TK 1 50 'M1 Lv Portland Ar 1 8' 2.5 A M Mom* than for agricultural purposes, and to es ' M 1 coal stove, and our dinner was cooked 7MO Ar McMinnville Lv 1 5.50 A M she goes to make her home with a publish liis claim to salt! land before the R«*g- an alliance with I’lie New-York Weekly Tribune which enables him ta furnish Lv 1 4:50 A xY Jslar ami Receiver of this ot!i<*e at Oregon City, K:30 1 ' Ml Ar Independence right there before us. It was great sport, both papers at the trifling cost of $1.25 per year. daughter. Oregon, on Tuesday, tin* 2r«g«»n line of buggy robes, whips, etc., ever (ten. Freight and Passenger Agent. two hours. I ate I don’t know what all. and prospects for different cr«jps, tl o prices in home markets, and, in fact, is a Any and all j««*rsonH claiming adverse- Rates ami tickets to Eastern pointsand Europe brought to McMinnville, at tire harness Jy the above-tlescribwl lands are re- Everything is nicely cooked and clean. Meekly visitor which should be found in every wide-awake, progressive family. «¡iiested to tile their claims ip thi» office on oi VI-«» JAPAN, ( HINA. HONOLPLU ami Al'S store of Elsia Wright. tf PKALIA,can be obtained from Just think of it! Both of these papers for only .^1.25 a year. ° before said 2«1 «lav of Januarv, 1900. U’e ate with chopsticks, poached eggs 43-10 ell AS. B. MOORES, Register. Send all subscriptions to The Reporter, McMinnville, Or. (I. A. Wilcox or At. U. (iortner. Capt. II. L. Heath returned home on and all. 1 got so I could manage very Ticket Agents, McMinnville. Wednesday from his visit to ids old Timber l-itnd, Ari June 3, IN7N No. well. It was a queer sight to see the R. KOEHLER. Manager. home in Michigan. During his absence Japs coaling the ship. The women do tire lor Publication. he gained about eighteen pounds in most of the work. The coal is put iuto l'iiltc«! States Land Office, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia weight, and it has been remarked that ’ * "I" H FiZ • • Orf'gon ( ity, Oregon, Oct. 10, 1899. baskets from a fiat boat alongside, steps 'OTICE in )n reby given that in compliant*« because its ingredient, are such that it he is assuming congressional proportions. are set on the side of the ship and little with lhe pft’vjHbJiw of the act of congress "The public can of June 3, 1.87.8, entitled "An a« I f«»r the sale of can’t help doing so. Mr. and Mrs. ft. L. Conner were visit­ Jap women on each step up to the deck, timber lamin in the StalcK of Caiilbrnia, Oregon, rely upon it as a master remedy for all ing in l’uitland ami Astoria the past then they pass the buckets from one to Nevada, and Washington Territory," asexten«!- «*<1 to all the Public l aud States by act of Aug­ disorders arising from imperfect diges- week. At the latter place they visited the other, fast as fast can be, just like • ••••••••* • ust 4, 1892, Nicholas E Kegg, of McMinnville ••••••••* LAHULSI LARGEST CIRCULATION CIRCULATION OF OF ALL ALL ««mu tv of Yamhill, nt at«* of (tregon, ban this da) tion.”—James M. Thomas, M. D., in A. B. Apperson, who lias a position in clock work, never stopping until the coal tiled in this ««llict* his sworn statement No. American Journal of Health, N. Y. ' POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE WEST S 5102, for the nnrchase «»t the HE 1 , of Section No. the otlice of the auditor of A. «St C. It. R. is all in. We saw the wreck of the Mor­ 32. ill Townsnip No. 2 S, Range No. «• W., an«i Rogers Bros. Co. J Always American-------- Always Republican I gan City, only her masts above water, will otlvr proof to show that th«* laml sought is more valuable for 11 m timber or stom* than foi An "Evening Among the,” and the tip of her bow. I saw seven agricultural mirpoHcs.and to establish hiselaim Henl F.KtKte Trun.fera. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL ti» said land before the Registeranf January, l’»00. the Baptist church. A most entertain­ I’liiut iirt Roberts and wt to Wm M He names as wit nv-.-es : (HherO Rlmde and Manning 11 a t 3 r 2.......... ♦ 2500 ing program with special music is prom­ in’erment in their native land. They Jaim*8O. Rogers ot McMinnville, On-gon, and Every Column is Bright. Clean and Packed with News 'Wm. <;. Bbmle and George II Maddox of North Wm M Manningand aftoPbin- ised. A very cordial invitation is ex­ used to bury them at sea, but the gov­ Yamhill, «Iregon^ ei»R an«l T. J. Roberts 138 a pt Any and all u «* ih «.» iih claiming atlverNely th«* tended to the public to be present. ernment does not allow it any more. ” Adam M Sininrvns d I c t 3 r 5. 500 above-’iescribed lamJs hi ** re«jm -tc«l to tile their The Literature of its columns is .clainiN in th is ollie.«* on or lit-pue said 2d dav of Geo Bruithwaite to John L Holt equal to that of the best maga­ .of January, HMM CHAS. B. M oores ’ 80 a t 5 r 7 .................... 225 • I 1" Register. zines. It is Interesting to the Alva I’ Macv and «f to J I’ Howe children as well as the parents. lot 2 Macy’s 1st add to Dayton 3cK> tinmiM K visu s no i hi . Emma and I* I* Durant to Jas II Warner lota ) and I blk 5 Jos he INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and and while it OTH !’ I m her» by t i\« n that th»* under Watts' 2d add to Amity............ 99 Mgncd h«» I m < ii tlul) np| <»ini< «1 ii'lmin brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD - ------------- and -- I gives its Dtmlor «3 the AWiHte of Mora A. Druiutdler, Henry F Baird and wf to Cyrejra deccHM’d, by the county court <>i Yamhill conn readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in A liaird 29 a pt Joel Perkins «I 1 ty, Oregon N«»w tbereiorc. all persons ba\ ing c t 4 r 8 and 4.............................. 1500 full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses claims against sai«l vsiatr are hereby notified ami re«|uirr«l to present llu same Io the under- B F Fuller ami wf to Maud Shuck literature and politics from the Western standpoint. bigued nt McMinnville, Oregon, properly wri­ 47x120 ft in lot 8 blk 21 Bow­ th'd, within six mouths from the date of this land's add to McM •------- Sf.OO— PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR—$j,00— 175 JU »tire. 45 o J>Hlvd October 27th, 1899. Geo G Christenson ami wf to An­ J W. IIOBBS, ••••I drew Jemon Hird wf 1)7 a pt J • THE DAILY AND SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN • Administrntor of said estate. K Bean diet 2 and ') r 3.. . . RAMsFY a FENTON, \ttorneys f»»r estate. • ARE THE BEST EVER SEEN IN THE WEST. * 4 J M Yocum et ux to J F Funk lota 4 and 5 ami se qr of aw qr sec 2 •THS INTER OCEAN'S NEWS IS EXCLUSIVE. • I and lot 1 see 11 4-5..................... feebleness and ill health, and I Price of Dally bv malt ............ St 00 ner . ! I e • : Joseph McGuire et ux to Kasmus nearly all of the sickness among f’rl« ol Sunday b, S2 0? !w| J Daily and Sunday by niail......... . .. »6 O0 per year • " Come to The Reporter Olliee for Ni-laon pt Iota 5, «>, 7 and 8 blk 3 .l»ate Court. . lot 6 blk II H and I.'a add to Mra' Sarah Pike. 477 Broadway, South Boston, writ-a: dent McKinley made a suggestion: Xewlierg .......................... Estate of F. II. McGrew. Bond filed ** I am seventy yearn old. ami had notj-n joye him.” Any man who had ever stood by era. Funk l-7tl> int jn lots I ami 5 and it cured rue well again. I took a dozen l>ottles of S S. 8 al a public function and ha, seen the ami so qr of aw qr see 2 and lots Estate of J. H. Broan. Inventory completely, ami I am hapnv to say that 1 aec 11-4-5....... ; thousands of strong men grip the hand I feel as well as I ever did in my life. ’ and appraisement filed and approver]. ON lh*nny and wftoWm \ Gil­ ' of a public man and throw into their Loving, of Colquitt. Ga , says: "For eight­ Estate of Thos. Ilnston. Petition to more blk Hand n lit blk 17 Che- grasp all the enthusiasm and devotion een vears I suffen*«! tortures from a fiery eruiffion on lialem Orchard Homes. »> Digests what you eat. Sheriff my skin. 1 tried almost every known reme«ly. but they that is in their hearts must have won- set apait 8<’> bushels of oats to widow to T J 1,-1 ...n (if hlk Xo failmi one by one. ami 1 wa. told that niv age. which is It art Iflcially digest st |tc food anm potash, mercury, arsenic and other damaging ' outstretched palm in his own. so that chargetl ami bis bondsmen exonerated. Sick Headache,Gast ralgla,Cramps and minerala« It is made from nx.ts and herbs, an.I has no chemicals whatever ——-------- ail other results of imp« rfect digestion toria Merlley, 22. of Newberg. i in it. 8 8 8. cures the worst caws of Scrofula. Cancer. Eczema. Rheumatism his hand holds the other completely. Nov. John J. Reimer?. 24. and Preeervà by E C D.Witt a Co Chicago Tetter. Open Sores Chronic Ulcers, Boils, or any other disease of the blood. I There is a gentle pressure and a pleasant Come to The Reporter office for ty, • Durr Martin, IS. of North Yamhill. ROGERS UIIOS. Books ou tbeee diseases will be sent free by Swift 8|«eeitk- Co.. Atlanta Ga ' bow. and then th» visitor ieels himself writer papers. I »gal and letter sizes. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S. lor PubliCHtion. Notice Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Von’t Know it. LOCAL NEWS. T U1U Ths Kind Yen Have Always Beiight / Bears the » Si^iatïira / / y.i \ The Kind You Have I L* l’i The Shasta Route \ Nearly Fifty-eight Years Old ! ! ! N ISliWEEKLf I nter O cean ISI N NEVER TOO OLD TO BE CORED S, S. S. Is a Great Blessing to Old People. It Gives Them Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 8. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD T iSi............. 1Ì vm