The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 27, 1899, Image 8

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    Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878
Notice for
Or« gou citv, (»i<-?on, Juiv lo. 1x99.
NOTICE U iic.eby , ;v« a that in
with the pros injotiw of th«* **< l uf cuDgte->b
< f Jiinv 3, 1<>, entitled ‘’Ai* a« < b-r G. ... ul
i > ruber lauds in th«- stnto of Culiioi njti,«/.«,
Nevada, and Washington Terril« >iy,” «i> extrud­
ed to all ihe’pnblic Jan«! state by act «•! .« h / g -
4,1x92. Hurry btarr, of Bay ton, county < I Yuin-
hillr Mlate of Oregon, bu> thi» day nlcd in thi.«
office his mvoi n stat» iii< ut No ;;u«’.1, for Hie p»«r
<lia»i- of tiie W 1 2 < .f \\ 1 , of Sell.'in 5(1,2'*).: l|
No. 2 8. Range No. 7 W., and will offer proof t<>
show that the laud sought is more vaiuub'e for
it* timber ui .-o i.>- than for agncuilut d
es, u 1 j «1 to t»lubii.-.;i his eluiro 'o ■ .nd iui. 1 ,. J.»rr
the Register and Receiver of IhU office at Oregon
t'itv,or,i»ii hriday, ll« J, tn day of o<t< in-i
1 '1TJ. He naui« ■ u • .
< art ton, Oregon, A. E. < ook of M.-.Mintmhe, Or-
» gon, Geo. fi. Baxter and Nathaniel -Wetch <>i
Layton, Ore. Anynndall pei.M.ns chtiiuing ad­
versely the above-described lands are r« quested
to hie their claims m this office on or before -aid
27th «lay of October, 1899. < HAS. B. MOOlcEs.
Looks Easy,
But Isn’t
You arc told so often by so
many advertisers that they
are selling shoes “worth so
and so’’ for “this” and “that”
—ever so much below what it
is claimed they arc* worth—
that you come to think it an
easy matter to sell shoes for
less than they’re worth.
But it isn’t.
Timber lam«!. Let Jun«' 3. IS7H. Notice
a rule we must pay the
for Publication.
makers of good shoes a good
United Slates Lund Office,
Oregon < iiy, Oregon, • • pt., I H 9
price, and we must make a
rOTK'E is hereby gi\eii (hat in compliance
wflii the provisions of the act of vongrci" profit or go out of business.
\ of June
3, is7.s, rnthh-d “An act tor the s»ue oi
iiinbcr lands in the Slates off nlitoriiia, Oregon,
If you want good slices you
Nevada, and Washington Territory,” a- extend
cd to all the J’tibli«- l.aii<i States by act of Aug­
ust I, Is'Xi, J« nnie Cook, of McMinnville, must pay a fair price.
county «d' Yamhill. State of Oregon, ha- this
«lav filed 111 this office her sworn ..latcmeul No.
We could sell you junk at
•I'i71. for th«* purchase «if the SW. quarter of Sec.
82, Township No. 1 s , Range No. G U . und will
than we can sell really
offer proof i«» show that the land might is more
valuable for it* timber or ston«.* (han for agri­
cultural txirpw-c -. juifi 1<-< stablish ¡ < claim t<
good footwear, but you would
sai«l htioi h< hue the kegiater and Receiver of
this office at <n«goii ( itv, Oregon, on 'lues-lay, not want it.
You want only
thi; 12th day of i>«,e<-mber. lawi.
She names as witnei-st's: A. E. Co«»k, Dauiei
We believe ”ou
Poller, 'fay lor 1’oltvi and George laislerly, all good shoes,
of McMinnville, O gon.
Any nd all peraons claiming adversely the are willing to pay fair prices.
alaiie-dc « ribed lands ate
sled it» Ji
i t
claims In this office on or helm -ai<i I2i!i dn\
<»i l>« « ember, IMO.
Timber Land, Act June 3, ¡878.
Notice for
(Tilled States Land office,
Oregon City, ore., oct. 2. iw»9.
X’oTK'E> hen
N with | I h * pri.\
"I - ' <1 I ' I" t ol I Oil I 1« -
of June 3, 1874, entitled "All m t for Hit -ai. ot
11 inimr luuds in tin* stall s of Califoi nia, < »n gmj.
Nevada and Waaliington Territory," as extendi «1
to all the public laml later l>) a' t of August I.
1402, G roy Lew is of McMinnville, count) o'
Yamhill, state of Oregon, has this day '' I in
Ihl-office IBs sworn slat, inelit No. . u'.d, |«>r tin
in in base (»1 the l-'joi E'a of Section No. 31, in
Township No. 2south, rai'".:«-No. 7 west, and will
offer proof to show that tin land sought is mor»
valuable l«»r its tin,her or stone than lor agricnl
tural |>ur|M»M>s, and lo establish his claim to said
laud before Hie regirter and rveciv« t ot thi «»ffic<
nt Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, tlic 2 1 da\
J uiuary, l‘.Mn.
lie names a> witnesses W. J. \\ , » . irver. A.
E. I’ook und W 11 Fletcher of McMinnville.
Oregon, and John Hturr <>f l>ayton, ongoii.
Any and all i»ciMin.s claiming adwi ■ ly tin
h I mivi * described lands tin requested to tih
claims in this office on or I»«-tuie sai l 2d day oi
J uii nary, I'.f O.
( JIAS. B. M<HIRES, Register.
Boots & Shoes
Sign of the Big Boot
IVuilce Io < vvdJlorM.
J desire to make telSwn^nt of all ar
counts now due me. Th* ?e knowing
them&olvc.s indebted t» me will please
muke immediate settlement, and av id
making further costs necessary.
E lma W id - hi .
Heal I. Mia to 'I ran*,« y«i.
Week ending Oct. 17th
Aline Christenson to Joel A ’hyan
20 a pt .Jos Iles:» diet;, r J.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice for Hannah Bond et al to A N I 1'it
k snail
lots 7 and 8 blk 12 2<l
add to Newberg
I nited Stales Land Office,
Alonzo N l’n snail ct
Oregon City, Or« Oct. 2 IM>'.».
M Iiuntley 12 *» a
VyOTICEis herd
\<n tliii in
iipnam '
Halid ! et 3/3
* ’ H I' 11 111« j i. ■' i -j ■ i ol
.■ I <1
ot June
1K7M, i Kill 1« «i '* \ ii act lor tin ale «
Milton Richardson cl UX to
tlinbi-r lands hi the mm U - - of i 'u I Horn in, i hegon,
Stout 40 a pt J E lletnbrt <
Nevada and Washington Tirritor), hx extended
to nil the public hind siuti N by a< t oi Migust ilh.
t |r 4* • ...
1WA V> . .1. Wlsei-ari er of McMinnv ille, count) Sophie Delmering to Alex Reid
ot'YamhiII, slat« of Or« on, Im- this »lay tilcii
and V M < >1(1» 55.11 a pt of J \V
ill thia Office ins swot n siHtemciit No "HI, for tin
Rogers d 1 c t 4 r 4......................
piircitflsr of th< E'jgof W'.jot Section No. .’.i, in
'i'ow nshipNo 2 south, kang" No. 7 u» I, ami will Joseph Everest it ux to Lulu J.
otter prool to slum that It»»* itiiol sought is mole
('»raves pt J B Rogers die t 3 r 2
\ aluable lor its tiinl»« ratid stom (han f«u agricul­
J J bisher et ux to H C William
tural pui'|H)M s, and i<> < sliililhli his claim I..
land la*fore the icgister und n-i viici oi this <»f
331 a pt sec 33 t 2 r 5 and sec | t
lice ut i iregon i it \. Oregon, on Tuesday, tin 2d
3 r J
«.lav of January, 1900.
Hf mums as witnesses- Leroy lewis, \ E. Thus G '1 timer i t ux to Jacob
I'ook ami Henry I h-trliei of McMinnville, Or.
G raun S1.S4 a pt (> 1* Turner i I
gun, ami John Starr of ]>aytuii, Oregon.
c t 5 r 5 .......................................... 2DOO
Ally and all la rsons elaiming adversely tlx
M G Morris to Joans M Triplett et
h I mivv desertla*d lands are it quest» »1 to file lluii
claims in liiis office on or la lore said 2d da\
a) 78.84 a pt A R Elder d le t 3 r
Januar), liMJO.
I ......... ............................................ 2000
CH AS. B. MOORES. RcgiaU r.
Wm L Gilson to W II Bones 149 05
a in sees 34 and 35 t 4 r 5............ 2100
limber I.a nd« A«-l June 3« 1N7N
PJ and Susan Wirts toi' J uni
Christina Wirfs pt Edw Clui d 1
lie«* for l*ubl K ill Ion.
c t 4 r 3..................................
Nancy C Laughlin to Jas I) Laugh­
Uniteli Alate* Land Offici',
lin s loo
hx) a of 11 hf J M Laughlin
Oregon ( il ' . Or» ; oii , « ». f. I», »*»■.».
UOTICI’is liiTt by givi ti timi III « .mipllnm*«
tl 1 c t 2 r 4............
wlth Ilo* prov isionsol thè act of < 'oligli ' -
«•! Juiu 3, l*'7>. viitnh d "Ali act for th< sale of Martha Sargeant and husband to J
\V Sargeant S int in 160 a pt
tini ber lami* in thè States of <’a lornin, Ore
» on. Nvvadn and Wa hti'v ton Territory,” as ev
Reuben Gant <1 1 c t 5 r 5 . . . . 25OO
■ i«<l< <1 lo a II thè pii l»l •• hiiul sta:« s by act ol
ugust 4. IM»2, ( hrislophei
I; l.bii. • «•!’ Me J \V Gant to Martini Sargeant •2
int in e lif of w hf R Gant d 1 c
1 «niiviile, « «mnlv of \ aiiiliill. stati' 01 Oie>r<«ti,
H'tlusday lileil ili this otti». bis worn Mal«
t 5 r 5.......................... . ............ •
■»vili No. 5101, l'or II»«- purchase of Hi l? . of I '
« f Scctlou No. 21, in T< v ii>lnp X- . S. ih itaiij, R I. Ikwlev and wf to S E Eakin
lol 4 blk i S Sheridan
.<». 7 \W, ami w Ili i ffei pi. « I tu ' Imw thut tl.«
illd soligli t l IIIOI •• \ »1 li III». • ' u Its Un. ber or 1‘vangclinc Martin vt con to C J
olle thall fui in. nei . . al. ' j • *•, „ n<| n» «••
I.arson 2 a pt David K*tht*cv «1 1
'Abiiwli hischum lo :uid land brioiv Ilio log­
li and K ccv I k r of ibis <
¡.t Oi. gon l'itj ,
c t 3 r A....................
*'■«• *on, un Tueaday, thè ul ua\ of .lauuary, Richard Baird and wf to
t l.vonoi i I
Simmon* 11,175’2 1 h‘l 11 pt J
H- namew a« wl’ii-: Olivi r o. Rhtid«-,
. n.urs <». Rogt'rs nii-l Nielli» a-. « . ix> gg of M»
Rowland <1 1 v l 3 r 4
.diiiuviilt, o.eguti. Mini Win. il. Kliud«'of N*«»rtli
J .1 bisher vt al to The Investment
■ uinhill, < ircgoti.
Mlg Sec Co. 331 a sec 33-2 5
Any and all per*« »»<
(laiining adverst-
i< !•«»'..
J \ Simmons vt ux to school Bist.
r n. steli to 111« li" .
«»n •
No. 54 2'4 a sec 22-2-3
i e Iure sidd 2d dav «»i .tannar). r «si
Geo 1 Naylor to Henry \\ igi iore
< IIAS. II. Mi »ohi s, Reglstvr.
12 a sec 3-2-4
. 300
A P Oliver to Harlan lb miss 40.1
Timber In**«!» 1*1 June 3, IN« h No
pt »ec 36-2-3...................................... 1000
lire for l*i*bli«'ialloia»
United States l and Office,
onji.'ii i Ity,Oregon, lH*t. 10, IM*9.
"V 0T1CF is In i« I ) r • n ii al m « u pita m •
- N with I li ' pi < \ i- < i
: oi « .«iigrc ••
of Julie 3, 1878, «mil lid “All net tor th«- Mlle <»l j
imiln'r lands in the Slalca «>< < altfin nia, Oregon. I
ladii, ai d \\ »1 "Ililial« hi Ti . H« r\as ex lend- !
« I to all Hie iTibhv I and Mali s I ) net of Aug ;
u i I, I*
\.« •>
"i McM
« »unty »»I Yamhill, Utah'ul’Oregon, ImMlhix da) |
. e«l in thin office ids worn slab uu nt N«». I
’02, fol- llie i»iir« hnse of tin >l< 1 , • *l Merlioil No. !
. , in Tow iifcliip No 2
Runge No. «. W ., mid *
I .l! offer pro*4 io k I iow that the land -ought Is
: <>rv valuable fur it* timber or m«»nr than for |
Hgricnlturul nurp«»*. ' mid (<> entAbllah hisclann
t said land l>« loir the lb gist« f and Rec* iveroi ,
i a in «»thee *i Oreg«»n City, oreg«»n, on rueailay.
lue 2«1 day ««I January, 1’0»
II«* nauu * a* wtin« ”« *: « di\ • r O Rhndv ami j
»ini ' o. Il«»ger«»ot McMinnville, On goii, and
Kliud«* and In oi g,' H Ma«id«>.\ of North
\ anthill, Oi«-g«>ii.
Any and ail |»er»on'« claiming ndveraely the '
i. ' m »V« m I« serila «1 lands arc reqii« sle<t I«» tile tlien '
« alm* in thi* «»ffice uu or 1« fore paid ‘«I day oil
4 laii'iar>, RM»
Register. I
NO IK 11 OI mill Hit 1*8 * LI I .
1 N puriuiance of a d«« re«‘ and «»rd r of sale
I «inly remi«*re*I ami « iit« r««| In ihe tln-uii
« Hirt of theUMeof Oregon, f r th«* «mini) of
1 Hinhill.on the littlida) of October, I m »*.», hi llu-
1 1'.
it «•( U. M I hnn, l-laintiff, Mgr
tant«, an«i
uwne an»! 1‘. II. K<
«h r, by a irtue ofan< 1 purwuan » to a w r«l of ex­
nll«Mi «inh l^urd «i •it of «ahi eoi it t tn Mt hl
it <>u lire it»th day ot < k lober, 1 >.»•», I will rx-
\e lor sale an«i m -II as ihe law «tin
- mi . . iur « i«h tn I. nn«l, ti- the h ighext anti
McMinnville V 'm itiill coiint), <
Uir«iay, th«- lath «lay
!8tW, at Ihe
■ur «»t on«' ••’« ¡« a k p tn . Ihe r«*al pi ■ IK-rtv «le«
ib«<1 In sM.I «! « r«*«
ah* and In
hl writ s> foil«»’»*, h»
rain* t u) fm «»ff •» f th«* north «-t id of UMa
ta. 8« »•■ii J) an 1 El-- ht .s» In HL* k N t». T h rev
, all hi Ih«* ««rtithi al luvoi ul M«
• f I Irviiun, h < « vonling to
ii'hlll county,
« rrcordcsl h’ »1 of * lid tt»w ll.
l«ted al M< Mían» It Ic. i»!»'M‘ti, tbi ■ l?th «lay
M !.. Ilei. tkrson.
l>*■!«»kr, IW»».
sheriff «t Yamhilli''«»unty, y*tate «4 I ir« itoti.
Week ending Oct. L’4th
K I. lie»» ley und wf to S I' Kukin
lut I blk 1 S Sheridan . .
| 30b
I xaii,;. line Martin et con to C .1
l.arxon 2 it pt Oiivid Kamaey d
1 c t 3 r 3................................
Ki.hard I'.aird and »»(to Leonora
I Siinmona 11,170'« a.| ft in
North Yamhill..........
Maitha M Wickham to l.aimet
and A A low tn-end 'H int in
|)avi<l J Tu» unenti d I f t 5 r 4
Clara .1 l»i»\iu and limduind to
W m McCormick 20 n pt vec k
............................... .
.lohn Thompson to Sarah ESm ti.
blk 41 in I.niuyelte
Sheriir in John Elorall part <f
l'eter Carlini« and .1 W I'carnon
d I c'n-2 o 07 a
042 ¡’a
Cbehnlctii Valle»' l ank to 1 and
G l’i'.iliiikt. I nr, 4 in Nvwl crg
Ruth 1 Gatkigbcr to «’ G , .4t
67. ‘.0 ut 3 r 4 . .
1’ s t>» E M Adams (.32.57 a t 1 r
W mut Ellen Simmons to «'Ims
I' Nel-, n lih'xltt.
It in Mi'M
Chan Nclnoii and wf to J I Van­
noy parcel in M' M
E I Sbllck to Harriet Shtick lot 7
blk b 1 k skiii»' mid to 'iew InTg.
Win Rotwrls it ux to II irruí.
Shuck i«»t <> s’ante mid
August I- mid Emma Ktiop fo
Zion t•«*« matt M 1 « h urei» lt>-
4utli» a in se» :tl-.'
Kodol l>\«pc| -ia «'lire cuica dy»|*pnia
heeau-e Un iiigie.iieii" are sn. h that it
can't help doing n«>. "Abe publie can
rely it]» n i. .« a n *ter rri.i. ly
r >•"
ilimirdera er.-ii
from imcerte. t <«k.
i>r. Michaux «a tnuaintf hi» ollie«* tion."—Jamen M. Tbonia-., 'I .u
t xtiirea ititu hi» rooms in Cuion block «menean Journal ot Health .». X
Hoger» Bro«.
ouring Uie aeck.
0. Grinaen’s naw stock of wall paper. C
There »vili ba preacliiug in tclico i
Imti-e o>. 6, Sunday, Oct. 2*J. at 3 p. ui..
by Ke». W. ( . Scott of Lafayette.
Arthur Cooper, who »»aS nick »vilh
yellow fever ut Tampa, Florida, writes
his parents that l.e is again up ami
1 have money to loan on farm prop­
erty at g od terms. Parties wishing to
borrow, call und see me.
at in- Stella l’alty visited with her
frii-ml Mrs. Chas. Hodson, nee Mis-
iattie Stratton, in Newberg on Saturday
nd Sunday.
See Elsia Wright’s fine line of «ingl
h irmisH.
The stm'k has jusl been filled
up with the latest styles and the ver;
best vvorkuianship.
E. I). Sitton and Ed. Rogers are buy­
ing lip a nice bunch of young cuttie in
Vamhill and Polk counties. Price­
range from
to <10 for veailings.
Mrs. W D. McDonald
it.4 the
Port kind exposition 011 Saturday.
Mis« Ethel Harris roturm 1 .
from a visit with Mrs. I t., a. 1 .. .ey a
Mr. ami Mrs. John Ly neh I. . e L : .
been quite sick from throat ami 1 1: _
Bert Pearson haa sneered considerably
of late with a painfully sore hand, wb li
partaken Somewhat of Ihe nature oi :do<al
Warren & Son iiwi
large invoice of coffee of ail grades ami
prices. Call and try them.
Jn ?JcMinuvil!e fuiudies v»l>. te iheie
is moie than one woman they tight twi e
a week over tlie T ...uui, to we which
can read that continued story first.
AU those knowing them-, i m s ln iebt-
i to S. Howortii A Co. please call and
nut tie.
that ho could h. u*. •_ ■ ; ml: uboyo a
wbiaper. He caugi.t it ri t..... u n rail­
road tr im witii itn op a ...
Tor Infa . : ? ■ '■ t
ffie Kind You Have
reparation for As-
¿‘tri bowels d’
J fC'-.
be ter « rop Ilian outs.
■ ,n in the bl.Hxl, circulating throughout the system, an 1 1
s.»re or ulcer—known as the Cancer—may I» cut a\. y.
ti remains in the blrewl, and promptly breaks out afre !i,
»veil v idetie«.
1 ■ wonderful success of 8. 8. 8. in curing obsti td
•m>.si dise;isc which wore considered incurable, md iced a i.
P tiring sutf.
skill of
!.> try it for C ancer, after exh ■
•Im physiei.ot.
iout a cure. Much to their tl
i) roveti
U*m ll to t :i
-e and promptly effect«“! a curt
ul neivs
U',-<v«(l r>t;ii<P V-.
I it was soon demonstrate«!
1 '»voti 1 lioi.t. t . it n euro htiil at last lieen for d .1
' 'an ■ >r
Evidence has aceti-
Ululatoti n Ili. 11
incontrovertible, of wllic.’.
tin* following '- ■ .«■ men
Canc-r k h
ry in . nr family, tnr father, a
sister mid 111. a
• «io died from this drradful
di-ea**. My f
• m .» R. imagined when the hor-
ri 'Is dt.«'»--' 1 e. • - .'pt- ariiii.- on tuy side. It wns
.1 malignant ' 'an.-a • eating no; .»oily in such a way as
to cause great autr a. Ti e do. ase seemed beyond the
■kill of tlw d
for their treatment did no p»<l
whatever, the ' . •• r gre ring
ve g wor*«'
w. re«' all the wliil»
11 R<. S. ir. I
Numerous rem
were us»d for it but the Cancer
grew steadily » -se. unni it -. nm.t that I was doomed
to follow th»» thereof ihe family, for I know how deadly Cancer
” eninhern. I
I w u a l' iw I t ' try Swift's Specific (S
b w'
first .lay. fore11 out the poison ! continued its use until I hai ta'
beiti, s. »lien I was cured » nnd and well, and have h..d no s.-j
die Iful itlfi -tion. tin'ii .-h m iny y vers hare elapsed. 8. S S. is t
f«»r Caneer.—Mas S M. loot . Wi ...t .n N. C.
<»nr Kw.k on Cancer, containing other testimoni»’" tin
ti nation, will be »ent tree te any address by tlie Swift > ;
Cc'tupony. At laute, Georgia.
Bears the
Signature /
!’■ -a 'its Digestion Chcetful-
i'æSS .aidâes. Contains neither
ii,Morphine nor Mineral.
-or N ascotic .
^:íx.Sei:¡, : *
J. K. Wilson, who liven on C lehalem
Irritating slings, bites, scratches.
jlnije SifJ
mountain north of Nv.;" tg, is the
aoiuidH und cuts sootheAand healed by
turnip king of Yamhill.
He estiimil. -
' ■
i. ’t Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve,—a sure
I ' '’f/fScra -
his crop at 100 ton-.
afe application for tortured flesh,
Lester Vanetta was down to Forest
i .
re of counterfeits.
Rogers Bros.
Grove on Saturday to witirt>ss the foot­
l\ rx-rf.-et Remedy for Coasüpa-
i ...* advisability of nominating a city
ti, Scttr y
.eh. Diarrhoe a
ballcontest between i':». ire (uii.ersity
. Lot will be the question at the meet-
'. •' ,1-ms Cet. iils.cns,Feverish-
and Bishop Scott academy. The lomier
,i . of the temperame society next Tues-
won bv a score
. .y evening. 'Hie fiicudsof temperance
Î1.C S1««*4‘C
are requested to b. pn sent. Meeting in
obstinate summer coughs and .
i -. ”1
W. C. T. t . hall ut . :30 p. tn.
consider it a most wonder! i no
A’v u cannot make a linen duster out —quick ami safe.”—W. W.
f u pig's ear, but ; on can find the finest Meyhew, Wis. Roger« Br .
line of buggy r I . \ wliij.s, etc., ever
M. 15. Hendrick say th.
. - i-
nought to McMiut.v ille, at the harness rnate of 210,000 bushels as the
. ate
store of Els'" Wri ht.
amount of wheat stored in Me'
. me
1 here ia a study in nutumual loveli warehou es, is proved to bo m
ii. 'ss for artist- in the foliage of that row , I0,0u0 buslieia wrong v . he w ill
of eorkeliu* front, . i Mr. Dielschu ider’s | give |10 to any charitable object >1 the
ind Mr. Purbam's residence«, "hl i city of McMinnville.
Ink l-'rost paints with a wonderfully |
George Range thinks that <
-i ‘ i"
clever brush.
that the season was short he
A. M Dee got l ome Saturday evening
I here will be an lnger^. H memmi il ty fair growth of potatoes.
lie o r one ' .. 'er spe: ding a week with Put Dom.n .it
held at Scieme hall next Sunday, " . the other day Unit Was a . ■ " 1 . i
tl.. S ::-ni t lieu t. lie walked over to
_’.llli, nt 2 p. in.
Prof. T. 1!. W »!:•
shape ar.d three ot four of the p j . c . iui - North Yamhiil in eight hours.
of New Yoik, will deliver the address.! were In.>kei. oil and co ked 1 •- .. c..l
The bridge m ross the Yamhill river on
Short speeches by a number of re| re- for the family. The 1 ■ u-mm r ■ 11 n
D . ton r. ad has been closed for
-entalive luea fioni this Good six p. Hilda.
Mr. Range 1- . > e l to
v.: .1 day s, but now the new bridge is
pr yu'iii of music and r< citations. E.eiy ime some kind of feitiiiz.r m .
-' ir completed that it is oi>eii for the
one invited.
ami endeavor to ¡„i-.- s..e,
pa e e of teams.
I'lmto mount., cut to any size you wish enough tor market.—Nev.! rg (,i. ■
i"irmi■: -■ a-e not coinplamiiig of a
at th:-oil'■. e, and for . .de < heape: than
The Day ton flouring mil!- lia;.- I
the cheapest.
complet'd ami made ready for .-
dy san", of m. i-1 ure. Ground is in good
.11 l' .i ¡.lowing, end the tillers oi
J. J Henderson, R. <>. Jones and 11. work. Follow ing, from the «; ...:: oi ■ o
- : tl.e ;l a e Lii.-y Letwei n showers.
W. Jones of Amity a few days ago sob» the Dayton Herald, will I j < . i m
■ d 1
.'1 head of cattle to J. W. Brown of Ti e mills have the < :ip:e ity to
>« . ., eps.u can be cured by vsinfl
Aikei’.a dyspepsia table's.
One little
'ihe prices paid were not barrels per day—I...s 5 sc - toE"i-.
i. biel will give ¡inmediato relief or
made public but it is understood that of which will b.> used h>r el"', ' :..
m • -v lef'inded.
bold in handsome
the pa'd t.41 l.eei this year have grinding meal. The b"il<iii.g - ;;dx
feet, 42 fei t in height—3 with I tin boxes at 15 cts.
no ri those of wheat.
Wo now have a few thousand dollars to storage room for about O.bvO > osliels of
G!en Winslow, of Newberg, drew a
wheat. A late style separator.
'll the
loan on farm property, ut good terms.
m at design for the front cover page of
machinery in the mill is of modem ly !e
I; .f
)KVi.xic & V inton .
t .( 1
number of the I'ollege Barom-
and make, ami pronounced by 'Imse aim
'1 In Mi thodists at Sheridan are re- have knowledge oi tln se thii gs to b ! éter, f ihe st it • agricultural college at
C .rva s, of wliidi paper lie is the busi­
tnodeimg lln'ir church by cutting oil' tl.e the best.
ness manager.
nppei part ami improving the auditor­
The Portland Telegram - ales the ■ a e
Rev. Burbank, the pastor, has
R bi ts, the democratic-polygamist
in this light : “Recent raii.s ca
d th.
pulled the clérical robes, und is assisting
co-.-i'.s-'man elect from I’tah, says be
in his shirt sleeves. We like 11 preii"her
w:!i miike it light to take his seat.
effectually stopping work i n it e lock-
who dots not hesitate to pt rforin a Utile
.! ' .. do Imw ill. He knew at the time
It tin* hoped th .t liie
manual labor once in a while.
lie v s i: miaat d that if elected tbe.e
rise might be staved . h um,: November
E1.11 1: M< I aniel of Portland has been 1J, by- which time it was tm ■ : t t ■ would lie a mov.ment to keep him out
h ii-e. His party, though, took
indi. t<'d by the grand jury for the mur­ work could be comp! t- 1. N
the 1: k, believing that the democrats
der of Mi-s I’lnr 1 I'ileh. The indictment will now be done until s| ; , v >
woui.l carry the election and thus let
reads as follows
“Eiank McDaniel is coni f actors w ill turn in m. .
R iT'crts have the sent.
a.. 1. cd of willfully, feloniously, pur- job in a short while.
The tr . e 1 s
!-■. i .1 i >yi’.-ia Cure thoroughly di-
p. ely.aml of deliberate and preniedi- been due to a coffeidam, wi ch i . -
t Ucd Im.line, hav in;- killed Clar e Ade- washed out several times. Cm
: - M U w it liont aid from the stomach,
■ ..
ai I at the ».une time heals and re-tores
laid I tell, by choking, sudoeating and wheat hud Loen stored ..t M \.
oi-ea-ed digestive i rgans. It is the
slranudiiig her. and by forcibly stopping awaiting completion of tl. ■ . ..- ti ..
i iy remedy that doe« both < f these
and closing and compressing the neck might be transported to Perth.:
s andean be relied upon to ¡s-r-
nt. I throat of sai l victim, a more pailic­ cheap rate.
It is|O-sible lor home to
it! u d>- .riptiop of the way in which reach .McMinnville during Hie winter n...h- i.tly . ure dyspepsia. Rogers Bros.
said . rime wn- < 0:,.milled being to the season without the locks, so a cheap rate
l i x culture was not what it would
grand jury unknown.”
may y et be obtained.”
hav I'i .'ii had the reason not Imeii so
titlin' ruble. Ilioee who raised llax for
the m d, scnr.ely realized eight bn-hel­
per .. '.•. It willnet tne grower nt.nt
’ • . bti.-i.el. those v.iio have tried
....eo; ;!.«x this war me by no
mi'iui di e muged.
They will try it
o , (1.liming that it is a
L.-J j r at;. .1. r
fearful disease otton ret appetì
n.’sulis Faiaily In üim as This
a 1 tere scratch.; ; .l'f"plo or lump
breast, too sttiall I to e. ttract 01
Cases Cut of Ten—A the
notice, until, in many • e tile de., i
disease is fully developed.
Cancer can not be cun i by ,■> -m
Cure Found at Last. operation,
because the disc.i
‘ I1 V» jit’s Little Etiriv Risers did me
n . r
d than all I I i .d medicines ami
• ' .| :'ls," writes G> > H. Jacobs, oi
lli in 011, «(»mi,
Fruuipt, pleasant,
m v. r gripe.—tin y cure conslipation,
tne torpid liver'to action und give
ion bh
steady nerves,
•' i. steady
a clear
brain and a healthy ap|ietite. Rogers
Alfred Wheeler of Newberg spent
several years in South Africa and has
bdh i n th« ground which is now the
seat of war between the Boers and Great
Britain, says the Graphic. A conver­
sation with him gives one a better in­
sight into tl e habits and enstems of the
people than can be gotten from the
papers. He says the Foere are the finest
riflemen in die world,but ll.eir knowledge
of the tise of artillery is ...1 lied.
' M It’s cnsv to
L < I haul a big
r/u v r // loat* UP a
big 11:1 if
you grease
the wagon
wheels with
. A'.-'.'
MICA Axle Grease
Got n box and learn why it ’ r the
l i ’t grr-ub«' ever put on an axle.
Hohl everj’where. Made hy
i Will Examine Your
Eyes Free of charge
Bv the intelligent use of the
Opothalmoscope. I am prepared
to make the internal examination
of your eyes and determine
whether or not the defect is at
error of refractions or disease.
I also have the finest Trial case
for ti ling your eyes in Yamhill
County. L< uses ground for the
most difficult cases.
I). A. SMITH, Optician.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests whai you eat.
It artificially dige-t-t lie food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon­
structing the exhausted digestive or­
gans. It i3thelatestdiscovere(ldigest-
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in­
stantly relieves and pent), i ntly cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn.
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
SickHeadache.Gastralgia. Cramps, and
ill other results of imp rfect digestion
Prepared by E. C. DeWitt a Co.. Chicago
'OTICF. is hereby given that II. W. Hogne,
adininistrntorof th«' «>tatc<«fs Forehand,
N deceased,
has tiled hi- final account a" such ad-
niinistrator with ‘«he eh rk < f the < .-unty couit
f >r Yfttnhill c«»unty, st». •« i Or-icon, and that
Tuesday, the 7th day ot N »> mb» r, l>99. at ten
o’clock in the forenoon of said the court
r.H'in of said county court, ha« 1» • n appointed
l»\ Il«»n. R. I’. Bird, judge <f saio court, as the
lim ind place for the hearing of « ’ jtctions to
said final account and the <vttkmvnt thereof.
I» ted .-vj't' mber29th, 18 "».
Admit: strator of the estate of S. Forehand,
dec. a*« <1.
REE!) .x HOGUR and R. L. <ONNER,
Attorneys fc»r said Administrator.
^<»T’ E
hereby ? ven Hint the tinder«
•*: ¡.«d lift' b •• «1» .. ap|. ult'l ftffmin-
i'tr u««r "t Ihe esiftt- uf N'ota A. hiutneller,
('"• •<
by th«- coun'.y court of Yamhill conn­
tv, or«- .on
Now therefore, all persons having
clan, k ftgftin** said estate H.e n. nLy notitied
.>« iinth i-
MgiHd nt McMhiiAi’b , On•-«•», properly veri-
t v«L wi bin >ix ju . 'alhs iro n the date of this
no tee.
Dated October _7th, 18.9.
Viminifetrfttor of said estate.
R \ M'EY «•» FEN K»N. Attorneys for estate.
Vncle Paul Kruger is (le|»endiiig upon
1‘roviderce in Ihe fort lie. tiling war wiih
Gnat Britain.
The latlir ¡<>wer also
dep, : d> upon ti c same aibitrator.
rb»» • is a dcep-»eat«d and growing ini-«-i n. however, that tl e jx»wer with
Ftxpcrlewee •« ll»r best Imcher.
|. ivi' st guns and L- .i slaying qua)-
Vse Acker's English remedy in any c««e
■ ,. • wiil make at the tvsl cate before
<4 coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail
toe cl .-en tribunal.
to give immediate relief money refunded.
li.diane from the Cbemawa school 2S cts. and •’ > cts
(oniinue to wipe the ba-e ba 11 diamond
• -
w ii the r> m ins of ttieir <a>ni|»etilore.
Taylor Foster who went from this
Their development« in that line this county to Alaska, is said to 1« doing
ear make it look as if the great national well in the Atltncnnntrv.
Mrs. Foster
; »lne bad d. generate»! into a cuufiJen-e lately arrived at the Lome of her mother
•«me with th« confidence all on one Mrs. Cox. at >beridan, but will return
__ «—
north early in the spring.