The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 27, 1899, Image 3

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People Fled From Vryburg
When Boers Appeared.
Report That a Mina Wai Exploded«
Destroying Hundreds of the Boar
Troop.—Th. Uiuovitea Mutinied.
London, Oct. 21.—The Pietermaritz­
burg correspondent of the Daily Mail,
in a dispatch says:
The brunt of the fighting at Bester’s
Station yesterday was sustained by the
volunteer patrols. The fighting was
brisk. The Boers numbered 2,000.
The volunteers at one moment were in
great peril, being nearly cut off, but
the officers handled tjieir men splen­
didly, and the Maxims effectively
stopped the Boers’ rushes. The Boer
showing was wretched. The volun­
teers lost their kit, and altogether the
fight was a pretty trying one. The
men were in the saddle three days and
two nights, with hardly a rest. Basu-
to natives were fighting with the Boers.
It is reported that 16 Boers were killed.
Vryburg Surrendered.
London, Oct. 21.—The Cape Town
correspondent of the Daily Mail, tele­
graphing tonight, says:
"Vryburg surrendered Sunday. To­
night’s dispatches from Kuruman, 10
miles east by south of Vryburg, state I
that the police having withdrawn from
Vryburg, the town surrendered to the
Boers, the inhabitants fleeing in all di­
rections, mostly toward Kuruman.
When the police withdrew, the Cape
Boers notified the enemy of the fact,
thus inviting them to take possession.
There was a fearful panic. The Brit­
ish are wildly indignant at this scut­
Boer Army Trapped.
London, Oct. 21.—The Daily News’
Cape Town correspondent says:
It is rumored that news has reached
Deax Junction that the Boers attacked
Mafeking in force, but were repulsed.
The defenders, seeing the enemy re­
treating, pursued them for some dis­
tance. Then a feint was made and
they commenced to retire on the town,
allowing themselves to be driven in by
the Boers, who, eager to retrieve their
position, again advanced to the attack
and were drawn over lyddite mines laid
for the defense of the town, It is ru-
mored that 1,500 Boers were killed by
the explosions.
Patrol Fired Upon.
Ladysmith, Oct. 21.—This morning
■a patrol under Mojor Andy penetrated
the Boer outpost at Bester’s Station,
and was fired upon but retired without
Dutch Rifle Corps Mutinies.
Ladysmith, Oct. 21.—The Umvotie
mounted rifle corps, which is largely
recruited from the Dutch colonists, has
The Coming Strike.
St. Paul, Oct. 21.—A general strike
on the Great Northern will probably
■occur within a few days. It will in­
dued conductors, engineers,- firemen,
brakemen and switchmen, and the men
expect to tie up the road from end to
end. In the great strike of five years
ago, the conductors held aloof, but they
have been brought into the present
trouble by a recent order requiring
them to pay for bonds covering damages
to trains under their charge. The list
•of grievances given by the men is a
long one, and they claim to have been
finable to secure anything like satisfac­
tion from the management. Since last
March grievance committees have been
almost constantly in this city trying to
j-each some agreement with the railway
-officials, but without result.
The Eighth Yacht Trial.
New York, Oct. 21.—Had the wind
held today, the Columbia-Shamrock
isries for the America’s cup would
ave ended in three straight wins for
the defender, and the Irish cup hunter
would have sailed home without the
trofhy, beaten as decisively as any
former candidate, Only the failure of
the wind saved the Shamrock from de-
feat more stinging than on Monday.
Today she was beaten on the run to the
«uter mark 5 minute« and 51 second«
elapsed time, and on the leg home,
which should have been a beat, but
which, owing to a shift of the wind,
was a broad reach, the Columbia sailed
away from her like a witch. When
the race was declared off, about 10
minutes before the expiration of the
time limit, the Columbia was leading
by about three miles. She was then
four miles from the finish. Had the
Tace ended, the Shamrock would have
been beaten by at least 20 minutes.
No Friction at Manila.
Victoria, B. C., Oct. 21.—Although
Professor Worcesetr, one of the Philip­
pine commissioners, who arrived on the
Empress of Ja;>an, refused to talk of
what he and his colleagues had done,
he denied that there had been any fric­
tion between Genreal Otis and the oth­
er members of the commission.
said: ‘‘There was never an occasion
during our stay when our relations
with the general were other than most
am iable. ’ ’_________________
London, Oct. 19.—Many stories of
brisk fighting are in circulation, but
although the forces may have come in
contact, all alleged details must be re­
garded as premature and speculative,
especially if the report be true that the
Orange Free State troops are now in
complete possession of the railway from
Kimberley to Orange river, 70 miles
The alleged, virulence of the Boers’
attacks upon jlafeking ami Kimberley
can readily be understood when it is
realized that Bechuanaland is t« the
Boers what Alsace-Lorraine is to
France. It is therefore probable both
towns will be forced to undergo a long
and dreary investment before the Brit­
ish are in position to send a relief
On the other side of the country the
Boers are closing around the British
outposts, and have already come into
touch with them and exchanged shots.
Therefore more stirring news is ex­
Advices from Cape Town relate that
excitement is kept up there by cease­
less reports of battles, but that little
uneasiness is visible in official circles,
where the opinion prevails that Mafe­
king and Kimberley are safe. The last
message from Kimberley, prior to the
cutting of the telegraph and railway
by the Boer«, said: “All troops at
Kimberley are well.”
The calling out of the Cape Colony
volunteers is supplemented by a de­
cision to raise 2,000 more volunteers
in Cape Colony and 1,000 in Natal.
Thus the total strength of the volun­
teer forces in both places will amount
to 12,500 men.
Exports Still Climbing.
British Rout Kruger’s Troops
at Glencoe.
British Loss
Boers 800—Invaders
Surprised tho British Camp by Opeu-
ing Fire Wi’li Artillery.
Glencoe Gump. Oct. 23.—Aftei
eight hours of continuous heavy fight­
ing, Dundee hill was carried by the
Dublin fusileers and the King’s Royal
rifles, under cover of a well-directed
firtillery firo by the Thirteenth and
Sixty-ninth batteries. The Boers, who
threatened the British rear, have re­
'The fight was almost an exact coun­
terpart of that of Majuba hill, oxcept
that the position of the Boer and Brit­
ish forces were reversed.
Symons was severely, but not danger-
cously wounded.
The battle today was a brilliant suc­
cess. The Boers got a reverse which
may possibly, for a time at any rate,
check all aggressive action. The Brit­
ish artillery practice in the early part
of the day decided the battle.
The seizure of Dundee hill by the
Boers was a surprise; for, although the
pickets had been exchanging shots all
night, it was not nntill a shell boomed
over the town into the camp that their
presence was discovered.
Then the
shells came fast. Tho hill was posi­
tively alive with the swarming Boers
till the British artillery got to work
with magnificent energy and precision.
Directly rhe Boer guns ceased firing,
General Symons ordered the infantry to
move on the position. The infantry
charge was magnificent. The way the
King’s Royal rifles and the Dublin fu­
sileers stormed the position was one of
the most splendid sights ever seen.
General Symons was wounded early
in the action, and the command then
devolved on Major Yule.
The enemy as they fled, were fol­
lowed by the cavalry, mounted infan­
try and artillery. The direction taken
was to the eastward. At the latest re­
ports the cavalry had not returned.
A rough estimate places the British
loss at 250 killed or wounded, and that
of the Boers at 800.
Washington, Oct. 19. — Present indi­
cations warrant the belief that the ex­
ports of the calendar year 1899 will be
the largest in our history. The total
for the eight months ending with Au­
gust showed an excess of $12,000,000
over the corresponding months of 1898,
which was the largest calendar year in
our exporting history, and the Septem­
ber statement of breadstuffs, provisions,
cottons and mineral oils, just issued by
the treasury bureau of statictics, shows
for those four classes alone an excess
of $12,000,000 over September of last
year. When to this is added the fact
»that the exports of manufactures are
¡now much larger than at this time last
.year, and that even in the re-exporta­
tion of foreign goods the figures of this
Agreement as to Alaska.
'year exceed those of last, it sems prob­
Washington, Oct. 23.—Mr. Tower,
able that the calendar year 1899 will
show a larger total of exports than that British charge here, called at the state
department today and notified Secre­
of any preceding year.
tary Hay of the formal acceptance by
A Criminal*« End.
his government of the proposition for
Chicago, Oct. 19.—Buried in the a temporary adjustment of the Alaska
woods, five miles north of Waukegan, boundary line proposed by Secretary
Ill., in a grave dug by comrades, is the Hay.
body of Tom Meyers, a well-known con­
The state department is confident it
fidence man and foregr, who the night has conserved American interests in
of August 31, escaped with three other the matter, without unjustly treating
prisoners from the Waukegan jail. Canada. The divisional line, bounded
¡Peter Gorman, one of the jail breakers on the west by the Dalton trail, is
'who assisted in the burial of his dead placed 22 Ji miles above Pyramid har­
Comrade, was recaptured in this city by bor, which is regarded under the treaty
lOfficer Condell, and he told the police as a tidewater mark, so the Canadians
Hie story of the forger’s end. Meyers, are not allowed to reach any point on
according to the statement, died Sep­ Lynn canal. Moreover, there is no
tember 3, as the result of privation and permission for a free transfer across
exposure for four days in the woods American territory of Canadian goods,
where he and his companions had taken except miners’ belongings.
refuge after their escape. With infinite matters may figure later, when it comes
difficulty the three men hollowed out to a permanent boundary line, but they
a place for his remains. The two men are not touched u|>on in this modus.
still at liberty who broke from the jail
Strike Cannot Be Averted.
are George C. Schneider and Joe Poul.
St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 23.—A Great
Free State Boers Destroy a Railroad.
Northern official said today that the
Cape Town, Oct. 19.—The Orange conclusion had l>een reached by the
Free State troops have cut the telegraph road that a strike could not lie-averted.
wires and destroyed the railroad track Higher officials will not talk, but the
at Norvalsjiont, just across the Orange wholesale merchants have been prob­
Free State southern border.
ing into the situation, and their rejiorta
A dispatch from Dundee, Natal, says confirm the statement that the Great
a Boer command, estimated at 2,000 Northern is likely to witness the most
men, with 16 field guns, has reached effective tie-up ever experienced in the
Dannhauser, northeast of Dundee, with West. The jobbers will lose thousands
the probable- intention of snrrounding of dollars per day, and are anxious to
Dundee and cutting off the garrison head off a strike. The recent order
from communication with Glencoe and making conductors responsible for dam­
Ladysmith. It is supposed this force age to their trains is the last straw.
is commanded by Commandant Vil­ Every organization is involved, and
joen, and comprises tho German gun­ every trainman, from conductor down,
ners. The best of the Boer force from including telegraphers, will go out if
Newcastle is believed to be marching the strike is ordered.
around Glencoe to sever its connection
with Ladysmith.
The Columbia Wing.
New York, Oct. 23.—Through wild
Watching the Passes.
and heavy seas, in a breeze that ap­
Durban, Oct. 19.—It is estimated proached the dignity of a gale, the gal­
that from 11,000 to 13,000 Free State lant sloop Columbia today vanquished
Boers are watching the passes in the the British challenger Shamrock by 0
Drakenberg range from Olivier’s Hook minutes and 18 seconds actual time and
to Collins pass. They have pushed a 6 minutes and 34 seconds corrected
few patriots down the berg, but hither­ time, thus completing the series for ths
to the main force has not debouched America’s cup with a magnificent
from the actual passage, which is being rongh-weater duel and a glorious Yan­
entrenched. Commandant-General Jou­ kee victory.
bert is heavily fortifying Laing’s Nek.
Crisis in Venezuela Ended.
Two Boer spies have been arrested at
Caracas, Venezuela, Oct. 23.—The
Ladysmith and handed over to the mil­
'crisis is virtually over. General An­
itary authorities.
The enrollment of 1,000 Uitlanders drade, the president, has accepted the
under the imperial governments’ action conditions proposed by the insurgent
is proceeding briskly at Durban and commander, General Castro, and will
Pietermaritzburg. Reports are persist­ go abroad, the presidency devolving
ently circulated of a break-down in on the vice-presidency. Castro will
the Boer commissariat and transport enter Caracas peacefully, thus avoiding
Federation of Labor.
Want Reciprocity.
Washington, Oct. 23. — Reciprocity
Washington, Oct. 18.—The executive
arrangements are sought by the island
council of the American Federation of of St. Kitts and Turk’s island, British j
Labor met here today. The secretary’«
West Indies. The arrangements so far
report shows a marvelous increase in
nearly all the British West In­
the number of organizations formed
dian possessions.
and affiliated.
Library for Manila Soldiers.
Ordered to Portland.
Washington, Oct. 21.—Lieutenant 9.
Arnold, United States navy, has l>een
Durban, Oct. 18.—Fifteen refugees
prdered to Portland as an inspector of from Harrysmith have reached Lady­
government boat machinery at the smith. Among them is the guard of
Wolff A Zwicker iron works.
the Natal train which was commandered
General Henry's Assignment.
by the Orange Free State. He says the
Washington. Oct. 21.—By direction English driver and firemen were de­
of the president, Major-General Guy tained to work the train, which is used
!F. Henry, on waiting orders, has been in carrying Free State troops to Van
Assigned to command of the department Keenan's Pass, where earthworks have
bf the Missouri, with headquarters at been thrown up and two guns have been
placed in position.
Refugees From Harrysmlth.
9an Francisco, Oct. 23.—A commit­
tee of prominent citizens headed by
Rabbi Jacob Voorsanger, and includ­
ing among its members General Shaf­
ter, Mayor Phelan and Mrs. Phoelie
Hearst, has taken steps toward the es­
tablishment of a library in Manila for
the use of the United States soldier«.
The project, which was originated by
the late Colonel Miley, has been taken
up with enthusiasm by men and women
who are determined to carry it into ex­
Want, to Turn Over Salvador to the
Mexican Government.
Cominurcial and Financial Happening*
of Interest to the Growing
Western State«.
Chicago,, Oct. 21.—A special to the
Record from El Paso, Tex., says:
General Ezeta, ex-pVesident of Salva­
dor, and an exile from that country,
who disappeared mysteriously from
his home in Oakland, Cal., where he
had lived for three years, came to El
Paso Saturday last, and left over the
Mexican Central railway for the City
of Mexico, in company of J. H.
Holmes and C. S. Greene. Holmes is
manager of the Iturbide hotel, of the
City of Mexico, ami Greene is the city
attorney of Pasadena, Cal.
General Ezeta divulged his identity
. to an official of the Mexican Central
road at Juarez, Mexico. The ex-presi­
dent said he had become tired of his
banishment from his native country,
and preferred to die in an attempt to
free his people from tyranny than re­
main an exile for life. General Ezeta
said he and his party would confer
with the Mexican executive on the sub­
ject of a revolution in Salvador for the
overthrow of the present administra­
It is understood that General Ezeta
will offer to turn over Salvador to the
republic of Mexico, in return for the
financial aid of the Mexican govern­
ment in his venture.
h Heinitzi. the alleged coal-
‘‘«alter,” is loigel in the coun­
ty jail, at Olypmia, in default of
$1,000 bail. His trial will occur at
the November term of court. The pen­
alty for the offense with which he is
charged is a fine of $50 to $5,000 and
imprisonment from one to five years.
Heinitzi protests his innocence of salt­
ing the mine in the most vigorous
terms. On the strength of the show­
ing made at the "salted” mine at Bu­
coda, a corporation was organized and
considerable money put up.
George Vincent, of Butter Creek,
Or., tells the Heppner Times that he
purchased 53 head of beef cattle which
had been raised on Camas prairie, but
were in very good condition. He
turned them into a field of green alfalfa
and after 27 days they had increased in
weighton an average of 4 IS pounds
per head. No other kind of grass on
earth would produce such a result, and
Mr. Vincent says alfalfa grass has as
much nutrition as corn.
No Doubt as to Ills Stand on the Phil« |
ippine Question.
Washington, Oct. 21.—President
McKinley’s message to the next con-
gress is expected to be the most impor­
tant document of the kind since the
civil war. After the president’s West­
ern trip there can no longer be any
doubt as to his intentions regarding
the Philippines, for it has been amply
demonstarted that he will recommend
that the islands become the permanent
property of the United States,' leaving
their treatment to congress, but asking
that a policy be early outlined, in or­
der to quench the Filipino hope that
there will be a change in public senti­
ment in the United Staes which will
result in the domination of the anti-ex­
pansion element.
Fears for the Senator.
Victoria, Oct. 21.—The steamer Em­
press of India, which has reached here
from Japan, has completed the rough­
est trip of her 43 voyages. The second
day out from Yokohama she encoun­
tered a typhoon which smashed all
telegraph communication between the
engine room and the bridge and de­
stroyed some of the lioats. The storm
continued unabated one day and night.
Fears are expressed by the officer«
for the transport sterner Senator, carry­
ing home the Fifty-first Iowa regiment.
She left Yokohama for San Francisco
eight hours before the Empress, and,
having large upper works, would fare
badly in a storm.
Boilermakers* Strike.
San Francisco, Oct. 21.—The lioiler-
makers’ strike is over, and the men
will go back to work tomorrow. The
men have conceded the nine hours a
day on all vessels not owned by the
government. On these latter the day’«
work will be eight hours for 10 hours’
pay. In order to make up for the ex­
tra hour on outside ships, a slight ad­
vance has been made of the men’s pay.
As a result of the artisans going back
to work, nearly all the transports now
in port will get away next week.
The Olympia Olypmian «ay« that
Secretary of State Jenkins, who was
asked to pardon Eno Bly, now under 20
years’ sentence for murder, would have
granted the pardon had he been con­
vinced that Lieutenant-Governor Dan­
iels was out of the state. Jenkins, as
a memebr of the state board of pardons,
recommended the pardon of Bly, which
was refused by Governor Rogers.
About 25 settlers are affected by the
action of the Northern Pacific Railway
Company in placing lieu land «crip on
the even-numbered sections in town­
ship 14, 5 west, in Washington. Some
of these settlers have been holding
down their claims for eight years,
waiting for the government to survey
the land and open ii for settlement.
It is probably they will unite and fight
the company.
The sensational suit brought by Ro­
bert and Maria Chatham in the San
Mateo county superior court, at Red­
wood City, Cal., to secure acknowledg­
ment of the claim to lie considered
children of the late capitalist, Robert
Mills, ended with a verdict in theii
favor. They are now entitled to share
in the division of his $300,000 estate.
Considerable excitement exists at
Woodburn, Or., over the report of sev­
eral cases of smallpox at Shaw, on the
Woodburn-Natron branch of the South­
ern Pacific. E. L. Campbell, postal
clerk, reports four cases and many ex­
posure«. Strenuous effort« are being
made with postal authorities to quaran­
tine against the mails at Shaw.
The boys at the Washington reform
school are making 100 suits of clothing
for the inmates of the Steilacoom asy­
lum. A quartet from the school is to
go to Orting to help furnish music on
the occasion of the laying of a corner­
stone for a new building at the Sol­
diers’ Home early next month.
Wesley Schultz was convicted in the
superior court at Chehalis, Wash., ol
stealing a cow near Little Falls, at
hop-picking time. He butchered the
animal, putting the meat on sale at
Patterson’s hopyard. He has already
served a term in the Walla Walla peni­
Newark Sails for Guam.
San Francisco, Oct. 21.—The cruiset tentiary for cattle stealing.
Newark sailed today for Manila via
J. M. Clapp, United States engineer,
The transports Tartar and has a force of a dozen men at work
Olympia will sail in a few days for widening the channel through the big
Manila with troops. The charter of jam in North river, Wash. From $600
the Tartar will expire in about 30 days, to $1,000 will be exjiended. It is pro-
and it is understood the government l>osed to make a channel at least 50 feet
will buy the vessel outright. It is wide.
possible the transport Manuense will
be used exclusively as an inter-island
Dallas, Or., now uses 12 2,000-can-
transport after taking troops from here dle power street lamps until midnight,
for which it pays $7.50 per month each.
on her initial voyage.
A proposition for continuing the lights
Ticket Counterfeiting.
all night has been asked for, and, if
Denver, Oct. 21.—The officials of the satisfactory, the council will order th«
Colorado Midland Railroad Company improved service.
have discovered a case of ticket coun­
The sale of the Sutro electric road at
terfeiting which promise« to prove one
of the most extensive ever discovered San Francisco, was formally consum­
in this country. 'The ticket counter­ mated after some spirited bidding in
feited is what is known as a skeleton Judge Coffey’« court, the purchaser be­
round-trip form. The ticket is so made ing the Sutro Street Railway Company
that, with the coupon attached, it can and the price to be paid $215,000.
be made out to any point in the coun­
Beef cattle are becoming scarce in
try and return.
the Long Creek country, in Oregon, the
Storm« in Southern Italy.
ranges having been pretty well cleaned
Rome, Oct. 21.—Serious storms, ac­ up by buyers. Three hundred fine beef
companied by floods, prevail in the steer« were sent to market from the
southern districts of Italy, working Prairie City section last week.
widespread damage. At San Giorgio,
In the Powder river valley, Wash.,
a bridge and 20 houses have been
swept away, and it is believed there considerable damage was done by last
has been considerable loss of life there. week's snow. Some of the grain wa«
At Mounte Mesoula, a church was found uncut and the «now beat it down.
struck by lightning during mass, three Late potatoes and fruit were also in­
¡>ereons being killed and 40 other« jured.
more or lees injured.
The Davenport, Wash., Times «ay«
500,000 sacks have l*een sold to wheat
Mayo« Join the Taqnl«.
raisers in that county. Every ware­
Chicago, Oct. 20.—A special to the
Record from Austin, Tex., says: A house is full and still grain ia coming
dispatch from Ortiz, Mexico, says that in.
a band of over 300 Mayo Indians has
joined the Yaqni reliels at their rendez­
vous near Sahaurpia.
In the previous war« of the Yaquia
against the government the Mayo« re­
fused to become their allies, and the
present action of the younger Mayo
braves is strongly disapproved by the
older element of the [leaceable tribe.
Snlelde of a Cashier'« Wife.
Twelve inches of «now covered the
ground at Long Creek, Grant county,
Or., recently, but it disappeared the
next day after it fell.
Dan Davis, of Guy, Whitman county,
Wash., is serving a sentence in the
county jail, with a $250 fine, for run­
ning a ‘‘blind pig.”
Rate« Are Moving Up and Have Bearing*
on Export Trade.
Bradstreet’s says: More nearly, per­
haps, than ever before, does the volume
of general trade and industry tax exist­
ing transportation facilities handling
the same. From nearly all parts of the
country, but particularly from the
West and South, come reports of car
Some of this congestion
seem« to be the result of a diversion of
traffic ordinarily carried on by water
routes to already crowded railroads.
The inability of present transportation
facilities to copie with the existing situ­
ation is, however, not confined to do­
mestic trade lines. From both coasts
of this country come reports of insuf­
ficient tonnage offering to handle goods
seeking a foreign outlet, and freight
rates are considerably higher than they
were a year or more ago. This latter
feature, in fact, is one which maj' have
important effects uj>on our foreign trade
during the balance of the year.
With few notable exceptions prices
continue strong. A number of lines
have advanced quotations, while the
great body of staple articles manifest
all their old firmness. Some weakness
in wheat prices is directly traceable to
higher freight rates because of ths
partial closing of the door to reliei
from growing domestic stocks.
Raw wool i« firmer and even highes
on better demand at the East, some
heavy speculative transaction« being
The strength of lumber is apparently
Business failures for the week num­
ber 221, as compared with 164 last
week, 213 in this week a year ago, 225
in 1897, 202 in 1896, and 259 in 1895.
Business failures in the Dominion of
Canada for the week number 20, as,
compared with 19 last week, 24 in this
week a year ago, 27 in 1897, 48 in
1896, and 36 in 1895.
Seattle Market«.
Onions, new, $1.00@ 1.25 per sack«.
Potatoes, new, $16(3:18.
Beets, per sack, $1.10.
Turnips, per sack, 75c.
Carrots, per sack, 90c.
Parsnips, per sack, 90c.
Cauliflower, 75c per dozen.
Cabbage, native and California, $L
@1.25 per 100 pounds.
Peaches, 65 @ 80c.
Apples, $1.25@1.50 per box.
Pears, $1.00@1.25 per box.
Prunes, 60c per box.
Watermelons, $1.50.
Cantaloupes, 40@ 50c.
Butter—Creamery, 28c per pound;
dairy, 17 @ 22c; ranch, 20c per pound.
Eggs—27 @ 28c.
Cheese—Native, 13@14c.
Poultry—12J yc ; dressed, lBJfc'c.
Hay—Puget Sound timothy, $12.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
Corn—Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $23.
Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton,
$21; whole, $22.
Flour—Patent, per barrel, $3.65;
blended straights, $3.25; California,
$3.25; buckwheut flour, $3.50; gra­
ham, per barrel, $2.90; whole wheat
Hour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.75.
Millstuffs—Bran, per ton, $15.00;
I hurts, per ton, $16.00.
Feed—Chopped feed, $20.50 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal,
per ton, $35.00.
Portland Market.
Wheat—Walla Walla, 56 (a 57c; Val­
ley, 58c; Bluestem, 59c per bushel.
Flour—Best grades, $3.25; graham,
$2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats—Choice white, 34@35c; choice
gray, 32@33c per bushel.
Barley—Feed barley, $15(3 16.00»
brewing, $18.50@ 19.00 per ton.
Millstuffs—Bran, $17 per ton; mid­
dling«, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per
Hay—Timothy, $9@ 11; clover, $7
@8; Oregon wild hay, $6@7 per ton.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 50 @ 55c;
seconds, 42 Ji @45c; dairy, 37Jv@40o;
store, 22
Eggs—22(3 23 J«c per dozen.
Cheese—Oregon full cream, 18c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo
per pound.
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $3.00@
4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.50; springs,
$2.00@3.50; geese, $5.50@6 for old;
$4.50@6.50 for young; ducks, $4.50
per dozen; turkeyB, live, 12Ji@14a
per pound.
Potatoes—55 @ 65c per sack; sweet«,
2@2j^c per pound.
Vegetables—Beets, $1; turnip«, 90c;
per «ack; garlic, 7c per pound; cauli­
flower, 75c per dozen; parsnip«, $1;
beans,* 5@6c. per pound; celery, 70@
75c per dozen; cucuml>ers, 50c per
l>ox; peas, 8@4c per pound; tomatoes,
80c per l*ox; green corn, 12 SO
15c per dozen.
Hop«—7(3 10c; 1898 crop, 5@6c.
Wool—Valley, 12@13c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8@14c; mohair, 27 @
80c per pound.
Mutton—Gross, liest sheep, wethen
and ewe«, 8‘ic; dressed mutton, 6 lv @
7c per pound; laintm, 7 Sc per pound.
Hog«—Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.50; dressed,
$6.00(38.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef—Gross, top steers, $3.50@4.00;
cows, $3@3.50; dreese<l beef, 6 S3
7 Jia per pound.
Veal—Large, 6 Ji @7 Sc; small, 80
8J*c per pound.
San Franeisro Market.
The wagon road between Susanville
Wool—Spring—Nevada, 12@14cper
•nd Pendleton, Or., ia being consider­
ably improved, Pendleton meschanta pound; Eastern Oregon, 12@15c; Val­
having enbacribed liberally to paying ley, 17@19c; Northern, 8@10c.
Hope—1899 crop, 9@12Jio per
the coat.
Onions—Yellow, 75 @ 85c per sack.
The Whatcom, Wa«h., Blade, gives
Butter—Fancy creamery 80@81c;
the figures of improvements in that city
the past year amounting to more than do seconds, 27 @ 29c; fancy dairy, 24
@26c; do seconds, 21@23c per pound.
Austrian lteleharath Reassemble«.
Eggs—Store, 25@33c; fancy ranch,
Menlo creamery, at Routh Bend, 41(3420.
Vienna, Oct. 21.—The reichsrath re­
assembled today with a full attendance. Wash., won first prise for cheese and
Millstuffs — Middlings. $19.00 O
Dr. von Fuchs was re-elected president. tscond on butter at the state fair.
30.50; nran, $l«.50@ 17. W.
Colorado Springs, Colo., Oct. 21.—
Mrs. W. 9. Jackson, wife of the cash­
ier of the El Paso County bank, of this
city, committed suicide this afternoon
by shooting herself. She had been in
poor health for some time, and it ia
believed self-destruction was caused by