M’MINN VILLE, ORE.« FRIDAY, < X I Entered »t the PostolWcein McMinnville, as ¡Second-class matter. XXIX Mrs. C. E. Smith visited in Portland last week. Ernest Dunbar’s have moved into town for the w inter. The smiling face of W. II. Nelson is now seen behind the counter of Smith's drug store. Last week Lou Hadley and wife at­ tended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Macy near Dayton. Mrs. Frank Morris arrived home on Monday, from an extended visit in the east, and Mr. M. is happy. Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Hebo, Tilla­ mook county, have been spending the week with their daughter, Mrs. J. C. Porter. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen, of near Dayton, was brought to ♦ Newberg for burial on Sunday. Tsist week Mrs. Verona Nelson and ♦ son Joe, visited with Mis. D. M. Metz­ ♦ ger of Lafayette. ♦ ♦ Mr. Geo. Gilbert has sold his stock of groceries to S. F. Lashier and will leave I for California soon. Lashier has moved his goods into the building occupied by Mr. Gilbert and will continue the busi­ ness there. Otis Whitmore, who resided near Laurel, was accidentally shot and killed at a point between Laurel and Newberg, on Sunday. Whitmore and his brother- in-law, a man named Oruduff, were bunting. A grouse Hew up and Whit­ more tiled at it without effect. Ornduff then tired and brought down the bird. Whitmore then started to pick up the bird, and Ornduff was in the act of re­ loading his gun, when the weapon dis­ charged, and the lead of shot struck Whitmore in the side, completely shat­ tering the left lung. Medical aid was summoned from Newberg and Hillsboro, but nil efforts to save (lie life of the un­ fortunate man were unavailing, ns he soon expited. W> it more was 3J years of age. lie leaves a wife and three children. lie was sober and industrious I and his death is gent rally deplored. Oh, Say! ♦ The New Grocery Firm of Warren & Son ♦ ♦ ♦ :♦ : :♦ : ♦ :♦ ♦ Has succeeded that of Bettman & Warren, and' is doing business at the old stand. We are treat­ ing our old friends the best we know how, and we want to make the acquaintance of many new ones. OCR PRICES ARE RIGHT! Scan our market every morning for Fruits and Vegetables. We are pushing a hot campaign in these articles, and they are always choice. : a oo 8 We Haven’t Killed Hanv 8 8 0 O 8 8 0 0 0 0 8 Bears But we have hammered away night and day for inconsecutive years at the pre­ scription counter with the result of having attained the largest preset iption tile in the county. There’s a reason for this. Anyone can dish out patent medicines, but when it comes to filling prescript i-»ns you want a competent r.inual the tiller, so to speak, with a clear eye and a clear head in fact, a man who realizes that a human life hangs in tlie balance. We do this; it’s our specialty. ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists. >oin il i i h h i ri. C0OOOOOO0OOOO Calk Hbout Diamonds But the place for real intrinsic values is at RACKET STORE See our Men’s and Boys’ Ladies’ and Misses’ Mackintoshes Be sure and see their Large Line of New Goods arriving from New York, which is the fountain head of bargains. Don’t forget about those Star 5 Star Shoes. H. MILLS & SON. AUCTION ! By order of the Creditors I am now closing out the stock of R. P. Bird & Son at Lafayette. Daily Sales 2 p. m., 7 p. m. Drv Goods, Hats. Hardware. Groceries, Boots & Shoes. Woolen Dress Goods at less than wholesale. Hats ioc to $1.50 for 50c to S3 goods. Boots, $5 value for $2. I Heard a Man Say to Another over the phone that if I didn't like the price offered I put the goods back on the shelf. If this man had told the truth he would have -aid that while I was not selling fs gold pieces for 50c each, I was selling goods for less than one-half of the wholesale (not the retail) cost. New Goods in Every Line will b<- received on Thursday, Fri­ day and Saturday, and w ill lie sold for your offer, if it means a loss, as this is done to draw trade. 12 Piece Brass Band 12 in attendance Friday and Saturday. HENRY WADE, Auctioneer. - Seasonable Merchandise" “ I Air-Tight Heating Stoves All Kinds, Sizes ? and Prices 1 Best of Ammunition for Everybody à O. O. HODSON. J Take The Reporter and Get the News One Dollar Per Year. Mis. Willie Belt of Pike in reported as being quite sick. A whist club was organized at this place Thursday evening. Dr. A. J. Kuykendall and wife were in Portland during last week. IL F. Bedwell and wife were in l’ort- land during the latter part of last week. Mrs. .1 ('. McKern and Miss Lizzie Gl uulon drove to McMinnville last Tues­ day. Mr. ltedd of Carlton shipped a car load of hogs from this place Tuesday hist. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Williams visited relatiies and the fair in Portland during last week. Mis. John Powell of Canyon City, Grant, county, is litre visiting her mother Mrs. John Hutcheroft. Mrs. Lee Laughlin and Mrs. Della Rlnide were passengers on the train Wednesday morning for Portland. G. W. perkins and Robert Hutcheroft went over to Woodburn, Wednesday, to attend the hopgrowers' meeting at that place. David Cole of I’ike, and his mother and her family will leave for Michigan in about two weeks, where they will make their future home. It is reported that as the outlook for the hopbuyers’ combine is going to keep the prices of hops below w hat they should Ire, there will be several hundred bales of hops shipped from hero direct to London, and a good competent man sent with them, to make sales over there. If the market does not open up in the near future it is likely that the greater |>ortioii of the hops from this place will be shipped. Hops are moving rather slow in this part of the county, the following trans­ fers being iiliont all that have changed hands: C. Obye to A. J. Luce, 25,000 pounds at 10 cents, 20,000 pounds of them Is i'ig contracted for last spring, so when Mr Luce ca-ne to receive them he took the entire crop of Mr. Obyeat the contracted price; J. IL Perkins to Phil Neu«, Ids entire crop at 10 cents; Luther Morri* to J. M. Ri.“sell, bis entire crop • t 1O’B cent®. A. M. Hofl'mnu visited the metropolis from Saturday until Monday. The long distance telephone bell has been moved to the post office. R. B. Johnson has disposed of liis hop crop, realizing a fair price for them. Miss Martin of Amity sjient Monday afternoon in town, the guest of Miss Per­ cival. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Conner spent Sat­ urday and Sunday visiting relatives in Ballston. Elder Cane will preach in the Presby­ terian church next Sunday, both morn­ ing and evening. Dan Bufl'ura returned from Portland the last of last week and began work on the railroad section. Mrs. T. Smith and Mrs. Nellie Hallet, w ho have been visiting relatives in Port­ land, returned last week. George New ton was elected to repre­ sent the C. E. of this place at the en­ deavor convention at McMinnville next week, Onr school now boasts of 47 pupils en­ rolled, with many more to come. Miss Percival is an able and enthusiastic teacher. Beginning with next Tuesday, Revs. Scott and Smick will begin a seiies of protracted meetings in the Presbyterian chit rch. S. D. Percival of Turner is visiting his mother, Mrs. R. C. Percival, who has lately returned from an extended visit in eastern Oregon. One of the improvements that has been going on in our little burg during the summer was the addition of a small line of gioceries and notions taken in connection with the postoflice. Mr. Garrison, our genial postmaster, has this week replenished his stock, until now he can satisfy the most fastidious along those lines. Only united effort on the part of our citizens can make this enterprise a success, and as “patronize home industry” is a good proverb, we should take it to ourselves. Columbus School Notes. Well! we have started on tho 2d month of school; pupils should be striv­ ing in earnest by this time. Never in the course of this school, has things gone so smoothly as they have so far this year. Since school began there have been three visitors in the 9th and 10th grades. Isn’t this encouraging to the students? It seems to us that we should have a few more visitors. The pupils all received their rule books last Wednesday. Now parents can tinti out ju’st what the rules of the school are, by looking over one of these books. The larger boys have purchased a new football and are having a hot time kick­ ing it, but they are not allowed to get down and swim in the mud. Hamilton Clark, of Chauncey, (Ja., says he suffered with itching pii OP twenty years before trying DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, two boxes of which completely cured him. Beware of worth­ Uog- less and dangerous counterfeits, ers Bros. I.icciisew to Vlarry. Oct. 18—W. 8. Larsen, 40, nnd Mary Hadley, 48, of Dundee. Married by A. V. R. Snyder, J. P. Oct. 23—James Fletcher, 71, nnd Mrs. Elener Boaomworth,*68, of McMinnville. J. W. Ladd, 23, and Addie L. Thomas, 23. of Amity. On the 10th of December, 1897, Rev. S. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. church, South, Pt. Pieasant, W. Va., contracted a severe cold which was attended from the lieginning by violent coughing. He says: “After resorting to a number of so-called ‘specifics,’ usually kept in the house, to no purpose, I purchased a hottie of Chamberlain’s cough romedy, w hich acted like a charm. I most cheer­ fully recommend it to the public.” For sale by 8. Howorth A Co., druggists. One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five ceutH. A bsolutely pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Touring Chinn slid I lie Far Cast. Mr. E. B. Merchant, son of Hon. Wm. Merchant of this county, started a few weeks ago for a trip around the world He has reached Hong Kong, China, and writes back some interesting facts. We quote as follows: I am quite well and enjoying my trip immensely We had a very pleasant voyage. Tile weather was excellent and the sea most like a river. We had about 48 hours in Yokolioma, Japan, a place very interesting to strangers. Took a gin rickshaw, a two-wheeled concern pulled by a coolie, and went into the in tenor through riee patches, etc. Every­ thing seems to be planted in patches, from 50 to 100 feet square, and about io ■laps to the square. Our next stop was Coba, a much smaller place than Yoko- lioma, but does much more business, file Morgan City transport was wrecked near there. I talked with a number of the boys off her. The crew were all saved and part of the freight. Our next stop was at Nikasaka, an American port. It has a beautiful harbor, but there does not seem to be the push and busin-ss there. It has some immense coal mines very near, but everything is done by the Japs There are very few horses. The Japs and Chinese coolies do all the work, haul and pack on their backs. 'Tis quite a sight to see a dozen or so pulling a big truck filled with freight. They will pull you all day in a gin rickshaw for 75c in Mexican or 37?ic their money. When we first came over the novelty of having them pull us around was great, but we have become somew hat accustomed to it now . We next stopped at Shanghai, the metropolis of tl’.e east and a very fine place, too. The reads are grand and the large stone buildings are immense, with large cotton manufacturing, ship build­ ing and an immense coast trade. The streets and boulevards are superb, being no heavy hauling at all with horses, there is no dust, and they are as hard and smooth ns a floor. I have an oppor­ tunity to go in business with an old es­ tablished man there. I may return in the spring, as I like Shanghai very well. We will leave for Manila Monday next. Hong Kong is an English town, and un­ der English rule. It is situated on an island, and the whole place is a marvel, covered with old anteqnated inansionsof stone, large stone drives and walls, and has one of the finest hotels I ever was in. The meals are very fine, and they furnish a Chinaman to every boarder. The rates are (7.50 per day, Mexican, or #3.75 American. This hotel has some 300 rooms, and they are most always lull. Just now there is quite a stir, owing to the rush to Manila. This is the port where most everything is reshipped. I have got part of my freight with me. but the balance was to have come by the S. S. Columbia from Portland, but I see she has been chartered by the govern­ ment as a transport, and I have been in­ formed that the Monmouthshire, which is also from that port, will bring it. Hong Kong is full of people going and return­ ing from Manila. They report very fa­ vorably of the resources there. During the w inter of 1897 Mr. James Reed, one of the leading citizens and merchants of Clay, Clay county, W. Va., struck his leg against a cake of ice in such n manner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swolen ami pained him so badly tliat. ho could not walk without the ai l of crutches. He was treated by physicians, also used several kinds of linainent ami two nnd a half gallons of whiskey in bathing it, but nothing gave any relief until he began using Chamberlain’s l’ain Halm. This brought almost n complete cure in a week's lime and he believes tliat had he not used this remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Pain Rahn is un­ equaled for sprains, bruises nnd rheu­ matism, For sale by 8. Howorth & Co., druggists. Wedding Hells. At the Methodist parsonage in thia city on Tuesday. Oct. 24th, Miss Addie L. Thomas and J. W. Ladd of Amity were united in marriage according to the beautiful ritual service of the M. E. church, by Rev Henry T. Atkinson, its pastor here. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ladd will continue to make their residence in Amity. They have the hearty congrat­ ulations of their friends, whose wishes if Probate Court. realized will result in a future of un­ Guardianship of Ray and Mabel Car­ dimmed radiance for them both. ter. Third annual report filed ami a|>- < ro< krry and <>la**n nrc m Actual proved. < owl. I Estate of M. K. Wirfs. Will admitted We will close out our entire stock of to probate upon proofs taken in open crockery and glassware at cost, wishing court. P. J. Wirfs appointed executor to make a chango in onr business and without bonds. A. Colman, Dan Her­ have more room. Call nnd examine. ring and Adam Roesner appointed ap­ CASTOR IA J. P. I rvine & S on . praisers. Bear* the signature of C has . H. F lf . tchhu , In ti*e for more than thirty years, and Estate of James Johnson. Inventory “Our baby was aick for a month with The Kind Yute Have Always BonghL. and appraisement filed and approved. severe cough and catarrhal fever, Ah Petition for the sale of 785 32 flOthe bush­ though we tried many remedies she kept els wheat and 294 bushels oats for cash getting worse until wo used Gne Minute in hand at private sale approved. Congh (’tire,—it relieved at once and cured her in a few «lays.” B. L. Nance, Estate of Peter Wirfs. F. J. Wirfs The New Home and Climax sewing machines, needles and extras at C. o ,>er ton. As n whole, ptssibly the lieetgrowers will not make a greater profit than the wheat­ growers. However, this season places the successful growing of sugar beets Iteyond the experimental stage, and from this time on l*eeis will be ono of onr chief products. The cost of raising beets per acre is between |2*> nnd $30. Preparing the gronnd, seeding, weeding, thinning, cultivating, digging, topping and hauling to market are the chief items of ex |>ense. Possibly not another 2.300 acres of land in the state pays a profit with ns great an expense for labor as do the beet fields of I'nion county. I.aGrande Observer. Grape«! Grape«! A fine lot at Warren & Son's, for 40c per box.