Not Unenviable. A War-Time lll.luke. REMARKABLE bridge . Mrs. Gadabout—That Mrs. Hard­ head next door doesn’t seem to have lion kb from Girders in the Royal Gorge of the Arkansas. many friends. Hostess (wearily)—No-o; I wonder One of the most ingenious bridge« how she manages it?—Judy. ever constructed Is that known as the •■hanging bridge,” in the Royal gorge A Went Indian Hurricane Recently traveled up the coast at will, and of the Arkansas. It forms part of the acted 111 an entirely different manner from Denver and Rio Grande Railroad; and any other storm. Sometimes dyspepsia the difficulty the engineer had to face acts the same way. It refuses to yield to was this—that the bed of the great can­ treatment which has cured similar cases yon, the sides of which rise almost per­ Then Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters should pendicular to a height of 1.800 feet, be taken. It lias cured stomach trouble was already fully occupied by a river, for half a century. whereas he wanted It to contain a rail­ A train running from New York to way, the canyon, of course, forming a Boston made over 80 miles an hour re­ cently. In France advertsing posters must | bear revnnue stamps varying in value I according to size of the poster. “Circumstances Alter Cases“ In CA5W of scrofula, salt rheum, dys­ pepsia, nervousness, catarrh, rheumatism, eruptions, etc,, the circumstances may be altered by purifying and enriching the blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the ^eat remedy for all ages and both sexes. Be sure to get Hood's, because SaMabatidi’ Au Oddity in Railroading. “The craze for fast time on railways Is taking a new feature,” observed a prominent railroad official to a Star writer recently. “It is the shortening of lines and reconstruction of surveys in order to make a given line as straight as possible between two points. It is, in fact, a scheme to make time by saving distance. A railway with­ out a curve or a cutting is, of course, a splendid thing from an engineering standpoint, but it is a very tedious affair to the passenger. To thoroughly realize how extremely monotonous a long journey on a railway without a curve or cutting is, one must travel on the road from Buenos Ayres to the Andes. That railroad beats all known records for having 200 miles of tracks almost on a line, such as mathemati­ cians describe as the shortest distance between any two points. No one who has not seen this remarkable stretch of road, straight in front and behind as far as the eye can reach, even when aided by a field glass, can grasp what it means or what an amount of wearisome monotony it involves and entails.”— Washington Star. Improved Train Equipment. The O. R. & N. and Oregon Short Line have added a buffet, smoking and library car to their Portland-Chicago through train, and a dining car service has been inauguarated. The train is equipped with the latest chair cars, day coaches and luxurious first-class and ordinary sleepers. Direct connec­ tion made at Granger with Union Pa­ cific. and at Ogden with Ilio Grande line, from all points in Oregon, Wash­ ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities. For information, rates, etc., call on any O. R. & N. agent, or address VV. H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent, Portland. The Betrothal Kias. First Boarder—Did you hear the re­ port of the engagement of our land­ lady’s daughter? Second Boarder—I should say I did. I was sitting in the next room at the time, and it was a pretty loud re|>ort, let me tell you.—Richmond Dispatch. Bostonians* Manners Abroad. Fuddy—The Hulcums are very dis­ creet. Duddy—In what way Fuddy —They never smile when they are in public together. They are afraid peo­ ple will think they are not married. They both of them hate a scandal alwve all things.—Boston Tanscript. The largest mass of pure salt in th. world lies under the Province of Ga- lica, Hungary. It is known to be 55U miles long, 20 broad and 250 feet in thickness. K oval uuuue bkidoe . natural cutting through the mountain. Consequently, the railway had to be laid on and along the river, not merely across it. It will be seen by the illustration that the river runs side by side and under the railway, and the bridge on which the lines are laid Is suspended by rods from the girders, or arch braces, which span the chasm above. The bridge therefore literally hangs. It can be readily understood that the fixing of these great girders in a position so in­ accessible. with rapid water below, and no foothold on either side, was an engi­ neering feat of no slight difficulty. the RECOVERED COOK’S BIG TOE. It Had Been Swallowed by n Hungry Dog, but la Still Useful. A little group had been spinning yarns in the rotunda of the Waltou for an hour or more when a bronze-visag- ed, middle-aged man joined the party. Several of the group recognized him ks the captain of one of the big tramp steamers which ply between Philadel­ phia and foreign ports, and a place In the circle was at once made for him. “We’ve been killing time telling sto­ ries,” someone explained. "Suppose you turn in your contribution.” The captain thought a moment and then smiled. “I was thinking of something that happened on my last voyage,” he final­ ly said. “We had on board as a cook a big colored fellow, whose principal companion was a little yellow cur dog. One day while the cook was preparing some beef for dinner be let the heavy cleaver with which he was doing the chopping slip from his grasp. “It fell to the floor with a thud and the cook emitted a howl of anguish that was heard all over the ship. The cleaver had struck one of his bare feet and sliced the big- toe off as neatly as a surgeon could have done It. Here was a chance for the yellow dog and he seized it. Making a dive for tlie severed toe he swallowed it In one gulp and then made a bee-line for the deck. “This was more than the cook, craz­ ed with jMiin, could stand, and he burl­ ed the cleaver at the dog. Ills aim proved true and his curshlp passed out of existence then and there. At this Juncture the ship’s doctor came up to find out what all the row was about. When he learned the truth he laughed. “ ‘JT1 fix that for you,’ he exclaimed to the cook, “wait till I get my instru­ ment case.’ “Within five minutes he had held a l>ost-mortem on the dog and recovered the lost toe. Washing' it with antisep­ tics he skillfully stitched it back in place again and the cook hobbled back to his quarters minus his dog. but with as many toes as he had ever had. That's about the only story I recall, Just now, gentlemen. It has the merit of being true, however, and If you don’t believe It come down to the ship any timt and I’ll show you the cleav­ er. The cook has quit the sea and I don't know bls present address.” But everyliody signified a willingness to accept the captain’s word unsup­ ported by further evidence and the next man on the story-telling list start- ' ed In.—Philadelphia Inquirer. Followed Her Doctor’s Advice Mrs, G. W. Palmer, of Jonesville, Vt., said: "Two years ago 1 was uHlicted with stomach uud bowel trouble. My case puzsled the doc­ tors. I subsisted only oil the lightest klndofdleL My stomach would not retain solid food. The pain in my stomach and bowels was so Intense that 1 cannot describe It. I cohtinued to grow worse. I lost 48 pounds, my nerves were completely shutter­ ed, nud I was very weak. Dr. C. W. Jucobs, of Richmond, advised me to take Dr.WllliamsTink Pills for l’ale People. 1 began to loo the pills, and the tirst effect was tbs restoration of my appetite, and the quieting of mv shattered nervous system. I be­ gan to regain my lost strength, and in one month after commencing to take the pills I was able todo my housework. 1 have gained 30pounds aud to-day am in good health.” From the Free Press, Burlington, Vt, Or. Willlama’ Pink Pills for Pale People are never sold by the doien or hundred, but always in packages. At all druggists, or direct from the Or Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady. N. Y., 60 cents per boa, 6 boxes $2.60. In a Missouri court recently a rather novel case came up for decision. Dur- [ ing the civil war a certain Northern I soldier went into the service, leaving a I young wife at home. In due time the news reached him that his bride had j died and when the wa • ended he did not return to his old home, but settled out West. He married again, and with his second wife accumulated a large amount of property in Pratt county. Not long ago he learned that his first wife had not died, but, supposing him to have been killed, had married an­ other man. This man died, leaving her a widow. When the Pratt county man learned these facts he brought suit for divorce, and the woman in the East heard of it and went out and fought the case, asserting a claim to part of the Pratt county man’s property. However, after the lawyers had made a great fight before him, the judge granted the divorce and left the Pratt county man free to marry the woman who has been living with him for many years as his wife.—N. Y. Tribune. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other discuses put together, and until tho last few years was supposed to bo Incurable. For a great many y ears doctors pro- nounced it a local disease, and r>n scribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science hag proven catarrh to be a constitu­ tional disease, and therefore requires constitu­ tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, man­ ti actured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cureon the market, it is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acis directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Ad­ dress, F. J. (11 ENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by DrupRists, 75c. j Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Not Always. Millions. The number of mining firms using coal-cutting machines in 1898 in the United States waB 36 per cent greater than in 1897, and the gain in Pennsyl­ vania was about 50 per cent. Men buried in an avalanche of snow hear distinctly every word uttered by those who are seeking for them, while their most strenuous shouts fail to pen­ etrate even a few feet of snow. Is the time to subscribe lor the jrolume for iqoo to take advantage of the special offer below: Issued Every Week. $1.75 a Year. AMOUS soldiers and sailors, statesmen, scholars, travellers, hunters, and the most gifted writers of stories will enrich the pages of The Companion daring 1900. Send your address on a postal card, and we will mail you our Illustrated Announcement Number, giving a full Pros­ pectus of articles and au­ thors already engaged for the 1900 Volume. B Conscripts in Cologne produced symptoms of heart disease by taking pills recommended for that purpose by local doctors. Several of the physi­ cians have been arrested. Bertha—"It’s a curious expression, A small boy was one day asked by a ‘She went in bathing.’ Why is it not clergyman if he knew what was meant enough to say, ‘She went bathing?’ ” | by energy and enterprise. Bobby—-“Sure enough. When a girl “No, sir, I don’t think I do.” goes bathing she doesn’t usually go in.” The clerygman said: —Boston Transcript. “Well, I will tell you, my boy. One Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth­ of the richest men in the world came ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their here without a shirt on his back, and Children during the teething period. now he has millions.” “MillionsI” replied the boy. ‘How At Tacoma tinsmiths and men skilled in regular tin an sheet iron work are many does he put on at a time?”— hard to get and are getting $2.50 a day. Spare Moments. At Dawson City eggs cost 50 cents a dozen. The Youth’s Companion Now V* ....FREE CEND $1.75 at once with this slip or mention this paper, and we will send you THE COMPANION FREE for the remaining weeks of 1809, and then for the 52 weeks of the year 1900. The Companion Calendar for 1900, given also to all New Subscribers, lithographed in twelve colors, is the most beautiful one in the long series of exquisite Companion Calendars. o 303 THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, BOSTON, MASS. in tlie United States 390,0(10 eubia- Danish lighthouses are supplied with oil to pump on the waves during a feet of pine is used annually in making matches. storm. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv­ ous feet, and instantly takes tlie sting out of corns and bunions. It’s the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen’s Foot- Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy, litis a certain cure for Ingrowing Nails, sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. We have over 30.000 testimonials. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, be Roy, N. Y. Coffee tabloids or lozenges are com­ ing into use in Brazil. One of them dropped into a cup of lioiling water produces excellent coffee in three min­ utes. The Compania General of Manila, While in Washington women are in disfavor as government employes, they the largest cigar making concern in the are in creasing in number in the Brit­ world, employs 10,000 hands, and turns out every year 80,000,000 cigars, 40,- ish civil service. 000,000 cigarettes and nearly 3,000 tans of cut tobacco. Jonas W, Thompson, of Pine Plains, N. Y., found a black snake milking Hereafter belle that can be heard a one of his heifers. He struck the rep­ distance of 500 feet must be attached to tile with a stick, and it attacked him, all private scavenger wagons in Chi­ sinking its fangs in his leg. Thompson cago, and these bells must be rung con­ finally killed the snake, but it is tinuously while the wagons are in serv­ thought that his leg will have to be ice, which may be between sunset and amputated. I sunrise. fflTO Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness ■ 110 after tirst day’s use of Dr. Kline's Great Nervo Restorer, bend for I REK 1*9.00 trial bottle and treatise. D-.t. K. II. KLINK, Ltd., 930 Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa. The National Association of Master Bakers lias placed itself on record in the most emphatic manner in favor of pure food legislation and the regulation of bakers in the interest of perfect cleanliness and sanitation. I know that luy life was saved by 1‘iso’s Cure for Consumption.—John A. Miller, Au Sable, Mu lligan, April 21, 1895. Arcola, Ill., with a population of less than 3,001), leads the world in th«, broom-corn industry. The machine shops of the Northern Pacific railroad are compelled to run half a day overtime every other night in some departments in order to catch up. All tlie engines of the railroad company are in service. There are 850,000 men in the world who gain a livelihood chiefly by fish­ ing, making an annual catch of $225 worth of fish for each man. The fish­ eries of the United States supply 800,- 000 pounds annually, and those of Europe 1,800,000 puonds. $100.00 Reward will be promptly paid to any one furnishing us evidence on which we can secure conviction of any substituted or dealer who attempts to palm off inferior imitations when Cascareis Candy Cathartic are called for. Be on the lookout for imitations and counterfeits of Cascareis, and don’t you ever buy preparations that are made and sometimes pushed by unscrupulous dealers whose intention is to mislead the buyer and infringe on our trade­ mark and trade-name. As soon as some one tries to sell you something else when you ask for_Cascarets, look out for him l Get all the details and confidentially write us on the subject at once. > CANDY CATHARTIC MALAY GOAT ANTELOPE. Ferow of the Malay State« la a Very Rare Animal. WHILE YOU A very rare animal Indeed Is the serow of the Malay states. It can be best described as half goat and half antelope, being known to science by the name of Nemorhaedus sumatrensis. DRUGGISTS An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effect« of the well known remedy, STBt'P or Flos, manufactured by the C alifornia F io S yrvt Co., illustrate the yalue of obtaining the liquid laxa­ tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa­ tive. cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per­ manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub­ stance. and its acting on the Jcidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing fi are used, as they are pleasant to tl taste, but the medicinal qualities of th. remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plant«, by a method known to the C alifornia F io S trip Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAjraiSCO. CAL LotmvTLLB rr. wnw torn , m . t . Rte sals by all Druggists —Pries Sc. ye teal* PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Fence and Wire Works. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS; WIRE • nd iron fencing; office railing, etc. 334 Alder. Machinery and Supplie». CAWSTON A CO.: ENGINES, BOILERS, MA- chinery, supplies- 4 a - du First St., Portland, Or. MALAT GOAT AXTKLOPX. The serow Is one of the shiest and \ wariest of bill frequenting animals and Is found only u;on the loftkRt and m >«t Inaccessible cliffs. So keen are its ; senses that It Is almost Impossible of approach. Rritish-Am-ricans In Boston. There are In Boston 44,207 persona born In British America, Including On­ tario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prines Edward Island and Newfound- aawELL RELIEF CINCINNATI.0 . I’. 8. A. «old by llrnnlata, or sent In plain wrapper, by »ipreaa, prepaid, tot •I <«, or Spittles, |2.75. f'ircular «ent on r«*que»t« elief for Women’ R YOUNG MEN! Rent/kas. In plain, sealed envelope. Writ« today for this Hook,containing particu­ lars and Teetunomals of DH. MA KT EL’S French Female Pills. Praised by thonaand* of aatlgfled ladieaas safe, always reliable and wit bout an equxi. Hold by alldruirrlRfsln mrial bos, French fla« on top In Blue, white and Red. Take no other, I irritations ur ulcerations not te Rirtetur- of III II c o u R membrane»« ProvsniR Paints»», an l not astrin- THfEvAssCntM cal C o . <*nt or poisonous. to 5 la»« dr . martet . ii book , Rupture OR. GUNN’S • ( i : f *» It is an ideal medicine for women, easy and pleasant to take. |1 00 per bottle at your drug­ gist’». _________ ____________ JOHN POOLE, P oxtlaxd , Oarooir, treated sclen- ten give you the best bargains in general tifica! 1 y and machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, confidenti al­ plows, belts end windmills. The new ly • CsmssnAraes steel IXL windmill, sold by him, is un­ Ulicittf. equalled. C. H. W00DAR0 A CO . IOS Secend St. Pertland. C WOMAN Hoore’s Revealed Remedy DRILLING 2o¿b «. MACHINES LOOMIS a MYMAK. TIFFIM. OHIO. Its good enough for Uncle 8am ► and its good enough for you. FOR That tired, languid feeling, the pains in the back and the chronic headache will disappear quickly if you take MACHINERY, all kinds CLAIM ANTS FORR P" SIQ | Writs 1» NATHANr'C.niOlk/rl RICKFuRu. Washington. 0. C-. they will re­ ceive quick replies. B. 5th N. H. Volt. Staff 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1R7K N. P. M. U ...TATUM » BOWIN... H IS It First Mrs.« FORTI ANO OR. HEN writing to advpvtis«H »•alios this paper. W pleas«