»Äjst Yamhill County Reporter Subscription $1.00 Per Year. ADVERTISING RATES. Readingnotleesin local coluiniu. 10 cent, per liae for first week and 5 cent, per line thereafter. Inaplay adverti.enieiitH annual rate., one inch I er month JI. each additional inch 50 cents per mouth. Obituary and marriage notice* not exceeding 10 Uno. published free, If lurninhw) in time to tie current news. Additional matter 10 cent’per FRIDAY, OCT. 20, 18Ö0. T iie Boers are said to be advanc­ ing upon the British outposts in Natal. If this report should turn out to be true the news is likely to be followed by intelligence to the effect that the British outposts and file Boers are moving in the same direction. W inter has appeared on the scene unusually early in eastern Oregon, und if the severity of the winter weather that is to come must be foretold according to tin* early date of its appearance, the conditions will be severe indeed. Several inches of snow fell in the mountain districts the latter part of last week. F ew citizens can tie found through but the nation at this day who re gret that the Union was preserved There may be some lingering of the passions of a terrible war, but they amount to no more than a trace when compared with the sentiment recalled by the seventy five million people rallying under one flag. T he sending of six or seven inon warships to Admiral Watson will make our Asiatic fleet stronger than any other in Asiatic waters except possibly that of Great Britain. 11 will be notice to all the powers ol Europe and Asia that the United States proposes to subdue the re­ bellion and to control in its own wav the Philippine islands. T here is quite a move on the part of farmers in various sections of tin country to raise clover and to di versify their wheat raising with Btockgrowing. Much has been said in Oregon in the past, year or two about the necessity of keeping mon stock on the farms, but the farmers themselves are the best judges, and will act with discretion. ! ¡I the Presi A t a meeting of confederate vet erans in Dallas, Tex., on«' of the members commented with cordial approval on the fact that many high places are tilled with men who were once confederates, and he declared that “|uch conduct toward those who had not been in accord with tin1 prevailing power is without a paral lei in the history of the world.' A fieah barrel of (’ape Coil cran'ierriee at Warren & Son’s. Prof. H. L. Boardman will nguin fill the pulpit of the Christian church nett Sunday, morning and evening. A church bazar will Le given by t’ e ladies of the C. P. church about Nov. week. 15th, at the opera house. I t may be selfish to remember it, The college at Corvallis now has eti- Mrs. E. K. Ferguson of Salem returned but a war in South Africa is just i rolled seven pupils more than the total 1 to her home on Monday, after a visit what the American farmer needs. last year. with her son Frank in this city. It will be like getting presents off a Frank Rennie has accepted a situation Miss Annie Adams went to Portland Christmas tree, for the price of all as assistant miller in one of ths Oregon the last of the week, and will go from City flouring mills, and will make that there to Pendleton to remain through kinds of grain is likely to advance. city his home for the present. the winter. W. J. B ryan sat directly behind Sheriff Henderson and wife and Mr. Rev. R. W. King was elected presi- President McKinley on the platform and Mrs. Austin Adams returned Thurs­ dent of the Oregon Baptist ministerial when he made an address at Peoria day evening of last week from a visit to conference in Portland this week, He recently, and was the first to con­ Astoria and the Portland exposition. will fill the position with credit. Ralph Knapp, a former student of the gratulate him when he got through. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs After the presidential train had de­ college, late of Astoria, strayed back to Wm. F. Dielschneider on Tuesday, Oct. McMinnville this week. He had some 17th. Mr. Dielschneider happened to be parted, Bryan made an address. idea of preaching for the Baptists of in Portland, but you bet he hurried Independence. home. A recent Eastern Oregon storm Mrs. Geo. W. Jones returned Monday Mrs. Ambia Griffith went to Portland blew a Hock of wild geese into the evening from Whatcom, Wash., where the last of the week to meet her hus­ streets of Baker City where the ex­ she has been several weeks visiting her band, who was returning from Texas. hausted and helpless birds were twin sisters, Mrs. Simonds and Mrs. They will remain in Portland for the picked up by “sportsmen,” and now Reasoner. present. the papers arc heading it, “A great Tile Cumberland Presbyterian church Arthur Baker was sentenced last week fall of geese in Baker City.” —The pastor will preach next Sunday. by Judge Hamilton at Eugene to tbr«.e Subjects, “laborers Together with T he state of Arkansas has be­ God,” 11 a. 111., and “Suicide,” 7:30 years in the penitentiary for publishing and having in his possession indecent come weary of lynching negroes, p. 111. writing aud drawings. and one of the courts of that state Those who had looked forward with Rev. W. S. Gilbert, late chaplain of has just sentenced a colored man to pleasure to a trip down through the th« Second Oregon volunteers, has re- | one hundred and 15 years in the locks by boat this fall will be disappoint­ ceived a call to the pastorate of the Cal­ penitentiary for the usual crime. ed, as we understand all work has been vary Presbyterian church of Portland, The maximum penalty was one abandoned for the year. and will very likely accept. hundred and forty-seven years, but In the United States court at Portland W. D. and Robert McDonald are farm­ his lawyer's earnest plea for mercy last Tuesday, the grand jury returned a ing the J. C. Bralv river farm. Nine induced the judge to take off thirty- true bill in the case of L. W. Martin, three-horse teams are to be put to work two years, a favor which no doubt indicted on three counts on a charge of with 16-incli plows, and the fall seeding depositing an obscene letter in the post- will be done at the rate of 15 acres per the prisoner highly appreciates. office at McMinnville. day. T. E. Lohan is living on the place A teacher said to her primary class the and is employed by the McDonalds. T iie position taken by the German other day : “If your father gave your O11 Sunday, the 29th inst., at 2 o'clock Lutheran church in Illinois on the mother #7 today and #8 tomorrow, w hat p. in., there will he an unveiling of the subject of life insurance differs some­ would she have ?” And the small boy monument of Mrs. Minnie I.ewelling at what from the objections that most over iu the corner replied : "She would the Masonic cemetery, this city, by the people put forth against the impor­ have a fit.” Ladies of Woodcraft, to which all are tunities of life insurance agents. The Roseburg Review reports brisk invited. The deceased was a sister of They have confined themselves ex­ competition among buyers for prunes in Mrs. J. W. Gault and Mrs. B. F. Hart clusively to the moral and religious southern Douglas county. Representa­ man. phases of the question, and their tives of a St. Louis house have already The contract for the construction of J. objection is based on the grounds bought fifteen carloads; paying 5'2 P. Irvine's new cottage just north of J. that the expectation of realizing cents for 40 50s with a drop of a half L. Rogers’ residence, has been awarded cent for each size smaller. to Wm. Arthur and John Cook, at #1,005. something from life insurance com­ II. B. Plummer of Polk county claims There were three other bids. This will panies takes a man's trust from God the hop picking championship for 1899 be a very pretty cottage, and Richard and plans it in the insurance for two pickers in liis Luckiatnute yard. Eksteir had a good deal to say as to the company. With some people the Mrs. Charles Stafford and daughter, Mrs. character of the ground plan. It is to reverse is true, and in a contest Maggie Oliver, picked twenty boxes in be finished by January 1st, or the con­ where trust and faith were the is­ one «lay of ten hours. They began work tractors will pay the rent. sues the life insurance companies at 7 o’clock and quit at 5, averaging a Miss Olive Lambright, who is attend­ would have to hustle for a majority. box for every hour they worked. ing the stale normal at Monmouth, The many friends of ex-Governor visited her home in Gopher valley ovei Whiteaker will be sorry to learn that he Sunday, for the purpose of seeing her M r . P eyton , who went to the Philippines for the Episcopal board has experienced five additional strokes brother, William, who has just returned of paralysis during the past few days, from fifteen months’ absence in Iowa, of domestic and foreign missions, says the Eugene Guard. Up to that time taking treatment for rheumatism. returns to the United States with he was able to come down town, and Henry Schenk is getting materials the report that the Tagals are the converse intelligently, though with an together for the construction of a new most moral and religious people effort, but now he has lost the power ot residence for himself next spring. There that he ever saw and that the United speech. is a time in the early spring when car­ States had in and around Manila, at Mrs. Carrie Scott and Mr. F. A. Scott, penters are not busy, which he pro[fl, would accept a re- I coming aero«« the mountains via the throughout the Northwest without nomination. The Re)>orter is l>o<>niiiig McKenzie route. They are here to j ur- the necessity of mentioning how the no candidates, but it is interested in see­ 1 « base lands in Lane county ami become busy fleet of steamers is crowding ing a harmonious lot of eity officers settlers and citizens, ami are first class It will 1« remembere«! that the fish out of the rivers up into the chosen. The chances for harmony are people. good when city officers remember that < Attorney Harbaugh came here via the mountain streams. they are the servants of the people, and railroad last spring as the advance agent when the people rememl>er that they can of these people Junction Citv Times. T he Sultan of Turkey is umloubt lieat work with und through their officers School district No. 43 in Columbia cdly in deep water, no difference not by fighting and back-biting, as if for | county has but one pupil of school age. whether be has drowned a few wives, ordaineil enemies, but by personal ar«l of directors, ami another pura of the IVwphoru«. A telegram their ever present right of |*etition. member of the family was the teacher. in Sunday's Oregonian says that the These are about the only meana the city The question went up to State Supt. “Sultan of Turkey has been drowned j officers have of accurately learning the Ackerman whether said district was en­ in the Bosphorus and several ladies wishes of their constituents, and no titled to money from the county aud ' officer of the people when approached i state school liimis. The attorney-gen­ of his harem are suspected The in this wav is going to refuse a resp««ct- S. F. Chronicle of the same date had ful and considerate hearing af any griev­ eral. to whom the question was reterml, a dispatch that “the Sultan had ance or desire. l-et the city work along says the apportionment must be made it i the district is regularly organized. drowned in tiie Bosphorus several this line, and she can't help but forge ladies of his harem suspected of in ahead. CASTORIA trigues. ” The reader will choose John Rohr, lhe painter, ia kept at between the two dispatches, aud go home with a fractured rib, due to a fall. into mourning accordingly. Hears the ..(nature of Cuaa It FltSHUl In as* for more than thirty years, sad AT.J >**■ /fa iv .l.'imjt God’s Good messing “ I fee! that God has blessed Dr. Acker with special knowledge to prepare that grand medicine called Acker s English Remedy for Throat and Lung Troubles. It saves children every tune when they are attacked by croup. Every mother should know about it. and I will till about my expe­ rience. I In ladar.ing boy of four years to <1 le. with croup. M y doctor d.d a.l he could, but the child c mid Lot be made to vomit. That va - '.«fore 1 kne vof Acker’s Eng- lid.i Remedy. After I did hear of it, I got a bottle. When our little lighted inont Ts-old girl was .-.trie-ken with croup,'I gave her this medicine, and inside of twenty minutes she vomited and was bet­ ter right away. During the win­ ter she had eroup four times, and it brought her through each time all right. I, myself, had bronchitis pretty 1 a l, and Ackers English Remedy cured me completely. Before I close, I want to tell you of nry neighbor's boy, named Jobe Nana. He had bronchitis, too. He got worse all the time. My husband went over to his house and told him about my case. Then lus mother went to town, got a 50-cent bottle of Acker’s English Remedy, and lie took it. He came over toour house afew days later and said he was all right, and also said two doses relieved him from the start. You can un­ derstand by my letter why I think so much of Acker’s English Remedy. I re­ peat that God’s blessing must surely have been bestowed upon Dr. Acker.” (Signed) M rs . J ohn Y f . ackk , Rochester, Pa. Sold at 25c , 50c. and $1 abottle, throughout the United Stales and Canada; and m England, at is. ad., 2S. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. IFc authorize the above guarantee. IF. JI. HOOKER CO., Proprietors, New York. For Sale by ROGERS BROS. is Arriving! X Larger and Prettier than ever. Clothing, Dry Goods, Jackets, Capes, Etc Eastern Prices. ( )ur (loods Sell on Merit Jacobson Jfeiv fall ótcck Already Arriving I have ordered a Large Stock of New Furni­ ture for the Fall trade, much of it being already here, and more yet to arrive. A specially large supply of Bedroom Suits. The stock is more than will go in my store room, and I am placing them on display- o.er the Racket store. Come and see us. á¡ White’s Restaurant The well-known place for the best meal in the eity. N ew D ining R oom The Largest in McMinnville, lias been recently fitted with best of taste. Liberal service and all you can eat. Fruits, Candies, Nuts and Cigars. (jive Us a Call. T. A. WHITE. Worth Reading. "You will find enclosed thirty-one one-cent stamps for one of Dr. Pierce’s Medical Advisers, cloth bound,” writes James E. Crampton, Esq., of Sharps­ burg, Washington Co., Md. " This book is tor a friend of mine who is using your ‘Gohlen Medical Discovery,' and I cannot praise your medicine too highly. 1 was in business in Baltimore an«l had rheumatism for three months ; couldn’t walk at all. I tried the liest da-tors I could get, but they «lid me no ggal. I took three bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ami it cured me sound. I came home to Sharpsburg, ami there were three cases of «Efferent diseases. I advised the patients to use Dr. Pierce's medicines, which they did, ami all weie cured." "Golden Medical Discovery " contains no alcohol, cocaine, nor other narcotic. Fret. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing «>■/>. Semi 21 one-cent stamps for the book bound in paper, or 31 stamps for cloth binding, to Dr. R. V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Other Oregon tow ns get in tiie dark. Albany now shares this fate. The city has been paying $r.,S jx-r month for 17 arc street lights, and the incandescents used around the city hall, the engine houses and the jail. The contract called for #8 60 for the first 15 lights, and #9 for all additional lights, the incandes­ cents not being counted. The citv has be« 11 running behind financially fir several years and the counciltnen do not lielieve that the city can afford to pav $ 18«x> per year for lights under the ci:- cumstances. They have talked of a service of about (1200 per year, some members thinking perhaps that nearly the same number of lights could be se­ cured for that amount and others that a reduction in the number of lights and price might be made, ami that they could probably arrange a “moonlight schedule*’ such as is adopted in tnanv cities, but thus far they have faileil to reach an agreement. The Grange store is again making in­ ternal improvements in the way of a new stairway and doable entrance there- i A clock should be more than a time- k?t‘i»er. It should combine beauty and attractiveness uith accurate timekeep­ ing. We have not a clock but looks well and time* well, too. Tastes will differ, so will pri xs, and we can tit all condi­ tions of buyers’limits. Buy your clock of a practical clock maker who knows how to take care of it for you—and will do it. Buy here and we will see that you have a TIMEPIECE as well as an orna­ ment, and an ornament as well as a time piece. W"i. I». 0*' ecljqeider JeuJel £u)o Qoora belou) Postoci