Entered at ihe Postoffice in McMinnville, as Second-class matter. VOL. XXIX M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, OCT Prosperity in California. I ■■ OhTSay! : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : : ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ ♦ 1 i © 9 ♦ : The Neu Grocery Firm of Warren & Son Has succeeded that of Bettman & Warren, and is doing business at the old stand. We are treat­ ing our old friends the best we know how, and we want to make the acquaintance of many new ones. ♦ : ♦ ♦ ♦ ❖ ♦ : ♦ I OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT! I Scan our market every morning for Fruits and Vegetables. We are pushing a hot campaign in these articles, and they are always choice. oo We Haven’t Killed Hany Bears But we have hammered away night and day for In consecutive years at the pre­ scription counter w ill* the result ol 'having attained the largest prescription tile in the county. There’s a reason for this. Anyone can dish out patent medicines, but when it comes to filling prescriptions you want a comp« tent manat the tiller, so to speak, with a clear eye and a clear head in fact, a man w ho realizes that a human life hangs in the balance. We do this: it’s our specialty. ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists. CKXXXXX^OOWCOCXJOO »AAA A4AA AAA A AAA A A A A A AAA A A AAAAAAA A « a O a O H o HO -w*.. a O a Z) a <> a ^_) - m * a /L a O a ^J> a A. ? Ho a *O a ^O w a □ a #O a ^ j «U a O a A. ) a KD rS Calk Hbout Diamonds I «? «9 <9 But the place for real intrinsic i • values is at . * THE RACKET STORE 49 s Bo sure and see their. Largo Line of New Goods arriving from New York, which is the fountain head ot bargains. Don’t forget about those Star 5 Star Shoes è» è» i» i» i» i» » i» » î> » *♦ H. MILLS & SON. » » « AUCTION ! Beginning Saturday, Oct. 14 I shall sell without reserve the entire stock of R. P. Bird \ Son, Lafayette, consisting of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Hardware and Groceries. Sales at 2 p. m. and 7 p. m. Daily. Large additions of entirely new goo«!«, Percales, Calicoes, Muslin Domestics, Hosiery. Henry Wade, Auctioneer. . Seasonable Merchandise ¡zm Air-Tight Heating Stoves • f s f• HODSON. f All Kinds, Sizes and Prices Best of Ammunition for Everybody O. O. ¡4 '• One Dollar if paid in advance, Jingle numbers five cents. « ■Hi t IT CfllHT. Crocent City, Calif., Oct. Sth, 18W. E ditor R eporter : Thinking that a few items from this part might be of in­ terest to some of your readers, while I am seated on the wharf three-fourths of a mile from land, while the old Pacific is roaring beneath me, and the whistling bouyB like mad bulls are r«>aring on my right and left hand, I will try to note some of my observations since leaving McMinnville Oct. 2d. Arriving at Grant’s Pass Oct. 3d, too late for the Crescent City stage, we spent the day taking in the sights. This place is about three- fourths the size of McMinnville, and is' quite lively. The smoke is still rising from the $150,000 fire, with only about $25,000 insurance, which falls heavy on the towu, completely breaking several ol the business men up. There are seven sawmills within a radius of 30 miles, cut­ ting on an average 30,000 feet each daily of sugar pine, which is quite plentiful here, giving employment to a large num­ ber of teams and men. It is hauled by teams to Grant's Pass, where the facto­ ries use it for boxes and various other things. Fifty gold mines and six quartz mills are within a radius of 25 miles. Copper mines are also being worked at present. There is great excitement here at present about the Gold Ilill mines, 18 miles distant. A large Portland compa­ ny has completed the survey, and expect to commence immediately to build a ditch or canal nine feet in the clear at ttie bottom and 15 feet at the top, 90 miles long, tapping Rogue river, to work the Gold Hill mines. Arriving at Cret- centCity Oct. tith, I found quite a change since the first time I landed here 3J years ago this fall. After a pleasant greeting of old friends and relations we note some of the changes here. Hobbs, Wall A Co. have jnst completed their new and extensive latest improved band-saw mills, capacity about 100,000 feet per day, employing daily over 200 men in their camps and mills. Wenger A Co. come next, with 60,000 feet daily capacity, and employing about 120 men. There are various other smaller mills and mines, 60 dairies employ ing about 500 men, so you see times are good, and we say, Hur­ rah for McKinley ! Enough for the present. T. I). H enderson . During the w inter of 1807 Mr. James Reed, one of the lending citizens and merchants of Clay, Clay county, W. Va , struck his leg against a cake of ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swolen and pained him so badly that he could not walk without the. aid of crutches. He was treated by physicians, also used several kinds of linament and two and a half gallons of whiskey in bathing it, but nothing gave any relief until he began using Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete cure in a week’s time and he believes that had he not used this remedy hie leg would have had to he amputated. Pain Balm is un­ equaled for sprains, bruises and rheu­ matism. For sale by 8. Howorth & Co., druggists. Weddings al The Exposition. Monday evening was wedding night at the Portland exposition, and it proved a great attraction. The names of the contracting parties were: H. J. Staley, of Portland, and Miss Mabel Hitchman, of Marion county. Peter Anderson and Miss Augusta E. Cai Ison, of Portland. W. A. White, of Portland, and Miss Kate A. Manning, of Clackamas county. Rev. T. I). Lewis, of University Park, tied the knots. He officiated in the same capacity last year, and, as far as heard from, those ties have not been un­ tied. Besides a free steamboat excursion to Astoria and return, the bridal pairs were well remembered with substantial presents. There were three sets of fnr- i niture from the H. C. Breeden Company, iwo cockstoves from Mr. Kadderly, and one from the Hunt Hardware Company ; »everal lioxes of fruit from Louis M. Spiegl. a «1« sen brooms from Zan Brow.; three hams from the Union Meat Com­ pany ; fam i era« kers from Bishop A Co., ind mush, muab, inneh! enough pack­ ages of patent mush to last through I many months. Hatliilton Clark, of Chauncey, Ga., save he suffer« d with itching piles twenty years before trying DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, two lioxes of which completely cured Idin. Beware of worth- ; lees and dangerous counterfeits. Rog- I ers Bros. CASTORIA bean the signature of Caaa. H. Ft-ercttaa. e The Reporter and Get the News One Dollar Per Year. 1899. In wee for more than thirty yean, and 7Ar A'<»d ion Hau, Always Judge Boise's session of circuit court this week made the following disposition of fast's: R L Sabin vs M Fisk et al; fore­ closure. T G^Green for plff, Ramsey A bsolutely ure Fenton for deft.](Continued. Assignment of F W Redmond ; Jacob Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Wortman, assignee; Spencer A Talmage. BOVAl BASINO SOWDCR CO., NSW VOSS. Continued. P M Flynn vs P F Brow n and P 11 Robins; foreclosure. Rhodes A Rhodes A «'nil for n Hepubllcatt City Can. Notice to Tnxpuyera. for plff. Default and decree. ventiou. Notice is hereby given that all taxes D A Covert vb Alice A Covert; motion All republican voters of the city of to set aside deed. Ramsey A Fenton for McMinnville are hereby called to meet for 1898 unpaid November 10th, 1899, plff. Motion tostrikeout part of answer in mass convention in the court house will become delimpient and costs will overruled. New defts admitted. To re­ in the city of McMinnville, Oregon, on be added for their collection. By order of the county court. ply iu ten days. Saturday evening, October 28th, 1899, \V. G. H enderson , Sheriff. D I Pierce and J J Carey vs F P Hem­ at the hour of 8 o’clock, for the purpose bree; suit for an account. J J Spencer of nominating one candidate for mayor, Crockery and Glusawure at Actual for plff. To be settled. one candidate for recorder and one Cost. Assignment of E LWeed; B F Rhodes, candidate for marshal, to be voted for We will close out our entire stock of assignee; Rhodes A Rhodes. Settled at tile city election to be held in said crockery and glassware at cost, wishing and bondsmen discharged. city cn Monday, the 6th day of Novem­ Nathaniel Crosiar and wife vs Jemima ber, 1899. The republican voters of each to make a change in our business and Hill et al; petition. Irvine A Vinton ward are called to meet at said time end have more room. Call and examine. J. P. I rvins : A S on . for pltf. Report affirmed. Deed to lie place tor the purpose of nominating one executed. candidate for councilman in each ward I.icen«e« tr Nlnrrjr. Thoms. Allison vs John J Flynn; con­ to be voted for at said election, and Oct, 12 — V. Vincent, 20, of Middleton firmation. Rhodes A Rhodes for pltf. to select a connnittiman for the ensuing and Mary I). Heston, 18, of Newberg. Confirmed. year. W. T. V inton ,! Married by’ Rev. W. J. Waltz. Union Savings A Loan Assn, vs E J W. S. L ink , '- Committee. Oct. 13—Alonzo Downing, 28, and O. H. I rivnk , ) and Maggie Wood; confirmation. Delia McKinney, 21, of Amity. Married French A Hufford for plff. Confirmed. lleatli« in Yamhill County. by Judge Bird. Union Savings and Ixian Assn, vs Oct. 16—Frank S. Thomas, 31, and A four-month's-old child of Ira White Minnie Millard and husband; confirma­ tion. French A Hufford for plff. Con­ of McCoy «lied on the 13th inst. It was Mrs. Euphonia Glandon, 31, of North Yamhill. one of twins. firmed. Oct. 18—Frisby Maulding, 22, of Polk Mrs. Morgan, a county charge, died at Sarah Smith vs R A Bird, Admr. of county, ami Onie Delashmutt, 21, of Tlios Carlin esl et a) ¡confirmation. Mil­ Whitcaon, Oct. 11 th, age« I 63 years, Yamhill county. ler A Miller for plff. Confirmed. Mrs. Lucinda Simmons died in upper John Euery vs E E Iielyer, Admr. W Happy valley on the 11th inst., of in­ Probnle Court. J Helyer Est. et al; confirmation, Jno. flammation of the bowels. She was 76 Guardianship of Alma .Swanson et al. J Spencer for plff. Confirmed. years old. Burial was made at Oregon Petition for order to sell real estate filed Henry Dilberger vs Clyde G Atkin; City. and Dec. 6, 1899, at 10 a. m. set to hear confirmation. S B Huston for plff. Con­ Mrs. Elizabeth Hewitt of the Wheat- same. Publication ordered. firmed. land neighborhood, relict of Henry II. Guardianship of Riley Shadden. Geo Flett vs Scott Flett; confirmation. Hewitt, died Saturday, Oct. 14th, of Boml filed and approved. Guardian to Ramsey A Fenton for plff. Confirmed. dropsy, aged 76 years. The funeral oc­ file his inventory Nov. 1, 1900. Emma B Torrance vs Peter Osterried ; curred on Sunday at Hopewell, con­ Guardianship of Mary Esther Davis. confirmation. Ramsey A Fenton for ducted by Rev. C. E. Crandall of the Inventory and appraisement filed and plff. Confirmed. Dayton M. E. church. All the living chil­ approved. The Canadian and American Mtg and dren of the Hewitt family are believe I to Guardianship of Otto Pape. First an­ Trust Co vs Albert O Yates; confir­ have been present at the funeral. The nual report filed and approved. Guard­ mation. Ramsey A Fenton for plff. family consisted ct ten children, one ian allowed $10 for his services to date. Confirmed. «laughter an«l nine sone, the former Estate of Nora A. Drnniiller. J. W. Mary E Smith vs Elizabeth Harger et having died, and the sons aro all living. Hobbs appointed a«lmr. Bonds fixed at al; confirmation. Irvine A Vinton for They are: Judge II. II. Hewitt, of the $1600, filed and approved. W. G. Hen- plff. Confirmed. circuit court, Albany; Dr. J. L. Hewitt, dsrson, W. T. Macy onT J. M. Yoconi Wm Campbell vs P F Brow n and P H Portland; D. M. Hewitt, Polk county; appointed appraisers. Robins; confirmation. Irvine A Vinton A. W., J. A., J.C.,11. W. and L. L Hewitt, Estate of J. H. Brown. J. T. Simpson for plff. Confirmed. Yamhill; M. C. Hewitt, Sacramento, Phillip Liwengart vs M V Ensley and Cal. The daughter, who did several appointed administrator, with boml Isabel! Ensley, his wife; foreclosure. years ago, was the mother of Ilrs, E. 11. fixed at ^700, filed ami approved. Estate of David W. McCall. Inven­ Irvine A Vinton for pit*. Decree of fore­ and L. M. anil Carl Thornton, of Port­ tory and appraisement filed ami approved. closure. land. It is claimed that Mr. aud Mrs. Victoria Belleque vs John Belleque; Hewitt came through with the first Property exempt from execution set off Widow alloweil f2o per divorce. Irvine A Vinton for plff. Di­ wagon train, and that Mr. Hewitt drove to willow. month «luring administration. Petition vorce granted. the first wagon down the western slojies Sami T Laird vs Hattie M Osborne of the Blue mountains, and tho second to sell personal property for cash filed and husband; confirmation of sale. wagon into Tho Dalles. He would have and approved. Estate of Chas. Bovaril. Petition for Irvine A Vinton for plff. Confirmed. driven the first wagon into The Dnller, Sarah J Lowery vs Robert F Lowery ; but another man hapened to get aheau or«ler to sell personal property ol estate divorce. J J Spencer for plff. Divorce of him. Before this train of immigrants at public sale for cash in hand approved. Estate of A. B. Faulconer. List of grar.t?d. Children awarded to plff. came with wagons it is claimed that the claims against estate filed. Widow Laura Potter vs Marvin L Potter; di­ running gears of a wagon were brought vorce. C C Linden, Irvine A Vinton for across the Rocky mountains, but that alloweil $10 per month from Cct. 15,' 1899, continuing one year. Report of plff. Divorce granted. Child awarded was all. sale of personal property approved. to plff. Guardianship of Jos. Kloucheck. S R Baxter, trustee, vs Mary and J ‘‘Our baby was sick for a month with Second annual account of guardian filed W Turner; foreclosure. R L Conner severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al­ ami approved. for plff. Settle«]. though we tried many remedies she kept Estate of Nels Christenson. Fourth Bertha L Hibbs vs J F Hibbs; divorce. getting worse until we used One Minute semi-annual account filed and approved. Irvine A Vinton for plff. Divorce grant­ Cough Cure.—it relieved at once and Estate of Anna Thibodo. Final ac­ ed. Custody of child awarded plff. • cured her in a few days.” B. L. Nance, count filed and Nov. 18, 1899, at 10 a. m. John Eborall vs Sarah M Cook, J W Brin. High School, Bluffdale, Texas. set to hear same. Cook et al; foreclosure. Ramsey A Rogers Bros. Fenton for plff Settled. ■lentil ol Otto I’npc. dur Npectnl Hargaln Column. M E Walker vs W S Walker; divorce. The Oregonian of Tuesday gives the The Reporter is introducing a new anil Ramsey A Fenton for plff. Divorce following account of the death of a young granted. Child to remain with plff until interesting feature in newspaper adver­ tising which is meeting with great pop­ man reared in this county in the West further orders. Chehalcm neighborhood. The brother Emma B Torrance vs Frederick ularity among a«lvertisers all over the August, of whom mention is made, was Quappe; foreclosure. Ramsey A Fenton country. Mr. W. P. Bolton, solicitor, formerly in the stationery business in for plff. Default and decree of foreclos­ interviewe«! some of our business firms during the week, with good success. this city : ure. Otto Pape, the nephew of Mr. and Union Savings A Loan Assn vs Lillian The idea is new and novel, and has Mrs. B. Pape, died yesterday afternoon M Howorth, now Lillian M Coplin; features that will induce people to con­ at 2 o'clock, after an illness of three stantly read it. The bargain columns weeks. The l«oy was 15 years old, and order for deed. Confirmed. ia*en at the home of his uncle for the Joseph R Lewis va C A Scott; action will be made a special feature of this has past six years, his parents having died for money. Cotton, Teal A Minor for paper for three months at small cost. some years ago. He was an estimable The advertisements will be frequently boy. He entered school at the opening plff. Appeale«! to supreme court. T C Smith vs Isaac Amy ami wf; con­ changed for patrons, au«l written for this year, and attendeil two days, when taken sick. His ailment was very pe­ firmation. M E Pogue for plff. Contin­ them in attractive style. If you have culiar, being what is calle«l coo sump­ something special to which you wish ued. tion of the ttones. The bones soon com­ E E Laberteaux vs C E Thomason et particular attention called, place it in menced to soften and so continued in al; foreclosure. O Day A Tarpley for the Reporter’s special bargain column. spite of every effort to arrest the progress of the disease. Dre. Flinn and Wilson plff. Passed. had the case in hand, but nothing could On the 10th of December, 1897, Rev. State school boar«! of commissioners vs be done. The boy suffered very intense­ 8. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. church, L II Baker et al; foreclosure. J E ly. He has a brother—August Pape— South, Pt. Pleasant, VV. Va., contracted who lives in Albina. Magers for plff. Passe«!. Minnie B Warner va J B Warner; di­ a severe col«l which was attended from Rick Headache absolutely aud vorce. Ramsey A Fenton for plff. Di­ the tieginning by violent coughing. He permanently cured by naing Moki Tea. A says: “ After resorting to a number of vorce granted. pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation Arthur McPhillipfl vs Florence A so-called ‘specifics,’ usually kept in the and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, j house, to no purjiose, I purchased a Frisby et al; foreclosure. Arthur Mc- work ami happy. Satisfaction go a ran teed Phillips and Rhodes A Rhodes for plff. I bottle of Chamberlain’s cough remedy, or money back. 25 AbOcts. Rogers Bros. ■ which acted like a charm. I most cheer ­ Leave granted to file amended complaint fully recommend it to the public.” For and case continued. Yamhill lodge No. 10, D. of H.. had a sale by 8. Howorth A Co., druggists. In the matter of the estate of J T Wil­ --w » e « —■----- feast of watermelon last Friday evening. liamson. deceased ; appeal. Continued. Marion county’s crop of prunes It was a generous treat on the part of amounted to four carloads this year. The Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fletcher, and wra The New Home and Climax sewing first shipment was made on Monday. enjoyed, though the weather was cold to 5 and the donors were unable to be machines, needles and extras at C. Grie­ The grower« have received from cents f. o. b. sen's. 42tf present. ~ A P