The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 06, 1899, Image 1

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EnteredzttbePoetnfficeln McNInnvill.,
M Secont-clMS matter.
K EK*.
Ordered that the fol
ing bicycle
paths, which have been constructed by
private donations, be gra
‘ the
**■ * pro-
Section of law enacted for at purpose :
From Newberg bridge t
. Hadley’s.
and thence X mile to J.
the county
nnville inter-
ng troni Day-
county road
miles along
Amity, thence
road to John Baxte
lace, where
turns to a
the Dayton and Amity
westerly direction.
e New Grocery Firm of Warren & Son
»»Has succeeded that of Bettman & Warren, and
«■■is doing business at the old stand. We are treat-
onr old friends the best we know how, and we <'
t to make the acquaintance of many new ones. ,
ÍJ«Qur market qvery morning for Fruits and
toMes. We aré pushing a hot campaign in
articles, and they are always choice.
vuuerwuuu, icui,
M Underwood,
rent ......
.LIN Collard, bridge work. .
< nF F Durant, blksmthg . ,
oth, hdwr . .
Pearson, sawing
r Smith, care poor. .
Littlefield, sapt salara». . . .
vage, sawing wood .1C ..
Yocom, salary
tman, hdwr
V Telephone Co, rent
W A Branson, axman
E R Henderson, salary
W G Henderson, salary
P Co, freight on cabinet
A M Dee, gravel beds
Irwin-Hodson Co, assessnienfiroll
i ,J C Porter, mdse for poor. JJ...
J B Mellott, bridge work
nannan nona, care poo
St Vincent’s hospital, care poor.
Jas Thomas,
rs Huguelet,
pt term ..
J P John son, hauling
Evans, hauling
Clarence Emerson, bridge work
ichard Emerson,
aneey Emerson,
I Decker,
W If Morris,
C Westerfield,
W H Lashier,
C Emerson,
do V
ve hammered away night and day for 16 consecutive years at the pre­
counter with the result of iuuing attained the’largest proscription file in
There’s a reason for this. Anyone can dish outpateut medicines, but
mes to filling prescriptions you want a competent matt a^ihe tiller, so to
a clear eve and a clear head-ih feet, a man who realizes that a human
injhe balance. We do thr ; it’» our specialty.
OGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists
Case blksuitlig
Unger, unloading cars .
itnesses before dist atty
r & Thurston, lu
Nelson, salary.
J -Q Rogers, do
Q Barker, salary and putting in
hude, salary. .
ell, supplies
, lumber.. .
r poor
5° 50
P Rasili
Jas Me
well-known place for the best meal in the city.
N ew D ining R oom
t in McMinnville, Jias been recently fitted with beat of
Liberal service and ¡ill you can eat.
Nats and Cigars.
Give Us a Call.
Already Arriving
rdfered a Large Stock of New Furm-
all, trade, much of it being already
e £*et to arrive. A specially large
oQffi Suits. The stock is more than
ore room, and I am placing them
A// Kinds, Sizes
and Prices
the News
Minnvule, w
ranscript, prt’g \ .
ish, corduroy
ger, hdwr . .
cy, salary.......
, work on book vise
Nicho fit-Gabriel, supplies poor
Adams, lime and^imber
er, mdse poor
well, mdse for «or .
wyer is able to be on the street
after se' r^l weeks confin^ ent in tne
0¿account of a lamtfrn
D Fox has sold khia residence
rty and with his family will soon
leavt Jor the east.
eek Rev
Haitz and
family 1
for their new Elation in 8ell-
8pell of b
trouble pros-
z\ sev
Wiley Edwards on Sunday
trated Mi
resent she is improving.
el Snyder, the new M. E.
pulpit Sunday.
and will be with
His farnih
uafor a year
circle gave a
The ladie
bt in honor of
banquet 0
number of forty
the Dayt
coming o
A fine time
it reporte
y night, 1
might bave
On Satti
been a di
roas fire
prevented by
ction of
the prom
. F. John-
had a
Bon. Sh
ery opening
during t
y and t
indowe were
with Chinese
the eve
lanterna, an l>urmng
fell through
to the lace
n an instant
a were a
the whole
dow d
burning ma
neon, as she
called “fire, ore me
ns and deco-
rations dow
on outside.
The da ma
ery alight.
Carrie Neleo
>• slight burns
on her band.«
Daring th
Keed, one
struck Ln
ouch a mam
It became
him so bad!
without the ai
treated by pi»
kinds of li
gallons of
Mr, Jam*
citizen« and
ly, W. Va,,
cake of ice in
an to bruise it reverely.
tn urti«voten and pained
at ba could not walk
crutches. Ha waa
inter of
he lea
One Dollar if paid in advance, 8 in g le a tup be nave cenia.
HE 4 At GMT T>lE.n.
Oh, Say!
6L 1899.
Captain J. R. Mallett,<ho enjoys the
distinction of being e only nran in the
world who handles
bons for exhi-
bition purpose»,
ho has caught
every one uow in capth
recently ar­
rived at Piltebtirg, l‘a. iti) a carload of
these ferocious beasts,
ugbt from the
Pacific coast. Captain
ullett waa in
Vaquina last spring
mg arrange-
menta fur shipping a
nd of sea lions
east, which he tried tc*1<ke off Yaquiua
harbor, but, owing to
rrny weather,
etc., failed to meet with tfnv success in
capturing sea
finally went
down lhe coast andunttafrook to capture
a lot of these animals at*JIeceta head.
After some trouble, he seepred a small
schooner and then had great trouble in
securing “lion hunters.
Men demand­
ed |20 per day to engage in this pastime,
but he finally secured a gang at $10 per
He was wrecked and nearly
starved while in porsui
his game aud
when he undertook to
ire sea lions
in a cave at Hecata b
, Im employes
eould not withstand the charge of the
ammala as thev rughe
le entrance
of the cave, and got’ ou
wav as
quickly as possible and “i
a lion
was captured.
Captaiu Mallett finally p
hifl lion
hunters ashore on
íere they
had to walk some 40 miles toqget home,
and sailed away in his little
ooner for
the California œast, where be aàcceeded
in capturing 50 sea lions, w hich be car­
ried in bis private car to Chicago.
Pittsburg Leader says: -“T^n of the
animals were sold to Hasenback in
Chicago, a number were taken to Pro-
feasor Woodward, the celebrated Bea lion
tamer, at Colün|bu8 ; three were left at
Hilañd Park, and with the remainder,
Captain Mullett rolled into Pittsburg and
delivered what he claims are three of the
finest sea lions in the
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Guardianship of Riley Shaildfn. Ras­
mus Nelson appointed guardian. Bonds
The Baptist state convention will be
fixed at $1000.
held in Portland from October 16tb to
Estate of David W. McCall.
admitted to probate upon proofs taken
Don’t wait but call and examine J. P.
ln open court. Hobt. W. McCall ap- Irvine <x Sou s dishes and glassware, as
pointed executor without bonds. Joseph it all goes at actual cost.
Hoberg, W. D. McDonald and G. L.
Mias Myrtie Williams began her fifth
Baker appointed appraisers.
Estate of T. N Graves. !.. M. (.raves year ou Monday as teacher in district
appointed administrator. Bonds fixed No. 46, south of town, with 27 pupils.
Mrs. Luema Johnson will agaiu lecture
at $28,000, filed and approved.
w. Graves, A. B. Chandler and W. W. in this city tonight in the Methodist
Stocton appointed appraisers. Inventory church, beginning at 7:30. All are iq -
and appraisement filed and approver!. vited.
Personal property exempt from execution
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Burns went to
set off to widow. Administrator granted Portland on Wednesday on busineea and
leave to sell about 2fi00 bushels of wheat visit to the exposition, returning home
at private sale for cash.
the following day.
Estate of Gideon F. Heston. Finsi
Eder W.
Lindsay leaves next
account fijed and Tuesday, Nov. 7th, at Monday for Cincinnati as a delegate to a
10 a. tu. eCt to hear the sau>e-
convention of Christian churches.
Estate of S. lorehand. F mu account will be absent three weeks.
hied and Tuesdrfv, Nov. 7tb at 10 a. m
Misses Crystal and Delia Laugh .
set to hear the same.
North Yamhill are the guests of. Mies
Estate of Ora F. Spencer. First semi­ Dotha Daniels this week. Miss Crystal
annual account filed; aud approved and
will begin teaching a school in Gopher
administrator authorized Io borrow mon- valley next Monday.
ey on the security of lands of the estate
rhe death of A. E. Belat, formerly of
to refund the indebtedness at aiess rate
this place, is reported as occurring at
of interest.
Estate of Elizabeth J. Landingham. Sumpter, Or., last Sunday, presumably
Final account, filed and set for bearing by accident, full particulars not being at
Tuesday, Nov. 7th at 1 p. tn. Notice Io hand. lie w as a member of Diana lodge,
K. of P., and a brother of Mrs. G. W.
be gtven.
now residing at Dallas.
Real Estate Tr.n.frri.
pastor of the Cumberland Pres-
Week ending Oct. 4:
at 10 a. tn. set to hear same.
bytenan church will preach next Sun­
Elizabeth Smith to
«.state of Elisha Smith. First semi- day both morning and evening.
man 5011.39 a 16 r 4
.. .$17,82«
annual account allowed.
Joseph Phillips to R L Bbwley
subjects will be The Possible and Im­
parts of lots 3 and 4'blk IS
possible of To-day
Sheridan.... it
Others; From what, To what, and How V9
Wallace & Walker to Chas. Pal­
mer lots 1 and 2 blk 10 Oak Park
Good music will be rendered by the
Shp.wn the state .of your feelings and the/ choir
add to-MeM ... ............. .. rnm
at noth services.
Milton W Potter et ux to J .ester
rhe Oregon Native Son is an excellent
makes iteelf Apparent in a pale and sallow
Potter 'á mt in 140.17 a
F Crowl diet S r 0....
complexion, pimples and skin eruptions. publication, and the September number
T B Kay et ux to Pauline J
If you are feeling weak and worn out aud Beenis to excel all its predecessors.
lot. 3 blk G Cozine’B 3d ad
do not have a healthy appearance you contains a fine portrait and sketch of
should try Acker’s Blood Elixir. It cures Thos. II. Rogers of this city, besides
Chas Mitchell et ux to Bettie
ry lot 1 blk K Cozine’s 3d add
s where cheap Sarsaparil- many other promiuent citizens.
all blood dis
las and so called puuQers fail; knowing subscription pnce is only |1 a year.
A L Fryer et ux lo E J Kuykendi
this we sell every bottle on a positive guar­ Native Oregoniaus especially should sub­
44.08’a sec 11-3-5
scribe for this publication.
antee. For sale by Rogers Bros.
C A Wallace et ux to J M Yoc
6% a of lots 4 and 5 Wynoosk
Elsia Wright is threshing’ oats this
The Light« Are Out.
week for Mr. Leabo and Mr. Hartaan.
Irena Everest to Alfred Cal/a
Martin 30 a pt David Ramsey
McMinnville is without her electric Tliis will complete his season’s run,
die.......................................... ?
and is likely to remain so for a which will aggregate about 63,000 bush-
Jas Edson to F M York 71.2« ajpt
Jas Ramage d I c t3r4...
period cf three weeks. The excessive els, threshed in 28 days. This record is
J bb C Savley to J Meekins
load carrted by the dynamo proved loo believed to be higher than any thresher
blk 12 Whiteson . . .
for ft Wednesday evening, and it in the valley. Mr. Wright says this is
U S to B H Stillman 40 a sec 1
out/ Jo repair it will cost about the only season in his '¿\I years’ experi­
Sheriff to Mrs T J Smith lot 5
y a new one will require ence when be has threshed grain in the
12 Whiteson
Gen W Beach and wf to The
3,coo. Thia is the prob- month of October.
vestment M'tg Security Co.
lem now before jthe city fathers. A new
Council Proceeding«.
24, 25 and 26 Fullquartz subdi­
machine is needed because of the in-
V S to Nathan «Conner and
creasing business. The churches, stores
Council met m regular session Tues-
claim 59 t 6 r6
and halls will, have to get down their
y evening, all members present.
N'atliun and Elizabeth Conner
old RoOhestejs, and coal oil will take a
ñutes of last meeting corrected and
Joseph h Conner 200 a of dai
59 t 6 r 6
J K Conner to Cyrus Buell 125
amount due from Dr. S. A. Young
pt claim 59 t 6 r 6.........
CalnmBoa School Notes.
was remitted.
Cyrus Bnell et ux 16 Chas W
Work in Aill gradea is progressing
Street Commissioner Poole* was in-
80 a pt claim 59. '
Abbie Pearce and A P Pea
»trusted by the council to have John
Lours Oliver and Mollie B B
enrolled in the High Brdbks begin gravelling street adjoining
New schol
intinshfjotl blk 15
■were: Ninth grade, hie Property within one week,
School this
A rate of $6.50 per month was made
e Reynolds and
Florence Bryan
Hen'y Clemmons and wf to C
Wallace lot 1 blk II New berg
Hardy Ballinger.
nth grade, Bertha lor water for school district No. 40, for
Sidney A Burnett td Matilda
ntte months.
Wood and Edng-Forbes.
----- jSSVashbu
40 . a pt-Edw
A committee consisting of Peery,
Florence Barnhart and Stella Webster
d 1 c t 2 r 5 . .
d McDonald was appointed to
W m Harrison to J«pnie C Kobin*
of the High Schto, were absent a par* Nelson
son lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 blk 16 Hur­
adopt plans aud specifications for a band
of the week on account of sickness.
ley A Large’s
teacher in the stand to be erected at th« intersection
Prof. Jones, a
S' fai mai et
Thompson 102.1
, was present of Third and D streets, cost of same not
McMinnville public
to exceed >99
Work to begin imme­
Job d 1 c t 3 r 4
at the morn lug exit
Wednesday dUtely,
b Jacobson
John W Oliver
thuel Devra
15 13-Moths a
"Liquor li
granted to Joe DuBois
d I c L4 r 4.
Ceek «<=■••! Nates
Landingham 1
pt sec 1-4-6
At the m l
Monday Mn
tractor« on the
the remaak that
«um of 15,000 f
itili V) be
I river locks,
ent m follows:
Mr. Scott,
’ sidewalk in Chandler's
to McMinnville