The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 22, 1899, Image 7

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    “For the Sake of Fun
Mischief is Done. ' *
A vast amount of mischief is done, too,
because people neglect to keep their blood
pare. It appears in eruptions, dyspepsia.
bidigestion, nervousness, kidney diseases,
and other ailments. Hood's Sarsaparilla
cures all diseases promoted by impure
blood or low state of the system.
Old U.lUr, Xavlvrd.
Evaporate. All Moisture from Freshly
Khnmpooed Tre.s-s.
The discomfort of carrying a wad of
wet hair ou her head aud the time con­
sumed In drying It frequently deters a
woman from enjoying the delights of a
shampoo. After the hair lias been
washed, It Is a matter of several hours
Gunnison, Utah, expect« to have a
beet sugar factory by another year.
It Was a Blaze of Brilliancy, and Stein­
bach Was Congratulated.
One of the events of the season was
theiecent grand opening of A. B. Stein­
bach <fe Co.’s new clothing store, corner
of Fourth and Moi risen streets, Port­
land. It was a scene of splendor and 15,-
000 pleased people inspected it. The
new store is large and roomy, light and
airy, and its elegant oaken counters
are piled high with a fresh, latest-style
stock of men's and boys’ clothing and
furnishing goodB. Everything sold nt
Mr. Steinbach’s store is always known
to be durable and first-class in every
respect If you drop the firm a line,
they will send you free samples of*
suitings and rules for eelf-measure-<
ment, so that you can order clothing;
that will fit perfectly and be equal to.
custom-made, at ready-made prices.
In boys’ clothing, the firm excels/
especially in $5 special school suite.
Visitors to Portland are cordially in­
vited to call at the Steinbach store and'
make themselves at home
Congressman Botkin, of Winfleld, Kansas.
Fan Mino women ' s
hair .
to dry it, and unless great care Is exer­
cised the risk of catching severe cold
during this drying operation is very
great. A very simple arrangement to
dry the hair quickly has been patented
by John W. Hil'ermnn and Nicholas
Itossl, of Lyons, Kan. It comprises a
metal chamber ou n stand, which per­
mits of its adjustment at the head of
the subject. The top is sloping to re­
ceive the hair, and Is covered with as­
bestos to prevent any damage by heat
being done to the tress s. Inside this
chamber is a lamp and around the top
are aperiuies to permit the heat to
Are You Going Esit?
pass through the hair. By this means
If so, you should see that an operation heretofore requiring sev­
your ticket reads via the eral hours may be performed in tlfteen
Great Rock Island route, to twenty minutes.
and you will get the beet.
Pullman palace sleeping cars, elegant
reclining chair care “free,” and libiary '“Thought, that Erenthi and Word,
buffet carson all through trains. Beet
that Bttrit.”
dining car service in the world. Popu­
Give me liberty, or give me death!—
lar personally conducted excursions Patrick Henry.
once a week to all points East. For
We must all hang together, or as­
<ull particulars call on or address any suredly we shall all hang separately.—
ticket agent, or A. E. COOPER,
Benjamin Franklin.
G. A. P. D., C. R. I. & P. Ry., 246
These are the times that try men's
Washington street, Portland, Or.
souls.—Thomas Paine.
Kansas City boasts a lady switch­
My only regret is that I have but one
life to give for my country.—Nathan
’Tis our true policy to steer clear of
permanent alliances with any portion
of the foreign world.—George Wash­
Millions for defense, but not one cent
for tribute.—Charles C. Pinckney.
To the memory of the man, 11 rat in
Ceylon war, first In peace and first In the
hearts of his countrymen.—Henry Lee.
EngLsh Breakfast
Don't give up the ship!—James Law­
Ideal Blend rence.
We have met the enemy, and they are
ours.—Oliver H. Perry.
Our country! In her Intercourse with
foreign nations, may she always be In
Ths railroad coal mines in the Pitts­ the right; but our country, right or
burg district are being operated to wrong.—Stephen Decatur.
I would rather be right than be Presi­
their fullest capacity. Operators in
some parts of the field are complaining dent.—Henry Clay.
If any one attempts to haul down the
of scarcity of cars and also a lack of
men. One of the largest operators in American flag, shoot him on the spot.—
the district said that from present in­ John A. Dix.
Hold the fort! I am coming!—W. T.
dications the tonnage of the northwest
shipped over the lake this season will Sherman.
With malice toward none, with char­
reach 6,000,000 tone. The shipment
last season amounted to about 4,500,- ity for all.—Abraham Lincoln.
Let us have peace!—Ulysses S. Grant.
Don’t swear shoot.—Leonard Wood
Like the Admiral,
Don’t cheer! the poor devils are dy­
Mrs. Stubb—John, is that you com­ ing.—John W. Philip. ’
ing home at such an unearthly hour?
Mr. Stubb—Yes, M-Maria; the club
Quite Content with the Sentence.
bad a little D-Dewey toast tonight.
•'Your worship," sa d the wily solicit­
“Well, you remind me of Dewey.” or, who was defending the stalwart
‘‘In w what way, M-Maria?”
prisoner in the dock, "you cannot pos-
“A long time coming home.”—Chi-’ Bibly convict my client of housebreak­
cago Evening News,
ing. I submit, sir, with all deference,
that neither morally nor legally can
A committee of iron moulders called I you convict him. I will tell you why.
on Governor Mount, of Indiana, and
“Mr. Sikes, here, as the evidence
protested against the employment of clearly proves, did not break into any
paroled prisoners from the reformatory house at all. He found the parlor win­
in a foundry iu Louisville.
dow open, as the witnesses admit, and
all he did was to put In his right arm
and remove some unimportant articles.
Now, sir, Mr. Sikes’ arm is not he him­
self, and I fall to see how you can
punish the whole individual for an of­
fense committed by only one of his
“Very well, sir,” said the cautious
Solomon of the bench. “I have heard of
a similar defense before to-day, so I
find the prisoner's arm guilty, and sen­
tence it to six months’ Imprisonment.
The gentleman hlmseif can accompany
It or not, as he chooses. Mr. Clerk, re­
cord the sentence.”
Then Mr. Sikes smiled a fourteen-
inch smile, and the plan of the defense
became apparent, as he quietly pro­
An Excellent Combination. ceeded to unscrew his guilty cork arm,
The pleasant method and beneficial »nd leave It in the custody of the court
effects of the well known remedy,
S tbup of Flos, manufactured by the
Concrete Wisdom.
C alifohnia F io S yrup C o ., illustrate
This la worth more than one reading:
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa­
He that knows not, and knows not
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting that he knows not. Is a fool; shun him.
them in the form most refreshing to the t He that knows not, and knows that
taste and acceptable to the system. It he knows not is simple; teach him.
Is the one perfect strengthening laxa­
He that knows, and knows not that
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers be knows. Is asleep; wake him.
He that knows, and knows that he
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per­ knows, is a wise man; seek him.
manently. Its perfect freedom from
Busy Crook.
every objectionable quality and sub­
stance. and ita acting on the kidneys,
But a very short time ago a Sicilian
liver and bowels, without weakening advocate was found guilty of sixty-
or irritating them, make it the ideal three different acts of fraud. For his
In the process of manufacturing figs industry and enthusiasm In the cause
are used, as they are pleasant to the of dishonesty he was sentenced to 189
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the years' imprisonment
remedy are obtained fr<*m senna and
Most married women have an exag­
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the C aliforxia Fie S trup gerated notion of the ease with which
C' j . only. In order to get its beneficial their busbands ought to make money.
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of theCompany
When a girl gets married the women
printed on the front of every package. inquire "how her mother took It” as
CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. though it was a funeral.
txnnwvri.LX kt
irxw you . w t .
For Mie by all Druggiata—Price 50c. per bottle
In a recent letter to Dr. Ilartman
Congressman Botkin says:
“My Dear Doctor—It gives me pleas­
ure to certify to the excellent curative
qualities of your medicines—Pe-ru-na
and Man-a-lin. I have been afflicted
moie or less for a quarter of a century
with catarrh of the stomach and con­
stipation. A residence in Washington
has increased these troubles. A few
bottles of your medicine have given me
almost complete relief, and 1 am sure
that a continuation of them will <■fleet
a permanent cute. Pe-ru-na is surely
a wonderful remedy for catarrhal affec­
The most common fotin of summer
catarrh is catanh of the stomach.
This is generally known as dyspepsia.
Congressman Botkin was a victim of
this disease 25 years. Pe-ru-na cures
these cases like magic. Address Dr.
Hartman, Columbus, O., for a free
The microbes that cause chills
and fever and malaria enter the sys­
tem through mucous luembianes
made porous by catarrh. Pe-ru-na
heals tlie mucous membranes and
prevents the entrance of malarial
germs, thus preventing and curing
these affections.
Three hens belonging to Dr. Shaw,
of Russellville, Ky., are high flyers.
They recently ascended 200 feet in the
air in pursuit of a hawk. When the
noon whistles blow they quit scratch­
ing grave) and hasten home to dinner.
I believe mv prompt use of I’iso’s Cure
prevented quick consumption.—Mrs. Lucy
Wallace, Marquette, Kans., Dec. 12, '95.
There has been considerable increase
in the wages of iron moulders all over
the United States. In general, the
increase has reached 10 per cent.
What It M fhii I.
In one of the suburbs c* Philadel- 1
Th. colored people of Chattanooga,
Tenn., and vicnitv have inaugurated phia there is a school principal who is
the aucient voodoo dance ami tlie en­ a very kindly man. He is noted par- ;
tire negro community has gone wild ticulaily for his love of animals, and j
on the subject.
They congregated he never neglects an opportunity to!
from as far as Alabama and Missis­ lecture his young charges on his pet !
sippi to participate in the weird exer­ hobby.
cise and worship. The city is full of | Tho other day he tel I them all about
excited colored people, drawn there by vivisection and how, in tl.e name of
the news which has gone forth. The science, it entailed untold suffering
other night several bundled of the ne­ upon dumb aintn.ds. At the end of bis
groes danced to the accompaniment of , discussion, in older to make sure that
tom-toms and other like instruments. . his woids had been fully understood,
The applicants for membership in : he asked:
the band take their seats in the mid- | “Now tell me what vivisection
die of a dark room. There they wait means.”
until a vision is seen and they imuied- I “Please, sir,” answered one of the
lately arise and relate it. If the dream : boys, “it means trying it on the dog.”
is hoirilrle enough and suits the look- —J udge.
Still More Counterfeiting.
eis-on the negro is admitted into fel­
The Secret Service has just unearthed
lowship and at once begins his dance
hand of counterfeiters ami becui xi
with the others. The voodoo worship a quantity
of bogus hills, which are vety
has assumed such alarming propor­ cleverly executed. Things ot great value
tions that the attention of local offi­ are always selected for imitation, notably
cers of the law has been called to it. Hostetter’s ¿Stomach Bitters, which has
imitators but no equals for disorders
and a stop will probably be put to it many
like indigestion, dyspepsia and constipa­
before another dance takes place.
_______ •____________
A negro convict in an Australian
jail was convey« I to a Vienna hospital
and there experimented upon with
Information for the Public.
electricity for four months. At the
In selecting your route to the East end of that time he was so bleached
you cannot afford to overlook tho ad­ that he would pass for a white man.
vantages ami comforts offered by the
Rio Grande Western Railway in coll­
Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
ection with the Denver & Rio Grande
and Colorado Midland railroads. It is It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv­
feet, and instantly takes the sting out
the only transcontinental line passing ous
of corns and bunions. It’s the greatest
directly through Salt Lake City, and j comfort discovery of the age. Allen’s Foot-
in addition to the glimpse it affords of Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy,
the Temple city, the Great Salt Lake, it is a certain cure for IngrowingNaift,
sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching
the salt palace, and the picturesque feet. We have over 00,000 testimonials.
Utah valley, it offers choice of six dis­ Try it today. Sold by all druggists and
tinct routes to the East and the most ! shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps.
package FREE. Address, Allen S.
magnificent scenery in the world. A Trial
Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
double daily train service and through
The shipyard at Port Blakeley,
Pullman palace and ordinary sleeping
cars, free reclining chair cars and a I Wash., has enough work on hand to
perfect dining car service are now in ! keep it busy for a year to come.
operation via these lines.
For pamphlets descriptive of the
local applications, as they cannot reach the
“Great Salt Lake Route,” apply to J. By
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
D. Mansfield, general agent, 253 Wash­ way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu­
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in­
ington street, Portland, Or.
flamed condition of the mucous lining of tlie
Improved Train Equipment.
The O. R. & N. and Oregon Short
Line have added a buffet, smoking and
library car to their Portland-Chicago
through train, and a dining car service
has been inauguarated. The train is
equipped with the latest chair cars,
day coaches and luxurious first-class
and ordinary sleepers. Direct connec­
tion made at Granger with Union Pa­
cific, and at Ogden with Rio Grande
line, from all points in Oregon, Wash­
ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities.
For information, rates, etc., call ou
any O. R. & N. agent, or address W.
H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent,
The recent epidemic of lockjaw is
not difficult of explanation. The dis­
ease is produced by a microbes getting
into any break in the fain. The mi­
crobe abounds at all times, at some
place more than others.
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in­
Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervousness
flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper­ ■ f|TQ
lid utter first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Nerve Restorer. Send for FREE *74.00 trial
deafness is the result, and unless Hie inflamma­ bottle and treatise. D t. It. H. KUNE, Ltd., Wf
tion can be taken out and this tube restored to Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.
its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine cases out ot ten are caused by
The bricklyaers of Vancouver hav*
catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
struck against the employment of Chi­
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deainessfcauied by catarrh) that can nese as uiason tenders.
not be curi d by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth-
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. tiifj Svrup the best remedy to use for thelf
Sold by Druggists, 75c
children during the teething period.
Hall’s Family Pills are the beat.
It is said that every ton of coal
mined in England pays 12 cents as roy­
alty to support the Church of Eng­
land, whether the owner of the mine
or the workers in it ever enter a parish
church or not.
The horse never breathed of which
George Biumsint was afraid. At the
age of 103, in Brown county, Ind., he
bioke ami lode a colt which his neigh-
bois feaied to appioach. He died a
short time ago, at the Hge of 113.
Sour Stomach
Back up a sewer, and you poison the whole neighborhood. Clog up liver and bowels, and your stomach is
full of undigested food, which sours and ferments, like garbage in a swill-barrel. That’s the first step to untold
misery — indigestion, foul gases, headache, furred tongue, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that
is horrible and nauseating. CASCARETS quietly, positively stop fermentation in the stomach, make the liver
lively, tone up the bowels, set the whole machinery going and keep it in order.
Don’t hesitate! Take Cascarets to-day and be saved from suffering!
“After I wae Induced I to try CASCA«
RETS, , I __________
will never ___
be wi ithout them in the
My liver was in a very bad shape,
house. I_7
and my
----------- I had stomach trou-
Cascaren, I feel fine,
ble. N- • since
them with beneficial
My wi:
results *u* nour stomach ”
lor t
th* ««
Jos. KREnLiwa,
1921 Congress St., St. Louis, Mo.
Illa Snap.
ms is
CASCARETS are absolutely harmless, a purely vegetable compound. No mercurial or other mineral pill-poison in Cascareis. Cascarete promptly, effectively and permanently
sure every disorder of the Stomach, Liver and Intestines. They not only cure constipation, but correct any and every form of irregularity of the bowels, including diarrheeaand dysentery.
Pleasant, palatable, potent. Taste good, do good. Never sicken weaken or gripe Be sure you get the genuine I Beware of imitations and substitutes I Buy a box of CA8CARETS
to-day, and if not pleased in every respect, get your money back I Write us for booklet and free sample I Address STERLING REMEDY COMPANY, CHICAGO or NEW YORK.
Such a person is the constant envy of the
weak, nervous person-of the person with thin,
impure blood. The way to build up health is
thiough the blood.
all kinds
H I. 38 fini »tn*
fra*. In plain. BBaled *n Keiope.
v»«iope. Write
today for thia Book, eon tai nine Parti'■n-
tera and TMUmonial« of DR. M ARTLL*8
French Female Pills.
Praised by thousands of eatiofiM ladi-» w
Mf«, always reliable and without an equal.
Bold by ail drargia'iio metal box, Frtocb
fla< on top In Blue, White and Red. Take no other.
For Gnnorrh're and Gleet gt-l Pabet'f Okay Specific. It
1» the ONLY medicine which will cure each and every
ran*. NO CASE known it ha« ever faii-d to cure, no
matter how ecrioux or of how long «landing. Result«
from its ua* will artonioh you. It is absolutely aafe,
prevents stricture, and ran be taken without inconvo
Bienre and detention from bumnras. PRICE. 83 00 F *
sale by all reliable druganwts, or sent prepaud by express,
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, r»y
PARMt CHEMICAL CO., Chicago, 111.
Circular mated on request.
Branch Drug Co.,Ml A M Pearl BL. New York City
Writ« to MTMA^r CllOlUlY
BICKFUffO. Washington 0. C . they will re­
ceive quick replies. B. 5th N. H. Volt.
Staff 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims etnee 1878.
Fette« m / k I
...GO EAST...
Wire Horki.
----- VIA-----
and iron fencing; office railing, etc 3UI Alder
Machinery Mini Supplies
Makes impure blood pure It creates a good
appetite and artists digestion |l.U0 per bottle CAW8TON <k CO . ENGINES, BOILERS, MA-
at your druggists.
chinery, supplies 48-50 First St., Portland, Or
elief for Women"
dr . w artyt / r
Il icirntil'.rally compounded of
the b> -t materiali.
< iKF.a
la* Big W for unnatural
dis« barges, infla m mal Ions,
irritations or ulcerations
■nt w am«tar*
of mucous membrana«.
Palale«*, an i not astria-
Pr«v»bts eomaxion.
fHEEvtssCHE*-CALCo. <ent or poisonous.
Mold by l>rag*lsf«,
c asar Q .
or sent In plain wrapper,
U. S. A
by express, prrpaii, for
fl <«. or 3 bottles, |2.75.
Circular sent on request.
in I ta j lava
Through Palace and Tourist Bleepers
Dining and Buffet Siuuking
Library Care.
....FAST TIMS....
Rervire «nd Scenery Unequalled.
For Tickets and all Information apply to
your nearest agent, or address
C. P. and T A., Portland.
R. C. STEVENS, G. W. P. A., Seattle.
Rupture DR. GUNN’S'"”«0 PILLS
tieated scien­
tifica! 1 y and
confidenti al-
tv. CarmiMtSAN
. ICR t<e<>«st. r. trm.
It is easier to quit some bad habits
than It Is to continue them.
P ortland , O rfgow .
can zive you the be*t bargains In general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel IXL windmill, sold by him, is un­
ONE FOR A DOSE , Cure flick Headache
• «4 r>y.p.p.i.,
-------- Simple«
»nd Purify th«
Blood. Aid I’igxtion and Prevent Biliousness I>o
not Grip« or flicken. Toron vinceyou, we will mail
asmpie free, or full hog for 2Sr. DR. MMANKt
CO-, Phllada., Fcosa Bo!4 by Druggists.
N. P. N. U
HIN writing to advertiser« plea««
mention thia paper.