The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 22, 1899, Image 6

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    ’to maks it universal in the »cope of th#
articles displayed, as well a* the nV X U
1 LUI.
tlons .participating, an invitation ^va
extended to the‘ tf’-iJCfccr» pf fbe world,
and formal Invitations were Issued to GIRL’S SCHEME FOR GETTING
¡j How the Great World’s Fairs of To-day Have Grown from a Little ? the foreign governments. The roofed
J ’
Display of China in Paris a Century Ago.
♦ area was thirty-six and three-tenths
acres. The exhibits were *o arranged . tn Lore with the Letter’s Hnibenil,
that each nation occupied a separate She Mailed Herself Poisoned Fruit
and distinct division. The exposition
to Have the Guilt Fixed on the In
S early as 1797 the Marquis suggestion. Thus originated the first was formally opened on the 1st of
d’Aveze, having received the ap­ "Crystal Palace,” The total cost of the April, 1867, with the most gorgeous nocent Wife.
pointment a* * comuilsloner of the building was $850,000. This .-how ceremony. The American exhibit was
Royal Manufacture
of the Gobelins, proved a success. Before the opening by far the finest we had ever made
Miss Florence M. Campbell, of San
of Sevres, and of the Savonnerle, found $200,000 had already been received for
Francisco, was Infatuated with John
that the turbuleut time
of the revolu­ season tickets, and during the six
Hathorn, a married man. She got the
tion had so discouraged the Industrial mouths it remained open the average
Idea into her head that if she could get
arts that the skilled workmen of these number of daily visitors was 43,536.
rid of Mrs. Hathorn by bringing about
places were reduced to starvation, At Its close there remained a balance
a divorce Hathorn would marry her.
while the store rooms .vere filled with of $750,000 above all expenses.
This was the sole purpose of a plot that
■the choicest productions of their art.
The year 1853 saw two Crystal Pal­
would have done credit to Lucretia
This ,condition gave him the Idea of ace shows In operation. That of New
Borgia. It Is admitted by the girl, and
holding an exhibition where tapestries, York was organized by a few influen­
her confession has been sustained by
chips and carpets could be gathered tial citizens of wealth as a stock com­
the Investigations of detectives. Miss
together and a great sale held.
pany, with the end in view of bringing
Campbell did not wish to kill the
r The then unused chateau of St. Cloud the manufactured goods of the Old
woman who stood in her way. She
was taken for this purpose, but on the World here to be placed In comparison
merely wished to blacken her character
day of the opening a decree of the di­ with those of the New. The other
w'ith a false charge which would land
rectory banishing the nobility was Is­ show of the year was that held In Dub­
her In prison and give Rathom an ex­
sued, and he was compelled to quit lin. This, too, while very successful
cuse for obtaining a divorce.
France, and return the following year, as an exhibition, did not attract the
Mrs. Rathom and Miss Campbell
and, on the failure of bls first attempt, International Interest it merited, nor
were at one time close friends aud had
originate another exhibition, which did It In a financial way prove a suc­
carried on a correspondence. The lat­
proved very successful. This was held cess.
ter had several of Mrs. Rathom's letters
at the Chateau de Orsay, where the
The next great exposition wns that
In her possession, and one day a devil­
house and grounds were filled wdth of Paris, held in 1855. Preparations
ish scheme came Into her head. She
beautiful and useful stuffs and wares for this exposition were begun as early
would mail a box of poisoned fruit to
of all varieties.
as 1853, but up to February, 1854, little
herself; the address on the cover would
The success of this undertaking progress had been made. So slow did abroad, the war of the rebellion having be apparently written by Mrs. Rathom.
caused the government to take up the the work progress that the exposl- Interfered with any pretentious display and this would afford the desired
being made In London In 1802. It Is means of prosecuting the woman Into
estimated that the total number of vis­
itors to this great show exceeded 4,-
Miss Campbell bought some candled
000,000. The total cost of the buildings cherries and loaded them with arsenic.
was $2,350,005, or $143 per square foot Then, taking one of Mrs. Rathom’s let­
covered. It closed with a net profit of ters addressed to herself, she trimmed
$502,654, dividends being declared of down the envelope so as to get rid of
$553,200. The remaining amount was the old postmark and pasted it on the
devoted to public works.
Her next move was to mail the
Expositions were held In Moscow
and Copenhagen tn 1S72, but were more
national in character, confined as they
were to the products of the country
in which they were held.
A decree issued by the Austrian Em­
peror, May 24, 1870, announced that
"under the august patronage of his im­
perial and royal majesty, the Em­
peror, nn International exhibition
would be held in Vienna in 1873.” To
this end an appropriation by the gov­
ernment of $3,000,000 was made, and
later, as the work progressed, an addi­
tional appropriation of $3,000,000 more
was found necessary. Universal Inter­
est was shown in this great undertak­
ing, the foreign governments selecting
from among their most eminent men
their representative commissioners. An
Idea of the magnitude of this great
Idea, art! the first official exposition tlon, which was to have opened on the show may be gleaned from the fact
was held on the Champ de Mars, where 1st of May, was delayed until the loth that there were in all 2,602 awards
a "Temple of Industry” had been erect­ of that month. The main building, the made, the total number of exhibitors
ed for Hie purpose. At this exposition tlie I’alals de l’lndustrle, was not built being about 7,000. The total cost of
was Inaugurated the Jury system of as a temporary structure, as such buildings and accessories was $7,850,-
»wards. So successful did It prove that buildings had previously been, but was 000. Receipts from visitors. $1,283,-
Intended to remain as a permanent 648.78. This with the additions to rev­
building for exposition purposes. In enue from concessions and sale of
all, the floor space of this great exposi­ buildings, was far from enough to
This done, she later called
tion reached the total of twenty-nine
up by telephone the residence of Mrs.
acres. The exhibitors numbered some deficit being met by the government.
The Centennial International Exposi­ Schelb, where she boarded, and, imi­
21,000, of which number France con­
tributed one-half. This exposition, tion of Philadelphia, In 1876, which tating the voice of Mrs. Rathom as
which differed from all previous ones gave such an impetus to art in Amer­ closely as possible, inquired whether
in the great variety of Its objects and ica, ns well ns all succeeding exposi­ Miss Campbell had received a package
extent of productions, was closed in tions at home and abroad, Is remem­ by mail. This was another move to
person by the Emperor with great bered too well by all to come within fasten guilt on Mrs. Rathom, as Mrs.
• he scope of this article.
Schelb, when questioned by the police,
pomp and ceremony on Nov. 15, 1855.
said it was undoubtedly the latter who
In 1857 Mnnchester held her “Fine
Two Happy Tnoughts.
had talked over the telephone.
rt anil Manufactures Exhibition.”
From far-away Ceylon comesa funny
In preparing the box of poisoned fruit
Here, lu a tireproof building, wltli little story. A tea planter who had a
a floor space, including galleries, glass eye was desirous of going away Miss Campbell had been careful to
of 171,000 square feet, was gathered for a day’s shooting with a friend, but leave the top layer of cherries undoc­
one of the most remarkable collections he knew that as soon as the natives tored. She did this for tlie reason that
of art works that had ever reposed who were at work on the plantation she would have to pass the box around
under one roof. In 1801 United Italy heard that he was gone they would not among the members of the Schelb fam­
held an exhibition of some Importance do a stroke of work. How was lie to ily when she received It. and. as she
nt Florence, the displays of which get off? That was the question. After did not wish to poison anybody, the top
were classified under the heads indus­ much thought an idea struck him. Go­ layer could be eaten without danger.
Iaiter she would make the discovery
trial, fine arts, agricultural and horti­ ing up to the men he addressed them
that the rest of the contents were poi­
soned. give the affair into the hands of
The next exposition of universal In­
"Although I myself will be absent, the police, and the running down of
terest was timi held In London, "The yet I shall leave one of my eyes to see Mrs. Rathom would be easy.
th# government resolved to hold an­ Exhibition
Of Art Works of All Nil that you do your work.” And much to
As luck would have it. after sampling
nual exhibitions of like character, but tlons,” of 1862.
The total area under the surprise and bewilderment of the the contents of the liox the afternoon
the disturbed condition of t|ie country
roof wns 088,000 square feet, a greater natives, he took out the glass eye nud it was received Mrs. Schelb complained
prevented a repetition until the year
space than that occupied by any pre­ placed it on the stump of a tree and of not feeling well, and Innocently said
1861. Tlie third exposition, held In
vious exposition. The total cost was left. For some time the men worked she thought the cherries had made her
1802, saw the origination of tlie Soclete
$2,150,000, or about $2.18 per square Industriously; but at last one of them. sick. Miss Campbell, her nervous sys­
d’Eucouragement, which has been n
tem overwrought by excitement, at
powerful aid to French manufacture.
once Imagined a horrible condition of
On this occasion there were 600 prize
affairs. "What.” she argued to herself,
competitors. It was nt tills exposition
“If I have made a mistake and put
that cotton lace and silk thrtuid were
some of the poisoned fruit in the top
first shown and a prize wns awarded
lnyer?” The more she thought of It
for the manufactures of Iron by means
the more nervous nnd apprehensive she
of coke.
became, nnd finally she Imagined she
No further efforts were successful un­
also felt queer pains in her stomach.
til in 1819, when another exposition
i i ffT
Then she was sure both she and Mrs.
II lining
wns held, nfter which those of 1823
Schelb had eaten the poisoned fruit
and 1827 occurred with varying suc­
and were going to die. She rushed to
cess. In 1844 the tenth and last expo­
a drug store and got an antidote, con­
sition during the reign of Louis l’hll-
sisting of mustard and soap, swallowed
lppe saw 3,960 exhibitors participating.
a lot herself, and hastened back home
Another exposition on a grand scale
to the relief of Mrs. Schelb.
wns that of 1849. Nearly 5,000 exhib­
In the meantime the druggist had In­
itors were represented and 3,738 prizes
formed the police of the poisoning case.
were awarded. The exhibition contin­
Detectives called nt the Schelb home
ued for sixty day
and Its results were
and took possession of the box of fruit
•o beneficial that other nations began
Chemists analyzed the cherries and
FT '
to realize Its importance to trade.
said they contained nrsenlc enough to
Three other countries had previously
kill a herd of cows. Experts examined
glveu expositions of a more or less local
the address, and, prompted by the In­
nature. Such were those that bad been
1 ■Jfl, 1
formation given by Miss Campbell,
held in Russia, Deumark, nud Aus­
found it was In the handwriting of Mr
tria, aud ninny of great Importance
Rathom. Thus far the plot had work­
hnd been hold In Belgium.
ed well, with one exception. Mrs.
In the British dominions expositions
Rathom was implicated, all right but
had been held both In Manchester and
Miss Campbell was afraid that both
Leeds, and cue In Dublin as early as
herself aud Mrs. Schelb were going to
1827. It remained for England to pro­
die. She said things in terror that the
mote the first actual International In­
police remembered, and when they ran
dustrial exposition- that of 1851. At
1* -'U
Ik <41
against a snarl one day that they could
the first meeting of the commissioners
not unravel they came back to Mis#
It was decided to rely wnolly upon vol­
Campbell for explanations.
untary contribution^ nnd when an ap
Neither Miss Campbell nor Mrs.
peal was made n fund of $1,500,001)
Schelb had really partaken of the poi­
soon raised. Oue single contribu
soned fruit. The illness of the latter
tor beaded the list with the large
was caus«'d by some slight trouble,
amount of $250,000. Designs for the
while the girl suffered solely from a
building were submitted by architects
guilty conscience and high nervous
of all nation
A plan suggested by
tension. They both recovered speed­
ftlr Joseph Paxton wa
the oue chosen,
ily. For nearly a month the police
buttoMr Fox.of the firm of Fox «Hen­
worked on the mystery. It was soon
derson. I* due the credit of barlug orig­ foot of door space. This exposition, selling bl
* tin. In which be carried hl
settled, despite the incriminating ad­
inated that uew style of architecture while It may be said "played even.” food, approached the tree, and gently dress. that Mrs. Rathom could not have
which wa
afterward dubbed the "Fer­ waa not a great «ucceaa financially.
placed It over the eye. Thl
done, they sent the package. Detectives ascer­
ro Vltreou
style. be having worked
The year 18«>7 *
aw the "Universal Ex­ ail lay dowu aud slept sweetly uut.l tained that * young woman answering
out and made possible Sir Joseph'
position of Parl
” It being the design »uuM,
SiÏ1El a j.
the description of Miss Campbell had
bought cherries at one place and ar-1
senfc at another, and bad been noticed
by the postal clerks when mailing the
I package. Gently it was intimated to
Miss Campbell that she might have
sent the box herself. She repelled the
charge Indlguantly. Then the officers
asked her to explain some of the odd
things she had said when she thought
she was dying. She tried to do so and
made a sorry mess of It. Little by lit­
tle they tangled her in a web of contra­
dictions, and at last she broke dowu
' and told the story virtually as given in
this article.
Miss Campbell is an attractive wom­
an of good family. She is the daughter
of Hon. John A. Campbell, of Cumber­
land, W. Va., and a graduate of Hiram
College, Ohio. She went to California
with letters of introduction to Senator
Perkins and other prominent people,
and has been well received in society
Clerks Find Them Much Easier to Wait
Upon than Women.
A saleswoman sees phases of human
nature that are seldom revealed under
other conditions, and there is enough
of truth in this sketch—from the Phila­
delphia Times—to make it interesting
to both sexes.
The saleswoman whose duty it Is to
wait upon men was not Thus engaged.
She had gone to serve a woman, who
proved to be an extremely hard cus­
tomer to suit, calling for one style after
another. The clerk was becoming dis­
couraged, and beginning to feel as if
she didn’t care whether a sale was
At this point another saleswoman
said to her, “Maud, there’s a man,”
and came to relieve her of the uncom­
fortable customer.
"Thank goodness!” exclaimed Maud,
as she started toward the counter
where men’s gloves were sold.
"What would you like to see, sir?”
she asked of the man who was wait­
"I want a medium shade of brown,
with wide stitch on the back, and fas­
tened with a button Instead of a
The saleswoman placed a varied as­
sortment before him. Quickly select­
ing a pair, he exclaimed, "Just what
I want!” aud had one glove fitted. It
suited him exactly, and having paid
for his purchase, he left the store.
Now what sort of gloves does the
reader think this man purchased?
They were a dark shade of brown,
not medium; they had a narrow stitch
on the back, not wide; they were fas­
tened with a clasp, not with buttons.
Perhaps some man can answer this
question: Why do women like to wait
on men better than on their own sex—
because men are so easily pleased, or
because they do not really know what
they want?
Eddie McDuffie, who at New Bed­
ford made a mile in 1:28.
Here' a Man Who Has Worn Wom­
an’s Clothes for Twelve Years.
Henry Snell, of 501 North Twenty­
eighth street, Omaha, has worn a wom­
an's dress for the last twelve years. He
is a large man, with whiskers, and he
did not put on skirts because he object­
ed to trousers. It was necessity which
Against Licking Postage Stamps.
In connection with the practice of
stamp licking, a medical contemporary
says: What layman would suspect that
the unassuming postage stamp could
become an active vehicle for the spread
of deadly ailments? Yet so it is, and
the name of “stamp licker's tongue"
has recently been brought to our no­
tice by two distinguished medical men.
It is known to few that the common
postage stamp owes its adhesiveness
to the serum of the horse. It follows
that the film drawn from such a source
may, or even must, at times be charged
with microbes of a more or less hurt­
ful nature. If a man licked a large
number of stamps daily over a suffi­
ciently long period of time, the chance#
are he would set up cancer of that
much abused member. Tlie danger has
long been recognized by the postal au­
thorities of this country, who have
placed dampers on the counters of the
compelled him to adopt them. Five
times since he was a boy he has been
overcome by heat and be also suffer
from chronic rheumatism. He has
found by painful experience that a
loose and flowing garment is necessary
for him comfort, and consequently he
has adopted a modified form of the
Mother Hubbard. He lives in a pretty
little cottage, surrounded by big cotton
•wood trees, and, because of his pecu-
lar appearance, rarely goes outside the
Walrus Whiskers.
1 "Of all the curious artiedes of com­
merce that you have ever mentioned in
print I have never seen one more
She Knew HI# Footsteps.
ptrange than a ‘line’ I regularly send
Hl# enemies may have originated, but I to China, to the Brazils, and In very
his friends do not hesitate to repeat, a large quantities to Russia.”
story about a rising young politician,
The speaker was a "foreign mer­
who, says the New York Tribune, has chant,” and he wa# addressing a con­
large feet, as well as a capaciouB head. tributor who lias made a specialty of
The politician's mother, a lovable old I paragraphs dealing with out-of-the-
woman, is unfortunately very deaf. way occupations.
She lives in a flat In the neighborhood
"The article I refer to are toothpicks
of Grant's tomb, and is always delight­ that are made from walrus whiskers
ed by a visit from her son.
Vast quantities of the stiff, thick whin
When the United States cruiser kers of the walrus are shipped, from
Brooklyn, which was anchored in the Alaska chiefly, to myself, and to some
Hudson, off tlie tomb, on Memorial others in Eug-and. Those who send
day. fired a salute of twenty-one guns, them pull them out one by one with
the old lady was observed to start, fix special tweezers, and after the whls<
her cap, and smooth down her apron.
kers have been trimmed and stiffened
Then she said, with a sweet smile, here they are made up into and
"George Is coming. I hear his footstep# Bent abroad.
on the stairs.”
"The higher class Chinese seem to
| use uo other kind of toothpicks, and
And He Did.
' |tbe more wealthy of the Russians al­
ways use them at their clubs and ho­
tels. I send out some thousands of
bundles yearly, and though to the buy
er they are much dearer, as well a*
more ornamental, they leave plenty of
profit to the dealer. They have begun
to creep into strong favor at West End
clubs, and last year I executed some
»cores of English orders.”
He Wasted His Rreath.
Angler—Hush! Keep back! Keep
back! I had a bautlful rise Just then.
I shall get another directly.—Punch.
Prosounce Whe< aeber.
I happened into one of the railway
stations yesterday morning, and whil-
I was waiting for a train to come in. I
sat down beside a grave and dignified
little girl of perhaps 4 or 5. Presently
a man lu the uniform of the railway
company came In and bawled out a
long list of perfectly unintelligible
names. The little girl looked at him
Unapprovingly. Then she looked u>
at me.
“Ain’t that a awful silly way for a
great big man to talk?” she said.
Verily, out of the mouths of babe
and sucklings cometh wisdom.—Wash­
ington Post.
The latest test for snbric’y Is a word
of twenty-three letter#. It Is electro­
A blind man should never attempt te
photomicrography. and the meaning as
build a bouse until he gets hl
* site.
there given is photographing by elec-
* foolish to worry about the thing»
j trie light object
magnified by the ml-
| eroscvpe.”
you can help or the thing
you eau'L