♦ BANKING LOCAL NEWS. Daaa a Balky Flaw Pall aa tf*** ** a Walking Flaw? F W. Spencer, lhe implement G. 8. Wright, dentist. say« it pulle easier. If yon will come Young mare for eale cheap. A. E. C ook . town Saturday, Sept. 30tb, he will prove SEVEN DAYS Milo Bond l>a6 built an addition to his it to you. Test will be made at 1 p. tn., near town. 40-2 residence. SPECIAL SALE! New fern cutler«, a late invention, just G. 8. Wright, dentist. —McMinn vllle, Oro«on.— received and for sale by F. W. Spencer. Paid up Capital, «.50,000 Fred Nelson is moving this week to For school booksand tablets C. Grissen * See Odell A Wood's hop books. Hop Surplus 910,000. the farm three miles west of town. Transacts a General Baukiug Busiuess. « Wanted—To secure the rental of s insurance. We shall inaugurate the fall campaign with a grand Seven-Day Special Sale, Ed Sutherland is laid oil' with blood good piano. Address “8,” Reporter. Office Hours 9 a. ni. to t p. m. poisoning of the hand. beginning Saturday, Sept. i6th, and closing Saturday, Sept. 23d. You all re­ Miss Jennie C. Anderson of R. Jacob­ LEE LAUÜHLIN, President. Best walking and riding plows in the member tlie remarkable success of our Spring Opening Sale. We are fully deter­ son A Co.’»store, visited her home in J L. ROCiERS, Vice-President. market for sale by F. W. Spencer. Salem ou Sunday. mined that this sale shall eclipse all former efforts, and some remarkable bargains E. C. APPERSON, Cashier. A complete history of the late Spanish W. S. LINK, Assistant Cashier. Make your wife happy by getting her will be offered from all departments of our house. Prices good only on day ad­ one of those wire washboards at the American war for sale at C. Grissen’s. vertised. Don’t miss a day, else you will be the loser. McMinnville fence works. F. W. Sjiencer still lias left a few PHYSICIANS tf Ed Tyler is home from his hunt in the bargains in buggies and carriages. SATURDAY, SEPT. 16. Men, the #3 sort, to-day b^iys £ALBREATH & GOUCHER, Cascades. His trusty gun brought down For ammunition, Ashing tackle and them. loo Pressed Cotton Comforters, Silk- all manner of camp supplies, consult > < thirteen deer and one cougar. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20. olein covered, never sold less than tf >2.50, price.................................. fi.39 Hop pickers, buy your Groceries and Hodson. 100 fine Satteen covered Sofa Pillows supplies at Dresser & Hendrick’«, the Mrs. R. W. Phillips of Whiteson was ■7 >> 1 case Boys’ Heavy School Hose, with fine filling, regular price 75c, sizes 6 to 10, never sold less than best and cheapest place in town. an ntteudant at the state fair the past today............................................... 39C 20c, any size this day.................... 1 toc (Office over Braly’s Bunk.) 75 Mens’ Gray Covert Mackintoshes 200 prs cotton Blankets, gray, vicu­ Miss Bena Snelling has returned home week. M c M innville - - • O reoon . with check lining, silk velvet col­ na and white, choice per pair.... 39e Mrs. W. II. Bingham in visiting her from North Yakima, where she has lar, we sold them last year at >5. 1 case choice dark colored Outing spent the summer. son in Salem, and attending the Metho­ today............................................... 2.69 Flannel, regular 8', cent goods, QOOK & CABLE, 20 doz. fine Vicuna Stripe Men’s wool choice this day.............................. Se Emerson A Milton pianos, Kim- dist conference. Shirts and Drawers, they sell oth­ 20 pcs 19-incli China Silks, in colors Franklin Stout and daughters Jessie ball organs; bottom prices and easy er tlays at $1, today ...................... 69c pink, blue, Nile, cream, lavender and I>elia are attending the Methodist terms at C. Grissen’s. 37-8 ■ Ladies' Outing Flannel Night red, all pure silk, per yard........... 23c Dresses, the ft.75 sort, today....... 1.00 150 Boys' Suits worth up to #3,choice 1 t.69 There is talk of reviving the choral conference at Salem. 200 pairs of Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Rooms in Jacobson Block, Mrs. Hugh Collard, nee Miss Jennie union by seeming the services of Prof. THURSDAY, SEPT. 21. Shoes in all widths and styles, in M c M innville , - - - O regon . Ginn of Salem. Sharp, of St. James, Minn., is hereon a A gala dress goods day, two great plain and vesting tops, made by lots, 50 pcs new Fall Fabrics in the best makers in the world, rec­ The U. 8. A. axe, the best and cheap­ visit to her parents and other relatives. each lot. The first includes plaid ognized value $2 50, 2.75 and >3. est warranted axe in the market. For Miss Lena V. Tawney, teacher of mixtures and plain goods worth PHOTOGRAPHER. choice .......................................... 1.98 up to 65c, choice............................ 39e sale by Hodson. piano and organ. Studio at residence for- MONDAY, SEPT. 18. Lot 2—In this lot will be found some I N. HOBBS, Corporal A. E. Lambert of Dayton has meily occupied by Mr. E. F. Sutherland. of the choicest fabrics of the sea­ 25 prs California fast wool blankets, enrolled as a student of McMinnville son, including a fine line of 44-in The gain in membership of the Metho­ in Vicutia and navy blue, worth wool Coverts, fine all wool black college. High-Class Photography dist church in this city the past year is regular $4.25. choice per pr ....... 2 98 goods, novelty goods, many worth All those knowing themselves indebt­ reported as 31. This is a good showing. 50 pcs regular 25. 35 and 40c dress up to fi per yard, choice this day a Specialty. goods in 40 and 42-in, plain colors ed to S. Howorth A Co. please call and only.................................................. 49e The marriage of Richard Ekstein and mixed and brocades, all the colors ] am located next e for proeecuting the work A, Second Oregon Volunteers, from Ma­ of completing the lo< ks and dam with nila. E. McKERN dispatch. CHAS. P. NELSON, Manager. Continued had weather last spring A law was passed last Febitiary by prevented some of the farmers from the legislature of Oregon for the extir- sowing their oatfields until late in the patiou of Russian, Canada and Chinese season. Then it seemed' as though the thistles. It makes it the duty of road crop would fail, for the tender plants NORTH YAMHILL, OR. supervisors to eradicate them w herever failed to get a good start l>efore the sum­ Legal papers written anorter that tie ♦< has at his office a specimen of the Chi­ reapers were busy taking care of a prom­ fare a «aid in One Day. nese thistle, brought in by Mr. Earhart ising late oatcrop throughout the section Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. from the vicinity of Lafayette. It grows which he visited. All druggists refund money if it fails to very tall and rank, and there is said to cure. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each be considerable of it in certain localities. Fruit Jan at tail. Office rooms 9 and 10, Union Block. tablet. For Bale by Roger« Bros. 46tn6 Supervisor« «nd others should acquaint Be sure and gee their Large Line of --------- -a. We will cluse out oar large stock of Mcninnville, - Oregon themselves with the weed, and prepare New Goods arriving from New York, CASTORIA fruit jars at cost Ixxjk at our price« . for warfare. The Judge desire« Rome gallon jars, 65c per doz; quart jtr«, 50c which is the fountain head of bargains. Bears the »ignatureof Caaa. H. PiwTcwaa. one who is familiar with the Russian per doz. ¡pint jar«, 40c per doz.; jelly In uae for more than thirty years, and Don’t forget about those Star 5 thistle to bring in a specimen. This glasses, 30c per de«. The Kind I om Itavi Alwajl Ponghi. Shoe« thistle belongs to the salsola or goose­ Best Brick In City. J. P. I rvine A S on . foot family of plants, and grows generally Thr Mt. Charles Alare Third BL, Cor. Flanders, PORTLAND, OR. in «airy salty soil. roil, Its leaves resemble the lahmMr Property tannd. Wants lOOO dozen chickens and 18'XM) AMERICAN PLAN r ose foot. Near Lincoln, a lady'« hand bag con­ dozen eggs at once. Cash paid on de- N. E. K eoo . taining valuable property, Owner can livery, CASTORIA Hotel complete with Electric Light., Bells, Steam He»t, B»tli Room on each floor. Elevat Bears the signature of Coxa. H Ftrrcwaa. have same by calling al my resilience at or for accommodation of meets. Kate. 11 to 11.25 per'lav, »'■corttinR to room. Meals 25c. | In use for more than thirty years, and Wheatland. Oregon, and proving proper­ Prof. E. V. Littlefield «nd J. P Irvine Free bus to and from all train«. 7»<- A*rW >®« Han Alwajt UnfU. J. R. F orrest . ' were «tate lair visitors on Wednesday. ty. E. SANDERS, Manager. 1 No 3*6? HieaG® ^S t 0 re N1IV1LLE National Bank A HUMMER FOR A STARTER ! Physicians and Surgeons. Physicians and Surgeons. CITY MARKET. zfeiP /all yeeds at grange dtcre FOR MEN AND BOYS. -: BARBER HARNESS, Our Fall Hats & Shoes Truck and Dray Co. McMinnville Grange & Farmers Go Notary Public and Conveyancer Calk Hbout Diamonds THE RACKET STORE» Attorney and Notary Public HOTEL ft» ft» BREWSTER H.MILLS & SON. » / ' V-