The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 22, 1899, Image 4

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    roHri.oito » «nr .» th akkf . i
San FrancUeo,” there should be a
better wheat market on tke Columbia
The Oregonian of the 20th inst.
than at San Francisco.
Just received, fresh Tillamook checsj, PlPOfif’fOiOf* LycownSiiol! Cystsr* Pzirior*, of Rocho^tOFj NaY
A8BUIIY) Editor A. I’ropr
quotes the Reporter of the 15th, as I
The Reporter, while possibly “off” the best in the laud at
Obtained $J,QOO Life Insurance Policy.
follows: “The difference of $14 50
D kessek A II exdhick .
per ton in the price ot wheat iu San
••Mv b.isiuess s n-p
tv. l._ <> .rictor ul the Lyceum Shell Oyster Parlor, 245 Main
Subscription $1.00 Per Year
Yamhill county suffered much less street, Rochester, . K.
writes Mr. Charles W. Babcock, “was o confining
Francisco and Portland last week desire to charge this to an “incom­
N. Y.."
would indicate that something was petent employe,” us the Oregonian damage than did Marion and Polk coun­ that my lung- becar: affected, Mv doctor told me I’d have to lea e the store
wrong with the Portland wheat mar­ has often done on such an occasion. ties, by the freeze of last winter, aud will and go to wo: k at • om -
thingo itdoois. IK ra: I
Portland has the saute advan­
Rearting noticesin local column- 10 cent, per ket.
have a great deal more fruit.
luy lungs ware in ba 1
line for first week an<l 5 cents per line thereafter. tages of deep-water facilities as San Rather, better watch against its re­
Duplay advertisements annual raps, one Inch
Bargains! Bargains! In buggies and rhape, and 1 knew it
occurrence, and mean whil(*keep one
per month |1; each additional inch 50 cents p< r Francisco, and such a vast difference
just as well as he did.
in favor of the latter city's wheat eye on the Portland wheat exporters. surreys at C. D. Johnson's. Call and see '1 lie troul le ha 1 been
Obituary and marriage notice s not exceeding
10 lines published free, if furnished tn time 6 market should not exist naturally.”
gsowtsg on in - f -r a
be current news. Additional matter 10 cent- per Then that paper oilers the following
I>. A. Smith, the jeweler, is doctoring long time. L’.ku most
T he conclusion of the Dreyfus
comment: "It would be interesting
in Portland for rapidly failing eyesight other people. 1 tri* cl to
to know where the Reporter obtained trial will now permit the Kentucky His store is in charge of Mr. Turner of make myself believe
FRIDAY, SEPT. 22, 1899.
the market quotations for Por’iand feud to resume its proper place in Hopewell. Inflammation of the optic the trouble \ as not in
the lungs. I < ailed it
and San Francisco. Valley wheat the public prints.
nerve resulted from overtaxation. He stomach trouble or ner­
was in demand in Portland last week
vous disorder, but I
reports some improvement.
I t is too bad that in these days of at 60 to 62 cents, and as $11.50 per
We may pay the penalty of paying so
kept coughing, spitting CjJ-i
Quickly cure constipation and rebuild and wasting a way right 6 ¿7
general prosperity, Bryan lias been ton is 44 cents per bushel, according much attention to the Dreyfus affair.
to the Reporter s San Francisco quo­
I lost in weight,
forced to cut the price of his nightly tations, wheat in the Bay city was Count Easterliazy, who is now in Eng­ and invigorate the entire system—never along.
falling from 140 to 115
bursts of democratic eloquence down worth $1.06 per bushel. It is doubt­ land, is preparing to come to the United
pounds. Somehow or
Kisers. Rogers Bros.
other, I got hold of Ack­
to $150 a burst.
ful if there is a farmer’s boy in the States on a lecture tour.
----- -*-------------
M. B. Hendrick bought at Amity er’s English Remedy
Willamette valley, not in knee breech­
for Throat and Lung Troubles, and after taking it according to directions, I was
es, who does not know that dollar
S ays the New York Sun of late yesterday a |>ool of this year’s wheat of as well as any man in New York State. I was healthier and stronger than be­
T he best of winds blow some ill. wheat has not been in evidence in date: “The way in which for the 25,000 bushels, for which he paid 49c. fore I took the cold which came so near killing me. 1 now weigh 150 pounds—
It has now been discovered by the America for nearly two years. At last few days the public press has Tne wheat tested 59 pounds to the ten pounds more than ever. After recovering, 1 applied for a life insurance
policy. When the doctor began examining me, I was afraid lie would discover
pessimist that the beautiful fall the same time, items equally as mis­ teemed with evidences of indignant bushel.
that niy lungs l ad once been affected, but he didn't. I passed all right, and
weather which we have been enjoy­ leading and untruthful as the above democratic policy of exalting Aguin­
was pronounced in a first-class condition. If that isn't proof of the most posi­
are continually appearing in a few
ing for the past two or three weeks Oregon papers, apparently for the aldo, abusing the president of the bis crutches, Dr. S. A. Young became tive kind that Acker's English Remedy is a great medicine. I don’t know what
is a great propagator of malarial sole purpose of belittling Portland United States and favoring Ameri­ excited at the near approach of a team you call proof. 1 give it my warmest endorsement. My address is given above.
Anyone who wishes may write me personally about my case.”
gerins, and that the little microbe is and discrediting her standing as a can surrender to its armed enemies and fell upon his hip, which has so long
Sold at 25c.. 50c. and Si a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada;
wheal market. Here are the facts
now dancing in the Oregon sun.
regarding last week's wheat market. in the Philippines, is cheering in­ bruises, and forcing him to take to hie and in England, at is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6.1. If you are not satisfied after buying,
From Monday until Saturday, the] deed.” No decent member of any bed again. He has since suffered con­ return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
H’ i authorize the uburt ffunmn.'of.
IT. II. IIOOKHI! it CO., I i oprietort, New York
which were sent out to the party could stand the traitorous siderable pain.
A TRAGIC and sad affair with its
For- Sale by ROGERS BROS.
comic side is reported from Chicago. world from San Francisco for No. 1 depths to which this form of copper-
A nice lot of new winter lap-robes and
shipping wheat were$1.02J percental
Some time ago, the body of Earnest or 61j cents per bushel. The quota­ lieadism had descended.
horse blankets just received by A. D.
Baltzer, a soldier who died in Cuba, tions at Portland, as stated above,
Itlsa Mini pie IHat ter.
arrived and was buried. His mother were 60 to 62 cents per bushel.”
Prof. W. F. Fargo, a few years since a
A few days ago the president member of the faculty of McMinnville
took care of, and wept over his
Now, the facts regarding the San
There he said college, and since a resident of Dell
grave, and a few weeks ago was Francisco wheat market, as stated went to Pittsburg.
horrified to learn that another coflin by the Reporter of last week, were that the treaty of Paris brought us Rapids, S. Dakota, has again become a
containing the remains of Earnest taken from the market quotations in the Philippines, that the United resident of Oregon. He will serve as
Larger and Prettier
Baltzer had arrived from Cuba, con the Oregonian of Sept. 7, the day States senate ratified the treaty, and principal of the public schools of Ban­
signed to her.
This was buried by preceding the publication of the Re­ that every step taken was iu obe­ don, in Coos county, the coming winter.
than ever.
Mrs. Fargo has been teaching in that
the side of the first grave, and as porter. O11 that day Walla Walla dience to the requirements of the
county for some time.
the mother was not allowed tb open wheat was quoted in Portland at 58 constitution. No doubtful methods
the casket, she doesn't know which (« 59 cents per bushel, and “milling” were resorted to, and there was no
NO. 3851.
is really her son’s grave. To com­ wheat in San Francisco at $107} (« flaw in the title. “The Philippines,”
plicate matters, now comes word $1.11} percental. Thus, the highest he added, “became our territory, of the McMinnville National Bank at Mc­
Minnville, in the State of Oregon, at the close of
that her soil was buried in a trench priced milling wheat in the Califor­ and are ours as much as the Louisi­ busiueu,
Sept. 7th, 1»99:
* •
in Cuba, and that his remains are nia market was selling at a fraction ana purchase, or Texas or Alaska.”
Loans and Discounts.............
over one and one-tenth cents per th Before the treaty was ratified, in­ Overdrafts,
still there.
secured and unse­
while the best Walla Walla wheat
U.S. Bonds to secure circula­
T he question of good roads will sold in Portland at a fraction below which fought for the freedom of the tion ...........................................
U. S. Bonds on hand................
soon be the leading topic, as a pre one cent per th. It was not classified Philippines. The insurgents struck, Premiums on U. S. Bonds.......
Stocks, securities, etc...............
hide to the political discussions in Portland as “milling” or “ship­ said the president, the first blow, Banking-house, furniture and
billed for next year.
It has been ping,” hence, it being hard wheat, it and it was a foul blow.
Our kind­ Due
from Stale banks and
bankers................. ..............
said of Oregonians, that we never is sale to class it with California's ness was reciprocated with cruelty,
Due from approved reserve
talk about improving tl*c roads un­ “milling.” The difference between our mercy with a Mauser. Our sol­ agents............
At Eastern Prices.
Checks and other cash items...
til the full rains begin, and then of a bushel and a cental, as anyone can diers were shot down while minister­ Notes of other National Banks
Fractional paper currency,
course we must wait till spring inform the Oregonian, is 40 tbs. At ing to the wounded Filipinos, and nick les ana cents..................
comes before we can do effective even a tenth of a cent, without allow­ our dead were mutilated. Human­
work. Be this us it may, the furmei ing for the fraction in our favor, ity was interpreted as weakness, Specie...........................................
Legal-tender notes...................
43a ÜU 17,307
feels the need of solid roads as soon there would be a difference per ton and forbearance as cowardice.— Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent of cir­
as the rich loam of the country lanes in favor of San Francisco on the day Brooklyn Eagle, Dem.
becomes saturated with moisture, these quotations were made.
Dell Warren and Everett Latourette
and counting upon the probability ol
The Oregonian will scarcely admit,
iinpassuble highways later on, lie that California produces a better I are back from the Siletz, where they Capital Stock paid in................
» 000 00
Surplus fund...............................
10.000 OU
must rush his products to the ware wheat than we do, therefore Brother: went three weeks ago to aid County Undivided profits,
protits, less ex­
penses and d taxes paid............
9,523 75
houses or to market often at the ex Scott will probably allow us to com­
National Bank notes outstand­
whole crew had a touch of starvation a ing.............................................
pense of seasonable farm work. pare our worst (Walla Walla wheat)
to State Banks and bank­
, few days since. When they went in Due
Short roads, owing to its topography, with their best milling wheat. Or, | they established a cache near the head Individual deposits subject to
125,026 62
and railroads, would serve the farm­ if he should say that the California of the Siletz river, as all they could car­ check.......................................
Demand certificates of deposit
41,015 30
ers of this county with the necessary wheat is hard, ours soft, hence Cali ry beyond that point had to be carried
1 8267,070 49
avenues to market.
All through fornia wheat makes better and 1 on their own backs. When it became State of Oregon, County of Yamhill,'ss.
I. E.
Apperson, cashier of the above-named
the east slope of the coast mountains stronger flour, then we will call his I necessary, part of the crew were sent bank,
do solemnly swear that the above state­
are homestead claims which would attention to Umatilla and Walla back to the cache for more provisions. ment is true to the best of mv knowledge and be­
E.U. APPERSON, Cashier.
be doubled in value and production Walla wheat which is hard, and sells On the journey they became lost and Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th
by u system of reasonably good 3 cents per bushel below our valley) wandered without food for three days,
Notary Public for Oregon.
roads. These will come with the wheat, and is quoted now and then j those remaining at the camp also run­ Correct
- Attest;
ning out of provisions after the first day.
march of time, but the cur of pro at 4 to 5 cents below best milling
For three days they lived on boiled fish
gress will advunce much more rapid wheat in San Francisco.
without salt and the native lierriee.
ly when we give more attention to
The Reporter has no desire to in­ Then they set out for the lost men, who
I will sell at public auction at my home on the Hawley farm, adjoining
our public road system.
jure Portland’s reputation as a bail found the trail to camp, after the
the Armstrong farm, on the Davton-Amity road, five miles from Davton, on
wheat market. However, the facts long search, and met the rescue party
O n the hypothesis that people are will bear us out in the assertion that on the wav. The boys are not anxious
public benefactors who give willing a few weeks ago a business man front for any more surveying experience.
laborers a chance to become even a Willamette valley town put a good I'he other men ex)>ect to remain out for
temporarily self supporting, the hop sample of last year's wheat in his some time.
growers of the state may be said to pocket before starting for Portland.
be playing this role successfully. While in conversation with one of'
During the past t wo weeks the army the Portland buyers he showed the)
of pickers has been stripping from sample anil asked hint what he could 1
the vines an immense crop of prime pay for the article. The buyer, af- )
hops, and while individual pickers ter examining it closely, said: "Well
the following described propertv, to wit: 4 work horses, 1 driving mare,
have not grown wealthy, a large sir, 1 can t make an offer for that I
1 2 year-old colt, 3 colts sired by Baron Douglas. 22 head Cotswold
sum in the aggregate has been paid wheat at any price; it is in bad shajH',
15 hogs, 2 brood sows and pigs. 1 binder, 1 grain drill, 1 wagon, 1
for picking hops in the Willamette as is the entire crop of valley wheat
disc harrow, 1 spring-tooth harrow. 1 4 section drag harrow, 1 sulk’
valley. While growers and employ this year. "
Still the Oregonian
walking plow, 1 2 wheeled corn cultivator, 1 road cart, 3 stunds
era can scarcely figure as philan would have us believe that the phi- j
double harness. 1 set chain plow gear, 1 single harness.
thropists, they are nevertheless lanthropic Portland buyers are anx-1
almoners of a no mean bounty, con ions to buy this “spoiled” wheat
A Sparkling Gem
tributlng in the best possible way to and ship it at a financial loss to I
Is the expression from many persons who
the needs of the laboring class.
In themselves. The Oregonian admits I From the day that a young man starts have bought diamonds from ns. We have yet
to meet the first one dissatisfied with his pur­
to seek his first position to the end of
Yamhill county ’alone thousands of that freights are higher today in San j out
his business life, his health has a world to chase. We don’t allow such persons to leave
dollars will change hands as a re Francisco than they are in Portland. do with his success. When a young nian onr store. We can’t afford it. We strive to give
to a business man for a position, his «er vice that leaves no ground for dissatisfaction.
suit of hoppickiug, ami the money in Accepting this admission, the higher applies
TERMSOF SALE: All sums under $10, cash in hand. On all sums
personal appearance has a deal to do with
We know diamonds from the ground ta our
a great measure will come into the prices in the former city prove that the outcome. " Personal appearance" does ca«v: buy direct from the cutters, and give you over $10. a credit of twelve months without interest, purchaser giving note
not mean dress alone. It does not mean
families, something is surely wrong with the exterior cleanliness alone. A young man the "middleman’s” profit.
and approved security. All property must be set tied for before removal.
be clean, so far as soap anil water will
students, and children who are am Portland market. The fact remains may
make him. but be disfigured by unsightly The Flash of Fire.
bitious to earn their first few dollars. that the San Francisco market last pimples eruptions and ulcerations on the
The diamonds we offer unite the properties
skin. These are due to impurities in the
Last year this county produced four year was lietter than ours.
Had it blood. The blood becomes impure because of the most opposite elements. They combine
the purity of water with the flash of fire, thus
thousand bales, or 764,000 pounds of not been the O. R. A N. could not it is improperly nourished. Instead of exemplifying
their symbols of sentiment and
receiving the life giving elements of the
hops, worth $106,000. ami the wages have shipped those several thousand food, it recr ices the foul emanations of innocence. The cost of a diamond determines
its quality only when judgment and expert
to pickers alone represented no tons there, nor could the Southern indigestion, bilotlsness and costiveness.
The reason that Dr. Pierce’s Golden knowledge are exercised in its purchase
small sum, compared with the Pacific have pulled those several Medical Discovery is the best remedy for we offer you with even- stone you select. Our
disorder- of this description is that it goes
acreage grown. This year the pro­ hundred earloads over the Siskiyou right to first causes. It gives a man an diamond judgment against your cash, if our
duct is as good, if not superior to mountains, hauling them up 4,tMM> appetite " like a horse ” It facilitates the judgment errs hold US responsible.
flow of digestive juices.
It corrects all
that of last season, and while some feet above tide water. The freight disorders of the digestion, and makes the Diamond Handling.
assimilation of the life giving elements
Diamond cutting and polishing requires
of the yards have been abandoned on wheat was then $2.50 per ton.
of the fiwxi perfect
It invigorates the training, dexterity, and manual skill ot a high
cn account of mold, the hop harvest
Our neighbor, the Oregonian, gets liver. It purifies and enriches the blood. ordet;
makes the muscles strong and active.
It is reported that Canyon City baa a
Hamilton Clark, of Chauncey, Ga.,
will t>s immense.
Ministerial ana angry ami charges “a malicious de­ It
It tones and steadies the nerves It makes diamond retter mint be an artist In the truest
baron living in "incognito.” .says be suffered with itching piles
thema against hopgrowing cannot sire to do or say something deroga­
body, alert of bruin and clean and whole­ that taste and culture mot admire. Wy have Owing to hia facial resemblance to the twenty years liefore trying DeWitt's
offset the palpable fact that it i- a tory to Portland. Such is not the wmr of akin
Mt divine dealers sell it, the best diamond setters that fair treatment I
and high »age. can obtain Their skill Is at <»hio senator they call him Mark Hanna, Witch Hazel Salve, two lioxes of which
profitable industry in old Yamhill, case in this instance. We realize the ■nd have nothing "just as good/'
but it is Mid to be in reality Baron Von completely cured him. Beware of worth­
1 h »4 orcma tn it« witm form
| your service for resetting or new setting.
even though the hoplouse and the fact that Portland's prosperity is AtiMtn Ham» \ E«q q I saltULi Huntin<ih>n
Brachenfala, and that his family banished less and dangerous connterfeite.
mold be offered as wiltnesses of di­ our welfare. But with the deep wa­ lief I th<H«ffht h would set me wild it irched
W-n. F. Qislsc^qsidsr J«u)«lsr, ' him for condemning “aeinerwarst” as ers Bros.
burned so I m div
The neighbors thought I
vine wrath in support of the prop ter facilities that Portland enjoys, and
would nrirr be cured
I took voiir Gokicu
unwholesome. He receives a email an­
The R eporter and Weekly Oregonian
and with a “cheaper tonnage than Medical Diacovcry and am now well
oeition upon which it is based.
nuity from the “faderland."
Yamhill County
Fall Stock is Arriving!
Dry Goods
Capes, Etc
Our Goods Sell on JVIerii
Jacobson & Co
Wednesday, Sept. 27th
Sale to Begin at Ten O’clock.
one rear for |2, strictly in advance.