M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, SEPT. 22, 1899. Entered at the Post office in McMinnville, 8econd-cla«8 matter. VOL. XXIX. ♦ ♦4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Aft IMPOHTANT O1SCOVF.HY. I Oh, Say! ©) i ©--------------------i imiHOI M FOB FREE One Dollar if paid in advance, Singlenv.mbersflve cents. NO. 40. 1.0« hs. R oyal Thos. H. Rogers and Leroy Lewis re­ The attendance was small at the meet­ turned from their trip of investigation ing of the board of engineers in down by the sea a few days ago. When Portland on Monday to discuss the pro­ they arrived at the histotic dwelling of posed purchase of the Oregon City locks Pat Smith enroute to the beach they by the government, but all present were found that enterprising individual busily ia favor of free locks. Dr. .1. W. Watts A bsolutely P ure engaged in sawing walking-cane stripe of Lafayette was present, and nobly rep­ Makes the food more delicious and wholesome from heavy timbers of teakwood. Pat resented Yamhill county’s desire in the SOVAI BAKINQ POwoeR CO-. SEW YORK. cheerfully accompanied the gentlemen matter. A. B. Thielsen, president of the Salem to a sand spit near the Beach, where the Has succeeded that of Bettman & Warren, and shifting sands had exposed the hull of chamlier of commerce, presented in Will Htt'UX HAN RAINED. ! of those interested in Indian legislation is doing business at the old stand. We are treat ­ an ancient vessel, whose timbers were of writing the most elaborate argument in : : teak. This wreckage had supplied his favor of the purchase of the locks. who have no faith whatever in the pos­ ing our old friends the best we know how, and we ♦ About the first of last Augusta meat sibility of advanced civilization for these He showed that the abolition of the 50 cane-factory, and he had stored hie want to make the acquaintance of many new ones. trust was formed in Portland which has woodshed with the precious raw ma­ cents |>er ton now charged at the locks been the means of advancing the price people. The former Indian wife of Gen. terial, against any possible scarcity that would eave to the people of the valley of bacon to consumers three cents , er Sheridan is still living, but was absent OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT! from the reservation on a visit to the might be caused by relic-hunters carry­ $2.50,000 annually al the present rate of pound. The Hillsboro Independent shipment,and that 140,000 people w’ould Siletz brethren. She afterwards became ing off the wreck. He generously offered Scan our market every morning for Fruits and shows up in good style how it is done, the wife of a Spaniard, and is said to bis visitors a small timber of the once be benefited by the purchase. Vegetables. We are'pushing a hot campaign in Mr. Thielsen then took up in detail and the great need of placing more of have a daughter living in Portland. good ship, now his by right of discovery, the home-grown product on the local these articles, and they are always choice. if they cared to carry it away. They the articles that are shipped from the markets. It says: Public School Announcements. lifted, or attempted to lift it, but as teak valley, showing the value, the quantity Our meat trust. We have one. There School will open Sept. 25th, 1899, and and from what counties these shipments wood and railroad iron aie closely re­ are three establishments in Portland, |£ull f res h b>i,ies?f ltap|e G roceries. lated in the matter of weight, they de­ come. the Union Meat Co., Armour & Co., St. pupils are requested to meet at the Co­ The counties most interested, accord­ Clair and another. In July these people lumbus building at 9 o’clock a. tn. clined the offer, and each contented There will be a program of singing, ad­ ing to Mr. Thielsen’e report, are Benton, looked the situation over and saw that himself with a cane, presented by Mr. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ the country butcherB had no bacon', that dresses and announcements. Supt. Lit­ Clackamas, Lir.n, Lane, Marion, Polk Smith. the farmers had sold out, wherefore the The old wreck lies high up on a spit, and Yamhill. These seven counties an­ opportunity for squeezing the consumer tlefield will give the address; Director above the tide, but it is imjiosBible to nually send down the river by boat or was not to be neglected, and it was not, Irvine will speak for the board for on August the price of bacon was The seventh grade will be consolidated excavate into the hold without a pumic­ rail more than 500,000 tons of freight. advanced three cents, and we now pay this year at the Cook building; the 8th The following table shows of what this ing apparatus, on account of seepage 16 cents for bacon if we use the products water from the upper side. Near the great bulk of freight is made up: of the Portland packing houses. The nt the Columbus building. The other tons. price of hogs however, appears not to grades will remain as before, except that The well-known place for the best meal in the city. J* wreck was found a large pully block, Cattle...................................... No. of 9,038 have been advanced. the Armour to relieve the 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th i» also of teak wood, but the iron bands Sheep» ............................... 7,200 company has a fair sized smoke house. ♦i and bolts had entirely decayed. Swine .......................................... 1,530 Il holds 10 tons at a time, fifteen days grades there will be a split 4th and 5th 4? ew ining oom Hay.................................. 50,700 is sufficient for curing a batch of meat to grade, taken from these rooms, and put No wreck has occurred on that beach 4« Wool ............................................... 500 be immediately used, hence 20 tons per in the Columbus building. since the settlement of the Oregon coast, Hops................................................ 6,770 4? The Largest in McMinnville, has been recently fitted with best of month can be put on the market. A Teachers have been assigned as follows: taste. Liberal service and all you can eat. and there can be little doubt that this 4? Potatoes 36,522 rise of three cents per pound is $60 per 6» 8th grade, Mrs. McPhillips; 7th grade, 4? Fruits, Candies, Nuts and Cigars. is the vessel from which came the trees Green fruit.................................... 1,465 ton, and for 20 tons the profit of this one Give Us a Call. i» Prof. Scott; 5th and 6th grades, Misses Dried fruit .............. . . 3,465 4? member of the trust is $1,200 per month, wax which has been so plentifully found i» ............. 150,870 not an ill-favored plum. But where do Akin and Comer; 3d and 4lh grades, T. A. WHITE. è» in that locality. Several I oub of bees­ Wheat ............................................... 26,566 the hogs feed that aro Used for this Misses Greene and Ackerman. 1st and 4? i» wax have been picked up on that beach Oats Bye and barley............................. 3,381 product ? East of the Rockies. During 2d grades, Misses Kingerv and Williams; during the past thirty years, and it has Merchandise 74,521 the winter months the poiker carcass is .................................. 127,SCO cut up and Baited in the eastern slaughter split 4th and Sth, Miss Bently. been the subject of many theories and Cordwood l eople who intend to take the 9th and house and shipped here in box cars. surmises. Some claimed it to be a min­ Total..................... 500,106 There is little shrinkage. It comes out 10th grade work should, if possible, en­ eral substance, closely resembling the Representative Tongue wbb present al of the Portland smoke-house looking product of bees, ar.d some learned ar­ the meetingand made a strong talk in fine, is not mussed by a long haul across ter school at the beginning, as the woik the continent, and loses nothing by will be harder this year, owing to the ticles have been frim time to time writ­ favor of the purchase of the locks. eva|>oration of water. In the summer changes made in the grade work. There ten on that line. But the fact remained He said it was a well known fact that months refi igerator cars are used. The that the substance was genuine beeswax, the river regulated the freight rate, and fluids in the meat when first slaughtered will be no 11th grade as some have sup­ posed. and when melted over it was sold in the that ail of thia freight could be brought remain. It goes into the smoke house There will be no need to bring your The market by the thousands of pounds. A to Portland at 50 cents less on a ton, if plump and comes out plump. books in the morning as there will be drummers go out twice a month to take • later fact which confirms the beeswax the locks were free. orders. Shipments are made on the loth no recitations. Enrollment, assigning of theory was the finding of a taper a shoit I have ordered a Large Stock of New Furni­ He denied that the purchase of the and 25th of each month of meat as it time ago, some sixteen or twenty inches locks would in any way interfere with comes from the kilns. Quick sales and lessons, etc., will be the morning pro­ ture for the Fall trade, much of it being already W. I. R eynolds , Prin. long, in which the wick was preserved other government improvements in Ore­ large profits insure a thriving business. gram. here, and more yet to arrive. A specially large There are no spoiled joints as there intact. This was due to the ends hav­ gon. He thought that all such works t.nliiK Fur From Home. might be if the smoking were done in supply of Bedroom Suits. The stock is more than ing been sealed by melted wax prior to stood upon their merits, and showed that the east, besides if there is any stock Miss Frances Mann, a former teacher will go in my store room, and I am placing them its burial in the sea. Oregon had received only a small pro­ left over from the monthly product, it in the McMinnville schools, has can­ goes into the cold storage where there Mr. Rogers says the Indians are as on display over the Racket store. Come and see us. portion of the appropriations for river is no shrinkage. All this is business. celled her engagement to teach in the greatly excited over the find as are the and harbor improvements. Is the product of these packing houses schools of La Grande, Or., and expects whites. They have a tradition handed Yours Truly, M. W. Smith, representing the Will­ good? Yes, and their business methods to take the steamer at Seattle soon fcr down from generation to generation, of amette pulp and paper mills, presented are unobjectionable, except the arbi­ a tight at sea between two monster ”ca- a document from his company showing trary raise of three cents per pound for Unalasha, to accept a position of teach­ Our farmersand local ing for the government at $80 per month. niins” and of one of them coming ashore that it had a contract with the owners of their product. butchers must hedge against these peo­ on Nehalem beach. They believe this the locks for certain privileges which ple, compete with them by putting suf­ Unalasha is the most western island of to be the same ship described by their lasted until 1937. He asked that in case ficient supply of high grade farm meats the Aleutian group, and is 1,500 miles forefathers, and are proud of the of purchase by the government these in the market so thnt we consumers will from Sitka in the direction of Asia. A have a choice. There must be more reliable authority says that the thermom­ fact that proof of ttie story has rights lie protected. hogs raised. Our home smoke houses eter here ranges as low as zero, and it lieeu preserved and disclosed to the Seasonable Merchandise A b soon as the board arrives at a con­ filled and at this season a fine amber doubting white people. The find is in a clusion upon which to base a recommen­ colored product offered to our home mounts to 75 degrees. Fewer than half A The transcontinental the days are entirely cloudy. rather inaccessible portion of the dation, they will forward a report to merchants. country, with a lake behind it in the Washington. The matter will then be freight rate ought to be a protective tariff dense and luxuriant growth of grass rus­ large enough to make bacon-making tles in the valleys, and innumerable winter season and the sea in front, but in the hands of the authorities there. profitable to Oregon farmers. huckleberries grow on the island hills plans w ill be inaugurated to thoroughly All Kinds, Sizes * and plains. Many of the Aleutian is­ Ried lii Harvest Field. Mr. Tongue Visits the liidlans. explore the supposed ancient Spanish and Prices lands lie south of the latitude of Liver­ galleon before the restless sands aguin Charles Brady died suddenly last pool, and have a climate not greatly dif­ A visit from Congressman Tongue had tiide it from view. Sunday afternoon while working with a Best of Ammunition long lieeu desired by the dusky deni­ ferent from that of northern England. threshing crew four miles east of Sher ­ for Everybody The AI nets are short, yellowish-brown, idan. Mr. Brady and family, consisting zens of the Grand Ronde reservation, '1 he Clipping Bureau. but Mr. Tongue could never get very Japanese-looking people, with large of a wife and two small children, were There are some interesting features definite advices as to tie particular months, fiat noses, high cheek bones, about the workings of a press clipping on their way to Tillamook from La’ thing they wanted to see him about. So small eyes and coarse black hair. They Grande, where they had made their bureau of which the general public is are exceedingly religious, after the man­ home for several years. Hearing that be took a few days off last week, and ner of the Greek church, and in many i ignorant, and which account for the accompanied by Sheriff Henderson, gave there was an abundance of wink, they many circular letters, visiting agents and them a personal visit. He found them cases moderately well educated. 8oine grafts people meet up with these days. drove out four miles and camped on busy with their hat vest, anil saw two or of them dwell in their own comfortable Mill creek. Brady immediately secured A flood of adver­ ! A man gets married. homes, with American furniture and ta­ He three threshing outfits manned entirely tising letters descend upon him. He work with McGee’s thresher. bleware, and their women earnestly copy by Indians. woiked but 30 minutes when be was never knew liefore that so many |>eople The use the red men had for a con­ the New York fashion plates. Miss knew him, and unless he is a man of seen to turn pale and began to bleed gressman was this : About 20,000 acres Mann is quite a success as a teacher, and For doing right. The druggist who desires to profusely from the lungs. Medical aid I wide acquaintance he is likely to feel a grow in the confidence of his neighbors has no of the reservation yet remains unallotted. her friends are pleased to learn of her thrill of pride at being the object of so was immediately summoned, but the Several children have lieeu Isirn since promotion, but have no idea that she other safe and sure way open to him. We sim­ man died in 10 minutes. There was no much attention. the former allotment, and the parents will find Unalasha a pleasant place to ply solicit your patronage on the grounds of A peep into the press clipping bureau |>ost mortem held but the supposition re have l>een wistfully dreaming of the live. She is at present spending a few that death was due to aneurism. pure drugs, rightly handled, at fair prices. On would dispel ’he illusion. He would time when the unallotted portion would days in thia city. find a man busy clipping marriage no­ this basis we have grown; on this basis we will lie divided in severalty. The land is A Word to Itlothen. tices out of the daily papers, and another "Our baby was sick for a month with continue to grow. We are in business to make rough, but contains some good timber Mothers of children afflicted with inclosing these in envelopes and address­ severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al­ land. As Mr. Tongue aptly states it, the money, but know full well that we must earn ing them to insurance agents, merchants croup or a severe cold need not hesitate ’ red men are like some sons of rich par­ though we tried many remedies she kept your confidence before we can get your patron­ and railroad men. The insurance man to administer Chamlrerlain’s cough i ents, always waiting and longing for the getting worse until we need One Minute age. works on the principle that it is a good remedy. It contains no opiate nor nar­ time when their [»ortion of the inheri­ Cough Cure,—it relieved at once and time to "work a man” when he gets cotic in any form and may be given as tance shall fall due, and never amount­ cured her in a few days.’’ B. L. Nance, married ; the clothier has an eye out for confidently to the babe as to an adult. ing to anything till they receive it, spend ; Prin. High School, Bluffdale, Texas. ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists. The great success that has attended its Rogers Bros. business, and the railroad man ho|«s to' use in the treatment of colds and croup - it, and are forced to rely upon their own eell a tit ket for a honeymoon trip. resources for a living. He takes the has won for it the approval and praise it Women sometimes over-estimate the For mairiages, births and deaths, there has received throughout the United view that as long as Poor Lo knows that power a pretty girl has on a man. A is a list of regular subscribers, so every States and in many foreign lands. For this land is to be hie. he will be lees Salem woman, finding that she would inau gets attention at least three times self-dependent than be will be after it is be late with her di.mer,called toa pretty sale by 8. Howorlh A Co., Druggists. in his life through the agency of the given to him fully ami finally, and be neighbor girl to come over and talk to clipping bureau, if in no other way. The big evaporating plant of D. A. has either t>een privileged to squander It is another very strong evidence, Snyder, at Dayton, has been started up. it or learns to recognize it as hie sole | her men folks while she got it ready, too, of the jower cf advertising, and Mr. Snyder recently received a letter stock in trade. For this reason Mr, j The pretty girl came and talked her best, proves that the man who ignores the from W. 8. Brackett, of the Northern Tongue favors the disposition of the un­ but all the men folks quarreled with her i before dinner was on the table, and “DeWitt’» Little Early Risers did me newspapers in telling of his business, is Idaho Exploring Expedition Company, allotted land as prayed for. haven’t spoken to her since. sleeping while hie competitor gathers in more good than all blood medicines and of Grangeville, Idaho, who says that the He learned during the vieit that the Tomorrow afternoon the sun will reach other pills,” writes Geo. H. Jacobs, of the shekels product turned out by the Yambill evap­ Grand Ronders are probably the best ' the equator and the summer season will Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant, orator is superior to that from any other farmers of all the Indians in the entire The New Home and Climax sewing be over, giving place to autumn. never gripe,—they core constipation, part of the world. The plant gives em­ west, and there isn’t a blanket Indian arouse the torpid liver to action and give machines, needles and extras at C. Grie­ ployment to a number of Dayton people, among them. He secured a picture of •lelt Heedaehe ■b«»lw«aly aad sen ’ s. 42tf yon clean blood, steady nerves, a clear and is a large factor in the support of ■ some grand neices of Gen. Phil Sheridan, permanently cured by using Moki Tea A brain ami a healthv appetite. Rogers the town. and smiled blandly as he spoke of the pleaaaot herb drink. Cures constipation CASTO*IA Bros. • historic interest that would cluster about and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, Bear« th« signature of C has . H. Fr.STCKm. Yon can get a complete set of abstract See notice of public sale of Henry Ga­ the photo as he exhibits it to his col­ I work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed la use for more than thirty years, and | blanks at the Reporter office. briel in the advertising columns. leagues at Washington, particularly some or money back. 25 A 50cto. Rogers Bros. TAe ATM >'«■ Havt Ahreji BonfU. i : G) ©----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The New Grocery Firm of Warren & Son ; I i White’s Restaurant—=£> N D R » » » » Tieiv Jail tftoek Already Arriving. IT. C. 1IUIINS. S Air=Tight Heating Stoves I You Owe Us ¡Nothing ^08 Take The Reporter and Get the News One Dollar Per Year. «el ti, -'•Dl.