The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 15, 1899, Image 7

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R.glm ent
Manila, Sept. 8.—The Iowa regi­
ment, the lust of the volunteer organ­
izations on duty in the island of Lu­
zon, has been drawn from Calula to
barracks at Calocan, preparatory to
departing for home. The number who
will sail is 806. Less than 800 of the
regiment were left on duty at the
front when the order came for their re­
lief, 406 being on the sick list. Tbis
regiment lias undergone hard outpost
duty for three months, during which
it has been very much ex|>oijed to rains.
Seventy-five members of the regiment
have re-enlisted. All the Iowans par­
ticipated in some of the fighting be­
tween Malolos and San Fernando, and
not one of them was killed in battle.
Thirty-nine were wounded and nine
died of disease.
The insurgents continue to make
demonstrations in the vicinity of Imus.
The American outposts were obliged
to fire volleys the past three nights.
Mail advices from Zamboanga re­
port that the town has been practically
The facts concerning the recently re­
ported fighting between Dato Mundi
and the insurgents are that the insur­
gents attacked a village in Dato's do­
minion on a neighboring island, kill­
ing two of the villagers. Dato’s men
subsequently drove off the insurgents,
oi whom eeveral were killed.
The recent issue of Filipino paper
money amounts to $3,000,000. The
acceptance of this issue is made obli­
gatory, and the bills are made re­
deemable in three years.
The insurgents have issued a call
upon the property owners in the inter­
ior to supply gratis to the insurgents
army carte, horses and cattle.
Number of ('»set
Key West.
Washinton, Sept. 9.—Telegrams to
the surgeon-general of the marine hos­
pital service from Surgeon-General Court-Martial Sentenced Him
Carter, at Key West, state that up to
for Ten Years in Prison.
last night the American physicians re­
ported 64 cases of yellow fever at that
FILIPINO CONGRESS* SESSION point. He estimated that Cuban phy­
sicians were in attendance upon from ¡GENERAL BELIEF IN A PARDON
one-tlmd to one-half as many more
Bight Hundred
Boer« Encamped at
Imnrgenta Taxing the Chinese—Ques­ cases, but no reports had been made of
Term of Solitary Confinement Already
Volruat — A Statement From Presi­
tion of Local Government for the Is- tlieri, and it would be impossible to
Nerved Will Count an Double« aud
dent Kruger to the American People
give accurate figures. Carter expressed
lands Discussed by the Cabiuet.
lteie««« Will Come Souu.
the opinion that Dr. McLanahan, of
tbe navy depaitment, who is ill with
Cape Town, Sept. 9.—The Boers, it
Manila, Sept. 11.—A Filipino who the fever, will recover.
Rennes, Sept. 12.—The expected has
(a stated positively, are concentrating
has arrived here fiom Tarlac says an
Dreyfus has been con­
on the border.
extraordinary session of the revolution- '
Key West, Fla., Sept. 9.—Seventy­ demned. The court found him guilty
A large meeting of the colored resi­
arv congress took place at Tarlac, Au­ seven cases of yellow fever have been and sentenced him to 10 yeats’ deten
dents of this place, held last night, J
gust 24.
Aguinaldo presided, and reported up to last night, with a total lion. As lie has already suffered five
passed resolutions expressing confidence
chose Mabini as president of tbe su ! of seven deaths to date. Prospects for years’ solitary imprisonment, which
in Sir Alfred Milner, the governor of
preme court a>.d Gonzaga as attorney- j stamping out the fever are not vety couuts as double oidinary detention,
Cape Colony, an<l “sympathy for our
gt-neial. They both represent the most I encouraging.
j be will be released at the end of a fort-
brethren in the Transvaal, who are de­
conservative and tempeiate element.
I night. In the meantinme, unless the
Evltleuce Is All In.
nied all rights.”
Mabini, who recently resigned the for-
I president of the republic pardons him,
?ign societarjship, is the ablest man
Dieyfus will have to be degraded here
Rushed to the Border.
connected with the revolution. Gon- j beginning of the end of the Dreyfus ‘ again within eight days.
London, Sept. 9.—The Daily Mail
zaga was piesident of the last peacr I trial. With the speech of the govern­
Though a majority of those in tbe
publishes the following from Johannes­
ment commissary, Major Carriere, the courtioom this afternoon fully expect­
The proceedings of the congress dis- ! case entered upon tire final stage of ed tbe verdict, they were completely
“it is reliablj' reported from Pretoria
tbe report that Aguinaldo had pleadings/and the verdict will be de­ stupefied when it was given, and the
that a special military train, with a
livered Munday.
himself dictator.
1 silence which prevailed in the room
body of armed men, was dispatcher) tc
Colonel Juuanste this morning took and the way men turned pale and
the Natal border Tuesday night with
pi nos compelling the registration oi all the most important decision yet taken, caught their breatli was more itnpres.
an equipment of several heavy field
foreigners in Filipino territory. Tht j and took it entirely upon his own le- give than any other manifestation could
guns and a quantity of ammunition.”.
Chinese, who me a large fraction oi sponsibijity, although he is undoubted­ have been,
On the Natal Frontier.
the population, are considered foreign­ ly only the mouthpiece of the whole
Maine Demange sank back iu his
London, Sept. 9.—A special dispatob
ers, including those born in the Phil­ body of judges. His decision to ex­ chair au.l the tears trickled dowu his
to the Morning Post form Pietermaritz­
ippine islands. Application must be clude the testimony of Colonels cheeks, and Maitre Labori turned
burg says that the 800 Boers who left
niado on .stamped paper, which tigarer Sohwarzkoppen and Panizzardi was white as a sheet, while all round the
Pretoria for Standerson, about 60 miles
largely in all the business of the insur­ most significant, as it meant that tire i court men looked at each other iu si­
from the frontier, pushed on to Vols-j
rectionary government. This seems tc court had already reached a conclusion, lence. The only sound to be heard w».'
rust, close to the Natal border, where
be laigelv a eoliomo to tax Chinamen. and that the pleadings of counsel were , tbe rustling of paper from tbe report­
merely a waste of time, and might be ers’ bench, as each press representative
they are now encamped. The same
Governmeiit for Filipiuo«.
dispensed with if they were nut a ne­ j tiied to be first to Bend the news.
correspondent eavs that the arrange-1
Washington, Sept. 11.—The cabinet cessity.
meuts for the defense of Newcastle, in
As the audience left the courtroom,
The court has made up its mind, but
Natal, Bouth of Laing’s Nek, are now NOW A TRADES-UNION MAN. meeting today was devoted almost en­
tirely to a discussion of the local gov­ which wav? This is the view point fully 10 ot 15 men were crying openly,
practically completo.
I and the majoiity of those present
McKinley Elected a Member of Chicago ernment which will be established 'n and forms the sole topic of discussion.
Bricklayer«' Union.
Statement From Krueger.
the Philippines on tho cessation of hos­ Both sides ate equally confident that i walked quietly down the stieet fol
New York, Sept. 9.—The World to­
Chicago, Sept. 8. — President Mc­ tilities. Secretary Root has given the the court will decide in accordance | more than a block without speaking a
. word. It was like a funeral proces­
day publishes the following dispatch Kinley is now a tra-Ies-ur.ion man. matter much thought, and his views, with their views.
from Paul Kruger, president of ths J He was today elected a member of the ns expressed at the meeting today, were
Meanwhile, a tragedy was being en­
No Canal Report.
South African Ropublio, in response tc Bricklayers’ and Stonemasons’ Interna­ receivod with approval by all the mem­
Washington, Sept 8. — Emoty R. acted iu the little room off the court­
bers present. He pointed out that a
tional Union, No. 91, of Chicago.
a message sent by that paper:
President Gubbins, of tho union, system of government which would be Johnson, a memebr of the Nicaragua ioom, wbeie Dreyfus listened to the
‘‘1 gladly accede to your request to
reading of the verdict. He had been
put the Boer side before the American said today that eince the chief executive suited to the people of Luzon would canal commission, says that no formal told the result by his lawyers, and had
publio. The present agitation against s to lav the corner stone of the new uardly do for sonio of the other islands, report qan be presented for at leasi
wept bitterly, but when in Hie piesetics
this republic emanates partly from a postpoffice it is necessary that the where tho inhabitants were far less ad­ year. This will mean no aotion by tu< of the officia's of the court-martial,
certain section of British residents, to president join the union before ho is
he listened impassively to the sen­
whom the existence of the republic,I allowed to handle a trowel in Cook speaking of the matter, said that Sec­ intention of those who prevented any tence.
which embraces the most flourishing- county. A card of honorary member­ retary Root displayed broad statesman­ definite legislation at the last session.
llis wife, who was waiting in tor­
parts of South Africa, is a standing ( ship was made out for the president to­ ship and a knowledge of the economic It is said that the administration is ture and suspense at her house, bore
eyesore, and who suffer from tire pre-:
the lapse uf rights and concessions of the news bravetv. and when visiting
vailing jingo mania, partly also from him until the matter lias been further
the United States government, because her husband tbis afternoon showed the
mining capitalists, who, not condent discussed.
“We may have to take the card Took Iler From t he Midst of Het congress has had opportunity to act onlookers who were in the streets no
with having the best mining laws in
and failed, and the responsibility, if signs of her sufferings as she walked
the world, wish also to have complete awav from him,” said Secretary Starn
l*tay niMtea.
there should be no further concession fiom her carriage to the prison.
control of all legislation and adminis­ today. "If Mr. McKinley sets a stone
Kendrick, Idaho, Sept. 11. — News obtained, will not be upon the admin­
Mathien Dreyfus was not present in
prepared by nonunion labor.”
received from Stuart, a new settlement istration. Meanwhile, where favoiable court this afternoon, but visited his
“The franchise voting question was
above Kamiah, on the Nez Perces reser­ negotiations can be forwarded, our biother after the verdict had been
taken up by England because it was
vation, says the whole country is ir
rendered. He found him perfectly
thought the republic would not yield Dreyfu«' Fate Depend« on the Emperor arms looking for a cougar that ap­ state department will give the canal calm and without any manifestation of
on that point. Now that the altered
of Germany.
proached the home of Lewis Johnson
eurprise at the finding of the court.
.franchise dot’s— not materially differ
Upton Slay Buy l.ukea of Klllarney.
Rennes, Sept. 8.—The salvation of last Sunday and took from his door-
The prisoner simply shrugged his
from the American—it is in many re­ Captain Dreyfus hangs on a word from yard his 4-year-old daughter. With
New York, Sept. 9. — A dispatch to shoulders, uttering an expressive
spects easier—the agitation has become Emperor William This is the general two little sisters, the girl was playing the Journal and Advertiser ftum Lon­ “Balil” adding, as he embiaced hi«
worse. The object clearly is the de­ opinion here tonight. If the kaiser in front of the house, when a cougar don eavs:
brother, ns the latter was preparing to
struction of our republic and the com­ consents to allow Colonel Schwaizkop- came out from the timber, and, before
Aunouoncemeut was made here to­ leave, "Console my wife.”
plete control of the richest mines in
Tbe general belief ¡ b that Dreyfus
pen, the German military attache at the children bad time to make a cry of day that Sir Thomas Lipton has offered
the world. The press, entirely con­ Paris in 1894, to testily before the alarm, seized the little girl by the back $250,000 for the lakes of Killarney. If will be pardoned; but this will not
trolled by capitalists, spreads unpre­ court-martial, or to send a deposition, of her neck and started for the hills at his offer is accepted he intends to make satisfy his friends, who vehemently de­
cedented misrepresents' i in ami preju­ or, what is considered still more proba­ once. Her playmates by their screams a present of the beautiful estate to the clare that they will refuse to accept
dice throughout the world against the ble, to allow his deposition to be a,
brought the mother to the door, who Irish people. It is his intention to tire verdict, and will continue tire bat­
Boer republic.
companied by the actual document arrived in time to see the cougar drag­ vest the title of the property in the tle until the judgment is reversed.
“We are determined to defend to the mentioned in the bordereau, then Drey­ ging the child away in its month. She hands of trustees who will forever
The verdict, they say, is di rooted moro
utmost that freedom and self-govern­ fus is saved. If the emperor, how­ at once laised an alarm with her cries, maintain and preserve it as Irish na against tire Jews than against Dreyfus,
ment for which our people have shed ! ever, decides that it is not in the in­ which caused tbe cougar to drop bis tional property.
and if allowed to stand will make their
blood in every part of South Africa. | terests of Germany for Colonel prey about 100 feet from the house
Sir Thomae Lipton was asked last existence in Fiance impossible.
Though we have no such powerful |
Maitre Labori and Maitre Demange
Schwarzkoppen to intervene, then where the child was picked up dead, night, on board his steam yacht Erin,
friend as you proved to Venezuela and Dreyfus’ case is hopeless and his con­ her neck having been broken. The now anchored ineiiie Sandy Hook, took the midnight train for Faris.
to other republics, we have strong
news spread over the settlement, and
They drove to the station in a closed
demnation certain.
faith that the cause of free-lorn and re­
about 100 armed men were soon scour­ correct, and he confirmed the report.
carriage, escorted by four mounted
Scurvy Among Guano-Gatherer».
publicanism will triumph in the end.*’
gendarmes. The road was practically
ing the hills.
San Francisco, Sept. 8.—The steam­
Annexation rieamea Hawaii.
For some time the settlers in tbit
deserted, and no demonstration oc­
er Sequoia, which has arrived from vicinity have been losing cattle by four
Seattle, Sept. 9.—Prince David Wa- curred en route or at the station.
Clipperton ieland, reports that scurvy different cougars that have been seen, wanakoa. of Honolulu, who is on his Maitre Demange and Maitre Labori
Annual Election of tlie <>. 11. & X. Com- is causing much distress there.
Five and declare now that they will not test way to Washington to visit his aunt, will tomorrow sign an application for
pany—A. L. Moliler Re-E*ected.
men have succumbed to the disease, until they are caught.
ex-Queen Liliuokalani, says:
a revision of the case, although there
Portland, Or., Sept. 9.- -At the an­ and 23 others are afflicted with the
“Annexation is a decided success. , is no hope that the verdict will be re­
Harvest Hands Wanted.
nual meeting of stock! alders of the O. malady. In all there are only about
Of course from a sentimental view, the verse-1. Both are much upset, though
K. & N. Co., held yesterday at the office 60 men on the island engaged in col­
Dallas, Or., Sept. 11. — Hoppicking native Hawaiian feels like a man with­ ' it cun hardly be said that they ate sur-
of Secretary W. W. Cotton, all North­ lecting guano for shipment to this city. has commenced in nearly all the yards out a country just new, but that feel­ - prised.
ern Pacific representation was elimi­
Those in the island were in a state about Dallas. There is a great scarcity ing will wear away. We want the
nated from tiie directory, last year’s of dire distress when the steamer ar­ of hands, and many yards in the coun­ president to appoint our governor and
Great Northern representation was con­ rived on August 11, for she had been ty are seriously embariassed, and hie cabinet and let the people elect
tinued, A. L. Mobler was re-elected expected months before. Only 16 men threshing is impeded for want of help. their legislature. When this is done, Safe Blown Open anti Content« Taken —
Men Escaped«
president, no change was made in local were fit to be at work, and a few days The rain has brought both the grain there will be no cause for complaint.
direettors, and a harmonious policy, more would probably have put them on and hop harvests together, and prunes Annexation has done great things for
Cochise, Ari«., Sept. 12. — Express
which govern the O. R. & N., the Ore­ the sick list. The stores of tbe Se- are coming on before tbe otheis are out the Hawaiian islands. The country train No. 10, on the Southern Pacific,
gon Short Line, and the Union Pacific juoia were levied upon, and lime juice of the way, which will make the situa­ never was so prosperous before.”
was robbed near here last night by
agreed upon, the O. K. & N. to pie­ md vegetables were dealt out to those tion worse. It is believed now that, if
four masked men, who blew the safe
verve its autonomy.
who were ill. with the result that tbe weather shall continue good, 1,000
To Obviate Damage Suita.
open and took everything in sight.
There were elected six Eastern and when she sailed all showed signs of more people could obtain employment
Chicago, Sept. 9.—The Rock Island The amount of their booty is said to be
in Polk county for a month or moie. Railway Company has issued instruc­ small.
nine Pacific coast directors.
Teams and wagons are in tin precedent- ( tions to all its conductors that hereaf­
Tbe train was stopped, the engine,
War In Venezuela.
Shaw Was Chosen.
Washington, Sept. 8.—After a ed demand for hauling stone, wood and ter no person is to be put off a trian on mail and express cars were cutoff from
Philadelphia, Sept. 9.—The thirty-
long period of peace, trouble has again grain. The whole country, in fact, is account of defective transportation or the teat of tlie train anil run a mil«
third national encampment of the G. appeared in Venezuela, and a revolu- working under high pressure for fear , for other reasons where there is the farther up the road, where the bandits
A. R. came to end tonight. The elec­ l tionary movement is now in progress. of rain.
slightest doubt in favor of the passen­ stopped to complete their work. Tira
tion of a commander-in-chief, which
ger, or until the train man has received express messenger was forced to open
The information has come to the stats
Arrival of the Hlierldan.
it was supposed would be settled only department from an unofficial source,
ejectment orders from the executive hia car ami the robbers attacked th«
after a warm contest, was conducted but one believed to be trustworthy.
safe with dynamite. The strong box
officers in charge at Chicago.
and carried out in tbe most peaceab’e The extent of the movement is not
When a forged or mutilated ticket or was soon blown open and the contents
manner imaginable. Colonel Albert! known here, but as there have been for
pass is found, ths conductor is to take : taken by tb« thieves, who hastily da-
D. Shaw, of Watertown, N. Y., was some time past rumors of discontent it and South Dakota soldiers on board, up the same and wire for instructions. | parted.
unanimously elected to the highest would not be surprising if this last
They were last seen going north on
Of course the order does not cover
office of the organization, after Judge manifestation should prove to be of carries 900 members of the Minnesotz tramps stealing rides not other cases of foot, and a posse started out on their
Leo Raasieur, of St. Louie, bad de­ large proportions.
»rail. The dynamite used on the safe
ment, 42 members of the Fourth cav­ flagrant deception.
clined to be a candidate.
blew out the «ide of the express csr
Orders will be issued to the cruiser alry, and 176 discharged men, besides
One of the Demand« of Expansion.
and tore up the floor. There is uo
Detroit to proceed at once to La Gua- 92 officers. There weie three deaths
Storm on the Bnnki.
Chicago, Sept. 9.—Spanish is to lie clue to the identity of tho robbers.
Halifax, N. S., Sept 9.—A special yra, Venezuela. The Detroit is now during the voyage.
taught in three of Chicago’s high
from Caraua, N. B., ssys a gale from 1
Fellow Fever Situation.
Two Additional Beglmenta.
schools. This was decided upon by the
northwest raged there all day yester-1
Gold on Lookout Mountain.
Key West, Sept. 11. — Thirty cases members of tbe board of education la«t
New York, Hept. 11.—A special to
day, and great fears are felt for over , Chicago, Sept. 7.— A special to the of yellow fever have been re|H>rte I dur­ night. The matter came up in the the Tribune front Washington says:
100 small fishing schooners and large Daily News from Chattanooga, Tenn., ing the past 24 hours, including twe j fur in of a report from the high school Orders will be issued from the war de­
boats, which are on the Braden bank, says: While digging a well on Look­ cases previously omitted. The total , committee recommending that Spanish partment in a -lay or two announcing
and the combined crews of which will out mountain, G, H. Jarnigan and oth­ number occurring to date.^o far al be taught in tho north, south and west the field and staff officers of two addi­
number over 300 men. One boat bot­ ers discovered gold quartz in large known, is 127. Two deaths have been division high schools.
tional volunteer regiments, which will
tom up has drifted ashore, and it is quantities. The gold vein was struck ie|>orted dining the past 24 hours,
Chicago is the first city to make pro­ be organized after the manner of '.lie
supposed the crew were drowned. Ons about six miles from Chattanooga, and making the total number of deaths visions in the public school system for so-called immune regiments sent to
building was blown down.
gives evidence of being a rich one.
Cuba last year, their company officers
the teaching of Spanish.
and privates being exclusively colored
Brass Work« Tru«t.
An Appeal to Victoria.
Dewey’» Retirement.
Transvaal'» Reply.
New York, Sept. 9. — President Hew­ men, and they will be ready to sail for
Amsterdam, Sept. II.—The members
New York, Sept. 9.—A special to tbe
Pretoria, Sept 8.—The latest reply
itt. of the Brady Metal Company, ot the Philippines early in November.
Herald from Washington says: When of the Transvaal to the British de­ of the Dutch Transvaal committee have this city, and the Buffalo Brass Com­
—— ——-
cabled to Queen Victoria, imploring
Admiral Dewey is foimally detached mands has been published. In this
The «rldition of these regiments to
her “in the name of humanity anJ pany, of Buffalo, N. Y., is reported to
from sea duty, immediately after the reply regret is expressed that the pro­
be intersted in a plan to form the lead­ the army almost exhausts the quota of
return of the Olympia next month, ife posals of Great Britain are unaccepta God’s kingdom to preserve peace.”
ing brass works as fai west as Chicago, ' 85,000 volunteers a I Io we-1 by congress.
will be granted an indefinite leave of ble. The Transvaal government ad­
Astoria, Or., Sept 11.—C. C. Mas- into a $5.000.0o0 trust. Mr. Miller, There will then be 25 regiments of
absence and only assigned to duty mits Britain's rights under the conven­ ten, the Svensen logger, has been in : of the Galena Oil Company, is also ; 1,309 men each, which, with the Potto
tion and international law, to protect ' this city for the past few days in search - sai<i to be in the deal.
again upon his own application.
’ Rico naval battalion of 400 men,
If the admiral holds to his reported her subjects, but denies tbe claim of of men to work in his logging camp I Options have been obtained on 15 of leaves a margin of only 1,875 in th«
determination to retire, he will be suzerainty. The reply agrees to f He hunted the town over, but was com- ' the largest plants, embracing all tbe authorized strength, or not anite
plaoed on the retired list Decern her 26, further conference regarding the Iran l pelled to return home without securing i principal concerns except tho Atlantic enough for another regiment and a
when be will be 63 years of age. chise and representation.
1 half.
Brass Company ot Jersey City.
British and Boers Are Mass­
ing Their Forces.
Conservative Element of the
Islands Selected.
No Disquieting Change Affects General
R. G. Dun & Co.’« weekly ievi«ir
of trade says:
The sky is still cloudless and no dis­
quieting change lias come during tho
week. In spite ot mote warlike new«
about South Africa, the bank ot Eng­
land behaves as if tlie worst possible
had been fully provided for, and thio
country lias no reason to fear troublo
from that source unless English mar­
kets have been ao overloaded as to need
help. The marketing of domestic pro­
ducts, both farm and manufactured,
continue« surprisingly large for tho
season. Tbe new possessions, taken
together, ate returning in revenue al­
ready more than it costs to clean and
gotern them. The West and South
still behave as if it would be imperti­
nent for New York to offer money for
crop moving, and aie still bidding for
commercial loans here. Failures aro
few and stiikes scarce and readily set­
tled, and the passage of September 4
without pressure means reasonable
safety for months ahead.
After a sharp decline wheat has risen
V. cent thio week, with Atlantic ex­
ports 2,900,966 bushels, flour included,
against 2,826,100 bushels last year,
and Pacitio ei)>orts, 864,256 bushel«,
against 16S, 192 bushels last year.
Corn has also taken a start upward,
of a cent with exports of
8,051,669 bushels, against 2,431,08lT
bushels last year.
The wool market is much lees aotivo
than of late, with sales of only 9,265,-
200 pounds at tbe chief markets, most­
ly territory, and while prices are stiff,
manufacturers are buying only for im­
mediate needs.
Failures for the week have been 133
in the United Htatea, against 164 last
year, and 80 in Canada, against 16 last
pacific - coast -T rade .
Portland Market.
Valley, 60@61c; Blueetem, 60<3610
per bushel.
Flour—Bent grades, $3.26; graham,
$2.65; superfine, $2.16 per barrel.
Oats—Choice white, 87@40c; choica
gray, 86 @ 87c per bushel.
$16 @17;
brewing, $18.50 per ton.
Millstuffs—Bran, $17 per ton; mid­
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.09
per ton.
Hay—Timothy, $8@9; clover, $7
@8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 45@50c;
seconds, 85 @ 40c; dairy, 80@86o;
store, 22^@27Qo.
Eggs—18<318Jtc per dozen.
Cheese—Oregon full cream,
Young America, 18o; new cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $3,500
4.60per dozen; hens, $6.60; springs,
$2.26(33.50; geese, $6(36.60 for old,
$4.50(36.60 for young; ducks, $4.50(3
6.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12}* @
13!*c per pound.
Potatoes—66 (3 70c per sack; sweets,
2@2}^c per pound.
Vegetables—Beets, $1; turnips, 90o
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab­
bage, l‘*@2c per pound; cauli­
flower, 760 per dozen; parsnips. $1
beans, 6@6c per pound; celery,
70(376c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per
box; peas, 8@4c per pound; tomatoes,
45(350c per box; green corn, 14,'<@15a
per dozen.
Hops—ll@18o; 1897 crop, 4@6o.
Wool—Valley, 12@13o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8(318c; mohair,
27 (3 80c per pound.
Mutton—Gross, best sheep, wether«
and ewes, 8 ^0; dressed mutton. 6Jk@
7c; lambs, 8^(34c per lb.
Hogs—Gross, olioice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed, $6.00
@6.60 per 100 pounds.
Beef—Gross, top steers, 3.60@$4.00;
cows, $8.00 @8.60;
6@7J^c ;>er pound.
Veal—Large, 6^@7^c; small, 8@
8}*c Per pound.
Beattie Market».
Onions, new, $1.60® 1.65 per sack.
Potatoes, new, 90c@$l
Beets, per sack, $1 10.
Turnips, per sack, 76c.
Carrots, per sack, 90c.
Parsnips, per sack, $1@1.75.
Cauliflower, 76c per dos.
Cabbage, native and California
$1 @ 1.35 per 100 pounds.
Cherries, 76o@$l.
Peaches, 75@90c.
Apples. $1.25@1.76 per box.
Pears, $1.75@2per box.
Prunes, $1 per -lox.
Watermelons, $l@2.50.
Cantaloupes, 60c@$l.
Butter—Creamery, 26c per pound;
dairy 17@20c ranch, 12l*@17c par lb.
Eggs, 26c.
Cheese—Native, 12 @ 18c.
Poultry—18@14c; dressed, 16*^c.
Hay—Puget Hound timothy, $7 @9;
choice Eastern Washington
othy, $14.00.
Corn—Whole. $28.50; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $28.00.
Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton
$21; whole, $22.
Flour—Patent, per barrel, $3.60;
blended straights, $3.26; California
$8.26; buckwheat flour, $8.60; graham,
per barrel, $8.60; whole wheat flour.
$8; rye flour, $3.75.
per ton, $15;
shorts, per ton, $16.
Feed—Chopped feed, $20.50 pet
ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake
meal, per ton, $85.
■ an Fraael.eo Market.
Wool—Spring—Nevada, 12@ 14c pet
pound; Oregon, Eastern, lO@14o; Val­
ley, 17(3 19c; Not them, 8@10c.
Onions—Yellow, 75@85c per sack.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 25v*@26o;
do seconds, 23}*@241*c; fancy dairy,
22@23c do seconds, 18@21c pet
Eggs—Store, 20 @ 24c; fancy ranch»
Hop«—1899 crop. 10» 18c par poandb