WAR WITH YAQUIS. i portion of the laborers, and with the see for himself, and kept out of his f ual Yaqul can always find a place suit­ money earned Winchester rifles were able for cultivation for that particular way so that his mind should not be in the village by the riverside purchased, with which they have been season. Next season be may have to i spoiled for work. And he—say that he She dwelt, long years ago. Where the sweet sun ’woke her ev’ry thought It was something else, and SERIOUS REVOLT OF INDIANS IN much more formidable antagonists find moisture aud other conditions nec­ than before and are more couseious of essary. Now it Is evident that if the spoke harshly and sneered, and at last morn. MEXICO. their own strength. land were not held lu common and if got so that he lived lu a world of his And the children loved her so. own, and wouldn’t open bls door when — If tue war is continued until the every Yaqul had his own allotted piece And her little garden plot wus bright With flow’rs so fair and wild —when he knew that her heart was Taqiils Hove Been Flighting for Inde­ Yaquls are pacified or exterminated some would possess suitable laud for Thut the soft wind stay'd, bright dreams bursting outside, longing for one kind dire disaster is sure to befall that beau­ cultivation, while others would have pendence FI ace 1735 — Mexico Is to to waft word agalu. * * * Or—or—something tiful State. The extermination of the dry lauds, which would be worthless To her they call’d, “Dear child." like that. Could you begin anything Blame for Insurrection —Fomething Yaqul Indians simply menus the de­ unless properly Irrigated. Much of the The head of the Chicago Federation of the Picturesque Yaqul Country. with that?” struction of the manual labor lu So­ present trouble with the Yaquls arises of Labor is James E. Daley, a popular The sick and sorrowing heard her step No answer. She could noP see, but nora. The Yaquls are not only the best from this fact. The Mexican govern­ labor leader of the Western metropo­ Within the wicket gate. the man’s outward stare was as If it The Insurrection of the Yaqul Ind ans and most trusted workers In Sonora, ment wants the Yaquls to divide their Between the ranks of sunflowers tall lis. President Daley would never again relax. She went on promises to give the Mexican govern­ but they constitute the largest number land so that every individual may pos­ That seem'd for her to wait; Is 32 years old. He a little faster, her voice taking a thrill of able workingmen in that State. The sess his own plot. And the dying, who 'mid twilight watch ment another prolonged war. It has Is tall, broad-shoul­ Till cares of daytime cease, —just as though bls silence Implied been but two years since the last up­ Yaquls can in no way be compared 1 hey Take to the Mountains. dered, and active, I Listen <1, and loved the childish voice that there might be real dramatic pos­ rising of the Yaquls was put down, with the Indiaus of the western part of Colonel Martinez of the Mexican having spent the That whisper’d words of peace. sibilities in her small Inspiration, [after nearly fourteen years of fighting, United States, except, perhaps, the army, In an interview on the Yaqul in­ first fifteen years of “I think my husband could—yes! The and the rebellion now on has all Indi­ Cherokees and n few other tribes surrection, says: "Tlie Indians have his life on a farm In But very gently, very soon. world Is used to seeing the man grow cations of preparedness. Contrary to known for their peacefulness and for been restless for some months past. Green County, Wis­ Her little race was run, Indifferent, and the woman cold and statements made that the Yaquls wo il<] their love of application to agriculture. They object to American prospectors She slept the sleep God grants Ilis own con s 1 n. Although pale; but you—you might take the tra­ [ not molest the American residents in Since the very first settlement of So­ Invading the mountains of their coun­ At setting of the sun. American born and nora by the Spaniards the Y ’ aquis have i Sonora — the Yaqul country — there have gedy as It Is within the four walls, and try lu quest of gold. We were expect­ And in her dreams she trod heav'n's way, reared, Mr. Daley already be«*n slain a number of Ameri ­ Inhabited a small triangular territory make it live and throb In there. Y’ou ing an outbreak and were not unpre­ JAMES E. DALEY, has enough Irish in While stars looked down and smil’d, While angels stretch'd kind arms to aid, might put it that at first the man's mis­ can gold pros[x*ctors. Indeed, It has situated In the delta of the Yaqul River pared. If we can cut off the Indians a jovial good fellow And call’d her their “Dear child.” take was In always straining forward developed that one of the causes of the and extending from the Gulf to a place before they reach their strongholds, him to make him boys. He moved to to his goal, forgetting that the happi­ ■ uprising was the fact that the gov- inland called Buena Vista. A few our work will be easy euough, but once among the labor Chicago In 1880. He learned the steam­ est time Is now—forgetting how. when [ eminent permitted Americans to come Yaquls are settled as far up as Comu- In th«' mountains, conquest of the In- , he looks at last he will not find just the Into Sonora and dig gold. The Yaquls rlfa, but the principal Y’aqul country is surgents will be a difficult problem, i fitter’s trade, joined the union and has continued active in labor circles ever same laughing girl as he married. ♦ • » claim to hold the Sonora country by as just stated further down the coast. That was the trouble during the ten S NOT FOR PUBLICATION. J Often he left her, we will say; he want­ right of occupation for centuries back Iu this territory the Yaquls were found years' war which ended two years ago, since. The Calumet and Hecla copper mlues ed cheerful faces anil relaxation after and cost Mexico much blood and trea­ his work, and the wife was onlj- like a sure. The Indians retreated to the lu Montaua are now employing over ghost creeping about the house. And mountains, where they could not be 4,700 men, who are producing and HAT a life!” re­ so at last, for her the only alternative pursued, and at every favorable oppor­ smelting an average of 5,500 tons of pented the man to to a broken heart was a heart harden­ tunity swooped down upon the troops ore per day. himself with al- ed to stone. And oh! she had so loved Thirty-two ship building firms have or assailed neighboring villages, mur­ most a wrltlie. him—had so determined always to look dering and plundering. If the Indians granted the eight-hour day to the "Making bricks her brightest and best for him! * » • do not surrender a war of extermina­ boilermakers and iron ship builders on without straw all That might have gone on until the end, tion will ensue. It is a pity, too, for new work, and the nine-hour day on the year round. I as It often does; but there came a blow General Diaz had hopes the Iudians repairs on old work. wish — there, I —one blow more than she could bear. would remain friendly, and become civ- I Puddlers at the Pottstown (Pa.) Iron wish to God I’d We’ll suppose—we’ll suppose that one llized. Not long ago he sent thirty Company’s works have been granted never learned how day the wife, somehow or other, heard school teachers into their country to an increase from $3.75 to $-1.50 per ton, him talking to a friend, The friend to write!” Instruct them and to establish schools the highest rate paid in that district in •And yet ft had was quiet; he had asked: ‘What's the and colleges. These may have been the past twelve years. All the ro­ paid hint iu solid matter with—with her? murdered for all that is known, for ( The Central Labor Union of Cincin­ coin, so far. One mance gone that you used to talk some of them went into the outlying nati succeeded in having the local of Ills minor about?’ Make It—make It that she districts. So far as I can learn, the In­ Board of Education vote almost unani­ dreams was real­ held her breath for the answer, even dians are well armed. They have, In mously in favor of a special one-tenth ized; the window then—even then; that even then she fact, been buying weapons ever since of a mill tax levy for the purpose of of his writing was hungering to put her arms around their leaders signed the treaty of peace, I 1 supplying free text books in the and I do not believe they ever had any schools. room overlooked a suburban roadway him, and tell him, oh, no, It was not Idea of keeping the truce. The murder , along which jarring wheels seldom rat­ gone! And supposing she heard him Figures compiled from government, of their own chiefs who had accepted tled; he bad got away from the whirr say: Tier! Pooh, take no notice of her office under the Mexican government State and general trade reports show and drone of tlie town, where his —always the same. Wish to heavens Indicates that they have grown desper- I ' that at the present time practically all nerves had been at tension all day long, sometimes I’d never married—what with the expenses and the miseries at ate and that the contest will be fierce.” I | the necessaries of life are controlled by He could compose lu peace. And yet The tactics of the Yaquls are to attack 116 trusts. Working for these trusts he sat with the bitter. Idle stare, home. Can't make her out—not like I other women. Given It up long ago. suddenly and to ambush and imme­ are 3,547,000 wage-earners, represent­ clutching a dry pen. diately after the assault to run back ing over 17,000,000 individuals. The door l>ehlnd creaked; a woman Don’t you ever marry, old man!’ * » • Into the mountains, where no one can [ According to the St. Paul Pioneer gilded In on tiptoe. “Don't start—it’s And supposing the wife stood and cried to God to take her on the spot, follow them. After a Yaqul has Press the Northern Pacific, Great only 1.” she whispered. and that God did not answer, and that fought for some time he suddenly be­ Northern, Milwaukee, Minneapolis & “Don't start!” He threw nt last—nt last, when something seem­ comes a peaceful Indian and leaves the St. Louis and the Omaha roads have pen without turning. “It's territory in which the war rages. Tills had a difficult time to get help for their —or the strain of expecting them. I’m ed ns If It would snnp In her brain— she crept into her husband’s study and happens when his ammunition Is all grading and construction work which sick of it, 1 tell you sick of it nil.” spent; he must then provide himself they have been carrying on since early “What Is the matter?” She had took out the pistol that he kept in Ills with more. This be does by working spring. paused hnlf way, with hands together. desk and put It to her forehead, and almost pulled the trigger. » ♦ • In Arizona and New Mexico, as In After a bitter fight lasting nearly “Can't you write?” SCENE OF THE PRESENT YAQUI INDIAN UPRISING. these places he can procure arms with seven years a settlement has been ef­ “Write! I’ve nothing to write. I’m Wouldn't a paper accept a story like his savings and return when he has fected and an agreement signed be­ I and by confirmation of title by the I drained dry. And I've promised a tra- that?” I by the Spaniards, and their tradition is enough. When he has accumulated tween the Lincoln (Neb.) Journal, the Still no answer. The man had craned glc story”—with a half-sneer “for that King of Spain long before the Mexican that here they have resided from im­ enough he returns by passing from Evening News and Typographical ‘Society Sun.’ Tragic! What's the still further forward, bis bands grip­ government was thought of. memorial times. For centuries the Arizona through the Sierra Madre wil­ ping the desk. Ills face gray in the Union, No. 190, of that city. By the time?” ■ When Mexico revolted and establish­ Mexican government acknowledged derness, where lie is free from sol­ terms of tlie settlement both become dusk. Ills stare widened. It looked — "It must be nearly 0.” ed her Independence the Yaquls refused the right of the Y’aquis to live in and to diers' bullets and from observing eyes, 1 union offices throughout It somehow looked as If he feared for to recognize the new government and “Six? Dark In another hour dusk Ills life to look around, In fear of a proclaimed their own Independence and cultivate tills territory and for cen­ and when least expected he turns up now! I've done nothing, Ami you— The Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire­ turies the Yaquls remained peacefully fully equipped with munitions to hand waiting for bls throat. It was you never attempt to help me by so not his wife's talking. It was Tragedy autonomy. Since then the effort to ob­ at their work of cultivating the soil carry on the war. The Y’aqul is not men on July 1, 1899, had a total mem­ tain from them recognition of the and as general laborers elsewhere. much ns a word!” that had come creeping into the room— tfie blood-thirsty beast that some re- bership in good standing of 30.778, “Never help you?” she echoed, and as It sometimes diil when he wrote authority and law of Mexico lias led Within their territory the Yaquls have ports have made him out to be. He is being a net gain for the year of 3,719. to frequent collisions between them repeated It to herself. “I never help late, and something stood and breathed and the government troops; pitched even now retained an independent gov­ brave, industrious and peaceful; he According to Grand Master Frank P. him! But when have you asked such behind each shoulder. ernment. with chiefs to decide accord does not torture Ills prisoners, but Sargent the subordinate lodges are in battles have been fought and though a thing? What good would be my The voice came again, ns from a long generally beaten by superior forces Ing to their laws and to mete out pun neither does lie allow them to escape. better condition numerically, financial­ Ideas?” ly and influentially than ever before In ishment to tlie guilty, and so perfect way off. “Oh, not much. Women seldom have the history of the order. has been their method of self-govern­ "Yes! Say she paused the moment, real Il cas­ they're tilting superticlall- and that saved her. She looked at Ills ment that the Mexican government A prominent official of the Pennsyl­ ties. sili) lias had no occasion to interfere. The vania Railroad Company says that work ami thought of his long struggles Yaqul is by nature moral and indus­ A long sll-’Uce. The door creaked ami the mind that always strained af­ after several years’ consideration a trious and no complaint can be made again, but he knew she had only closed ter something In life that Is never to conclusion has practically been reached against him on that account. All over It and was still hovering be hl ml him. be found. But the thought had come as to the creation of a pension and su­ Sonora there are found Yaquls in time He was somewhat surprised, but would Into her head, ami it stayed and stay­ perannuation fund for the benefit of of peace working in the fields and in not turn, vaguely conscious of the ed, and more than once, when lie bad employes of the company. It is under­ tlie mines aud even as laborers on the sneer's hollowness. Then---- passed her with hardly a word or look. stood that 70 years of age has been railroads. In the latter capacity they “I never help you." she repeated, No, my God, she could not bear It! fixed upon as the age for compulsory are more valued and more trusted than calmly. “Would you like me to try?— God, forgive her. she cannot bear it!” retirement, and that employes who any Mexicans, and we know of in­ perhaps something Inis Just come to my Th«> Indescribable sob and a swift hate been 30 years in the service, but stances where railroad agents have mind. It Is silly, maybe, ns 1 tell It, rush. A hand had plucked open the have not attained that age, will be en­ preferred Yaqul section bosses to those but you my husband, might make it drawer at the man's side and some­ titled to the benefits of the fund. The of other nationalities. clever and Interesting. You say your thing bright flashed out. Just In time pension allowance will be based upon stories nre always twaddle ns you first he realized something ami swayed up length of service and the average I'on’t Want I.and Pivid d. set them down.” with a hoarse cry: “Winnie! No—no!” wages received by the employe during As a laborer the Yaqul Is hard-work­ such service. It Is estimated that it “Do I? Well, what Is It?" he said, —and faced the picture that was to eat ing and faithful and can always lie re­ will require a payment by the company staring across nt th«' opposite roofs. Into his memory all time. lied on. He does not shirk his work Th«' dead silence, the stare with of about $300,000 per annum to make “This situation Is novel. Go on. Never when his foreman turns his back and the fund effective. mind ns long as there is anything at which th«' wide eyes In her worn, white he does not shorten bls day's work by face seemed to search his soul wildly all In It.” continued cigarette smoking. No won­ TAQUI INDIAN GIRI.. “There Is there Is a woman’s heart for n flicker of the truth! Then her His Gr.indma'am. der, therefore, that he is highly valued YAQUl PEON AND EMPLOYER. In It. 1 think,” she whlspertHl. “Is that hand dropped and her face began tq and forced to retreat for the time, they for the work be can and does perform. a ball in Berlin this spring a Cbb twitch piteously. His arms were Cat have never yet been sululued. Already As do many other laborers, he gets any good?" came up to a young lieutenant In 1897 peace was made with tlie Ya­ “Oh!" he said. Her voice had tailed —and th«> heart beat there yet. was wearing a large badge richly In the Insurrection now on the Ynquis drunk when pay comes on Saturday quls. The government promised them “Winnie,” he had whispered—such a have routed forces of Mexican soldiers evening but he confines his carousing a certain sum of money and they in set with diamonds, and said brusquely: off ns If she had a real Idea, but was afraid of the sneer. “Well, there usu­ whisper—“don’t, dou’t! Come back to sent against them, and the government to the rancherla in which be lives and turn agreed to have their land survey­ “What thing is this you’ve got, young ally Is that’s on«> of the component me—come back!” Is mobilizing a large army to pit keeps his family and when Monday ed and partitioned. During the last man?” parts of the average story. Even hu­ And for those two Time put back against the wily warriors. The Ya­ morning comes around every man Is at two years the Yaquls have quietly been “It is an order. Colonel” answered mor Is th«' brighter for tragedy lurking the hands of the clock. But the story quls' method ot fighting Is one taught Ills work. The Y’aqul country from working in the «lines of Sonora and the lieutenant In the background, you know. Any­ —that was not for publication.—Lon­ them by nature and experience. When Buena Vista to the gulf has always Arizona and have saved their earnings “An order?” ejaculated the colonel. thing In th«1 heart? That’s th«' point. don Star. beaten they retreat Into the almost In­ been held as common property by the in order to procure arms to renew the “It’s not German then, for I don't Yes; anythlug lu this heart?” accessible fastnesses of the Sierra Ma- Yaquls as n tribe and has never been war. Whatever will be-ihe outcome of know it.” Coats at Second Hand. Another silence. “Couldn’t I tell you dres, whither the government troops portioned out to Individuals as lu other the war. It will be a most ruinous one “No, it Is an English order,” said the As tlf«' well-educated native of India Just ns It came to me, then?” ahe said. dare not follow them, and there await younger officer. “I’m not clever enough to know. It’s emulates western manners ns far as the departure of the troops, when they "English? And who on earth gave more of a sketch, perhaps. 1—I Imag­ possible. It is not to be wondered at again descend and clear out the people you an English order?” demanded the that he Is partial to the frock coat, ined two lovers, very dear lovers. They who have established themselves on superior. got married am! there was a beautiful From this partiality a curious trade their lands. Though the population of “My grandmother!” world before them, with such peace at has sprung up. Regularly large con- the Yaqul country does not exceed “And who might your grandmother the end. If they knew! Mak«' the man slgnments of second hand frock coats 15,000, the male portion combine to «7” an artist. He lived for his art. The ar«* shipped out from England to Cal­ make a formidable foe. and the Mexi­ "Her Majesty Queen Y’ictoria of Eng­ girl the girl was only just a girl; she cutta and Bombay, and are disposed of can government anticipates a war of x J Ö» ‘ land!” answered the young lieutenant, lived for the man. She hung on his to th«* natives, who strut about like alx months or more. who happened to l>e Prince Alltert of lii*' -N every word, you might say; sin* prayed peacocks In a not Infrequenly Impossi­ Story of the Y. qnls. Schleswig-Holstein. for his success w lieu he was never ble coat. Add to this that the wearers The Indians Inhabit the valley of The colonel suddenly took bls de­ then* to hear, thought for him In ways don’t go In for socks. And to n man Sonora. They are good agriculturists parture. that he woukl never know, and check­ wear glaring patent b ather shoes, and when allowed to till their farms In ed her singing, and moved always so you have a picture. When It Is added peace, and their valley being rich and Monks as Tradesmen. •oftly. SO that he xlioukl never be dis­ to this fact that tl.c native headdress fertile has tempted covetous men with Most of the monks at King William’« turbed at his work. You’re not writ­ Is worn, and that the unmentionables little regard for right to take advan­ ing. Is It so silly?" Town, Cape Colony, are tradesmen, nre of linen aud cut sklu t’glit with tage of the peculiar features of the and do their own carpentering, brick­ “Go on,” In* whispered. “There— many folds around the ankles, the sight Mexican laws In regard to taking up there’s nothing to write yet.” land and filing claims on the Yaqul laying. blacksmithing, etc., besides Is oftentimes ridiculous. “That went on for years. Tin» man. teaching school. AU the buildings they So fashionable has the frock coat be­ holdings. Those, of course, under­ deeper anil deeper In his work, never come In India that native tailors n-ake standing little of law and moved by a occupy were erected by themselves. saw that his wife was changing; that the ordinary coats o.* th«' catlves large­ sens«' of Injustice, have reslste«! the the light had gone out of her eyes, ly on frock coat lines, and It Is no un­ aelsure, and troops have been calk'd The Shshti Smoke. CAMP SCENE IN THE YAQUI COUNTRY. He forgot all he had meant to be— usual sight to see th«' athletic youths out to enforce the law—that is. put the The Shah of Persia smokes tobacco forgot after a time even to kiss her: of Northern India, disporting them­ new claimant in possession of the In a pipe that bolds a pound of tho and th«> girl- ahe could never bring selves In so-calle«! frock coats of « Yaqul land taken under the law. The communities. The reason for this Is for Sonora. If the Yaquls are exter­ weed. The pipe must be filled with Yaquls hav«' stood together and mad«' found In the nature of the territory It- • • • minated. as the reports tell us Is the in ­ herself to remind him. many hue* as the famous garment of fresh tobacco every time, even though good fights after their fashion, and self. The fertility of the Yaqui delta tention of General Torres, then the ef­ «be lived only for him, but he never Joseph. he Las bad only a few whiffs. when compelled to do so retire«!, only depends entirely upon the overflow of fect will soon be felt It will mean the eared what ahe wore, never thought Power of Foil's Water. to return when the troops were with­ the Yaqul River. In times of heavy extermination of the manual labor In that her work might tie hard In Its lit­ French Railway I.aw. No receptacle has ever be**n made drawn to take forcible possession of rains the delta and adjacent river bot­ Sonora; It will mean the crippling of tle way. ami that there are some wom­ In view of recent railway accidents with sufficient strength to resist th« their own again. In former Insurrec ­ tom lands are coveretl by water or her wheat and mining Industries. en for whom years of such silence and the French Minister of rubllc Work* tions they had but few firearms, but made motst by sub-irrigation, while In loneliness spells death—or worse. She bursting power of froa**n water. Never resurrect an evil that baa bee® has decreed that all trains must carry was always crying at first, and never A lawsuit Is the proper court dress when the Sonora railroad to Guaymas dry seasons the contrary la the cause, requisites for prompt surgical aid U was built they furnish«*«! a large pro­ I ks the territory Is large, each Individ- I fairly buried dared to tell him why If bo did not for au attorney. the injured. “DEAR CHILD.” ***««**«»*<'«»•*«*•*««•••*• : * L : I