The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, August 27, 1899, Image 7

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A Good Word for John.
An Arrientlne Shorthorn.
The Shorthorn bull lias (2355 Argen­
tine Herd Book) is a roan, calved Au­
gust, 1894, bred and owned by Mr.
Leonard Pereyra, Estancia Don Juan,
Quilmes, Buenos Ayres. At the Inter­
national Show at Palermo, Buenos
Wheat Prices at Chicago.
Ayres, in September last he was placed
Cash prices of No. 2 wheat at Chi­
second In the class for aged bulls (In
which many would have preferred liim cago and months of lowest anil highest
a first), and he won the 150 gs. chal­ prices, compiled by the Cincinnati
lenge cup presented by Mr. I). Mac- Price Current:
Lennan for the best Shorthorn bull
Months of
Months of
Yr’ly range
Y’rs. lowest
of prices. highest price.
born In the Argentine. Ills sire was
Baron Bridekirk 3d 60302, bred by M. 1858.. Februarv....... 53
18 »9.. July and Aug. 50 fil
J. Barnes, and his dam Dahlia 22d, de­ 1860..
in -r . .. . 65 @1
scended from a strain imported in 1857, 1861.. June and July 5.5 6 / 1
......... I 64 a
( August
and full of choice blood. Mr. MacLen- 1862.. January
August*........... 80 (ffl
j December
□an sold to Mr. Pereyra the sire and
the grandsire of this bull, and those
who have seen him say he would hold
bis own in any English showyard.
Why 1 hey Fail.
A lot of people rush Into the poultry
business without any capital or experi­
ence, and the consequence is—failure.
They read of the success of others, and
Imagine they can do as well, without
considering for one moment that they
are not equipped for the venture. So
many people start out on a scale that
Is nothing short of ridiculous. To the
amateur poultryman we have this to
say: Do not quit your job arid expect
to make a living with poultry the first
The best way to start in the poultry
business on a large scale is to start
with only a few, learn all you can
about chickens, and then try to breed
all the good birds you can take care of
without crowding the first year. If,
at the end of the year you are satisfied
to go ahead, and have enough money
on hand to get everything ready for a
larger breeding flock, as well as to car­
ry you through the year for the neces­
saries of life, then you might quit your
job and start in; but remember, that
this first year is what counts. You
learn whether you have a taste for the
business, and get a pretty good Idea of
raising poultry. The second year you
should be able to produce a flock large
enough to enable you to go into It
more heavily, and with ordinary suc­
cess you should make a good living off
of 500 bens.
We would strongly advise you. when
starting, to be governed by the follow­
ing rules: First, start with the best
to be had; second, decide what you de­
sire to breed for—eggs or meat; third,
get one variety, and stay with It. If
tou breed only one variety you can
soon, by advertising t) little and ex­
hibiting your birds, tnake .1 reputation
on them, and sell a good lot at good
prices, while the rest can go to market.
Do not start with the Idea that you can
sell all you breed at fancy prices, for
you will not be able to do so for some I
time. To earn a reputation for your
fowls, you must advertise for at least
one year before you can expect much
return. The poultryman who succeeds
In selling all his fowls at good prices Is
the man who has spent years In the
poultry business and many dollars in
advertising.—raclfic Toultryman.
rowertn! Post Pnller.
I had a lot of posts to pull out, says
a corresjiondent of the Ohio Farmer,
and I Invented the device shown In
sketch—a lever, fulcrum and chain—
1*64. March
*1 ...
1865 December
1866.. Fel ruary..
1867.. A ugust....
I860 November.
1869.. December .
1870 . April.........
1871 .1 August. ..
1872.. November.
1873.. S‘*pt ruber.
October ...
! Februarv .
OctolM»r ...
1870.. I January ...
1880.. August....
1881.. January...
1882.. December.
1883. October ..
1884. De ember
1885. March ....
1886. October ..
1887. Augu-t...
1888. April.......
1889. June.......
1890. | _______
* .
1891.. iJuly...........
1892.. |< Jctober ...
IMO July
1894.. 15. tern ber
1895.. 'January...
1896.. ¡June
1897.. A J ril........
1M98.. October ...
1 07
(P 2
(fi 2
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64'.« I
6! @1
\ ngust
, July
(S. pt
Feb.. April aud
J ulv
, August
A ril
, December
April and May
J m nary
J une
A ugust
A pril
.\ov mbei
Out-of-Doors Feed Tronizh.
Where several hogs are quartered In
an orchard or other pasture they must
be fed out-of-doors. To keep each
one from crowding and fighting his
neighbor when eating, make such a
trough ns is shown in the illustration.
The bottom part of a barrel is sawed
Let me give you a better way of put­
ting up your hay than those two old
plana, which have their faults. Shock­
ing the hay and bringing it in with
ropes is too slow, and in bull-raking It
•*-. In you «re liable to begin stacking too
soon. or your hay I. liable to get
bleached, beside, you can not stack so
•venlv and well ou account of the hay
Candy Cathartic keep it clean inside.
druggists, lUc, 25c, 5Uc.
T.adfeg Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen’s Foot-
Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes.
It makes tight or new shoes feel easy;
gives instant relief to corns and bunions,
ft’s the greatest comfort discovery of the
age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and cal­
lous spots. Allen’s Foot-Ease is a certain
cn-e for ingrowing nails, sweating, smart­
ing. hot, aching feet. We have 30.000 testi­
monials. All druggists and shoe stores
sell it. 25c. Trial package FREE by mail.
Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Duiittg the first week in May 256,-
000 pounds of cedar wood were shipped
from Navarro county, Texas, to pencil
factories in Cincinnati and New York.
Piso’s Cure for Consumption is our only
medicine for coughs and colds.—Mrs. C.
Beltz, 439 8th ave., Denver, Cui., Nov. 8, ’95.
Southey: A good man and a wise
man may. at times, be angry with the
world and at times grieved for it, but
English speaking people are said to no man was ever discontented with the
have the Lest foreheads and eyebrows. world if he did his duty in it.
The magnitude of the Carnegie Steel CIYO Permanently Cured. No fltsornervousner.
agio alterdrst day's use of Or. Kline’s Great
Company’s operations may be under­ Nerve
Hestorer. Send fur FREE M’i.OO trial
stood from the statement that in 1898 bottleand treatise. Du. K. 11. KUNE, Ltd., UJO
Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa.
the company made 17 per cent of the
pig iron produced in the United States,
Professor G. K. Gilber, who appeals
36 per cent of the product of Pennsyl­ to have been investigating quietly for
vania and 66 per cent of the product several years, says the city of Chicago
af Allegheny county. They manufac­ is sinking into the lake at the rate of
tured 22 per cent of the Bessemer steel nine or ten inches in a century. This
production of the United States and 42 is happening because of a gradual tilt­
per cent of the like product of Penn­ ing of the earth’s crust in the lake
Swift Direction.
Mis. Do Pretty—Honors! That wo­
man who just passed is a young man in
Hueband—Weill Well! How do you
Mrs. De Pretty—Sho looked at ray
face instead of my dress.—N. Y.
The American locomotive manufac­
turers from 1890 to 1898 inclusive ex­
ported 2,289 locomotives, of a value of
more than 120,000,000.
Uncle Bill’s Ideas.
The exhausted traveler, fainting and
half dead from thirst, and all unused
to the climate ot tlie tiopies, lay gasp­
Tt.ey brought him a coeoannt.
“We will crack this,” they said.
“The contents will revive you.”
“What is inside of it?” he asked.
"1 won’t touch it!” he said, hoarse­
"I’m a vegetarian 1”—Chicago
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth­
ing Svrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
Of 54,000 adult immigrants admit­
ted to the country in tlie last three An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
months of 1898, 41,000 had money.
Less than 9,000, though, had more effects of the well known remedy.
I S yrup of Flos, manufactured by the
than (30.
C alifornia F ig S yrup C o ., illustrate
Remember that you can buy Jesse Moore the value of obtaining the liquid laxa­
A. A. Whiskey for the same’ price that is tive principles of plants known to be
paid for ordinary whiskey. For sale by all medicinally laxative and presenting
lirst-class dealers and druggists.
them in the form most refreshing to tlie
A new industry is springing up in ' taste and acceptable to tlie system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa­
Northern Mexico—the sinking of wells tive, cleausing the system effectually,
for salt water, from which salt is man­ dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
ufactured for mining and domestic put- gently yet promptly and enubling one
poses. One company has secured 120,- to overcome habitual constipation per­
000 acres of salt water territory at manently. Its perfect freedom from
Camaron, 120 miles south of Laredo, every objectionable quality and sub­
and its acting on the kidneys,
and has struck water containing 12 per stance,
liver and bowels, without weakenn
cent of salt, worth from 1 to 8 cents a or irritating them, make it the ide
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
case of Catarrh that can nut be cured by Hall’s remedy are obtained from senna and
Catarrh Cure.
other aromatic plants, by a method
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Wo the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney known to tlie C alifornia F io SYRur
for the past 15 ' ears, and believe him perfectly Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
honorable in ail busin ss transaction» and fin­ effects and to avoid imitations, please
ancial 1 ' able to carry out any obligations made remember the full name of theCompany
by their iirin.
printed on the front of every package.
W kst T ruax ,
Wholesale Druggists,Toledo, \
W alding , R innan
M arvin ,
Vvnolesale Drug ists, Toledo, O.
nall’sCatarrh Cure is t ken nt ?rnally, acting
directly ou the blood and in cous surfaces ot
the system. Pri o 75c per bo tie. So.d by oil
drug; ists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Puls r< th ■ best.
The two puddling furnaces of the
Mahoning rolling mill at Danville,
which have been undergoing repairs,
are ready for work again, and 100 ad­
ditional men will be employed.
For sale by all Druggist.,—Price 50c. per bottle.
There were 5.920 suicides in tin.
country during tlie last year, compared
with 6,600 iluring the previous year.
At the same time there was a falling
off of nearly 50 per c?nt in the number
of reported embezzlements.
A Clean ICecord.
A Safe Refuge.
Tho best laid schemes of mice or
men generally catch a woman.
Some fellows aim high enough, but
they haven’t tlie energy to pull the
ti igger.
A sensible fellow isn’t afraid anoth­
er will win his best girl because lie’s
used to holding his own.
It is always dangerous to leave your
front door unlocked all night; yon may
find the cook gone in the morning.—
Cleveland Leader.
“1 wouldn’t associate with her.
"Tom,” said Jimmy, “do you know Wbv, ono of her ancestors was a char­
that eomo day the world will be burned woman.” “Well then she’s sure that
up with fire?”
one of them at least had a clean tec­
‘‘So 1 have heard,” replied Tom.
ord. ”—Philadelphia Bulletin.
"But, Tom,” went on Jimmy, who
waB deeply concerned about the ap­
Perhaps the most extraordinary fam­
proaching catastrophe, ‘‘what will you ily in the world is one now living at
do when the world is burned up?”
Arkansas City. The mother hai been
"Oh,” replied Tom with an air of married five times, and for each h ua-
one who has piovided for all the con­ band she lias had a child, The five
tingencies, ‘*1 shall go out to Uncle children are living with her and each
Billy’s and stay.”—Detroit Journal.
bears tlie name of iiis father.
For the Family
All ages hail with delight the coming of the most wonderful, meritorious preparation that will lighten the ills
of humanity and will do away with the taking of obnoxious, violent purges, Inconvenient liquids, and pills that tear
your life out. Simply because in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic you will find just what you want, convenient in
form, pleasant of taste (just like candy) and of never-failing remedial action. <hey have found a place in every
well-regulated household, and are the favorite medicine of the whole family, from
y to good old grandpa.
Don’t k>e fooled with substitutes for CASCARETS 1
a respite.—Cincm-.n Enquirer.
at k
“I take pleasure In praising yonr ▼ala-
able remedy C’A SC A RKTS. 1 ana my whole
family received relief from the first small box
we tried. 1 certainly recommend CASCARKTH
for the cures they make and trust they will
find a place io every home. Yours for success.”
P«T«n Wm, Jr..
Palm Grove Ave.. McKeesport, Pa.
off and two narrow strips of board are
fitted together and nailed firmly into
the trough, as In the drawing. A flour
barrel can be made to answer this tem­
porary purpose, but a trough from a
stouter barrel will prove more lasting.
—American Agriculturist.
Mr». Joy-
Killing Late Weeds.
I have for some years made a prac­
tice of going through my corn with
the hoe, after the corn has been laid
by, nnd cutting all big weeds and cock-
elburs, and the result Is that weed seed
Is scarce, says a writer In the Farm­
ers’ Advocate. Crops are much easier
to tend tlie following year, also the corn
Is much easier cut up or gathered. And
In the spring when you want to put
oats In the field where your corn was
It does not make your arms near so
tired. The ground dries four or five
days sooner, and so it is better all
around than if you let all the weeds go
to seed, and it looks so much better.
Another good tiling to do is to mow all
fence corners and waste places, and
try to get them seeded down to grass.
ANNUAL 8ALES. 6.000.000 BOXES.
At the vegetarian picnic recently held
In Brooklyn an enthusiastic young
woman brought ns her contribution a
dish which she called "Vegetarian De­
light.” The recipe for Its manufac­
ture is as follows: Take one whole
young white cabbage; chop fine In a
bowl; then sprinkle with pepper and
salt and add a dozen young silver on-1
ions, also chopped fine. Boil the whole,1
and then let It stand till cool. Take a
lump of butter the size of an egg. a cup
of sugar, four tablespoonfuls of cinna-1
mon, and mix well together. To this
add the cabbage and onions, also some
carrots, chopped very fine, and a quart
of mashed potatoes. Cook the whole
slowly in milk, and then serve cold 01
hot as preferred.
“Book Limin'" Pays.
Among questions asked of creamerj
patrons by the Kansas Experiment
Station is: “What dairy or farm fix pet
do you read?” Out of seventy-seven
patrons who answered this question
we found that fifty-three, or 6» per cent.,
took no farm or dairy paper. In looking
up the records It is interesting to notel
that the highest yield was made by a
man who keeps special dairy cows and
subscribes for a dairy paper. Th;«
patron realized >!i per cow per annum
more than the next best patron, whe
reads no paper, and $36 per cow more
than the poorest patron.—Ohio Farmer.
CASCARETS ar* absolvtely harmless, a purely vegetable compound. Wo mercurial or other mineral plll polaon in Cascateti. Cascateti promptly, affectively and permanently
cure every disorder of the Stomach, Liver and Intestines. They not only cure constipation, but correct any and every form of irregularity of tbs bowels, including diarrhos and dysentery.
Pleasant, palatable, potent. Taato good, do good. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. Be sure you get the genuine I Beware of imitations and substitutes I Buy a boa of CASCARBTS
to-day, and if not pleased in every respect, get your money back ! Write us for booklet and free sample I Address STERLING REMEDY COMPANY, CHICAGO or NEW YORK.
Vecetnrinn Delight.
made of such material as I could find
lying around. With this device my
hired hand and I pulled out 52 posts In
less than an hour. The lever (B) is
made out of an old sulky plow tongue,
about nine feet long. A hook, shown
at 2, was bolted on top end of lever,
projecting over the end to catch in
links of chain. I used an ordinary log
chain with book on end. I pulled up
same old barnshed posts with this de­
vice that I could not move with two
horses and chain.
True to Ilia Prlnclplea.
Actions of the Just
Smell Sweet.”
"What did that man want?”
"He wanted a conection ma le.”
‘‘Did he leave his address?”
"No; he didn't want to.”
"All right; make tlie correction.
Ths fragrance of life is vigor and
Correction —"John Smith wishes it I strength, neither of nuhich can be found
stated that he is not the John Smith in a person tuhose blood is impure, nnd
who was sued for board by his land­
•whose every breath speaks of internal
lady.”— Puck.
troubles. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies
Look the Same.
the blood and makes the <weak strong.
being too loose. Here Is my plan: Make
Yeast—Did you ever take any of
two sleds out of poles or scantling,
something light. Get two poles to run those mud bathe?
Ciimeonbeak—Well, I lan for office
under shocks, to lift on sled with; have
Never Disapp0ln(i
hay shocked. Working force of five once—Yonkers Statesman.
Still More Counterfeiting.
men, one man to stack, two men to
The Sec ret Service has just unearthed
pitch the hay, one man to bring hay in
Al) people make a pretense that
baud of counterfeiters and secured
from field, one man to stay in field to another
a quantity of bogus bills, which are very they do not care lot a fortune, but want
assist in loading. Run your small cleverly executed. Things of great value just enough to make them comfortable.
poles under shock, load on sled until are always selected for imitation, notably — Washington (la.) Democrat.
---- -- - -
full, drive to stack, hook to other sled Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which has «
imitators, but no equals for disord­
The two oldest maids in tins country
for another load. Leave load, first on many
ers like indigestion, dyspepsia and consti­
live in Indiana. One is 114 yeats old,
one side and then on the other. Your pation.
the other 103, and both claim never to
stack will then go up evenly, quickly,
Pennsylvania coal mines are prepar­ have been kissed.
nnd be made from well-cured, bright
hay, nnd will contain more hay on ac­ ! ing to substitute compressed air for
Help Nature Help You!
count of being well settled.—Practical mules as tlie motive power for the oars
Vitality cannot cure disease, unless your
in the underground workings.
body’s kept clean inside and out. Cascareis
and BEST
Ilf El I
Fence aixl
and iron fencing; office railing, etc. 334 Alder.
C. H. WOOUehu & CO . 10R Second St , Po Hand.
2000 fl. MACHINES
cawntox a
co.: kxgimf . s ,
boh . eus , ma -
Chinery, supplies. 4b 5e First St., Portland, Or.
elief for Women”
_B*nt/rar in plain, ae«J«»d envelope. Write
|o-4ay for this Book, containing Particu­
lars aad Taatunonuda of DR. MARTLL B
French Female Pills.
Pmi»p<l by thormi)’!» of satisfied ladies an
Safe, al way« reliable and without an equal.
Fnldbrall dm/rieraln mrtaJ box. Fr«ach
*" Blue*
and Red. Take no other.
JOHN POOLE, P ortlawd , O rzoom .
rau give you tlie be«t bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tank«, pumps,
pions, belts and windmills. The new
Heel IXL windmill, sold by him, is un­
Wholtasl« Driiftl.l. nn<l I’hvtnfrtphle
Jreacb Drue Co..»1 a M Pearl »t.. ««w Tor» Qty
Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon.
^ ll kinds
A H-mure
DOSE. Cur. Birk ll-.d.cb.
Pimple« and Purify th.
Blood. Aid l»lg< « Rillnume«« Do
not Grip, or Ricken To con «Ince rouw. will mail
•empl. free, or full l-.i for 2V. DR. IKKANgc
CO., Nhllartn., f-ennn. Hobt by Druggiet«.
ITCH 151» Piles produce moisture snd causa itching.
This form, ss well se Blind, Biet-din« or Protruding
piles sre cur« I by Or. Bosanko't PH« Remedy
»tops itching snd bleeding. Absorbs tnm<>rs ftoc a
Jar at druggists <>r sent t>y mail. Tr>-ati«s free Writ«
me about your case. DR BONANKO, Philsda., Pa
Through Palace Anti Tourist 8lrep«r»
Dining »nd BufTet Ninuklng
Library Cara.
....FAST TIME....
Pervfre and Scenery Unequal led.
For Tickets and all Information apply t«
your nearest agent, or address
C. P. and T. A , Portland.
R. C. STEVENS, G. W. P. A.. Seattle.
For Gonorrb-ea and Gleet get Pabet's Okay Rperffir. It
Of most strong, healthy people Is their perfect
to the ONLY medicine which will cure each and eeery
dige-tlon. by.peptic end impure blooded peo­ rase.
MO CASE known It baa ever failed to cure, no
ple will find permanent and quick relief In
matter hew serious or of bow long Handin« Results
n t. 3» First Street
treated «cien­
tífica) I y nnd
confidenti a I-
ly. rwrtspMince
IV Ire Works.
It bnllda np the system. It’s a wonderful
strength giver. |1 per bottle at your druggists.
Il what the largest and be-t
school «ysteins use.
from its u»e will aatonlsh you. It is absolutely safe,
prevents stricture, and can be taken without inronv«-
Bienre and >i'-tentb>n from buaineM. PRK f . »3*0 For
ss » m » , r.
f f repaid by espNfl^
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price by
Circular mailed on request.
Wrdeo N ATHA" r* KL IW O I
»I BICKFuKi) Washington. 0. C.. they will re­
Staff 20th Corp« Prosecuting claims lince 1H7A
■ f"
< I K » «
Guarani*« 1
■ oi ta «triai ure
rrareata eantaatoa
•I t
« «i C
I •« Big W for unnatnrA
discharge«, Infl«nirnatioQ^
irritation« or ul<-«*ra:ioo8
of mucous membrane«.
Pai nie««, and not astri«»
**'•’ ■ ' f • •
u. s. *
p. N. r.
KN writing tn advertisers pleas«
mention this paper.