The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, August 18, 1899, Image 4

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Yamhill County
1*. I. ASHtHV, t.ftilor
Subscription $1.00 Per Year.
Reading notices in local column»- 10 cents per
1 lie for first week and 5 cents per line thereafter.
Display advertisements, annual rates, one inch
] e.* month Si; each additional inch 50 cents per
in >nth
Obituiryand marriage notices not exceeding
W lute., published free, if furnished in time to
be current news. Additional matter 10 cent» per
FRIDAY, AUG. 18, 1899.
W hy should we condemn Col.Bryan
because he pays taxes on a magnifi­
cent family carriage? Better give
the devil his due, and if it is proven
that the Col. pays taxes on the car­
riage give him a medal for honesty.
Gov. Chandler of Georgia lately
issued a proclamation against crime
in his state. His constituents evi­
dently accepted it as a joke, for they
immediately committed four mur
ders, two assaults on women, a duel,
a riot on a train and more attempts
at lynching.
------ ►
T he few “old aunties” who want
to trade off the Philippines for the
island of Jamaica should remember
that if Groat Britain can establish a
stable government in the Philippines
we ought to be able to accomplish as
much. Americans are the equals of
Englishmen in intellect. History
gives us the honor of possessing sir
perior military skill over Great Brit­
ain. Why, then, should we hesitate
to do that which she would be only
too glad to undertake.
pansionists, according to their geo­
graphical environment«. The people
of Boston are pleased with our ac­
quisition of Porto Rico, and their
cooped-up intellects are wondering
why no one thought of adding this
fertile strip to our possessions before.
The lower Atlantic and Gulf states
can discern the greatest blessing im­
aginable in th ■ United States posses­
sing Cuba. San Domingo, also, if
she desires, might come quder the
sheltering wing of our eagle. Hawaii
broke in almost before they realized
the enormity of the situation. As
for claiming the Philippines—well,
that is different. The gateway to
the orient opens on the Pacific coast,
and the little anti-expansion fish are
jealous of our increasing trade rela­
R eturning volunteers complain be­
cause Gen. Otis held them back re­
strained their impetuous natures
when they were anxious to smite the
enemy. For cautiously guarding his
army he has been dubbed “an old
granny" by those patriots who re
mained safe at home. From the lat­
ter class the assaults are intended to
discredit the administration in the
conduct of the war. However, un­
der the orders of Otis our troops
in the Philippines have met no re­
verse or check, and with a full
knowledge of the situation in the is­
lands gained by actual fighting, the
approaching campaign will be prose­
cuted with telling effect.
T reat Great Britain's military of­
ficers with courtesy, but don t, with
all their protestations of friendship,
place too much confidence in the wily
Briton. Just now the dim shadow of
war is hovering over the Alaska
boundary question. The Canadian
forts are being reinforced and sup-
plieti with new ordnance. Then,
along comes one of the British army's
big guns, Col. Lee, who is met at
Astoria and shown through the forti­
fications at the mouth of the Colum­
bia, by order of our courteous sec­
retary of war. The information gain­
ed by the inspection of our seacoast
defenses could tie used against us in
the event of war. Therefore, treat
visiting warriors with courtesy fla­
vored with caution, remembering
that the friend of today may be the
foe iu the nation's next encounter.
I am the mother of eight children ami
have had a great deal < f experience with
Last summer my little
daughter had the dysentery in its wore!
form. We thought rhe would die.
died everything I could think of, but
nothing seemed to do her any good. I
saw by an advertisement in our paper
that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhea a Remedy w as highly recom­
mended, and cent and gut a buttle at
once. It proved to be one of me Very
best medicines we ever bad in the Louse.
It saved my little daughter’s life, 1 am
anxious for every mother to know w hat
an excellent remedy it is. Hud 1 know n
it at first it would have saved me a great
deal of anxiety and niv little daughter
much suffering. Yours Trulv, Mrs. Geo.
F. Burdick, Liberty, R. I. For sale by
Howorth & Co.
A Mother’s Plain Words
Mi-ses Grace and Ana Baird of Fort-
find are viriting their coaxiti, Mrs. W.
I). McDonald.
“ I suppose you will be astonished when I tell you that six years ago I w as
in a most dangerous condition with bronchitis and lung trouble, because >ou
can see how well and strong I am now. The attack at that time caused tern >lc
pain in my chest and lungs. 1 could hardly move, and to stoop cause intense sut-
Military history aud souvenir ia still iering. Someone advised Ack­
on »al« at this office and al thecitv book­ er’s English Remedy, and I
thought I would try it, although
I confess that down in my heart
I. fa; ettc entertain d the soldiers Wed­ I had little faith in it. The
nesday evening to the number of about a first bottle gave great relief,
dozen. liufieshmeutH »ere served, and and the second bottle made me
the boys speak very highly of their re­ the healthy woman I am today.
My husband’s lungs are weak
also, and he cured himself with
J. M. Pugh has an inquiry from Chica­ the same grand old remedy.
go for 15 >0 acres of land in one body, Our boy and girl have both
been saved by it from death
w ith a water-front. We have several of by croup. I know this is so, for
’em out here, and Mr. Pugh will probab­ when they were attacked in the
night I had a bottle in the closet,
ly satisfy bis customer.
and by acting quickly that fatal
The families of C. Grissen, O. H. malady was easily overcome.
Irvine and John Wortman returned We always give it to the children
the}' have a cough or cold,
Wednesday from camping on the when
and we would not be without it
Willamina. On the score of fishing for anything. My sister will
Bears the signature of C has . H. F letcher ,
Mr. Irvine just saved a shut-out—he <0*11 you also, if you ask her, that
The Chicago woman who recently
it is a medicine that can always
Ju use for more than thirty years, and
caught one little fish.
be depended upon for all the
offered a reward of $300 for her lost
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
The Southern Pacific is offering three troublesof the breathing organs.
pet poodle, and who has nA claimants
premiums on grains and grasses to be I tell all our neighbors about
<>l l€ <1.1 Kill «<; LIST
Acker’s English Remedy whenever I get a chance, and there arc plenty of peo­
for the prize, ie now inclined to fear
exhibited at tie Portland exposition; ple around Mechanicsville, N. Y., where I live, who would no more think of go­
the wiener wurst.
We have tqiecial arrangeiuenta with one of $100, one of $70 and one of $30, to ing to bed at night without a bottle of it in the house than they would of leaving
1 the following
leading publications, the counties making the best showing, their doors wide open. As I look at it, parents are criminally responsible when
I t is suggested by a cynic that w hereby we are aide to offer them in open to the slates of Oregon, Washing­ they allow their children to die under their very eyes with croup, because here
monster every time.”
Italy shows more interest in the safe connection with our own at exceedingly ton and Idaho. Mr. Wilcox is author­ is a certain remedy that will conquer the terrible (Signed)
M rs . F loyd F owler .
ty of her subjects in the United low rates, as follows: The R eporter ized to pay 5c a bundle for samples six
Acker's English Remedy Is sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee
that your money will be refunded in case of failure. 25c., 50c., ancl $1 a bottle in
inches in diameter, ent full length and
States than she does in the safety of aud
United States and Canada. In England, is. 2d., 2s. 3d., and 4s. 6d.
those in Abyssinia, perhaps for the
We authorize the above guarantee. IF. H. HOOKER & CO., Proprietors, New York,
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, semi-weekly......... 1.50 exposition by Sept. 1st.
The total ex-
reason that there is more money in 1 Rural Northwest, Portland, semi monthly... 1.25
For Sale by ROGERS BROS.
hibit from any county is limited to 50
the former.
Oregonian, weekly............................................ 2.00
McClure’s Magazine, monthly....................... 1.85 bundles of wheat, 50 of oats and 25 of al­
F rom Chicago comes the announc- Cosmopolitan Magazine, monthly................ 1.85 falfa or other grass. Here is a chance for
I The Weekly San Francisco (’all..................... 1.70
inent that more pianos have been j The Weekly New York Tribune....................... 1.25 Yamhill to make a showing and win a
priz.e, and it ought to be the first prize.
shipped west and southwest in the i Demorest’s Family Magazine........................... 1.75
past three months than in five years
of a high
_ order of in­
before. This looks as though the In the respect
telligence, upright character, courage
people of the west were able to in­ and patriotism, they have had no supe-
dulge in luxuries, and it tells a some riors in any army in the world, They
have deserved well of their state, well of
what different story from that with their
country. It now remains for the
which the country became so familiar people of Oregon, in our subsequent con­
duct toward these boys, in assisting to
during the dark days of Cleveland.
T he United States enters the Phil­
ippines with conditions favoring it
infinitely more than Egyptian condi­
tions favored England when she step­
ped in to rescue the country of the
Nile from the savage hordes and for
ces of barbarism, who had destroyed
all that former years of civilization
had accomplished. Under British
administration Egypt has made most
rapid progress.
The United States
can do as great work in the Philip
pines as England has done for the
natives of Egypt, and, in so doing
can benefit itself to a vastly greater
A Mother 'Tells lion she savotl Iler
l.ltlit! Haug lilt r*s I He.
O ne man agrees with Havemeyer,
and that is Colonel Bryan, who is a
confessed trust buster. Just how a
policy could be formed to meet the
views of the head of one of the most
audacious of the robber class of trusts
and Mr. Bryan is not quite clear.
Perhaps there is something in Have-
meyer’s philosophy Mr. Brvan does
not quite understand.—-Tacoma Led­
To ascertain whether the Pacific
coast is sinking into or rising out of
the ocean is the mission of Prof. G.
K. Gilbert, of the United States geo­
logical survey, who arrived in Seat­
tle lately. Prof. Gilbert will study
the coast line as far south as San Di­
ego, Cal. The data to be obtained
is for the protection of coast prop­
erty and will be of value to large en­
gineering enterprises.
“I t is a great price we are paying
for the Philippines," remarks onu of
the Boston tribe of Tagals. Here
we discover the misconception of a
low order of mind. In sending men
to Manila and pouring out treasure
to support the war, we are not pay­
ing for the Philippines—we are sup­
porting our own character for recog­
nition of duty, constancy in devotion
to duty, and courage to stand up un­
der onerous responsibilities. It is
for ourselves- for national honor—
that we are doing the work in the
------ ----------
R ecently the Mormon authorities
at Salt Lake have increased their
missionary force in the south. Af
ter the United States government
some years ago notified foreign gov­
ernments that it would resist the
importation to this country of polyg
uiiiists or of converts to Mormonism,
the Utah Mormons made a greater
effort in the southern states, in the
territories and in Mexico.
was agitation against them at once
in Mexico, and the United States
government asserted its authority
in the territories. Now it appears
that the hostility against Mormon­
ism has taken violent form in Geor­
gia, Kentucky and Tennessee,
doubt the reaent revelations as to
the practice of polygamy in Utah in
violation of law have much to do
with this fresh outbreak.
1 NcoMfK tent officers could not send
back to their homes after a busy cam
puign in the jungles, three regiments
One of the latest anti expansion
in as good condition as were the Ore
gon, Pennsylvania and Nebraska rumors is that a republican anti-ex
These regiments had the hardest part pansion ticket will be put in the field
in the Philippines, aud the fact that next year, headed by Geo Boutwell,
their combined mortality was less who was once secretary of the treas-
'hau 130, will enable them to dis­ uay. As the anti expansionist prop
prove the statements of yellow jour aganda in the republican party eon
nais that the war is a failure The sists of only a few followers of Bout
regiments have seen hard service, in well, the proposed ticket will not be
the line of a soldier's duties, which dangerous to republican success. It
the most of them doubtless counted is probably a plan of the antis to
upon when they entered the service frighten the present administration
B< t their general health and tine ap from its course. According to this
pcarance after their work is finished gossip, the new ticket is to be called
will show how well Otis lias guard's! the “continental republican," and
their health, secured them tiie vant though it is not believed that it will
age ground in fighting and preserved be p fosible to get ex-Speaker Reed's
consent to head the ticket, he is
them from disaster.
counted on as one of its most effective
T hkbi are expanaiouiaU uud ex- supporters.
The St. Cliairle« Store
liaitis tuake pasture, pasture butter­
price lower, 16c for eggs, $3.50 per doz..
for old chickens.We pay cash for veal,
chickens, eggs and dressed pork. Our
grocery business has grown beyond our
expectations. We give no baits, sell all
goods at a reasonable profit, making
some moneyand happy. It will pay you
to investigate the St. Charles. Cream­
ery butter on ice for sale all the time.
N. E. Keuo, Proprietor.
Offers you undoubtedly
The Best Shoes
lighten their burdens and smooth their
pathway through life, to show that we
are worthy of these heroes, and worthy
of the courage and sacrifice displayed in
our behalf.
In this conflict as in every deserving
enterprise, Gid Yamhill has been well to
the front. You have reason to be proud
Store lour Wheal
of your soldier boys. Let the monument
With the Atlas Milling Co., if you
in your public square be erected so high
and so promptly that it will attest, not want the highest price, as there will be
only their valor, but that you appreciate no charge for storage if the mill company
and honor, and are worthy of their glo­
buys the wheat. C. E. I>i kenfiei . ii ,
rious achievements.
—T hos . H. T ongvk .
General “Joe” Wheeler, while attend­
ing the Omaha Greater American expo­
sition the other day, met in the ranks
of the Third Nebraska regiment a man
who acted as his orderly during three
years of the rebellion. They had not
met since 186">.
There is only one genuine kodak and
that is the Eastman. Don’t be misled by
deceiving advertisements.
Win. F.
Dielachneider, the jeweler, handles the
Wheat 50c, oats 38c, baled hay, oats
and cheat $7, poultry $2 to $3 .00 per doz,
pork, dressed fie, live 3'._.e, bran 85c per
too lbs, Hour 7uc a sack, potatoes 1 \.c a
pound, prunes 8c, beef $2.23 to $3.25 per
100; blitter 25c(" 30, eggs 10c.
For the Money
Straw and Crash Hats,
Ladies’ Summer Underwear,
Lace Curtains, Laces, Ribbons,
In Misses’ and Boys’ Goods we have Clothing below competi­
tion. Working and fine shirts, extra Pants, Overalls and Un­
derwear, Cotton and Wool Sweaters. Just received a large line
of Window Shades.
'oTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned
Executrix of the last will and testament of
A. .1. Nelson, deceased, has ti led the final account
of her administration of the estate of said de-
<•• used, in the county court of Yamhill county,
Oregon, and said court bus appointed Saturday,
the 9th <iav of September, A. D. 1S99, at 10 o’clock
a. m. as the »lay and hour for the hearing of ob­
jections to said final account and the settlement
thereof Thervtorv all persons interested in said
estate are hereby notified and required to appear
in the county court room in McMinnville, in said
county, at said time, to show cause, if any there
be, why said account should not be settled, al­
lowed ami approved as prayed for therein, said
executrix discharged and said estate forever and
finally settled.
Dated August 11, 1899.
Executrix of the last will and testament of
A. J, Nelson, deceased.
Attorneys for the Estate.
Timber Land, Act June 3,1878
You Owe do ¡Nothing
Notice for
The Amen',
United States Land Office
of marriage is
Oregon City, Oregon, July 10. 1899.
always a baby.
rOTI(’E Is hen by given that in compliance
Without it,
with the provisions of the nut of congress
wedlock is a of Jun»-lh7s, »-utitled ‘‘An act for the sale of
summer field timber lands in the states of California, Oregon,
never Nevada, and W ashington Territory,“ as extend­
a ed to nil the public land states by act of August
D92. Harry stnrr, of Dayton, county of Yam­
tl over that •I,
hill, state of Oregon, has this day filedin this
never buds, a office his sworn statement No 3061, for the pur
night without chase ot the W' .j of
of Section No. 28 in Tp
stars, a sermon
No. 2 S. Kangv No. 7 W , and will offer proof to
without a ben­ show that the land »ought is more valuable for
ediction, a its timber or stone than lor agricultural purpos­
prayei without es, and to establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon
an Amen.
or., on Friday, the 27th day of October,
There never City,
1>»i9. He names as witne< e»: Win, W. carl ot
was a husband Carlton, Oregon, A. E. Cook of McMinns llle, Or­
worthy of the name, who did not aspire egon, Geo. h. Baxter and Nathaniel Stretch of
Dayton. Ore. Anvandall nelsons claiming ad-
to be the father and the grandfather of
healthy, capable children to hand down versMly the a bos e-dexril»« d lands are requested
ti le their claims in t his office on or before said
his name and the fortune accumulated by
the sweat of his brov, from generation to 27th day ot’ October, 1899. CHAS. B. MOORES,
generation. There never win a wife tit to
bear that noble title, who did not wish to
wear womanhood’s most glorious crown,
the sceptic of motherhood. Thousands
of wedded couples, otherwise liappv, fall
short of wedlock’s greatest happiness be
'OTK.'E I s hereby given that the undersigned
cause tin y are childless
In the majority
Executors <«f the last will and testament of
of cases, this is because the wife, through
A. i . I>a\is, deceased, have filed the final ac­
ignorance or neglect, suffers from weak
count of their administration of the estate of
tivss and disease of the organs distinctly ^aid »hceased, iu the County Court of
feminine. For women who stiffer in this Yamhill
sppointed Tuesday, Septem­
way there is one great medicine that does <onrt
ber'»th, A D. 1899, at ten o'clock a. m. as the
not fail to accomplish its purpose. It is day and hour for the hearing of objections to
Dr Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Tt acts said filial account anti the settlement thereof
directly on the delicate organs concerned Therefore all persons interested in said Estate
are hereby notified and required to appear in the
and makes them strong, healthy, vigorous,
County Court r»M>m in McMinnville, in said
virile and elastic. It allays inflammation,
heals ulceration, soothes pain and tout s county, at said time, to show cause, if any there
be, win said account should not be settled, al­
the shattered nerves It fits for wifehood
low ed and approved as prayed for iu said ac­
and motherhood. It quickens and vitalizes count, ami *.iid Executors discharged and the
the distinctly feminine organism. It ban
Estate forever and finally settled.
ishes the maladies of the expectant months
I’att tl August lih, A. D. 1891).
P. Q. D avis ,
anti makes baby’s introduction to the world
I.. T. D avis .
easy and almost painless. It insures the
Joint Executors of the Estate of A. C. Davis,
little new-comer’s health and nourishment
B iio DE s A R uopps ,
in plenty
It is the best supportive tonic deceased.
Attorneys for said Estate.
for nursing mothers.
Mrs Jennie Parks, af Marshall Spokane Co .
W <-h . writes ” “ I am glad to tell <»f
of the gcwxi
Dr Pierce’«
result* of \<»ur gre.»t midictite
Favorite Prescription.
iriptkm. I 1 was
wai l»enefitrd by your
---- . ;.t It gives me strength,
medicine in ctmunement
No 385T
I have no tired trettaff an<l niv hahy is the
picture of health I feel l»etter than I have m
ten years.”
In cases of constipation Dr. Pierce’s
Ph asant Fellcts “houhl be incd as an
adjunct to th» “Favorite Prescription. ”
the\ are extionu H sitnole pt rfvcllv n ttuial
anti insure prompt and oermatu nt relief
Paraffine Wax
Surplus *10,000.
Tr»n«»ct. a 'muerai Rankin. Buatnea.
Office Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
It H clean
tastr’rNA and adorteaa—air.
and ami pro f Get a poun-l cake of
It with a ItM of ft* many uwa
from your druewtster grocer.
foW everywhere Mad* hy
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists
The camping season is here.
Full Camping Outfits.
We have Tents and Camp Stoves.
Cameras and Photographic Supplies.
%u> Jail ótcck
Already Arriving.
I have ordered a Large Stock of New Furni­
ture for the Fall trade, much of it being already
here, and more yet to arrive. A specially large
supply of Bedroom Suits. The stock is more than
will go in my store room, and I am placing them
on display over the Racket store. Come and see us.
Yours Trulv,
II. (
Paid up Capital, $50,000
In erery h"«whoM.
Rubber and Leather Belting,
Compound Grease and Cups,
Oils of all kinds.
— McMinnville, Oregon.—
f— fruit* Rille*» pleklee or catsup ar*
more easily, more quickly, mora
healthfully aaalcd with IU fined
ParatHae wax than by any other
method. Doeena of other uwawill ba
I'or doing right. The druggist who desires to
grow in the confidence of his neighbors has no
other safe and sure way open to him. We sim­
ply solicit your patronage on the grounds of
pure drugs, rightly handled, at fair prices. On
this basis we have grown; on this basis we will
continue to grow. We are in business to make
money, but know full well that we must earn
your confidence before we can get your patron-
Seasonable Merchandise
National Bank
Acker'* Ik, *|»ep«ia Tablet« are ••!•
Yon can get a complete net of abstract
on a positive guarantee. Cores heart­
blanke at the Reporter office.
burn. raising of the food, distress after
eating or any form of dyspepsia. One lit­
tle tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts
anil 50 cts. For sale by Rogers Bros. 2
Hear, the »¡«nature of Caaa. H Fi.Tcauu
LEE I.Al(iHLI\. President.
J. L. ROGERS. t ice-President.
E. C. APPERSOy. Cashier
». S. LI.\K, AuJuut Cathitr.
for more than thirty yean, and
7\t Ktod
Have Ahaapi F.'agAl.
•• Marry»
Aug. 10—C. E. IMLashmutt and H»n-
n«h Robbins of Whiteson.
Ang. 16—Arthur McPbillipa and Mar
garrite Redmond of McMinnville.