The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, August 11, 1899, Image 2

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Henry Freuhaof, a young German,
killed himself in a.Port’land saloon.
Quo warranto proceedings were begun
OREGON to oust the mayor of Portland, Or.
An Eastern syndicate will build a
railway 252 miles in length in Mexico.
I Troops A, D and M, Third cavalry
will embark from Seattle for Manila.
The New York Sun is badly tied up
> bv the strike ol the printers and stereo­
Comprehensive Review of the Import­
The new Samoan treaty will not be­
ant Happenings of the Tast Week
Culled From the Telegraph Columns. come effective until ratified by the
Catholics anil freethinkers indulged
v The cotton duck trust is the latest in a riot in Spain and a number were
capitalization. (23,500,000.
It is said that Mexico's bad faith is
In a race riot five negroes and one
the cause of the Yaqui Indians' out­ white man were wounded at Green­
ville, 8. C.
North Mississippi valley corn and
During the examination of the secret
wheat suffered from hail and wind dossier the Dreyfus court will sit in
secret session.
The Charleston shelled the enemy on
Marshal de Campos, president of
the island of Cebu and compelled them the senate, predicts a ministerial crisis
to retreat.
in Spain in November.
The Standard Oil Company has suc­
An American is to be tried in Japan
ceeded in purchasing the iuterests of for murdering three people. It is the
its only competitor in Mexico.
first case under the new treaty.
Charles Franklin, a Portland man,
Dewey will next go to Genoa or Nice.
bas been appointed to an important po­ He refuses positively to discuss any
sition in the Philippine postal service. I public questions. He was banqueted
Zachert’e remarkable story asserting by the Italian vice-admiral.
that the Alaska boundary is outlined
President McKinley will be in Chi­
by monuments is not credited at Wash­ cago during the fall festival iu Octo­
ber, and will participate in the laying
The hospital ship Relief has arrived of the corner stone of the new federal
in San Francisco with 820 sick and building.
wounded soldiers on boaid. Two died
The London Times’ financial news
en route.
[ editor savs that the r.ew decree order-
The new bankrupt act is not popular I ing a gold standard for India seems a
in New York. Those taking advantage kind of owlish joke, since India is un­
of it have not leaciied near the expect­ I able to collect gold eave by borrowing.
ed number.
The returning Samoan commission­
While on a tryout the new Columbia ers say that an agreement to the pres­
broke her mast. When the accident ent form of government has been
occurred she was a mile in the lead of signed by the chiefs from all tribes and
the Defen ler.
factions, among whom there area num­
Dave Connell was shot and probably ber of intelligent men.
fatally wounded while trying to secuie
The situation in Santo Domingo is
miners in Colorado for the Coeur grave. Three thousand soldiers are
d'Alene country.
under arms to prevent an insurrection,
A tramp nt Independence, Kan., and armed steamers ate patrolling the
bas confessed to killing two farmers coast. The interior is reported quiet,
who had let him ride all day. He but business continues depressed.
•ays lie secured but (30 in money.
The heaviest batteries yet placed on
An American has a cinch on coal in any naval vessel in the world will be
the straits of Magellan, and patriotical­ carried by the Georgia, New Jersey
ly charged the Oregon (11 a ton for and Pennsylvania, the new battleships
supply when she made her long cruise. authorized by the last congress, if the
suggestions of Rear-Admiral O’Neil
Rumor says that William Waldorf are carried out.
Astor became a British Biibject in order
Bubonic plaluge lias made its reap­
to marry Lady Randolph Churchill.
His children also became subjects of pearance at Calcutta.
the queen.
Great Britain will increase her gar­
The political situation at Port au rison at Victoria quite materially.
Prince, Hayti, is causing anxiety and
The Mexican government, it is said,
numerous arrests have been made. has determined to exterminate the
The United States minister interfered Yaqui Indians.
in one instance.
The American and German repre­
United States Senator Hull, wtro has sentatives of the Samoan com mission
just returned from Alaska, says the have returned to San Francisco.
Hudson Bay Company paid Russia a
Officials at the Soldiers’ Home now
stated siii i for 10 years’ lease on the
same land now in dispute. This was believe they have succeeded in effect­
virtual recognition of ownership by ually stamping out the yellow fever.
By the collision of electric cars at
Russia, and the United States cannot
Saunderstown, R. I., the motorman,
now back down.
M. W. Abbey, was killed and one lady
The Belgian cabinet has resigned.
Uncle Sam is said to be negotiating
Toral and Pareja, who were on trial
for a coaling station neat Chile.
in Madrid for having surrendered
Distinguished Russians are in Chi­ Santiago to the Amer ¡cans, have been
cago to study American railway eerv acquitted.
Pension Examiner Benjamin H.
The returned volunteers are reported Snell brutally murered a 13-year-old
to be having u good lime in San Fran­ girl with whom lie had become infatu­
ated in Washington.
Ingersoll left no will. He consid­
Captain Dreyfus is again facing his
ered it uunessary, having confidence in accusers. 11s retrial began at Rennes,
the laws.
Fiance. There was no demonstration
The Northern Pacific and Great The prisoner was firm but pallid.
Northern are believed to be friends
At Biidgeport, Conn., 36 persons
once more.
were killed and a laige number in­
The gunboat Dolphin was injured in jured in a street railway accident. A
New York harbor by colliding with a trolley car diopped 40 feet into a mill
There line been a general advance in
Paris was visited by an electrical
the ptioe of lumber from 15 to 25 per storm and many buildings were slightly
cent since J illy 1.
injured and scores of trees destroyed.
Nine hundred employee of Morse's The lightning conductor of the Eiffel
shipyards, Brooklyn, want more pay tower whs struck ten times.
and have quit work.
A colored American citizen, a black­
I. L. Wilson killed Walter Cava­ smith, was mistaken for a Kaffir nt Jo­
naugh, a brother of hie sweetheart, iu hannesburg, South Africa, ami cruelly
maltreated by the police. The United
a saloon nt San Francisco.
States consul has taken up the matter.
A Filipino has sued an English mem­
Hon. John Goodnow, consul-general
ber of the Filipino junta at Hong Kong
of the United States at Shanghai, has
for (50,000 damages for libel.
rendered a decision, as refeiee in the
Mrs. E. B. Crocker has presented oonsular court, that will lesult in cut­
Sacramento lodge of Elks with het spa ting off Aguinaldo’s supply of aims ho
clous residence in that oity valued a, has been leeeiving from China.
A big river coal combine has been
A Christian Scient'st has Instituted completed at Pittsburg, Pa., and 96 of
proceedings against Mrs. Eddy and the 102 working coal mines along the
her followers for (125,000, alleging Monongahela river, together with a
criminal libel.
large number of steamers and barges,
Four were killed and six others bad­ will be merged into one concern.
ly injured near Boone. Ia., in a wreck.
At Juvisy, a suburb of Paris, two
The train jumped the track and all th«
fast trams collided and 17 persons were
cars went over the bank.
killed and 73 injured. The collision
Jurat'« Entwistle, Dewey's fleet en­ ocouurred during a thunder storm, and
gineer, has been raised to the grade of it is supposed that the electrical cur­
rear-admiral for excellent set vic« tn rent may have been responsible lot the
the battle of Manila.
defective signalling.
The remains of John Brown’s raiders
During the excitement attending the
will be taken from Harper's Ferry and •nival of battleships at Bar Harbor,
buired beside those of the their leader
Me., s crowded gangplank gave way
at North Elba, N. Y.
and 150 persons were precipitated into
Eliliu Root has taken the oath i of of- the water. Seventeen were drowned
floe He was congratulated by I Secre- and three died subsequently from in­
tary Alger, who prayed that God t would juries.
give him strength and bless him.
Admiral Dewey is paying the penal­
Two syndicates, one inclining th« ty of greatness. Curious crowds follow
richest and moat powerful men in Eng­ him wherever he goes and kodak fiends
land, the other representing the largest make life a burden to him.
financial interest, in the United (Rates,
Jerome Hall Raymoud. the new
have combined to build more Ilian president of the university of West
8,000 miles of railroad in China.
Virginia, was a news boy in his early
The ieport on the production of cop­ life.
per iu INWH has just been submitted to
The new geyser wh'ch recently broke
the United States geological survey by out before the Fountain hotel in Yel­
Special Agent Kirchhoff. The piodno­ lowstone National jttrk, has been named
tion in the United (Rates in that year “Dewey,” in honor of the hero of Ma­
was 620,876,591 pounds, which is by nila bay.
far the laigest pioduct ever tejiorted.
American. Mult Continue Fighting for
Every Foot of Ground They Hohl.
Electric Car With Passengers
Jumped the Track.
Four-Ton Motor Fell Forty Feet Upon
the Wrecked Car and Crushed the
Helpless Victims.
Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 8. — Nearly
40 persons wete killed by an accident
on the Stratford extension of the Shel­
ton Street Railway Company at 4
o'clock today, when a loaded trolley car
went off the trestle over Peck’s
mill|iond at Oronoque, about six miles
north of Bridgeport, and sank in the
flats 40 feet below. Thus far 86 per­
sons aie known to be dead, and several
more injured.
Only two persons are known to have
escaped unharmed. It is believed that
there were 43 passengers on the car, but
the indicator was removed by a con­
ductor of another car and spirited
away, so that at present it is impossi­
ble to eay accurately the number
The scene of the accident is midway
between Shelton and Bridgeport. The
car was northbound, running toward
Shelton, The trestle is 440 feet long,
made of iron, with stone foundations,
and was not protected by guard rails.
South of the tiestle is an incline down
which the car ran on the trestle for
about 10 feet, the trucks left the rails.
The car continued on the ties about 75
feet, when it went off the tiestle and
dropped into the pond below, overturn­
ing and completely upending.
When the car struck, the font-ton
motor and the heavy trucks crushed
into it, instantly killing many of the
passengers. Three physicians, who
were passengers on a car a short dis­
tance behind, arrived quickly and ren­
dered all possible assistance to the in-
Word was sent to Bridgeport and
three ambulances and a poliec wagon
were hurried to the scene, and the
injured were taken to Bridgeport gen-
eral hospital. A morgue was impro­
vised in the main room of the town
hall at Stratford, and in a very short
time 23 bodies were laid out awaiting
DiiiaNter to
Mount Desert Ferry,
Bar Harbor, Me., Aug. 8.—A score
of persons were killed today by the
collape of the gangplank of the Mount
Desert ferry. Seventeen were drowned
and three died from the terrible exper­
ience of immersion in the water and in­
juries while struggling for life.
The Maine Central today ran excur­
sions to Bar Haibor from all sections
of its line in Maine, the attraction be­
ing the warships which were expected
today. All the morning long trains
packed with excursionists were rushing
to Bar Harbor.
When the excursion from Bangor ar­
rived at the ferry there was a rush for
the steamer Sappho. The first few pas­
sengers had crossed the gangplank safe­
ly, and it is estimated that 200 people
were massed on the plank. Suddenly
they felt the plank give way, and a
struggling, screaming mass of human­
ity was plunged into the water, 15 feet
below the wharf. A few clung to the
inclined sides of the plank, but at least
150 were struggling in the water. The
piling of the wharf partially penned
them on thtee shies, and the boat lying
at the wharf closed the outer end of
the opening.
After the first moment of sttipetfac-
tion the work of rescue began. Ropes
and life preservers were thrown to the
crowd, but in the panic the people in
the water clutched one another and
many sank in groups in a death grip.
The exact number of dead will not be
known for some time yet, as a strong
tide sweeps under the pier, and the
bodies may have been carried away
away by it.
It Will Take th»* Mexican Government
a Long Time to Whip Thein.
Austin, Tex., Aug. 8. — A special re­
ceived here today from Terrazas, Chi­
huahua, Mexico, which is located near
the scene of the Yaqui uprising, is to
the effect that the Indians are arrang­
ing foi a prolonged war. The special
"It is going to take the Mexican gov­
ernment a long time and a big force of
troops to queil the rebellion. The
Yaquis are better prepared now than
ever before for a long and bloody cam­
paign. They ate all well fixed finan­
cially, nearly all of them having saved
the (200 per head which the Mexican
government paid them when they
signed the treaty of peach two y ea i s
ago. They hate been making ■ Ince
then, too. and it is known to be a fact
that they have been laying in big sup­
plies of aims and ammunition for some
time past. It lias been common talk
among the American prospectors in the
Yaqui vall ’y that the Indians were pre­
paring for another outbreak, but as the
braves bad always shown a friendly
spirit toward the Americans, it was
thought they would not molest them
when they did go on the war path.
They ar« determiner) to recover all of
tlieii lost country, however, and will
kill everybody tliev find within the
limits of their old possessions.”
The special also reports that a num­
ber of miners and ranchers in ami
near Cocori had been slain and their
property laid waste.
Señor Giulhin aavs that Hereaux’s
massi nation was essential tu delivery
jf country from <1«S|>otism. He also
rave that the murdered president was
s friend of Spain in the lata war.
Chicago, Aug. 7.—The Tribune’s
special correspondence from Manila un­
der date of June 20, says: The next
campaign can haidly begin soonei than
November, although the country may
dry up enough towards the middle of
October to permit the American troops
to take the field then. The American
army during the rainy season can
nardly be expected to do anything more
than hold what it has gained and pre­
pare for the next campaign. Tlia
ground to defend is not very great.
On the south of Manila we have
Imus, about 15 miles away, where th«
Fourth and Fourteenth infantry, with
several guns from the Sixth artillery,
are stationed.
Thia territory was
gained within tne last two weeks by
the hard fighting at Paranaque, at
which even the rattle of the rifles can
be heard in Manila. We hold the road
that runs to Imus through Paranaque
and Bacoor, every inch of which was
gained by hard fighting.
Northwaid the farthest point in the
control of our soldiers is San Fernando,
41 miles from Manila, on the railroad.
The railroad is 149 miles in length in
all, but the insurgents control all the
track between San Fernando and Da-
gupan, the northern terminal of the
road. The Americans hold Canadaba,
east of San Fernando 10 miles. They
hold all the towns along the railroad,
of course, to San Fernando and Ba-
liuag, seven miles east of Pulrlan.
Reports continually come from Ba-
liuag that the town is entirely sur­
rounded by the enemy and is about to
be carried by assault. But Colonel
Page and the Third infantry have so
far driven the rebels back with disas­
trous loss every time they have assault­
ed the town, and he declares he can
hold it for an indefinite time, although
hie position there is by no means an
easy one. Supplies and mail can only
be carried over to Baliuag from the
railroad under an escort of not less
than 150 men, who are invariably at­
tacked some where along the road, both
going and coming.
At San Fernando two determined at­
tacks along the whole rebel line were
made last week. The second engage­
ment lasted three hours, when the in­
surgents were driven back with heavy
osses. Bullets fly continually over
both places and stray bullets frequently
find victims.
Heavy shipments of arms are said to
be constantly arriving from Japan and
Australia and, it is said, even from
our own country. Cartridges picked
up in the insurgents trenches bear the
trade mark of a big manufacturing
firm in the United States. The insur­
gents have three factories where they
manufacture cartridges and other mu­
nitions of war. If tiiey were kept on
the run they would have no time so
to equip themselves that they could re­
turn after defeat, better able to fight
than they were before.
They are learning things every en-
counter with the Americans. The pa-
pers in Manila liave continually re-
ferted to the fact that the rebels weie
prone to shoot too high, and they
seemeu finally to have learned the les­
son and now they are getting their
shots well down and showing a great
improvement in marksmanship.
The few Americans who came over
to Manila a week ago Tuesday on the
Elmeralda from Hong Kong were as­
tonished a few houri after sunrise when
their ship had steamed out to quaran­
tine, to hear heavy cannonading from
the monitor Monadnock, which was in
plain sight down the coast about five
miles below Manila. Some of the pas­
sengers thought it was some sort of
salute in honor of the arrival of some
distinguished naval or army hero and
they eagerly questioned a soldier who
sat on the stern of the health officer’s
“That,” said the young man. “that's
nothing. That's just a battle.” It I
was some time before the passengers
could believe the Americans and insur­
gents were fighting within eight and
sound of Manila, where the war had
started six months before. The battle
raged all day and at 4 o'clock in the
afternoon the rattle of small arms could
be distinctly heard, and late in the
evening the health officer told us the
fighting had been at l’aranaque.
Had Decided to Abdicate Hl« Throne—
Reason for Del Casae’t Visit.
London, Aug. 7. — M. de Blowitz, the
Baris correspondent of the Times, gives
an extraordinary explanation of M.
Del Casse’s present mission. He as­
serts that it was decided upon quite
suddenly for a "reason which admitted
of no delay,” and then gives the story
which he says he has from a “source
to which 1 am bound to attach import­
ance.” This is the explanation:
''Emperor Nicholas is disappointed
and tired of the throne. The absence
of an heir excites his enperstititious
feeling, ami he connects himself with a
Russian legend, according to which an
heiress czar is to bo succeeded by a
Czar Michael, predestined to occupy
The death of the
czarowitch and the failure of the con-
ference at The Hague led him to decide
to abdicate, and on tbe occasion of his
corning visit to Darmstadt. On this
becoming known in Pairs. M. Del
Casse was sent in hot haste to dissuade
him fioin carrying out this intention.
Dewey In Napl»«.
Naples. Aug. 7.—The United States
oruiser Olympia, with Anidiral Dewey,
on board, arrived here this morning.
As the cruiser entered the port, salutes
were exchanged.
Logansport, Ind., Aug. 7. — The boil­
er of a fast freight engine on the Pan­
handle road exploited near Winim.TO
early this morning. Engineer Knight,
Fireman Soule and Brakeman Ruff
were terribly injured.
Soul« will
probably die.
Mexican Sorcere.» Believed to Have In­
cited Bed Men to Blot.
St. Louie. Aug. 9 —A speical to the
Republic from El Paso, Tex., says.
Were Sant • Teresa, the Mexican woman who
lias long been revered as a saint by the
Mustered Out.
natives of Chihuahua and Sonora, and
who is believed to |>o8Bese the power of
healing the sick by the laying on of
hands, is believed to be more or less
responsible for the present outbreak
among the Yaqui Indians.
General Summers in His Farewell Tall
George Harold, an old Texas ranger,
to the Troops Gave Them Whole*
now a policeman of El Paso, says that
some Advice.
he is confident that Santa Teresa is re­
sponsible foi the outbreak. Harold is
San Francisco, Aug. 9.—They are one of the officers who rounded up the
citizens now, and the gallant Second ringleaders that raided the Mexican
Oregons are no more. The men who customhouse at Palomas, Chihuahua,
took up the burden over a year ago for a few yeais ago.
“Santa Teresa,” he said, ‘‘was im­
their nation and their Oregon today
saw their release. It was a day of jol­ plicated in that rebellion, which was
crushed in its incipiency. Every rebel
lification and excitement.
Each man received his discharge pa­ captured on this side of the line had
pers from the mustering officer and a picture of the woman in his posses­
passed on to the paymasters, who gave sion, and on the back was inscribed
each soldier what money was due him. one of her prayers.”
After the Palomas raid the Mexican
There have been none of those terri­
ble thrashings promised non-coms and government made an effort to appre­
officers, nor even an example of that hend her, as she was looked upon as a
mild revenge, blanket-throwing. Offi- dangerous character. She escaped to
cres and men were glad their term was El Paso, however, an.l remained here a
over. They joined in the final cere­ year or more. While here she was
monies with feelings of regret at part­ I visited by thousands. About a year ago
ing and evidences of pleasure at getting the woman disappeared from this lo­
cality and it afterwards turned out that
back to civil life.
General Summers gave each of the she had gone to Sonora, and had taken
battalions a farewell address that called up her abode in the edge of the Y’aqui
forth tremendous cheering. He re­ villages, where she was safe from mo­
called the faithfulness with which the lestation by the Mexican government.
It is believed she incited the Yaquts
men had obeyed him at times under
most trying circumstances, and the to revolt. The woman is described as
mutual trials.
He most cordially frail and delicate looking. She un­
thanked all for support and considera­ doubtedly possesses great magnetic
tion at all times. The general closed powers. Harold ami others are confi­
with the statement that he felt most dent that her presence in the Yaqui
closely bound to them all, and he i country had a great deal to do with
wanted them to feel he would ever be tiie uprising now assuming alarming
willing to afford assistance to mem­ proportions.
bers of his old command.
He cautioned them not to do any­
thing in the short time that remained
before they are finally disbanded to re­ Savages of Balbabac Captured a Light­
house. But Were Itoiited.
flect on the excellent record they have
made, and also to be on the lookout
Washington, Aug. 9.—The following
that no one should take undue advan­ dispatch was received from Admiral
tage of them. General Summers, who Watson, in command of the Asiatic sta­
is very popular, was enthuiastically tion:
cheered by the men of his command.
“Secretary Navy: Nazro, the com­
He asked the members of the regi­ mander of the Manila, on July 7 re­
ment, so far as was possible without established the lighthouse at Cape Mel­
inconvenience to themselves, to follow ville, Balabac, Philippine islands, and
the colors until finally delivered to the hoisted the flag with appropriate hon­
governor. This he asked as a personal ors. July 13, on his return, 13 Moros,
favor, and the request will hold many under arms, were found to be in pos­
for the special train tomorrow after­ session of the lighthouse. The land­
noon who would have straggled home. ing party, commanded by Ensign E. L.
Each of the three majors gave their Bissett, encountered resistance. No
battalions faiewell talks. A desite casualties in our party. Loss in killed,
was expressed to know the boys in civil one officer and one man of the enemy;
life more intimately than was possible Diegago Manilo, chief of the Balabac
under military regulations.
Motos, was killed, and seven men
Chaplain Gilbert was male the hap­ taken prisoners; two escaped. The
piest man in camp by an evidence of chief of the party was very unpopular
the regard in which he is held by the with the people of Ba'abac owing to
men, in the form of (200 as a library fear of him. The light bas been re­
fund. The little, tender-hearted chap­ stored. The Manila has landed a force.
lain, who has buiied the fallen com­ The Charleston is on her way to Bala­
rades, often taking hold of the spade bac, and will render all assistance pos­
himself, is universally esteemed, and sible.
says he prizes the affection of the men
The island of Balabac. the scene of
more than any past favor. There were the brush with the Moros, detailed in
swarms of sharpers and scheming men Admiral Watson’s dispatch, is situ­
about, but no undue disturbance, ated southeast of the island of Pala­
Cheers resounded from every quarter, wan, which is the most westerly of the
Favorite officers were cheered anJ Philippine islands, and directly west
cheered again. Many­ partings were of the island of Panay.
touching, although t^e light-hearted
soldier is uot often deeply moved, All
are anxious to arrive home.
Nebraska’s band and the Utah light Dewey Wanted to Capture the City a
artillery have kindly offered their serv-
Quarter of a Centuty Ago.
ices to escort the members on t lie
Washington, Aug. 9.—An interest­
march from the Presidio tomorrow. ing historical fact dating back to 1873,
AT. are expected to assemble there at 1 has come to light, in which Admiral
P. M., after which the match will be Dewey was the cenflal figure. Dewey,
immediately taken up.
then a commander, was in command
The three specials bearing 730 mem­ of the United States ship Narragansett,
bers of the regiment as a body, leave, on the Asiatic station, having taken
the first at 3:30. another at 4, and the charge of the vessel March 1, 1873.
last at 4:30. Other members of tbe The vessel was on surveying duty when
regiment are now on their way, while the Virginies trouble was precipitated,
the rest will leave within the next few and a war with Spain seemed immi­
nent. Commander Dewey wrote to the
Fortunately, at the last moment the navy department requesting that in
18 hospital corps men learned that case of war he should be assigned to
they would get their discha'ges about the duty of capturing Manila. The
as soon as the regiment. Their finals peaceful settlement of the controversy
will be cashed early tomorrow, enabl­ with Spain avoided the necessity of
ing them to return with the command. hostile demonstration, hat the inter-
esting fact is that the doughty officer
.Motorman nt Ill-Fated Car Charged had his eye on Manila over a quarter
of a centmy ago. A seaich will be
With Manslaughter.
Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 9.—An open made for the letter in the files of the
trolley-car of the Shelton Extension navy department ami if found it is ex­
Company, twisted, bent and smashed pected an effort will be made by the
almost into kindling wood, lying in citizens committee to have it repro­
the middle of Peek’s mill pond at Oro­ duced as a souvenir of the reception to
noque, about six miles north of here, be tendered Admiral Dewey upon his
this morning, is the only visible indi­ arrival here.
cation of the frightful accident of yes­
Fight for Steelheads.
terday, when 29 lives were lost and
Astoria, Aug. 9. —The fight for
about a dozen people seriously injured
by the car tumbling off the trestle steelheads is still in progress, and the
which crosses the pond at tliis point. buyers for Trescott and Alter were re­
All sorts of theories have been ad­ ported to be paying 12 cents last night,
vanced regarding the cause of the acci­ and willing to go as high as 16 cents.
dent. Enigneer Starr who superin­ Very few are being caught, so not
tended the building of the bridge, to­ much money is being paid out. The
day said it was perfectly safe in every run of chinook salmon bas fallen off
In his opinion, after a considerably, and the quality is not as
thorough examination, the motorman good as it has been.
became bewildered as the car com­
E.capeil From Lynching Party.
menced to travel fast down the incline,
and finding himself in a dangerous sit­
Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 7.—John
uation, lost his head and turned the Thomae, a negro charged with attempt­
current on instead of reducing it.
ing to assault the wife of a prominent
George Hamilton, the moturman of citizen of Cuba, Ala., was surrounded
the ill-fated car, was arraigned in the in a swamp last night by a lynching
Stratford justice court tonight, charged crowd and wounded during a running
with manslaughter. He pleaded not fight He finally managed to escape
guilty and the case was continued for with the posse in hot pursuit. He
one week. The prisoner’s bail was wounded several of hie pursuers.
fixed at (2.000, which he furnished.
Strike on In Earnest.
The Mount lle.ert Catastrophe,
New York, Aug. 8.—The composi­
Bar Harbor. Me., Aug. 9.—A careful tors and etereotvpera of the New York
examination by divers in the vicinity Sun, 120 in number, who went on a
of Mount Desert ferry slip, the scene strike Saturday night, were still out
of yesterday's accident, and investiga- tonight. The press and composing-
ion on shore seems to indicate that rooms were in darkness, but the editor­
.lie 20 victims leported last night are ial room presented the usual appear­
ill who perished as a result of the ance. The Sun appeared thia morning
satastrophe. Mr. Southard, of Bangor, with only eight pages, four in its news
alio was seriously injured, is not like- section. Li an editorial, the Sun of
y to lecover. and two other persona this morning says that it may be im­
it« suffering from pneumonia. Others possible for the paper to be publisileJ
mured ate iu a favorable condition.