Quality Never experiment with so important an article as the human food It is the high quality of Roval Baking Powder that has estab­ lished its great and world-wide reputation. Every house- wife knows she can rely upon it; that it makes the bread and biscuit more delicious and whole­ some—always the finest that can be baked. It is economy and every way better to use the Royal, whose work is always certain, never experimental. Poultry Keeping. Th? I.nngslian fowl, as its name Would signify, is of Chinese origin. Langshan is in tlie northwest of China, and has long been noted lor its tine fowls. Some years ago th.se fowls were imported into this continent and Immediately became popular. They are large bodied, of heavy, solid build, and wholly black in color. The legs are short and feathered to the toes. They lay light brownish colored eggs, rather under sized, as compared with the largest; are extremely hardy, with­ standing extreme cold easily; are excel­ lent mothers, and are easy to control. Their flesh Is very white and clear, al­ most semi-transparent, and tender and A Romaiico of Ileal life. Fancies in Shirt-Waist«. The really swell thing is the pure white silk or satin shirt-waist made in the greatest simplicity of Btvle, and is worn with a black skirt of net. White shirt-waists in notion goods have the preference, many being of fine lawn, tucked all over in bias or straight-up- and-down or round-and-round tucks. The severe linen waist of white, with cuffs and collar, is wern with the tailor gown having a cutaway jacket in bolero style. Some of the uew waists show a cutaway at the neck, having fancy collar and revers with which are worn fancy colored or white chemisettes.— Woman’s Home Companion. MBking Sure of Him. "I think,” said tlie thoughtful mother, “that you ought to object to young Brown paying so much attention to our daughter. ” “Why?” demanded the thoughtful father. “He impresses me very favor­ ably.” “That’s just it,” returned the thoughtful mother. “We must do something to make his ambitious moth« er think we regard ourselves a little above them socially if we are to make sure of him.”—Chicago Post. A New Dodge for Summer. Clerk—Are we going to use the sea serpent this summer? Proprietor—I think not. I have a better scheme than that. I shall ar­ range to'have bottles washed up on the The Irony of Fat®. beach every day, each one containing "Do yon see that pale young man a message ftom some arctic, explorer. calling out ‘Cash I' at the ribbon — N. Y. Journal. countei ?” Trouble Enough. “Yes.” Wheeler—I tell you a bicycle is a “Fate’s awful funny sometimes. Ten years ago, when we were boys to­ great thing to take your mind off your gether, his one ambition was to be a troubles. I find it invaluable. Walker—Nonsense! What troubles mighty hunter and catch lions with a have you got? lasso. ”—Tit Bits. ‘‘Well, the installment man comes around every week to collect the pay­ ments on my wheel.”—N. Y. Journal. Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at Your Grocers PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Fence and Wire Work«. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS: WIRE and iron fenchic; office railing, etc. 3M Alder. .Machinery and Supplier. CAWSTON A CO.; ENGINES, BOILERS. MA- chinery, supplies. 4A-5O First St., Portland, Or. The illustration, reproduced from the Country Gentleman, shows a contri­ vance for dipping sheep which is made as follows: A two-inch pine plank, held together by bolts across the ends, outside; joints put together with white lead. One end is inclined, so that the sheep may be drawn upon the draining table, B, which has slats upon the top, so as to permit the fluid to run back into the tub. This box is half filled with dipping fluid. Two men turn a sheep upon its back, lift it by its legs and head and submerge its lardy. A third man should stand on the opposite end of the box to assist in keeping the sheep under for a minute or so while ALL KINPS The “corpse” questioned the coron­ er’s jury at a recent inquest in Mary­ land. Proceedings to determine the cause of death had just begun, when the subject awoke from the trance in which he had lain and asked what it was all about. BOX FOB DIPPING. the wool is soaked to the skin. The , animal Is then drawn upon the drain- ' Ing table, and the wool pressed by hand 1 to force out as much fluid as can read­ ily Ire. The sheep is then lifted to the ground. Meantime, one of the two men first named has another sheep ready for its turn. Sour Stomach ...TATUM A. BOWEN... 29 t. 36 First Street FORTLANO OR. CAN DY K JOHN POOLE, P oittlasd , Ortraow, can give you the best bargain, in general machinery, engines, boil< rs. tank«, pumps, plows, belts and winottiilla. The new •teel IXL windmill, »old by him, is un­ equalled. EPWARP HCGHE8; MACHINERY AND vehicles: send for cat*-*K'ie. 1 rent St. Wholesale Drogai.!. and Photographie * II ppi lea. BLl’MATEB-FRANK T’RCG CO. 144 AND 146 Fourth Street, Portland. Oregon. Rupture treated scien­ ti ficai 1 y and confidenti al­ ly. CsrwsMms M4AM a. H. WOO da KU A CO. 10« lecthd St. Pa ttand. CATHARTIC taoavuw TWA DI MARK Wgdirrgwto Ants Killin« I’ltim Tree. i I I | | \ I i , ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... I Sferttag k»w»Sy C«e»io. (>»••<•. Waatreal. Sew fact. 511 Pleasant. Palatable Potent. Taste Good. De Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe 10c. X»c.90e. MA Tfl DAP HU« | U'DAU Bold and guaranteed by all draw- Csia to bed, and was on Hie verge of St. Vitus'dance. It was a pttthil case A’hich medical science failed to conyuer. Finally a doctor prescrib­ ed Dr. Williams’ Pink Pi Ha for Pale People. Iler father aaidi • We began giving the pills nt once, end tbe next day we could st-e a change for the Letter in her. We ga e her one pill after each meal until she W uh entirely veil. She lias not been sick a tiny since. We think tbe cure almost m Iruculuus. ••F rank T ucker . Mrs. F.T uckkr ." Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Tucker, being duly sworn, state t hat the loregoing is true io every particular. H ugh J ohnson , Jutfice o/ the Peace. P'rom the Jtcpublican, I’ersailtet, Jnd- OU2 Dr Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are never sold by the doran or hundred, but always in packages At all druggists, or direct from the Dr Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady. N. Y.. 50 cents per box, 6 boxes $2.50. ...GO EAST... VIA - MILKING STOOL AXD PAIL HOLDER. An offer of $23,000 for three orchid 1 hold the vessel at an angle to facilitate exhibited nt the Atwerp horticu Itui the milking operation. show has been refused by the owner of the flowers. Applicition of Fertilizers. Better results are obtained with for- tlllzers When rains are plentiful, for tbe reason that the amount of water re­ quired to dissolve fertilizers is large «lull tlie applications are heavy. It may at times be noticed that small quantities of fertilizer were as bone- tidal as larger quantities ou other plots and ou the same kind of crop. This re- suit Is due to the fact that a portion of tlie fertilizer was not dissolved on those plots where heavy applications wore made, but tlie proportion remain­ ing In tlie soil will be of service tlie suc­ ceeding season. Farm ••After I was Induced to try RETS. t will never be without them In MACHINERY. cept on prescriptions from reputable physi­ cians, as the damage thev will do is ten fold to gists, 10c, 25c, 50c. For Dipping ■ h-ep. Ladies Can Wear Shoe« One size smaller after using Allen’s Foot- Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and cal­ lous spots. Alien’s Foot-Ease is a certain cure for ingrowing nails, sweating, smart­ ing. hot, aching feet. We have <30.000 testi­ monials. All druggists and shoe stores sell it. 25c. Trial package FREE by mail. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. CABCA- the house. My liver was in a very bad shape and my head acned and I bad stomach trouble Now sw*'e tak­ ing Caacareta. I feel fine My wife basalso used them with beneficial results for sour stomach " Jos. K kihling , iv21 Congress St . bt Louis. Mo. The Fruits for Home Use. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK The duchess of Arcos was Virginia Woodbury Lowery, of Washington, D. C. A distinguished ancestor, Daniel Woodbury of New England, once held the position of secretary of the treasury, under Jackson, and was afterwards justice of the supreme court. Mont­ gomery Blair, a cabinet officer during the administration of Lincoln, was of the same family. The romantic courtship of the duke and duchess of Arcos began over 20 years ago. At that time he was young Count Brunetti, of the Spanish legation in Washington, an under secre­ tary, whose admiration for the beauti­ ful Miss Lowery resulted in an engage­ ment, to which the parents objected on aocount of the youth of their daughter, and the fact that Count Brunetti was appointed to a remote South American poet, where months were required to ■end a communication. Tire engagement was of 20 years’ duration, and Count Brunetti in that time inherited estates and a title in Spain. When he returned to Wash­ ington he found Miss Lowery even more beautiful in her maturity than when he had left her. Mrs. Lowery, who was an invalid, died shortly before the wedding of her daughter, which occurred in August, 1895, at the sum­ mer home of the family in New Lon­ don, Conn., and was quietly celebrated. —Harper’s Bazaar. cflCCfdS SaMafrtriflg good you can possibly derive from them. Fruits sometimes sell at a low price the Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. I. and do not pay, but the same may be Cheney & Co., Toledo, ()., contains no mercury, is taken internally, acting directly upon said of all crops. The farmer, how­ ami the blood ami mucous surfaces of the system. ever, is usually not a fruit grower (ex­ In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure yoti get, the genuine. It is taken internally, and made cept of app’esi, mid strawberries, rasp­ in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testi­ monials free. berries and blackberries are never cul­ Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. tivated. Whether grown for market or Mali’s Family Pills are the best. not, such fruits should be produced ou Tlie good Dean Swift once said: I every farm by way of variety and for home use. The luxuries can be pro­ never knew a man come to gieatnofis or duced more easily by farmers than can eminence who lay abed in the morn­ the regu ar crops of grain. It takes ing. _____ two or three acres of wheat to buy tlie CITQ Permanently Cured. No tits or nervousness 110 h her first day’s use of Dr. Kline's Great produce that can be derived from a • Nerve Restorer. Send for FltKK RP4.OO trial quarter of au acre of small fruits aud bottle and t realise. D .It. H. KLINE, Ltd.. VJU Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. vegetables. I.ANOSHA.V FOWL«. At the railway atationa in Russia The Modern Milkins rtoo1. sweet in flavor. If this breed were bet­ The cow cannot kick over tlie milk books are kept in which passengers may ter known It would doubtless become pail where this invention is used, says enter any complaint they may wish to very popular. The lien is a very good an exchange. Besides offering a se­ make. nurse, and is large enough to rear fif­ curity for the milk it also affords a seat Remember that you can buy Jesse Moore teen in a brood with ease. for the miiker. The idea, which is A. A. Whiskey for tlie same price that is paid for ordinary whiskey. For sale by all clearly shown in the cut, consists of au UrsX'luss dealers and druggists. Farm Telephone. 1 have a line connecting my residence ordinary oblong tour-legged bench of Dr. Rogers, of the Northwestern Uni­ with tenant house, distance as run over Bufficieut size to permit au opening in one and one-lmlf miles, says a writer in its top to receive the bucket. This versity, claims that there ate 17 bogus the Farmer’s Advocate; one-half this opening has slanting walls, so as to degree-conferring “colleges” iu Chi­ cago. distance I simp y connect with ord nary barb wire feuce, part of balance of Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth­ ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their way with a barb wire running loosely children during the teething period. over an old rail fence, the balance through wo ds and across roads and Some men are so vain. A man in gateways on a No. 12 wire nailed to St. Louis went into deep mourning for trees, etc., not an insulator or bracket hie mother-in-law because ire thought on the line. Simply stapled to posts, black was becoming to him. trees, etc. The phone is similar to Piso’s Cure for Consumption Iras saved Blake, but cost me some less. Have me large doctor bills. -C. I,. Baker, 4228 had line in daily use over fourteen Regent Sq., Philadelphia, l’a., Dec. 8, '95, months and not a cent for repair, save ----------------------- -— renewing battery material occasional­ Several towns near Boston are to ly. Has never failed to work, no mat­ have steam motor omnibuses soon to ! ter how hard the weather, save for a run in streets where there are no cars short time, when one battery froze up. at present. We had to take it off, and then found I’lles of Pitln. that we had yet a pretty fair service Many kinds of piles -¡tubing, bleeding—nil with battery on one end only. Would painful, terrible tortures, but »re all quickly cured by Cascaret« Candy Cathartic. All drug­ not do without it for ten times the cost. There are many imitation baking powders, made from alum. They may cost less per pound, but their use is at the cost of health. . Still More Counterfeiting. sol! has been made coiu by ueu»y rslns. nnnri sriioot, Part of the effect of commercial fertil­ Menlo Park. San Mateo Co.. Cal., necred- ' Tlie Secret Service has just unearthed band of counterfeiters, und se­ izers on corn is due to tlie fermentation lied at tlie Universities. Location, climate. | anoiher cured a quantity of hogu» lulls, which »re careful attention to Mental. Moral and which they create. This warms the and very cleverly executed. Things of great Physical tndninv. places lioitt's uiuong ' sic! and supplies It with some available the foremost soi.ols for Boys on the value are always selected for imitation, nitrogen. Cultivation helps to change Coast.—S I C'. ., i'rincipul. It lets warm air iuto tlie soli, and this and constipution. warmth sets into fermentation all tlie l>H«e pre­ ferred. The kind of food that is most serviceable in winter is uot suitable for summer. Although timothy hay Is ¡»referred for horses ami clover for cows, yet clover bay that lias been cut Just as tbe heads were b g lining to turn brown, : nd will' b lias been Well cured. Is much more nutritious than timothy, ami the horses will show a preference for It. I Badly cured clover liny, however. Is distasteful to horses more titan to cows. Should the melons tie slow in grow­ ing apply a »mull qlirtit ty of nitrate of soda around each lull and chop It in with tlie hoe. For beans use a mixture of one pint nitrate of soda and two parts muriate of potash. One of the boot modes of forcing cabbages to grow 1» to hoe tbem after each rain or culti­ vate so as to have the soil loose and the ground clear of weeds and grass. The effect of clearing away the for­ ests la damaging to crops, not that the presence of forests < a uses rainfall, but because they regulate the flow of water. There Is less evaporation near forests, aud tlie water does not flow away so rapidly nor cause streams to overflow at some periods, w hile dry at others. Tlie trees serve as wind- I breaks, thus preventing tbe drying of the soil by warm winds during period« of drought. nrilfrv’f ,h‘‘ world’* greatest llrWrl tl,‘ro' bv Moral Hal« ULULI sten«!. Agents Wauled. Only Ouùlt F ree. S. C. KILL IR. 5 Won. St.. Cnicap. An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, S trup or Flos, manufactured by the C alifornia F ig S yrup C o ., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa­ tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to tlie taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa­ tive, cleansing tlie system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet prompt ly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per­ manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub­ stance, and its acting on tlie kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but tlie medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and Other aromatic plants, by a method known to the C alifornia F io S yrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of theCoinpany printed on the front of every package. Moore’s Revealed Remedy purifies tlie blood, give« It health and richness —it cures backach.», nervouane>f, tired feeling, bearing down pain«, etc., etc. It never fails. $1.1X1 per bottle at your druggist's. DR. If ARTET-’fl ROOE, R elief for Women" Sont A-re. in 1'laJn, rnvnlope. Wrt8S today for thia Book.c< ritwining Parttcqi Ian and Tmumoniala of D1L MARTEL’S French Female Pills. >*raii»ed by thousand« of aati-fied 1& «tion andPrevent Hiliouanoaa. !>« not Gripe orBIcken. TororiTlnce rou . we will mail «ample free, or full boi for 25« . I»lt. IKRANKU CO., P!illa«ln., Hnuu»». Hold by Druggist«. CURE YOURSELF! I Rig w for unnatural diacharfe«, influrumarn na. Irritation« ur ulceiafi«>n< of in urouii ni*i«brao«*St Painb-M« and not aatriiM gent or potaonou«. Mold toy l»ravviata. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. BY. NEW YORK, N. Y. For sale by all Druggist!.—Price 50c. per bottle. «'.¡PENSION CLAIMAMT Writs to NA BICKFuRJ. Washington. 0. C.. they «Ili r«. ceive quic ■ replie«. R Mli N. H. Vol». Htaff 20lh Corps. Prosecuting claims since It’S. P 1rs arw '• irsi by Or. loianko'i Rileftemedy Stope Itcbme and bl»cdtng A b« r’»a t u ra-ira tre g Jar »t df'HM'rtiir »m t i.f níil rr-at ise free Write ■IS «boatjuur case. UK BoHINKU, Pbiiada.,Pfe YOUNG MEN! For fb>n'»rrh ■iene« and detention from biixinr«*. I’RiiIng •alo by ali reIlaide druggieta. or arnt prepaid by axptaaa püuaiy «rapped, on receipt of prW. hy t P A f c h £ n 1C AL CO., flL Circular a adrd on raquert. N. P. N. V. NO. ÏO-’I». u*8 writlog to odv.rtl»«» plow»« m.otlvn thl» pa*or. W