The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, July 21, 1899, Image 4

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    A project is on foot to establish a
negro colony on Long Island. A
tract of land will be bought in Suf
folk county and a colony of blacks
from the south will found a town.
No whites will be allowed to acquire
property in the new town.
I n Salem and The Dalles the moon
is expected to furnish lights for the
streets during the summer. Here
in McMinnville we do not depend on
any such uncertain system, but
rather upon the best electric light
ing plant in this section of Oregon.
A i . l through the small towns of
the cast the county fair and atten­
dant horse races have given way to
the annual street fair which is more
profitable uud more interesting. The
plan is for the main business street
to be made into a fair of exhibits,
the merchants using their side walks
for displaying unusually novel goods,
and the street is the sidewalk. Var-
ious games and other attractions
serve to attract a crowd each day.
ports steaming up the Willamette
>xopi;w i - i . i.
and unloading the boys at the state
capital. The Statesman, in a fling
The farmers have commenced binding
of well-flung sarcasm says that G I their grain.
the only proper place for the muster- Rev. Elwood Armstrong and wife
out of the Oregon regiment, and I have returned to their home at Beaver.
Born, to the wife of Dr. Bartell, July
adds that Salem has as patriotic a
11 lb. a son.
set of peanut venders and outfitter
The infant child of Inos Mortison was
as can be found in America.
buried at Hopewell last Friday.
-...... »♦«-------
Tile ice cream social given by Miss
G en . O tis lias been supported by Tobott's Sunday school class in the
Wheatland grove Saturday night was
the administration at Washington quite a succe-s. A good program was
and now that the newspaper corre rendered. Tile scholars all did well,
but the duet bv the little Ross children
spondents are after him lie will stand ami
the recitation by Miss Shepard de­
in greater need of the good backing serve special mention. The receipts
that he has heretofore received from the ice cream and candy stands
Some of his staff officers are hold were about f.}o for the S. S. fund.
Mrs. W o < m 1 will leave tomorrow morn­
overs from Gen. Merritt's adminis ing for Oakland, Or., for a visit with
tration, and others are Gen. (Hi- her sister, Miss Mabel Smith.
Mr. Guy Thrapp aud wife from Gales
personal favorites appointed by him.
are visiting at the home of Elbert
The old Merritt men may differ in creek
opinion from their superior, and, as
if the necessary “family'’ differences
and jealousies consequent thereupon
T. M. Laughlin and family left for
were not sufficient to ruffle the tern Newport Monday, where they expect Io
per of the veteran tighter, the news­ live on sea breeze for the next two
paper correspondents must now come weeks.
R. W. llniining began cutting hie fall
in and harrass him. Otis, not wheat
hist. Moudny, lie being the first
unlike the balance of humanity, may that we have heard of.
Huns C. Wullberg was out front Foil-
have made mistakes, but a war has
Monday last, looking at his hop
never yet been conducted on a plau land
that would suit everybody.
G. F. Cooper and family returned
Volunteer« Io lie Welcomed-
A hearty reception is being planned
for the soldier boys of this county when
H enri W atterson , the venerable they shall return home, which it is be­
Kentucky editor, is furnishing his lieved will be early in August. Last
constituents a few interesting chap Friday evening a culled meeting was
ters on kissing, upon which subject held at the court house, presided over
by Dr. Grannis, with Mr, Snyder as sec­
he is said to be the most reliable retary. Committees to prepare a re­
With the daily press ception were named as follows:
filled with horrible accounts of the Reception and Program—J. G. Eck­
terrible ravages of the newly dis­ man, Rev. R. W. King, Elsia Wright
covered kissing-bug, scienttiically aud Hon. J. F. Culbreath.
known as the scarabeus, any au­ Entertainment—J. H. Nelson, W. G.
thority on kissing or any sugges­ Henderson and W. T. Macy.
Fiuanee—F. W. Fenton, W. F. Diel
tion relating either to its prevention
or emulous continuation, is at this Schneider and Ben Dresser.
Grounds—M. A. Baker, E. Nortbup
season both timely and well chosen.
and C. A. Wallace.
Fireworks—H. Oliver, C. Grissen and
S ome large and valuable farms W. L. Hembree.
near McMinnville have been sold I Music—E. V. Littlefield, C. 1’. Nelson
lately, and a number more will I and Grant Eberle
doubtless change ownership during Decorations and Arch—Jacob Wort­
the year, which goes to show the man, P. Fisher, R. Jacobson ami 11. C.
confidence of investors in Yamhill Burns.
county realty.
And, speaking of Parade—J. H. Cook. 1). W. Feeley
farms, it would be a good thing if all mid T. II. Rogers.
Custet Post—E. F. Manning, J. B
of the large donation land claims in
this county were subdivided. It Gardner, G. W. Grannis, R. >’. Hird and
would mean u greater uumber of H. S. Maloney.
Adjournment was then taken until
families, more farmers and better Wednesday evening, when committees
tilled farms.
were to consider plans of work.
this meeting permanent organization
Tun re will be four notable elec­ was effected by the election of E. F.
tions for governor in November, ill Muuning us chairman and J. G. Eck­
Maryland uml Kentucky among the man as secretary. It was decided on
border states, and in Iowa uud Ohio motion that the picnic be made a county
among the western states.
The affair, and that it be held not Inter than
other governorship contests will be three days after the boys arrive home:
practically uncontested, Massachu­ that it be held at the fair grounds, that
setts being overwhelmingly repub­ all bands in the County be invited uml
lican. Iowu, Ohio, Maryland and entertained free while here,
motion the committee oil fireworks was
Kentucky have, all four, republican
discharged. The committee on grounds
governors ut present, though Ken was given charge of stand privileges.
tucky is normally a dennn ratio state It is expected that the dinner to the sol­
diers will be in charge of the W. R C .
uud Maryland is usuully so.
assisted bv the Manila Guards
journment was tuken subject to the call
A nticipation of the home-coming of the chairman.
of the volunteers occasions univer-
a d rejoicing, and we all feel tliut no At the Fourth of July celebration at
welcome that we cun give those who Woodston, Kansas, the girls | laved the
have safely passed the perils of sea old soldiers s game of base ball, the
girls winning by a score of 11 to 12.
and camp, disease and war, can be
too generous or enthusiastic. But
ik'Kalb, Mo., promises to l>e first in
ia the midst of rejoicing there will line with a cits cyclone cave, lame I
be weeping because of the vacancies enough to hold every one in town. I In-
in tho rauks. All who went out is a municipal improvement not often
will not return. The expression of met.
remembrance of the unreturning
Spain »he had a little lamb, the slick­
brave will be tenderly appreciative,
and while loved ones will miss them est lamb around. She »old the lamb t<>
Uncle Sam for twenty millions >L>wn
there will arise u thought of duty When Samuel took it by the tail Io lead
well done, and of noble sacrifice, I it home, you know, the mutton rare
which Is too ofteu the heritage of j turned out a bear, and no* Sam can’t
grim war.
let go.—Dalles Chronicle.
For nil
l.iliior to HecoiMineud Pm-
ent riedlcine«*!*
From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad, N. <’.
It may be a question whether the]
editor of a newspaper lias the right to
publicly recommend any of the various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, vet as a preventive of Buffering
we feel it a dutj’ to say a good word for
Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diar­
rhoea remedy. We have known and
used this medicine in our family for
twenty years and have always found it
reliable. In many eases a dose of this
remedy would save hours of suffering
while a physician is awaited.
We do
not believe in depending implicity on
unv mediciny for a cure, but we do be­
lieve that ita -bottle of CliHmlierlBiu's
diarrhoea remedy werfe kept on band
and administered at the inception of an
from the coast Monday, having had a
attack much suffering might be avoided
fine time.
and in very many cases the presence
J. A. Simmons and wife returned from of a physician would not be required.
Lane county where they have been At least this has been our experience
visiting for the last 10 days.
during the past twenty years. For sale
W. E. Martin and wife were pas­ by Howorth & Co., druggists.
sengers on Tillamook stage Sunday
Some of the results of neglected dys­
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Iloff’stater were
made glad bv the appearance of a little peptic conditions of the stomach are
girl at their house on Sunday. July llith. cancer, consumption, heart disease and
epilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure pre­
Work At The l.oc-ko.
vents all this by effecting a quick cure
The work of cleaning out the mud., in all cases of dyspepsia. Rogers Bros.
which had accumulated during last win­
ter to the depth of eight feet in the ma­
sonry at the Lafayette locks was com
pleted Tuesday evening.
a night shift was put on, and work will
be pushed night and day till the con­
Bear« the signature of C has . H. F letcher .
tract is tilled. The contractors expect
to complete their work by September 1st.
Iu use for more than thirty years, and
A Portland man is said to have construct­
jyte Kind y’ou Have Always Bought.
ed a bout specially desigued to navigate
the Yamhill river, ami has named it
“The McMinnville.” The present pros­
pects for wheat and for cheaper trans­
portation to market would look like a
few more nickles in the farmers’ pock­
ets next fall. We surely hope so.
A vivacious woman’s
fan can frequently
speak in more elo­
quent language than
any known to
the tongue of
It can
invite or repel,
sigh or smile,
« m
be meek or
haughty, tear
a passion to
tatters or hum­
bly seek for
It can also tell the
story of health A
woman who suffers
from weakness and
disease in a woman
lv way sits in sorrow
and dejection while
her healthy sisters enjoy themselves. She
tnav be naturally beautiful, naturally attrac
tin div interesting and animated
and witty, but the demon of ill health is
guawiiu it the very vitals of her womanly
natvie. and she soon becomes a withered
v all flow < r in comparison with her brighter
and more healthy sisters. Dr Pierce’s
Favorite Vi cription is a wonderful inedi
cine L r wi i n who suiter in this way. it
act- dr. ctl on the delicate and important
• ■g ns concerned tn wifehood and mother­
hood. It tones and builds up the shattered
verve« It r< stores the glow of health to
the pallid cheek. It gives springiness and
trip to tlu «.air¡age. It makes the eyes
sparkle \\ 't’a r< turning vivacity It imparts
am tn rd on to the mien and gestures The
fan that long lav listless and idle in the lap
ut .«n invid’d again speaks the eloquent
language- of a healthy happy woman.
Tho’isutds of women have tv-tiled to the
muwlou- merits ot this wonderful medi
r several years I suffered with
«..;h pmlapsu-
uterus, writes Miss A Lee Muster, iff
. kuduev. Jefferson
<>ur fam
Meian treated me If kidney trouble ami
Hmg vise I tff the
hl thing. I grew
rurse My
I' was emaciated.
xt ctaiumv an n »'»L stomacR weak,
Ui he heart. 1 would
li t. I Itrgan taking
V m ' F«w
est-riptM»n »nd I lx* <an to l.n
I hsr 1 taken three tnttles
F”* r •« hi
.»w I I
cry ucM1 lv well and am very
happy aud ask tul to •uu v
Keep w h- id up and your bowels open,
The "GolL n Medical Discovery
Waco very ” " will put
meet in jour hackbonr. anti I’ m Puree’»
rikdwnt Ft Utu will enre constipation.
Á Tension
the state
of the tension at a glance.
Its use means time saving
and easier sewing.
It’s our own invention
and is found only on the
W hite
Sewing Machine.
We have other striking
improvements that appeal to
the careful buyer. Send for
our elegant II. T. catalog.
W hite S ewing M achine C o .
Cleveland. Ohio.
Tralnlntf.bchool for Teacbers. Ni » Building».
N< w rnq artmeut’. I, a < onntry School VI ■ X
(ìradiiatei-secure good poMlioii».
strong couriM. Well equipped trainmr depart-
ment Normal course quickest uud best uaj io
State Certi flea te.
Lepen.»,-for year from K20 to lieu or Board Í2. a>
h. pe r week ' rultlon «• - > 1 er tel in of ten week».
Fall term begins Sept.
Term June 37--Sept. i.
mq .
l oi CatalOzui addres.» I’. L. CAMl’BCLL. Pre».
or W. A. WANN. Sec. Faculty
Seasonable Merchandise Z
Get ready for the hay and wheat harvest.
Rubber and Leather Belting,
Compound Grease and Cups,
Oils of all kinds.
The Nhaw Company.
This strong company of dramatists
began a week’s engagement at the opera
house Monday evening, and have been
greeted by a crowded house at each per­
Monday evening there was
presented “The Westerner," a rather
light but well-written drama. Tuesday
evening the audience witnessed the j
comedy-drama entitled “Farmer Steb­
bins." As additional proof that the
Shaw company does not give the best
plays first, Wednesday evening’s ren­
dition of "From Sire to Son" fairly
captivated and carried the people on its
tide from the first act in the mining
camp at Yuba, California, till the cur-
taiu rung down on the last act in the
old castle on the Rhine. Thursday ev- I
eiiing tlie company presented the story
of Cuba’s struggle for freedom, “The
Last Stroke."
Friday and Saturday
they will be seen in Milton Noble's com
edydrama "Loveand Law,” and “The
Phoenix,” respectively.
A vaudeville
matinee Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
U. U. N-.»on of Suow. Wis , is in town
visiting his sister Mrs. J. W. Barrie.
Mr and Mrs. McDonald spent Sunday '
m Hillsboro, the guests of \V. V. Wiley.
Mrs. Laura Morris is in McMinnville
for a weekly visit with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Carter.
J. C. Porter has moved into the new
.tote building, and has added a new
<krk to tlie force. John Larkin is the
Mrs. Wheeler and daughter Nellie,
returned last week trout a three weeks'
visit wl'.h relatives near Eugene.
The former landlord of the Newberg
Hotel, Win. Hendershot._ was in town
over Sundav, shaking liands with his I
many friends.
The Baptists gave a lawn social near
the church on l-riday last, and a pleas­
ing feature was the excellent music by
tlu I.ashier orchestra.
Sidney Root received word ou Sun­
day evening of the drowniug of his son
Earnest, in Portland. No particulars
were received at the time. The body
was brought to Lafayette on Monday,
aud buried in the Johnson cemetery by
the side of his mother.
A. O. U. W. held a picnic in Aider­
man s grove on the ijtli. which was en­
joyed by a great number of people from
ill over the country. The speaking, re-
■ itm;' and wa-•very good, espec­
ially ou«- sol- ; sung by request; this was
‘ Since Maggie has Joined the Degree.”
John Flowers aud family have moved
to Salem, where lie has found employ­
Reading notices In local columns 10 cent» per
due for flr»t veek and cents per line tuereafUT.
Display advertisements, annual rates, one inch
F ate is tightening her coils about A Grand Aruv post to be known as
»er month $1; each additional inch 50 cent« per
the king of Belgium, and he do ■» Upton post, No. 75, will lx- organized
Obituary and matiUge notices not exceeding
ij li »»s published free, if furniFbedin time to ‘ not know which way to turn.
Tf ho ’■••r th.- ji-d. with 21 charter members.
, Cou-rade- ->lhn,-.liatn and Powell are in
be current news. Additional matter lucent''per
lose nigh spirit- aud exclaim, ''We did it!”
! his throne by popular vote. If ho
A little -hild of E. Nichols was badlv
i refuses universal suffrage he fears bu n. d th: . ,-ek, bv falling into a tub
FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1809.
: that he will lose his throne by a rev- of hot water.
E. M. Me linger nd wife left for The
Dalle - to attend the A. O. U. W. grand
F bee 1rade writers avoid as an I olution.
unpleasant and distasteful argument
I t is announced that some time D. Hadley . nd wife and Frank Crab­
the fact that British colonies are
and wife have gone to the coast for
next month the old guns at Fort tree
about three weeks.
buying large quantities of goods
Canby will be tested. All of them,
Mrs Dr. Courtney and children have
from the United States and Ger­
inclndiug the 15-inch gun, will be gone to Oregon City to attend Clrautau
fired, and then it is expected that qua.
Misses Finley and James and Mrs.
T he appearance of Gen. Joe they will be condemned. They are Harris all went to Oregon City and Glad­
Wheeler and other fighters of note all of the obsolete smooth-bore 1 vpe, stone park to hear the celebrated Sam
will give the rebel leaders in Luzon and the largest one has been fif 'd Jones.
Gilkey also goes to Oregon City
the ague. But when the old war­ but once since it was brought to the [ to Mrs.
enjoy herself.
horses get wound up to their work
Mr. Woolworth of Dayton is going to
------ ----------
the Philippine rebellion will speedily
build a new bam and invite all his
S alem would pluck the laurels ' comrades to the raising. This work will
from the brow of San Francisco and be one of “ye olden times" affairs.
skillful care of our doctors all
S enator Tillman of South Caro­ Portland, and insist upon the trans­ of Under
the sick and wounded are improving.
lina comes forward with a theory
that the army is enlarged in order
to be the protector of trusts. Next
time he opens his mouth he will be
accusing the army of being another
mother of the trusts.
> EWBLHt..
A . A
T he bent wishes of a grateful peo­
ple are with the W i- -om-in who
is shipping’s steamer loud of cat to
f>. I. AMIIHY, Editor A l*r«»pr.
‘ Alaska to catch the rats of the far
north. We do not rejoice so much
Subscription $1.00 Per Year.
at the fate of the rats, but rather
glory in getting rid ot so many fe-
I lines.
Yamhill County
The camping season is here. We have Tents and Camp Stoves.
Full Camping Outfits. Cameras and Photogruphic Supplies.
You are told so often by so many advertisers that they are sell-
ing shoes “worth so and so," for “this and that"—ever so much j
below what it is claimed they are worth, that you come to think “
it an easy matter to sell shoes for less than they are worth.
BUT IT ISN'T. As a rule we must pay the makers of good '
shoes a good price, and we must make a profit or go out of busi- 1
aess. If you want good shoes you must pay our price, We 4
could sell you junk at less than we can sell really good footwear,
but you wouldn’t want it. You want only good shoes. We be­
lieve you are willing to pay fair prices.
Í Sign of
the Big Boot.
Boots and Shoes.
Always in Stock
Cheap as
The Cheapest
Furniture, Carpets
Wall Paper,
Lace Curtains,
Portieres,Oil Cloth
Rockers in variety
Extension Tables,
and if you don’t
see what you
want, ask fot it.
Yours Truly,
H. C. 15 1 H N H.
— Ideal
Fitted with Special Heavy Tread G. .t J. Tires, are
The Best Ramblers and Ideals ever Built—the
Best Wheels ever Built.
New 'oo Popular
List Prices:
Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co.
Branches :
•■20 year Pioneers.-
luft-107-109-111 Sixth st., Portl.u.1, Oregon.
O. O. HODSON, Agent.
Dyspepsia Cure.
An Fpidemicet Diarrhoea.
Mr. A. .sanders, writing from Cocoa-
nut Grove, Fla., save there has been
quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there.
He had a severe at\y and was cured by
four doses of Chamberlain's colic, chol
era and diarrhoea remedy. Heaavs he
also recommended it toothers and’ they
-ay H h the best medicine they ever
Digests what you eat.
used, for sale by S. Howorth & Co
It artificially digeststlie food and aid-
Nature in strengthening and recon
structingthe exhausted digestive or­
gans. It isthe latest discovered digest­
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in­
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn.
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea
Sick Headacbe.Gastralgia.Cramps. and
*11 other results of imperfect digestion
Praparcd by E C O»Witt A Co Ctpcooo
For sale by
Military history and souveuir is still ‘
WHITE SEWING M AI HINE CO., on »ale at this office and at the city book- [
San Francisco.
ft s easy to
haui a big
load up a
big hill if 1
you grease I
the wagon I
I________ wheels with
MICA Axle Grease