The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, June 30, 1899, Image 5

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by keeping your DENTAL ORGANS In perfect
condition, thus promoting good digestion,
which is tne prime factor ot perfect health.
You are invited to call frequently at my office
for examination of the condition of your teeth I
Vll departments of dentistry are practiced, and
by the most modern and conscientious methods.
G. S. Wright, dentist.
The Woodmen will hold a picnic in
Dayton on July 4tb.
Newest and latest designs in wall paper
at Hodson's.
Best and cheapest camera, with twelve
plate holders, and all of tho latest photo
supplies at Hodson's.
Mrs. F. M. Roberts has moved back
to her farm near Carltou.
Watch our market for strawberries,
cherries and all fruits in tbeir seaeon.
(Office over Braly's Bank.)
B ettman & W uiren .
O eioon .
Dr. Lowe, the eyesight specialist, is in
Dallas this week.
Trimmed hats greatly reduced in price
at Mies Eva Martin’s. Knox sailors, 75c.
Lyman I-atourette went down to Ore­
gon City ou Wednesday
Rooms in Jacobson Block,
T. 1». Henderson is shippings car of
O regon . oak wood to Portland for Johu Wortman.
J. M. Fink visited his brother in
county several days the past
A new wiie fence of the kind sold by
B. F. Hartman has been constructed
about the school house in district No. 8.
Real Estate and Insurance.
A. E. McKern was up from North
Office in McMinnville National Bank Yamhill awheel early Wednesday morn­
Building, C Street.
Eleia Wright has bought Chas. Skin­
Farms for sale, houses to rent, and all kinds
of insurance written. Agents for property of ner’s interest in the Wright-Skinner
non residents. Correspondence solicited.
threshing outfit. Elsia will run it alone,
and expects to make a thousand dollars
with it this season.
John Gault expects to build a resi­
dence this summer for Mr. Kirby of
Bellevue. The site is uear Mart Lynch’s
High-Class Photography
on college side. Work will begin as
soon as lumber can be obtained.
a Specialty.
The bicycle paths are going to be a
I am located next door to R. M. Wade <k Co.,
and am here to du good work aud give satisfac­ great couveuience to riders and pedestri­
tion. Terms reasonable.
ans in avoiding the dusty roads of sum­
mer, and as a means of quick travel. A
party of young cyclists took an after sup­
per spin over to Dayton Tuesday even­
ing and were home at early bed time.
Third St., between E and F.
The piesent outlook of the peach crop
at Ashland is that there will be from
E. L. WING, Proprietor.
50,0(10 to (¡0,000 boxes for export. This
Everything first-class. Horses boarded by
day, week or month. Commercial travelers is the estimate of prominent growersand
conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. it is probably a very conservative one,
Give us a call.
says the Ashland Tidings. There is very
little dropping of the fruit reported and
everything is favorable at the present
time for a good crop in quality as well
as quantity.
The pastor of the Baptist church will
Reynolds & Bond, Prop’s.
preach next Sunday morning and even­
Subject of morning sermon,
Fresh and salt meats and sausages of all ing.
kinds couHtantly In stock
Cash paid for “Kept.” In the evening will be given
hides. Highest market [»rice paid fur all kinds
the first, of the serieson answerB by the
of fat stock.
business men of McMinnville.
Henri Bettman will favor the congre­
gation with some selections in the even­
Proprietors of
W. C. Brown, a pioneer of 1817, is
building a tomb for himself and wife in
Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds
a private cemetery on his home grounds
South Side Third St. between B and C.
near Dallas, Polk county. It is of cut
bluestone. The w alls are two feet thick.
Mr. an<i Mrs. Brown were given the
prize at the Polk county pioneer reunion
for the oldest married Oregon couple.
The article recently published in the
Oregonian concerning Eugene Deeper as
C. F. Daniels, Prop.
a human engine, was reproduced by the
Oa«b paid for Poultry and Country Produce. New York Sun, and now Leoper lias a
Hides and Tallow bought Hay, Oats, Millfeed, letter from one Aiphodse Bouchet, a
oil Meal. Flaxseed aud Bee Supplies of all
kinds kept ou hand.
New York iron and steel merchant, in
which he says: “I regret that you are
at the other end of this continent, as 1
would be glad to hire you by the day,
yy H. LOGAN,
for a year at ‘20c an hour.’ We ought to
have a few men like you in this section
of the country.
We certainly need
for your future
I am located opposite Burns & Daniels and aim
to give all customers good treatment tor little welfare, I am yours truly.”
money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pat­ first response was a proposition from a
ronage solicited.
eporting man in Portland to become his
The Eugene citv council has passed an
ordinance prohibiting the wearing of
hate and bonnets at all licensed shows
Manufactures and Deals in
and entertainments. The responsibility
for the enforcement of the ordinance is
placed n;>on the manager of the theater
or place of amusement, and in event of
^udbrushes, and sells them cheaper than they his failure to cary out bis part he is
can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette
Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are subject to a fine of from $5 to |15.
pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. person refusing to remove the hat or
bonnet when requested to do so will be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con­
viction shall be fined not less than a dol­
lar nor more than five dollars, and to
pay the costs and disbursements. In
case of failure to pay the fine, such per­
son shall be confined in the city jail one
day for each $2of the fine.
Goods of »11 descriptions moved, and careful
That 100-lb sack of beet sugar sent by
handling guaranteed. Collections will be marie
monthly. Hauling of all kinds done cheap
the city of Lagrande to the G. A. R. en­
campment arrived about the time the
old veterana had all reached their homes.
It was placed on exhibition at Wallace &
Walker’s, and is said to be the first Ore­
gon-made sugar ever brought to town.
It is a nice article, and standing alone,
would require an exftert to distinguish it
from the refined cane sugar. When
samples of each are placed together it is
not so bard to tell the difference. The
Legal papers written and acknowledgements beet sugar is a little coarser, and the
take», a,
crystals glisten more like isinglass. There
is a Dolion among the women that fruit
canned with beet sugar will not keep as
well as when canned with the other
kind. Members of the post here differ
as to what disposition to make of the
gift, some wanting to make a taffy pull,
while others believe it shot Id be distrib­
uted among the brethren to advertise
the product. Lagrande probably doesn’t
O®«.e rooms » and If, Cnlou Block.
care, as it won for them the next meet­
Oregon ing of the veterana.
and Surgeons.
and Surgeons.
Truck and Dray Co.
Notary Public and
^kttomey and
Notary Public
G. S. Wright, dentist.
C. Grissen's new stock of wall paper. 6
Go to Palmer Bros, for all kinds of fresh
J. Harvey Henderson has already
been chosen a trustee of the first Bap­
tist church at Salem.
Screendoorsand screen wire at Mc­
Minnville Fence Works.
Mrs. Al. Campbell of Jacobson & Co's
millinery department, is now recovering
from a severe illueas.
Members of the Epworth League of
the M. E. church will picnic at Baker
creek falls on July 4th.
Still n good stock of buggies, wagons
and surreys on hand at C. D. Johnson's.
Call and see him.
3 cans choice tomatoes for 25c. Choice
Maine corn, 10c a can.
J. P. I rvine & S on .
Dr. J. H. Nelson and family went to
Turner last week to attend the big camp
meeting of the Christian church.
F. G. Adams’ residence is being nicely
fitted up for his occupancy. It will be
a commodious and convenient home.
Fresh groceries always on haud at
Bettman & Warren’s.
Asa Cate aud Jack Agee bave pur­
chased a new thresher, aud will enter
the arena for a part of the business.
Jonathan Todd and daughter aud C.
A. Wallace aud wife and Mrs. Anna
Todd are attending the Turner camp­
Consult Hodson before you buy a new
kodak. He has the very best photo­
graphic supplies of all kinds, at most
reasonable rates.
Revs. R. W. King and A. J. Hun­
saker are attending the meeting of the
of Baptist
churches, which met Wednesday in
There is only one genuine kodak and
that is the Eastman. Don’t be misled by­
deceiving advertisements.
Wm. F.
Dielschneider, the jeweler, handles the
Geo. Owens one day last week hived
a migratory swarui of bees that came
dowu in J. P. Irvine’s yard. They were
seemingly attracted by the crowds at
the encampment.
We now have a few thousand dollars to
loan on farm property, at good terms.
I rvine & V inton .
Ed Schenk, who has beon suffering
over two months with inflammatory rheu­
matism, was able to be out again
Wednesday. He has lost over 35 pounds
in weight during hie illness.
Dr. Grannie’ sermon Sunday night on
the relation of the G. A. R. to civil
government called forth a large audi­
ence, who were greatly pleased with the
manner in which the subject was treat­
Hon. H. H. Winslow of Newberg has
Iteen ill the past four weeks, and for that
reason was unable to attend the encamp­
ment, which was doubtless a great dis­
Don’t think you can cure that slight
attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or that it
will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
will cure it; it “digests what you eat’,
aud restores the digestive organs to
health. Rogers Bros.
A kitchen “shower” was given to Rev.
and Mrs. Geo. W. Fender on Monday.
A “shower” is a donation party under a
new name, and in this instance the gifts
consisted of kitchen utensils.
were quite numerous and useful in their
Mr. Frazier of Sheridan, n student of
the state agricultural college, stopped
in this city Thursday eveuing of last
week on liis return home from school.
The agricultural college graduated a
class of 34 this year. President Gatch
conferred the degrees and made the ad­
dress to the class in the Latin language.
If you Buffer from tenderness or full­
ness on the right side, pains under
shoulder-blade, constipation, biliousness,
si< k headache, and feel dull, heavy anil
sleepy your liver is torpid anil congested.
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will cure
you promptly, pleasantly and perman­
ently by removing the congestion and
causing the bile ducts to open and flow
naturally. They are good pills. Rogers
James Baxter, father of 8. R. Baxter,
who has been on the sick list lately, is
again able to >>e out and around. Mr.
Baxter is in the 90th year of bis age.
Although of so great age lie retains his
faculties aud until the past few months
has been very active, especially so for
oje of his great age
The A. O. U.
W., remember, will have a grand picnic
in Alderman's grove near Dayton, July
14th. The grove affords fine shade for
horses, and there is but little dust, mak­
ing it a pleasant place for a picnic, and
being near to tow n makes it very con­
venient for those w ho attend......... Last
Monday J. B. Fuson celebrated the 80th
anniversary of his birth. Mr. Fuson
walks from his home, *l>oiit two miles
east of here, to town once or twice a
week, and also does a good deal of walk­
ing about the farm.
He has always
been a stout hearty man up to within a
year or two. He comes of a long lived
family, and he may live to celebrate
many more birth-lay anniversaries.—
Dayton Herald.
Bear, the signature ot Cass. H Fcrrcna.
la use for more than thirty years and
71/ A7«d >ea Htvt Alrrejri lofkl.
North Yamhill vs. Dallas
For Prize of $25
“A Reputation.”
July 4th, at North Yamhill.
Come to The Reporter office for type­
writer papers. Legal and letter sizes.
Military history and souvenir is still
on tale at this office and at the city book­
Miss Frances Holden of Astoria has
been the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. J.
Strong, the past week.
Mr. L. Root is expecting his wife home
this Friday evening, from a three-week6’
visit with relatives in Washington.
The school board has selected Prof. J.
J. Kraps of Marion county as principal
for the school for the next year.—Sheri­
dan Sun.
Mrs. H. L. Heath and son Herbert will
sail Thursday of next week for San Fran­
cisco, to meet the captain on bis return
from the war.
Reuben Wade of North Yamhill has!
deeded his farm to Mrs. Sheppard, on
condition that she care for him the re­
mainder of his life.
Miss Stella Patty has joined the
woYking force of the Oregon Fire Re­
lief Association.
Her place at Hem­
bree’s bookstore will be filled by Miss'
Maud Hembree of Monmouth.
We have read with pleasure and no I
little profit the military history published
as an encampment souvenir, by Asbury
and Eckman. The work has a perma­
nent value.—Telpehoue-Register.
The Southern Pacific will sell round
trip excursion tickets to and from all
points on Oregon lines on Sunday, Mon­
day and Tuesday July 2d, 3d aud 4th at
one fare, making rates ending in uaught
or five.
A doctor at Eugene fitted a tuau and
his wife out with a team and teut, etc.,
to gather chittim bark for him. He has
lost all trace of them, and is now of the
opinion that they took too much of the
boiled bark aud perished.
Mrs. D. W. McCall took the train ou
Tuesday for Tacoma, in response to a
telegram saying that her daughter, Mrs.
Daisy Shaul, was not expected to live.
Her trouble is the bursting of a blood
vessel in the bead, and partial paralysis.
Prof. Deforest Sawtelle, principal of
Die Grass Valley academy iu Sherman
county, is home to spend his vacation
with liis parents iu this city. He re­
ports a prosperous school year, and will
return iu August to fill the same po­
sition next year.
John I. Knight of Sjattle, owiug to
rheumatism of the heart, has been
forced to break up housekeeping and
remove to au island near Colby, Wash.,
in the hope of benefiting hie health. He
has been very weak for the pant two
weeke, but there is now some evidence |
of improvement.
A fairly large tarantula is feeding on
a banana in a fruit jar at, Triplett &
Hendershott’s stand. He is supposed
to bave come to McMinnville by the
banana route. While the tarantula is
not desirable as a bedfellow, as Mark
Twain has conclusively proved, it is not
near so poisonous as many suppose.
The authorities sav its sting is about
equal to Hint of a wasp, and tbero is a
popular belief that music will cure it.
Wm. F. Dielschneider and wife are visiting in
Marion county.
J. P. Irvine lias a nine-foot stalk of mustard—
the kind you read about in the bible.
An entertainment by Miss Adda Pugh and
others is to be given tonight at tho opera boutc.
J. T. Converse will remodel the Peckham resi­
dence, which he has Fought, and make It hl»
Mrs. J. P. Irvine left yesterday morning for |
Trinidad, Colo., In response to a telegram an­
nouncing the serious Illness of ber father.
Mr. Ralph Story Is home from Brown univer­
sity, arriving Wednesday evening. Ilehas com­
pleted the university course, and was graduated
«Illi the degree of A. B. He will remain on the
coast ularnt two years, and intends then to enter
some theological seminary, lie is looklug well,
and his McMinnville friends are pleased to have
him return here.
The editors' excursion will reach McMinnville,
Sunday morning, July 9th, nt 9:05 o'clock. How
we will greet them and cause them to remember
us kindly is tbe question of the hour. No enter­
prising town will miss such an opportunity to be­
come known to tbe outside world. Bunday ¡»the
only day they can conic. It isn't a question of 1
choice—it Is that or nothing.
Io Carpenters unit Builder»
Bids for the erection, construction and
completion of my nine-room tower cot­
tage will be received up to and including
July 17tb, 1899. Flans at office of C. C.
Robbing, architect. Right reserved to
reject any and all bide. Bids opened
July 18th, at 10 o’clock a. m.
W m . F. D iei - schneider ,
McMinnville, Or., June 28th, 1899.
J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of
the Democrat, Lancaster. N. IL, «ays:
“I would not lie without One Minute
Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled
with a cough or cold. It is the best
remedy for croup I ever used.” Rogers
Far Bale ar Trade.
A well-boring outfit for 6, 8 or ten inch
tiling or casing, all in good aba|>e. In­
quire of Henry Pearson.
Bears the signature oi Cnaa. H. FLgrcwea
In use lor more than thirty yean, and
n» A'ind F»« /few Almoj'i Bn[kl.
Offers you undoubtedly
The Best Shoes
For the Money
Straw and Crash Hats,
Ladies’ Summer Underwear,
Lace Curtains, Laces, Ribbons,
In Misses and Boys' Goods we bave Clothing below competi­
tion. Working and fine shirts, extra Pants, Overalls and Un­
derwear, Cotton and Wool Sweaters. Just received a large line
of Window Shades.
Dr. Lowe’s Sarsaparilla
A compound of the vegetable alterative extracts
peculiar to the Southern states for the blood.
An effective remedy for sluggish circulation, and
the pimples, blotches and similar eruptions that
result therefrom. Au infallible remedy for rheu­
matism, dyspepsia, indigestion, nervous and sick
headaches. Iu cases of nervous deb:lity, loss of
appetite aud strength it is wonderful, 75c a bot-
tie of 100 doses.
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists.
Are Leaders for 1899.
Why! Because the price is right.
Below any possible Competitor.
Chainless, Model 59 and 60...........................
50 and 51........................................................ 65
Columbia Model 57 and 58...................................................... 50
49 and 45 ..................................................... 40
Hartford Pattern 19 and 20 ................................................. 35
Vedette Pattern 21 aDd 22..................................................... 25
Columbia Tandem....................................................
You will have cause to regret if you purchase without
seeing this fine line of wheels.
Send for catalogue.
l .
H embree .
Before disposing of your wool, see the woolen mill in
Dallas. Highest cash prices paid. Call or notify us by mail,
and our buyer will call ou you. State qualities aud grade.
Dallas, Polk County, Or.
Bost Brick in City.
A Tension
2 ó 7
the state
of the tension at a glance.
Its use means time saving
and easier sewing.
It’s our own invention
and is found only on the
W hite
Sewing Machine.
We have other striking
improvements that appeal to
the careful buyer. Send for
our elegant H. T. catalog.
W hite S ewing M achine C o .
Clevelaad, Ohio.
For sale by
San Francisco.
Third St,, Cor Flandern, PORTLAND, OB.
Hotel complete with Electric Lights, Bells,
Steam Heat, Bath Room on each floor. Elevat­
or for accommodation of gueatis Rates |1 to
11.25 per day, according to room. Meals 25c.
Free bus to ai.d from nil train*
E. SANDERS, Manager.
THE Jlc.'imHI.LE
National Bank
—McMinnville, Oregon.—
Paid up C'apiftii, #00,000
Surplus *10,000.
Transnet» a General Banking Buaiucaa.
Office Hour» 9 a. m. to I p. tn.
LALMHLIN, Presld -nt.
J. L. ROGERS, Vke-Pr sldcnt.
E. C. APPERSON, Cashier.
W. S. LINK, Assistant Cashier.
I Will Examine Your
Eyes Free of charge
By the intelligent use of the
Opothalmoscope. I am prepared
to make the internal ex tminatiou
of your eyes and determine
whether or not the defect is an
error of refractions or disease.
I also have the finest Trial ease
for testing your eyes in Yamhill
County. Lenses ground for the
most difficult cases.
D. A. SMITH, Optician.
Next door to I’. U., McMinnville.