M >ses Morgan is adding a great, big Eleia Wright ha. about 250 cords of wood piled in his woodyard. lie will shed to bis feed yard near the Grange store. It lo.ks as if everything could be buy about as much more. United States Land Office, Don't bny a wheel until you see D^H kept in the dry when that is roofed. Oregon City, Oregon, May 31, 1*99. The New Home and Climax sewing V’OTICE is hereby given that in compliance Warren, lie can give you a pointer, tf machines, needles and extras at C. Gris- xs with the provisions of the act of congress One of the features at the Sheridan Cvl. J. B. Eddy has bought the Forest oi June 3, 187&, entitled “An act for the sale of sen’s. 43tf 4th of July celebration will be a game of timber lands in the States of California, On-gon, Nevada and W ashington Territory," as extended | Grove Timex. He is a very good news- Rev. Duncan Wallace did not accept “shinney” by the Grand Ronde Indians. to »ill the public land status by act of August I i paper man. 1<22. John , for the purchase of th»’ ehfof w hf of Section No. > in ' blanks at the Reporter oflice. with large clubs, which are said to be so I place. I ownsbip No 2 s, Range No. 6 w, and will otter Mrs. O. H. Cona of Butteville lias proof to .show thut the land .‘•ought is more formidable that a w bite man hasn’t the The recovery of I-ouis Pond, who is valuable lor its timber or stone than for agri­ been cultural purposes, und to cMa.-luffi his claim to bsen visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank nearly 80 years old, is conskleied re­ courage to take part in the game. ' The Kitul Yon Have Always Bought, und which 1* >ai>i lund before the Register and Receiver of Olds. markable, as he seemed very near »bis office at Oregon < iiy. Oregon, on Friday, W. H. Mahoney of San Francisco, in use for over 30 years, has borne th«* ; tyc 1 re of the Sth day of September, 1899. The RerojiTEB and M eekly Oregonian detail’s door about ten days ago. s per- and has been made under journal inspector of the Southern Pa­ He names as witneues: J. IL Bell. Hiram Rummel and William II. Young of McMinnville, one vear for 12, strictly iu advance. sonal supervision since its • auejr. cific R. R. Co., accompanied by his It makes no difference how bad the Oregon, and KUey G Smith ot Dayton, Oregon. Allow no «»iH, to deceive you ■i this, Bernard McPhiliipe, father oi the wound it you use DeWitt's Witch Hazel wife, have been the guests of J. P. Irvine Any and nil persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their AH Counterfeits, Imitations amt Substitutes arc e bat Ex- claims in thii office on or before said 8th day oi mayor, hao gone to spend the summer on Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no ami family this week, being old-time of ptember, 1899. his coast ranch north of Woods. periments that trifle with and endanger tl. health : friends and former schoolmates. Mr. scar. Rogers Bros. CHAS. B MOORES, Reghter. > *■ .xj et unent. Infants ami Children — Experience against - Mahoney ’ s work of book inspection ex ­ See Elsia Wright’s fine line of single The Eugene Guard is using Judge Timber Land, Act. June 3, 1878.—Notice for harness. The stock hao just been filled Galloway’s portrait as one of the three tends as fur east ns Ogden. Publication. up with the latest styles and the very Joneses, to advertise farm machinery. The department of the G. A. R. is Irest workmanship. -Otf The Judge may go up to Eugene with a taking up the work of welcoming the United State« Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, May 31, 1899. American soldiers from the Philippines, Castoria is a substitute tor Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops l’ruf. Geo. A. Prentiss is engaged to gun. r0TlCE is hereby given that in compliance and a local committee has been desig ­ and Soothing Syrups, It is Harmless ami Firm ; at. It w I th the provisions of the act of congress teach the Jetterson school the coming Willits will erect It is said that Win. ot June 3. 1878, entitled “All act for the sale oi contains neither Opium, Morphine not- otb: r Nr rootle nated for the work from Custer post. He will move there with hi- two cottages on his block ifl Willis timber lands in the Htatesof California, Oregon, year. Nevada, ami Washingtoil Territory,” us extended substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms It is composed of E. F. Manning, Dr. family in October. addition this summer, One will be oe- to ud t!'»* public laud slates by act ot August 4. and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrlm-a and Wind 1892, Albert K. Cook oi McMinnville, county ot G. W. Grannis, J. C. Cooper, H. 8. “Give me a liver regulator and I can copied by himself, and the other he will Yamhill, Statu of Oregon, has this day filed in it relieves Teething « tires C.mstipation Colle. 1. ................................ „ Troubles, ------- Maloney and J. B. Gardner. This this office his MWoru stulemunt No. 8b2u, for the regulate the world,” said a genius, The rent. purchase of lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Heel ion No. 6 and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the should not be supposed to exclude other in Township No. 2 a, Runge No. 6 w. and will druggist hauded him a bottle of DeWitt’s D. I. Asbury on Saturday moved into Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. otter proof to show thut the laud bought is more patriotic citizens from joining in the valuable for its timber or stone than tor agri­ Little Early Risers, the famous little the Flett property recently purchased by The Children’s Panacea— The Mother’s Friend. welcome. cultural purposes, and to ustubllsh his claim to pills. Rogers Bros. him, and on Monday Rev. Fender set bald Luiu be tore the Register ami Receiver ol The Viavi health lectures given by this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, Charley Curtis, who came over from up housekeeping in the C. I’, parsonage the 8th day ot September, 1899. the state manager, Mrs. Lucy E. Hitch­ GENUINE ALWAYS He imincn us witnesses: William II. Young Coos bay recently to live with his grand­ thus vacated. Frank Willis and John Kuns of McMinnville. cock of Portland, Tuesday and Wednes­ mother, died of consumption on Satur ­ Green L. Rowland, of North Yamhill, Oregon, and David Curtis of Tillamook, Oregon. Eears the Signature of day afternoon were interesting and in­ Any and all p' raons claiming diversely the day, mid was buried the following day. one of the finest old men in this county, above-described la.udb are requested to tile their structive. The drift of highest modern claims In this office on or before said 8tli day ol I am able to furnish loans on first-class was honored by his fellow Indian War Hcptemlajr, 1899. thought is, that physical reform is the farm security, from $2,(XM) upward, at 7 veterans by election to the oilice of as­ CH AS. B. MOORES, Register. basis of all reforms, and these lectures per cent interest; loans to run from 3 to sistant grand adjutant. contain information which will help Timber Lund, Act. June 3, 1878 —Notice for 5 years. Parties wishing to borrow mon By allowing the accumulations in the every woman to understand principles Publication. ey, call and see ine. R. L. C onseb . bow els to remain, the entire system is necessary to a higher physical condition. I'niti-d StuteK Land Olllce, Judge Bird informs us that over 40 poisoned. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers Oregon City. Oregon, Muy 31. 1899. The ball game between McMinnville OTICE is hereby given tnui in eoinplianee miles of bicycle path has been construct­ regulate the bowels. Try them and you with the provisions of the act ot congress and North Yamhill was not played on will always use them. Rogers Bros. of June 3,137S, entitled “An «' t tortile sale ed <>t in various places in the county. This timber lauds In the Stales ot California, Oiegon is probably all that will be built this At the late sta'o pioneer reunion Saturday, owing to the absence of a good Nevada, and Wasbiiigtou Territory," as extended The work has been prosecute«! Yamhill county captured two members many of the home team. The Yamhill to ail the public laud states by act of August 4. season. 1892, Ralph Starr, of itayton, county of Yamhill. of the governing board for the ensuing boys think they have a pretty good joke iïsœ Slate ot Oregon, has lids day llled in this oilier with vigor. liis sworn statement No. :«JSo, for the purchase ot year, namely Hon. Lee Laughlin and on our boys about ‘‘getting a reputa­ Spray your fruit trees anil hops with thee hi of w lif of Section No. 34 In Town»hi|. tion,” since the defeat by the Chema- No. 2H, Range No. 7 W, and will otter proof to McBain’s Carbolic Compound. Death to Hon, Wm. Galloway. show dial the land sought la more valuable foi was. We guess they have, but if our Its limber or -tone than lor agricultural purposes, moth, aphis and scale on trees, ami lice Wheat 50c, oats 42c, baled hay, oats team should beat them, the tables would and to establish his claim to said land before the Carbolic dip kills ticks and and cheat $7, poultry $2 to $3.00 per doz, i Register and Receiver ot this office at Oregon on hops. Oily, Oregon,on Friday,tlm sth day of September, cures scab on sheep, Call for circulars pork, dressed 5c, live 3*-ac, bran 85c per turn. 1899. The local telephone exchange of the United States Land Office. United States Land Office. W. C. M iller . lie names as witnesses: Noali Robinson, Ed and see sample. 100 lbs, flour 80c a sack, potatoes $2.00 a Oregon City, Oregon, May 31, 1899. Oregon City, Oregon, May 31, 1S99. ward A. Nleliols, George 11. Maxtor uud Harry Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Co. now M annino Baos., Agis. la ’OTICE is hereby given that in compliance rOTI('E is hereby given that in ¿omplianwu sack, prunes 7c, beef $2.25 to $3.25 per Starr of Dayton, Oregon. with the provisions of the act of congress with the provisions of tin- act of Congress Anyaud all persons claiming adversely tin numbers 15 subscribers. They are: A picnic party of 21 young folks went 100; butter 25i:(worn statement No. est Henderson and Bert l’earson con­ Portland, and Mrs. l.ettie Kogers of Court, McMinnville Grange & Fanners purchase of the e id’ uf w hf of Section No. 22, fur the purchase of e hf of w hf ol’ Section No, Publication. Co., Reynolds & Boud, Rogers Uros., in Township No. 2 8., Range No. 7 W., and will 26, in Township No. 2 S , Range No. 7 W., and structed a temporary house during their New berg, Elder R. I). Benham of Sheriffs office, F. W. Spencer, offer proof to show that the land sought is more will offer proof to show that the land sought is 8. P, stay, but Earnest did it a personal risk Beaverton, officiating. United State» Land Office, valuable for its timber or stone than for agri­ more \ aluable for its t imb< r or -tone than for Oregon City, Oregon, May 31,1899. depot, Wade & Co. Reynolds A Bond cultural purposes, and to establish ids claim to agricultural purposes, ami to establish his claim 'OTIUE is hereby given that in compliance of catching a severe cold. said land before the Register and Receiver of tosaid land before the Register and Receiver of The pioneers of Polk county at their are the last to go on. with the provisioiia of the act ot congress this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, this office at n territory,” as extend­ clnircir. The proportion in Yamhill he to read the news, what’s going on in ed to all the Public Land States by act of Au­ ed Register. to all the Pubih l and statr » by act of Aug­ old-fashioned way Saturday evening at 4.1892, William H. Fletcher of .McMinnville, gave as 1 in 20. This would make about town. If you miss the evening paper, gust county of Yamhill, state of Oregon lias this ust |, 1892, Hiram M. Franklin, of McMinnville, Upon an invitation of Jacob county of Yamhill, state of Oregon, has this Timber Land, Act •lune 3, 1878 Notice for Dayton. day filed in this office hi» sworn statement No 751) members of this denomination in the here’s a hint: t'will make you smile, 3056. for the purchase of the w lit of w hf of day til'd in this office his sworn statement No. Publication. Mayer, of Portland, the grand master of 3( 69 for the purchase of the \\. of W. of Sec. section No 2o, in Township No. 2 S. Range No. 7 Oregon, accompanied bv a number of county. Every member of every other p’rhaps you’ll find it on your daughter, \V., and will offer proof to show that the. land 2'», Township No. 2 S , Ktne** Nm"? W , and will church probably stands ready to dispute for the hustle’s back in style. When sought is more valuable for its timber or stone offer prool to show that the land sought is more United States Land Office, tlm grand officers und past grand officers, Oregon City, Oregon, May Cl, 1899. tlian for agricultural purposes, and to establish valuable for its timber or stone than for agii- you wash your face in soap ends, and hisclaim to said land before the Register and Culturai purposes, and to establish his claim to VTOTH’E is hereby given that hi compliance paid an ofliciul visit there. Those present these figures. 11 with the provisions of the act of congress Rectiverof this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on >aid la mi before the Register and Receiver of It is said to be a part of the plan to you’re looking for a towel, while the soap Thursday, of June 3, 1878, entitled “an act for the »ale of were: M. W. G. M., J. M. Hodson; the7th day of September, 1899. He this oilice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, timber lauds hi the states of California, Oregon, names as winesses: Kiley <1. Smith, George H. tiie 18lh day of September. 1899. is getting in your eyes, you start to close the wharves at Portland on the R. W. D. G. M , H. B. Sheilsen; M. W. He names as witnesses: William G. Hill, Nevada and Washingtoil Territory,’’ hn extend Ba» ter and John Starr, of Dayton, Oregon, and John W. McCullough and F’ortlaad Adams, of ed to all the public land states by act of August P. G. M.,John B. Cleland; M. W. P. homecoming of the soldier boys to all swear and grow I, wipe your eyes upon Albert E. Cook of McMinnville, Oregon. McMinn ville, Oregon, and Geo. W. Franklin, of I, 1892, Noah P. Robinson, of Day ton, county ol and a 1 peisons claiming adverse­ This is hardly a fair your shirt sleeves, and remember all the ly Any Yamhill, atate of Oregon, has this day tiled In G. M., W. H. Hobson; M. W. P. G. M , but relatives. the above-described lands are requested to Lafayette, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the t ids office his sworn statement No. 30M, for the shake. And how are you going to tell while, that the towels are hard to locate, Hie their claims in this office on or before said above-described lands arereqm sted to file their purchase of the w hf of e hl of Section No. 34, In F. A. Moore; R. W, 1‘. G. M., Jacob 7th day of September, 1899. claims in this office on or before said 18th day Township No. 2 S , Range No. 7 W., and will Mayer; P. G. orator, W. T. Williamson; who is a relative? We would suggest to siuce the bustle’s back in style. Now 26-10 CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. of September, 1899. t H AS. I*. MOORES, offer proof to «how that the land sought is more Register. valuable for its timber or stone than for agri It. W. G. marshal, J. S. Morin, and a Portland that many outsiders are ex­ there's no use getting angry, and it does cultural purposes, and to establish ills claim to pected to contribute to a volunteer mon ­ no good to swear, if your Sunday shirt said land before the Register and Receiver ot number of brethren from Lafayette, ’ Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.—Notice this office al Oregon < ily, Oregon, on Friday, McMinnville, Whiteeon and Amity. ument fnnd, and that city would better is missing, and you’ve nothing clean to for Publication. the 8th day of September, 1S9‘.». liewnre how it lets its paternalism run to wear, try your hardest to look pleasant, He luiiiiv* as witnesses. Edward A. Nlckols, The young eon of Mr. und Mrs. August United States Land Office, Ralph Starr, George II. Baxter and John Starr, United States Land Office, Detmering was christened bv Rev. seed. Every patriotic citizen in Oregon do your best to wear a smile, and re­ Oiegon City, Oregon. June 7, 1899. i of Dayton, Oregon. Oregon City, Oregon, .lane 26, 1899. OTICE is hereby given that in compliance ___ _ Any and all persons claiming adversely the Joseph Hoberg, who bestowed upon him should have an rally chance to welcome member when yon miss things, that the ’ OTICE is hereby given tnn; in compliance with the provisions of ihe act of Congress J : above-described lands are requested to 7' till* with the provi.*ions «>1 the act of congress bustle’s back in style. of June 3,1878, entitled “An act for the >nie of. . Itieir claims in this office on or before said bill the mime of “Curl Swick.” This is said her returning soldiers. «»i.Tttiie 3,1878, entitled “An a»-t for the sale oi timber lands in the states of California, Ore- of’’une day of September, lbW. to be the first case of christening by a lands ifornia, , — Oregon, gon, Nevada ami Washington Territorv,” as ex- timbei — - in - the states « f Ca’ ---------- CHAS. B. MOORER, Register --- „ iVllll«'l.V, CAIVI|I|. RnJed to all the public land states bj act of hevadii,andWnsbii>gton i\ rrii<>ry,” B' asexteiid- Masonic lodge in the northwest. act of Aug - ­ August 4. is*!. Sarah Bell, of McMinns file, .o.lii- ed to all the Public Land 1 Statt' “••• > by - — ust 1, 1892, Druzilla I. Franklin, of McMinn ­ ty of Yamhill, state of Oregon, has this day A peculiar sight was witnessed by Ed. Hied in this office her sworn statement No. ville, county of Yamhill, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this oiL« e her sworn atate- 3047,for the purchase of the e hf of e hfof Sec. Wing, the liveryman, a few days ago. No. 22, in tow nship No. 2 S., range No. 7 W ,and ment No. 3072, for the put chase of the lots 3 and While out driving he passed a camp ol United States Land Office. will offt r proof to show that the land sought is 4 and East hi of Scruthwot <,r of Section No. 18 Oregon City, Oiegon, May 31. 1899. more valuable for its timber or stone than for in Township No. 2 8. Range No. 7 W„ and witl near Middleton. Grand Ronde Indians 'QTICE is hereby given that in compliance agricultural purposes,and to establish her claim offer proof to show that the land sought is with the provisions of the act ot cougres» Two of the young bucks, evidently tosaidiand before the Register anl Receiver of more valuable for its timber or stone than for • t June 8, 1878. entitled “an act for the wale ot this office at Oregon City, Oiegon, on Friday, agricultural nurio«es, «nd to establish her ginned beyond reason, wire engaged in timber lands in the «tales of t'aliforuia, Ore the 8th day of September’. 1899 Shi names as claim to said laud before the lit gitter and Re­ gon. Nevada amt W ashiugton Territory,” as ex­ witnesses: Jaint» H. Bell, John Kuns, John G. ceiver of this iiiuce at Oretfon (.Yiy, Oregon, ou tended to all the public land states by act of a light. One had the other down and Wisecarver ami Portland Adams, all of Me Monday, the 18th day of September, 1899. She names a*- wiine*-«*'*: liana Peterson August 4. 1892, John Starr, of Dayton, county was getting the beet of him, when an Minnviile, Oregon Any and all persons claim­ <>t Yamhill, state of Oregon, has this day filed ing adversely the above-described lands ure and William G Hill of McMinnville, Ore., ami Georg«? W Franklin amt William W. Hubbard in this office his sworn statement No 8K>4, for older Indian rushed out and began requested to tile their claims iu this office on oi of Lafayette, Oregon. the w bt'of v lit of Section No 26, in lownsliip before said Mil day ot September. 1899. chopping furiously with the edge oi the Any and all persons claiming adversely the No. 2 S., Runge No. 7 W., and will offer proof to CH AH B. MOORES, Register above-described lands are requested to file »how that tiie land sought is more valuable fur hatchet into the back of the Indian on their claims in this office on or before said 18th it« timber or stone than for agricultural pur- There is not the slightest «lotibt that the day of September, 1899. CHAS. B. MOORES, i»obcs, and to establish his claim to said laud top. He stood it well for n while, but doctors do more harm than good in treating Register. before the Register ami Receiver of tbia office Contagious Blood Poison; many victims of at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 7th «as seen to reel and fall over to one day of September, 1W9. this loathsome disease would lie much better side. Wing thought he was killed, l»ut He names as wllnesses, George H. Baxter and off to-day if they had never allowed them United Slates I,and Office. Riley G.Smith, ot Dayton. Oregon, and W illiam iu a little while lie was on bis feet, and Oregon City. Oregon, June 3, 1599. selves to be dosed on mercury and potash, the H l'lelclier and Albert E. Cook, ot McMtnu- ^OTIUE is hereby given that in compliance moving towards the camp he cursed the ville, Oreaon. only remedies which the doctors ever give for United States Land Office, with the provisions of the act of Congress Any and all persons claiming adversely the old man and muttered “That’s all right, blood poison. Oregon City, Oregon, June 16, 1899. 1 of June 3, 1878, entitled “An art for the sale of above-described lamin are requested to tile ’OTICL is hereby given that incompliance Tho doctors are wholly unable to get rid of ! timber lauds iu the States of California. Ore­ tbelr claims in thia office ou nr before said 7th but I’m not goin’ to die'” All the time with the provisions of the act of congress Nevada and Washington Territory." as ex- day of September, 1899. CHAS, li MOORES. this vile poison, an«l only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the , gon, | of June 187>, entitl'd “An act tor the sale of tended to all the public laud states by act of this was going on, the women nt the Register. disease—the sores and eruptions This they do by driving the poison into the 1 August 4 1892. William J. Johnson, of Portland, timl er Jand> in the States of < nlifornia, Orego»., camp maintained a regular liedlam of j county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, ha< this Nevada, and W ashington Territory,” a« extend­ system, and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of potash Timber Lands Act June 3* 1878 Notice for lay Hied in thi** office hi« sworn statement No. ed to all the Public Land HI hu - by act of Aug­ screams from fright. As the old. I had large spots all over my < i June 3, It*?-’*, t milled 'au art tor the sale of office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the its timber <»r stone than for agricultural purpos­ b dy. and these soon broke out into running sores, and I Wing says the timber lands in the «tatvNUi t alitornia, Oregon, maud into the brush. _’_‘d day of August. lMV9 He name» as withes.se« es, ami to establish hiscUim to said land before Nevada and Washinglulr 1 ♦ t rilory,” n> cxlviul- endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro­ William G. Rhude and Patrick H. Doughtier of the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon ed to ail the publla laud »tat« » by act of AugUMt Indian cut with the hatebet bled to North Yamhill. < iregon, Ja«. F. Clark of Port­ • Hy, Oregon, on Fridav (he 15th day of Sep- duces. I decide«i to try S 8 S. as a last resort, and was 4, 1892, Nathaniel Stretch, ot Dayton. county ot freely that you could tra< k him. land, Oregon, and Oliver <». Rhude ot McMinn­ temlKT, 1899. The soon greatly improve«! I followed closely your ’Direc­ YaiuhiU. state oi Oiegon, has this day ill»*.I In ville. Oregon. Anyandall persons claiming lie mines a* witnesses: Aberham Jorns tions for Seif Treatment,’ and the large splotches on my this office hl« sworn acakmeut Nu. soso. for the party came on up to New la-ig, w here it adversely the above-described land« are re­ and Riley Smith, ot Kalama, Cowlitz Co pun base of the s hl ot « lif ol St viiun No. 82, in quested iu Hie their claims iu this ortb e on or Wash., Amos Bergseth of YaiuhHi, Yamhill chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long is believed the chopped redskin sought 1..unship No* IS.. Range No 6 U , and will before said 22taah and mercury—it forcea tlie estate of A May Sawyer, deceased. All persons ' undergoing horrible operations that claim« in thia office on »»r before «aid 7 th day pviaon out of the system and jfets rid of it entirely Hence it cures the having any claim or claim« agatn«t *aiu estate ! aimplv remote the results of the disease was the huebaad oi the oopper-colored of bepleiuber, 1W9. < HAS. H MouKRs, present tht m to me at iny residence at 1 Register. I disease, while other remedies only shut the poloon in where it lurks forever. shall Wheatland in said county, within six months i without disturbing the disease itself, airen on the front seat, to whom a gay constantly undermining the constitution Our syatam of private home treat­ from the Ute hereof. > 5 Hao? your confidence in IkeWitt’s Witch Hou. Wallace Macamanl of Portland young 1-othario was vigoroualy making luted June 24th, A. D !■*** ment places a cure within the reach of all. We give all neeeaaary medical ad­ (’. S. WILLIAMSON. Hazel Salve. It has never failed to cure will be the Fourth of July orator at love, after getting the other fellow vice. free of charge, and save the patient th® enibarraasment of publicity. Administrator of the Estate of A. May ^aw- I yer. deceased drunk. | Writ® for full information to Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. others, it will not fail to cure yon. Bbaridan. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— Notice for Publication LOCAL NEWS. What is CAST \ CASTORIA N N \ N N N X X FOR BLOOD POISON Beware of the Doctors’ Patchwork; You Can Cure Yourself at Homa. N S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD N X