VOL' CAN PROLONG YOUR LIFE LOCAL NEWS. G. 8. AVright, dentist. C. Griesen’s new stock of wall paper. 6 G. S. AVright, demist. Go to Palmer Brou. for all kinds of fresh Mi’s Ida Skinner is rapidly recovering (isli. tf from her recent severe illness. W. T. Logan of Salem is over on a Dr. G. 8. A\ right was chosen secretary visit to bis nephew, AV. II. DR. LEROY LEAVIS. D. D. S. McMinnville. and treasurer of the state dental board Newest and latest designs in wall paper last week. at Hodson’s. PHYSICIANS Mrs. E. L. Weed of Oregon City, a F. J. Miller of Dallas was down to the former resident here, attended the en­ encampment. ÇJALBREATH & GOUCHER, campment. lion. Chas. AV. Fulton will deliver the Best aud cheapest camera, with twelve I Fourth of July address at Independence. , plate holders, and all of the latest photo Screen doors and screen wire at Mc­ supplies at Hodson's. Minnville Fence Works. (Ofllce over Braly’a Bank.) N. C. Christenson moved up from Miss Lena Campbell of Dallas is the MCM1XVVILX.B • - - O k I gon . New berg this week, to get ready for oper­ guest of Mrs. AV. II. Logan this week. ating bis warehouse here. 3 caus cboiee tomatoes for 26c. Choice Newt Rowland ¡9 back from southern Maine corn. 10c a can; qook a cable , Oregon to remain, firmly believing that J. P. I rvine & Sox. A atubill is the best county in the state. Tho Dallas woolen mills are running A pleasant reception was tendered ou full time, with lots of orders ahead. Rev. Geo. AV. Fender and wife by mem­ See their ad. in this paper. Rooms in Jacobson Block, bers of the C. P. church last Friday Ou July 9th Dr. Watte of Lafayette McMtNNVItLK, ... OKBOON. evening. will again preach in the Christian The Hillsboro Independent has adopt­ church, ou the subject of “The Four REAL ESTATE ed the phonetic spelling on sneli words Beasts.” as “thru," “tho,” etc. Consult Hodson before you buy a new QUELL & WOOD, Mrs. Maty J.eabo and Miss Annie kodak. He haB the very best photo­ I Leabo took their departure for The graphic supplies of all kiuds, at moat Real Estate and Insurance. Dalles during the week, where they will reasonable rates. Office in McMinnville National Bank visit with relatives and friends for a Mrs. M. C. Mattilieu, a former teacher month. Building, C Street. in the Salem schools, will have charge of Mrs. Maddox celebrated her eightieth a piano house in Portland. Farms for sale, houses to rent, aud all kluds birthday last Sunday by giving a dinner The New Home and Climax sewing of insurance written. Agents tor property of for the children and relatives.—Amity machines, needles and extras at C. Gris- non reaideuts. Correspondence solicited. Valley Times. sen’s. 42tf Watch our market for strawberries, It makes no difference how bad the PHOTOGRAPHER. cherries and all fruits in their season. wound if you use DeWitt’s AVitch Hazel B ettman & W arren . Salve; it will quickly heal aud leave no [ N. HOBBS, Sam I.. Simpson, Oregon’s poet who scar. Rogers Bros. died in Portlandlast week, was a brother You cannot make a linen duster cut High-Class Photography of John T. Simpson, ex-posttnaster of of a pig’s ear, but you can find the finest a Specialty. Sheridan. line of buggy robes, w hips, etc., ever I am located next door to R. M. Wade & Co., Rev. A. J. Hunsaker will deliver the brought to McMinnville, at the harness and uiu here to do good work and give &atiBiac- tf occasional address before the tenth an­ store of Elsia Wright. tion. Terms reasonable. nual reunion of the Polk County Pioneer Mrs. C. AV. Lowe has returned from LIVERYMAN Association at Rickreall today. southern Oregon, and is spending the The Second Oregon, as it sailed from week with her mother, Mrs. Kitty I’atty. ÇITY STABLES, the Philippine shores, left (¡2 of its Dr. Lowe was here over Sunday, but < number dead from battle and disease in left for Forest Grove Monday morning. Third St ., between £ and F. ! one year’s campaign. Don't think you can euro that slight E. L. WING, Proprietor. Prof. Frank Strong of Naw Haven, attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or that it Everything first-class. Horses boarded by Conn., has been chosen president of the will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cute day, wo^k or month. Commercial travelers conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. university of Oregon to succeed President I will cure it; it “digests what you eat” Give iis a call. and restores the digestive organs to Chapman, resigned. I. . B. Charles and S. J. Lasbier, two health. Rogers Bros. MEAT MARKETS AVm. B. Turner, w ho holds a promi­ pleasant young men of Newberg, who are printers, gave us a professional call nent clerkship in the U. S senate, ar­ I Q STREET MEAT MARKET, while attending the encampment rived with hie family Monday evening on a visit to Oregon relativesand friends. Wednesday. Reynolds & Bond, Prop’s. Henry Bills came down from Dallas They have been etopping for a time in on Sunday with his family and his Los Augeles since the adjournment of Fresh and salt meats and sausages of all kinds constantly in stock. Cash paid for sister, Mrs. Russell, who is visiting him congress. hides. Highest market price paid for all kinds Rev. R. AV. King’s sermon to old from the east. Tite family remained to of fat stock. people Sunday morning w as quite well the encampment. attended by those for whom it was given, Miss Bertha M. Kay graduated from MATTMIES & BOOTH, and after the sermon a general and the college of oratory of AViilamette uni­ Proprietors of hearty hand shaking ensued. The idea versity last week, and on Saturday even­ of specially remembering the aged is ing gave a graduating recital, assisted by a good one, and cannot be overdone. Salem’s best musical talent. Henry Johnson, while working on a Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds J. A. Frisbie has moved a house owned bridge on Monday, had the misfortune South side Third St. between B and C. by him to bis newly acquired lots north to slip uud fall on a spike, w hich pene­ of bis present residence. He will fit it trated the center of his hand, and is up for his o wn occupancy and rejt the PRODUCE: MARKET. likely to lay him up for some time. The one in w hich he lives to A. M. Dee. spike penetrated clear through the Land Q STREET PRODUCE ITARKET, An alarm of fire Wednesday afternoon excepting the skin on the upper surface. set the big crowd agog for a time. It Prof. Geo. A. Peebles, late superin­ C. F. Daniels, Prop. proved to be a little blaze in Granstrom’s tendent, of the Salem schools, and pre­ machine shop, started from the engine. viously of McMinnville, lias taken a po­ C»sli paid for Poultry and Country Produce. It was extinguished with a couple buckets sition with the Weston normal school Hide. and Tallow bought. Hay, Oat*, MiUfeed. Oil Meal. Flaxseed and Bee Supplies of all of water. for the coming year Prof. D. AV. Yoder kinds, kept on baud. Ralph Herbert, who is with Uncle succeeds him at Salem. Prof. C. H. Sant’s hospital corps, and who has just Jones is again chosen ns one of the prin­ BARBERS returned from a trip to AVashington, D. cipals. C., as detail on insane cases, stopped There will be a course of health talks H. LOGAN, oil on Tuesday to visit his mother and at AVright’a hall by Mrs. Lucy Hitch­ the encampment. cock. state manager for the Oregon Mrs. Damon E. Sawyer, postmistress A’iavi Co. on the following afternoons at I am located opposite Burns \ Daniels and alm of Wheatland,died in childbirth on Mon­ 2 :30 o’clock : Tuesday, June 28th, to give all customers good treatment lor little money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pat­ day, June 19lh, at the age of 30 years subject, “Nerves and Nervousness;” ronage solicited. Interment took place at Hopewell ceme­ Wednesday, June 28th, a talk with Ladies are tery on Tuesday, conducted by Rev. mothers and daughters, HARNESS Trask. Deceased was a daughter of C. cordially invited to attend, Admission S. AVilliatnson. free. gLSIA W RIGHT, John AA’atts, who lives eight miles Mr. L L. AVhitcomb for many years a Manufactures and Deals In resident of thia county lias disposed of southwest of McMinnville, has had an all itia interests here and with his family unusual experience with bees. One moved to Lane county. The emigrants year ago he hived a swarm in a coal oil started south last Tuesday morning going box. Within a period of nine days re­ SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, in their own conveyance.—Hillsboro cently five living swarms have come out -ndbrushes, and sells them cheaper than they The average increase in ;au be bought any« here else in the Willamette Intiependent. Mr. Whitcomb was for- of that box. Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are bees is about two swarms a season. Mr. pronounced unstitpassed by those who buy them. merly a Yainbiller. Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Grant anti Mr Watts has never known so great an in­ Monroe Miller left thia week for the crease in bis experience with bees, and DRAYMEN medical springe near Lafayette, where can find no one who has. It proves the Mr. Miller hopes to find relief from an Willamette valley full cf possibilities in gROWER & SON, I attack of rheumatism which has been the industry of bee culture. McHINNVILLE Report of the 1'leasant Hill eeltool. troubling him during the past winter. Diet. No. 43, for the term Iteginning Jan. —Polk Co. Observer. Dr. Kershaw, in speaking about the 23 and ending June 9tb, '99: Total en­ Good* of all descriptions moved, and careful Grand Ronde reservation, said his rollment for the term, 36: average daily handling guaranteed. Collections will be made charges were an industrious lot, although attendance, 34. The following are the monthly. Hauling of all kinds done cheap. among them are some famous fighters, I names of those having been neither who made so much trouble along the absent nor tardy during the term: CONVEYANCER. Rogue river and other places. The mor­ Stuart and Willie Grenfell, Maud Hou«, tality he says far exceeds the births. 1 er, May and Inez Martin, Eva, Lavern, E. McKERN. Last year hie Indians harvested 30,003 Elbert and Clayton McCall. Of these i buslteis of oats and 5000 bushels of J Stuart and Willie Grenfell have a |>erfect record for the entire term of nine wheat. There are 382 of them on the months. I da It. P aoexkoff , Teacher. reservation. If you suffer from tenderness or full- About twelve miles of bicycle path has NORTH YAMHILL, OR. been constructed in this county. This ness on the right side, pains nnder shoulder-blade, constipation, biliousness, Legal papers written and acknowledgements , will probably exhaust the fund from the taken. tax of this year. The path« built are as •ick-headarhe, and feel dull, heavy and follows: From McMinnville south to sleepy your liver is torpid and congested. south Yamhill bridge; east to Sully DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will cure ATTORNEY. station; north on Lafayette road to junc­ you promptly, pleasantly and perman­ L. CONNER. tion with Carlton read, and down that ently by removing the congestion and road to Mr. Burdette’s place. Already causing the bile ducts to oj«n and flow it is discovered that some one has l«en naturally. They are good pills. Rogers riding the new paths on horseback,', Bros. which is likely to make trouble. Parties CASTORIA who trespass in this manner lay them- Beart Ute »¡(nature of Cita» II FltTCWB* Office rooms • and 10, Colon Block. selvei liable to prosecntloo, and become In - um for more than thirty year» and 7Y* JTi'wrf Kou Hi-Ji Ahrajrl Bonghi. I McHInnvIHe, - Oregon guilty of a very serious offense. by keeping your DENTAL ORGANS tn perfect condition, thus promoting gqod dlgealtou, which u the prime factor ot perfect health. You are Invited to call frequently at my office for examination of the condition ot your teeth Al departments of dentistry are practiced, and by the most modern andcotuteienhou» methods. We offer for Next Ten Days 140 Pairs (Den’s Shoes Physicians and Surgeons. 200 PAIRS MEN'S SHOES Former • price $2.50 and $3 Sale price ?2. Physicians and Surgeons. CITY MARKET. yy BARBER HARNESS, Truck and Dray Co. A Notary Public and Conveyancer Attorney and Notary Public Sale price $1.75 Fortner price $2.50, $2.25 300 ¡Pairs Chiidren ‘ s 3/ioes Reduced from 2,5c to 50c a pair. ASTRIKING DIFFERENCE ORR & Cos , 10 Per Gent Discount bkMPie or A NON-UNION MADE SUIT On all of our Spring and Summer PANTS, including the SAveet-Orr Co. line. Our 30c and 35c Japanese Matting reduced to 25c; 25c Matting to 20c; 20c Matting to 15c. These prices are for ten days only, beginning June 1 st. We carry a large line of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Clothing, Hats aud Caps, Trunks and Valises, Bicycles, Cameras and supplies, and can save you money. Call and get our prices. The Best is the Cheapest — 8uy the Sweet Orr & Co Make. «»TABUSHED '071. The yearly meeting of Friends at New­ berg opened yesterday. Miss Feely of Astoria is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed. Willis. The Portland University is to be moved into the city, from its location seven miles out. There is only one genuiue kodak ami that is the Eastman. Don’t be misled by deceiving advertisements. Win. F. Dielsehneider, the jeweler, handles the genuiue. Mrs. AVm. Galloway of Oregon City has been an interested visitor to the encampment this week. Tho appear- auce of her poi trait and sketch in the encampment souvenir was planned by Mr. Galloway as a surprise for his wife, and it worked all right. We now have a few thousand dollars to loan on farm property, at good terms. 12tI I rvine & V iwton . J. D. Bridge, editor aud proprietor of the Democrat, Lancaster, N. IL, says: “I would not lie without One Minute Cougli Cure for my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. It is the best remedy for croup I ever used.” Rogers Bros. Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Williamson of Muncie, Ind., arrived here Thursday of last week and remained until Monday, visiting with their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. O. 0. Hodson. They had been tonring California, and were due at home July 4th, with the Yellowstone national park to visit on the way, hence their stay here was cut short. If you have piles, cure them. No use undergoing horrible operations that simply remove the results of the disease without disturbing the disease Itself. Place your confidence in DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It lias never failed to cure others; it will not fail to cure you. Mrs. J. F. Calbreath and daughters Helen and Evaline, arrived ItAme from Nashville, Tenn., Monday evening. They were caught in ttie jam at the train, •nd seemed evidently pleased witli the thought tliat tite city had grown so. Tite kisses they received from lady friends seemed as numerous as the sands of the sea. They hud beeu absent nearly a year. They missed tite New Richmond cyclone just it) hours being behind it. ■ ■ ■ ------- . Strayed From my farm near Lafayette, a medium-sized Jersey bull. Color light gray, dark head and shoulders. Very dish-faced and eyes prominent. IIo is tlehorned. A suitable reward will be paid for his return to my place. M. O. L ownsdale . I'aiirtl the Ordeal. The following teachers of this county have jntst been grnuted state palters as follows: State reriifii-ntea ■ Cora Comer, New­ berg; I.nlu Graves, Amity; Nellie H. Findlay, Dayton; Ethel C. Votaw, New­ berg; Mrs. Annie Barzce, McMinnville. State diploma: Mies Lena Stilwell, of Dayton. Life diploma: Miss Eva E. Akin of McMinnville. Far Rale ar Trade. A well-boring outfit for 6, 8 or ten incli tiling or casing, ail in good shape. In­ quire of Henry Pearson. 25-4 CASTORIA Bear» th* «ignatare of C ha *. It FtaTeaaa la um lor more than thirty year*, and Tht King Von Him Ati)i Bought. M c M innville grange & farmers C o Chas. P. Nelson, Manager. WUOLuRuWERS, ATI EH HON! Before disposing of your wool, see the woolen mill in Dallas. Highest cash prices paid. Call or notify us by mail, and our buyer will call ou you. State qualities and grade. PIONEER WOOLEN MILLS Co., Dallas, Polk County, Or. THE RACKET STORE Offers you undoubtedly The Best Shoes For the Money Straw and Crash Hats, Ladies’ Summer Underwear, Lace Curtains, Laces, Ribbons, Embroidery. • In Misses’ and Boys’ Goods we have Clothing below competi­ tion. Working and fine shirts, extra Pants, Overalls and Un­ derwear, Cotton and Wool Sweaters. Just received a large line of Window Shades. H. MILLS & SON oocKxxxxx>c>g Dr. Lowe’s Sarsaparilla A compouud of the A’egetable alterative extracts peculiar to the Southern states for the blood. An effective remedy for sluggish circulation, and the pimples, blotches and similar eruptions that result therefrom. An infallible remedy for rheu­ matism, dyspepsia, indigestion, nervous and sick headaches. In cases of nervous debility, loss of appetite and strength it is wonderful. 75c a bot­ tle of 100 doses. ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists. Columbia ) a„dr,™«.e ; Bicycles Are Leaders for 1899. Why! Because the price is right. Below any possible Competitor. Chainless, Model 59 and 60............................. “ 50 and 51 Columbia Model 57 and 58............................... “ 49 and 45 .................... Hartford Pattern 19 and 20 Vedette Pattern 21 and 22 Columbia Tandem . . |75 65 50 40 35 25 71 You will have cause to regret if you purchase without seeing this fine line of wheels. Send for catalogue. W. Lt. HEMBREE.