The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, June 23, 1899, Image 4

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    Yamhill County
Reading notieeMn local columns 10 cent» per
line for first week and •> cents per line thereafter.
Display . l <1 -.
annual rates, one inch
per month 91; each additional inch 50 Cents prr
Oldm try «nd marriage notices not exceeding
10 Hues published ire»* if furnished in time to
be current news Additional matter 10 cent* per
FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1899.
The city of Mexico, which has had
a city council since 1522, is making
prodigious strides towards enlight­
enment, by having advanced to the
point of passing an ordinance that
men should not appear on the streets
of that city without having on
p tutuloons,
During the next 377
years the city of Mexico may pro
gress as fur as the theatre bat ordi
Min r>i i i »m>i i .
C L. Glenn left M
Wisconsin where he
then visit Washington, D. C . bH
Warreu ati-1 Lizzie Glandon lefi
urday morning on tlieir for Nv
port, where they will sp n<l the tuniuei.
Sirs Glsndon going 1v train on W
Quite a num
McMinnville d
the G. A. R. reunion.
Our strawberry grov.-«rz have b» zun to
make taen tutiud
l he nt first
beiug 30c a gallon, but at pt .< nt tiie ■
only ask zoc.
On Tuesday the Tillataeok ste.-e left
over the mountr.uis with rune passen­
gers, which shows that travel has begun
towards the coast.
Mrs. W. G. Busbee returned from
Hood river on Tuesday last.
Willie Campbell returned from Hood
river the first oi tiie week.
We notice the Transcript in mention­
ing the ball game at this place- last Sun
day says that they played lor $50, v.hen
iu fact there was no money played for
by the boys. There might liav been
private bets to that amount, but as
a nine there w as nothing bet.
The North Yamhill b ’ 1 all club now
consider that they have a reputation 11
ball players, am! feel that anv nine in
the county cau play with them without
being dishonored should our nine beat
them. The score Sunday last was,
Washington county, 9, North Yamhill.
O regon ' s volunteer
which is returning from Manila,
performed splendid service, and its
losses comparatively are not heavy
<101*111 i«
An Oregon paper remarks that i
“Onr boys bring home a fine record
Postmaster Taylor spent Monday in
of health, courage and military en- Sheridan.
Mr. Bird has returned home very
durance.” The able management of
improved in health since being
the army speaks for itself.—Globe much
treated by the Sheridan doctor».
Little Eva Macy has been vUiting her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Lam­
The artirt who is in search
\ of attitudes descriptive of
J torture, and Dost.- depicting
t suffering, need not gu to the
Christian martyrs ot
old. If he could only
see through the walls
into tens of thousands
of homes all over this
land, he would see
women undergoing
tortures in silence
without complaining,
'ore which the
‘f ordeals of the
martyrs pale into
No one but a
• .« m woman cau tell
/¿¿J the story of the
suf feting, the
despair, aud the
despondency endured by women who
ciu \ a daily burden of ill-health and pain
of disorders and dcrangemeut of
the delicate and important organs that are
distinctly feminine.
One of the worst
effects of troubles of this kind is upon the
nervous system. The tortures so bravely
endured completely and effectually shatter
the nerves.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre­
scription is an unfailing cure for all weak­
ness and disease of the feminine organ
ism. It makes it strong and healthy. It
allays inflammation, heals ulceration and
soothes pain. It checks exhausting drains
and tone» and builds up the nerves. It
fits lor wifehood and motherhood. Good
medicine dealers sell it, and have nothing
“just as good.”
'• Since my last child was born, thirteen years
ago. I have suffered from uterine trouble ”
wiites Mrs. Paul Devraine, of Jellico, Campbel!
Co., Tenn. ‘ I consulted several doctors and
took much medicine, but found no relief. I had
very bad health for twelve years. Every mouth
I was iu bed a week before the monthly period
and a week after. I was obliged to keep in bed
for four months last summer. ( was just like
a corpse
I lost twenty-six pounds in four
months I was coughing so much I was con­
sidered in consumption. I suffered severely
lrotn pains in my bark, bearing down pains in
the womb, chills and cold sweats. zVfter taking
four bottl s of Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Dis­
covery my coughing stopped, and after six
Ijottlesof Dr. Fierce’s Favorite Prescription my
periods became regular and were passed with­
out pain
Now I am fleshy, mure su thau
ever before. My neighbors are surprised to see
me in such good health after having seen me
bo low.”
Constipation cause sand aggravates many
serious diseases. It is speedily cured by
Di Pierce’s Pleasaut Pellets
T his government is now counted
among the most wealthy nations of
the earth. It has made such rapid
strides during the past three years
that it has been elevated to the
highest niche of fame, and if there
should be an orator on the coming
Ith of July who cannot deliver an
address without picking out con­
ditions to find fault with and rant I
Probate Court«
against the government he shoo'd be
Estate of E. J. Esson. Mrs. Clara Es-
banished to Spain.
soti appointed administratrix.
Y amhill county is known through
out the world as the land where big
red apples grow, and where good
looking mid up-to-date ladies —young,
old, married and single -abound iti
greater numbers than anywhere else
on earth. There can be no possible
doubt regarding this hitter state
incut. During theG. A. It encamp
ment they were out in force. The
fair lilies nf the valley mingled with
1 be more dignified roses, and the be­
wildering combination of mses and
liliea fully supported the eonserva
live claims of “old Yamhill.''
The destructive cyclones of the
Mississippi valley give additional e\ ■
idence of the fact that storms are
more destructive to life and proper
tv than war. Since May, 1810, there
are oftieiiil records of 7o tornadoes,
m which 6,424 persons were killed.
5,575 people injured, and 14,790
houses destroyed. In other cases in
which the ■ tiirnis were ns destruc­
tive. official record was not kept, and
it is safe tn s,iv that twice as many
persons have been killed as are num
tiered in the official reports. In the
history of nations war strikes in its
full desolating power at long inter
vale, and there are intervening com
pensations. But storms, in a great
country like the United States, visit
some region every week, und have
all seasons for their own
IJuli.e« 10 Hurt).
June 21—Cleveland H. Hggers, ofPort-
land, 50, and Lettie Rogers, 5 of New
Adverltkcd I.viler».
A 2o, Fort Adan s, ... M C Gengler,
Puul Kleppin, Mrs Murv Mellon ahi.
Mrs Surah Reed. Mrs Sarah Savage, L E
Thompson. C W West. 1. A Wallace, Lee
J » I. McC us i'. M.
June 2ist, 1899.
Hear» the signature of C has . H. F lb TC urn
In use for more than thirty years, and
A.’md F vm Hdvt' Always Bought.
I n the settlement of the Alaska
boundary question the United States
Noli,-,' for Hitt» oiiil Ulneriims.
gets frequent glimpses of the petty
Notice is hereby given that the board
spirit which prevents Canada from
sharing in tin- physical and social ad­ of coiumissioners of Yandiill county,
vancement which is manifesting it­ Oregon will receive, bid« tor building and
self in all the rest of North America constructing a bridge span, and approach
Canadian new-papers now claim that ' to the same fr> in the north bank, ucro. s
licet of the I United
niteil States tn
“the object
buying Kusslan Américain 1867 wa» the South Yamhill river st Mi Minnville.
not so much to secure a province together with nnd according to plans and
which would be valuable for its pro epevifleations mid strain diagrams of
duets as it was to appropriate terri­ same, enclosed therewith, said span to
tory which Canada ought to have be 140 feet long, mid piers six feet high­
owned." "Therefore.’ they declare, er than present pier«. Bids to l>e opened
“Canada can never regard the acqui­ on tiie 7lh day of July, A. D. 1891), at
sition of Alaska as anything but one 10 a. n>. Tiie right to reject any or all
of enmity und threat to her inde­ bids is reserved.
pendence. Our cousins forget that
J. II. N kison . C o . Clerk.
Etigluud. from the beginning of the
century up to 184B, tried to make the
Military hiMory and souvenir is «till
world believe that all the Pacific
const of North America ttelonged to on snlv at this office and at the city book­
------- — —
Pneumonia, la gripin', coiiflis, colds,
croup and a hooping-cough readily jield
to One Minute Cough Cure
I te thia
remedy in time and save a «factor's bill*
or ths undertaker's. Rogers Rrue
The regular services oi the Mvtholht
church aHI l«e conducted Sunday next
by the pastor, Pr. Grannis. “The Civil
War ami the Grand Army oi the Repub­
lic and their Halation to ('ivil Govern­
Mr«. Wiu. Rennie leturoed Sunday ment,*' a ill be the subject of the even­
from a two seek«' visit to her aon in Sa­ ing sermon. Member*o( the G. A. R.
and eitixens in general are Invitad.
Military history and souvenir is Mill
<>u sale at tin« ollies and at the city I ax A
Mrs. 11. Jacolaion and daughters l.itta
and Joaie have I'cen up front Portland
thia week.
.Mias Ina Stilwell graduated last week
from the normal department of Willam­
ette nniveraity.
Tuesday. His visit- greatly improved
his health, and he reduced his weight 30
pounds by climbing snowy mountains.
A game of base ball will be played at
th« college grounds tomorrow (Saturday)
between McMinnville and North Yam­
hill teams. Hauewirth, the great, will
pitch. Admission 25e. Game called at
2:30 p. m.
The Iowa veterans’ circle held a reun­
ion yesterday, and elected officers. They
have the name» of 170 Iowa soldier» in
Oregon, and have beeu instrumental in
bringing together two brothers who
fixed ut (50 and approved.
Estate of Thos. Huston. Jos Huston, hadn’t »eon each other for 15 years.
jr. appointed administrator, with $15,000
Co nrade W. D. Weed overheard a vet
bond Pled and approved. Z. E. Perkins
W. R. Derby and W. D. McDonald ap­ eran telling an army experience on the
pointed appraisers.
street and he thought it sounded familiar.
Estate ot Jerome B. Franklin. Invento­ Ho edged up and found that ho had
ry und appraisement tiled and approved. played a part in tiie story. Asking the
Household furniture and property ex­
veteran his name, he proved to he
empt from execution set off to widow.
Estate of Elizabeth J Hudaway. In
1 ­ Weed's chum in the army, wliom lie
ventory and appraisement filed and np
1 ­ hadn't seen for years and years.
Estate of Wm. Hobson. Final ac-
count tiled and Aug. 8th at to a. 111., set
to hear same. Executors authorized to-
distribute money 011 hand.
Some of the results of neglected dys­
peptic conditions of the stomach are
cancer, consumption, heart disease and
epilepay. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure pre­
vents all this by etleeting n quick cure
i:i all cases of dyspepsia. Rogers Bros
McMinnville's Greatest Store.
For the benefit of a great many visitors who are expected in our city during the G.
campment. we are determined to make an interesting sale on the following lines
200 prr Lace Curtains, >1 and «1.25 values, your choice per pr
All our 11 25, (1.50 and tl.75 ready-made Skirts, choice
250 Parasols and suu umbrellas, divided into three lots, choice iu Lot
1, 75c; lot 2, (1; lot 3. (1 50. All of them worth one-half more.
Another lot of thos«fast Black Hose, sale price per pair
Our entire stock of Ladies' Sailors, walking and trimmed Hats to
close out at cost. 250 Men’s, Youths’and Boys' assorted colors
in Sweaters, regular 50, 65 and 75c values, sale price, each.
40 Doz Men's Balbriggan and Merino underwear reduced to 25c each.
60 Doz real British Balbriggan men’s underwear, our 50, 65 and 75c
values, sale price each
................... .......................................
40 doz Men's neglige overshirts, regular 60, 65, 75 and 85c goods re­
duced to
.■ ......... ...............................................
15 Doz men's colored bosom laundered shirts divided into two lots
lot 1, choice. 75c; lot 2, choice, $1. Some of them are
... v worth
double that money. Special reduction on Men’s, Boys’ and Chil­
dren's clothing. Ten per cent discount on all our Ladies’ and
Children’s Tan Shoes and Oxfords.
T he story of an alleged conspiracy bright. She returned to the county seat
on the part of Cuban patriots to lay
Mrs. Anna Todd and daughter of Tilla­
Mr. and Mrs. T. Stow of Bellevue were
the island in ashes two years hence visitors at Mr. Thompson's Sunday.
mook are here to remain over the fourth.
if we do not comply with their de
Miss Mary Cronin returned to liei
Comrade S. F. Blythe, editor of the
mauds, is important as an evidence home last Friday evening. She had Hood River Glacier, was a delegate to
heed staying in Portland for quite a long
of the peculiar character of the peo­ period.
the enciinipnient, the guest of Mr. F.
ple we have to deal with. The “in
Arrangements are being made lor an II. Barnhart.
noccnt" natives do not fully realize entertainment and basket social to be The trial of Magers, accused of mur­
at the school house, Saturda
yet that the putting out of conflagra­ given
dering Ray Sink near Salem, has cost
night, July 1st.
tions and the punishment of incendi
Mrs. W. Scott returned home Sunday Polk county 13,700. Magers is sentenced
aries are two of the specialties of the after a week’s visit with relatives at ti hang July 21st. but will appeal.
Sheridan and McMinnville
people of the United States.
W. D. Weed returned from Idaho on
Chas.Agee is having his house painted.
JoJinny Conrad is the paint splasher.
Milton Potter, not to be outdone, is giv­
ing his house a general course of repairs,
with Mr. Long as carpenter.
Misses Olive Lambright, Frances Tay­
lor and Ora Delashmutt attended the
teachers' institute in McMinnville last
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were in Mc-
Minnville Monday.
Alfred Flynn, now of Sheridan, spent
Sunday at home with his friends.
Kcal I'ktale TrauUen.
J W Mauldlng et tix to Martha
Forest 30 a pt I N Brannon <l I c
15 r 6 .......
II P Moor to II L McCann 17200
sq ft of Alfred Job <1 1 c t 3 r 4 . 500
John M Lady et ux to Win Me-
Chrisman 23 a pt T 15 Hendur-
boii ’ s <llc....................................
North Yamhill Cemetery Associa­
tion to F J Canfield lots 1 to 12
blk 64 cemetery.........................
Joint Euery etux to James Web­
ster 5u a pt Joel Chrisman d 1 c
t4 r 3.........................................
Lewis E Fryer ot tix bo G A Dong-
las 8.59 a near North Yamhill
W G Henderson, Sheriff, to the
Union Savings & Loan Assn lot
4 anil s hf lot 5 blk 9 Newberg 638 84
E H Disbrow, per sheriff, to Union
Loan and SavingH Assn lots 4, 5
and 6 blk 3 II & I. add to New­
Wm McChrisnian et ux to John M
Lady 90 a pt O I’ Turner diet
5 r5 ................... .......................
Haynes Holmes and wf to 0 A C
li K Co. 16 Va ft right of way.
Alice E Enery to Thos Draper 118
a t 4 r 5...................................... $
O C Mortenson et nx to Rubie D
Hayner 88.26 a t 2 r 3................ 1001)
Ole C Mortenson et ux to Chas D
Hayner lots 3 and 4 blk 7 Des­
kins’ 2d add to New berg.........
Wm A Millard and wf to A M
Geer lot 16 blk 51 Edwards adit
to Newberg ..............................
Union Savings & Loan Assn to F
A Morris, Trustee, lots 4, 5 and
6 blk 3 H A L add to Newberg
and lot 4 s ya lot 5 blk 15 and
lot 4 s hf lot 5 blk 9
250« 1
Amanda J Warren to C J Payne
int in 147.54 a pt Cs aleb J
Payne die.......................
Portland R E and Trading Co to
Edw Grenfeil and wf 282 a sec
W J Michaux to Sarah M White
lot 4 and e hf lot 5 blk 11 Lafav-
........... ...........
W G Henderson, sheriff to Rich-
ard Parrett e hf se qr sec 23
! and
sw qr see 24-3-2
140 20
W T Sluter, receiver, to Angus
McColoch 25 a of sw qr of 1 ue qr
sec 9 5 6................... ...
J F Hall and wf to Richard Parrett
210 a in t 3 r 2....................... ...
Kodaks and Artists’ Supplies
Wall Paper AS“S‘„T
Tn different tiuts. Makes a nice wall on
Paper, Wood or Plaster.
Stoves and General Hardware, Painty,
Implements, Plows, Harrows,
Garden Tools and Fresh Garden Seeds.
Looks Easy, but Isn’t.
You are told so ofteu by so many advertisers that they are sell­
ing shoes “worth so and so,” for “this and that’’—ever so much
below what it is claimed they are worth, that you come to think
it an easy matter to sell shoes for less than they are worth.
BUT IT ISN'T. As a rule we must pay the makers of good
shoes a good price, and we must make a profit or go out of busi-
ness. If you want good shoes you must pay our price, We
could sell you junk at less than we can sell really good footwear,
but you wouldn’t want it. You want only good shoes. We be
lieve you are willing to pay fair prices.
Sign of the Big Boot.
Boots and Shoes.
i f«s
Always in Stock
Cheap as
The Cheapest
This fearful disease often first appears
as a mere scratch, a pimple, or lump in
^ (1111 nf Ton—A t^ie breast. too
too small to attract anv
Udi ui I oil
A notice, until, in many cases, the deadly
disease is fully developed.
Cancer can not be cured by a surgical
operation, because the disease is a virulent
poison in the blood, circulating throughout the system, and although
the sore or ulcer—known as the Cancer—may be cut away, the
poison remains in the blood, and promptly breaks out afresh, with
renewed violence.
The wonderful success of 8. 8. S. in curiug obstinate, deep-oeated
blood diseases which were considered incurable, induced a few de-
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, after exhausting the skill of
tno physicians without a cure. Much to their delight 8. 8. 8. proved
equal tn the disease anil promptly effected a cure.
spread rapidly, and it was soon demonstrated
beyond doubt that a cure had at last been
found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has accu­
mulated which is incontrovertible, of which
the following is a specimen :
Cure Found at Last.
‘ Our book on Cancer, containing other testimonials anti valuable
information, will be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
bitted with Special Heavy Tread G. A J. Tire?, are
The Best Ramblers and Ideals ever Built—the
Best Wheels ever Built.
New ’99 Popular
Liat Prices:
Fred T. JVterrill Cycle Co
-•ao year Pioneer«
Furniture, Carpets
Wall Paper,
Lace Curtains,
Portieres,Oil Cloth
Rockers in variety
Extension Tables,
and if you don’t
see what you
want, ask fot it.
Yours Truly,
Results Fatally in Nine
“Cancel is hereditary in our family, my father a
sister ami an mint having died front this dreadful
dis. tsi>. My feelings may be imagiued when the hor­
rible ilb.'ie made its app»>arance on my side. It was
n tnaligiumt Cancer, eating inwardly in such a way as
to cause great alarm. The disease seemed beyond the
skill of the doctors, for their treatment did no good
whatever, the Cancer growing worse all the while
Numerous remedies were used for it but the Cancer
grew steadily worse, until it seemed that I was doomed
to foll. vv the others of the family, for I know how deadly Cancer Is. especially
when inherited I was advised to'try Swift s Specific (S S 3.) which, from the
first day. forced out the poison. I continued its use until I had taken eighteen
Kittles, when I was cured sound and well, and have had no symptoms of the
dreadful atBiction. though many years have elapsed. 3 8. S. is the ucly cur«
for Cancar.—M rs . S M. I dol . Winston N. C
li :
10M07-1W-111 Sixth st., Porti.n.l Orejun
O. O. HODSON, Agent.
Trainiti» School for Teacher«. New BnHdlur?
N< w Department«. Ungraded < ountry School Work
Graduate» x-cure food postUon*.
sir, i.g < our«.., W«U equlppcl training <l«p«n
meat N'ormai evurw quick«« and beat wa, to
State l erun. ate
Ftpenw tor year from il.M to fire or Beard U 50
|>«r w.*» Tuition I'
per term ot ten nreeka
Fall term begin« Sept.
Term June «7--Sept. I.
F.* < «lal^u« kddrttt P L. ÙAMPBELL Pre»
or W A. WANN. Sec. Fmlty
B»»t Brkk In City.
Bean the signature of C* ab K. F l arc van.
In use for mor« than thirty year» aad
¿fate Alwjs
Third St Cor Fiondor». PORTLAND. OR
Holst eompiet« with Electric Licht«. B«li«,
»(»am Hast Bath Room on r«< l floor. kl«v«t
or tor «ccommodatloa ot ja-«!». Rate« tl to
Il -J per day. accordlnj to room. Meal» 2L<.
Fr«« bu» to and from ail train»
E. SANDERS, Manager.