Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1899)
Honor to Archbl«liop Chi tafia. B MIHISUR I# SIW A WARM RECEPTION. MARCH OF PROGRESS. Half a Crop of Fruit. According to a report just issued by Portland, June 17. — Alexander I Rebel Attack on San Fernando Repulsed the state board of horticulture, based Christie, archbishop of Oregon, was —Enemy Left 75 Killed. I IV It at 1« Being Done In the Way of on the condition of orchards May 15, welcomed to his new see yesterday, not Manila, June 19. — After cutting the Oregon’s fruit yield this year will bo Railroad Building lu tho only by Catholics, but by Protestants about 56 per cent of the average. "As North welt. shade of belief. And never Hon. Bellamy Storer Is Re- railroad and telegraph lines at Apaiit, Aguinaldo’s Men Completely I I of was every for the purpose of severing communi tbe climatic conditions since that data a more genuine or enthusiastic cation. the rebels attacked General has been very unfavorable," say* the 1 welcome accorded a prelate. From the ceivtJ by the Queen. Routed at Zapote. Railroad building in the West is be MncAithur’s lines at San Fernando, at report, "a further discount on these i time of his arrival, at 6:30 F. M., he 4:30 this morning. They met with an ing pushed with vigor. Idaho, Wash estimates would not be out of order.” was in the hands of a joyous crowd of ington and Oregon are literally swarm unexpectedly warm reception, and were Taking 100 to repiesent an average REBEL LOSS OVER A THOUSAND priests and laymen, and not till after NO FORMAL SPEECHES MADE repulsed with a loss of 73 killed, 30 ing with surveyors. On a number cf yield, the condition of the various midnight was he able to letire. The I roads grade has already been broken. prisoners and many wounded. fruits in the state at large I* indicated church chimes in the Catholic towers The rebel forte, estimated to have The Burlington proposes to start soon by tbe following figures: Filipino Arseunl »nd Ammunition Cap of Portland pealed nreirily as he was Public Kept in Ignorance of the Recep to build west from Billings, Mont. No. of Per cent tion in Order to Avoid Disagreeable numbered 5,000 men, advanced stealth tured nt Iinuit —A«*a8»ination of Luna escorted to the archiépiscopal resilience Tbe activity of the Northern Pacific localities of average ily from the jungle north of the city Iucideuta — t*resented by the Premier- on bis way to the installation cere Conti l ineò by Otis. reported. crop. i and O. R. & N. into the Clearwater and then divided, with tbe evident pur- Apple........................................ «I «1 mony. In the evening as many citi | valley, where considerable grading has Peaches................................... IS 72 l-ose of surrounding the Americans. zens as could crowd into the Marquam French prunes .......................... 44 W Madrid, June 19.—The newly ap The outposts of the Iowa regiment dis already been done, is well known. The Italian prunes............................ 31 Manila, June 17. — Imus, which is assembled to welcome him. He is de- 40 Northwestern road has broken grade Cherries ....................... .. ........... 4S 61 pointed United States minister tc covered the enemy and retired to their now occupied by Genetai Lawton, but I lighted with Portland, and was much Pears........................................... 4S 45 from Huntington, with tbe Seven Dev which resisted the Spaniards for moved by the warmth and fervor of his Spain, Bellamy Storer, was received in lines, where the entire division awaited Berries of all kinds ate reported a ils district as the objective point. An formal audience by the queen regent in an entrenched position. months, is naturally a strong position. reception. today. There were no speeches, and j The Kansas and Iowa regiments re other load to tap the same district is full crop from everv section. Orchard* The rebels left behind shells and pow Trade With Jamaica. only a few cordial phrases were ex ceived the first shock of the attack. in about the same direction. It is pro with southern exposures show a greater der, evidences of their hasty retreat. Kingston, Jamaica, June 17. — The changed. Two state carriages from’ Reserving their fire until the enemy posed to run this line from Weiser, lose and more damage to trees than The rebels started to move the Fili those planted on northern exposures; pino arsenal, cartridge factory and end of the local fruit war, and the col- the royal stables conveyed Mr. Storer was within 600 yards, the first volleys Idaho, along the Snake river through and, again, orohards on bottom land* powder mill at Imus Monday, and j lapse of the English scheme for mon- from the Hotel de Romo to the palace of the Ameireans hit the tebels, who ( tiie Seven Devils oountiy and on to show more damages to trees and fruits barely succeeded, when their army re ; opolizing the Jamaican fruit trade, and took him back to the hotel after returned the fire wildly, the rest of the Spokane. than on billsides and higher plateaus, And there are others. treated to Buena Vista and Perez das leaves the Boston Fruit Company mas thr audience. Premier Silvela pre- line failing to advance. ter of the situation. This development eeuted Mr. Storer to her majesty. The California, Nevada & Oregon while orchards located well up on Marinas. Ready for the Attack. road, which hus its terminus at Ami- mountain sides hie reported as having There were no crowds about the 'The mayor of Imus, when he surren has caused widespread gratification. It The Americans, who thoroughly en sustained no damage whatever to either dered the town to General Lawton, is generally regarded as the first fruits palace. Mr. Storer's reception being joyed the novelty of the situation, lee, Cal., is advertising for graders. tree or fruit. Its purpose is to push nothward into ' of the reciprocity between Jamaica and unannounced inorder to avoid disagree said the insurgents were hard put for awaiting an attack, sallied forth, and i Southern Oregon near Goose lake. Its To Revive the Dairy Intereat«. ammunition. This is not confirmed, the United States which is eo much de able incidents. The fact that there were no speechei the insurgents thereupon turned and progress thereafter is problematical. foi their dead had belts and cartridge sired. It is felt that the presence of A movement has been stat ted by the fled into the jungle. Our loss was 14 the fruit company will rliaw into the It is said however, that it will push is not surprising, as this is the practice boxes half tilled with ammunition. Colfax chamber of commerce to revive men wounded, and the majority of A monk told General Lawton that island other American enterprises as when ministers are received. Speechei them are only slightly hurt. General notbeasterly past Burns and towards the interest in dairying in Whitman 4,000 rebels were defending Zapote, soon as treaty relations render assured are only made in the case of ambassa Funston's brigade of Kansans and Huntington or Baker City. county. A meeting of the farmers of There is certainly plenty of territory that section has been called and promi and that each had sworn upon a cruci a permanent market for Jamaican dors. Nevertheless, the queen regent Montanans, and General Hale's brig in Southern and Central Oregon for products in the United States. was very amiable and complimentary fix that he would only leave the field nent Eastern dairymen will make ad — towards Mr. Storer, and inouired cor ade, the Seventeenth regiment and the several railroads. In fact, those sec dresses. dead. General Lawton thinks that the Turks Invade Servi». Iowa regiment, coetituted the force en tions of the state are entirely barren of defeat under such circumstances ac Belgrade, June 17. — A number of dially concerning the health of Presi gaged. Big Order« From Australia. anything except rough stage lines. counts for the demoralization of the Albanian bands, assisted by 2,000 dent McKinley. Aguinaldo is reported to have per Such is the condition of Malheur The Bandon broom handle factory, at insurgents. Turkish regular troops, are reported to ESCAPE FROM DEVIL S ISLE sonally conducted tbe attack, and prep county, Harney county, Lake county, Bandon, filled an order last month for The Twenty-first and Ninth infantry have attacked a number of Servian vil arations weie made for several days to are returning to Manila. The Fourth lages in the Javonitza district. It is Prisoner« Choose Almost Sure Dentil ou bring forward troops from Candaba, Klamath, Grant, Crook and Wasco, 80,000 bandies for Australia and is each of which is as large as several working on an order for the same infantry. Thirteenth infantry and added that during the fighting a large Sea Rather Than Confinement. and others from Dagupan were trans- Eastern states. The railroads are all amount now foi the same place. First Wyoming infantry have been number of men were killed and wound New Yora, June 19.—A dispatch to poited by rail. along the not them, eastern and west sent out to reinforce Lawton and to ed on both sides. The Turks, it is the Journal and Advertise! from Along the front of the Kansas regi ern borders. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. hold the towns. : pointed out, being in superior force, Kingston, Jamaica, says: A few dayi ' ment, 39 rebel dead were counted. The Columbia Southern,now pushing Saltpeter by the ton and thousands ’ overpowered the frontier guards and ago a little boat containing four men J Tbe first news of the Filipino ad of pounds of antiquated artillery am 1 now blockade three villages. A force rowed up the mouth of the Essequibc 1 vance was reported by a telegraph op southward from Antelope to Prineville, Portland Market. munition and brown powder were un of Servian regular troops has been or river, in British Guiana, from the open erator, who was sent to the bridge at will reach the heart of one part of Ore gon. and with a system of feeders could Wheat—Walla Walla, 68c; Valley, earthed in the powder-house, and large dered to the scene of the ’onflict, with sea. Tiio men had been buffeted about Apaiit to ascertain the cause of a break drain a large area of country. There 69c; Blueetem, 61c per bushel. quantities had been dumped in the orders to repulse the invaders. at sea for three days and nights, with in one of the wires. He was compelled is also talk of extending the Corvallis Flour—Best grades, *3.20; graham, river by the fleeing army. out food or water, exposed to the fierce to beat a hasty retreat under tire. & Eastern east from Albany into the *2.65; superfine, *2.15 per barrel. War un Automobiles. The panic-stricken rebels have given heart of the state. Then there is the Oats—Choice white, 45c; choice Chicago, June 17.—The South Park rays of the tropical sun. They wert I AH«a«Min»tion of Lun». up several of their best defensive posi reduced by the terrible privations they proposed road of W. T. Burney and gray, 48 044c per bushel. commissioners have issued an order A Spanish officer, who has been a tions in their wild flight southward. had undergone. Charles 11. Scott to build through Barley—Feed barley, *22.00; brew Cavite Veijo, Aguinaldo s home; Novel- excluding from the driveways and The four men were French convictt prisoner in the bauds of the rebels and Multnomah, Clackamas, Marion and ing, *23.00 per ton. boulevards all vehicles propelled by who was released by Aguinaldo, ha.- eta and the entire region where the who had escaped from the penal settle- I Millstuffs—Bran, *17 per ton; mid Filipinos ouce thrashed the Spanish, j electricity. The main reason for the ment at San Jean in Maroni, Cayenne, I come through our lines to Manila, lie Linn counties, with a branch to Mount Hood. dlings, *22; shorts, *18; chop, *16.00 action of the commission was the claims to have been a witness of tbe were deserted after the battle of Zapote. off wliat is called Devil’s island, where I Nor does that cover all the actual and per ton. Captain Cabell, of General Wheaton’s alleged effect of the machines upon the Dreyfus was confined. It appears that assassination of General Luna. Ac Hay—Timothy, *8@9; clover, *7 staff, with three companies of the horses, the animals, it is claimed, be they eluded the guard, stole the prison cording to his story, the relations be proposed railroad improvement in Ore Twenty-first regiment, reconnoitered coming frightened at the sight of the canoe, got together a little food and tween the two Filipino leaders had gon even. The Nehalem road from @8; Oregon wild hay, *6 per ton. Butter—Fancy creamery, 30@35o; in the direction of Imus. The rebels, automobiles and threatening the lives ! water and put to sea. The food and been strained to the breaking point Astoiia must not be lost eight of, and the proposed road to Tillamook. Con seconds, 3708Oo; dairy, 250270 store, of the occupants of other carriages as because of Luna ’ s attempts to assume who were apparently expecting an at water were washed overboard, but th< siderable already has been said about 30(1*90. control of affairs, and the final ruptuie tack, retired, leaving behind them 20 well as pedestrians and cyclists. men preferred the rigois of hunger and Cheese—Oregon full cream, 13>{c; was forced by Aguinaldo issuing secret the activity of surveyors along the Spanish prisoners, who joined the thirst to the penal settlement. A Settlement Reached. north side of the Columbia, but the Young America, 15c; new cheese, orders to the provincial governors. Americans. The rebels have gone to They got to New Amsterdam, Dutch London, June 16. — Ambassador 10c per pound. the mountains along the lake. Accord- ! Choate has received from the foreign Guiana, which they reached after peril-' Luna thereupon wrote to Aguinaldo, fact remains that lines are being run, Poultry—Chickens, mixed, «804 ing to the native stories, they carried office a communication on the Alaska ous adventures anil much suffering.' demanding copies of the documents, rights of way secured and grade stakes set, which looks like business. per dozen; hens, *4.0005.00; springs, 100 dead and 300 wounded through question, which is understood to be a The oldest fugitive is a Boulanger ad-j and Aguinaldo replied curtly that The year of 1900 will witness rapid *1.2503; geese, *6.0007.00 for old, Luna was a general of tbe army, and Bacoor after the recent battle. 1 satisfactory temporary arrangement of herent, exiled seven years by President that the civil government did not con strides in railroad development. *4.50 e )5 for young; ducks, *5.000 The natives are now flocking into affairs. The officials of the foreign Carnot for political reasons. He war 6.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 150 Bacoor. and it is probable there are office, while unwilling to discuss the a professor of rhetoric at Paris. Hit cern him. Luna, on opening the reply Oregon Wheat Crop in Good Condition. 16c per pound. many soldiers in plain clothes among details, assure the press that the companions ate an artist, an optician at his headquarters in the presence of Oregon will have an abundant wheat —*101.10 per sack: sweet*, them. The whole section is practically Alaska difficulties are practically and a landed proprietor, all men who, his officers, exclaimed hotly: “He crop this year. From the most trnst- 9c Potatoes per pound. will be dead tomorrow. ” without food, and General Otis has or smoothed over until the meeting of the were once in good positions. Their woithy reports received at the weather Vegetables—Beets,*!; turnips, 90o One officer, who was friendly to Ag bureau it is plain that the stand is dered the distribution of lice and beef high commission in August. ages range from 37 down to 21 years. per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab uinaldo, hastened to warn him, and to the inhabitants. good, the growth substantial, and the The British Guiana police have not bage, *101.25 per 100 pounds; cauli More Men for Otis. Many people still refuse to credit the arrested the men, and they will not be Aguinaldo called together 20 trusted acreago sufficiently large to insure a flower, 75c per dozen; parsnips, *1 Washington, June 17.—The admin eent back to Cayenne. Formerly the soldiers, fellow townsmen of his, and great harvest of grain this year. stories of the assassination of General per sack; beans,3c per pound; celery, Luna by a guard at Aguinaldo’s head istration is waking up to the necessity French prison authorities used to send stationed them around his house, with In addition to these reports, well- 70076c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per of a larger force in the Philippines, descriptions of escaped prisoners to the instructions to kill any one attempting known citizens from various se tions box; peas, 3 03>*c per pound. quarters. The failure of the Filipinos to follow and consequently is organizing three neighboring colonies and demand their to enter, regardless of rank. bring the news that the orop outlook, Onions—Oregon, 600 76c per sack. Luna appeared the next day, and saw so far as wheat is concerned, is good. up the peace negotiations strengthens regiments in nddition to the regular return. This practice has been aban Hops—11013c; 1897 crop, 406o. Aguinaldo at the window. A member the impression that their overturoc forces. While it is stated that these doned in recent years. The four es Wool—Valley, 120 13o per pound; Blds Will lie Rejected. were merely to gain time and ther three will be followed by others if caped convicts have gone into the in of the guard said: "Aguinaldo has 6010c; mobair, F. II. Goes, the Tacoma contractor Eastern Oregon, gone to insnect tbe troops.” Luna lure the Americans to show their hand. General Otis demands them, it is be terior to search for work. then exclaimed: "You are a liar,” who built the buildings at the United 37c per pound. A small detachment of rebels entered lieved that Genera) Otis has had an Mutton—Grose, best sheep, wether* drew his levolver, struck the guard and States naval station at Bremerton, and RIO GRANDE FLOOD. the rear of the American lines, three intimation that be should not ask lor and ewee, 4o; dressed mutton. 7j^c; who is the lowest bidder on the new tried to force an entrance into the miles north of Calumpit yesterday, and troops. Doei Much Damage at Laredo and house. Before he could use his revol repair shop to be erected, has received spring lambs, 7}£c per lb. destroyed the telegrapii wires and some Will Form » New French Ministry. Hoge—Gross, choice heavy, *4. 50; I’oinft Above. ver one of the guards bayonetted him advices from the navy department that railroad track. The Third artillery Paris, June 17. — M. Poincare in light and feeders, *2.5003.00; dressed, all bids will probably be rejected. The Laredo, Tex., June 19. — The Kin in the back and the others stabbed and the signal men have repaired the formed President Loubet this morning *5.0006.00 per 100 pounds. work of the insurgents. There was a that he would accept the task of form Grande today reached the highest’ him. In all, he had 20 wounds. Lu appropriation made by the last congress Beef—Gross, top steers, 4.000*4.50; for the repair shop at the Puget sound stage since 1896. The water works and na’s aid-de-camp was killed in the skirmish at San Fernando yesterday, ing a cabinet. He would take the war dressed beef, naval station is only $55,000, while cows, *2.5003.00; in which there was heavy firing, r portfolio in addition to the presidency ice plants were flooded and compelled same way. 608,l^c per pound. tho bids range up to nearly *76,000. to shut down, causing a Buspension of large force of insurgents taking part. TWELVE LIFELESS BODIES. of the council. Veal—Large, 60 7c; small, 7^ 08c 1 work at several places. Marry lion pel The Independencia, a revolutionary The Steilacoom Asylum. M. Meline, in an interview with M. I of poor people along the banks on both per pound. •organ of May 20, a copy ot which has Poincare, strongly urged the latter to Result of an Explosion In a Coal Mine At the Steilacoom asylum some old in Nova Scotia. just been obtained, prints an interview form a cabinet whose main plank sides were flooded or washed away and buildings are being removed and the Seattle Market«. with General Luna, showing the argu would be the settlement of the Dreyfus the contents swept down the river. | Halifax, N. S-, June 19.—A special excavating is being done for the new Onions, 80c@*1.10per 100 pounds. Three human bodies were seen floating ments he used to keep up the spirits of affair. from Glace bay, C. B., one mile from three-story wing to be built. The pre Potatoes, *35 040. down the river, but owing to the swift the Caledonia mine, one of the collier liminary work is all being done bv the his followers. He represents the Fili Beets, per sack, *1@1 25. Famine in German F.a«t Africa current, they could not be recovered. ies of the Dominion Coal Co., says an patients able to labor, thus resulting in pino cause as prosper ing "because ths Turnips, per sack, 50 075c. London, June 17.—Advices received Many dead animals and large quanti explosion, accompanied r>y terrible loss a big saving to the state. Tbe new Americans have gained only a bun- Carrots, per sack, *1. dreth part of Luzon by hard fighting,’* here from East Africa show that fam ties of garden and farm products are of life, occurred here today. More wing, complete, will cost *40,000. It Parsnips, per sack, *1.75. ine is more prevalent in the German ■ being carried by, showing heavy lost and says the women and children till than 40 men were in the pit when the is expected that the contiactors will Cauliflower, *1.00 per dos. ing the fields within the American possessions, owing to the drought, 1 above. explosron occurred, and it is believed commence work upon the superstructure Celery, 85 0 40c. lines give the proceeds of their work in which also prevails alarmingly in the San Antonio, Tex., June 19.—The nearly all of them perished. Twelve about June 20. Cabbage, native and California Hundreds of support of the Filipino army. He is British protectorate. | flood which has devastated the Rio lifeless bodies have already been re *2.50 per 100 pounds. M i n I «ter* « Remarkable Record. women and children are dying of star said to have further remarked: "More i Grande valley has caused a lo«s of covered. The explosion was caused by Apples, *2.500 3.50 per box. Rev. L. A. Smith, who died at Col Americans will he killed by ambus vation, and the resident whites are | property that will approximate *300,- pas, which had accumulated in the old Pears, 50c 0*1.50 per box. caries, surprises and disease than in wholly unable to cope with the dis 000. The first news from Brackett, workings. The night shift had just ville, Sunday, had a most remarkable Prunes, 50c per box. record of having preached for 50 years battles. I detest war, but we cannot tress. Butter—Creamery, 18c per potindt I which was laid in ruins by the flood come out of the mine, otherwise the without missing a Sunday, and it was accept peace at any price but inde Ileiloninii Capture a Holy Carpet. Wednesday, was received today. The loss of life would have been more ap hio earnest desire to «lie in harness, dairy and ranch, 12018c per pound. pendence. The Americans suffered London, June 17.—The Cairo corre dispatch says that the entire town is palling t;>an it is. Eggs, 19c. for their own independence, and in spondent of the Daily News says: A wiped out and all county records aie de Some of those in the mines escaped ' hut it was to lie otherwise. For more Cheese—Native, 14c. their own hearts they appreciate why party of Bedouin Arabs recently at stroyed. The people are homeless, and through the top, but how many is not than a year he had been a hopeless in Poultry—Old hens, 16c per pound; we resist them." tacked a convoy of Egyptians with the are being sheltered and fed on military yet known. The officals at 10 A. M. valid. He was born in Ohio, and was spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c. 1 7V years old. Aguinnliio Reported A•«»••liinted. holy carpet of Mahomet, between rations by tbe negro cavalry troop at were unable to state how many were Fresh meat*—Choice d teased beet Northweit New« Note«. Chicago, June 17.—The Tribune to Mecca and Medina. A fierce conflict I Fort Clark. in the pit, but say there may have steers, prime, 9c; cows, prime. day prints the following: ensued. Four soldiers and three civil been 55. Skagway is consider ing local option. 9c; mutton, 9c; pork, 7c; veal, 8010a BAKER-HOWARD FEUD. "London. June 17. — An unconfirmed ians of the convoy were killed, and the Wheat—Feed wheat, *30. Marion Clark*« Abductor« Sentenced« Chinese pheasants aie going to lie report is circulated here that Aguinal- rest fled. The Bedouins hold the car Oats—Choice, per tou, *270 38. New York, Jone 19. — George H. K. scarce this fall. | A Baker Succeed« in Killing a Howard do has met a fate similar to that meted pet for ransom. Hay—Puget Soand mixed, *7.000 Barrow, priiicijal in the kidnaping of From Ambuili. Weather has been most unfavorable 8; choice Eastern Washington tim out to General Luna two days ago. Marion Clark, was today sentenced to to corn planting. Arbitration of Venezuela Boundary Chicago, June 19. — A special to the Details of the assassination are lack othy, *13.00. Paris, June 17.—The first formal Tribune from London, Ky., says: 14 years and ten months* imprison ing. However, as the report was Corn—Whole, *23.50; cracked, *34; Pendleton is showing some four-foot ment. Carrie Jones, tool of Barrow, meeting of the Venezuela arbitration N bwb was brougth here to the effect brought into Manila by a native, it : feed meal, *24.00. wheat ot 1899 raising. who pleaded guilty and turned state's finds some believers there, and the commission O|>ene<l this morning. The that James Howard, a member ot the* evidence, was sentenced to four years. Barley—Roller! or ground, per ton, Upper Santiarn country is to have ■ sessions are to be held in tire same celebrated Baker-Howard feud, war London papers have made every effort *35 026; whole, *24. The trial of Mrs. Barrow will follow. large wood-pulp mill. to verify it, but eo far have been un rooms in which tire Spanish-American shot from ambush and killed near Man Flour—Patent, per barrel, *8.85; In the Track of the Storm. Astoria wants the A. <% C. railroad straiuhts, *3.10: California brands, chester last night. Howard belonged successful. It is supposed here that Milwaukee, Wig., June 19. — Surgeon extended to Tillamook. to tbe White and Howard faction of the murder was done by Luna’r Italy ■ »«■»and. Satisfaction. *3.25; buckwheat flour, *3.50; graham, friends. ’* Gilliam county has paid all her state per barrel, *3.60; whole wheat flour. London, June 17.—The Italian gov the Baker-Howard feud, and has been King’s report of the conditions in the track of the storm north of New Rich suspected of firing the shot last week *3. 75; rye flour, *4.60. Washington, June 17. — General ernment, says the correspondent of the that killed Tom Baker, while under mond reports three persons killed, a tax, excepting 20 cents. Millstuffs—Bran, per ton, *15; Otis has cabled confirming the assassi Daily Mai), has demanded satisfaction guard Dawson City will have a new daily large number injured, and says 100 in the courthouse yard. I shorts, per ton, *16. nation of General Luna, which lie re from France for the arbitrary arrest at pajier, Dawson Daily Nows. persons in the vicinity of Richardson No details of the hilling have reach Feed—Chopped feed, *31033 per gards as bound to have a good effect, Nice of the Italian general, Giletta, ed here, but the story was told by a and 41 persons near Clayton need im The city treasury of New Whatcom ton; middlings, per ton, *22; oil cak* as hie large following will now un taken into custody there on charge of | reliable man who lives in Clav county. mediate relief. j has *21,763.25 cash on hand. espionage. meal, per ton, *83. doubtedly be for peace. I He says that trouble has been brewing Alawka Boundary. Skagway has filed a petition with Oregon I ’ loneer«. I'nlon Organ*. Charge.. | ever since tire murder of Tom Baker, 1 Washington, June 19.—The first Ran Francisco Market. Portland, June 17.—The annual re and since the Philpots have joined the step in the direction of losing a part of the Alaska boundary commission. Wallace, Idaho, June 17. — The Wool—Spring—Nevada, 10013c pet Spokane millmen are preparing for a Idaho State Tribune, the official organ union of Oregon pioneers was cele Baker faction it Iras been evident that our Alaskan territory developed in the Ciund; Oregon, Eastern, 8013c; Val- of the Coeur d’Alene miners’ unions, brated here today. About 400 were in some one on tbe other side would drop. negotiations for a modus vivendi es big strike; 3,500 men are involved. y, 15017c; Northern, 8010c. pronounces the drowning of Mike attenadance. the badges ranging from tablishing a preliminary boundary line Reciprocity Treaty Signed. A young man named Fred Baur was Millstuffs—Middlings, *17.50020; Johnson at Wardner a cold blooded 1838 to 1859. The native eons and Washington, June 19. — The new between Alaska and British Columbia. shot near Atlin City foralxiyish prank. bran, *15.600 16.50 per ton. murder on the part of the authorities, daughters entertained the pioneers in a 1 treaty between tbe United States and In this modus England demanded and Only one-third of the vessels on this and calis on the grand jury to investi fitting manner, extending hospitalities Onions—Silverskin,50 0 90cper sack. Great Britain, covering reciprocity our state department acceded to a prop coast have been properly Inspected, it Butter — Fancy creamery, 17018c; gate. It asserts that Johnson was to the founders oi Oregon. osition giving England several miles ' with the British Indies colonies and do seconds, 16017c; fancy dairy, 15c; driven insane by threats male whils Barbadoes, will be signed at the state of territory on the Dalton trail, which i is said. An electric street railway has just the coroner’s jury had him in the Southern Pacific ha* ordered that no do seconds, 140145^c per pound. department this afternoon. This is means that we have relinquished what eweathox and bv maltreatment in pris been completed in Korea. San Fran the first reciprocity treaty under the , we have always claimed to be tbe liquor be sold at th*station restaurant* I Eggs — Store, 16017c; fancy ranch» H*0 19c on. The authority for the latter as cisco has been called upon for 15 ex i reciprocity clause of the Dingley tariff. boundary. Qn rhair line. perienced motormen. sertion is not given.