Entered at the Postoffice In McMinnville, as Second-class matter. VOL. XXIX M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1899. Kinley to pay McMinnville a visit, and participate iu these exercises, und if he does not take advantage of this extra- ordiuarv occasion aud extend his great­ ness, it is not our fault. We did our part. We propose to convince you that the people of McMinnville are all right. The Vets Had Their Inning, and M e are glad to welcome you as heroes aud defenders of libertv. We are glad to welcome vou w ho left your homes and Have Gone Home Tired. friends und endured the perils aud dang eris of war. and when peace was declared, returned not w ith captured goods and for spoils of war, but as plain, common American citizens You extended tbe right hand of fel­ The state encampment of 1899 has lowship to sour errant blethers, an i the passed into history. It proved a highly good angel of peace soon welded the enjojable event. Some thought the encampment should last a week, but to the fast ageing war veteran three days of tramping about shaking bauds and reviewing war experiences, with tlie accompanying excitement, is fag enough MRS. JENNIE IRVINE, Delegate fc Large, W R. C. for one trip. As early as Monday the numerous arrivals by train aud wagon after the boys, and I presume the citi­ der Sampson, Schley, Clark, Dewey; the forecast an immense crowd, and whi!e zens of ueMinnville, inasmuch us he ! wondeiful victories of our army both the little shower of that day gave the nas ordered all chicken houses to be regular and volunteer, under Shafter, Otis, Lawton, Funston, Summers aud lea sed during this encampment. people dreary foreboding, the clouds Lula is a time of great rejoicing for the others has electrified the hearts of the soon broke, and the weather was de­ citizens of McMinnville. The grand American people. And wliut brings lightfully cool and bracing. By Tuesday Army hove, Woman’s Belief Corps, added joy is the fact that iu this contest morning the grove near the l.atourette Suus of Veterans, and in fact everybody, there is no north, no south, no east, no big, little, old and young, you are all west, but tlie blue and the gray, aud the residence was well filled with tents, aud sons of tile blue und the gray have vied welcome. the place proved a wise selection, with Go ami come when and whore you with eaeh other in upholding the houor its conveniences of wood and city water please. Go out amoug our people. Get of the starry banner, ami in carrying it piped right to where it was needed, acquainted with our citizens, and I as to glorious victory. Vou remember, sure you, they will greet you with a ■oys, we used to sing, "Uncle Sam is The ovoiflow of campers staked their hearty welcome. We appieciate the ricu enough to give us all a farm.” Well tents on the vacant block east of the CAPT. WYATT HARRIS presence ot the time honored veterans of our dear old Lucie has concluded that depot. the blue, and will do all within our in the interest of enlightened and Chris­ Sew Senior Vice Commander. Tuesday morning’s train was met by lower to make your visit in McMinn­ tian civilization it is tune for the boun­ ville a pleasant one. I b.d everyone daries of bis broad domain to be ex­ the band, the Manila Guards, the Ca­ broken ties of friendship into one grand welcome. I bid you thrice welcome to tended, aud so he raises the red, white dets and reception committee, and with fraternal union. Who formerly wore every thing our city atfordB. and blue over Hawaii, over Cuba, over Dr. Grannie, commander of Custer poet, on their the bo>’s name is Sam. I understand entire vocabulary of the English lan­ Prof. B. V. Littlefield spoke for the breaBts the handsome gilt metal Custer John calls Sam his cousin, now, but he guage, I would be uuable to express to Suns of Veterans as follows: badge designed by Fred Cooper, tbe formerly thought he was Sam’s daddy. you the full measure of our welcome. In Comrades of the G. A. R.: view of my limited cotntuaud of lan­ At any rate, it seems that they fell out artist. This pin, it was commonly re­ On behalf of Shiloh Camp No. 23, guage, I should hardly dare attempt to marked, was the finest ever need at an a long time ago. It seems that Sani extend you the welcome of Custer post, Sons of Veterans, I extend to you a didn’t like the manner in which John did I not know that the intensity, the nearty greeting of welcome. There are encampment in Oregon, and will make treated him, so he ran away from home fervor, the eloquence which the lan­ many reasons why we extend this greet­ a handsome souvenir. The evening and went into business on liis own hook guage I must use will lack, will be more ing to you. Vou were our lathers’ com­ John discussed the matter with Sam, opened with a splendid concert by Mc­ than compensated for by the magnify­ rades. Vou eulisted, you fought. You but it was no use, so he finally under ­ suffered and enjoyed the vicissitudes of Minnville’s matchless band of musicians, took to thrash him. But Sam rose up in ing power of the sympathetic echoes of life side by side. We wish you to the court house square being the place his dignity and licked the old man. your o in hearts, which I am sure will aruiy fail to fully measure the sentiment have a memory in the future of a happy of entertainment. Not being satisfied, the old man went not time with us. We wish you to know underlying the words used. The first address of welcome was on him another round and was again Comrades, we greet you with full that we are firm believers in the glory knocked out. Now, John wants to play behalf of the city, by Mayor Arthur Mc- hearts; we greet you with open hunds; of our government, and to you who in m Sam’s backyard, but I don’t know. we greet you with a glad readiness to do times gone by stood shoulder to should­ Phillips. He said: It is, indeed, conferring a great honor all m our power to make your stay er in defense of that old flag, we do Members of the Grand Army of the upon our little city to have the presence among us one of the bright spots in homage to you and thunk you for what Republic, Womens Relief Corps, Sons of the old boys of the blue. We are your lives; enjoyment as well you have left posterity of Veterans, Ladies and Gentlemen: glad to welcome you. We all rejoice as a source a of present We, as sons of veteruns, are proud of glad memory iu the days The very pleasing task of bidding you together. Your presence among us is the fact that our fathers have played a come. welcome to our little town has been as­ corroborative evidence of fractional un­ to Memory, on this occusion carries us small part in the great battles which for­ signed to me. I assure you that I do so ion and a national brotherhood of one back to the dark of '6t-'6j. Our ever made our states a united country with all candor and affability, and I only great people. Neither division nor sec­ imperiled country days called for help. With with one flag Thirty-four yeurs have fear ’hat I will not be equal to the occa tional lines mar the broad expanse of glad alacrity, we, boys in our teens and passed away since the great conflict end­ xion. But w liatever I should say or not these United States. responded. From school, from ed, and of a million patriots in that «ay, I trust that you will consider your­ Sectional etrife has long since passed 20s, from shop, from the marts of com­ grand army, tlie greater per cent have selves truly welcome. Yes, on behalf of away, and east, west, north and south, field, we marched forth, 300,000 strong depaited this life. Thousands are drop­ the city of McMinnville, it affords me unite in a national anthem, with peace, merce, “Father Abraham.” We went with res­ ping off one by one, aud 111 a few years great pleaeure to bid you welcome. good will and equal rights to all. man­ olute courage, with cheerful hearts, with will come the final roll call, and you We have no great sky scraping build­ kind. The old flag waves over us in hopes. We drilled, we marched, will be mustered out into the great be­ ings, no elevated railways, no Niagara peace, but with new glories, which pos high we forded rivers, we endured heat, cold, yond, and nothing will remain of the falls, no Brooklyn bridges, nor even a terity has added to its sacred folds, and dust, rain, snow. We built bridges, we Grand Army of the Republic but the his­ Bunker Hill monument, but we haves may it. ever wave, unsullied, supreme corduroyed swamps, we built railroads, tory of their achievements—nothing but town noted for its public schools, its and alone. The people of this county we cut canals, we dug intrencliments, the memory of their greatness, valor college and churches; we have a broad and more especially McMinnville, re­ we built forts; we picket duty by and taithiulness. To you, tlieu, who iu minded people, noted for their hospi­ joice in the fact that their boys have day and by night stood ; we did fatigue duty a few years will leave this life, we bid tality; we have tbe grand army and tbe lost none of the bravery of former gener­ and when fatigued ourselves we slept 111 you welcome; welcome to all that we salvation army; we have Indian war ations, but have added glory to glory, pup tents, we ate Uncle Sam’s hardtack have—our homes, our organizations, our veteransand Mexican war veterans; we victory to victory and gathered new gems and s-s-s bacon; we drank his coffee, city. We wish to remember you in years have old soldiers and young soldiers; to the crown of liberty. Marching away sweetened s with sugar; we ate his to come, and to make these meetings a we have boy soldiers and girl soldiers; full of life and hope, some have been blue beef; we ate black his beans, and we en­ great spot in the memory of time, as the and last, but in no wise hast, we wounded in battle, while others have joyed all these things aud were truly fertile oasis is to the barren desert. Pa­ have natural born soldiers, who joined that silent congregation, who will triotism or love of country makes our have never done anything but soldier answer only to that roll call in the be­ thankful therefor. tlie grandest in the world. You After speaking of the muster out and I country and never will. yond. While we are sorry to I ee them, are instrumental in teaching thia to us We welcome you to McMinnville. It we have that fond assuiance that they the home coming, aud ths loyal part per­ of the younger generation, and we in is our borne. We welcome you to our fought with the invincible bravery of an formed by the women in those years, lie turn wish to do our part toward those homes. There are but two MeMinn- American citizen and died like hrroes said: who are younger than us To the Sous viIles in the world, and we are proud of And while oir troys are in the far otf of Veterans inis work is assigued. To In view of all these things it is not at the Woman's Relief Corps this work is this one, for it is ours. You will please is anils battling for the upbuilding ot take into consideration its location and mankind, onr patriotic girls have formed all a matter of wonder that we love the also assigned. To these organizations surroundings. McMinnville is in Yam­ themselves into a military organization, word comrade; that we love to look into we extend the same greetings as to the hill. known as the Manila Guards, aud are each others faces, that we love the hand comrades of the G. A. R. From a geographical aphical standpoint, stand a successfully holding the prestige of Old grasp, that we love the memory of other The same spirit that was manifest in great part of tbe t._™ __ noble state of Oregon Yamhill. It might be appropriate right days; that in fact we are bound togeth­ r86t was manifest in 1898. Onr boys [orders on Yamhill county, You have here to sav, and of course a word to the er with bands that naught but death can now on file ocean on their homeward all.heard that uld and, of course, true wise is sufficient, that if some of the sons sever. To cultivate, give expression to, voyage you can welcome, for you cau sayiDg, “Yambill against lha W'rid." of veterans don’t keep» a sharp lookout, and perjietuate these feelings and pur­ sympathize with them in the arduous This doubtless originated from the fact they may be captured by the Guards. poses the G. A K. was organized. What duties they have performed. For these that most great nien get their start in A nation which cares for its disabled, a tower of strength and sympathy it has reasons we welcome you. We wish you Yamhill. This county has representa­ as the United States has done, will never proven to us, no one but ourselves can a huppy time with us and a Godspeed at tives scattered throughout the world; lack for defenders. The national monu­ begin to understand. These reunions, parting. we have representatives in many places ments for our fallen heroes are proof of whether local, state or national, are Mrs. Emma Galloway of Oregon City | of honor—and some in dishonor; We our reverence and love. It is, indeed, bright camping spots in the march of gave the address ot welcome on behalf I have them in the senate; at the bar; a grand distinction to be honored by our lives, and they serve to revivify and ot the W. R C. It was well prepared we have them in the asylum and pen­ your presence; the living monuments of intensify our feelings of comradeship. and delivered, as is always the case with Referring to the flag, he said; itentiary aud many more who ought to a once mighty army; the vindicators of Mrs. Galloway's public work be there. liberty and the defenders of our modern • • And now is it too much to say Brief and able responses were made by Yes, sir; we wish yon all to under­ civilization. that new luster has been given to its un­ Commander C. 1’. Holloway, President stand that we are proud of our surround­ When I look into your honest faces— dimmed and fadeless glory in that it has Ella B Frazier, Mrs. Davies of Duluth, ings. ¡search tbe world over and you the grand army boys—I am reminded of been flung to the breeze in the interests 011 the new organization of the Ladies of will not find an equal. of humanity. It has said to the tyrant, the G. A. R., and Earl Hardesty for the a little story. Refreshed by tbe renowned Yamhill It is somewhat as follows: Once upon "your oppression must cease.” It has Sons of Veterans river, whose waters are supplied by the a time, during the war, an Irish soldier said to the oppressed, “your day ot The band, the Treble Clef club and sparkling brooks that trickle down the came into camp carrying u grsree, and aa freedom lias come. ” It has said to the Misa Jennie Snyder furnished excellent mountain sides; fed by the copious it was strictly against orders to take any­ world that that nation or people that music tor the evening. dews of heaven which distill their sweet­ thing that did not belong to them, the hates righteousness and hugs injustice to The paiadi on Wednesday morning est drops upon'us; cooled by the gentle soldier was called upon by the com­ its bosom shall go down to national dis­ was thi , and feature, and the celerity ' Bea-breeze otf the grand old Pacific; per­ mander to explain how he came in pos­ grace, national death. With the words, with wht< h Marshals Hird, Henderson, fumed by the fragrant sunflower in session of the gooxe. “Faith,” said the • Remember the Maine,” on their lips, Keen atm Cal breath on their prancing smiling verdure; blessed with shady Irishman, “she insulted the dignity of with a love as broad and deep as human­ steeds get th« procession ia marching nooks; beautiful landscapes aud flowery a great nation, -he hissed at the Ameri­ ity itself in their hearts, with an intense order, was indeed remarkable The col­ dales, where ttie wild grape-vine twineth can flag, and 1 just took her prisoner.” pitnotic, self sacrificing devotion to flag umn moved down Third st re -t to B, aud and the bonible-bee seeks hie peaceful Now, of course, if any of the boys within aud country, never exceeded in the an back to D, thence north to I irst and to haunts. Why. my friends, Canaan’s the sound of my voice, ever tk a goose nils of history, our boys, our own boys, the court house. The lorma.iou of the happy shore, the fabled land of milk and or turkey prisoner, he certaiuly bad a comrades, and the boys of our friends parade was as follows . I houey, would bide its face in shame, if good reason for it, and I suppose your and neighbors, our lioys from Oregon, Marshals on horseback. compared with this sun»et laud ot pret­ commander gave you g'ssl advice; or­ from Maine, from Carolina raised the McMinnville band. ty girls and big red apples. There is dering you to take only what belonged flag on the heights of San Juan, waved it Four young ladies in white on white . but one Yamhill on the face <>f ttie earth to somebody, and if you were in need of in the breezes of Porto Rico, planted it horses and we have it. But we are not stingy, fnel and were near a fence. Io lake the in Cavite and Manila, carried it to Calo- Department officers tn carriages. nor stm k up. We believe in expansion. top rail. I might say that our post com­ can, Malabon, San Fernando, San Iso- 268 veterans, who cheered as the flow­ Because we have a good thing is no mander, being an old soldier and real­ | dro and Ilo Ilo; bore it wherever duty ers were showered upon them under the | reason why we should not extend to izing that habits formed in youth will i called, in spite of Mauser rifles, whether , arch. 'others tbe same biesring We have cling to a person through life, has been ' handled by Spaniard or Filipino. The extended an lnvitatioo to President Mc­ sqnal to ths oocaaiou, and is looking unparsllcl acnievments of our navy uu- I Continu'd on Lent ¡’age. Encampment Over (HieAG© ^S t ©RE . -il 4 ■< ■ • 4 No High Price prevails here. We are satisfied with Moderate Profits, and that is what is Increasing Our Business 1 at such a rapid pace. Our sales for Maj’ and June ■■ OVER 200 PER CEftT ■< ■< 4 I ahead of 1898. We’ll leave you to guess the reason for this phe­ nomenal growth. À 4 « J « CHICAGO STORE. A, 49 49 49 49 49 <9 49 49 As the Spring time in Oregon or any other 49 49 country are new and old customers at our store. «% 4? 49 49 49 This season in all probability, and to have flow- 49 49 ers other varieties will have to be cultivated. 49 49 We have a great variety of seeds. 49 49 are Sure 49 49 But you need the best of seeds from reliable 49 49 growers. See our stock and prices. We have 49 49 Seed Potatoes and Onion Sets. 49 49 Right 49 Wheat’s 49 And we congratulate our farmer friends on their 49 49 improved prospects. Hurrah for Spring ! 49 49 Good Groceries Always in Stock at the Old Reliable 49 House of over Ten Years’ Standing. 49 49 49 Respectfully, «9 49 <9 49 49 Just as CUelcome Roses ouill be Scarce Gardens I All Wallace & Walker. 49 49 49 49 49 The well-known place for the best meal in the city. 49 4? « ew ining oom 4i 49 The Largest in McMinnville, has been recently fitted with best of taste. Liberal service aud all vou can eat. 49 « Fruits. Candies, Nuts and Cigars. Give Us a Call. White’s Restaurant N D R T. A. WHITE. j J i» è» te te te te i» i> è» » è» » •> » te è» te te i» è» i» i» te te i» è* i» è» te te te te » » te te te te te » è» » J4 J4 » •» » » >» è» One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five cuts