The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, June 16, 1899, Image 5

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G. 8. Wright, dentist.
C. Grissen’s new stock of wall paper. 6
by keeping your DENTAL ORGANS in perfect
condition, thub promoting good digestion,
G. 8. Wright, dentist.
Go to Palmer Bros, for all kinds of fresh
which is the prime factor ot perfect health.
You are invited to call frequontlÿi»e my office
Mr. and Mr» J. P. Irvine are in Port­ tisli.
for examination of the condition of your teeth land this week.
All departments of dentistry are practiced, and
Newest and latest designs iu wall paper
by the most modern and conscientious methods.
A G. A. R. post was organized in 1 at Hodson’s.
and Surgeons.
(Office over Braly'» Bank.)
M c M innvillk
O rkuon .
and Surgeons.
Rooms in Jacobson Block,
M c M innville ,
O regon .
Real Estate and Insurance.
Office in McMinnville National Bank
Building, C Street.
Faruisfor sale, bouses to rent, and all kinds
of insurance written. Agents for property of
non-residents. Corres|iondence solicited.
High-Class Photography
a Specialty.
1 am located next door to K. M. Wade A Co.,
and am here to do good work and give satisfac­
tion. Terms reasonable.
Third St , between E and E.
E. L. WING, Proprietor.
Everything first-class. Horses boarded by
day, week or month. Commercial travelers
conveyed to all points at most reasonable rales.
Give us a call.
Reynolds & Bond, Prop’s.
Fresh and salt meats and sausages of all
kinds constantly in stock. Cash paid ior
hides. Highest market price paid for all kinds
of fat stock.
Proprietors of
Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds
South side Third St. between B and C.
C. F. Daniels, Prop.
Cash paid for Poultry and Country Produce.
Hide* and Tallow Ixmglit HiuuOata, Millfeed.
Oil Meal. Flaxseed and Bee applies ot all
kinds kept on hand.
I am located opposite Burns A Daniels and aim
to give all customers good treatment for little
money. Batii rooms in connection. Your pat­
ronage solicited.
Manufactures and Deals in
vnd brushes, and sells them cheaper than they
can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette
Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are
pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them.
Truck and Dray Co.
Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful
handUngguaranteed. Collectionswill be made
monthly. Hauling of all kinds done cheap.
Notary Public and
Dayton on Wednesday.
J. O. Rogers is constructing a new
fence about Ins residence.
Mrs. Jas. Martin of Monroe is visiting
her daughter, Mrs !■ red Nelson.
Bennie Blood went to Shedds on
Wednesday to preach for the Baptists
there next Sunday.
D. W. Ralston of Sheridan left last
Consult Hodson before you buy a new
week for Grant county, to investigate
kodak. He has the very best photo­
the cattle business there.
graphic supplies of all kinds, at most
The fir grove near Mrs. Latourette’s
home on college side has been chosen as reasonable rates.
the tenting ground for the encampment.
The McMinnvi’le National bank build­
Mrs. D. A. Boardman and son Fred ing is being touched up with new paint.
left yesterday morning for Colfax, Likewise Mr. Logan’s barber shop.
Wash , where they intend to remain
Beforo the discovery of One Minute
through the summer.
Cure, ministers were greatly dis­
Mrs. John Evenden succeeds Miss
Katherine Glen in the chair of music at turbed by coughing congregations. No
the college. An excellent selection, and excuse for it now. Rogers Bros.
one that does credit to the institution.
Adalbert Perkins’ school just east cf
Rev. Geo. W. Fender and bride re­ North Yamhill, closed on Tuesday with
turned from the east on the evening
train of Wednesday. A reception will an enjoyable picnic.
be tendered them at the C. P. church
The St. Charles store is paying 15
cents for eggs, cash.
How is that?
A. T. Moffit of Salem lias completed The best place to buy groceries in Yam­
the work of putting a new foundation hill Co.
N. E. K«ao.
under the Atlas Milling Co's warehouse,
chosen as
and will soon perform a similar service
for Mr. Hendricks' warehouse.
one of the teachers in the Roseburg
M. A. Baker lias been in Portland schools for the coming year. She is a
this week as a delegate to the Native thoroughly competent young lady, and
Sons’ convention. lie was chosen one will grace the position.
of the trustees. Of course tie missed the
The New Home and Climax sewing
joke at the play Tuesday evening.
needles and extras at C. Gris­
The graduating class of the normal
training school for nurses in connection sen’s.
with the medical department of Willam­
R. I.. Conner has been chosen grand
ette university has for its motto: "Out
conductor of work by the grand council
of the bay into the ocean.”
of Royal and Select Masons, and O. O.
Our prices on eggs, butter and every­
thing in the grocery line will remain the Hodson is thrice illustrious grand
same during the coming week, and you master.
can depend upon getting the best at the
Best and cheapest camera, with twelve
lowest prices. McMinnville Grange &
holders, and all of the latest photo
Farmers’ Co.
Prof. Louis Barzee has been chosen to supplies at Hodson’s.
the vice-presidency and chair of sciences
1>. I. Asbury on Saturday bought the
of the Drain normal school. The va­ Flett residence property at sheriff’s sale,
cancy thus caused itt the faculty of Mc­
Minnville college wilt probably remain the purchase price being $1,020.50. He
will soon move therein.
unfilled lor the present.
An entertainment by home talent di­
rected by Miss Pugh will be given under
the auspices of the ladies' guild of the
Episcopal church in about two weeks.
IJelsarte drills and a pantomimic rendi­
tion of "The Lotus Eaters,” will be the
main features of the evening. See the
program next week.
A strawberry party w’as brought to
grief on Wednesday.
H. Ml Bond with
his team took a number of children in
the country to pick berries.
When re­
turning in the vicinity of the Star mills
the wagon was upset, and driver and
children dumped underneath. Mr. Bond
held to the lines or there would have
been a disastrous runaway. Bruises and
the loss of the berries, with a broken
wagon tongue, covered the damage.
Barring a little bad grammar. Yates of
the Sheridan Sun gives some good ad­
vice to two citizens of the town who
engaged in an unseemly quarrel there
recently. He says: “They had ought
to feel ashamed of themselves, of the
violation of law, the giving away to
temper and the example set before the
young tnen and boys of the community.
What a pity it is but that some strong,
sturdy old mother, could take both of
the old boys across her knee and use
the slipper in good old fashioned style
upon the most prominent portion of
their anatomy.”
An assembly of five or six hundred
people witnessed the unveiling of the
Woodmen monument over the grave of
D. C. Small at South Yamhill cemetery
Sunday afternoon. The usual ceremony
was enacted for the occasion by the
Woodmen, and it was followed by an
address by Prof. H. L. Boardman. It
was a splendid effort both from the
standpoint of poetic fancy and analyti­
cal reasoning.
The poetry was in the
picture he gave of nature’s beautiful
surroundings constituting a fitting place
for one's last sleep, and the reasoning
was in the thought that man's immor­
tality is proved by the yearnings of men
to perpetuate their memories in erecting
monuments, and their desire that they
should be erected.
It was a strong and
logical argument for a belief in a future
existence. The new monument is of
granite and resembles the stump of a
tree. It is a very fitting tribute of fra­
ternal remembrance.
“A Summer's Fancy” by home talent
Tuesday’ evening brought returns of
$48 40. This was not sufficient to create
a reserve for the monument fund. The
playing was quite good throughout, the
heavy four being Messrs. Levin, Even-
den and Oliver, and Mrs Ethel Dorris.
The ability of the gentlemen was well
known before hand, but that displayed
by Mrs. Dorris was even better than her
friends anticipated. Minor parts were
carried by .Misses Jennie Anderson,
Grace Sutherland, and Grace Newell,
and Messrs. R. A. Hams and Glen Hen­
derson, the latter appearing equally
well in a double roll
The play is a
light one, and if we were criticising it
we would greatly shorten the story Jack
has to tell of his foreign experience, and
have his wife make him atone severely
for his wrongs in the recognition scene
of the fourth act. There is some talk of
asking Mr. Levin to return and repeat
the play <m the third night of the en­
Home entertainments for
a monument fund ought to receive a
better patronage than this one had, but
something seemed to "hoodoo” it from
the start.
Died in Vlnnila
The sad news can» Monday evening
I of the death of Ralph Odell, son of Al-
Legal papers written and acknowledgements ’ bert Odell of this city, who enlisted as
I a recruit last June from this county,
i His death occurred in the hospital at
Manila on .hine 9th. of “incinerative
I colitis.” which means dysentery. The
I news reached here simultaneously with
that of the starting of the boys for
I home. They will return leaving behind
j live of their comrades, viz: Bert J.
I Clark. Elmer Miller. Richard Perry,
Frank Hibbs, and Ralph Odell.
I is there that would say that we should
not erect a monument to our soldier
boys, and particularly to commemorate
Office rooms > »nd ID, Cnion Block.
' the memory of thoee who will never re-
Oregon ' torn?
Attorney and
Notary Public
Screen doors and screen wire at Mc­
Minnville Fence Works.
! lion. Lee Laughlin is attending the
state pioneer reunion.
3 cans choice tomatoes for 25e. Choice
Maine corn, 10c a can.
.1. P. I rvine & S on .
You cannot make a linen duster cut
of a pig’s ear, but you can find the finest
line of bnggy robes, whips, etc., ever
brought to McMinnville, at the harness
store of Elsia Wright.
About 125 persons left McMinnville on
Sunday morning on the conductors’ ex­
cursion to Salem. They reached home
about 11 p. m.
The grocery house of Bettman & War­
ren is G. A. K. headquarters. Veterans
will find a welcome. All goods delivered
to camp.
Heath & Taylor have just closed a
trade with Arthur McPhillips for $600
worth of drain tile. Arthur pro)toses to
show the farmers of old Yamhill county
what a drained farm will do.
Miss StiBie E. Parmenter, grand chief
of the Rathbone Sisters, and M th . Gard­
ner, came over from Salem last Saturday
evening to visit Dianeeia Temple No. 15,
which was enjoyed by the members.
Ice cream and cake were served.
300 Fairs Children
Reduced from 25e to
On all of our Spring and Summer PANTS
including the Sweet-Orr Co. line.
Our 30c aud 35c Japanese Matting reduced to
25c; 25c Matting to 20c; 20c Matting to 15c.
These prices are for ten days only, beginning
June 1st. We carry a large line of Dry Goods,
Boots aud Shoes, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Clothing, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises,
Bicycles, Cameras aud supplies, and can save
you money. Call and get our prices.
The Best is the Cheapest — Buy the Sweet Orr & Co Make
We want to tell our many friends that
we have renewed our determination for
the future, as we have in the past, to
stay where we are—at the top—despite
the cost.
We have competition, but no rivals;
the people know us as the bargain
makers in staple and fancy groceries,
crockery, glassware, chinaware, lamps,
etc., and know that we will protect their
interests when they trade with us. We
have proved that to them. We think a
good deal of the good opinion of our cus­
tomers, and we will keep up our repu­
tation with them by supplying goods of
high grade of quality at a low rate of
During the G. A. R. encampment this
month, we want all strangers in town to
call and see us at our store, make them­
selves right at home, examine our stock
and get our prices. Wo expect those
who know us to call without waiting for
an invitation. Very respectfully yours,
Chas. T. Nelson, Manager.
Before disposing of your wool, see the woolen mill in
Dallas. Highest cash prices paid. Call or notify us by mail,
and our buyer will call on you. State qualities and grade.
Dallas, Polk County, Or.
Offers you undoubtedly
The Best Shoes
For the Money
Straw and Crash Hats,
Ladies’ Summer Underwear,
Lace Curtains, Laces, Ribbons,
D resser & H endrick .
The pastor of the Baptist church w ill
Nolice to G. A. It. People.
preach next Sunday morning a sermon
For the benefit of the grand army of
especially to old people. A large num­
the republic we will make a special
ber of invitations have been sent out and
discount of 10 percent on all our uniform
a large number of old people are ex­
suite. We carry them in all sizes.
pected to be present.
Respectfully yours,
O. O. Hodson amended the grand
R. J acobson <fc Co.
chapter of Masons in Portland this week,
and was elected deputy grand high
We now have a few thousand dollars to
This is another step higher for loan on farm property, at good terms.
Mr. Hodson, and next year will proba­
I rvine & V inton .
bly see him chosen to the highest office.
Happy is the man or woman who can
Watch our market for strawberries, eat a good hearty meal without suffering
cherries and all fruits in their season.
afterward. If you can not do it, take
B ettman & W arren .
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what
A. D. Hoskins carries the finest stock you eat, and cures all forms of dyspepsia
of band-made harness in the county. and indigestion. Rogers Bros.
Also buggy tops and bnggy top repairs
Dr. G. 8. Wright will be absent from
Can sell buggy tops cheaper bis office from June 10th to 16th, at­
than any man in the county. Also carry tending the meeting of the state dental
a fine stock of buggy cushions and roltes. board of examiners.
A fine stock of saddles and whips. Can
If yon have a cough, throat irritation,
furnish any kind of a top to order and weak lungs, pain in the chest, difficult
cheaper than any man in the county. breathing, croup or hoarseness, let ns
Call and see him on prices. All work suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Al­
warranted. Second door west of Burns’ ways reliable and safe. Rogers Bros.
furniture store.
A. I*. H oskins .
Straw lierries at Dresser A Hendrick’s
Thos. H. Rogers, the anthor, was a
furnished by S. H. Maris, the gardener, delegate to the meeting of native sons in
are always l>est quality, fresh and clean. | Portland this week.
Also vegetables of all kinds brought in
Dr J. I). Baker attended the conven­
fresh every morning. Mr. Maris’ Fair­ tion ofhomeopathic physicians in Port­
lawn canning berry is superior to the land this week, and gave an address on
Wilson. Orders for (terries left there
"Sanitary Science.”
will be filled in rotation. When there,
Judge Magers has sold his college side
look around and see if you need any
residence property to H. B. Reed, the
fence dealer. Consideration, $l,ooo. This
is a choice place to live.
The contract for building Charles Nel­
son's new house lias been let to L. Gran- ; F H. Buchanan, one of the teachers
who attended the institute is lately, from
strom for $1,050.
Ohio. He was in the Cuban war with
Miss Nellie Ramsey returned Sunday |
H, Sth Ohio Regt., known as "Mc­
afternoon from a visit in Saletn, accom- ’ Co.
Kinley's own.” He will attend the en­
panied by her brother.
campment next week and is expected to
Mrs. L. C. Heinriclisen and grand­ be heard from in the testimony meeting.
daughter of Portland arrived Tuesday cv- I Rev. Fender w ill occupy the C. P. pul­
ening on a visit to Mrs. R. Nelson.
pit next Sunday morning as usual. In
The teachers' institute has been well the evening the Sunday school will have
attended this week Over loo were en­ charge and render a children's day pro­
rolled the second day
Sept. Littlefield gram. To-night a public reception is to
read the law to them, and got them all be held for Rev. anti Mrs. Fender at the
out but about 25. i'rof. Barzee lectured church, under auspices of the S. 8. and
on Wednesday night, and State Supt. V. P. S C. E. All are cordially invited
to all of these services.
Ackerman last evening.
Rev. Duncan Wallace of Walla Walla
Ter Sale nr Trade.
Wash., has been elected president of the
Mineral Springs C. P. college, situated at
A well-boring outfit for 6, flor ten inch
Sodaville. 1 he endowment fund of this
institution has been increased $12,000 by tiling or rasing, all in good shape. In­
quire of Henry Pearson.
some recent bequests.
Hear. the signature of CRAB. H Ft.ercHKa.
Bears the signature of C bas . l| PLCTtnr.a
Ia uae for more than thirty years, and
In use for more than thirty years, end
7Ar Kind J'pn Hava Alanjn Bought.
M c M innville grange & farmers C o
Th' Kind >'<« Havt Alwnji Bought.
In Misses’ and Boys' Goods we have Clothing below competi­
tion. Working and tine shirts, extra Pants, Overalls-and Un­
derwear, Cotton and Wool Sweaters. Just received a large line
of Window Shades.
Dr. Lowe’s Sarsaparilla
A compound of the vegetable alterative extracts
peculiar to the Southern states for the blood.
An effective remedy for sluggish circulation, and
the pimples, blotches and similar eruptions that
result therefrom. An infallible remedy for rheu­
matism, dyspepsia, indigestion, nervous and sick
headaches. In cases of nervous debility, loss of
appetite and strength it is wonderful. 75c a bot­
tle of 100 doses.
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists.
and Vedette
Are Leaders for 1899.
Why! Because the price is right.
Below any possible Competitor.
Chainless, Model 59 and 60...........................
50 and 51........................................................... 65
Columbia Model 57 and 58 ...................................................... 50
49 and 45
Hartford Pattern 19 and 20
...................................... 35
Vedette Pattern 21 and 22
.. 25
Columbia Tandem
........................... 75
You will have cause to regret if you purchase without
seeing this fine line of wheels.
Send for catalogue.
w. u. H embree .