The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, June 16, 1899, Image 4

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    Yamhill County
Continue)! From First Page.
The Hiecr.
j trials, and a heartful of anxiety for jour welfare I
but tiles« aged people, who arrived with scarce
. anything to eat and winter corning on. Be kind
I>. I. IMHKV, Editor <X Prepr
to them, they w ill soon all be gone. Listen
to their oft told talcs of the <Dj. anil time that
are so dear to their old hearts: that meant so
much to them. Let them live it over, tor you, too.
Subscription $1.00 Per Year
w ill be old somedav. It is from lack of thought
rather than lack of heart on the part of their detr
I ones that old ate slitters. We do not stop in our
busy lives to reflect. Comfortably clothe«!, prop­
erly fed. loved anil respected, we are too apt to
Reading notice»in local columns 10 cents per forget the hardships or these aged people.
line for first week and 5 cents per line thereafter.
Display advertisements annual rates, one inch
« <n vr» < «» ti .ti nom mi *.
per month fl; each additional inch 50 cents per
Obituary and marriage notices not exceeding
The following supervisors of bicycle
10 lines published fr» e, if furnished in time to
be current news. Additional matter 10 cent* per paths were appointed:
Allen Yocum,
Sheridan; Walter Harrison, Amity, (>.
S. Wright, McMinnville; F. L. Trullin-
ger, North Yamhill, George F. Earhart,
FRIDAY, .JI NK 16, 1890.
Lafayette; I. E. Fenton, Dayton; A. 1*.
Johnson, West Chehaleui; J. C. Sawyer,
Newberg; W. R. Kirkwood, Hopewell
T he “George Washington” of the Ordered that the order establishing
Philippines has disregarded the al­ certain amounts to be paid as bounty ot.
the scalps of certain wild animals, to
leged liberty for which he claims to wit: for each full grown w olf or coyote,
have been fighting, and assumes to $to; for each wolf under six months, $5;
for each panther or cougar, $5; for full
lord it over the islands by boldly grown
bear, $2. for each cub bear, JJ, bl­
declaring himself dictator of the and the same is hereby revoked.
The court refused to interfere with the
functions of the supervisors, as to the
------ • ------
working of one or more assessments per
T he opening up of trade with the year on the roads.
Orient will naturally draw manufac­ Bridge across the Yamhill river at
McMinnville ordered repaired.
turing industries to the Pacific
coast, especially in lines in which
the raw material used is produced
here. Manufacturers desire to get
as close as possible both to the base
<>f supply and the market, therefore
they will come west with the cap­
ital they seek to invest.
W ith Hoods in Minnesota and Illi­
nois, cyclones of the old-fashioned
twister kind in Iowa and Wisconsin,
and excessive hail storms in Nebras­
ka and South Dakota, the Oregon
record of the week is highly accept­
able. No one has been blown away
or swallowed up in a waterspout and
the crop outlook gives promise of
plenty. Verily, with an occasional
rainy day, we have much to make
us feel thankful.
Now that tin" Nicaragua canal
commission has agreed upon a 1 roti te
for the great water way which i will
bring New York and Oregon sixty
days closer together by sea, it is to
be hoped that the government will
not longer delay the building of this
important connecting link.
Pacific coast, the middle west, and
the Gulf states recognize the neces­
sity of the speedy construction of
this important artery of commerce,
and while the matter is pending,
the sections interested should send
no man to congress who does not
promise his unqualified suppor t to
any measure that will favor the
------- ----------
The Earhnrl Grader.
Wliut, when put into skilftd hands, the
Rarhart grader can do for a road is beau
tifully exemplified oil the Davton lane,
district 24.
From a morass in some
placsa, a swamp in others, and a bog gen­
erally, this mail has been transformed ill
to a handsomely finished drive. Its bow­
like center, its gently sloping sides and
well opened ditches not only give this
thoroughiure an attractive ap]>earauce.
but prove superior engineering ability in
Mr. Earhart when guiding his ponderous
but must effective grader.
I'liis district
is superintended by Mr. J. Reid, who in
spite ot the deplorable condition ol the
road, notwithstanding much opposition,
considerable private egotism ami uujusti
liable proceedings, nevertheless achieved
quite a success ill his work, and is very
deserving of credit. The contributions
so generously promised by the citizens ol
Me ihiitivilh’ may now lie given w ithout
any tear, and still more generously for
the graveling of this much used and most
important highway.
While this road
was being improved, much opposition
was encountered, as has lieeu stated—op­
position that gave rise to at least the fol­
lowing questions 1st. Who has the ] h > w
er to prevent the road superintendent
from discharging his duty according to
his judgment, and command him to de­
sist from w hat he thinks should be done’
2d, lias any private individual the right
to usurp anv claim upon any portion of
the public road and order the upervisor
not to touch this or that place, though
within the road limits, yd, Should tile
common opinion of the community lie
ies]>eetvd ill judging of a needed im-
provement and ill Its decision as to a
source of danger and damage, for the
clamoringot any private person?
It in
your valuable columns you could throw
any light on these questions, much doubt
and wrangling might I k - removed, ns on
account of such doubt one pnit of the
above road lias not received that im­
provement which would assuredly pre
veut its becoming next t winter a source
ot damage and danger, as it was last
EnrampiHenl Orders.
Tin- McMinnville band. Manila Guard.
Sheridan and McMinnville cadets and
reception committee will assemble ill full
uniform and equipments, and form in
one column under the arch at 9 45 a. m.,
June joth. and tn ireh to the train under
< ommand ol the officer ol the day of the
<1. A. R. to receive the arriving delegates
and visitors. Returning to the arch they
will retire to their respective quarters
and nqa-iit these movements at the after
noon tram it necessat»
liy order of the
R hi -. ition C ommittee .
Trxilirr« ' httra.
Win Booth, road work .............. i
Jack & 'limberlake, lumber........ 140
Fred Walker, bicycle work
Valley Transcript, printing ...
W G Henderson, salary........ i<8
Valley Tinies, printing
T 8 Harding,
Sheridan Sun,
........... ...
Dayton Herald, “
Yamhill Co Reporter, printing. . 19
F R Wilson, lumber........................
Goodrich & Gillespie, lumber
. 16
W T Macy, salary............................ 116
C K Smith, mdse for poor ......... 11
F If Harpole,
Nichols Gabriel,
McMinnville G & F Co. “ ........... 29
Oregon Telephone Co., rent.........
C T Long, bridge work................... 21
Floyd Long, ”
“ . ............. 2t
Wilburn Long “ “
« <
W H Morris, “
Geo W Grannis, soldier fund
Mrs E Y Chase, children's aid.. .
S A Barmlrick, rebate on land.. .
E R Henderson, salary....................
G W H endershott, brag poor. . . .
City of McM, water and light
A N Prvsnall, care of poor
J T Jones,
P Gard, wood for poor...................
E V Littlefield, salary and exp
Althea “
assisting supt........
Chas Grsssen, stationery...............
Geo Graves, bicycle work.............
Stout & Martin, judgment in case
vs county............................................ j
1) 1 Pearce, salary.............
I N Branson, “ ............................
Geo Braithwaite, money refunded
M A Armstrong, double assnit
J R Dond, road work...........
St. Vincent’s hospital, cate poor.
E A Ball, road work........................
Manning Bros, hardware..........
Wade &. Co.,
M A Broadwell, care of poor
Calbreath & Goucher, do...........
C B Frissell, rent for poor.............
Rogers Bros, medicine for poor
James McCain, cards...................
Irwin-Hodson Co., stationery
S B Huston, atty Stout & Martin
vs. Co..................................................
Telephone Co., rent .........
J M Yocom, salary ....................
Peter Rasmussen, care ]>oor
A M Dee, constable.........................
Jas McCain, stamps and env.
G W Grannis, soldier relief...........
State vs. Ed Hall .................. ....
R P Bini, salary...........
soldier it»lief Strahu
Many a mau with his
whole soul immersed in
business and money get­
ting is like the miser
ing door shut
ted him in for­
work and slave
and worry and
get sick and
broken down,
forgetting all
the time that
health is worth
more than
that a happy,
gold, and
home is rather
en than great
to be cbos-
til they hear
riches, un-
door of disease
the trap
spring to an d ‘•hut them off from all the
bright hopes they labored for.
A sick man cannot be happy; he cannot
accomplish the work he has to do in this
world; he loses the very money he is striv­
ing for ; his ambition defeats itself Any
man who discovers that his strength and
energy arc giving way has an unfailing
means of regaining his physical health and
stamina in the simple yet all potent restor
ative power of that wonderful “Golden
Medical Discovery ’’ originated by Dr. R. V.
Pieicr, of Buffalo. N. Y., the world famous
specialist in diseases of the nutritive or­
McMinnville's Greatest Store.
For the benefit of a great many visitors who are expected in our citjy during the G. A. IL En-
campment, we are determined to make an interesting sale on the following lines:
200 prs Lace Curtains, £1 and $1.25 values, vour choice per pr
All our 11.25, $1.50 and 11.75 ready-made Skirts, choice
250 Parasols and sun umbrellas, divided into three lots, choice in Lol
1, 75c; lot 2, $1; lot 3. *1.50. All of them worth one-half more.
lot of those fast Black Hose, sale price per pair
Sale Commencing
Our entire stock of Ladies’ Sailors, walking and trimmed Hats to
Thursday, June is-
close out at cost. 250 Men's, Youths'and Boys’ assorted colors
in Sweaters, regular 50, 65 and 75c values, sale price, each .
Large Assortment of
40 Doz. Men’s Balbriggan anil Merino underwear reduced to 25e each.
GO Doz real British Balbriggan men’s underwear, our 50, 65 and 75c
G. A. R. Suits
values, sale price each .................................................................... 43c
40 doz Men's neglige overshirts, regular 60, 65, 75 and 85c goods re­
W ay Down Prices.
duced to............................................................................................... 45c
15 Doz men’s colored bosom laundered shirts divided into two lots:
Just Arrived
lot 1, choice, 75c; lot 2, choice, $1
Some of them are worth
double that money. Special reduction on Men’s, Boys' and Chil­
dren’s clothing. Ten per cent discount on all our Ladies' and
Children’s Tan Shoes and Oxfords.
Torpid liver and constipation are surely
and speedily cured by Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant
Pellets. They never gripe. They regulate,
tone up and invigorate the liver, stomach
I and bowels. No substitute urged by mer­
cenary dealers is as good.
!Mi:w bi : kg
■»laTRICT Ml. <1.
An enjoyable day was passed
school house on June loth. A
raised with appropriate exercises and a
picnic was served.
The many friends of Walter Crimmins
will be pleased to hear that the few warm
days have improved him wonderfully,
although he is very ill yet.
Sunday school nt our school house nt
2:30 p. m. All are cordially invited.
Minnie Helyer visited with hei sister
at Newberg Sunday last.
John Crimmins, an Indian war vete­
ran, has gone to Portland to attend the
veteran and pioneer associations.
Unity school in district 23 closed on
Tuesday last, Prof. Stilwell and Minnie
Helyer, teachers, being hired again for
the coming term.
Mrs. \ eogli and daughter were guests
of Mrs. Remington ol Newberg the Inst
of the week. Mary remaining this week.
Born, to the wife of John Barrett, June
I lth, a daughter.
Mrs. Surah Buffon and family went to
Portland last Wednesday to remain some
A numlier of our citizens took in the
excursion to Salem.
Mrs. E. Percival started tor Prineville
lust Sunday to visit her sister.
T. K. Conner and family visited in
Chehalein tile first of the week.
Miss Mary Tnillinger. sister ot the
North Yamhill ]a>stuiuster, s|» nt Mon
da) ill Whitesell.
An ice cream festival will be given by
the Salvation Armv at the church Fri­
day evening. Lverylxxlv invited.
Mrs. Zetta Parrott started lust Tuesdav
tor all extended visit in eastern W ash
ington and Idaho.
Bryan’s blissful dream of educating
the masses doesn’t seem to materialize,
and will end with the nightmare. Where
has he goue to. anyway ’
A little son ot J. S. Bickford was vers
unfortunate a tew days ago. lie fell in
aiich a way that a wagon passed over his
anti, breaking it betweeu the elbow and
wrist. l>r. Woodoi Amity reduced the
fracture, and at this writing the little
fellow is doing well.
The school directors selected the
teacher. lor the citx school. lor next
year on Thursdav evening of la->t week
The old force remains except Miss
Beamm, who can make liettel wages
teaching hi country districts, and was
not an applicant. An additional teach
er was chosen lor a tenth gtade
The W. R. C con vent ion w ill inert it
Cora Comer of Newberg and Miss Fern ¡Oddfellows* hall next
1 p
. .
Beutlev of Polk county are the new ! m. instead ol 10 a. m. as hvrvtolvre ai.-
nounccd in order No. 6.
Among the thousands who have consulted him
l*y mail the case of Mr. Newton B. Blake, of
Tiolersville, Tippah Co Miss . as shown in the
following letter indicates the remarkable efficacy
of his treatment ’ In December 1895 my health
began to fail. I tried many different kinds of
medicines and the more I took the worse the dis­
ease grew Finally iu April when I was busy
with the farm work my health got so bad that I
could not hold out to work one nour. My breath
became short and I was weak and nervous, and
oftentimes would spit blood. I was unable to
Best Brick in City.
work 1 tried one of the doctors in the vicinity
Third St.. Cor. Flanders, PORTLAND, OR.
but failed to obtain relief. I seemed to grow
My father received a book from Dr.
Pierce in which I read of a case similar to mine,
Hotel complete with Electric Lights, Bells,
and decided to write to Dr. Pierce. He recom
mended me to take his ’ Golden Medical Discov­ Steam Heat, Bath Room on each floor. Elevat­
ery ’ After taking six bottles of this remedy I or tor accommodation of guests. Rates |1 to
.25 per day, according to room. Meals 25c.
can recommend it as one of the best medicines
to build up the system. I am now enjoying Free bus to ami from all trains.
good health. ’
E. SANDERS, Manager.
W-'-VVV W WW-|- W W
$ Kodaks and Artists’ Supplies
Great Variety
S Wall Paper , A New
In different tints. Makes a nice wall on
Al abastine Paper, Wood or Plaster.
Bears the signature of C has . II. F letcher .
lu use for more than thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Aiwa y a Bought.
Presiding Elder D. C. Watters ol
Salem was in town last week.
The Epworth League gave a pleasant
<11 l< Í LIHBIX. 1,IST
social at the residence of Mr. Bashaw on
Thursday evening.
We have special arrangements with
Chester Gates of Lafayette is making
the following leading publications,
his yearly visit with his cousin Horace
whereby wo are able to offer them in
Nelson near town.
connection with our own at exceedingly
Quite a number of inen and boys
low’ rates, as follows: The R epórter
from this part of the country have gone
to Hood River to engage in strawberry Weekly Inter Ocean......................................... 91.35
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, semi-weekly......... 1.50
The “brown rot” seems to have struck Rural Northwest, Portland, semi-monthly... 1.25
the few prunes that are on the trees, so Oregonian, weekly....................................
McClure’s Magazine, monthly...................... 1.85
suppose it is all off with them.
Cosmopolitan Magazine, monthly............... 1.85
The commencement exercises of Pa­ The Weekly San Francisco Call.................... 1.70
cific college will begin on Sunday next, The Weekly New York Tribune...................... 1.25
and close on Wednesday a. in., with a Demorest’s Family Magazine......................... 1.75
------ ►
class of nine graduates.
Last Friday Rev. Frank Day returned
Van N. and 1’oliox.
from San Francisco, where he had been
in attendance on the Baptist Home Mis­
See the stallion Van 8., the best all
round horse in the state. He can pull a
sion society.
at a 2:40 gait. He can also pull
After a six weeks’ visit in eastern i buggy
a plow. Also I’ollox, thegrand imported
states among relatives, I. M. Calkins Percheron stallion. These horses will be
and small son returned to Newberg last at Amity on Mondays and Tuesdays, at
i Bewley’s stable Sheridan, on Wednes-
II. D. Fox was agreeably surprised by i days and Thursdays, and at Commercial
a visit from his uncle Mr. George Gilbert ! stables, McMinnville, the rest of the
of 1 >maha, Neb.
I week. It will pay you to investigate.
j. W. H enry , Owner.
Pres. Chapman delivered the lust of
the union lectures at Friends church on
Friday last. The different lectures the
Cure n <ol<l in One Pay
past winter have been a benefit to all
who attended.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
For a quick remedy and one that is cure. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each
perfectly safe for children let us recom­ tablet. For sale by Rogers Bros.
mend One Minute Cough Cure. It is
l.lrrnxea Io flurry.
excellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling
in the throat and coughs. Rogers Bros.
June 22—Francis A. Duncan, 21. anil
Stoves and General Hardware, Paints,
Implements, Plows, Harrows,
Garden Tools and Fresh Garden Seeds.
Looks Easy, but Isn’t.
You are told so often by so many advertisers that they are sell­
ing shoes “worth so and so,” for “this and that”—ever so much
below what it is claimed they are worth, that you come to think
it an easy matter to sell shoes for less than they are worth.
BUT IT ISN’T. As a rule we must pay the makers of good
shoes a good price, and we must make a profit or go out of busi-
ness. If you want good shoes you must pay our price. We
could sell you junk at less than we cau sell really good footwear,
but you wouldn’t want it. You want only good shoes. We be­
lieve you are willing to pay fair prices.
Sign of the Big Boot
Boots and Shoes. ï
Always in Stock
Cheap as
The Cheapest
Furniture, Carpets
Wall Paper,
Lace Curtains,
Portieres,Oil Cloth
Rockers in variety
Extension Tables,
and if you don’t
see what you
waut, ask fot it.
Yours Truly,
Caroline E. Christensen, 19, both of
Fred Royal and Ad Newell left for Newberg.
eastern Oregon early in the week, hunt­
--------- ► ---------
ing new jobs of work.
The Hotel Yamhill moved into its
T. B. Kay, of the Salem woolen mills, new kitchen on Wednesday.
accompanied by his family, was in town
M rs. A. I). Simpson and two sons will
Wednesday. They will shortly remove
remove to Portland next week.
to San Francisco.
L. P. Pond is very ill at the home of
I’rof. C. \V. Converse and Prof. Isabel
his daughter. Mrs. D. A Wallace, west
Grover of the college will take a course of town. His brother Oddfellows are
oi summer instruction, the formerat Chi­
'caring for him.
cago, the latter at San Francisco.
Boils and Pimples
Give Warning
Fitted with Special Heavy Tread G. & J. Tires, are
When Nature is overtaxed, she has
her own way of giving notice that aa-ist-
ance is needed
She does not ask for
UATIIQP IQ APPCAI IMP help until it is impossible to get along without
"AIU ii L Id ArrCALIItU it Boils and pimples are an indication that
the system is accumulating impurities which
must l>e gotten rid of : they are an urgent appeal for assistance
1 —a warning that cau not safely be ignored.
To neglect to purify the blood at this
time means more than the annoyance of painful boils and
unsightly pimples.
If these impurities are allowed to
remain, the system succumbs to any ordinary illness, and is
unable to withstand the many ailments which aro so
prevalent during spring and summer
Mrs. L. Gentile. 2001 Sei-ond Avenue Seattle. Wash ,
says: “ I was »tllicted for a long time with pimples, which
were verv annoying, as they disfigured my face fearfully
After using many other remedies in vain. S S S promptly
and thoroughly cleansed my blixxi. and now 1 rejoice in
a good complexion, which I never had before ”
Capt. W H. Dunlap, of the A (I S.
**• * .ivJf*
R R. Chattanooga. Tenn., writes
•• Several boils and carbuncles broke out upon me. causing
great pain and annoyance. .
My blood seemed to be in
a riotous condition, and nothin [I took seemed to do
any good
Six Kittle« of S s - I. cured me completely
an.1 my blood been perfectly pure ever since."
18. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD
The Best Ramblers and Ideals ever Built—the
Best Wheels ever Built.
New * qq Popular
List Prices:
Fred T. Me^rtll Cycle Co
-• jo year Pioneers-•
105*107-10^111 Sixth St., Portland, Oregon.
O. O. HODSON, Agent.
Take The Reporter and Get the News
One Dollar Per Year.
or Strayed.
From pasture in Polk county, one
is the U»<l blood remedy. t«cause it is purely vegetable sorrel horse; no »hoee. One dark brown
and is the nly one that is absolutely free from potash and mercury
It horse; shod.
l ast heard of near the
promptly iiiririw the blood and thoroughly cl-anses the system, builds up
bridge in West Salem Any one tinding
the general health and Mrvugtli It cures Scrofula. Eczema. Cancer Rheuiua-
tism. Tetter Boile. Sores, etc . by going direct to the cause of the trouble and please notify Mira Marion Weider, 430
forcing ont all impure blood
High street. Salem. Or., and receive
Books free to any a filr— by the Swift Specrnu Co,, Atlanta. Ga
I reward.
E.iray Net ice.
A sorrel mare either strayed or was
stolen from her hitching post opposite
the feed sheds on Saturday, .June 3d.
Only a halter was on the mare. The
owner «ill pay for information or return
of the animal to him in Amity.
H. T. Wrmox,