AT W ClfllHS IIMS Twenty-Five Deaths Caused by a Texas Cloudburst. TWO TOWNS SWEPT AWAY Crop« in tne Inundated District Will Prove a Total Loss — H und red a of Cattle and Hogs relished. Austin, Tex.. June 10.—The cloud­ burst of yesterday, which swelled the rivers of this portion of the state out of their banks, and oaused a great loss of property, was much worse than te- ported last night. Many people are re­ ported to have perished, meager reports tonight placing the number at 25. Today reports came from San Saba and Manardville, small towns, 90 miles north of here, in the mountains, saying that both towns had been swept by the taging floods, and were devas­ tated. In San Saba, eight people w’ete drowned and ti e entire town is repott­ ed under water tonight. The river at that point is one mile wide and run­ ning like a millrace. At Manardville, 13 houses were swept away, and this morning several more gave way into the swirling torrent and started on their voyavge down the stream. The river is reported as rising at other places, and grave fears are entertained that the entire country in that neigh­ borhood will be laid to waste. San Saba is located in a valley, and vast tracts of wheat fields are under water. These crops will prove a total loss. Many persons, according to re­ ports received here today, had diffi­ culty in getting to high land before the rise came. The situation at Manard­ ville is even more serious. A small I town located to the right and in the bend of the river in the valley, it proved an easy prey to the raging tor­ rent. Seventeen people are known to have been drowned tiiere, and there may be others. Of those drowned, two were young white girls, Lydia and Ama Wells. The others were all ne­ groes, who were living in cabins close to the river front, and were caught in the flood before they could make their way to safety, owing to the darkness of the night. All the surrounding country is inundated. This additional flood has not yet reached Austin, but it is expected tiers some time during the night. A 45- foot rise is expected. The big dam and power-house at this point has been under a heavy strait) since yesterday, owing to the terrific force of the flood. I The farming lands below the city axe under water. Owing to the fact that all telegraphic communication with San Saba anc Manardville was interrupted i|t an early hour tonight, no additional de­ tails have been received fiom these points. It is known, however, that the property damage will exceed $100,000. Livestock suffered severely, hundreds of cattle and hogs having been swept away by the resistless tor­ rent. The river, running, as it does, through a mountainous region to thi. point, rises very quickly and falls as rapidly. This particular rise was an­ nounced by a solid wall of water 10 feet high, which swept everything be­ fore it. Reports from Bastrop, 80 miles south of Austin, state that several bridges have been wrecked by the rushing wa­ ters. The loss to the farming land» south of here will represent another <100,000.______________ _ POSSIBILITY OF WAR. fnglanil Will Present an PitImaturn to Kruger. London, June 10. — The morning pa- pers are beginning to talk seriously of the possibility of war in South Africa. Mr. Chamberlain, secretary of state for the colonies, in his speech in the house of commons yesterday, announced that his reply to the petition of the Uit- landers, which had been held back pending the result of the conference at Bloemfontein, would now be presented to the Transvaal. This reply is senii-offleinlly described as “explicit but conciliatory,” but it is believed to be in the nature of a prac­ tical ultimatum. The resources of diplomacy are regarded as exhausted with the failure of the conference. Nothing is left, it is felt, beta recourse to force. ________________ : | THE MEhCY OF BANDITS. Firework» Exploded. New York, June 10.—Thirty-six buildings comprising almost the entire plant of the Nordiinger-Cliarlton Fire­ works Company, at Graniteville, Rich­ mond borough, were blown up thia afternoon, and the entire fireworks plant practically wiped out of exist- ence. No lives were lost and but three peisons were injured, two of them seri- ously. The property loss will not ex­ ceed <35,000. New York, June 10.—The cool flurry which struck this city last night had but little effect upon the temperature j that was to follow today. The record of fatal prostrations wm somewhat smaller than the list of yes­ terday, 19 persons dying in New York and vicinity today. CsaatsH K.terhasy Divorced. Paris, June 10.—The civil tribunal of the Seine today granted a divorce to Countess Eeterhaxv. DERAILED. Mldulght Adds Horror to the Sufferings of the Injure^. New York, June 10. — A dispatch to the Herald from Havana says: Man­ uel Yribas, manager of Caidenas-Jtnoca railroad, who arrived in Havana today, says brigandage continues uninterrupt­ ed in Porto Principe province and Western Santiago He says the coun­ try around Puerto Padre, Nuevitas, Gibara and Holqiun is completely at the mercy of bandits. Cattle have been stolen from the farms and other outrages have been committed. Most of the fanners have suspended cultivation in San Manuel, and a sugar estate near Puerto Padre, owned by Mr. Pla, has been obliged to shut down. Cuban soldieis, mostly ne­ groes, hang around the villages, but won’t work, and the robberies are as­ cribed to them, but no attempt i9 being made to prosecute them. A strong feeling exists there that the United States should send soldiers to protect property. Juan Potous, Spanish vice- consul here, says the Spaniards are re­ ceiving no protection from the United States. There is no recognized consul in Havana nt present, and he cannot put the claims before Genera) Brooke. He lias made a statement to the Span­ ish minister at Washington. It is learned from towns in the coun­ try that Spaniards are suffering many oruelties, but make no complaint through fear of beinfc killed. In Cai- mato three were killed a month ago, but no notice was given by the authori­ ties. On Sunday night four black Cu­ ban soldiers showed where they killed the Spaniards in a cafe, boasting of the deed. These men are sacking the coun­ try in the vicinity. American cattle-dealers have stopped shipping stock to points any distance outside of the large cities and ranch­ men who can get into Havana come every night. Americans who have in­ vested money are urging the military authorities to put small garrisons in all the towns. The feeling outside Ha­ vana is growing stongei every day that a permanent military force or an­ nexation is the only thing that will re­ build the country. Kansas City, June 12.—Forty-eight passengers were more or less seriously, three perhaps fatally injured by the de­ railment of train No. 4, soulj* bound on the Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf railroad, two miles south of Gianview, Mo., at 9:30 last night. The injured were brought to this city this morning and the seriously hurt weie taken to St. Joseph’s hospital and others to the Savoy hotel. Those considered fatally injured are Mrs. C. B. Chandler, Jua- don, Mo.; A. J. Gorgnesou, news agent, Kansas City; G. 1. Crawford, Drexel, Mo. Nearly all the injured ure Missouri people. The wrecked train left Kansas City last night at 8 o’clock. Two miles south of Kansas City, the train was derailed by spreading rails, tlietraik having been damaged by recent severe rains. The smoker which contained most of the injured, and the chair car immediately following, were turned on their side into a ditch. The Pullman left the track, but remained upright. The engine and combination baggage and mail ear remained on the track. The accident occurred during a heavy downpour of rain. The crew went to work with a will to rescue pas­ sengers. Women and chihlien were dragged fiom the windows of the chair ear and attended to as well as possible under the circumstances. Before all . had been taken cut fire started in the rear cur. The porter of this car earned great praise by his presence of mind in cut­ ting a hole through the roof, quench­ ing the liie and rescuing several women in imminent danger. In the smoker, which was well filled, the passengers were compelled to crawl cautiously the full length to the rear door to escape, exit through the broken windows was dangerous, the darkness making it impossible to Bee a foot ahead. The scene of the wreck was in the woods, and there was no hcuse near to which the injured could be taken. For the immediate cate of the injured tires were built along the track. As soon as possible the news of the wreck was sent to Gianview and a re­ lief train was started from Kansas City. The train moved at 3 A. M. and took back to Kansas City all of the in­ jured. FRICTION AT Reconnoitering Party in a Fight Near Morong. ONE THE PLAGUE IN CHINA. Frightful Stories Couie From the City of San Ning. Vancouver, B. C., June 9.—Accord­ ing to advices brought by the steamer Empress of Japan, frightful stories of the plague come from San Ning, while Canton and Fatshan are reported “bad.” A Hong Kong paper says: "The city of San Ning might cor­ rectly be named ‘the city of death.’ The plague is raging with special viru­ lence, and carrying off its victims in laige numbers. Shops and dwelling houses aie closed, and their inhabit­ ants have fled into the country carry­ ing the infection with them. Busi­ ness is paralyzed. The streets are reeking with filth, and all drains are choked with i ubbisli. Chicago, June 10.—A special to the Record from Victoria, B. C., says: The Mammoth cave of Kentucky, which has held the record heretofore as the world’s greatest cave, must here­ after, it is believed, give precedence to a cave in New Zealand, diecovered on April 27, by Horace Johnstone, near Port Waillato. and but 10 or 12 miles from the city of Wellington. John- stone explored the cave for miles, but iound no end. A nxtrlnn Town Bnmed. WAS KILLED Manila, June 13.—A reconnoitering party of 25 Amerioau soldiers, in the iriils in the vicinity of Morong yester­ day. were attacked by 300 rebels. The Americans fought their way to camp through the enemy and inflicted severe losses on them. The American’s chief was killed. Five insurgents were cap­ tured and taken to Morong. The rebels are extremely active. The garrison of cavalry and North Da­ kota infantry are throwing up .in- trenebments. Ten Thousand Men for Otis. I Otis Severely Criticises Schurman*« Fol- icy—Reason for Dewey’s Departure. Washington, June 10.—Piesident J. G. Schurman, of the Philippine com­ mission, will resign on his return to the United States, because of friction between himself and General Otis. Admiral Dewey hastened his depar­ ture fiom Manila, it is said, because of friction in the commission. He had steadfastly declined to leave his pest before, and his determination to return was sudden. The president today received a cable­ gram from General Otis, in which he severly criticised President Schurman’s policy, and put himself on record as opposed to President Schurman longer interfering with the campaign in the Philippines. He said Schurman does not comprehend the situation. While Professor Worcester and Colonel Denby are in accord with the commanding general, President Schurman has per­ sisted in adopting a course which they did not approve. The president will uphold General Otis. The friction was caused bv President Schurman’s desire to treat with rebels who had no authority. General Otis declined to participate. AMERICAN Fought Their Way Back to Camp Through the Enemy—Reinforcements for General Otis. MANILA. ! Explosion at Fain’s Works. | I New York, June 10.—An explosion i occurred at the manufacturing plant of the Pain’s Fireworks Company, at Greenfield, N. Y., today, and resulted in the destruction of the manufacturing Graders Burled Alive. lheds and a small magazine. The Little Rock. Ark., June 10. —It is Jamage is placed at about »25,000. reported here tonight that a landslide , Date of Sailing. occurred at Rose Hollow and engulfed 88 men. all of whom are supposed to , Manila, June 10. — The Second Ore- have been killed. Roes Hollow is a jon volunteers, preparing to leave for pass between two small mountain home, will atart. according to present ranges about 28 miles weet of Little plane, Tuesday. Under the recent or­ Rock, on the line of the Choctaw & der of the war department, the regi­ Memphis railway, now under construc­ ment will bring back with it the holies it its dead. tion from Little Rock to Iloweit. Nineteen tried From the Heat. TRAIN Permanent Military Force or Annexa­ tion Neces*ary In Cuba. Great Cave In New Zealand. 1 PASSENGER ■ ; j Washington, June 12.—The solu­ tion of the problem of how to reinforce General Otis without calling for volun­ teers or reducing below the danger line the reserve force in the United States, was reached at a meeting of the cabinet today. Attorney-General Griggs an­ nounced his opinion that the army re­ organization bill, fixing the maximum strength of the army at 65,000 men, did not include the enlistel force of the hospital corps, and the regular army can be increased by that number. As the enlisted hospital corps aggre­ gate 2,000 men, the opinion of the at­ torney-general gives that many more men to the regular army for .Manila. Major-General Shafter has now at the Presidio in California, ready for early shipment to Manilia, 2,400 re­ cruits. Word was received by the war de- partment today that the Nineteenth in­ fantry, under orders to go to the Phil­ ippines, which came back from Porto Rico.only «00 strong, had today been filled to its full quota of 1,300 men by recruits enlisted at Camp Meade. The regiment will bo sent to General Otis at once. In addition, the Twenty­ fourth and Twenty-fifth infantry regi­ ments. negroes, every company recruit­ ed to its full strength are under orders to go to the Philippines, which will give General Otis 2,600 more fighting men in good condition. The Four- teenth infantry, also fully recruited, and part of the Fourth artillery, are at the Presidio, awaiting orders to sail. Thus, without issuing a call for volun­ teers, the president can send General Otis a force slightly in excess of 10,- 000. General Otis has been instructed to organize several skeleton regiments of volunteers who may accept the proposi- tin to re-enliet tor service until July 1, 1901. These skeleton organizations are to be officered by volunteer officers to be selected by General Otis from the 14 volunteer regiments now with him, and ate to be increased to the maximum strength by regulars sent from here. | No Limit to Enlistments. Chicago, June 12.—Captain P. H. ' Botnus, of the army recruiting station in this city, has received instructions from the war department to enlist an unlimited number of men for service in the Philippine islands. LYNCHINGS IN Bandit. Disposed of In Style. CUBA. the Southern I CUBANS GIVE UP THEIR ARMS. Then Buy New With 975—Many Things to Anger Thein. New Yoik, June 12.—The Rev. Al­ fred de Barritt, who four months ago founded the Congregational church in the city of Havana, 1ms returned to this coqntry for aid in his religious and educational work in Cuba. Dr. de Barritt spoke today about present con­ ditions in Cuba and the possibility of an outbreak against the Americans. “If this occurs,” he said, “it will be the fault of the Americans. The Cubans aie a peaceful people, but they are also proud and sensitive, and many things have been done recently to anger them. The Cubans feel that they are being treated very much as though they had been conquered by Us. At any rate, the Washington authorities should do away with the present military gov­ ernment. It is worse than unneces­ sary; it is doing an immense deal of harm. A great many of the Ameircan officers do not like Cubans aud don’t scruple to let this be known, liow can you expect the Cubans to . like them? Geneial Brooke and General Lee are liked and trusted, but their in­ fluence for good is nullified by the at­ titude of other officers. "The payment of the Cuban troops and requiring them to lay down their arms was a mistake. The disarming was a great humiliation to the men, and the first thing a good many of them did with their »75 each was to buy new guns and machetes. There is as vet no distinct idea in the minds of the majority of people as to what they really want, whether annexation or in­ dependence. But they obtain their ideas of the United States government from the American officers aud these ideas are not favorable.” Santiago de Cuba, Juno 12.—Gen­ eral Wood has been notified that An- ! tonio Garcia, chief ol the Holquin bandits, who was captured bj’ the rural guards, has been hanged by the citi­ zens. Seven men belonging to Garcia’s band voluntarily surrendered to the rurals, but General Wood has instruct­ ed the comm inding officers to accept no surrenders hereafter, but to capture the bandits as highwaymen or murderers. Two robbers were lynched by Cubans near Puerto Principe, two dayB ago. At Sonora, recently, six bandits wore President Names Canal Commission. badly beaten by employes of sugar Washington, June 12.—The presi­ estates, where they attempted to com­ dent today appointed the following mit robbery. commission to determine the most feas­ ible and practicable route for a canal Fitz Knocked Out. New York, June 10.—James J. across the Isthmus of Panama: Rear- Admiral John G. Walker, United Jeffries, another sturdy young giant, States navy; Hon. Samuel Pasco, of has come out of the West to whip Florida; Alfred Noble, civil engineer, ' champion p ugilists. At the arena of of Illinois; George S. Morrison, civil the Coney Island Atheletrc Club to­ engineer, of New York; Colonel Peter night he defeated Robert Fitzsim­ Haines, United States navy; Professor mons, world’s champion in two classes William H. Burr, of Connecticut; —middle-weight and heavy-weight— I Lieutenant-Colonel Oswald Ernest, in 11 rounds of whirlwind fighting. United States army; Lewie M. Haupt, He is the acknowledged master of the civil engineer, of Pennsylvania; Pro­ man he defeated. He was never at any time in serious danger, and, after fessor Emory R. Johnson, of Pennsyl- ' vania. the size-up in the early rounds of the Eiifhnfl May Aid the Cable, contest, took the lead. He had the Australian whipped from tire ninth London, June 12.—The Times says round. _________________ the British government has consented | to consider its attitude toward the Transvaal Dispute. Pacific cable project as the result of London, June 12.—The Westminster [ urgent representations from Canada Gazette this afternoon says a rumor is and the colonies, and is now inclined current from a well-informed source to utilize British credit in providing that it has been proposed in a responsi- . the necessary capital. I ble quarter that the United States Woodmen Will Meet nt St. Paul. mediate between the Transvaal and Great Britain. It is added the sugges­ Kansas City. June 12.—The head tion is being considered, and that it if camp of Woodmen of America selected “not even improbable that mediation St. Paul as the place of meeting in may be undertaken.” 1901.________________ Slide In White PaM. Nanaimo, B. C., June 12.—The Linse. Austria. June 10.—The mar­ ket town of Otensheim, about five steamer, Amur, Captain Le Blanc, ar- miles west of Linse, on the Danube, rive«pect« for Wool. Mr. E. H. Clarke, the well known wool-buyer, was in Elgin recently look­ ing up the wool situation. The gen­ tleman reports a very favorable out­ look for prices this year and the market will now stand a price of 10 to 11 cents a pound. Elgin is the shipping point for Wallowa county and with the local output of that immediate vicinity tlieie will be a total of aliout 1,090,000 pounds of wool handled at that point this year. To Construct Waterworks. An election will be held soon at Ver­ non, B. C., for the purpose of voting on a by-law to raise »30,900 upon the credit of the municipality of the city of Vernon, foi 50 years, with interest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, the money to lie expended in Idaho Wool Sale«. The following wool sales have been the construction of a system of water­ made a Mountain Home during the works. past few days to representatives of Sugar Crop. Eastern houses: Hein & Chattin, Reports from Oxpard, Cal., state 110,000 pounds; J. C. Coats, 60,000 that there ate 17.000 acres in that dis­ pounds; William Kunnecke, 30,000 trict planted to sugar beets. The fac­ pounds; J. L. Gray, 25,000 pounds; tory there is nearly in complete order Fred Halverson, 8,000 pounds; Mrs. to crush 2000 tons of beets a day. Nettie Pinkston, 14,000 pounds. The When in full blast the factory will pay plioes paid ranged from 9 to 11 cents, out to farmers »10,000 a day for beets. or 3 cents less per pound than was paid last summer. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. To Sell Fanning-Mills. A company has been organized and Seattle Markets. incorporated at Moscow, Idaho, called Onions, 80c@»1.10 per 100 pounds. the Idaho Grain & Seed Cleaning Potatoes, »35 @40. Company, to handle the grain-clean­ Beets, per sack, »1@1 25. ing mill which has lately been intro­ Turnips, per sack, 50@75c. duced. Tills company has bought the Carrots, per sack, »1. right to sell this machine in the, three Parsnips, per sack, 85c@»l. states of Idaho, Montana and Wyom­ Cauliflower, »1.00 per doz. ing. The mills w ill be manufactured Celery, 35 @ 40c. at Walla Walla, but the sales of these Cabbage, native and California mills will be made from Moscow. »2.50 per 100 pounds. Apples, »2.50@3.50 per box. New Brickyard. Pears, 50c@»1.50 per box. A new industry has been established Prunes, 50c per box. at Trail, B. U. A. C. Luff and Rich­ Butter—Creamery, 18c per pound; ard Tunswell have installed at that dairy and ranch, 12@18c per pound. place a brick-making plant, which is Eggs, 19c. now in complete running order and is Cheese—Native, 18c. turning out 20,000 bricks a day. Poultry—Old liens, 16c per pound; There is so a great a demand for brick spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c. that the advisability of adding machin­ Fresh meats—Choice dtessed beef ery sufficient to increase the plant to a steers, prime, 9c; oows, prime, capacity of 40,000 perday is being con­ 9c; mutton, 9c; pork, 7o; veal, 8@10a sidered. Wheat—Feed wheat, »20. New G»a Plant. Oats—Choice, per ton, »27@28. The gas company at Butte, Mont., Hay—Puget Sound mixed, »7.00@ will at once put in the best and new­ 8; choice Eastern Washington tim­ est plant that money can buy, thereby othy, »12.00. doubling the capacity of the present Corn—Whole. »23.50; cracked, »24; plant. The new plant will also pro­ feed meal, »24.00. duce a higher candle-power gas. Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton, The plant is so planned that it can »25@26; whole, »24. be extended as the city grows without Flo#—Patent, per barrel, »3.85; requiring reconstruction, as is the case straights, »3.10; California brands, with the present outfit. »3.25; buckwheat flour, »3.50; graham, per barrel, »3.60; whole wheat flour, New Incorporation. »3.76; rye flour, »4.50. The Montana Smoke Condensing Millstuffs—Bran, per ton, »15; Company, of Missoula, Mont., has been shorts, per ton, »16. incorporated by Charles Eaton, H. W. Feed—Chopped feed, »21 @22 per McLaughlin and William F. Hughes. ton; middlings, per ton, »22; oil caka The capital stock is fixed at »19,000. meal, per ton, »33. The company is formod for the puprose of manufacturing, buying, selling and Portland Market. leasing appliances designed to control, Wheat—Walla Walla, 58c; Valley, destroy or condense gases, fumes, va­ 59c; Bluesteni, 60o |>er bushel. pors and smoke. Flour—Best grades, »3.20; graham, »2.65; superfine, »2.15 per barrel. Creamery in Operation. Oats—Choice white, 45c; choice The Union creamery and choose fac­ tory at Union has been completed and gray, 48 @ 44c per bushel. Barley—Feed barley, »22.00; brew­ is now in operation. The plant is situ­ ated in the eastern part of the city und ing, »28.00 per ton. Millstuffs—Bran, »17 per ton; mid­ is very conveniently located for tire creamery business. It has a capacity dlings, »22; Bhorts, »18; chop, »16.00 for handling the milk from 300 to 500 per ton. Hay—Timothy, »8@9; clover, »7 cows, and will no doubt prove of great benefit to the farmers and dairymen of @8; Oregon wild hay, »6 per ton. Butter—Fancy creamery, 30@85o; that vicinity. seconds, 27@30o; dairy, 2o@27o store, Entlinates Being Made. 20 @ 22c. James Pye, representing a Minneap­ Cheese—Oregon full cream, lSt^c; olis manufacturing firm, is in Lewis­ Young America, 15c; new oheese, ton, Idaho, making estimates for the 10c ;>er (round. machinery for the new 125-hatrel mill. Poultry—Chickens, mixed, |8@4 It is the intention of the proprietors to per dozen; hens, »4.00@5.00; springs, let the contract for the building as »1.25@3; geese, »6.00@7.00 for old, •oon as the machinery is decided upon. »4.50®) 5 for young; ducks, »5.00@ The new mill will probably be in op­ 5.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 16@ eration by the middle of September. 16c per pound. Potatoes—»1 @ 1.10 per sack; sweets, Bond Election. The special school election at Sand 2c per pound. Vegetables—Beets, 90c; turnips, 75c Coulee, Mont., resulted in the bond­ ing proposition lining defeated. It was per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab­ for the issuance of bonds In the sum of bage, »1(4)1.25 |M>r 100 pounds; cauli­ <3,090, bearing interest at the rate of flower, 75c per dozen; parsnips, 75c 6 per cent, redeemable in seven years, per sack; beans,3c per pound; celery, payable in five years. The money was 70@ 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 50c pec to be used for the improvements to box; peas, 3@3‘sc per pound. Onions—Oregon, 50@75c ;>er sack. the schoolhouse at that place. Hops—11 @ 13c; 1897 crop, 4@6c. Wool—Valley, 11 @ 12c per pound: Northwrit Mote«. Eastern Oregon, 6@10c; mohair, Chinook is to have a band. 27c per pound. Oregon Woolgrowers’ Association is Mutton—Gross, beet sheep, wethers flourishing. and ewes, 4c; dressed mutton, 714c; Southern Oregon has bad a much- spring lambs, 7 J^c per lb. Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, »4.50; needed rain. The Spokane Exchange bank hat light and feeders, »2.50@8.00; dressed, »5.00@6.00 per 100 pounds. change hands. Beef—Gross, top steers, 4.00@|4.60; Tillamook county complains ol cows, »2.60 @3.00; dressed beef, "awful” road). 6@6‘4C l'er pound. The Roseburg Soldiers’ Home is filled Veal—I^rge, 6@7c; small, 7^<38c to its capacity. per pound. Some wheat near Umatilla ia over Ran Francisco Market. three feet high. • Wool—Spring—Nevada, 10@12cper A saloon at Everett. Wash., was pound; Oregon, Eastern, 8@12c; Val­ robbed of »100. ley, 15@17c; Northern, 8@10c. The Albany poitofflca will become a Millstuffs—Middlings, |17.50@20; second-class one. bran, »15.50@ 16.50 per ton. Onions—Silverskin,60@90c per sack. Wet weather is killing the young Butter — Fancy creamery, 17 @ 18c; Chinese pheasants. do seconds, 16(