LOCAL NEWS. G. S. Wright, dentist. Go to Palmer Bros, for all kinds of fresh bv keeping your DENTAL ORGANS In perfect <.,ndlifon, thus promoting good digestion, fish tf G. 8. Wright, dentist. . nich U the prime factor ot perfect lieal b. You are invited to call frequently at my attic. Screen doors and screen wire at Mc­ C. Grissen ’ s new stock of wall paper. 6 . - examination of the condition ol your teeth : departments of dentistry are practiced, and W. R. Snell of Portlaud was a guest of Minnville Feuce Works. by the most modern and oonaclentlo,i> methods. Mrs. Durgan and daughter Fannie of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. DR. LEROY LEWIS, D. D. S. Portland are visiting at the home of R. McMinnville. Bond, Friday and Saturday. Newest and latest designs in wall paper Nelson. PHYSICIANS Bettman & Warren will receive a new at Hodson’s. stock of crockery in a few days. We offer for Next Ten Days L. Granstrom has put in a steam en- •ALBREATH & GOUCHER, w gine to operate the machinery of his tua- I Mark Sisters, tine millinery' and first class dress-making, Hendrick building. chine repair shop. Miss Tressie Hunsaker of Turner is A new line of tobacco and cigars jllBt Former price $2.50, $2.25 Sale price $1.75 visiting Mrs. A. J. Nelson and other received at Bettman & Warren’s. relatives here. iCffic« over Braly's Bank.) In return for a friendly admonition to I Mrs. Kingery, mother of Miss Nettie M l M in N vsll « • • • O regon . John Hendricks to preserve order-at the 200 PAIRS MEN’S SHOES ball game Saturday, John Bennett came Kingery of the public schools, arrived irorn Nebraska last week to visit her Former • price $2.50 and $3 Sale price $2. near being seriously cut. Hendricks’ QOOK & CABLE, knife penetrated his clotbirfg to the arm. daughter. No arrest was made. Consult Hodson before you buy a new Did you notice the fine assortment of kodak. He has the very best photo-1 Cht/dren’s Shoes fancy crockery at Bettman Warren's? graphic supplies of all kinds, at most Rooms in Jacobson Block, The St. Charles store is paying 15 I reasonable rates. Reduced from 25c to 50c a pair. M c M tnnviixk , - - - O regon . Fied Nelson's family returned from cents for eggs, cash. How is that? Benton county on Saturday. Their baby The best place to buy groceries in Yam- i has been quite ill, but is thought to be REAL ESTATE. hill Co. _ N. E. Keoo A STRIKING DIFFERENCE Mrs. E. S. Warren aud Miss Valeria m proving. «jtfXVORR & Cos SAMPLE Of A QUELL & WOOD, Before the discovery of One Minute Patty left on Monday for southern Ore­ UNION MADE 5UIT {'NON-UNION MADE SUIT Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis ­ gon. They visited the band tournament Real Estate and Insurance. at Albany early in the week, and later turbed by coughing congregations, stopped at Eugene to visit Dr. and Mrs. excuse for it now. Rogers Bros. Office in McMinnville National Bank Lowe, and rumor has it that they will be A ten-year-old son of Oscar Fonts near Building, C Street. O11 all of our Spring and Summer PANTS, guests at a wedding before returning. Carlton was riding a horse with a com­ including the Sweet-Orr Co. line. The New Home and Climax sewing panion on Monday when the horse ran •Farms tor sale, houses to rent, and all kinds of insurance written. Agents for property ot machines, needles and extras at C. Grie­ away and threw them. The Fouts boy Our 30c and 35c Japanese Matting reduced to non-residents. Correspondence solicited. sustained an ugly compound fracture of sen’s. 42tf 25c; 25c Matting to 20c; 20c Matting to 15c. The Rev. Oliver II. Murphy, D. D., the upper arm, which Dr. Goucher fixed These prices are for ten days only, beginning PHOTOGRAPHER.» will officiate at the Episcopal church in up for him as soon as he could be June 1 st. We carry a large line of Dry Goods, this city on next Sunday both morning reached. N. HOBBS, Boots and Shoes, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Spray your fruit trees and hopp with and evening at the usual hours. The Clothing, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, holy communion will be administered at McBain’s Carbolic Compound. Death to High*Class Photography the morning service. There will be a moth, aphis and scale on trees, and lice Bicycles, Cameras and supplies, and can save on hops. Carbolic dip kills ticks and sermon at each service. All invited. you money. Call and get our prices. a Specialty. Mr. Newell of Dilley, representing the cures scab on sheep. Call for circulars I am located next door to R. M. Wade <& Co., c innville grange farmers o W. C. M iller . and am here to do good work and give satisfac­ state board of horticulture, was in the and see sample. The Best is the Cheapest — Buy the Sweet Orr & Co Make. tion. Terms reasonable. ESTABLISHED l«7L la M annino B ros ., Agts. Chas. P Nelson, Manager. city on Saturday, inquiring into the pros­ Though this is a late year for ’ Howers, pects for fruit and getting figures con-j LIVERYMAN cerning the annual output from thia I the increased interest in the decoration QITY STABLES, county, to be published in a forthcoming j of graves at the cemetery last week was report. He is a very pleasant young i all the more demonstrated, as there was HIGH! AT THE FIIOST. Third St , between E and F. more and better work done in that line man, well versed in horticulture. We want to tell our many friends that E. L. WING, Proprietor. Best and cheapest camera, with twelve , than ever before. The observance of decoration day in McMinnville is in­ we have renewed our determination for plate holders, and all of the latest photo | Everything Arst-class. Horses boarded by the future, as we have in the past, to creasing each year. dav, week or month. Commercial travelers supplies at Hodson's. Before disposing of your wool, see the woolen mill in conveyed to all points at most reasonable rales stay where we are—at the top—despite Give us a call. Last Thursday Mr. J. W. Shelton went ; Mr. Maris, the gardener, pays that the cost. Dallas. Highest cash prices paid. Call or notify us by mail, up to Monmouth and took up the re- j last year he begun marketing strawberries We have competition, but no rivals; and our buyer will call on you. State qualities and grade. mains of his mother who was buried on the 18th day ol May. This year, if MEAT MARKETS the people know us as the bargain PIONEER WOOLEN MILLS Co., there some four years ago, and gave weather conditions are favorable he will makers in staple and fancy groceries, begin about the 15th of June. By the them burial in the McBride cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, Or. Q STREET MEAT MARKET, near Carlton, beside her deceased hus­ strawberry estimate, our summer is very crockery, glassware, chinaware, lamps, band. Mr. Shelton intends to erect a j close to one month behind time. He etc., and know that we will protect their Reynolds & Bond, Prop’s. suitable monument to mark the last I will have about a half-crop of the berries, interests when they trade with us. We but will have as many berries as last have proved that to them. We think a Fresh and salt meats and sausages of all resting place of his parents. kinds eoiiRtantly in stock. Cash paid for year, because lie has more vines. He good deal of the good opinion of our cus­ One man has been found in the county hides. Highest market price paid for all kinds tomers, and vi e will keep up our repu­ of lat stock. with a bright prospect for Italian prunes expectB the season to be a long one. tation with them by supplying goods of this year. Z. T. Davis, whose orchard is That was a rare treat Rev. Herbert S. high grade of quality at a low rate of ^|ATTHIES & BOOTH, in the red hills near Dundee, has 30 acres i Johnson of Pittsfield, Mass., gave hie cost. Offers you undoubtedly of trees well laden. Location of fruit af­ audience at the Baptist church on Sun­ Proprietors of During the G. A. R. encampment this fects the time of blooming, and it is be­ day morning. The writer is frank to say month, we want all strangers in town to lieved that his trees bloomed just a little it was ODe of the best sermons he has call and eee us at our store, make them­ ahead of the coming of the cold rain ever heard, aud he has been about some. Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds selves right at home, examine our stock which proved disastrous to nearly all It was primarily on the subject of and get our prices. We expect those South side Third St. between B and C. , Italian prune orchards. Mr. Davis can “Jesus,” and brought out the essential who know us to call without waiting for consider himself in raregood luck. differences between the religion of Jesus an invitation. Very respectfully yours, PRODUCE MARKET. A. D. Hoskins carries the finest stock Christ and the hundreds of others that Straw and Crash Hats, D resser & H endrick . Ladies' Summer Underwear, of hand-made harness in the county. teach much of truth, but. fail to control Q STREET PRODUCE /TARKET, Lace Curtains, Laces, Ribbons, A »urainer's fancy. Also buggy tops and buggy top repairs the heart and will of man. Rev. John­ Embroidery’. cheap. Can sell buggy tops cheaper son is a credit to the town of his birth. Next Tuesday night, June 13th, at the C. F. Daniels, Prop. than any man in the county. Also carry He is the son of the second president in opera bouse this comedy will be pre-, < In Misses’ and Boys’ Goods we have Clothing below competi­ a fine stock of buggy cushions and robes. the history of McMinnville college. He Rented by’ the following cast, under the f tion. Working and fine shirts, extra Pants, Overalls and Un­ gave Ilia sermon on the identical spot Cash paid for Poultry and Country Produce. A fine stock of saddles and whips. Can direction of Mr. Percy Levin: Jack derwear, Cotton and Wool Sweaters. Just received a large line Hides and Tallow bought. Hay, Oats, Mlllteed. where his father used to teach. Last ■Oil Meal, Flaxseed and Bee Supplies oi all furnish any kind of a top to order and Henderson, P. H. Levin ; Harry Wood- of Window Shades. kinds kept on hand. 1> A. a Harris ri__ . ; r»L Philander :i____ j cheaper than any man in the county. year the educational sermon was given thorpe, R. Potts," by Dr. Chandler of Bishop college, Tex ­ Call and see him on prices. All work John Evenden; Jethro Baxter, H. Oli­ BARBERS. warranted. Second door west, of Born»’ as, who is the son of the first president ver; Wally Henderson and Jake Baxter, of the college. The idea was unique, A. D. H oskins . furniture store. Glen Henderson; Edith Henderson, yy H. LOGAN, and those who have listeued to the two Joe Dubois has purchased the Hotel sermons, will await anxiously the oppor­ M ibb Grace Sutherland; Emma Watson, Yamhill building of Thos. Holman of tunity to hear the son of the third presi­ Mrs. J. C. Campbell; Mrs. Henderson^, Miss Jennie C. Anderson; Mercy Bax­ Salem for $4,900. He algo bought the dent. ter, Mrs. Ethel Donis. The proceeds I am located opposite Burns 4 Daniels and aim Gil«on property adjoining on the south *to give all customers good treatment tor little The Oregonian of June 3d published will go to the Yamhill county monument money. Bulb rooms in connection. Your pat­ for $500. An addition to the hotel is ronage solicited. begun on the east, and such changes will a very remarkable sketch of a quintet of fund and a crowded house should greet be made as will conform more to Mr. sisters. They are Mrs. Miranda Smith, our young people. The play is a tine HARNESS Dubois’ idea of how a hotel should be Mrs. Carolina Watts, Mrs. Zerniah one, and Mr. Levin, according to thej< A compound of the vegetable alterative extracts constructed. He has made a greater suc­ Large, Mrs. Delphino Whalen and Mrs. papers of the state, and personal letters g?LSIA WRIGHT, cess of the husiness than any predecessor, Iola Handley. These five sisters, who he holds, is not only a good actor him­ peculiar to the Southern states for the blood. Manufactures and Deals in and they have been numerous. We are crossed the plains to Oregon in 1845, are self, but understands how to teach An effective remedy for sluggish circulation, and daughters of Daniel and Betsey Bailey. others. You won’t see “an amateur’' glad to see him prosper. Their father died, aged 90 years, in Til­ play, but one equal to any professional the pimples, blotches and similar eruptions that Yon cannot make a linen duster cut lamook in 1893. The family trace their companv on the Pacific coast. Come restilt therefrom. Au infallible remedy for rheu­ of a pig’s ear, but you can find the finest ancestry back to the time of Louis XVI. SADDLES, BRIDLES. SPURS. and bring your friends. Popular prices, line of buggy robes, whips, etc., ever matism, dyspepsia, indigestion, nervous and sick ^ndbrushes, and sells them cheaper than they They were early settlers of the American 25 and 35 cents, with a 10 cent rate for can be bought anywhere else in tut* U illamvtte brought to McMinnville, at the harness headaches. In cases of nervous debility, loss of colonies, and some of them became dis ­ children. Let us turn out and give the < Valley Our all Lome made 9ets of harness are tf pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. store of Elsia Wright. tinguished in the revolutionary war. Summer'» Fancy the biggest house ever appetite and strength it is wonderful, 75c a bot- Camp Hembree No. 3, Indian War The Reporter desires to call especial at­ seen in McMinnville. tie of ioo doses. Veterans met at the opera house Friday, tention to the fact that these ladies all DRAYMEN D. ol >1. Attention. June 2d, and elected the following spent more or less of their childhood i The grand chief of the Degree of Hon­ officers for the ensuing year: L»e days in the Chehalem valley in Yamhill ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists gROW ER & SON, Laughlin, captain, (reelected); G. W. county , and that probably to this fact or »ill lie with the lodge this (Friday) Mc/IINNVILLE The chief of honor desires Olds, 1st lieut.; W. M. Russell, 2d lietit.; more than any other is due the remark­ evening. J. 8. Robinson, orderly sergt.; Wm. able showing they can now make that each member to be present, and we take Laughlin, com. sergt.; Barney McPbil-j they are doubtless the sole instance of this means of notifying the members Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful lips, musician ; R. L. McMillan, ensign five surviving pioneer sister» of »o early that we wish to give the G. C. a grand handling guaranteed. Collections will be made bearer; J. T. Fonts, treasurer. G. W. a date vs 1845. Mrs. Smith »till lives reception and gupper. monthly. Hauling of all kinds done cheap A nna M atthiks , C. of H. Olds and Wm. Laughlin were chosen in tire county, and on tt»e G;h of May CONVEYANCER. delegates to the state encampment which arrived at her Lafayette home from the Eslray Motive. meets at Portland. Jane 14th, the day Hawaiian islands. She has three A sorrel mare either strayed or was A E. McKERN, preceding the meeting of the state daughters, Mrs. Irene Calbreath, wile I pioneer association. stolen from her hitching poet opnosite of Dr. J. F. Calbreath of McMinnville, the feed shed" on Sgtnrosy .inn» MH This office was pleased to receive a Mrs. Almira Hurley, Independence; Only a halter was on the mare. The call on Monday from Hon. J. W. Watts Mr». Mianda Kimberlain, Lafavette, and ¿suer will pay for information or return Are Leaders for 1899. of Lafayette. It was his first visit to a son, John U. Smith,an attorney, Hilo, I of the animal to him in Amity Why? Because the price Is right. McMinnville for nine months or since Hawaii, new» of whose serious illness NORTH YAMHILL, OR. H. T. WlTHHOW. Below any possible Competitor. his accident on the railroad last Sept. from typhoid fever has just been re­ Chainless. Model 59 and 80., ... 175 I.o.t or RlrayHl. Mrs. Watts, wife of Dr. J. W. I.'gal paper» written and acknowledgement, Sth. He was feeling somewhat feeble, ceived. 50 and 51.... .... 85 taken. but able to get about with two cratches, Watts, is also yet a resident of the From pasture in Polk county, one Columbia Model 57 and 58 .... 50 and as mentally clear as ever. He is to county, aud is hal» and heaity. She gorrel horae ; no shoes. One dark brown 49 and 45 40 preach in the Christian church next ba» had six children by a former horse; shod. Last heard of near the ATTORNEY Hartford Pattern 19 and 20. .... 35 Sunday morning on the book of Reve­ husband, but one of whom survives, bridge in West Salem. Any one finding Vedette Pattern 21 and 22 .... 25 L. CONNER. lations. The doctor baa written 16 ser­ Sidney G. Dorris. He is a printer, and please notify Miss Marion Weider, 430 Columbia Tandem .... 75 mons on this book, and has made it within the pant few days has done pome High street, Salem, Or., and receive You will have cause to regret if you purchase without such a special study that he feels pretty work in thia office for Lafayette semi­ reward. well equipped. It will be bis first ser­ nary. Mrs. Handley is the wife of T. seeing this fine line of wheels. lor Sole or Trade. mon since his accident, and if he can't B. Handley, a former Yamhiller, now A well-boring outfit for 6, Bor ten inch Send for catalogue. I ata*"l throughout the sermon, he will an attorney of Tillatu'xrk. Mrs. iJirge |^e saya Jesus preached that is a resident of Forest Grove aud Mrs, tiling or casing, all in good shape. In­ <»JBce rooms 9 and 10, Union Block. sit down. L I Whalen of Portland. quire of Henry Peareon. Jo-4 Oregon tray, anyway. YOU CAN PROLONG YOUR LIFE 140 Pairs TDen’s Shoes Physicians and Surgeons. Physicians and Surgeons. 300 ¿Pairs 10 Per Cent Discount M M & C WOOL POWERS, ATTENTION ! Î THE RACKET STORE The Best Shoes CITY MARKET. For the Money H. MILLS & SON. oooo BARBER. ; Dr. Lowe’s Sarsaparilla HARNESS, ( Truck and Dray Co. Columbia Hartford and Vedette j Bicycles Notary Public and Conveyancer P Attorney and Notary Public i lifinville. W. Li. HEMBREE.