lamhillCoDDty Reporter LATER NEWS. 116 FIRE AT DAWSON CIÎY DEWEY ON THE WAY. I PROPOSITION ID FIIIPINOS TORNADO-SWEPT TEXAS Great Los. ot Property In Brath and Left Manila on the Cruiser Olympia A Democratic conference has been Tito. Countlr.. Bound fur Home. I tailed to meet in St. Louis this week. D. I. A8B1BT, Publisher. Houston, Tex., May 24.—One of Manila, May 23.—The cruiser Olym­ — The grain shovelers’ strike at But- the worst torna«loes that has visited pia with Admiral Dewev on board, left M c M innville .................. O regon llo, N. Y., has been settled, and the Property Loss Estimated at here on her homeward journey st 4 Commission Submits Rebels Texas since the storm which destroyed men will return to work. the town of Cisco, three years ago. and o’clock this afternoon. As she steamed $1,000,000. a Form of Government. I in which some 50 people were killed, The supreme court did not decide away, the Oregon, Baltimore and Con­ passe«! over portions of Eratn and Titus the Oregon "overlap” case in which so cord fired an admiral’s salute. At the counties yesterday noon, the facts of much interest has been exhibited, and DRUNKEN WOMAN UPSET LAMP first shot the band on the flagship BE LIBERAL which were receiveil here today. The it goes over until the October term. played a lively air, and the crew i acknowledged ™ storm came from the northwest, and crowded tire decks and gave thunderous The section men of the Grand Trunk passed over a strip of country 200 yards People Became Panic-Stricken and cheers. railway system recently asked for an Governor-General to Be A |) Compreheiiire Review of the Import* wide, in a southeasterly direction. As the Olympia passed the Oregon, Were Unable to Save Anything^ increase in wages, which was refused, the President, and an ant Happening« of the Past Week The tornado was accompanied by vivid the crew of that battleship gave nine Building Material Scarce. The Council Fleeted by the Culled From the Telegraph Column*. and about 800 men have struck. lightning and a heavy hail storm. cheers for the Olympians, who re­ strike affects the road from Sarnia, Several homes and church buildings sponded by throwing their caps so high Ont., to Portland, Me. Manila, May 24.—Professor Schur- were wrecked in several localities, the Victoria, B. C., May 23.—The main that dozens of them were left behind An unidentified American soldier A portion of the Ilwaco Railway & portion of the city of Dawson was de­ in the wake of the cruiser. mann, head of the United States Phil­ most serious being at Mount Pleasant, •ran killed >u Havana in a row with the Navigation Company’s trestle at Il­ stroyed by fire on April 26, causing a The din of guns and brass bands ippine commission, today submitte«! Titus county. The noon services bad police. waco collapsed, while the beam train lose of $1,000,000. In all. 111 build­ echoed through the smoke, a fleet of • the tollowing written propositioLB to I just closed, and the people were leav­ General Merriam has asked for more was passing over it, and the locomotive ing when tire wind struck the building. troops. He wants cavalry tliis time to was dumped overboard into the bay, ings, including the British North steam launches shrieked their whistles, 1 the Filipinos: While final decisions as to form of A bolt of lightning and the wind de­ America bank, were bured. The news the musreians of the Baltimore played ' prevent disorder at Burke and Mullan. but fortunately no one was injured. was brought down by T. S. Humes, a "Home, Sweet Home.” her flags sig­ government is in the hands of con­ scended upon the house simultaneous­ President Diaz, of Mexico, will ac­ While digging for relics at the sits son of Mayor Humes, of Seattle; J. naled "good-bye,” and those of the gress, the president, undei his military ly, wrecking it, and scattered the de­ cept an invitation to visit Chicago and of old Fort Mackinac, in Michigan, Toklas and a third party, who left Oregon said "pleasant voyage.” The J powers, pending the action of con­ bris in al) directions. W. A. Kauf­ the United States during the fall fes­ six complete skeletons were un­ Dawson April 27, and made their way merchant vessels in these waters gress, stands ready to offer the follow­ man was instantly killed, and 15 other tival. earthed. This is possibly the burying out by canoe to Lake Lebarge, and then dipped their flags, the ladies on the ing form of government: A governor­ persons were more or less injured, Judge Baker, of the United States place of some of trie victims of the over the ice, having a most perilous decks of the vessels of the fleet waved general to be appointed by the presi­ some fatally. Three are in a dying handkerchiefs, and the great black dent; cabinet to be appointed by the condition, according to reports. A district court at Indianapolis, has ren­ massacre which took place 130 years trip. Toklas reports that the fire occurred British cruiser Powerful, which lay governor-general; all judges to be ap­ woman with a babe in her arms was dered a decision in wliioh he holds that ago. a sheriff Is responsible for a prisoner Three Chicago men, employes of the in tiie very heart of the business center the furthest out, saluted the Olympia.1 pointed by the president; heads of de­ struck by lightning, but miraculously The last music heard from Admiral partments and judges to be either escaped death. A little girl was strip­ in his charge, and is subject to damage Aetna Powder Company, at Aetna, of the city, beginning near the opera- tor his lynching. were blown to atoms in the explosion house, on the water front, and spread­ Dewey’s ship was ‘‘Aul«i Lang Syne,”i Americans or Filipinos, or both; also ped of her clothing, but only slightly The Oregon regiment, though en­ of a tank of nitro gycerline. A pipe ing with unusual rapidity. It was while the guns from the forts at Cavite general advisory council, its members hurt. The tornado struck Stephen­ titled to come home first, is far from leading from the engine burst, igniting driven by a strong north wind, destroy­ an«l from the Monterey, on guard off to be chosen by the people by a form ville ami did considerable damage, Manila, bearing the brunt of the Law­ some saw dust and leaves near a flue ing everything in its way on that street Paranaque, too far to be audible, puffed of suffrage to be hereafter caiefully de­ wrecking many houses, but no one was ton campaign, and may not be back leading into the room containing tiie down to and including Donahue <& white clouds of smoke. The Olympia1 termined upon; the president earnestly killed. The Cumberland Presbyterian Smith’s establishment. was disappearing j ast Corregidor desires bloodshed to cease, and the church was unroofed and badly dam­ when the time for the return of the nitro-glycerine tank. The fire then took in all of the water­ island when a battery before the walled people of the Philippines at an early aged. Many buildings in Stephenville volunteers begins. Genera) del Pilar, one of Aguinaldo’s front buildings abreast of the same city spoke Manila’s last word of fare­ date to enjov the largest measures of were leveled, among them the Metho­ Mexico is considering the refunding peace envoys, says: ‘‘The insuigents blocks. It ciossed the street, burned well. self-government compatible with peace dist church. One man was killed anti of her existing national 6 per cent gold are anxious to surrender, but want the through and spread over to Second an«l order. three injured near Dublin. It is re­ assurance first that there will be no AN ENGLEWOOD BULL FIGHT. debt held in foreign countries. The street, covering the principal business Tho commission prepared this ported that several were killed seven scheme anticipates an increased prin­ putting to death of the leaders in the portion of Dawson, leaving it all in scheme, and the president cabled his miles northeast of Stephenville. Trees Caine Out Secomi Best cipal, bat a reduolion in the amount of rebellion, and some proof that Ameri­ ashes, with the firemen helpless and Young America approval. The Filipinos have made and crops in the wake of the storm in the Matter. annual interest by reason of a lower cans will carry out the general state­ powerless to do anything. no definite proposition except for cessa­ were reported to be destroye«!, but au­ Chicago, May 24. — Englewood had a ments in their proclamation. rate. The fire consumed everything from real bull fight Sunday, and the niata- tion of hostilities until they can pre­ thentic details of the disaster have not Uncle Sam will inform Brazil that Timmin’s Royal cafe down to and sent the auestion of peace to the peo­ been received. Judge Mayhew has denied the ap­ dors, two boys, Willie Reinig and plication for a writ of habeas corpus she must be more careful in future. opposite the Fairview hotel, the build­ George Jessup, narrowly escaped with , ple. Schurmann told the Filipinos THE DAWSON FIRE. they haeed, they cus committee appoint*«! to frame a was $250, from Felix Angus, of the Hong Kong. An enthusiastic farewell that there will be no putting to death been numerous deaths of livestock from can steam without replenishing the scheme of currency reform has agreed was given bv the vessels and forts in of the leatlers in the rebellion, ami eating some plant, an«l it has been coal bunkers for 2.800 knots, while at upon a measure along the following Baltimore American. Manila harbor. some prisif that the Americans will said that tire poisonous substance was the rate of 10 knots they can cover lines: At Moscow, Idaho, the United States Ths redemption of all obligations of carry out the generous statements in in the form of a grass. From bis ob­ 6,925 miles, or the entire distance Levi Moore, a clerk in the city grand 1ury session returned indict­ servations. Mr. Casey believes he has from San Francisco to Manila. Water the government in gold on demand. ments against the ringleaders of the market, at Kansas City, shot and per­ their proclamation. Greenbacks, when once redeemeJ for "We have b«>en acquainted with th* found the most dangerous plant to tube boilers will furnish the steam for mob that delayed the Northern Pacific haps fatally wounded Mrs. Jennie livestock interests that grows in thia and the O. R. ino republic, for the people are favorably acte«l upon. The architect McKinley went out for a long drive. adopted because harmonious agree­ was authorized to prix-eed with all poe- They stoppe«! for a time at tire resi­ laiundary and a rapidly glowing feel­ will defeat any subterfuges to gain now impoverishe«!, an«! a continuance ment on it was possible, which was not ing of uneasiness among ths Indians is time, which would not be the case if of hostilities would only increase the sible expedition in the work of erect­ dence of tire vice-preaident, who they the case when more radical measuiee ing the building. found improving and sitting up. the general agree«! to an armistice. •aid to be the cause. were suggested. suffer ing. ” THE HEWS OF THE WEEK Yukon River Open. Minor Item*. 8. H. Rulilen, of Marysville, O., Was killed by a pebble from a small boy’s sling. Frederick 11. Gibbons, who has been treasurer of the Delaware, Lacka­ wanna & Western railroad for 24 years, resigned. One of Knlgaml’s greatest men died the other «lay at Macclesfield. Hi* name was Lto Whitton and he weighed I 214 pound*. A llO acte burial ground for animalr and bir«is has been established at Coxsackie, N. Y. Sister Hyacinth, of St. Maty’s oi the Springs, died in Columbus, O.. a* the result of a shock on hearing of the death of Bishop Waterson. Gen. Arthur MacArthur was one ol the boy heroes of the civil war, war deoorate«l with a medal at 18, and a year later was in courman«) of a tight ing regiment. Ku.slsn Town I>e.troy»<>. Warsaw, May 23.—The town of Po­ re sow, in the government of Warsaw, has been desrove«l by. fire. Twelve lives were lost and 3,000 people driven from their homes, are camping in the field*. Ex-Empreee Eugenia Not Pead- Rome, May 23.—The reported death of Eugenia, the former empress of i France, is entirely without foundation. She is well, and tralay received her I niece on her yacht off Naples. San Francisco, May 23.—A special from Victoria save: Luke Greenwald, of San Francisco, just arriveil from White Horse, report* that the Yukon river is open from Lake Lebarge to Dawson, but the ice on the lakes is •till solid, so the outlet of navigation will not open for a couple of weeks. Teams which start*«! over Lake Ben- nett with wire for the telegraph line to Dawson, broke through and had to turn back, eo that th* work ou the line has been delayed. With the Elder Tarty. Washington, May 24.—A party of scientists of the department of agricul­ ture, comprising Dr. Charles Merriam, botanist, and Messrs. Fisher an«! Stocks, assistants to be joine«! in a day or two by Chief Botanist Coville, left here today for Alaska for an in­ vestigation of its agricultural resources. Dr. B. E. Fernow, hea«! of the Cornell college of forestry, and other well- known scientists will Join th* party befors th* expediti«m sails iron» Port­ land next week. Fought Over Card«. Chicago, May 24. — During a quarrel over a game of cards today, George Al- len shot and fatally wounded Burr*) Douglas and his eon Frank Douglas. Allen also received two bullets and may die. Denver, May 24.—Notice was given today of a general increase of 10 per cent in wages at the B«'ssemer steel works of the Color ado Fuel & Iron •--mpany, at Pueb'.o. About 1,700 men ar* benefited.