The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, May 05, 1899, Image 7

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    answer for fowls that are to be kept.
but it will put a great amount of
tender flesh on young eblekeus, thnt,
considering the short time it is done.
may be as profitable as the eggs from
a Leu kept until slie is old enough to
“Spring Unlocks
The Flowers
To Taint the Laughing Soil."
And net even Nature •would
allow the flowers to grow
and blossom to perfection
without good soil.
Nature and people are much
alike; the former must have
sunshine, latter must have
pure blood in order to have
perfect health.
The Leaf of Young Grain.
There is much difference in the
breadth, size and color of leaf In young
grain as it comes up. It Is partly de­
pendent ou the character of the seed,
as the p’ant sends up its first leaves
mainly from the starchy matter which
encloses the germ and which the germ
uses until it is able to put forth roots
into the soil. Barley belug larger and
heavier than oats lias always a broader
leaf, though if oats are sown on rich
land and somewhat late they will come
up with a leaf that looks like barley.
But tills rank growth early Is uot re­
garded favorably by tlie cultivator, for
lie knows that it is liable to lie follow­
ed by rust of stalk or grain later in the
season. Hnrrowlng grain that comes
up with too small and thin a leaf bruis­
es these first leaves, ami as it also
stimulates root growth it causes the
plant to send up new shoots with much
broader leaves. Tills dries out tlie soil,
thus preventing tlie excessive growth
later that invites rust.
Setting Wasfon Tire*.
There are many jobs that a farmer
can <lo for himself. If he only makes
the attempt. One of these, says the
American Agriculturist. Is the setting
of the tires on the wheels of bls ve­
hicles. The usual charges at a shop
for one wheel will exceed tlie cost to
the farmer of setting all four, and the
time spent In hauling them to and from
the shop, to say nothing of the trouble
and vexation of unsatisfactory work or
ruined wheels. Is far greater titan It
would be to do the work himself. To
do this, ft requires an outlay of only
the cost of a metal trouglxand linseed
oil, about half a gallon to a set of
wheels, though more than enough to
do the work will be needed, as the
trough, while boiling, must be tilled so
as to cover the felloes.
This trough (a) can be made of gal­
vanized iron, by a tinner. Set it on
brick or stone in such a way that a tire
can be built and kept up under it. Put
in enough oil to cover the felloes, and
let come to a boil. You are now ready
to put in the wheels. The way this
is done Is shown so plainly in the illus-
tratlon that description ’.s unnecessary.
To prepare the wheels, let them soak
in water until the tires are tight, wash-
ing out all the mud and dirt possible.
After being placed in the oil. the wheel
should be slowly 'umed to prevent
charring. The length of time required
to boil a wheel depends on its condi­
tion. as does the amount of oil it takes
for a set. Two sets of wheels can be
easily set in half a day. This job will
prove far more satisfactory than one
performed by a blacksmith, who. often
on account of the dry wood swelling
after be has shrunk the tire, ruins a
wheel by dishing it.
The best results in growing turkeys
are from yearling liens bred to a gob­
bler two years old. ami three would be
still better. The young lien will lay
more eggs the first year than she will
in any year after, and if she males
witli a gobbler two years or over tlie
young turks will lie active ami vigor­
ous. Watch tlie lien turkey carefully,
and remove her first eggs as soon as
laid, lest they become chilled. Two and
sometimes three settings of turkey
< ggs must lie taken from tlie young
turkeys and set under common liens
before the lieu turkey will sit steadily
herself. The lien turkey must be con­
fined mornings when she lias young
tine gold work. I>K.
chicks, or she will draggle them LAN’G WORTHY, process;
N.W. cor. 'third and Morrison
through the wet grass and thus kill
Machinery hih I Supplies.
f J i rn
r iim 4.
vehicles; send for catalogue. 188-194 Front St. 1
I send sketch of barn bent. I tliii.i;
any one who will give it a thorough
study will decide that It is strong, self-
supporting. ami uo danger of spread­
ing. The and some other tim­
Writ^for Catalogue.
bers tire drawn out of proportion to
tlie rest, so that tlie construction can
J. W r EEMAN. Agrnt.
lie understood. The plan is original
209 East Water Street,
with myself, and lias uot been practi­
cally tested, but 1 mil confident that
there Is no possible cliance for an out­
ward thrust, for tlie long brace. A. A.
passing through between tlie timber­
forming tlie purline and on through Hi
short tie B. and through tile double
studding C, will forever hold the hart1
from giving out. Tlie ptirlines may
run from the ground sills, passing be­
tween the cross sill I >. on up to the pur­
line plate, showing tlie mode of con­ For Mills, Mines. Shops and Farms; Steel Log­
ging and Hoistii •' Engines: Hoe Chisel
struction at E. Tlie dotted collar beam
Tooth Saws. Albany Grease, etc.
at F F is to be lastened to the inside
rafters on a leve' with the cross at G.
in order to fasten tlie rangers for a
27 to 35 First Street Portland, Or.
track to run a hay fork. The lower end
84-36 Fremont Street, bail Francisco.
in time.
Th- Home Price nf Feed.
When farmers feed much Hint they
produce to stock kept by themselves it
is not fair to ti.e stock to charge for
the feed what it would bring in the
market. Feeding at home saves nineli
labor in marketing, and there is besides
the manure pile, which returns to the
Inches from one end saw half way soil a great deal of the plant food that
through each board ami split ofF the the crop has taken from It. If the stock
long end. Across the elevated eml nail is reasonably good it ought to pay the |
a board about 12 inches long for a seat. . farm value of the grain and fodder I
Place onc-lialf Inch cleats on tlie lower that It eats. In thnt way the farmer Is
portion, upon which the pail is to rest. j making more than lie could by selling
The pail is thus kept clean and Is not it. By Improving his stock the farmer
easily upset.—Orange Judd Farmer.
can make It pay market prices for all
the grain be feeds It.
Forcing Young Chickens for Market.
Emperor William, of Germany, has
announced his intention of visiting
England in the Hummer, to be present
once more at Cowes dining the August
• 1OO KKWAICI) 9100.
Messengers in Liverv.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
« chi u that there is at lea>t one dreaded disease
/hat science has been able to cure in all its
atages, and that iscaiarrh. Hall’sCatarrhCure
is the only positive cure known to the medics’
fraternity, catarrh being a constitutional dis­
ease, requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby destroying the foui da-
tion of’the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution ami
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro­
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
lor any ease that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials. Address
F.CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Ball’s Family Pills are the best.
Pekin is a city of dost, like most
Chinese towns.
Nevertheless, tlie
only stores that have Klass windows are
those of the watchmakeis.
A Household Necessity.
Every home should have handy for use r lit­
tle box oi Cascarets Candy Cathartic, as a per­
fect guardian of the family health. All drug­
gists, 10c, 25c, 50c.
A scientist of note has discovried
that the smell nf flowers is injurious to
the voice. He declares that several
operatic singets of his acquaintance owe
the loss of their voices to their passion
for certain sweet smelling flowers.
Sour Stomach
was Induced
try CAICA*
U t'.TM, 1 will never be without tbeiu In the house.
My liver was in a very bud shape and my head
aclied and I bad stomach trouble Now. since tak­
ing Cascareis. 1 feel hue My wife has also used
them with beneficial results for sour stomach. '
Jos. K rbhli . nu , UU1 Congress bl.. 81. Louis, Mo.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tarte Good. Do
Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c.50c.
Sterline Remedy CoM|<nny, iblea go. Montreal. Sew York.
Sold and gun ran teed by all drug-
tfibts to <TKK Tobacco Habit.
A Child'll Idea.
Dr. Foote
Stationary firemen in Washington, D.
C., and street car men of Cincinnati
are organizing.
161 Adams Street,
To Care a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 25c.
The oil fever has reached Vigo
county, Indiana, and tarm pioperty is
being sought alter.
riTQ Permanently Cured. No fltaor nervousnes '
lllu after first day’s use of Dr. Kliue’s (»real
Nerve Restorer. Semi for bKiti 9(14.00 trial)
bottle and treatise. DR. R. IL K_LLNli, Ltd., 93u
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Five private reception rooms; two separate private
entrance*; everything confidential; square dealing
and skillful treatment; fees moderate; all medicines
Included; perfect system of home treatment.
These physicians have been weakness and
Contracted ailments since 1»:5. They Lave the largest
and best equipped medical institution, and the most
extensive uracticf in the V S. Fera need not be paid
till euro«. Unfortunate tnen who cannot call should
w rite foradvice and copy of ‘ Pelican.” ALL I It EE.
Tl.ousanda cured at home. All letters cjnildential
charge fur consultation.
Italy’s budget for tlie year is now
expected to lie a surplus instead of a I
deficit in the leveuuee.
There was a young man from Lenore,
Who boldlv went off*to tlie war;
The "beef’1 ma<ie him sick,
He recovered quite quick
By the prompt use of old Jesse Moore.
A fossil dinosa ir that must have
been 130 feet in length has been found
near Laramie, Col. The remains were
found by Prof. W. H. Reed in the Jur-
assio strata near Laramie.
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of tlie well known remedy,
S yrup of Flos, manufactured by the
C alifornia F io S yrup C o ., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa­
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative ami presenting
The Lake Carriers’ Association on them in tlie form most refreshing to the
the chain of lakes lias advanced wages taste and acceptable to the system. It
of seamen $5 per month for tliis season. is the one perfect strengthening laxa­
tive, cleansing tlie system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches ami fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per­
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub­
stance. and its acting on tlie kidneys,
in packages
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, muke it the ideal
at grocers’
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but tlie medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to tlie C alifornia F io S yrup
C o . only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
The task of taking the census of CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.
lUOO will require about 45,000 persons.
Work will > >o begun in July.
Pure Tea
Use Dr. Plunder’s Oregon Blood Purifier now.
JOHN POOLE, P ortland , O regon ,
A b.ent-XI Inderl.
can give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
Once upon a time a very lovely lady,
plows, belts and windmills. The new who lives in 1 street—or at least I
steel IXL windmill, sold by him, is un­
think it’s I street—advertised for a
butler. Divers and sundry persons ap­
plied for the place, and among them
Of the same troubles from which you are one man pleased her very much indeed.
suffering will cure you. Thousands of people He had been butler, he said, for Gen.
who were broken down, weak and had a tired Suoh-a-One, and Mis. Gen. Such-a-
feeling owe their present good health to
One, he was quite sure, would recom­
mend him. Accoidingly. madam sat
It cures. Nothing injurious or bs<l tasting
about it—it is eiisy .nil pl. s-mit to take. Try h down to write a note to Mrs. Gen.
bottle nt your druggints, ,1 uu a bottle.
Sucii-a Ono, asking about him. Now.
madam, as all her acquaintances know,
A Goo.l Calculator.
is tlie most absent-minded woman the
When Sit Thomas Moore was im­ shallow of the monument ever fell on.
prisoned in tlie Tower of London for She wrote tlie note, but in it there was
refusing to stilly his conscience, his no mention of Higgins, tlie butler. In­
wile railed at him for liia folly in re­ stead tlie note read:
maining in a filthy prison when lie
“Dear Madam: Will you kindly tell
might be merry at home witli his me what tlie habits and characteristics
family ami in favor also with the king of Gen. Sucii-a-One are, and how long
and council.
he lias lived with you?”
He replied: “Why, good Alice, is
Mrs. General’s reply drove nil tiie
not this prison as near heaven as my cobwebs from
own home?”
woman’s brain.
In answer to her sneer of contempt
“Madam," it ran, "as to Gen. Such-
he asked: “How long, think you. a-One’s habits and characteristics, they
might one live to enjoy this house of are matters of which public record will
inform you. A h to how long lie has
“Perhaps some 20 years,” was her lived with me, it is none of your busi­
“Were not he a bad calculator, then,
And the last four words wore em­
who even for a hundred or a thousand phatically underlined. —Washington
years would risk the loss of an eter­ Post.
In the spring clennse yonr system by using
Thought He llf.prv.d a It-*«.
Dr. Piumier's Oregon Blood Purifier.
A tramp with his aim in a sling,
In Paraguay, a gentleman is en­
called on Gilbooly for a copper, alleg­
ing that his arm had been injured in a joined by tiie laws of good soc.ety to
kiss every lady to whom he is intro­
recent railway accident.
“But yesterday you had tlie other duced.
arm in a sl'tig,” replied Gillioolv.
Bistro's Hoel.
“Well, stippoein’ 1 bad. Don’t yon
Corporal Joseph H. De Castro en­
suppose a feller's arm gets tired of lie- listed when lfi years old. At Gettys­
ing tied tip all day? Besides, I’ve got i burg he was aliendy a veteran. When
concussion of the brain, and can’t re- Pickott made hie great charge nnd the
member half tlie time which arui was inen in blue ami the men in grXy were
broken.”—Stiay Stories.
mixed up in a tangle before the Union
To Mak« Tracing Paper.
lines, < toporal de Castro, who was
Over a gentie heat warm together an color-bearer of the Nineteenth M hshh -
ounce of Canada balsam ami a quarter cliUHetts, engaged in a duel with a big
id a pint of Spirits of turpentine. When color-bearer in g’ay. The two men
cold, brush tlie preparation smoothly clubbed the staves of their flags and
over one side of a sheet of fine tissue went at it hammer and tongs. The
paper. When dried in, this prepara­ other man was larger, but De Castro
tion leaves tlie paper very transparent, ■ was young and agile, and finally land­
and, as it is not greasy, the tracing ed a blow on his adversary's head and
paper may lte u»ed without fear even wrenched away the flag. It was the
on delicate fabrics.—Cincinnati Com­ colors of the Nineteenth Virginia. — N.
Y. World.
mercial Tribune.
For sale by all Druggists.—Price 50c. per bottle.
■ ■■ cl aim « NTs for nr-m Qi
I I Write Io
■ rbli KFua . Washington 0. C-. they will re-
II reive quick replies. B 5th N. H. Vols.
Menstruation, the bnlance wheel of St aff 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878.
woman s life, is also the bane of exist­
ence to many because it means a lime of
great suffering
While no woman is entirely free from ONE FOH A DOSE, fare Slek Hradache
Dyspepsia, Remove Pimples ami Purify the
periodical pain, it does not seem to iiave Blood, Aid Idgi-stion andlS*rverit Biliousness. Do
not Grips orHirken. Toconvlnce vou, wo will mall
been na­
sample free, or full k»s for 25«. 1>II. ROSANKO
ture's plan
CO., PI i 11 m <I ii ., A*CUnn. Hold by Druggists.
that women
produce inoiHltire and cau*e itching.
p|| mh Blind, BiHcdmg or Protruding
should suffer
i y Dr. Ü is inko'a Pile Remedy
nd blending. AliM'irba tuni<>rs. ftoc a
so severely.
Lydia E.
Lam's Vege­
table Com­
pound is
For Onnorrhtea nnd Olert gef Pabst’s Okay Specific. It
the most
la the <>NLY medicine which will cute each and every
caao. NO CAME known it has ever fallet! to cum, no
thorough fe­
mailer how wrioua or of how long HUtniling. ResulUl
from itH use will aetonlMh you. It is ab«ohitely Hafe,
male regula­
prevents stricture, and can »»«• taken without inconve­
tor known to
nience and detention from business. PRICE. fiS.UO. For
lutle by nil reliable drngifirt*, or sent prepaid by express,
medical sei-
plainly wrapped, on receipt <>f price, by
ence. It relieves thecondltion that pro­ Circular mailed on request.
duces so much discomfort and robs men­
struation of its terrors. Here is proof:
D ear M bs P ixkham :—How can I
DFM äptü ' s “
thank you enough for what you have
Praised by thousands of
— ptNCH
done for me ? When I wrote to you I
sat is fie« I ladles as safe, al
ways reliable and without
was suffering untold pain at time of
emale an equal. Ask druggist for
Martel's French Female
menstruation; was nervous, had head­
Pills in metal box with
French Flag on top In Blue,
ache all the time, no appetite, that tired
White and Red. Insist on having the genuine.
feeling, and did not care for anything.
’Relief for Women,” mailed FREE In plain sealed
letter with testimonials an<l particulars. Address,
I have taken three bottles of Lydia E.
FRENCH DRUG CO.. 381 and 383 Pearl SI., N.Y.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, one
of Blood Purifier, tiro boxes of Liver
Pills, and to-day 1 aui a well person I We RUPTURE
Ruarantve toflt every earn wa un<1> rtakei
would like to have those who suffer Do..'t put it off; wrlto for particulars at once.
H. tVOOIlAKI» A CO., KXpert Tru.a
know that I am one of the many who Fitter*,
lue Second Street. Portland, Or.
have been cured of female complaints
by your wonderful medicine and advice.
— Miss J exxie R M iles . Leon VVis.
I se Big «4 for unnatural
diNcliargpfl, in Ha rnriiat ions.
I f you are suffering in this way write
Irritation* or ulcerations
of mucous membranes.
as Miss Miles did '.o Mrs Pinkham at
Ill eouiagma.
Paitilces, and not aatriu«
Lynn. Mass . for the advice which she
gent or poisonous.
Mold by Oruvvtst«,
offers free of charge to all women.
Moore’s Revealed Remedy
Relief at Last
'X “ Pfun (ter s* *
Good Road*.
The latest cure for bad ronds Is crude
1 oil. experiments with which are being
made at the suggestion of good road
. associations. One barrel of oil is said
. to be sufficient to create a waterproof
' strip HV feet long and 12 feet wide.
• Major Meigs, a civil engineer of Keo­
| kuk, Iowa, claims that no other mate-
rial is as cheap and effective, ami of­
fers to have oil sent to responsible par­
ties wishing to experiment, if they will
pay the freight.—Epitcmi*t
sold bv druggist*._______
There are some kinds of seeds, like
the salsify, that are so bard and dry
that it seems Impossible to germinate
them quickly enough in spring so ns to
keep ahead of the weeds. We advise
putting such seed in water made al­
most scalding heat, or about 150 de­
grees to 100 degrees, for a few minutes
at a time, withdrawing the seeds ami
repeating the scalding until the seed
shows signs of swelling. Then plant of purline at II II is to be cut so as to
such seeds, and if the soil Is warm the fit over tlie sill, and showing spikes to
plants will be up as quickly as the be driven. This frame can lie made to
weeds. Onion seed may lie treated the resist an indefinite amount of pres­
same way. Some kinds of plants which sure.—J. II. Fisher, in Ohio Farmer.
come up very small and are not con­
Wood Ashes for A pole Trees.
spicuous can be cultivated
In some tests at the New York Ex­
to the rows by dropping a few radish
seed in the row where the more valu­ periment Station it was found that the
able crop Is grown. The radish will foliage was greatly Improved in sec­
show sooner than almost any other gar­ tions of the orchards treated with
den plant, and what radish are tints wood ashes and the trees were freer
grown can be pulled out and used by from scab. The color of the fruit was
the time the other crop can be seen to also Improved In some seasons and
with some varieties, but during the sea­
hoe closely to it.
sons which favored the perfect «level- i
A Good Milk Stool
opraent of tlie fruit the color was not
Is shown in tlie accompanying Illustra­ helped. Apparently the use of ashes
tion. It is made of two boards 22 Inch­ has a tendency to hasten the perfect I
es long and 10 or 12 inches wide. Nine development of the fruit. Some sea­
sons tills ripening process was carried
so far where ashes were used that the
apples did not keep as well ns on plants
untreated.—Orange Judd Farmer.
t Uli ugh
“*1 Syrup. *T..
ia < G cod. Use
“Your papa is suffering severely
Alien’s Foot-Ease, a powder for tlie feet from earache.” said Mrs. Northside to
It cures painful, swollen smurfing feet end her small daughter, “so you must keep
instantly takes the sting out of corns and
bunions. It's tiie greatest comfort discov­
“Oh, dear, will he have ear-esip-
ery of the age. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes
tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a elas?” asked the ohild, who had in
certain cure for chilblains, sweating, damn, some way derived the impression that
callous ami hot, tired, aching feet. We erysipelas was in some wav connected
have over 10.0CO testimonials or cures. Try
Tlie king of Italy is a confirmed veg­ it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe with earache. — Pittsburg Chronicle-
By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial Telegraph.
package FREE. Address Alien 8. Olm­
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth­ sted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Never Disappoint?
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
Joseph H. Choate, jr., has applied
children during the teething period.
Hood’s Pi’.Is cure liver ilia, the non-irritating and
for admittance to the Mkldle Temple,
only cathart Io to take with Hood’s snr-Gii'arilhi.
A caterpillar can eat six hundred in London, for a study of law.
times its weight of food in a month.
Slow-Germinnting Feed.
A great many of the young chickens
that are hatched every spring would
bring more money to their owners if
forced for broilers than If allowed to
come to maturity. The secret of fore-
Ing is to give foot! thnt Is cooked and
that is easily digester!. Steamer! oat-
meal is excellent for them, followed
a little Later on with boiled wheat.
Some meat food should lie given theip
occasionally, together with crushed
bone to help grind the food In their giz-
■arda. This forcing Drocess would not
t*. LSI5 U4------
WstHt ALL tibí FA IS,
Some of tiie messenger companies in
New Y'ork city have extended their
service to supply tiieir patrons witli
boys in livery as door openers anil for
Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures blood troubles general “buttons” service. These boys,
of all ports. It. is to the human system livery and all, may be hail by the hour
what sunshine is to nature—the destroyer and have proved a distinct couvenince
of disease germs. It never dis'ij point».
to housekeepers.
Poor Blood -“The doctor said there
Abolish the Heath Penalty.
wer^ not seven drops of good blood in my i
At Albany the lawmakers are wrangling
body. Hood’s Sarsaparilla built me lip
and made me strong and well.”—S usie E. over the abolition of tlie death penalty.!
The man w ho succeeds will prove as great
B rown . 16 Astor Hill, Lynn, Mass.
Dyspepsia, etc.—“A complication of u benefactor to tlie breaker of man’s laws
troubles, dyspepsia, chronic catarrh and as Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters lias to tlie
in.lamination of the stomach, rheumatism, breaker of nature’s laws if you've neg­
etc., made me miserable. Had no appetite lected your stomach until indigestion and
until 1 took Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which constipation are upon you, try Hostetter's
acted like magic. I am thoroughly cured.” Stomach liitters.
— N. B. S eeley , 1874 W. 14th Ave.’ Denver,
A well-known professor asserts that
Ph^umntlsm—“ My husband was the smallest intervals of sound can be
obliged to give up work on account of rheu­ better distinguished with one ear than
matism. No remedy helped until he used with both.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which permanently
I never used so quick a cure as Piso's j
cured him. It cured my daughter of ca­
tarrh. I give it to tlie children with good (’lire for Consumption.—J. B. Palmer,
results.”—M rs . J. S. M c M ath ,Stamford,Ct. Box 1171, Seattle. Wash., Nov. 25, 1SU5.
Hrecdi ■ ii lurke.vs.
She Knew She Was Fat.
An elderly man rose to give liis seat
to a plump looking girl on a South side
“Oh, no; thank you,” site returned,
as she caught onto a strati. “I would
not think of taking a seat fioni an
oltler—ei — I mean, I’d just as lief
stand up,” site finisher!, lamely.
“Now that's all right,” tlie old gen­
tleman tetorteil, in a very loud and
hearty tone of voice. "But you’d bet­
ter sit down. I know you fat girls
usually have tender feetl”—Chicago
»♦•nt In plain wrapper,
espreea, prepaid, foe
f*», or 3 bottles, |2.75.
’cular sent on request.
M. P. N. U.
MO, 18-’9».
HEN writing; to Advertisers please
lueution this paper.
Alabastlne can tie used over paint or paper ;
AlabMtine. the only durable wall eoatinf.
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Every church and schoolhouse should be
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I CoM Grand Rapids, Micb.