The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 28, 1899, Image 8

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B aptist —ServiceSunday 11 a Hi. und
7 :30 p. m ; »Sunday school d
a lu.; the
young people’’ '•OGit-rv «. 15 p m.
Pr« yer
meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. < ovenani
meeting iir»c Thur.'da) evening i.< lore
first Sunday of each hkjel U
K. W K ing , I tor
M ethodist Eri'« ->»•
Scrvi« «
Sabbath 11:00 a. m and 7 :30 p. tn. Sunday
school 9:30 a in. P ■ • • mt • h « j
in. Thursday. G eo . U . G rv Nxxa, Pastor,
¡rices every Bab-
oath 11:00 a m and 7 SiO p. in. »Sunday
school9:30 a. m. Y. F. C. E.. Sunday 6:30
p.m. Prayer meeting TI»ur&j»y, 7.30 p iu.
GB i Q. w. FZNI/IK, Pastor.
kServiceb in the Christian church : Preach-
ingeverv Loni’s day at 11 a m. and 7:30
p. in
Young people .-meetsU/at 0:30 p.
ni. Sunday & ho«$l at 9 1.» a. ni. l’rayei
meeting Thursday, 7 ;3op m.
F. A. P owell , Pastor.
S t . J amkm ( itholic - First st., between
a ami 11. Bunday school 2:30 p. in. Ves-
pera 7:80. Bervices once a month.
T. .1 Mouiiow, Rector.
W. C T. U.—Meets on every Eri
■ tav at 2 30 p. m. in reading room, Kegg
VlIUilN'14 W. (¿HOVER, Pith
E lva P. NF. IL, S« Ü.
K nowles (' hafte i. No, 12, <). E. S. Me« ts at
Masonic hall the 2d and 4th Moiulny « veiling
in each month. \'i.-itiiig members «ordialiv in
v 11t
A. O. U. W.-charity Izxige No. 7 meets first mid
third Fridays of < a< !i month, 7:30 p. m. L<»<igc
loom in Wright block.
ADOLF MA'ri'IllES, M. W.
J. D. BAKER, Recorder.
Yamhill Lodge No. 10 D. of H. meets in I nion
iiall second ami fourth Friday evenings of tach
(’USTER P ost N o . 9— Meets the seeoud and fourth
Saturday ol < ach month in Wright’s hail at 10:30
a. UK All members of tin* order are cordially
Invited to attend our meetings.
GEO. W. GRANNIS, Commander.
Mr. Clother and family, late of Ne­
braska, who occupied Mr. Kegg’s resi­
dence, left on Tuesday for Spokane. Mr.
clother endeavored to go into bnsineHH
here, but could find no opening to writ
J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., conductor on
electriv street car line, writes that his
little daughter was very low- with croup,
and her life saved after all physicians
had failed, only by using One Minute
Cough Cure. Rogers Bros.
Mr. Jas. Mcl’hillips, a cousin of Mayor
McFliillips, is a new arrival in McMinn­
ville from the metropolis of New Yoik.
lie intends making this his permanent
At 7 a. m. Wednesday morning an
alarm of lire gave a good many citizens
an earlv morning run. It proved to
be only the burning out of a chimney at
the residence of M. I). I.. Rhodes. A
lire company Unit runs to chimney tires
is a good safeguard on occasions of
greater danger.
•nmux-tliig al Y.iql IN i witli tin-
Yuqiilmi Buy sti-;iiii-diip Company,
Steamers Grace Dollar
and Navarro
First-class in every r« -pc( t. Ont* ol the above
steuinwra is due to sail from Yn<iuiim
about every live «lays.
cisco :
huc !
Albany and points west to S hu Fran­
< nbln
Houli«! trip
. . . .|10 <K>
17 00
For Nailing days spply to
T. F. & P. A .
H. H.^.RONISE, Agent, Albany.
Steamer Win. M. HOAG,
Running regularly between Portland
and Corvallis, stopping at all
way landings.
(('apt. < ieo. Raabe)
-------- RIVER SCHEDULE--------
Down river, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur
tlajN. Leaves Corvallis <) h . m Albans, < h hi
Burna Vista, k a. id . hide|a'mtcn«‘i'. 9 a ni
leui. 10 a. ui : Newbvm. ¡2:39 p. m., aiiivr al
l*oitland, I -iO p. in.
Upriver, Mondays We.ln«“<la\> and I ii«la\-
Lravra Portland <> a. ni
Ni-wberg, Ib.-’O a. id
Halrm. 3 Indeprmlrm r, > p. m
Vista, 7 30 p. in
Albany, 9 .<> |» in
aiiix« it
Corvallis, ll p. m
This steamer lias been < «|iiip|H*d with tirst eln>*'
HGconuiiodaiions, Im-lmling an . legant piano
i -usnrpasse«! for carrying both inight ami passen
EDWIN HTONE Manager. \lh4m\ <»r
c. G. COKER, Ai«,iit, Portland. Oi
tbwt of
Yamhill HI.
J. Tl RN’ER, Agent Albany. Or
A Tension
V a
tn y
the state
of the tension at a glance.
Its use means time saving
and easier sewing.
It’s our own invention
and is found only on the
W hite
Sewing Machine.
We have other striking
improvements that appeal to
the careful buyer- Send foe
our elegant H. T. catalog.
W hite S ewing M achine C o .
Cleveland, Ohio.
F in * salt* by
Suu F iuik I sc O.
Tlie open temperance meeting adver­
tised (or May 1st, has been postponed to
May 2d. At that time a good program
will be given, consisting of a reading by
Mrs., a mule quartet, n recitation
by Janrie McKillop mid an address by
President Boardman. Permanent organ
ization for temperance work will follow.
All are invited. Remember the date,
l'uesday, May 2d, nt reading room Hall.
By order of committee.
Notice lo I reditorw.
Cure u Cold in One llily.
Take Laxative Bromo (prilline Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. The genuine bas L. B. (¿. on each
tablet. For sale by Rogers Bros. 46tu6
ior Suie.
(jood see«I oats and wheat.
J. T. Funk, McMinnville.
Inquire of
It»*aI lAiai«! 'I rttiiMfers.
Week ending April 26th.
Emeline Shottridge to Samuel
Shortridge part lot 4 river blk
At a recent meeting of the W. 0. T. I .
11 Sheridan
officers were elected for the coming year .1 VV llenrv, sheriff to Frank W
as follows: President, Mrs. Virginia
ini in 644.64 a t 3 r
3 ..........
Grover; corresponding secretary, Mrs.
E. M. Law, recording secretary, Mrs. Dr. (' A Patty to O A B GroHHer, 30
a pt. .law A Hen d 1 e t 5 r 6
Cook; treasurer, Mrs. Annie •OAF. Grosser and ‘ w ‘ f to .1 ’ I!
One vice president was elected from
Scott 485.12 it Highland lodge
farm tor"
each church represented. Tlie superin­
I ami Mary N Morrill to
tendents of I he diffi-rent departments w ill i Roscoe It
I) \V > Snvace itac i lois I and 2
lie ap|>ointed at tlieir next meeting. All
blk sM. M
ladies are I'otdially invited to all meet­ lamina 1 lau l«*y lo Shell Hawley
160 a pt Cvni8 l> Hawley’« «1 I
ings of the society, which meets every
•Lt 4 r 4 ................................
15 .0
Friday, at 2 :.IU p. in., in their hall up­
Shell Hawley to Ihincan R osh
stairs, next to Tlie Reporter "Hu e.
136*0 a pl (’ B Hawley «lie.
A large Imrn Itelniiging to F. I> Sitton, Emma Haw lev to Rosalie Haw­
lie hw «jr of blk F Savior’s add
mid located just north of his residence,
to Mc.U
4( V >
wuh burned to the ground Saturday Shell Hartley et ux to Emma
Hawley '.» int in 250 a llaw-
night u I hiii I tt o'clock. Th< family had
all gone loan entertainment in school, lex d I c
Leu is Jones et ux to Peter Ba-
distrie No. 8. mid Mr. Lamb, a neighbor.
shaw 3» ft • >1 blk 20 11 ami
hi passing the lutrn saw it on lire mid
L add to Newberg ..
liurriedly cariied the news to Mr. Sitton Mary F llur’« \ to Peter Bashaw
lot 2 blk I / 11 and I. add to
If was ¡iii|sweible to save miything but
surrounding fences.
Tlie Irani was John Nash et nx to L B Antrim
about half full m' fet'd and contained a
30 a | t .l«'hn KirkwiNsI d I «■ t
5 r 3...................... ....................
of implements.
It was
Ulen et ux to J Parnl Anna
worth over $500, mid tlie contents as It
Allison l.rM) a pt Solomon Allen
much, if not more. Insurance amoiinteil
«! I • alto 18.03 a pt Wm P AI-
to $5iH). Tlie origin of tlie lire is not
h*n die...., ................
known, lint is lielieved to have been mi I etiti.i Bean tn I. Root h hf l»lk
2 » .loliiis a«ld to M«'.M
iiieendiarv or a careless tramp.
Wm Reichslvin et ux to louisa
M I lam ilie 2 » a pt J«>el Ghris-
The largest assembly of people ever
man «lie...................... ......
convened in Wright's Indite hall attended
Wallace G«»odti« h et iix to I’nn-
tlie fair held by tlie Indies' circle of tlie
can Ro.*s I a Goodrich d lc
Woodmen lodge last Monday evening. M B Hvndiirk and wf to E P
Wall.ue Io7xl4oft in Amity .
1’hi' program of exercises was presented
PH l‘a\i« et nl io II S Long lot
bv Mm. I.. J. Ilaleli, amt consisted ot
I blk N Cozi ie’s 3 add to Mo
-olos bv Mr. Macy, recitation» by Miss
Munkers mid Mrs Haight, mid a colored Na!han M M«» >«iy and wl to \\ in
Wess 40 a in sec 36 3*5
quartet ami cake walk. All were highly
interesting, but particularly the last Caroline I I’»«-ttnian et c< njux to
\\ inifre«l I. Pielschneider lots
feature. Ihe <piartet was eon>|">sed of
»5 ami <» blk 4 Willis add to
Miss Anderson mid Miss Maud llobbs
mid Messrs Macy and Hembree. Miss Ma-oni«- Cemetery «leed to A .1
I low ell s 1. !<•• 345
\ alerin Patty in < ompmiy ing. They dem-
I • rton to I. C Burt­
onslrated-tliat this town has rare talent Margaret
on par. el in North Yamhill
h 0
(or minstrelsy mid cake walking, mid Cail A«i«*U l«> luidwig Adult lot
the only regret was that they hadn't more
5 sec > i t 3 r 2 31 A4> a
room mid didn't stay longer.
i'he sale AhioS Watt t«» lieu* Millet lot
of ailii lea at tlie fair came last, along
witli the serving of ice cream and cake.
The I wo line quilts made for tlie lodges
and itiavriltd with names of meniliera, tell
to Flsia Wright and D W. Feely
very pretty bend rests, ctislriotis. mid
other articles were sold at good price»
with R A. Harris as amtioneer. The
net rei eipts of tlie fair were $u3.
Heir« th. .Iin»«t>iir of C ha *. It Filtrent.*
lu tue for more llun thirty yer*, ami
>e* J/wi« .t.’wx/’
t’• *ve (‘rrhatd
For Infants and Child'•en.
< lire n • ulti in <>••• Hits ■
Ths Kind Yen Have
Always Bought
« £
Ä\ c'-‘e table Preparation for As -
situila h the Food end Regula ■
ting liie bionutchs and Bowels of
Bears the
Promotes DtÇesbon.Chccrful-
ness and Rest Con tains neither
Optutn.Morphine nor Mineral.
Pumpku: -
iiotJltiit Sttiii -
/huje Stfé *
jipnmmt -
jBi <7.7-^
fl/.rm Seed -
rltiftfud Sugò/- •
AperfectRemedy forConslipa-
tiort. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
ness and loss OF SLEEP.
Nearly Fifty-eight Years Old ! ! !
It’s a long life, but devotion to the
true interests and prosperity of the
American people has won for it new
friends as the years rolled by and the
original members of its family passed to
their reward, and these admirers are
loyal and steadfast to-day, with faith in
its teachings, and confidence in the in­
formation which it brings to their homes
ami firesides.
As a natural consequence it enjoys in
its old age all the vitality and vigor of
its youth, strengthened and ripened by
the experiences of over half a century.
It has lived on its merits, and on the
cordial support of r>rogre«sive Americans.
It is The New-York Weekly Tribune,
acknowledged the country over as the
leading national family newspaper.
Recognizing its value to those who desire all the news of the state and nation,
the publisher of The Reporter (your own favorite home paper) has entered into
an alliance with The New-York Weekly Tribune which enables him to furnish
both papers at the trifling cost of $1.25 per year.
Every farmer and every villager owes to himself, to hie family, and to the com­
munity in which lie lives a cordial support of liis local newspaper, as it woiks con­
stantly ami untiringly for his interests in every way, brings to bis borne all the
news ami happenings of the neighborhood, the doings of his friends, the condition
and prospects for different crops, the prices in home markets, and, in fact, is a
weekly visitor which should be found in every' wide-awake, progressive family.
.Just think of it ! Both of these pa,>ers for only $1.25 a year.
Send all subscriptions to The Reporter, McMinnville, Or.
We have special arrangements with
the following
leading publications,
whereby we are aide to offer them in
connection m ith our on n at exceedingly
low rates, as follows: The R eporter
Weekly Inter Ocean....................
St. LoulsGlobe-Demoerat, aemt-iveekly......... 1 50
Rural Northwest, Portland, heuil-monthly...
Oregonian, weekly.......... .....................
McClure’s Magaxine, monthly.........
Cosmopolitan Magazine, monthly..
The Weekly San Francisco OIL.
The Weekly New York Tribune.....
Demorest's Family Magazine..
•............... ....
1 85
1 70
•' •
Com«* to The Reporter Office for
Typewriter Papers
Marriage Certificates
—Me Minn vi Ile, Oregon.-»—
Paid up Capital, $30,0*0
Surplus 910,000.
Transacts a General Banking Busi neu».
Office Hours 9 a. in. to 4 p. m.
LEE LAUGHLIN, President.
J. L. ROGERS, Vice-President.
E. C. A P PER SON, Cashier.
W. S. LINK, Assistant Cashier,
Circuit Court, State of Oregon Multnomah»
J. T. Osborn Plaintiff,
Newberg Orchard Association,
Defendant. J
7) Y Virtue of an execution duly issued out
> of and under the seal of the above uam
ed Court in the above entitled action to
me duly directed, bearing date the 24th day of
March, 1899, upon a judgment and order duly
given, made, rendered and entered in said court
on the 22d day of March, 1899, in favor of J. T.
Osborn, plaintiff, and against Newberg Orchard
Association, defendant, for the sum of 1460.UOr
and tlie further sum of $87.55 costs and disburse­
ments. wherein it was duly ordered that the
property attached in said action and described
in said writ of execution and hereinafter de­
scribed be sold in satisfaction of said judgment,
in which execution I was directed and com­
manded to sell the following real property of
'Hid defendant New berg Orchard Association,
being the property attached in said action and
described in said writ of execution, to-wit: One
Hundred and thirty-seven (137» acred off the
north end of that certain tract of land known
hs the George Christensen place and more fully
described as follows: Two Hundred and thirty­
seven (237) acres of the west side of the Donation
Land Claim of George S. Nelson and Margaret
Nelson No. 197, bounded on the east by land of
A. 1*. Cook, on the north by the Townsnip line,
on the west by land of Benj Griffin, and on the
south by the ilesa claim. Also lots numbered
11, 1.’, 1:1,1-1, 15, !♦», 17, is and 19 in Block num­
bered one I): Lots 1,2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 23, 24,
25, 3s, 29, 10, 11 and 42 in Block numbered two (2);
Lots 7 and 8 in Block numbered four (4); Lots 16,
17, Is, 19, 20. 21, 22, 23 and 29 in Block numbered
three (3), all in Newberg Orchard Association
plat No. I, as recorded on the records of the Ke-
coider for Yamhill County, State of Oregon, to­
gether with the hereditaments and appurten-
auce> thereunto belonging or in anywise apper­
taining, all being in Yamhill County, State of
Oregon, or so much thereof as may be necessary
to satisfy the ■ uni of$460.0U with interest then on
at ’he rate of six per cent, per annum from the
22«! «lay of March, 1899, and the further sum of
5 with interest thereon at the rate of six per
cent, ner annum from the 22d day of March,
1899, »■>«! the costs of and upon said writ of exe­
Now therefore, by virtue of said writ of execu­
tion and incompliance with the commands
thereof, I will on Saturday, the 13th day of May,
1899, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon,
at the front door of the County Court House iu
the city of McMinnville in the County of Yam­
hill and State of Oregon, sell at public auctiou
<ubieet to redemption, to the highest bidder, fur
United States Gold (Join, cash in hand, the said
real property and all the right, title and interest
which the above named defendant had on the
21th «lay of March, 1898. the date of said attach­
ment thereof, or since had iu and to the above
described real property, or any part thereof or
so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy
said execution, interest ami accruing costs.
Date«! MeMinuville, Oregon, April 11, 1899.
Sheriff of Yamhill County, Oregon.
National öanl?
TJ ot N ati cotic .
Legal Blanks
Timber I.mid, Act June 3, 1878—No­
tice tor Publication.
United States Lan«l Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 12, 1899
N'OTIUE is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of congress
of June 3. 1878. entitled “An act tor the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extend­
ed to all the Public Land States by act of Au­
gust I. 1892, William Cain, of Dayton, county of
Yamhill. State of Oregon, has this day tiled in
this office his sworn .statement No. 3088, for the
purchase of the Southeast quarter of Section
No. I, in Township No. 2 S. Range No. 7W., and
will offer proof to show that the lamt sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than f«»r
agricultural purposes, and to establish hisclaim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of
this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday,
the 9th day of June, 1899.
He names as wit-
nesses: John W. Fishburn, Thomas McNish,
John Glen amt John B. Malott, all of Dayton,
< »regon. Any ami all persons claiming adverse­
ly th«* above-described lands are requested to
tile their claims in this offic«* on or before said
9th «lav of June, 1899.
CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
Timber I.mid. Act .lune 3, 1878—Na-
lice tor I’ll bllcutlon.
I tiiteii States Land Office.
................. <‘regon City. Oregon. Feb 23. 1899.
'OTD'L i» hereby given’ that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
<«t Jun«’3,1878. « ntitled ’An act for the sale of
tiinlier lauds in Hie States ot California. Ore-
gon, Nevada ami Washington Territory.” Carrte
Rhiidc. of McMinnville, counts oi ’YaiuhUL
state <»f Oregon, has this day died in thlsoHU e-
statement No. 3092, for the purchase
«»f tl.e W »., SE
and L
. of Section No.
2. in h unsbip No. ‘JS Range No. 7 W., W. M.,
anti will offer proof to ►how that the land
souglit i- i.lore valuable for its timber or stone
than ior agricultural purposes, ami to establish
her claim io said larld before the Register an J
Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon,
on Monday, the 29th «lav of Mav, 1899 She
names as witness s: Dun J. Handy and Charles
B. Handy of Nehalem, Oregon, Marlin T. Rec­
ords of Republic, Washington, and Patrick H.
Doughney. «>f North Yauthill, Oregon. Anv
amt all pri sons claiming adversely the abote-
described lands are requeue«! to tiie their claims
in this office on or before said29ih day of May
CHAS B. MOORES. Register.
Timber I mid, Act June 3, 1878-Me
lice tor Publication.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Prepared by E C DeWitt a Co . Chicago
U r u n ‘ ng to purvhaae a t'amera it will pay ;
you t
,t to; |«ricc!» to the only exclusive'
dealers in Oreg«>n.
3 j oth St., Portland.
Take Laxative Bromo (Jilinine Tableta
All drugÄ.-t8 refund money if it faila to'
cure. The gomiinv haa L. B. (J. on eavh
The R kimktkk sn<l Weekly Oregonian
one sear for $2, strictly in advance.
i taidet. For auk by lL>ger» Bruk
I nitvd Slates Land office.
K-.iTi. v °re«°2 ’
Orv«on, Feb, 23» 1899.
\<>Th E I* herthy given that in compliant»
A.1 with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of
timber lands in the State« of California Ore
M>n< i t on pi hikiiiov
I gon. Nevada and Washington Territory ”*Clara
t Rhode, of McMinnville, countv of S'amhiD
<tnte of Oregon, ha- this day tiled in tbiaoflev
1 and Office at Oregon Cifv, Or« gon.
her *worn statement No. 3093, for the purchase
Feb. 23, 1>99.
>f the S hf NEL ami E hf SE
of Section No. 2
'OTICB is hereby given that the following in T« wnshin No. 2 S. in Range No. 7 W., W. M..
named settier has it le«l notice of his inten- am! will «»tier proof to show that the land
1 lion to make final proof in support of his claim,
'ought is more valuable for its Umber or stone
ami that said proof will l»e made bei\»ic the reg- than for agricultural purposes, and to establi«b
ister ami receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on her .-Him to said lan«I before the Register and
May 3<i. 1899. vii., R«»bert McAveal, H. E. 10.16.’*, Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon
for Lot 2. SW
«»i NL‘4ami W ‘-.¿SE ‘4 Sec. 6,T. on Monday the 29tb dav «.f May, L«99 She
4 H. R. 7 W He name» the following witnesses names a> witnesses: Ih.n J. Hand? and Charles
to prove his continuous residence upon and cul­ B llamiyot N.-halem. Oreg«»n, Martin T. Ker
tivation of said land, viz., Charles L. Fendall ords of Republic. Washington, and P
of Willamina. Oregon, and William Kay, Roy- Doughney. «»? North Yamhill. Oregon. Any andi
well L. Bewley ai d E J Steward, of Sheridan. all i. r<.»ns claiming adrer»elv the above-de
CH AS B. Mt.MJRES, Register.
-crihed .aml* are requested to file their tlaini*
in this oAre on or U fore said 29th davof Max
< HAS. H MOOfHl Rignur ‘
ELY’S CREAM BALM Is a positive cure.
Apply into the noetri!«. It is quickly absorbed. 50
cents at Druirgtots or bv mail; samples 10c. by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, ¿6 Warren St, New York c". i
It art itir ¡ally digests t lie food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon­ ,
structing the exhausted digestive or­ |
gans. It is t he latest discovered digest­
ant and tonic No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in­
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn.
Flatulence. Sour Stomach. Nausea,
k Headache.tiastralgia.Cramps,and
tsx» Sh
allother resultiH’f Imperfectdigestion
Ihigh R << r to l.oui.M Kreil 74 5S
a pt John Mxera d 1 c t 2 r 3
Sheriil to Mars E Werner lots I,
2, •*> and <> oik 41 l.afuiette
Sheriff to Nathan M Moo«iy 40 a
in mt
I | ,.’i26.50
Kn»«’or K MorrJI ami wf to D«»ra
W Savage wtrip of laml adjoin­
ing M Filter’s land..........
i id
I 3 ill V
FacSinulc Signature of
I desire to make settlement of all ac­
counts now due me. Those knowing
themselves indebted to me Mill please
make immediate settlement, and avoid
making further costs necessary.
E i . sia W kight .
---------- ----------------
A Pioneer oK 18.51.
Mrs. Charlotte Sanders of Amity, died
on Monday, April 24th, at the advanced
age of 86 years. She w as the wife of
Joseph Sanders, w ho died in 1868 on the
homestead near Amity.
Mrs. Sanders
was a native of Kentucky, and came to
Oregon across the plains at a time full of
vicissitudes and perils from warlike
Indians. She was remarkably active for
her age, almost upto the time of her
deatli, and was deservedly esteemed bv
a large circle of acquaintances for her
many good qualities of mind and heart.
Iler son John, with whom she lived,
stiriires her at the age of 64. Tlie funer­
al and burial were held at Amity un
.1. V. Irvine is in Fortland thia
on bm-inem
Ladies’ b -ial club May Ball” May
Dr. Leroy Lewis moved into the Ke-g
Flowers, music, ice cream and a
house on Tuesday.
good time tor all.
Bettman d: Warren caudle their egge
I'. Fisher of the Chicago »tore was in
before they leave the store.
1 Portland over Sunday, and returned to
You can get a complete set of abstract
this city on Tuesday.
I blanks at the Reporter office.
Mrs. J. L. Steward has moved from
F. H. Barnhart letton rues-lay for a
| sojourn of two or three weeks at jsiint. ,er ¡arm near Carlton to this city, occu-
pyiug one of tiie t-aylqr houses on Second
in iioutherti Oregon.
street, between D. and E.
Alex Rennie and wife of Corvalhe t
Major Jam
R. Bean, who died in
their de|>urtme tor Imine la-t 1 riday, .li­
settled in Yamhill
ter a short visit with Mr. Rennie’s par­
county in 1845, and married Margaret
ents in this city.
Henderson, daughter of Jasse C. Hen­
Mr». M. Williams, who recently bought
derson, in 1850. In 1865 he engaged in
the property adjoining trie Columbus
merchandising in the building east of
school on tlie west, is making quite ex­
the St. Charles store, when it stood
tensive repairs to het resilience.
where is now Mr. Reed’s fence works.
Happy is the man or woman who can He continued in business here six years,
eat a good hearty meal w ithout suffering am! then removed to Seattle, where lie
afterward. If you can not do it, take built one of the finest homes in that city.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what Major Bean last visited this county about
you eat, and cures all forms of dyspepsia 1 >85, and ever since had a longing to
and indigestion. Rogers Bros.
return, lie leaves un aged widow, sister
T. N. Baker and wife moved to Carl­ of T. 1). Henderson, who is inconsolable,
ton this week, where they will reside in and says the light has gone out of her
future. Mr. Baker lately sold his black­ life.
The Seattle Poet-Intelligencer of
smith shop in this city and goes to Carl­ April 13th lias a long account of the Ma­
ton to resume his occupation.
jor, whom many of the older pioneers
For it quick remedy mid one that is remember fondly. Major Bean built the
perfectly safe for children let us recoiu- residence now owned by Wm. Campbell,
It is w hich cost him $1,000 to erect.
mend One Minute Cough Cure,
excellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling
in the throat and coughs. Rogers Bros.
Siiprlwst route between valley points
.-■ecular Sunday school every Sunday,
11 a. tn.
C. P. Yates the Sheridan editor, was
iu the city on Friday.
I Will Examine Your
Eyes Free of charge
Land Office al Oregon City, Oregon,
March 29, ltiyy
By the intelligent use of the
\ OTI' K I» bi rvby glT»n that ihv following
.7 i.„iue4 arttier haa tiled notice of hla I»
Opothaltposcopt'. I am prepared
tention to make final proof In support of bl.
to make the internal examination
cia.iu amt that said proot will be mda betorw
thr • oniity clerk of Yamhill count\. at McMlnw
of your eves and determine
villc, tiregon. on May 6th. lt-yi vti., Fzra A
whether or not the defect is an
' knirnt II E IP7 41 for the lota land J and s
nF q.r 1,1 w 1
G K ■
He names
error of refractions or disease.
th« following witnesses to pn>rt his continu­
I also have the finest Trial ease
ous residence UDon and cullivatMm U sai i
«nd, vis W H Drvore U ilham Brown W H
for testing vour eyes in Yamhill
James Kd Wood, all of Wiüamina, Or»*run
County Lenses ground for the
l H as . B. MOORES. Register.
most difficult cases.
D A. SMITH Optician.
Come to The Reporter office lor type­
Next d.xir to P. O., McMinnville. writer paper». Legal and letter -t-