“ Durability is Better Than Show.” The •wealth of the multi­ millionaires is not equal to good health. Riches •without health are a curse, and yet the rich, the middle classes and the poor alike have, in Hood’s Sarsaparilla, a valuable as­ sistant in getting and main­ taining perfect health. It never disappoints. Scrofula— “Three years ago our son, now eleven, had a serious case of scrofula and erysipelas with dreadful sores, dis­ charging and itching constantly. He could not walk. Several physicians did not help for sixteen months, 'three months’treat­ ment with Hood’s Sarsaparilla made him perfectly well. We are glad to tell others of it."—Mas. D avid L aird , Ottawa, Kas. Nausea— ‘‘Vomiting spells, dizziness and prostration troubled me for years. Had neuralgia, grew weak and could not sleep. M v age was against me, but Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me thoroughly. Mv weight increased from 125 to 143 pounds. I am the mother of nine children. Never felt so well and strong since 1 was married as I do now.”—Mrs. M. 0. Waters, 3320 P. street, Washington, D. C. Eczema— “We had to tie the the hands of our two-year-old son on account of eczema on face and limbs. No medicine even helped until we used Hood’s Sarsapa­ rilla. which soon cured.”—M rs . A. V an W tck , 123 Montgomery St., Paterson, N. J. « 1 Sassafras Tea. This is the “blood purifier,” and may be need any time—at meals or be­ tween times, during the day or at night. It should be taken until the complexion or skin is smooth and clear. Sassafras forms the basis of the best patent-medicine “purifieia.” To make the tea, to one teaspoonful of the broken bark add one generous pint of cold water, steep about 20 minutes— longer steeping will not injure it—ad- ! ding more water if the first has boiled Attractive Well House. Few realize the amount of heat that away enough to leave the tea bitter.— goes down into a well of water ( Woman’s Home Companion. through the platform that surrounds A Russian officer has been malting the pump. It can be partially realized experiments with very successful re­ by going up Into a close attic under the sults, in the use of falcons instead of roof some hot day. As a matter of pigeons as carriers. It seems that they fact, closed air spaces beneath board­ can fly very much faster. A pigeon ing that Is exi>osed to the bright sun covers ten to twelve leagues an hour become fearfully heated, and in the whereas a falcon can do fifteen. It can case of wells this heat is soon transmit­ also catry with ease a fairly heavy ted to the water. A double platform weight. with an nlr space between will help Professor R. W. Wood, instructor in greatly, but best of all is a summer physics in the University of Wisconsin, house, or regular closed well house, has originated the idea of thawing out built over the platform, and this in turn frozen water pipes with electricity, and covered with vines. Not only will such has made two successful experiments. a little house serve an excellent pur- SHAKE INTO Y’OVB AGENTS No pain: new process; fine gold work. DR. LA NG WORTHY, N.W. cor. Third and Morrison Machinery id Supplies. RA¿ES MOWERS BINDERS Write for Catalogue. J, Í. FREEMAN, Agent. 209 East Water Street, PORTLAND, OR. HOW’S THIS’S We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the past 15 vears. and believe him perfectly honorable in all busin ss transaction; and fin­ ancially able to carry out any obligations mode by their firm. W bt A T rvax . Wholesale Druarists, Toledo, WAI.D1NO, KISNAN <& MAr-VIN, Wnolesale Drug -ists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is t. ken nirrnally, acting directly on the blood and m cous surfaces oi the system. Pri e 75c per bo tie. bo.d by all drug! ists. Testimoni. Is free. Hairs Family Pills -K th i best. It has been found that X rays are fatal to bacteria. In the Hygienic in­ stitute of Munich they are used as a disinfecting agent. The sun gives 600,000 times as much light as the full moon. MACHINERY TATUM ¿¿BOWEN 27 to 35 First Street Portland, Or. 84-36 Fremont Street, San Francisco. JOltN POOLE, P ortland , O regon , can give you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel IXL windmill, sold by him, is un­ equal 1 ed._______________________________ HEAD ACHE “Both my wife and myself have been using CASCARETS and they are the best medicine we have ever had in the house. Last week my wife was frantic with headache for two days, she tried some of your CASCARETS, and they relieved the pain in her head almost Immediately. We both recommend Cascarets. ’ C has . S tbdbford . Pittsburg Safe & Deposit Co., Pittsburg, Pa. F F W CANDV J CATHARTIC TRADE MARK REGISTERED We don’t admire a Chinaman’s Writing. He doesn’t use Carter’s Ink. But then Carter’s Ink is made to use with a pen, not a stick. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do - _ Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Company. Chicago, Montreal, Mew Tort. 317 Funny booklet “ How to Make Ink Pictures ” free. CARTER’S INK CO., Boston, Mass. Ground for Complaint. A German biologist has calculated Small Politician—1 want to talk to that the human brain contains 300,- 000.000 nerve cells, 500,000 of which you, sir, about a remark you made die and are succeeded by new ones about me in your paper. You called every day. At this rate we get an en­ me a political jobbei, sir I Editor—Yes; it was a very annoying tirely new brain every 60 days. typographical error, and I promptly Poveity has one advantage over fired the compositor. Small Politician—Ahl Then you wealth. When a poor man is sick there is no des re on the part of the didn't mean to call me a “jobber?’’ Editor—No, sir, I wrote “robber.” physician to p.olong his illness.—Chi­ very distinctly. cago News. Pegrafting Young Orchards. It sometimes happens that the fanner finds even before his orchard gets to bearing that a large part of tlie tree« are of varieties that will not give him much profit. Regrafting to better sorts FOR CUTTING POTATOES. Is a very laborious and expensive proc­ but with a little practice there will be ess if tlie trees have grown to nearly no danger, and he can cut an amount bearing size, because so many grafts of potatoes In an hour that would be must be set to make an even head. A impossible for him to cut In twice that few sprouts may be left below the time in the old way.—A. II. B., in Amer­ grafts to draw the sap, but they must be cut away as soon as the grafts get ican Agriculturist. For 30 Days More You Can Try It for 25 Cents to growing. A better way is to take a few years to do tlie grafting, putting How to Pet n Hen. Very few people know how to set a in two or three grafts each spring, un­ lien properly. In the first place, re­ til tlie entire head Is changed. So much inember that you can’t make her set if cuttiug away of the top wood will she doesn't want to. Cut a barrel in cause many sprouts to start. These two In the middle; then cut out one or must be destroyed as fast ns they ap- two staves, so that when It is stood on po.tr. rubbing them off while tlie green ts end there will lie plenty of room for shoot can be removed with the thumb '.TRADE MARK.) Rwanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Chicago. Gentlemen:—I thought that I would write you a statement the lien to pass in and out. Place the and finger. and tell you how I have got along since I have used your “5 DROPS.” I must Rav that I am entirely barrel on the ground, with the headed well once more, thanks to your wonderful remedy. It has accomplished more good from the •ample bottle and the dollar bottle than the thirty dollars’ worth ot medicine I have used of other 'nil up. and then scoop out the earth Oatmeal for Young Chicken«. manufacturers. I tried all kinds of medicine I saw advertised for Rheumatism but could not get Laying hens cannot profitably lie fed any relief from the dreadful suffering till I got a sample bottle of your “ft DROPS,’’ to a concave shape and put In a very and after taking the same for a few days I began to have less of those severe pains racking through my little fine liny, and the nest is ready with whole oats because they have too body. After I got the sample bottle most used up I could begin to rest some every night; after I had used about half the dollar bi»ttle then all my pains left me. Oh! what a comfort it wan! w hen I for the eggs. If it Is not convenient to large a proportion of hull and are too could sleep again at night without any m>>re suffering. I am so thankful to you and your “5 DROPS” But oat meal that I cannot find words enough in praise of your wonderful remedy for the cure of Rheumatism, and put the barrel on the ground, a grass chaffy to digest well. I can safely recommend it to all suffering humanity and say that they cannot purchase any sod placed underneath the nest will that lias had its hull sifted out of it better medicine than "5 DROPS” tor all their ills. Thanking you. gentlemen, for all your kindness, I remain, forever, your friend. H. M. LIFE, Porterfield. Wis., Feb. 10, 1898. »nswer. It is best to place the hen on I and has been mixed with pressed cur­ 1 few glass or worthless eggs at first, dled milk makes an excellent feed for Suffered the Tortures of the Damned. President Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co.. Chicago. My Dear Sir:—After suffering the tortures of is she may not take kindly to the nest i young chicken«. Another good way, to the damned for a long time from an attack of Rheumatism. I wish to say that your Rheumatic Cure ‘•ft DROPS ’ has cured me of all my troubles, which were all caused by one complaint - heu- von have prepared for her. Place her ■ feed oat meal Is to mix witli water and matism. I had Heart Trouble. Piles. Bladder Trouble and Constipation. I would not take |5O0 and do >n tlie nest after dark and she will get ' bake It, breaking tlie hard pieces small without the remedies even if it only cured the Catarrh for me. which it has done. Therefore, I willingly take the agency for the sale of your medicines, for they are a boon to mankind. Gratefully iccustotned to It through the night. If ' enough so that the chicks can swallow yours, J. W. DENNIS. HA) Normal Ave.. Buffalo, N. Y.. Feb. 8, 1’9*. I -¡he seems Inclined to set after this, she I them. These feeds supply all that Is “5 DROPS" cures Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia. Backache, Asthma, Hay Fever, Catarrh, Sleeplessness. Nervousness, Nervous and Neuralgic Head­ may lie given the eggs which are In­ needed to make chickens grow thriftily, aches. Earache. Toothache, Heart Weakness, Croup, Swelling. LaGrippe. Malaria, tended to lie hatched. If the ben is ■ tin. there will to few sickly chicken« Creeping Numbness. TUIDTV niVV lOMCCD to enable sufferers to give ”5 DROP*’ at least a trial, we will send a | allowed to leave her nest every day a ■ If oatmeal prepared In either way Is Inlnli UA10 LUROLri «ample bottle, prepaid by mail, f--r 25 cents. A sample bottle will convince you. Also, large bottles (»0doses) fl .00. 3 bottle* for >2.50. Not sold by druggists, only by small us coop may lie placed In front of made a part of their diet. If variety and our agents. Agents wanted in new territory. Write us today. ¡the barrel, and then she will lie sure to I is needed feed some whole wheat or SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 167-169 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL. return to nest. She should always I rye. Whole grain or meal which has have plenty of food. If the aliove di l>een linked until it Is hnrd Is totter -ectlons are followed and the eggs are than any soft food for fowls at any well fertilized, a good brood of chickens age. ] may be expected. —Ex. DROPS Cured of Rheumatism CANNOT FINO WORDS ENOUGH TO PRAISE YOUR WONDERFUL REMEDY “5 DROPS.” m LADIES S' 1Z ft Ask druggists for Dr Martel a ■L r* Trench Female Pills in metal x ■ wfcsfcai wlth French Flag on top tn Hu*. Whit* Insiat on having the g flfl p ----------- aad Red Im ’ mailed PRFF In plain |W1 K wCTrc.TZomen -V ■»seal^l letter e easily ral ed and lowered Into a 50-gallon kerosene barrel containing the solution. Haise from the barrel and allow to drain for a short time, when they cun be emptied Into tlie potato boxes. By ' this method none of the solution is wasted, and It Is a short cut compared with the old way of tying a sack over the barrel and draining the solution from the potatoes. For treating «•■ed potatoes with cor- ' mslve sublimate solution to prevent « ab. make a basket as follows: Take three strong iron hoops. 17 Inches in lianieter. with boles punched every 3 Inches. Inside of these fasten com- mon laths. 28 Inches long, with small I toll*. One gnllow of coal tar, two pound« tors wax and two pounds tallow melted and mixed with flour of sulphur and air slacked lime to mnke It the consis­ I tency of paste. This mixture is to ire spread on «trips of burlap and wrapix-d ■ round trunk of tree stout two or three Indies under surface of ground ami Place the bottom hoop 1 inch about same distance above ground. Mrs. E liza a nth W heelock . Magno« Ila. Iowa, jo the following letter de« scribes her recovery from a very criti­ cal condition: •• D eah M rs P inkham —J have been taking your Vege'.abJe Compound, and am now ready to sound its praises It has done won­ ders for me In relieving ma of a tumor. ’’ My health has been poor for three years. Change of life was working upon me I was very much bloated and was a bur­ den to myself Was troubled with ■mothering spells, also palpitation of the heart and that beuring-dewn feel- Ing. and could not be on my feet much. “I was growing worse all the time, until I took your medicine. "After taking three boxes of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Lozenges, the tumor passed from me. •’ My health has been better ever since, can now walk quite a distance and am troubled no more with palpita­ tion of the heart or bloating I rec­ ommend your medicine to all sufferers from female trouble» ” It is hardly reasonable to »upposs that any one can doubt the efficiency of Mrs Pinkham’s methods and medi­ cine in the face of the tremendous vol« urne of testimony Amputaton of the (our lesser toes of has convinced Dr. Heather Bigg, an English suigeon, that these toes have no use except for feel­ ing. as only the great toe is of any ad« vantage in walking or even in dancing. a lady patient K.actly What You Want. A bandy litt'e box (Just right (or a lady'» pur«» or a gentleman's vent poi-ketlof (’«seareta Candy Cathartic, prevents illness. All drug­ gists, 10c, 25c, 50c. The average weight of a innn’s brain is three pounds eight ounces. 1 believe Piso’s Cure is the only medi­ cine that will cure consumption .—Anns M. Ross. Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 12, 1895. CATTURINO THE RUNAWAY. Soon there were fifteen of them out in tlie open, in tlie full sweep of the American tire. Some of them ran to head off tlie pig and others pushed up behind to catch him. The pig wheeled and dodged, and the soldiers wheeled and dodged after him. Their voices rose in chorus of Spanish shouts. Up and down went tlie pig; when .1 soldier's hands were on him he would make a twist and wriggle himself away. Once he made n long straight run to­ ward the American lines; it did not help him, for tlie soldiers were after him, entirely unregarding the battle. Some of them headed him off again, and in another moment an athletic young soldier hail seized first his tail and then his legs. Still another mo­ ment and the pig. firmly held, was on his way back to tlie trendies, riding on the shoulder of this young man. His forelegs gripped by one hand aud his hind legs by the other. Tlie soldiers resumed their places In tlie trench; tlie one who had tlie pig put him back into tlie thatched roof building. nnd presently returned to his own place nnd took up his gun. It Is safe to say that during tlie chase of tlie pig no American soldier who saw tlie affair discharged Ills gun nt the goup. The Americans who saw it were too full of admiration ami aston­ ishment to add to tlie dangers which tlie audacious Spanirils were under; lint thousands of Americans who could not see the incident were blazing away in that direction, and the Spaniard“, who were chasing the pig must have heart! a great many bullets whistling alsiut their heads during their perform­ ance. Elephants are fond of gin, but, it is said, will not touch champagne. In the spring cleanse your system by using Dr. Plunder’s Oregon Blood Purifier. By far the greater number of flowers have no smell. Only about 10 per cent of the 4,200 species of flowers in Eu­ rope give forth any odor. Religion is intended for both worlds, and right living for this is the best pre -«ration for the next. Character is decisive of destiny.—Tryon Edwards. Native Parrot Nearly Ex terminated. The only patrots native to the United States—namely, the so-called Carolina parroquets—have been all but exterminated. Formerly tliey ranged in immense numbers all over tlie south­ ern states, as far north as New York, and as far west as Texas. At present, what few survivor« there aie can be found only in Florida and in tlie Indian territory. Their deatiuction lias been due largely to a peculiar lack of the instinct of preservation. They in­ dulged a misplaced confidence in man, and could never learn to protect them­ selves in any way. Moving in great flocks, they wuuld sit on a tree, as thick as berries on a brush, so as to offer a special invitation to person« who delight iu bird-murder tor the mere sake of slaughter. The wiping ont of thousands was an easy matter for a mart with a gun and a l.ttle powder and sliot. These parroquets have been utilized to a I'oniparative v small extent in the millinery trade, theii destruction having been accomplished mainly for no other purpose than to gratify man’s instinct to slav. Parrots, unfortunate­ ly. are not prolific, the female laying only two or three eggs, and so this beautiful bird has been hunted to death. — Philadelphia Saturday Post. Highly Appreciated. Professionnl Jargon. An old Latin saying, I.audant quod non Intelligunt (They praise what they do not understand), was once illus­ trated by an English tourist who hap- pened Into the Lutheran church nt Elsinore one Sunday morning. Tlie tourist dier son in all dat house but vat vas In tears, dat Is, all crying, blowing oial apprehen­ sion I” “And I tell you that the invocation of mnemonics is extra-datal. And that sensorial continuity is the datum. The juxtajarsition of mnemonic survi­ val with sensoiial impression d'scloses no warrant for sequential and co-exis- tentlal discriminationl’’ The whirling winds of Arabia some­ times excavate sand pits to a depth of 2,000 feet, the rim usually being three times that depth in diameter. A sand pit thus made may lie entirely obliterated in a few honrs, and an­ other excavation made within a short distance of it. It is computed that tire death rate of the world is 67. and the birth rate 70 a minute, and this seemingly light percentage of gain is sufficient to give a net increase of population each year of almost 1,200,000 soul». Fatigue causes a poisoned condition of the blood. If the blood of a fatigued animal be injected into another animal Deaf anil Dumb Beggar int unexpect that is unfatigued all the symptoms of idly receiving sixpence)—Oh, thankee fatigue will be produced. sir! Benevolent Passer Eh? XVha’ does this mean, sir? You can talk Twenty years’ study has led a cer­ Deaf and Dumb Beggar iln confusion tain scientist to tolieve that diphtheria, - Y e s, sir. Ye see, sir. I’m only mind apoplexy and other diseases are due to In’ this corner for th’ poor deaf and a deficiency of salt in the system. dumb man wot tolongs here. Beaevo lent Passer (quickly) Where is he' Certain music prevents the hair from Deaf and Dumb Beggar (in worse con falling, according to one scientist, while fusion)- He’s gone to th' park t' heat other kinds have a disastrous effect. the music. Tit-Bits. One swallow may not make a sum­ Bell What do you sup|M>«e the fat mer but one frog makes a spring. girl In tin- avenue candy store weighs! A caterpillar can eat 600 times its Nell—Caudy—Exchange. weight of food in a month.