The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 28, 1899, Image 2

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    Yamhill County Reporter
D. I. ÀBB4IBY. Fnbllsher.
M c M innville .................. oregom
Cvm|ir«hrn>lv> llowlew of the Import­
ant Happening« of the Past Week
Culled From the Telegraph Column«.
Three young girls perished in the
burning of an orphans’ home at Berne,
Cosimir, the Indian who murdered
Philip Walker, has been captured at
Fire destroyed the department store
of Ewer & Co., at Newcastle, Pa. Loss,
$100,000; insurance, $50,000.
President McKinley has accepted an
invitation to attend the Ohio state en­
campment of the G. A. It. in June.
The American Car & Foundry Com­
pany, at Jeffersonville, Ind., increased
the wages of its 2,000 employes 10 per
At Sioux Falls, Judge Garland sen­
tenced Bad Elk to be hanged June 16
for killing a policeman who tried to
arrest him.
It has been decided by the German
government to adopt the English
Thornycroft system of water-tube boil­
ers in all German men-of-war.
Beading railroad repair-shop me­
chanics and other employee will have
their wages advanced from 5 to 10 per
Two thousand men will be
The new sternwheel revenue cutter
Kunivea had her trial trip at San Fran­
cisco. She is for use on the Yukon,
and will be towed to St. Michaels by
the Bear.
Gomez has determined to announce
to the people of Cuba his support of an
American protectorate until such time
as stable, independent government may
be formed.
Serious student riots have occurred at
the university of Kietf, Russia, the
rioters smashing windows with stones.
Troops dispersed the mob and arrested
400 students.
The Major investigating committee
of the Missouri state senate, which has
been turning over the affairs of the
state and municipal offices in St. Louis,
has made a report in which it finds
millions of dollars’ worth of property
in St. Louis has escaped taxation.
Speaker Reed has decided to become
a member of the law firm of Simpson,
Thacher & Barnum, of New York. It
is understood that Reed will resign
his seat in congress and remove to New
York. The statement has been made
that Mr. Reed is guaianteed a yearly
income of $50,000.
Mail advices from Australia give full
particulars of the terrible hurricane
which swept the northeast coast of
Queensland early in March, and in
which 14 white and about 400 colored
men were drowned. Eighty luggers
and six schooners were wrecked. The
damage is estimated at £250,000.
A. M. Larue, a murderer, was taken
from jail at Henderson, Tenn., and
lynched by a mob.
Fourteen men were killed by a
premature explosion in blasting opera­
tions on the railway from Bilboa to
Faritander, Spain.
E<l Hawthorne, charged with about
40 burglaries in various parts of the
country, mostly in San Francisco, is
under arrest in Denver.
James J. Hill is reported to have ac­
quired control of the St. Paul Jt Du­
luth road, thus shortening his line
from Duluth to the Twin cities.
At Moontown, Mo., Frank Yeager
killed with an ax a man named Powell,
shot Mrs. Yeager three times, arid
then cut his own throat. Yeager was
Governor Tanner has signed the bill
appropriating $250,000 to pay the Illi­
nois volunteers fiom the time they
were mustered into the service of the
United States.
Andrew Carnegie has promised to
give $1,760,000 to cover the cost of
the proposed addition to the art, sci­
ence ami literary departments of the
Carnegie libiary nt Pittsburg.
At Bedford, 1ml., a stone quarry
train was pushed over a 40-foot em­
bankment by the helper.
Meinser, engineer, and 1). J. Menough,
were killed. Three men were hurt.
Five thousand Indians, dissatislied
with conditions in the reservation of
the Indian territory, left in a laxly for
Mexico to establish a union reservation
on a largo lot of land near Guadalajara.
people were
smothered to death by smoke in a
small two-story frame building. They
liad been drinking together, and it is
thought one of them upset a kerosene
Governor Stephens, of Missouri, has
signed the Farris insurance bill. This
measure makes th<t anti-trust law apply
to St Louis and Kansas City, and will
I radically destroy boards of tire under*
writers in both cities.
Governor Gage has appointed Dan
Burns as United States senator from
California to succeed Stephen M.
Ex-Governor Richard J. Oglesby fell
dead near Lincoln, Neb. He iiad been
in ill health for some time, but tne end
was unexpected.
Daniel E. Brewer, a prominent Chi­
cago physician, in a lecture, advocated
the establishment of a Tarpeian rock in
Chicago, unless the city secures a new
code of criminal law.
The jury in the Windsor hotel fire
at New York, brought in a verdict that
the fire was caused by accident. The
police still have $40,000 worth of un­
claimed jewelry and other valuables
recovered from the fire ruins.
Major Francis B. Dodge, of the pay
department, recently relieved fiom
duty at Denver, has been selected by
tiie war department to disburse the $3,-
000,000 allotted by the government for
the pay of the Cuban troops.
The United States Worsted Com­
pany, with a capital of $70,000,000,
and the American Plumbing Supply &
Lead Company, with an authorized
capital of $35,000,000, have been in­
corporated under the laws of New Jer­
N. M. Dyer, captain of the cruiser
Baltimore, now at Manila, will return
at once on account of sickness, and will
arrive in Boston, June 30. The family
has notified Baltimore city officials,
and they will present biin with a
The president has appointed Colonel
James F. Smith of the First California
regiment, to be a brigadier-general of
volunteers. The regiment is now in
the Philippines. General Smith will
be assigned to one of the brigades of
General Otis’ army.
At Springfield, Mo , a bold attempt
was made to release from the county
jail Jack Kennedy, Bill Ryan and Bill
Sheppard, who are held here pending
trial for the recent train robbery on
the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Mem­
phis road, near Macomb, Mo.
In the United States supreme court
an opinion was handed down in the
case of Oliver Wendell Holmes, jr.,
vs. G. D. Hunt, holding that copyright
on a book, the contents of which have
been published serially without being
previously copyrighted, is invalid.
Captain Wild, of the United States
cruiser Boston, has protested against
the promotion of Colonel Millet to be
brigadier-general as a reward for the
capture of llo Ilo. It appears that this
capture had been effected and that the
place was simply turned over to Col­
onel Millet, who, up to that time, had
nothing to do with its captuie. This
action is indorsed by Admiral Dewey.
The majority of the wounded in the
Quingua engagement were Nebraska
The Asiatic liner, Glenogle, sank
the City of Kingston in a fog near Ta­
Sam Hose, a negro, was burned at
the stake in Georgia. He had killed
Alfred Cranford, a white farmer, near
Palmetto, and outraged his wife.
Major-Geneial Otis nt Manila reports
that one of tlie regiments under his
command has received some cable­
grams reading “Don’t enlist boys.’’
The Duke of Tetuan, ex-minister of
foreign affairs, has been appointed
Spain’s delegate to the peace confer­
ence, which is to meet at The Hague
next month.
Contracts were signed in London
Friday which formally transferred to a
single organization practically all of
the large producing copper mines in
the United States.
An informant of a London paper as­
serts that the Chinese, Euiopean and
even American merchants doing busi­
ness in China are helping to supply the
Filipinos with arms and ammunition.
The senatorial elections for the new
cortes was held at Madrid, and passed
off tranquilly thioughout the country.
They have resulted in giving the gov­
ernment a larger mHjoiity in the sen­
ate than it had secured in the chamber
of deputies.
President Zelaya has granted an op­
tion, in force until January 1, 1900, to
Mr. Charles Nieoll, British counsel at
Managua, to purchase the railroads and
steamboats of Nicaragua, with the
workshops appertaining to them, for
the sum of 6,500,000 pesos (silver).
At Oakland, Cal., John McCann, a
laborer, was beaten to death during a
quarrel which began doling a game of
dice in a barber shop.
Townsend, a Democratic county cen­
tral committeeman, is accused of strik­
ing the blow which proved fatal. He
is under arrest, as are also Frank
Reiuillard, Frank Reardon and Ed
Roach, all suspected of complicity in
the crime.
The steamer General Whitney. Cap­
tain Hawthorne, sunk 60 miles east of
Cape Canavarel, Florida. One boat­
load of 16 men. attempting to land at
Mosquito lagram house of refuge, upset
an 1 12 men, including Ilia captain,
were drowned. The chief engineer, as­
sistant engineer, tireman and one sailor
weie saved. The captain's body has
been recovered. Fifteen men in an­
other boat aie still nnheaid from.
Occupied Quingua After a
Sharp Engagement.
Col. J. M. Btotienburf, of the Nebrnaka
K«(imeut> Killed While Leading a
Charge—Lieut* Sisson Alsu Killed.
Manila, April 25. — Four men of the
Nebraska regiment, including Colonel
Stotsenburg, Lieutenant Sisson, and
three men of the Fourth cavalry, were
killed, and 44 wounded in an engage­
ment at Quingua. The Filipinos re­
treated with small loss.
The engagement developed a dis­
astrous, though successful, tight. The
insurgents had a horseshoe trench,
about a mile long, encircling a rice field
on the edge of a wood.
Major Bell, with 40 cavalrymen, en­
countered a strong outpost. One of his
men was killed and five were wounded
by a volley. The Americans retired,
carrying their wounded under fire and
with great difficulty, being closely pur­
sued, fog enabling the enemy to creep
up to them. Two men who were carry­
ing a comrade were shot in the arms,
but they continued with their burden.
Major Bell sent for reinforcements
to rescue the body of the killed cavalry­
man, and a battalion of the Nebraska
regiment, under Major Mufford, ar­
rived and advanced until checked by
volleys from the enemy’s trenches.
The Americans lav about 800 yards
from the trenches behind rice furrows
under fire, for two hours.
men were sunstruck, one dying from
the effects of the heat as they lay there
waiting for the artillery to come up.
Finally the second battalion arrived,
and then Colonel Stotsenburg, who had
spent the night with his father at Ma­
nila, came upon the field. The men
immediately recognized
raised a cheer. Colonel Stoteenburg,
deciding to charge as the cheapest way
out of the difficulty, led the attack at
the head of bis regiment. He fell
with a bullet in the breast, dying in­
stantly, about 200 yards from the
Lieutenant Sisson fell with a bullet
in his heart, the bullet striking him
near the picture of a girl, suspended
by a ribbon from h is neck.
In the meantime the artillery had
arrived and shelled the trenches. The
Filipinos stood until the Nebraska
troops were right on the trem/lies, and
then they bolted to the second line of
the trenches, a mile back.
The Nebraska regiment lost two pri­
vates and had many wounded, includ­
ing two lieutenants. The Iowa regi­
ment had sevetal wounded. The Utah
regiment had one officer and thiee men
Thirteen dead Filipinos
were found in the trenches. Their loss
was comparatively small on account of
their safe shelter.
The Americans carried the second
trench with email loss, and are holding
the town tonight.
Colonel Stoteenburg had won a repu­
tation as one of the biavest fighters in
the army. He always led his regiment
and had achieved remarkable popular­
ity with hie men since the war began,
although, during his first colonelcy,
the volunteers who were not used to
the rigid discipline of the regular
troops thought him a hard officer. The
loss of the Nebraska regiment in the
campaign is die greatest sustained by
any regiment, and today’s disaster has
greatly saddened officers and men, who
promise to take tiorce vengeance in the
next fight.
fiermany Take« Exception to the Utter­
ances of Captain Coghlan.
Pana, Ill., April 24.—The mutilated
body of Miss Jane Brunot, a wealthy
woman of Dana, Ind., was found
buried in an abandoned well on the
farm of her sister-in-law near heie to­
Mrs. Anna Brunot, her eon,
Henry Brunot, and Frederick Sibley
are under arrest in this city, charged
with the murder. The chief of police
says that the persons under arrest de­
coyed Miss Brunot to the farm, and
shot her through the head, and buried
her body in an abandoned well.
Miss Brunot came to this city on a
visit about April 1. It is said she
brought with her a valise containing a
draft for $500 and other valuables.
Neither Mies Brunot nor the valise
was ever seen after April 1. A few
days later Henry Brunot and Sibley
disappeared. The police learned that
the two went to Indianapolis, where
they, it is said, cashed a draft for $500,
aud spent the proceeds.
On the strength of this clew, and a
letter from Indiana friends inquiring
for Miss Brunot, the three inhabitants
of the Brunot farm were arrested this
At 8 o’clock the police
found Miss Brunot’. decomposed nody
in an old well. Her clothing was
found in the garret of the farmhouse.
Washington, April 26.—The German
government has entered a formal pro­
test against the language used by Cap­
tain Coghlan at the Union League
Club banquet. The protest was lodged
with Secretary Hay through Geiman
Ambassador von Holleben. Secretary
Hav replied that the language could
not be regarded as official or a publio
utterance in the sense that would war­
rant the department in acting. How­
ever, the navy department was fully
competent to take such action as the
case seemed to require.
There are semi-official intimations
that the ambassador will not so much
concern himself with the course of
Coghlan as with the United States iu
dealing with Coghlan.
Wealthy Woman Murdered
Entire Party That Left Sea­
side Perished.
An Exploring' Expedition to Be Led to
the Brazilian Coast-
Stanford University, Cal., April 24.
Alexander Agassiz, of
Harvard, has made arrangements for
Dr. Braunar, of the geology department
here, to lead an expedition into South
America in the interest of science.
The work will be upon the coral reefs
of the Brazilian coast, extending from
Leave nearly to Rio Janeiro. The
stone reefs will be mapped, and their
relations to the geological history of
the South American continent will be
studied. Collections will be made for
the museum of comparative zoology
of Harvard university.
Professor Agassiz will afterwards
publish the results of the work in the
bulletin of the museum of comparative
zoology at Cambridge. The party will
leave New York about June 1. ami
will return in the middle of September.
Verdict- of Not Guilty—Governor Stone
Appoint« Him United State« Senator.
Philadelphia, Pa., April 24.—Mat­
thew Stanley Quay was today declared
by a jury to be not guilty of th« charge
of conspiracy to use for his own unlaw­
ful profit funds of the state deposited
in the People’s bank of this city.
The court officers were unable to
keep back the struggling crowd that
pressed forward to congratulate Quay,
when the verdict of the jury was an­
nounced. As soon as Quay could get
away from those anxious to shake bis
hand and congratulate him, he made
his way to the elevator to descend to
the street from the sixth floor of the
municipal building. Here the scenes
just enacted in the courtroom were re­
peated. Enthusiasts rushed forward
and attempted to hoist him on their
shoulders, but he waved them back,
saving “Oh, no; I’m too old a man for
Quay walked with his friends to the
office of his counsel, where lie made
hie escape from the crowd.
Hobart*« I’ondith»n
Washington, April 24. — Vice Presi­
dent Hobart is in such poor health that
it is doubtful if he will be able to pre­
side in the senate next winter, lie
I may recover, and his physicians are
confident, but he will not run for vice-
president again.
Washington. April 24.—Ex-Gover­
! nor Lord, of Otegon, has declined the
tender of the mission to Persia. Gov­
ernor Lord was an applicant lor the
| Peruvian mission.
Bodies of Three of the Men Found —
Parties Searching for the Fourth-
No Marks of Violence.
Hanisburg, Pa., April 24. — Shortly
after noon Governor Stone appointed
Matthew Stanley Quay as senator to
serve until the next session of the legis­
The appointment is addressed to the
president ot the United States, and it
is stated in the letter to be made under
the authority of clause 2 of section 3 of
article 1, of the constitution of the
United States.
(The clause above quoted says;
» Seats of the senators of the
Georgia Negro Cut With Knives and ••• »
first class shall be vacated at the ex­
Then Set oil Fire.
Newnan, Ga., April 25. — In the pres­ piration of the second year, of the sec­
ence of nearly 2,000 people, who sent ond class at the expiration of the fourth
aloft yells of defiance and shouts of joy, year, and of the third class at the ex­
Sam Hose, a negro who committed two piration of the sixth rear, so that one-
of ti e basest acts known in the history third may be chosen every second year;
of crime, was burned at the stake in a and if vacancies happen by resigna­
public road one and a halt miles from tion, or otherwise, during the recess of
the legislature of any state, the execu­
liere, this afternoon.
Before the torch was applied to the tive thereof may make temporary ap­
pyre, the negro was deprived of his pointment until the next meeting of
ears, fingers and other portions of his the legislature, which shall then fill
anatomy. The negro plead pitifully such vacancies.”)
for his life while the uiutillation was
going on, but stood the ordeal of fire
with surprising fortitude. Before the The Charge« of General Miles Will Not
Be Sustained.
body was cool it was cut to pieces, the
lioues were crushed into small bits,
Washington, April 24.—The forecast
and even the tree upon which the of tiie beet inquiry report indicates
wretch met his fate was torn up and that the charges of General Miles will
disused of as souvenirs. The negro not be sustained, although there is
was cut in several pieces, as was also j such a mass of testimony to show that
his liver. Those unable to obtain the I bad beef was distributed to the army.
ghastly relics direct paid the more for- I The reason for this will be technical. J
tunate possessors extravagant sums or Miles showed nothing in bis charge'
them. Small pieces of bone went at , against canned beef, but use I the term .
26 oents, and a bit of the liver, crisply “embalmed beef.” On this techni­
cooked, sold or 10 cents.
cality it may be shown that the charges :
Sam Hose killed Alfred Cranford, a were not sustained.
white farmer, near Palmetto, aud out­
The people will not be convinced
raged his wife, 10 days ago.
that the board was not packed in tbs
interest of the war department. Il is ’
Demand« Coghlan*« Removul.
al«o possible that there will be a de
• Chicago, April 26.—The Illinois rtianJ for an investigation by congress
Staats Zeitung, in a furious editorial from those who believe that neither '
on Captain Coghlan’s utterances at the war committee nor the beef board
The people are not ■
New York, demands his removal, con- was unbiased.
eluding: “The American government ready to accept the reason of the two ,
should get rid of officers of the kind of boards, who seem to sustain Algorism
in the department.
The ConnterfrItere* riot.
Within six months Venezuela as the
result of North American enterprise,
April 22. —Soviet eerv-
Five prisoners were taken from the will tiegm the manufacture of cotton.
ice men say the counterfeiters arrested
jail at Carlisle. Ky., to be baptised at
Professor Walter F. Wilcox, of Cor­ here and in Lancaster, Pa., intened to
the Christian church.
nell university, has been appointed attempt to brilie a trusted official of
Mrs. Miles, wife of the general, is a chief statistician of the census bureau. one of the United States sub-treasuries
niece of Senator Sheriusi , between
and dump $10,000,000 of counterfeit
By means of the X rays a large snake
whom and her there has always existed
notes diiectly upon the government,
the warmest sympathy.
Ths gang had a $50 note and a $100
Meury Young, at Oil City, Pa.
note (tartly finisher), and planned to
t The names of the United States
The New York court of appeals has make plates for a $20 note. They had
transports Scandia and Arizona have
been changed. The former is now the decided that deposits in sanugs banks paper and machinery to carry out the
are not subject to taxation.
Wdrreu and the latter the Hancock.
Minor New« Item«.
Astoria, Or., April 26.—That the en­
tire party that left Seaside April 7 on
a timber cruise are dead is an assured
fact as the bodies of three have al­
ready been found and search is still in
progress for the fourth, who was the
oldest and weakest member of the
As soon as S. IL Doty’s body was
found and brought into Seaside Satur­
day afternoon, Louis Chance, known as
“Indian Louie,” and John Burke were
engaged to start out in search of the re­
mainder of the party, who consisted of
P. E. Heikman, a civil engineer, of
this city; W. T. Radir. a timber lo­
cator, of Portland, and A. J. Cloutrie,
of Seaside, who accompanied the party
as a guide, as he was thoroughly famil­
iar with that section of the country.
This afternoon “Indian Louie” re­
turned with the infer illation that they
had found the bodies of Heikman aud
Radir at the foot of Sugar Loaf moun­
tain, some distance apart, and about
three miles from where Doty’s body
was found. “Indian Louie” returned to
give the news, while Burke continued
to search for the body of Cloutrie. Ac­
cording to information received, there
were no marks of violence on the
bodies, and the cause of their death
can at the present time only be sur­
mised. but it is generally supposed that
it was the result of eating poisoned
canned meat or vegetables.
A party started out from Seaside this
afternoon to bring back the bodies, but
it may be several days before they will
arrive, as it is about 15 miles throuuh
a very rough country. Some writing
may be found on one of the bodies that
may explain the cause cf the cruisers’
deaths, but it now appears quite cer­
tain that they had been dead longer
than at first supposed. The last entry
in the field notes found on Doty were
dated April 9, only two days after the
patty had started out from Seaside.
P. E. Heikmann was 39 years of
age, and a native of Germany. His
father is now a major in the German
army. He came to this country about
20 years ago, and was employed for sev­
eral years in the engineering depart­
ment of the Union Pacific at Omaha.
A. J. Cloutrie was 65 years of age.
He came to this county from Portland
about four years ago, and lived at Sea
side during most of the time.
“Iridian Louie” today made the fol­
lowing statement:
“My opinion is that Cloutrie got
hurt in some way, and they all stayed
with him until he died, meantime
matches, etc. After Cloutrie’s death
they evidently were lost, and wandered
about seeking to recover their bearings.
Whether the supposition that the
death of any or all of the party was
due to poisoning from cairned meats or
other edibles is true, there was noth­
ing in their surroundings to indicate.
Cloutrie was one of the most practical
woodsmen in this section of the coun­
try. According to the notes found on
Doty's body, the party was tlnough its
work and on its wav out.”
Hay Express«« Disapproval.
Berlin, April 26. —It is announced
in a semi-official note
today that
United States Secretary of State John
Hay has expressed to the German am­
bassador his strong disapproval of the
conduct of Captain Coghlan, of the
cruiser Raleigh.
Uncle Sain’s Navy Growing at a Rapid
New York. April 26.—A special to
the Tribune from Washington says:
The completion within a few months
of two great battle-ships, the Kearsarge
and Kentucky, serves to call attention
to the remarkable rate at which the
American navy is growing at the pres­
ent time. Except among naval offi­
cers. who watch this progress, few per­
sons realize that 48 warships are now
under construction for the United
States, involving expeditures under ex­
isting contracts aggregating $33,336,-
600 for hulls and machinery alone
These vessels, when equipped ready
for sea. will have cost over $50,000,-
000. Eight of them are first-class sea­
going battle-ships, as good as any
afloat, without taking into account the
superiority of the gunners, machinists
and officers to man them. Sixteen are
torpedo-boat destroyers, averaging 29
knots speed; four are heavy harbor­
defense monitors; one is a sister cruis­
er to the New Orleans, and 18 are tor­
John Bull Will Not Abrogate Clayton*
Bulwer Treaty for Nothing.
New York, April 26.—A special to
the Herald from Washington says: Al­
though willing to abrogate the Clayton-
Bulwer treaty, Great Britain has made
it plain to the United States that she
expects an equivalent in return for her
action. This equivalent will be exact­
ed during the
negotiations of the
American-Canadian commission, which
is to resume sessions in Washington in
August next.
It is because of a demand for con­
cessions equal in value to that which
will he given to the United States ii*
the abrogation of the Clayton-Bulwer
treaty that the negotiations have not
progressed with the promptness at first
It is apparent to the officials now
that Great Britain proposes to use the
proposition to abrogate the treaty to
further its own aims in connection
with the settlement of the Alaskan
boundary and reciprocity questions.
Great Britain is determined to make
every effort to secure entry to trie
Northwest Territory through Alaska,
and the United States is not willing to
give it to her. It may be, therefore,
that she will suggest that in return for
such an outlet she will surrender all
her rights in the Nicaraguan canal.
President McKinley and Secretary
Hay have determined not to enter into
any negotiations with either Costa
Rica or Nicaragua respecting the Nic­
aragua canal until the new isthmian
canal commission has submitted its re­
port. The Nicaragua canal commission
will report within a short time, and
the president will then announce the
personnel of the isthmian commission.
The new commission will then proceed
to Panama and later to Nicaragua, and
it is the expectation of the president
that it will submit its re|>ort in time
for consideration early in the next ses­
sion of congress.
Trot»|»« Before the Rebel
Manila, April
Hale’s advance on Calumpit 50 Fili­
pinos and one American were killed.
Hale is now before Calumpit. The
army gunboats are of no further use to
the army beyond Malolos, and have
starteil back to Manila.
The Americans have evacuated Ma­
lolos, and hold only the railroad piop-
l’rogres« of Lawton'a Troops.
Manila, April 26. — Although the
sticky condition of the ground, due to
a rain storm, seriously impeded its
progress, General Lawton’s column left
San .lose today, and is expected to
reach Norzagarav this evening.
Colonel Summers is marching from
Bocave with two battalions each from
the Oregon and Minnesota regiments,
three troops of cavalry and two guns.
In the meantime General MacAr-
thrur's division is in front of Calumpit,
preparing to attack the rebels’ strong­
hold, and General Hale, with several
guns, is threatening the enemy's flank
A few rebels between Novalichee
and La Loma have persistentlv inter­
fered with telegraphic communication,
but the signal corps has repaired the
breaks and captured severeal prisoners
A small body of rebels at Taktav wa«
discovered this morning by the armored
launch Napidan. A few shots scat­
tered the rebels and drove them inland
from the lake.
All is quiet along General Hall’s aud
General Ovenshine's lines.
The Alleged Accomplice of Sam Hole
Hanged Near Palmetto.
Another ('igar *»ri/nre.
Toledo. O., April 26. — Revenue offi­
cers today seized 30,000 cigars with ,
counterfeit stamps. The total seized
in this city is now over 70,000.
Getting Evidence.
Washington, April 25. — In spite of
• 11 denials, it is true the cabinet and .
- the president have discussed «edition
and treason as shown in the messages
and letters sent to the soldiers in the
Philippines and intercepted by General
Otis. It is lielieved the matter will be I
again taken up bv the cabinet as soon '
as details are sent by Otis and the1
names of the persons who have fought
the government in this way will b<
made public.
Palmetto, Ga., April 26.—The body
of Lige Strickland, the negro preacher
who was implicated iu the Cranford
murder by Sam Hose, was found
swinging to the limb of a persimmon
tree within a mile and a quarter of
this place early today. Before death
was allowed to end the sufferings of the
negro, his ears were cut off, and the
small finger of the left hand was sev­
ered at the second joint. These tro-
phies were in Palmetto today. On the
chest of the negro was a scrap of blood­
stained paper fastened with an ordi-
nary pin.
On one side of this paper was writ­
ten: "New York Journal. We must
protect our ladies, 23-99.” The other
side of the paper contained a warning
to the negroes of the neighborhood. It
read as folows:
“Beware, darkies.
You will be treated tiie same way.”
Before being finally lvnched, Strick­
land was given a chance to confess to
the misdeeds of which the mob sup­
posed him to be guilty, but he protest-
ed bit innocence until the end.
Explosion In a Coal Mln. Killed Font
Men and a Boy.
Denver, April 24 —A special to the
News from Albuquerque, N. M., savs:
Four men and a boy employed in Cook
V White’s coal mins at Madrid lost
their lives at noon today. Orders are
strict to the effect that only safety
lamps shall be used in the mine, but
two men, some time after the foreman
had made his rounds, canted in open