V Entered at the Postoffice in McMinnville, as Second-class matter. VOL. XXIX M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, APRIL 2S, 1899. IHTHH. <■< y ■ f ( m ÌCAGO J§T0RE <1 < §><§><$>^><^<§><$> <§>•$> <^<$><$> <$><$><$> <$><£> <£'•$> » I ? ■ A tueek of Bargains. « » ■'* •• COMMENCING SATURDAY. APRIL 29, « » we shall offer for Seven Days a list of recent purchases I ► bought far below their value on account of the backward >• Spring. The price in each case is lower than the reg­ ■' - ular jobbing price. / » 25 pcs New Figured Chailies, in light and medium « light grounds 3%c Per yar White’s Restaurant The well-known place for the best meal in the city. N ew D ining R oom The Largest in McMinnville, has been recently fitted with best of taste. Liberal service and all you can eat. >• Fruita, Candies, Nuts and Cigars. Give Ua a Call. T. A. WHITE One Dollar if paid in advance, Singlenumberafivecenta. NO. 19. Kicked by 11 Horse. Fred Klyver, who three weeks ago left Mrs. Boise is very sick with the grip. i McMinnville to reside on a farm in Polk Mrs. B. Johuson is very low with con­ county, near Salem, died at 9 o’clock sumption. , Friday evening at the Salem hospital, Mr. Ben Lewis has been very sick, but : from the effects of a kick received from is getting better. : a horse at 7 o’clock the previous morn- ~ ABSCLUTEEY PURE Vern Clifton has gone to join a U. 8. ! ing. He went to the barn in the morn- ] * ing with his 14-year-old son for the pur- navy training ship at San Francisco. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome The Degree of Honor is very prosper­ I>o8e of harnessing the team preparatory SQVAI BArnea SOWOtS CO . HO <0«x. ous, and take new members in every to beginning the day’s work. One of the horses being sick, he sent the boy to the week. house for some medicine, His mother Mr. Berry’s hop yard is in Aery good accompanied him on the THE SCHOOLS. Treble Clef Club Concert» returu, when condition. Hops now being trained are they were horrified to find the apparent- ! Probably the most successful of the ROLL OF HONOR. three feet long. many concerts given under direction een notified of the meet­ fessional troupe. It is our home boys, aged by the presence of the older peo- ing by telephone. Another meeting of practicing for that minstrel entertain­ Carey, 26, of McMinnville. I pie. ment they pur|x*k out for dis­ at the Methodist church. Sunday next. Rev. J. A. Campbell. Mrs. O N Neil, j ing into Portland. honest people who try to imitate and Some McMinnville citizens are shotr- Subject at 11 a. m. “Glori th ation.” counterfeit it. It’s their endorsement of F. Rocca, Chas. Tresuold, J. W. Ku ing remarkable traits thia spring, Tbey The evening service will lie devoted to a a good article. Worthless grxxjs are not j pert, package ) are going fishing and telling the exact love feast and the tord’i supper. All J ames M c C ain , P. M. imitated. Get DeWitt’s Witch Hazel 1 truth about it after their return. are invited. April 26th, 1999 Salve. Rogers Broe. f