Th« Evolution of th« 8i««mitilp. | real; that, for all he had striven, he AROUND THE WORLD IN THIRTY-THREE DAYS. When it seemed that the limit had bad failed In his mission to the be­ Pretty good world if you take it all reaved mother. So he trudged across about been reached with wrought iron round— as the main reliance of the designer, the moor with slow step and bent head, Pretty good world, good people! mild steel had been so peifected as to giving no heed to the summer beauties UTAH BANDIT FOR WHOM 85,000 Better be on than be under the ground— enable progress to be maintained. Tlis IS OFFERED. around him. Pretty good world, good people! large boilers necessary to withstand the He was about half-way home when Better be here where the skies are blue high pressures and furnish the power As the eyes of your sweetheart a-suiiliu’ his somber meditations were suddenly Tom McCarthy und Hie Gang of 200 for high speeds would have been im­ at you— Interrupted. A man rose from the Cutthroats —Bobbers 1 ntrenched in a possible but for mild steel, and the Better than lyin' 'neatb daisies and dew— heather, where he had been lying, ami Rock-bound Fortress in the Blue same thing is true of the moving parts Pretty good world, good people! stood In the path, barring the curate’s of the engine. It may be noted also Mountains —Steullng Cattle Herds. progress. Pretty good world with its hopes and its that workmanship had improved, and | “Now. Mister Parson,” he said, with fears— the use of anti-friction metals (or bear­ A bill passed tlie Utah Legislature menace in his thick voice and bloated Pretty gd world, good people! ings, combined with this improved j appropriating $5,000 of the State's Sun twinkles bright through the rain of face. workmanship, enabled the high rota­ its tears— “G imm ! afternoon, my man,” returned money for the capture of Tom Mc­ tional speeds to be carried out with Pretty good world, good people! St. John, recognizing the brute of a Carthy, “dead or alive.” McCarthy is safety and reliability. Better be here, where the pathway you week ago, and turning as red as a tur­ a bandit whose exploits fur outshine The machinery of Wampanoag, de­ know— those of Jesse Jameb or any of the lead- keycock. signed in I860, was so heavy that only Where the thorn’s in the garden where ! ers of bis gangs. He is the uncrowned “I’ll ‘good afternoon' ye, Mister Par­ '3.24 i. h. p. per ton of machinery was sweet roses grow. Í king and geueral-lu-chief of a band of Than to rest where you feel not the fall o’ son! No! Y'e don’t pass till I'm done 200 cutthroats who for the past three or obtained. Tlie San Francisco, one cl wi ’ ye, ” cried the man, who had l>een the snow— the earliest of the modern cruisers of four years have beeu a terror to Color ­ drinking heavily, though he was too Pretty good world, good people! the United States navy in which ad­ ado, Utah and Wyoming. His company seasoned to show any unsteadiness in vantage was taken of all tlie factors for | is made up of all classes of bad men, Pretty good world! Let us sing it that gait. reduction of weight, obtained 10.63 i. way— The curate drew back. “What do you and they must be distinguished crimi­ h. p. per ton of machinery.—Commo­ Pretty good world, good people! nals before they can gain admission want?” he asked. He was painfully dore G. W. Melville, U. S. N., in En­ Muke up your mind that you're in it to into this organization of murderers and white now. gineering Magazine. stay— “What do I want?” repeated the bul­ robbers. No ordinary man need think At least for a season, good people! Reflections of a Bachelor. of fraternizing with the members of Pretty good world, with its dark and its ly? following up the question with a Every girl likes to think she is full volley of oaths that made the little man this circle of wickedness. He must bright— of moods. Pretty good world, with its love and its shudder. “I'll tell ye what I want. I j have a record before he dare seek rec­ Whom the gods destroy they first in­ light; want yer a]s>logy for Interferin’ 'tween ognition. The exploits of this gang are vite to dinner. Sing it that way till you whisper, “Good­ a father an’ his kid. But I licked him thrilling in the extreme, and their meth­ It takes a woman to invent a wav of night !"— mor’n ever for yer blasted Interferin'.” ods of keeping out of the clutches of the Pretty good world, good people! going to the devil respectably. “You infernal coward!” exclaimed St. law and of getting out when occasion­ —Atlanta Constitution. A girl’s idea of a trousseau is to have ally one of them gets caught are more Prince Hilkoff, Russian minister of estimates speed on the Siberian Railway John. teal lace and two dozen of everything. interesting thau any fiction ever writ ­ at the very modest rate of but forty-eight communications, stated at the recent His opponent gasped. When a woman tries to explain how meeting of the European railway man­ kilometers, or thirty miles, per hour. Fast “Let me pass," cried the other, re­ ten. covering from ills astonishment at Nobody knows who Tom McCarthy's agers that when the new Siberian railway er communication both by sea and laut she came to a conclusion it reminds father was, where be was boru or any­ is completed it will be possible to travel will doubtless soon reduce the mininiun yon of a tadpole explaining why his hearing a strong word from a parson. time to thirty days. The present round tail fell off.—New York Press. II E curate and St. John gazed hurriedly about hltn. thing whatever of his antecedents or around the world in thirty-three days. Miss Edmiston The path wound across the moor, early life. He went into the Blue Moun­ At present the best possible record is six­ the-world time table is as follows: Days He—Do you like classical music? were walking through the green and purple of the tain district of Utah a number of years ty-six days. Prince Hilkoff arranges his Chicago to Southampton............................... 7 She—Do you want my honest opin- Southampton to Brindisi ............................... 3U down the mulu heather, cutting a low hedge here nnd ago,accompanied by a few select scoun­ thirty-three-day itinerary as follows: Brindisi to Yokohama by Suez Canal....42 , ion or are you thinking of inviting me Days. Yokohama to San Francisco.......................... lo street of the vil­ there, and losing Itself at last in the drels of the six-shooter type, and began to the opera? Bremen, by rati to St. Petersburg............. San Francisco to Chicago............................. 3>< lage engaged in heat-haze. They were alone. his career by robbing stage coaches and St. Petersburg to Vlndlvostock.................. to Not Her Own. conversa t Ion, The bully grinned. “I've got ye wealthy citizens. His success attracted Vludlvostock to San Francisco.................... 10 Total .............................................................. 00 Mollie—Ever notice how Dollie can Francisco to Chicago............................. 314 which, being that now.” attention, and be was soon an object of San It might be fairly said, how-ever, that shake her curls? Chicago to Bremen......................................... S of a recently affi­ one sees much more of the world in going "You have, indeed,” said St. John, envy to the criminals of the Western Pollie—Yes; she hasn’t had ’em on anced puir, need peeling off his black coat and throwing Territories. They flocked to him and Total.............................................................. 33 about it by the present route.—Chicagc for a week. In calculating this run Prince Hilkoff Inter Ocean. nof here be re­ it on the heather. His soft felt hat were ready to make apy sacrifices in peated. Artificial legs and arms were in use followed. Then he slipped the links order to get Into his gang. He took Miss Edmiston carried herself with from his cuffs and rolled up bis shirt what be considered the choicest and Legislature Is that this $5,000 shall be in Egypt as early as B. C. 700. They A YOUNG GOULD. Hit air of pretty dignity, made none the sleeves, while his enemy gaped at the most expert of them and sent the rest spent tn hiring men who are Just as were made by priests, who were the less apparent by the fact that she was proceedings. away with a warning that it would be wary as the McCarthyites to work An Interesting Personality Because physicians of that early time. He Controls $10,000.000 fully two inches taller than her lover, “Now, I'm ready,” said the curate safest to keep quiet. Sheriffs and posses their way into the organization for the “1,” said the orator, “am an Ameri­ Young men who come into a fortune the Bev. John St. John, lie was a thin, gently. of deputy sheriffs were red-hot after purpose of betraying It. When this can of tlie good old stock, rooted deep of $10,000,000 on their 21st birthday wiry little man. dark-haired and pale- the gang and the new recruits were attempt is made there will be no end “Are you going’ to tight?” burst out complexioned. und was much troubled the other, looking at him as Goliath given ample oportunity to prove their of exciting experiences, for the band Is are rare enough to be interesting. Their in the soil—” “The only stock I ever in his dally work with a certain uncon­ might have looked nt Iiavld. “Come fitness for membership in the organiza­ kept fully posted on every move that characters and opinions even are impor­ I heard of that tooted deep in the soil," tant, for the reason that $10,000,000 car- said the farmer in the audience, “was querable shyness. That he should have on, ye----- ” But the foul word never tion. The loss of some of bis most dar­ is made against them. ' hogs. ’’ won the heart of handsome Nancy Ed­ passed his lips, being stopped by a ing comrades seemed to give McCarthy miston was a matter of surprise and carefully planted blow from a small the idea of establishing a safe retreat, Some men escape the traps of others STRIKE FOR MORE PIE. discussion among the residents of but singularly hard tist. The little where he might take cover with his only to get caught in their own. Kailroad Laborers Demand and Get Brox boriine. curate was Ailed with a wild unholy men when sore pressed. Pastry Three Times a Day. ■‘Such a very uninteresting young Joy. He had not felt like this siuce his The result of this idea Is a rock­ man," said l he maiden ladies over their college days. He thanked Providence bound fortress as immovable as the “It was the queerest strike I ever afternoon tea. for his friends, the Indian clubs nnd mountains themselves and as impreg­ heard about,” said the railroad man. “So ridiculously retiring! How did dumb-bells, which had kept him In trim nable as Gibraltar. Miners and mechan­ "It took place in Michigan some years Daughters Should be Carefully be ever come to proitose?” remarked these past three years. The blood sang ics were picked up here and there over ago. The manager of a railroad out Guided in Early Womanhood. the mothers whose daughters assisted In his veins as he circled round Goliath, the country, blindfolded and taken to there had to put a lot of men at work In giving women au overwhelming and guarding the giant’s brutal smashes, the place in the mountains where the cleaning up a certain tract of timber not altogether united majority lu Brox- and getting in a stroke when occasion cave was to be made. They blasted out land. There being no boarding-houses What suffering frequently results bourne society. offered. It was not long ere the big passages and secret passages to no end handy, it was found necessary to feed from a mother’s ignorance; or more The men, on the other hand, voted St. man found himself hopelessly out­ and fitted up a central chamber in the the members of the gang. frequently from a mother's neglect to John n good sort; and bls parishioners, matched; his wind was gone, his Jaw heart of a mighty rock in a style it is “To do this it was, of course, neces­ properly instruct her daughter! In their rough ways, owned to bls many was swollen, and one of his eyes use­ said that would win the admiration of sary to establish a Imarding-house, and Tradition says "woman mustsuffer,” qualities. the railroad authorities had one start ­ less. He made a Anal effort nnd slung a king. An electric dynamo was and'young women are so taught. "You'resa dear little girl, Nancy.” the out a terrific blow at David. Partly brought in on horseback and the parts ed up at once, placing it in charge of a There is a little truth and a great deal curate was stammering, looking up nt parried, It caught him on the shoulder, assembled and the machine Installed, competent and experienced man. But of exaggeration in this If a young his beloved, wheu they were both felling him to the earth. Now, surely, with the result that this rock fortress there was trouble right away. All the stopis-d short on the narrow pavement. the victory was with the Philistine. is lighted as brilliantly ns a metropoli­ men struck inside of a week, and the ries with it a weight of power, which woman suffers severely she needs A burly workman was engaged in chas­ But no. The fallen man recoiled to his tan ball-room. But this Is uot the prin­ manager hastened to ask If they were may be used for good or for evil, not treatment and her mother should see tising a small boy with a weapon in the feet like a young sapling, nnd the next ' cipal use of the electric plant. As na­ dissatisfied with their wages or their only to the possessor of the money, but that she gets it. Many mothers hesitate to take their shape of a stout leather belt. The child that Goliath knew was, ten minutes tions mine their harbors, so these mur­ hours. Tlie answer was prompt and also to the community at large. The daughters to a physician for examina- screamed, and the father, presumably, Inter, when he opened his available eye , derers have protected the approaches explicit. The wages and hours were indications are that Frank Gould, to I tion; but no mother need hesitate to cursed. and found that his enemy was bending to their retreat by large quantities of satisfactory, and so was tlieir general whom attainment of majority has just write freely about her daughter or “Stop!” cried the curnte. brought a fortune of ten millions, will over him, wiping the stains from bis I herself to Mrs. Pinkham and secure put his money to good use. There is no The angry man merely scowled and face with a tine linen handkerchief. the most efficient advice without probability that any of it will lie squan­ raised the strap for another blow. St. "Feel better?" said the curate. 1 charge. Mrs. Pinkham’s address is dered. for Frank Gould inherits his John laid a detaining hand on the fel­ “Well. I'm---- " I father's strong common sense and quiet Lynn, Mass. low's arm, the temerity of which “llusli, man; It’s not worth swearing The following letterfrom Miss M aris tastes. He has no bad habits, nor even caused the hit ter such surprise that he about,” interposed his nurse. “Now, F. J ohnson , Centralia, Pa , shows what expensive ones. He is much more in ­ loosened his grip for a moment, and the get up.” neglect will do, and tells how Mrs. terested in the great activities in which youngster tied, how ling, up an alley. He held out Ills hand and nssisted the Pinkham helped her: his money is invested than in any of tlie “What the " spluttered the bully, wreck to Ills feet. “My health became so poor that I time-killing frivolities of the “Four dancing round the curate, who seemed had to leave school. I was tired all the "You'd better call nt the chemist's Hundred ” and the average New York to shrink nearer Ills sweetheart. time, and had dreadful pains in my City young man who Is rich enough to "Let us go. dear." he said, lie had nnd get patched up. Here's money." aide and back. I was also troubled The vanquished one took the sliver be independent of work. Frank Gould grown white and was trembling. with irregularity of menses. I was is not independent of work. He is am- At tills Juncture, two of the work­ and gazed stupidly nt the giver, who very weak, and lost so much flesh that was making Ills toilet. | bilious to follow in the footsteps of ills man's cronies appeared nt the door of my friends became alarmed. My "Please go away and don't thrnsli father, the late Jay Gould, aud become the ale house opposite, and, seeing how mother, who is a firm believer in your your boy any more, ” said St. John per ­ a power in the world of finance. He mutters stood, crossed the road, and remedies from experience, thought per­ has been an employe of the Missouri haps they might benefit me, and wrote with rough hands and soothing curses suasively. Goliath made n few steps, then re ­ Pacific Railway, and by close study has conducted their furious friend from the you for advice. I followed the advice traced them, holding out a grimy paw. mastered all of the details In the opera­ seelie. you gave, and used Lydia E Pinkham's “Mister Parsou, I'm—I'm —" tion of this great railroad system. It Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills as "Horrible!” sighed the curate ns the "Don't say another word. Good-by,” is his intention to apply himself to the you directed, and am now as well as I lovers continued their walk. ami the curate shook hands with him. practical workings of the other great Miss Edmiston's head was held a ever was. 1 have gained flesh and have The big man turned away. Presently properties controlled by Gould millions, a good color I am completely cured of trifle higher. "If I were a man." she he halted once more. “I'm-----!” lie and thus be a complete master of the irregularity." said. “I would have thrashed him I said. It bad to come. Then he sham­ I»osltlon which his money and interests would. Indeed!” bled homeward. will give him. Frank Gould resembles "You think I should have punished PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Ills sister Helen in his fine character St. John adjusted his collar, gave his him, then?" said the curate mildly; "he and gentle disposition. They both re­ shoulder a rub, and donned hla eoat Machinery and Supplie«. was a much larger man thau I, you side in the sister’s mansion in Irving- nnd lint. As he started toward the vil­ know." | ton, and there Is deep sympathy and lage n girl came swiftly to meet him. RAKES Nancy was silent. She was vaguely affection between them. Miss Helen “ Oh. John, John, you are splendid!" ; MOWERS but sorely disappointed in her lover, Gould's Influence has undoubtedly been BINDERS TOM M’CARTHY AND HIS ROCK-BOUND FORTRESS. lie was not exactly the hero she had she gaspeil, ns she reached him. "I one of the chief Instruments lu making Write for Catalogue. dreamed of. How w hite and shaky he watched you from the hedge yonder.” “1 am exceedingly sorry. Miss Ed- i dynamite—enough, It Is said, to blow treatment; their trouble was in the Frank Gould the promising young mau had turned! mlston," said the curate coldly, raising up a whole regiment of soldiers with­ boarding-house, where they got pie only be is. J. I. FREEMAH IpL "You surely did not expect me to take hla hat and making to pass on. once a day. They wanted mince pie out the loss of a single border ruffinn. 209 Eut Water Street. Easily Managed. part In a street row, Nancy?" he said, Nancy had started as though he had Of course. It takes monPy to run such three times—at breakfast, dinner and PORTLAND OR. Choking is immediately relieved If presently, somehow sus|iectlng her thoughts. He knew her romantic ideas. struck her; her Hush of enthusiasm an establishment as this, but they have supper—and they proposed to have It. the left arm is raised as high as possi­ paled out. lu her excitement she had no difficulty lu obtaining It. The men The manager hastened to take counsel ble. But she made no reply, t forgotteu that event of a week ago, are cattle herders and are experts in with the boarding-house man. Very frequently at meals and when "RO you think I acted In a cowardly but the cutting tone of his voice re­ rebranding. A gang of them will come “ 'Give ’em all the pie they want,' they are at play children get choked fashion?" he questioned after a chill minded her. She bowed her head, and up with an honest ranchman's herd and was the manager’s order. ‘If one pie while eating, and the customary man­ pause. he went on bls way. He had gone take possession of It. and the ranchman Isn't enough, give 'em another. Sweet­ ner of relieving them is to slap them “I don't think your cloth Is any ex­ cuse. aryhow," she blurted out sudden­ about fifty yards when she called his that dares to follew it up gets death in en It well. too. They want it and we'll sharply on the back. The effect of this give it to then;.’ Is to set the obstruction free, so that It ly and cruelly; the next Instant she was name. Her voice Just reached him. but sure and speedy form. "Thia suited the boarding-house man ■ can l>e swallowed. The same thing can Ailed with shame and regret. Before something in It told hltu that be bad ' If he has lost bls herd he Is generally she could speak again, however, the not suffered alone. not so foolish ns to sacrifice his life dowu to tlie ground. Sugar is a good be brought about by raising the left He turned and hastened to her.— also. These cattle are rebranded, ship­ deal cheaper than meat, and mince pie hand of the child as high as possible, For Mlll«, Mine». Shop« end Farne: Steel Log. curate had lifted bls hat and w as cross­ Eing and Holsting Enetne« : Hoc Chini ing the street. An icy "good by" was Columbus Journal. ped East, and the checks sent West to Is one of the least expensive foods aud the relief comes much more rapid­ Tooth Ssws, Albsny Grease. etc. known to the cook. After that there ly. In happenings of this kind there al’ he had vouchsafed her. Tom McCarthy, but always cashed by Millions Lying Unclaimed. ' should l>e no alarm, for If the child sees was no trouble whatever with that a third party. • •••••• A nice little sum of nearly three mill­ that older persons or parents get ex­ 27 to K First Street Portland, Or. No one knows just where the cave Is. gang of men."—New York Press. Mr St John wns returning from pay­ ion pounds sterling, lielougiug to the S4-3S Fremont Street, san Francisco. cited they are very Hable to get so also. ing a vjslt of condolence some distance Pope, lies unclaimed in the Italian but there are deputy sheriffs and Uni­ A Trifle Too Much Color. The best thing is to tell the child to ted States marshals who could go with out of the village, and he had taken the treasury. When the Italian govern­ JOHN POOLE. P ortiasd , Osseos, On one occasion the Prince of Wales raise its left arm. aud immediately the can pre you the best bargains in general short cut across the moor, it was a ment took possession of Home an an- In four miles of it. Member» of the 1 had a hearty laugh at a Hiudu school­ ’ difficulty passes down. machinery, engines, boilers, tank*, pumps, McCarthy gang have been arrested at clear summer afternoon, a week since uunl civil list of some>0 was as­ plows belts and windmills The new boy in Madras. The youngster had parting with Nancy. A partlug in earn­ signed to the Pops as compensation for different times and placed on trial for i Tank Steamers. steel IXL windmill, sold by him, is un­ been drilled Into the propriety of say­ est It bad been, for the days had gone the loss of the temporal power. But murder, but are always acquitted part- j Though the first tank steamer was equalled. ing "Your royal highness,” should the ly for want of evidence, but chiefly be- ; by without meeting or communication neither Plus IX. nor XIU. would AGENTS WASTtn. Prince speak to them, and when the built only thirteen years ago. there are tietween them. The curate was a sad touch the money, lest they should ac­ cause the Jury that would find one of ! heir-apparent accosted a brighteyed now ISO tank vessels In existence, near­ Agents wanted for a Wb.'lrssl« Supple Hones, them guilty would never sit on auotber I young man, though the anger lu hit knowledge the usurping power, and so d.ires« Pattile Coast Novelty <0 Portland. Or. lad and. pointing to a prismatic com­ ly all steamers, with a register of 4oi,- heart still burned fiercely. To have the Income has beeu accumulating ever murder trial. Some go so far as to say ■ pass, asked, “What is this?" the young­ 1 AM tons. 3 that a member of the gang is on every is-en called a coward hy the woman he since. ster. all In a flutter, replied. “ It's a The neighbors never seem to have Jury that tries one of them. lov<*d was a thing not lightly to tie for­ royal compass, your prismatic blgh- any consideration for other people. This gang can never be broken up by A girl claims her auburn tresses are gotten. Illa recent visit, too, had t>een B»ss.” particularly trying. In hla soul he felt due to the fact that she had scarlet a military force, and that Is not the In If a little boy ever gets a big horse tention of the bill. The purpose of the | Well men forget sick men's promises. started, be can't stop him. that bls words of comfort had been uu fever aud It settled In her hair. A PRETTY GOOD WORLD. “DEAD OK ALIVE.” THE LITTLE CURATE. THE DUTY OF MOTHERS. A- MACHINERY TATUMàBOWEN I r