YOU CAN PROLONG YOUR LIFE LOCAL NEWS. G. S. Wright, dentiat. Hop wire at the McMinnville Fence( by keeping your DENTAL ORGANS in perfect condition, thus promoting good digestion, Works. G. S. Wright, dentist. v hleh is the prime factor ot perfect lu ,1th. rwre luvited to call frequently at mvG.lfice W. W. Levis lias moved back to his C. Grissen’a new stock of wall papCr. 6 /xhmmatiou of the condition of -, our t.. tn farm from Lafayette. departments of dentistry are practiced, and All things come to those who wait — by the most modern and conscientious methods. Bargains iu typewriter paper at C. even spring. DR. LEROY LEWIS, D. D. S. McMinnville. 1-4 Ed. Hoff has gone to Pendleton to Grisseu’s. Hop growers are pleased with present work at bis trade. PHYSICIANS Editor Graves of Amity was in the conditions and crop prospects. Cut prices in sailors at Mark Sisters. ’ I j county seat on Tuesday. £ALBREATH & GOUCHER, See new styles just received. 17-1 50 Pieces New Lace Curtains, 200 Pieces New Embroiderv Did you notice the fine assortment of A 15-lGths Jersey heifer calf for sale. fancy crockery at Bettman & Warren’s? 50 Pieces New Dress Trimmings, including the draw strings. F. II. B arnhart . County Commissioner I. N. Branson 350 Pieces New draw string Ribbons, 200 Ladies’ Belts, 15c to 50c. In all sections of the Willamette valley was down from Bellevue on Wednesday. 200 Ladies ’ Shirt Waists, 25c to $1.75, 25 Pieces New Silks, (Office over Bialy’s Bank.) Newest and latest designs in wall paper | the usual prosperous crop year is indi- 200 Pieces New Summer Dress Goods. j cated. N c M innvilub • • - O regon . at Hodson’s. Bettman «St Warren will receive a new Rambler bicycles at Hodson’s at $40. The largest line of Ladies’ Fine Shoes in the city. A complete line of Cor­ ÇOOK & CABLE, stock of crockery in a few days. Best bicycle on earth. G. A J. clincher sets, Wrappers, Dress Skirts, etc. Col. T. R. Cornelius, of Hillsboro, < tires can’t be beat. well-kuown here, is reported as danger* Judge Henry Hewitt of Albany 1 ously ill. in McMinnville on Wednesday. Some of the old settlers say that we Rooms in Jacobson Block, A new line of tobacco and cigars just ; never have settled weather until after received at Bettman & Warren ’ s. \\ e have New Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Crash Hats and everything needed in M c M innvillï , - - - O regon . I Easter, anyway. Ex-Commissioner Amos Neleon was the line of Clothing and Furnishing Goods, including our mammoth • stock of Mark Sisters, fine millinery and first- over from Chehalem valley on W ednes- SHOES. ATTORNEY. class dress-making, Hendrick building. day. Call and see the new rotary mould- Guy Bird of Lafayette has been ap­ L. CONNER, We Warrant every pair of “Mastiffs,” in Ladies' Gents’ and Children’s. pointed deputy assessor for the Wheat- J board plow at F. W. Spencer’s, Sonie- thing entirely new and useful. land district. Call and make your selections while Stock is complete. President Newlin is lecturing to the Mrs. Diana Pergueon, a sister of Mrs. Newberg people on his climb of Mt. Ve ­ Dwight Carlin, died in Eugene last suvius. Here is a pointer for our lecture Monday afternoon. committees. Office rooms 9 and 10, Union Block. A. B. Cornell, for a time last year sta- We now have a few thousand dollars to McMinnville, Oregon tion agent st this place, is now assistant loan on farm property, at good terms. CHAS. P. NELSON, Manager. agent at Oregou City. 12tf I rvine & V inton . Chas. Grim died of consumption in REAL ESTATE The title of the latest popular coon this city last Saturday, ami was buried song is “My Liver Colored Warm Babe.” the following day in South Yambill JjDELL & WOOD, The people who want a field of reform, Catholic cemetery. should start after popular songs. The New Home and Climax sewing Real Estate and Insurance Wanted in exchange—Tallow and machines, needles and extras at C. Gris- greese for good Star Savon Laundry Office in McMinnville National Bank sen’s. 42tf soap. M c M innville S team L aundry . Building, C Street. Mrs. Cora Tucker and « daughter Offers you undoubtedly Congressman Tongue places himself on Nellie of Portland have been i upending Farms for sale, houses to rent, and all kinds record as opposed to the swap of the of iusuranc.e written. Agents for property of the past week in this city and i in Lafay- Philippines to England for the West In­ non-residents. Correspondence solicited. ette, with friendsand relatives. dies. New Monitor combined hoe and double “Give me a liver regulator and I can PHOTOGRAPHER. disc spring pressure drills at F. W. Spencer’s. A new machine, and the regulate the world,” said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt’s I N. HOBBS, first of the kind in Yambill county. Little Early Risers, the famous little Just received from New York a F. H. Barnhart returned from Hood pills. Rogers Bros. large line of High-Class Photography River Tuesday evening. He is pleased Rev. F. A. Powell gave a series of lec­ with that locality, and his sojourn TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, a Specialty. tures on phrenology iu Lafayette last LACES, RIBBONS, proved of some benefit to his health. I am located next door to R. M. Wade A Co., week, the attendance and interest in­ BED SPREADS, and aifi here to do good work and give satisfac­ Portland is trying to secure the pres­ creasing each eveuing. CALICO REMNANTS, Etc. tion. Terms reasonable. ence of President McKinley at the Na­ Work on the railroad from Dallas to REMEMBER her tional Editorial Association next July, Now is your time to get a Suit of Men s or Boys’ Clothing, CONVEYANCER but his coming is somewhat shrouded in Falls City is to be resumed. This, with Birthday will soon be here. These as we are closing out these lirnea, or leave your measure for a the construction of a new court house, doubt. birthdays have a persistent and reg­ Tailor-made Suit. Don’t forget about our Star 5 Star Shoes. E. McKERN, will make Dallas a live city this summer. ular habit, of rolling rapidly around We regret to hear that Rev. Wm. Gay, The annual conference of the United as we approach the meridian of life. formerly Presbyterian pastor at Lafay­ ette, now a resident of Dallas, is still Evangelical church is being held in Remember her now as you did in her youthful days. S iie will appreciate somewhat of an invalid, He sends kind Lafayette, beginning yesterday. Bishop it and You will feel better. W e can words as a reader of The Reporter, Stanford of Pennsylvania is preseat as help you. A jeweler’s stock is al­ presiding officer. NORTH YAMHILL, OR. which any editor would appreciate. ♦ * A ways one of the most suggestive for An error in the city records caused the those who refuse to let the real Ÿ If you have a cough, throat irritation, Legal papers written and acknowledgements weak lungs, pain in the chest, difficult report to go out last week that the bi­ pleasure of life skip away. taken. W m . F. D ielschneider , breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us cycle ordinance had been repealed. The McMinnville’s Reliable Jeweler. suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Al­ law holds until the new ordinance can be LIVERYMAN paseed at the regular meeting in May. Two doors below postoffice. Books - Music Stationery ways reliable and safe. Rogers Bros. ÇITY STABLES, —T-—■ « Family washing, 30c per dozen ; family The great Scotch novelist, Rev. John Notice to Creditors. Watson, better known to the literary washing, unironed, 20c per dozen ; shirt, Emerson Pianos, Kimball, Earhnf & Cottage Organs Third St., between E and F. I desire to make settlement of all ac­ world as Ian Maclaren, is announced collar and cuffs, 15c per set; blankets Wheeler & Wilson, New Home and E. L. WING, Proprietor. to appear in Portland April 24, in ■ and quilts, 20c each ; rag carpet, 4c per counts now due me. Those knowing yard. M c M innville S team L aundry . themselves indebted to me will please Domestic Sewing Machines. Everything first-class. Horses boarded by , lecture on “Drumtochty Folk.” day, week or month. Commercial travelers Judge and Mrs. D. R. Nelson were make immediate settlement, and avoid C. D. Johnson has just received a conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. making further costs necessary. Give us a call. large invoice of new surreys, buggies, guests of Judge Magers and family over E lsia W right . Sunday. They have just returned from carts and road wagons, and also has an extended visit in the east. Judge STEARNS—KING—QUEEN. farm wagons for sale. He is offering MEAT MARKETS For Male. them at his well-known live-and-let-live Nelson says he likes this little city. Good seed oats and wheat. Inquire of I am able to furnish loans on first-class A full line of the latest patterns in WALL PAPER, at bot­ 0 STREET MEAT MARKET, prices. Come and examine his stock. 17-3 tom prices. None but standard goods, warranted to give satis­ farm security, from $2,000 upward, at 7 J. T. Funk, McMinnville. Wm. Waltz, the harness maker who per cent interest; loans to run from 3 to faction. C. GRISSEN, McMinnville. Reynolds & Bond, Prop’s. has been assisting Elsia Wright the last 5 years. Parties wishing to borrow mon­ seven weeks, quit work on Wednesday, ey, call and see me. R. L. C onner . Fresh and salt meats and sausage*’ of all During kinds constantly in stock. Cash paid for and wdl return to Portland. CASTORIA A scientist says that if the earth was hides. Highest market price paid for all kinds this period he has made 50 sets of har­ of fat stock. Bears the signature of C has . H. F letcher . flattened out the sea would be two miles ness for Mr. Wright, who speaks of him In use for more than thirty years, and ♦ deep all over the world. If any man is as being a first-class workman. ♦ MATTHIES & BOOTH, The Kind You Have Aluiayt Bought. caught flattening out the earth he should Reports from the principal fruit dis­ be arrested at once. Many persons can­ Proprietors of tricts of the state show the prospects for not swim a single stroke. ♦ a good crop much better than was sur­ The subjects for consideration at the mised after the freeze in February. The C. F. Daniela’ aou Clifford is quite Bick Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds wheat, too, is coming out splendidly. Re­ Cumb Presbyterian church next Sun­ from a combination of typhoid fever day will be of interest to all. “ Con ­ ports from the country at large on wheat, South side Third St. between B and C. and pleurisy. He was ill last fall, and show the prospect poor, on account of science, a Moral Guide,” will be consid­ has never properly recovered. ered at 11 a. m., and “ The Teachings of the severe winter. PRODUCE MARKET. the book of Jonah,” at 7:30 p, m. Ev- The weekly crop bullitin, which is The 17th U. S. regulars relieved the ervone invited. > based ujxin information from every sec­ Oregon boys of their provost duty on Q STREET PRODUCE MARKET, The state board of agriculture has tion of Oregon, announces that fall and March Uth. One of otir boys writes: “All of our stuff is stowed away in a placed the dates for the state fair this winter sown grain is in excellent condi­ C. F. Daniels, Prop building at the Quartet, and we will I year at Oct. 6-13th. The number of tion, and that “the freezing out of grain likely go to the line tomorrow. This is i horse races is cut in two, the territory is west of the Cascades is very unusual, Cash paid for Poultry and Country Produce. districted for exhibits, to be in charge of and, as a rule, due to some local condi- Hides aud Tallow bought. Hay, Oats, Millfeed, what we have been looking for for the OU Meat Flaxseed and Bee Supplies of all last ten months, and the boys are hap­ men named by the county judges, and tion rather than the severity of the kinds kept on hand. py. I have no idea how long we will be everybody, even the governor of >he weather.” The Treble Clef club will give a con- out there, but presume it Will be until state, must pay his way into the fair. BARBER9. This looks like reform. cert at the opera house Friday, Apri)-21st. the trouble is settled. ’ The St. Charles store is establishing a Mrs. Walter Reed of Portland has been yy H. LOGAN, There can be no complaint in future reputation for selling clean, bright and engaged for the occasion. Miss Glen, from Manila over the quality of food good groceries at less price than they Miss Spencer, and Miss Pearl Smith furnished the troops. Menus picked up have been sold in McMinnville. We of Portland will also render solos. at random show that the volunteers 1 un located opposite Burns A Daniels and aim ! give no baits, but aim to make a small Lovers uf music should bail auch a com­ to give all customers good treatment for little hail at one meal beef soup with dump­ I profit on all goods. Good customers bination as tlii*, with true delight, and money. B«th rooms in connection. Your pat­ lings and rice, peach sauce, and tea don’t have to pay for what we lose on attend eu masse. ronage solicited. Reserved seats 35 Now on sale at . and coffee. Another menu shows "deail beats;” everjbody pays at the cents, admission *5 cents. 17-a. for dinner one day roast beef, sweet St. Charles store. Your trade solicited. HARNESS Mrs. Oscar Hargrave-Fouts died April potatoes, apple sauce, radishes, bread N. E. K egg . mh at her home 1 '3 miles east of Carl­ and tea. Another menu shows one gLSIA WRIGHT. An estimate of 1’utle Sam’s strength ton, after an illness of three or four years. company eating apple pie at breakfast Manufactures and Deals in with pancakes, fried potatoes and bacon. in the Philippines is posted at the post- Deceased was 39 years of age. 1 he fu­ This is better than seventy ont of a office which seems to 1« de< idedly in neral occurred on 'I uesday at the Chris­ error. It gives the total fighting strength tian church in Carlton, conducted by I hundred people get who stay at borne. at 27,000. Gen. Otis ha* 20,000 regular*, Rev. Geo. W. Fender. Mrs. Fonts was SADDLES. BRIDLES. SPLRS, Wm. A. Hill, a resident of this city, | and 26,000 volunteers, which makes a • a member of the Presbyterian church in «.nd bru’hes. and sells them cheaper than they but employed at Middleton, whose serious total considerably larger than the bul­ Indiana. She leaves a hunlmnd and five can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette Valley. Our all home made of harness arc illness was mentioned last week, died at letin gives. The war department has children. The burial was in North Yam­ CASTORIA pronounced unaurpiLved by those who buy them. President H. L. Boardman baa been that place on Thursday, April 6th, at the just made up a report showing that the Bears the signature of C has . H FLrrctm hill cemetery. . ¡fliiitod with an attack of the grip thia age of 50 year*. He was married to Ada regular army has been recruited to In use for more than thirty yean, and 1 week. DRAYMEN Adams, daughter of O. H. Adams, in 62,000 men. Aguinaldo’s arniv is placed First Hapll«! Church. ZV Kind You Have Alwayi Bought. i 1877, and leaves a widow and five chil­ at 38,0u0, but is probably much larger. Remolds A Bond’s D street meat mar­ yy j. stow , •nbjcct for the morning «erinon Subject «ermon will I I ri‘f* I Great ■ Fían t í'asrtliilitlaaw ,r Evening !>'«•< dren. A funeral service, conducted by ; A number of McMinnville’* musical ket was entered Wednesday night bv be. * ” • Three Certainties." M c M innville Cure h 4 •!« !■> One Day. “Per’oual Experience the Beet Teel.” people will goto Portland May let to hear wine thief, who found bis way in at a j Cha*. Grissen. was held at Mr. Adams' choir «¡11 render the following: the eminent violinist Sauer. resilience Saturday afternoon, and burial Take I-axative Bromo Quinine Tablets. The twu-k window. He took about 75 cents Morning, anthem Evening, anthem, was belli at Masonic cemetery. The fam­ Al) druggist* refund money if it fail* to “O Father, Almighty." Baas obligato Sheriff Hendeison's sale of land for from the money drawer, and a numtier Qoorta ot all dssrrlpnon. moved, »nd careful ily has the sincere sympathy of friends cure. The genuine has L. B. Q. un each solo, Ogden. Soprano nolo, Mollie l’atty, delinquent taxes occurs tomorrow at the of pieces of cured meat, some of which han lung guaranteed OoHeetloo* will he made in their sudden and sad bereavement. tablet. For eale by Rogers Brue. 4G mb “The Sweetest Story of Old,” Parker. court houae. titly Hauling ot all kind* «lone cheap. he drop|>cdon his retreat from the ehop. New Things^) FOR THE LADIES Physicians and Surgeons. Physicians and Surgeons. Attorney and Notary Public FOR THE MEN McMinnville Grange & Fanner Go THE RACKET STORE The Best Shoes For the Money A Notary Public and Conveyancer * H. MILLS & SON C. GR1SSEX BICYCLES CITY MARKET. : : Garden Seeds of ail kinds in package or in bulk AH of the Freshest. ONION SETS. Best Sets in the City BARBER FLOWER SEEDS Dresser & Hendrick’s HARNESS, > Truck and Dray Co. Come early and get your choice