The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 14, 1899, Image 1

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Entered at the Poetoffice in McMinnville,
For Infants and Children.
AVegctable Prcparationfcr A
slmilating theFcodand Regula­
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­
ness and Rest.Contains neither
SMum.Morphine nor Mineral.
The liifid You to
Always Bough!
Bears the
N arcotic .
fòxjfx. of Gul HrSAHL
Fumplt.i Seed“
¿tlx. Senna *
llinktHe Salti -
¿trust Seed *
Bi Can)anatt Soda, *
Cl-rrified Sus/ar ■
Apcrfect Remedy for Constipa­
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
ness and LOSS OF S l EE»*.
Facsimile Signature of
S tork .
We’re doing a great Clothing business these days.
The reason is plain; we’ve got the goods to do it
with. They are all new, this season’s stuff. No
old shop-worn suits here. The cleanest and bright­
est line of Men’s Tailor-made Suits you ever
looked at; our prices are moderate too, good all
wool suits, $6.50, $7.50, $10, $12 and $15.
We’ve opened up that nobby line of Men’s Shoes,
in black and tans, made by Snow—and the prices
aren’t any higher than the poor-made kind. If you,
want a nobby pair, boys, come in and see them.
I adies, you should see those new patterns in Waist
Silks just opened—over ioo of them—no two
alike. If you want something that will be exclu­
sive, better look them over before the line is broken.
We have just opened up a case of Imported Organ­
dies, the sweetest and daintiest patterns you ever
saw; some in the gold and silver effects; prices
only 12% and i5 cents.
New Lines.
In all departments. The Chicago Store always
has something new for your attention.
Joe Stow is at Muddy valley finish- 1 All of the sick in Dayton are improv­
ing up his farm work.
Born—April 5th to Mr. and Mrs. Flow­
Quite a number from this place
attended the funeral of Mr. Grimm last er, a girl.
Geo. Gabriel is improving very nicely,
Mrs. Whitmer and Master Clinton being able to be up to Sunday dinner.
Agee of Bellevue visited at Mrs. Daniels’
A lady agent for the woman's refuge
several days last week.
home lectured in this city on Sunday.
Miss Olive Lambright, who has been | The bopgrowers are repairing and im­
staying in McMinnville for some time, 1 proving their fields for the coming sea­
returned to her home last Sunday.
Mrs. George Abdill has been confined
Our schools are progressing very
nicely under the supervision of Miss to her bed the last week with rheuma­
Frances Taylor and Miss Ora Delash- tism.
Mrs. A. J. McCann returned home on
The little eon of D. Daniel has been Saturday from a lengthy visit at Mc­
very ill for the past three weeks, but is Minnville.
believed to be on the mend at the
Mrs Wambsgan is confined to her
bed with grip, and is seriously ill at
Sheep-killing dogs are all the rage in present.
R. S. Goodrich, who is running a saw­
Gopher. One of the sheep owners suc­
ceeded in destroying one of the offenders mill in North Yamhill, was a welcome
visitor to Dayton recently.
last week.
W. M. Stanford, bishop of the Evan­
Mr and Mrs. Walter Scott moved
their household belongings up to Agee gelical church, delivered a sermon at
& Daniels’ mill the 10th inst. Mr. Scott this place on Monday evening.
is to be engineer at the mill.
The new telephone line running from
The district school clerk wrs aaound Dayton to Wheatland has been completed
posting notices, calling a special school and is now ready for “Hello, Wheat-
meeting for the purpose of electing a land.”
director to fill the vacancy caused by
Prof. Gimm of Salem is here and will­
Mr. Agee moving out of the district.
ing to help the young people improve
Mr. Lambright and Mr. Taylor visited their vocal powers. He has organized a
at the county recorder’s last Saturday class of 20 pupils, and expects more.
and Sunday.
Mr. Lambright has
A needed improvement was made last
marketed bis goat wool, realizing quite week by putting down a new sidewalk
a little sum from the sale. Some of his in front of Powell’s property, 60 feet
goats sheared 9 pounds each.
long and 20 wide. Soldiers were doing
Neighbor Lambright has in his pos- the work, and it seemed by the number
ession a one-eyed gobbler. He expects of people who were always present mak­
to raise a fine brood of one-eyed turkeys ing remarks, how it should be done, that
this summer, being under the impression all Dayton was interested in the work.
that they would be less apt to find his
The graduating class of '99 of the Day­
neighbor Thompson’s grain field.
ton public school, have organized their
There was a very good attendance at class association, naming it the “Alumni
church Sunday. Rev. Nash filled the Association of ’99,” selected their colors,
appointment of Rev. Pigett, who will lavender and white, and their class mot­
come back the second Sunday in May to, "Begun, not Finished.” Five of the
The people will meet together next Sun­ class, consisting of nine, were chosen to
day for the purpose of organizing a write orations. Eddie Senn was elected
historian of the class and Lulu Martin,
Sunday school.
( mcag © JS tore
Charley Smith moved his family up to
Will Hargrave is reported as being
the mill on Wednesday, for the summer.
Mrs. E. 8. Morris left on Monday quite sick.
The Salvation Army held forth in the
morning for the east, on a visit to rela­
Presbyterian church Tuesday night.
tives and friends.
Miss Dora Hoffman returned home
George B. Hutchcroft was in town
Thursday last, this being the first time Monday, after several weeks spent in
he has been out since he had his foot McCoy.
Carl Breon, who at one time lived in
Fraternity Lodge 56, I. O. O. F. elect­ Whiteson, but now of Ballston, was in
ed J. M. Bunn and H. C. Gist, as dele­ town Saturday.
gates to the grand lodge, which meets
Mesdames Phillips and Percival went
in Salem the first part of May.
to Bethel the last of last week to attend
Sam Laughlin will leave this place the funeral of Miss Effie Frazier.
about the 10th of May for Dawson City.
Mrs. Phillips took the train Tuesday
He will take a band of milch cows, and for Corvallis, where she will attend the
furnish milk to the Klondike« during meeting of the Oregon presbytery.
the summer.
Mrs. E. M. Garrison is quite sick, but
The new city dads were duly installed under the treatment of Dr. Woods of
into their respective offices Monday Amity it is hoped she will soon recover.
evening. The marshal elect and one of
Mr. Harpole will move bis store into
the councilmen refused to qualify, so the
the building vacated by W. G. Robbins,
new council will have the pleasure of
and intends enlarging his stock of goods.
tilling the vacancies by appointment.
Superintendent Littlefield made our
Monday afternoon, in the absence of
school a pleasant visit Friday afternoon.
B. Wilsey and family, their bouse was
We are sure be found it in excellent con­
buglarized by some one, supposed to be
a tramp. Their daughter had only been
Master Earl Breeding came up from
away from the house a short time, when
a neighbor called, and as she approached Portland Saturday, to spend a few days
the front door the burglar rushed out of with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
the bouse past her and ran down the Harpole.
Quite a number of our farmers are re­
street leading to the station, carrying
marking that the cold snap killed all of
with him |7.00 for hie trouble.
Judge Burnett and District Attorney their berry vines, so it is safe to say ber­
Hayden passed through our town Satur­ ries will be at a premium this year.
Mrs. Buffum returned from Portland
day last on their way to Tillamook, to
hold e term of court, and on Tuesday Saturday evening, where she has been
they returned on their way home, hav- | on an extended visit to her daughter,
ing held a term of court lasting two Mrs. Mills.
hours, and winding up all business
Miss Pearl Meekins, who has a posi-
brought before them, so it would seem tion in Portland, came up last week and
that Tillamook county is badly in need spent a few days with her parents, re­
of this extra term, which they can well turning Monday.
afford, as the cost of the two hours was
The school is contemplating giving a
only about $300.
short program some evening in the near
future. Judging from past exercises we
are safe in saying it will be a success.
The Evangelical conference is in ees.
W. G. Robbins has discontinued his
sion this week.
store. It is to be regretted that Mr.
Miss Boone made a business trip to Robbins’ was not so he could continue,
for this is a desirable place for a store.
Portland last Friday.
Improvements are still going on in
Prof. Kantner visited his parents
town, and if some energetic person wants
Salem a few days this week.
Lynn Ferguson of North Yamhill 10 a good place in which to locate, White-
son is the place. There is • chance to
visiting bis father for a few days.
rustle here.
The Misses Munkers of McMinnville
A number of our town people attended
were visiting the family of Mr. Sam
the meeting of the Order of Washington
Ewing last week.
held in McMinnville last Saturday. They
Mr. Woodruff fell from a ladder one
report an interesting meeting and excel­
day last week and sprained hie ankle lent dinner.
He has had to walk with crutches since.
Milt Kneedler returned last week from
Before the discovery of One Minute eastern Oregon, where he has been work­
Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis­ ing, He says the climate around White-
turbed by coughing congregations. No son suite him about m well as any he
excuse for it now. Rogers Bros.
I could wish for.
Take The Reporter and Get the News
One Dollar ir paid In advance, Singlenuniberiflvecent«.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Mr. R. E. Schenk, a former student,
who has lately returned from Tacoma,
was a welcome visitor on Tuesday.
President Boardman was not able to
meet bis classes the first of the week on
account of sickness.
Rev. and Mrs. Ray Palmer and Mrs.
Board man were visitors at assembly on
Wednesday. Rev. Palmer gave a splen­
did assembly talk on the subject, "Abra­
ham Lincoln.”
On account of the bad weather base­
ball has been dispensed with this week.
President Boardman says, "keep off
the lawn," and pretty soon it will be
“keop off the grass.”
It is with regret that so many pupils
are dropping their studies; but what
are you going to do about it?
Our janitor has been cleaning up the
yard and using some paint the last few
Everybody will be welcome at the
Arbor day exercises this, Friday, after­
noon. The 8th grade will be in charge,
and we have quite an extensive program.
We are going to plant an eucalyptus
Friday, April 14th, 1899, at 1 o’clock.
Song, school.
Drill, Arbor Day Exercises, 1st and 2d
Recitation, Song of Arbor Day, Grace
Facts About Arbor Day, 1st and 2d
Rec'tation, Little Spring Bud, Emma
Song, Spring is Here, 1st and 2d grade
Class exercise, Arbor Day, 3d and 4th
Recitation, The Use of Flowers,Gladys
Class Exercise, Choice of Trees, 3d
and 4th grades.
Song, Arbor Day, Pauline Snyder.
Recitation, I Want my Balloon, Tru­
man Northup.
Recitation, Planting the Tree, Mary
Desk Quotations, Uses of Wood, 7th
and Sth grades.
Desk Quotations, What the Poets Say
of Arbor Day, 9th and 10th grades.
Song of the Brook.
Planting Tree.
Balloon ascension.
Department No. 2 Cenvenee
Monday. The Ci
Petition of Wm. Laughlin and others
for vacation of a county road granted as
prayed for.
Resignation of John Bradley as su-
pervisor of road district No. 6 accepted
and office declared vacant. Wm. Hamil­
ton wsb appointed to till vacancy.
Ordered that, W’es Houck, Ed Hada-
way and J. E. Hembree view road pe­
titioned for by T. R. WilliB and 43
others, to meet April 20th at 9 a. m.
with county surveyor, and report to this
court on the first day of the next term.
City council of Amity authorized and
empowered to build sidewalks not to
exceed 10 feet in width on county road
known as Wade and Nursery streets in
said town.
F:fty dollars was appropriated for the
use of the Florence Crittenden children’s
home in Portland, in consideration of
value received.
R L Sabin vs M
Wood <k Mattbis, med attend . .. $89 50
J J Collard, hauling ......................
Assignment of F W Redmond; Jaceb R Jacobson, flag for court house 16 00
Wortman, Assignee.
J 8 Courtney, med attend ........... 4 50
Portland Adams vs Hiram Adame et J P Irvine, supplies for poor......... 7 80
al; C A Wallace, Referee; Partition.
Witnesses for grand jory............... 1 116 60
Assignment of A. J. Apportion; Lee City of McM, water and light....... 19 00
Laughlin, Assignee.
C E Branson, surveying... ............ 24 00
Wm McChrisman vs Clara M Weed et Galbreath <v Goucher, med attend 13 00
al; Confirmation.
Glass & Prudhomme, bicycle tax
Union Savings and Loan Association
register ....................................... 9 00
vs Lillian Haworth and husband; Fore­ J C Porter, supplies for poor......... 24 00
T B Cummings, coffin for King .. 15 00
T C Smith vs Isaac Amy and Lucinda C E Smith, med for poor.............. 15 30
Amy; Confirmation.
8 L Hayden, pros atty fees........... 35 00
Math Crosier et al vs Jemima Hill et Yamhill Co Reporter, printing ... 8 75
al; Petition.
Rogers Bros, med for poor............ 25 M
The Canadian and American Mortgage Nichols & Gabriel, supplies........... 8 00
Co vs Albert O Yates et al; Foreclosure. Supreme court clerk....................... 20 00
C A Scott vs J R Lewis; Suit in R Snyder, justice transcript......... 23 55
Equity, Cross bill.
Paul FundmaD, supplies fo. poor. 12 00
Emma B Torrance vs Peter Oeterried; Jones A Adams, lumber................ 1 27
Wood A Matthis, med attend....... 4 50
Union Savings and Loan Association T J Hess, conveying and exp Geer
vs Minnie Millard et al; Foreclosure.
to hospital ................................. 6 75
Union Savings and Loan Association F H Coffeen, med service............. 17 00
vs E J Wood and Maggie Wood; Fore­ C E Branson, surveying................ 14 00
Nellie B Scott, stenographer Hen-
Cora Carey vs W W Carey; Divorce.
ry va Yambill Co....................... > 85
Van B Sears, Executor of Isaac Ball Oregon Telephone Co, rent...........
estate vs Maggie A Clark ; Foreclosure. I L Martin, overpaid tax ............. 2 44
Ella G Lee vs Geo O Lee; Divorce.
J M Yocum, for dep assessor,... 23 00
Joshua Me Daniel vs T R Bewley and J linguist, roving indigent ward 2 50
E A Bewley; Motion for order directing | Harvey Bogue, work in court
present sheriff to make deed.
yard........................................... . 13 00
Mary F Davidson ve Green C David­ First Natl Bank, money borrowed 145 00
son ; Divorce.*
R P Bird, wood, stamps and tel . 4 00
M A Cox vs J B West and Jas Beacon;
“ salary
....................... 66 65
DI Pearce, salary comr................ 20 30
A E Withie vs S L Gaines et al: Fore­ 11 N Bran»on, ••
“ .................. 25 80
McM G & F Co, supplies for poor 39 47
D J Irwin vs W N Parrish; Motion Florence Crittenden refuge home.. 50 00
for deed.
Mary B Fenton vs August II Pspe;
Come to The Reporter office for type- »
Motion for deed.
writer papera. Legal and letter eizea.
Ora A Morris vs J D Morris; Divorce.
Wm Campbell vs P F Brown et al;
Mary E Smith va Elizabeth Harger
et al, Foreclosure.
M M Wardle ve Mattie L Wardle;
John Enery vs E E Helyer et al; Fore­
Clarence E Cundall vs B N Daniel,
Administrator; Confirmation of sale of
Sarah Smith vs R A Bird, Adminis­
trator; Foreclosure.
Assignment of E L Weed; B F
Rhodes, Aesignee.
Geo Flett vs Scott Flett; Foreclosure.
Joseph Kirkwood vs Alida E Price and
I J Price, her husband, and L H Kirk­
wood; Foreclosure.
P M Flynn vs P F Brown and P H
Robbins; Foreclosure.
R. P. Bird et al vs L D Kimberlin et
al; Foreclosure. Settled.
Thos Allison vs John J Flynn and Eva
Flynn; Foreclosure.
Mary J.Carl vs David Stout; Partition
Wm McChrisman vs The City of Mc­
Minnville; Petition for review.
E E Laberteaux va Calista E Thoma­
son, formerly C E Robinson and Emily
H Hume; Foreclosure.
D A Covert vs Alice A Covert; Motion
to set aside deed.
Henry Dillerger vs Clyde G Atkins;
Dilla B Fenton ve W I Funstan et al;
Motion for sheriff to make deed.
Henry Johnson vs Geo Braithwaite;
Suit to establish boundary.
A E Hall vs Minnie Hall; Divorce.