The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 07, 1899, Image 7

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    Don't Mind the Weather.
The factories will drive as
bard a bargain with the farmer as they
can, but sound apple wood cut In suit­
able shapes is worth mauy times its
value as firewood, and the farmers who
have such wood should know the fact
There is one thing that does not
mind the weather, and that is rheuma­
tism; and one thing that does not
mind rheumatism is St. Jacobs Oil, as
it goes to work upon it and cures light
• St.
A Town Without Dogs.
Pare Cider Vinesrsr.
Pisek, Bohemia, is probably the only
dogless town in the world. In conse­
quence of a death from hydrophobia,
the authorities ordeied every dog in the
place killed.—Chicago Tribune.
It Is more than two years since this
country had a full apple crop. A goo.I
deal of pure cider vinegar was made in
1890 from the superabundant crop of
that year. But the demand for vinegar
is so great that there is stroug tempta­
tion to use mineral acids to secure the
sour taste which vinegar Is expected tc
have. Most States have laws against
using sulphuric or other mineral adds
to flavor vinegar. They should be rig­
orously enforced. All such acids de­
stroy teeth and Injure the digestive
organs. Vegetable seeds, when used
moderately, are not unhealthful. The
best of all for vinegar Is tbe malic acid
of the apple, produced by fermenting
Its sugar aud comblniug with It the
characteristic apple flavor. Healthful
vinegar can. however, be made from
maple sap or from any other sweet. It
does not have the body to It that cider
vinegar has. It may, however, be
made exceedingly sour b.v putting some
sugar with it. This will be changed
b.v the first fermentation Into alcohol.
Then If more yeast Is added this will
be made an extremely strong vinegar.
“Spring Unlocks
The Flowers
To Faint the Laughing Soil/*
And not even Nature would
allow the flowers to grow
and blossom to perfection
without good soil.
Nature and people are much
alike; the former must have
sunshine, latter must have
pure blood in order to have
perfect health.
Improved Rail Pence,
The plan of setting stakes X fasblon,
and of laying the rails in the angle be­
tween them, Is unwise, for the reason
that the rail Is not properly supported.
If the ground is soft, the stakes are
pressed downward constantly. The cut
shows a better plan. One stout stake
Is set firmly In a perpendicular posi­
tion, where it has strength to support
any weight. It Is braced from each side j
by shorter stakes, which are spiked to
the upright. These support the rails,
the whole being firmly held In plaee
b.v a binding of plain feuce wire that Is
now so inexpensive. Such n fence enn-
not settle, be pressed over to either
Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures blood troubles
of all sorts. It is to the human system
what sunshine is to nature—the destroyer
of disease germs. Il never disappoints.
Poor Blood— “The doctor said there
were not seven drops of good blood in my
body. Hood’s Sarsaparilla built me up
and made me strong and well.”—S usie E.
B rown , 16 Astor Hill, Lynn, Mass.
Dyspepsia, etc.— “A complication of
troubles, dyspepsia, chronic catarrh and
inflammation of the stomach, rheumatism,
etc., made me miserable. Had no appetite
until I took Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
acted like magic. I am thoroughly cured.”
—N. B. S eeley , 1874 W. 14th Ave., Denver,
Colo. .
Rheumatism —“ My husband was
obliged to give up work on account of rheu­ side, nor pulled apart. It has to “stay
matism. No remedy helped until he used where you put it.”—American Agricul­
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which permanently
cured him. It cured my daughter of ca­ turist.
tarrh. I give it to the children with good
Manacement of Fe?s.
results.”—M rs . J. S. M c M ath ,Stamford,Ct.
Never Disappoints
Hood’s Pills cure liver ill.-», the non-irritating and
only cathartic to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
The Foreigner’s Mistake.
The Foreigner—VVbat a happy peo­
ple Americans meet bet I can tell
that much by their springy, buoyant
Tne Citizen—That ain’t no sign.
They’ve contracted the cake walk
habit; that’s all —Indianapolis Journal.
London Healthiest in Summer.
London is much healthier in summer
than in winter. In the third week of
January 2,021 deaths were recorded,
while in the third week in June the
number was only 1,193.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
cate of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY <fc CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the past 15 vears. and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin­
ancial]-’ able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
west & T ruax ,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
W aidlxg , R innan A M arvin ,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
nall’sCatarrh (hire is t. ken internally, acting
directly on the blood and m.cous surfaces 01
the system. Pri e 75c per bottle, bold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
Ha. 1'8 Family Pills - re the best.
Mies Helen Goold has read law, and
did she so desire could pass the examin­
ation for entrance to the New York
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cu re. 25c.__________________
In a late issue of the American Bee
Journal Edwin Bevins claims to have
discovered two alternative ways In
which laying worker colonies can be
disposed of so as to get all the service
out of tbe bees that they can render,
and yet keep the number of the colonies
up to what it was before. One way is
to place the hive containing the laying
workers over a strong colony with a
fertile queen, placing a newspaper
with a small bole in it between the two
hives. The bees will unite peaceably,
and when considerable worker brood
appears in the upper hive the hive cau
be placed on another stand and tbe
bees will rear a queen from tlie brood.
If the old queen Is left In the lower
hive; or a fertile queen can be Intro­
duced about three days nfter the re­
moval of the hive. The other plan In­
volves the taking of a couple of frames
of hatching brood from a hive aud
placing them in another hive over a
strong colony, with a frame having
wire cloth nailed to both sides of it be­
tween the two hives. Then a fertile
queen nud her escort are released on
the two combs, aud in a few days there
will be a nucleus strong enough to take
care of the queen. This hive is then set
down by the side of the hive holding
the laying workers. Every two pr three
days a frame with Its bees must be
transferred from the laying-worker
hive to the nucleus. By the time all
but two of the frames are placed in the
new hive the queen is at work there,
and everything is harmonious. As re­
gards the two frames taken to form the
nucleus, they can be returned to the
places from which they were taken, or
these places can be filled by the frames
remaining unused in the laying-worker
Miss Mabel Campbell, of Dallas,
To Protect the Fprinar.
Texas, has succeeded inclimbing to the
It Is difficult to keep a spring clean
enow capped summit of Mount Popo­ and pure, especially If visited by stock,
catepetl. of Mexico.
unless one attempts to “improve” a
little upon nature, difficult ns that
m'ght seem. If one can get a section
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy.
S yrup or Flos, manufactured by the
C aliformi A Fio S yrup Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa­
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa­
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per­
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub­
stance. and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
•re used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained fr>>m senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the C aliforsia Fie S yrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
of Iron boiler tubing some two and a
half feet in diameter and set it in the
I spring, the lower edge well down be­
neath the surface, with clay "puddled”
about the outside, be will have as flue
a water supply as one could desire. It
’ Is also possible to get sections of stone
! piping with a diameter of about two
feet, which can be set Into tbe spring In
tbe same way. In either case it will
be found a good idea to bank up all
about the iron or stone tubing with
rocks. They will hold the tubing firm­
ly In place, and will prevent its injury
if stock Is watered at tbe spring.
Apple-Tree Wood I. Valuable.
Never cut down a healthy apple tree,
even though It be long unproductive.
So long as It is sound in the trunk it
may be made to produce profitable
crops. But there are many old trees
CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. too far gone to tie worth saving, and
thousands such are cut up and burned
For sale by all Druggists.—Price 50c. per bottle. for firewood every winter. Apple tree i
wood 1« worth too much to be put to ■
such use«, though apple wood makes a
hot fire and an asb rich in potash. It
is a very tough wood, and even when
full of knots its value for manufactur­
ing purposes la rather enhanced than
High Feeling ( uuses Garget.
As the cow or other breeding animal
approaches time of parturition, high
feeding, either to stimulate milk flow
or to make It richer, should for tlie time
be suspended. Of the two, the kluds
that tend to make the milk richer, or. in
other words, to fatteu the cow, are
worst. But we should not advise any
farmer to feed heavily with grain
which will cause fever and make the
animal feverish, though this may be
nature's effort to lessen the milk flow
so that the udder can bold It. Tbe food
should be laxative rather than consti­
pating. Ensilage and roots of all kinds
are good If not given in too large
amounts. The only grain given should
be three or four nubbins of corn daily. ■
The cow will eat these readily, and
they will cleanse the stomach prepara­
tory to the time when parturition be­
gins.—American Cultivator.
Horse Feedincrat Work'nc Hours.
liABASTIN’E If the original
The first story that Kipling writes after
and only durable wall coaling
entirely different from ail kal­ his illness will bring a fabulous price. It
somine». Ready for use In will be sought as eagerly by progressive Three Women Relieved of Female
white or twelve beautiful tint» publisher- as Hostetter's Stomach Bitters
Troubles by Mrs. Pinkham.
by adding cold water.
is by all who sutler from stomach ills of
ADIES naturally prefer ALA­ any*nature. No matter whether it be in­
From Mrs A. W S mith , 59 Summer
digestion. constipation, biliousness or ner­
BASTINE for walls and ceil
tngs. because It Is pure, clean vousness, the Bitters will cure it. It is an St , Biddeford. Me.:
durable. Put up In dry pow­ unequalled spring niedicine.
•• For several years I suffered with
dered form. In five-pound pack­
ages. with full directions.
A minister of Pulaski. Penn., has ' various diseases peculiar to my sex.
LL kalsomines are cheap, tem­ been dismissed by his congregation be- j Was troubled with a burning seusation
porary preparations made from cause lie insisted in a sermon that tbe across the small of my back, that all­
whiting, chalks, clays. etc.,
gone feeling, was despondent, fretful
and stuck on walls with de­ rainbow existed before the flood.
and diseourugedf the leant exertion
caying animal glue ALABAS­
There wa» a young man from I.enore,
TINE fs not a kalsomine.
tired me. I tried eeveral doctors but
EWARE of the dealer Who
received little benefit At last I de­
The "beef' made him sick,
says he can sell you the ''same
cided to give your Lydia E Pinkham's
He recovered quite quick
thing” as ALABASTINE or
By the prompt use of old Jesse Moore.
"something just as good.” He
Vegetable Compound a trial. The ef­
is either not posted or Is try­
of the first bottle was magical,
ing to deceive you.
□'hose symptoms of weakness that I
nd in offering something contemplates another expedition, this
he has bougnt cheap and tries time for the purpose of studying the ! was afflicted with, vanished like vapor
to sell on ALABASTINE S de­
before the sun. I cannot speak too
mands, he may not realise the ciiminal law of the West Afrioan races, i
highly of your valuable remedy. It is
damage you will suffer by a
Good for Little Folks.
kalsomine on your walls.
truly a boon to woman "
Pon't torture the children with liquid and
ENSIBLE dealers will not buy pill poisons! The only safe, agreeable laxative
From Mrs. M elissa Pnn.T.tps, Lea»
a lawsuit. Dealers risk one by lor little ones is t'aseareta c andy Cathaitic.
selling and consumers by using All druggists, lOe 25c, 50e.
Ington, Ind., to Mrs. Pinkham:
Infringement. Alabastlne Co.
"Before I began taking your medicine
own right to make wall coat­
A St. Paul woman who died the I had suffered for two years with that
ing to mix with cold water.
other day left by will enough money tired feeling, headache. Itackachc. no ap­
every schoolhouse should be to pay taxes on certain personal prop­ petite, aud a run-down condition of the
coated cnly with pure, durable erty which she had not returned to the
system. I could not wulk across the
ALABASTINE. It safeguard
health. Hundreds of tons a
room. I have taken four bottles of the
used annually for this work.
Vegetable Compound, one box of l.iver
Pillsaud used one package of Sanative
St. Jacoba Oil cures Neuralgia.
that packages are properly la­
Wash, and now feel like a new woman,
beled. Beware of large four-
St. Jacoba Oil cures Lumbago.
pound package light kalso­
and am able to do my work.”
St. Jacoba Oil cures Sciatica.
mine offered to customers aa
a five-pound package.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Sprains.
From Mrs M oi . uk E II erbkl , Pow­
St. Jacobs Oil cures Bruises.
UISANCE of wall paper is ob­
ell Station. Tenn.:
viated by ALABASTINE. It
“For threeyeurs I suffered with sucha
can be used on plastered walls,
St. Jacobs Oil cures Stiffness.
wood ceilings, brick or can­
weakness of tlie back. I could not
vas. A child can brush It on.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Backache.
perform my household duties. I also
It does not rub or scale oft.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Muscular aches.
Kipling's Good I.nck.
stablished in favor, shun
aft imitations. Ask paint dealer
or druggist for tint card. Write
for "Alabastlne Era," free, to
Rapids. Michigan.
Turned Down.
“I come to ask you for your daugh­
ter.” said the young man who lias noth­
ing but what he expects to earn, ‘‘but 1
can’t express myself.”
“Express yourself?” sneered the plu­
tocratic parent.
“You don’t even
need to go by freight. Walking is ex-
peditioua enough in this case. Don’t
forget your hat.”—Detroit Free Press.
A Successful Enterprise That Is Based
on Merit.
A few remedies which have attained
It goes without question that a judi
clous treatment of the horse during ' to world-wide fame, as truly bene­
working hours as well as at rest will ficial in effect and giving satisfaction
millions of people everywhere, are
con si derably in­ to
the products of the knowledge of the
crease both the
most eminent physicians, and present­
working capacity ed in the form most acceptable to tlie
and the lifetime of human system by tlie skill of the
tbe animal. It of­ world’s great chemists; and one of the
ten happens that most successful examples is the Svrup
horses enjoy a of Figs manufactured by the California
longer or briefer Fig Syrup Co. Unlike a host of imi­
time to rest while tations an<l cheap substitutes, Syrup
doingcertain work. of Figs is permanently beneficial in
Such mom ents its effects, and therefore lives and pto-
vantage in feeding motes good health, while inferior pre­
the animals. The picture shows a parations are being cast aside ami for­
feeding bag made of strong canvas gotten. In olden times if a remedy
and equipped with a strap which may 1 gave temporary relief to individuals
be slipped over the animal s bead and j here and there, it was thought good;
fastened. The top and the bottom are but now-a-davs a laxative remedy must
expanded by means of two rings made give satisfaction to all. If you have
of heavy wire. A few Inches from the never used Syrup of Figs, give it a
bottom is inserted a circular piece of trial, and you will be pleased with it,
wire screen, which serves as a breath­ and will recommend it to your friends
ing hole. Tills feeding device can be or to any who suffer from constipa­
made at home.—Ohio Farmer.
tion, or hour over-feeding, or from
colds, headaches, biliousness, or other
Rotllnir Down Stubb'e Ln n't.
ills resulting from an inactive condi­
The bulk of snow the past winter al­ tion of tbe kidneys, liver and bowels.
most everywhere has been great
In the process of manufacturing the
enough to break down last year’s grain pleasant family laxative made by the
stubble, so that It will not be tn the California Fig Syrup Co., and named
way when mowing the clover next Syrup of Figs, tigs aie used, as they
June. But there Is still the necessity are pleasant to the taste; but the
of rolling the surface so as to press medicinal properties of the remedy are
down the loose stones, which are worse cbtained from an excellent combination
than clover In mowing fields. This of plants known to be medicinally laxa­
should lie done while the ground Is still tive and to act most beneficially. As
moist, so that the stones may be tbe true and original remedy, named
pressed level witli tlie surface. This Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by tlie
rolling has an excellent effect on young California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowl­
clover, compacting the soil around the edge of that fact will assist in avoid­
roots and making it grow much better. ing the worthless imitations manufac­
It should be done early before the tured by other parties. The Company
clover starts to grow, as rolling clover has selected for years past the leading
while it is growing crushes the leaves publications of the United States
through which to inform the public of
and injures the whole after growth.
the merits of its remedy, ami among
them this paper is included, as will be
Clover and Timothy Bay.
Clover, unless cut before It reaches seen by reference to its advertising col­
the blossoming stage, will have when umns.
dried from seven to ten per cent, of al­
A bad player and a bad piano make
buminoids, which makes It a very nu­ a bad combination. — Atchison Globe.
tritious ration. Timothy, when In Its
best estate, which is a little before It
has blossomed, Iras only about four to Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet
live per cent, of albuminoids. If It It cures painful, swollen smarting feet ami
stands until dead ripe msst of these are instantly takes the sting out of corns and
bunions. It's tlie greatest comfort discov­
changed to woody fibre, which Is very ery
ofthe age. Allen's Foot-Ease maker
hard to digest. The second growth of tight-l.ttlng < r new shoes feel easy. J t is a
clover Is much richer than Hie first. It ; certain cure forchilblains, sweating, dump,
ami hot. tired, a< hing feet. Wv j
is bard to cure It without discoloring callous
have over 10.(so testimonials or cure«. Try
from excessive fermentation. If se­ it today. Bold by all druggists and shoe ;
cured in good order It should be saved stores. Bv mail for 25c in «ramps. Trial
package FREE. Address Allen 8. Olm­
for young stock and for poultry, to be sted,
I.e Roy, N. Y.
fed to each in small amounts with oth­
A German scientist says that athletes
er feed.
have not realized the value of sugar,
Ponltry Points.
j Financiers have.
Introduce new blood Into your poul
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Booth­
try once a year.
Svrup the best remedy to use for their 1
Give lime for growth of bone and for I ing
children during the teething period.
egg-shell material.
Train robbing in Mexico is punish­
A little cayenne pepper In tbe food
able by death. There has not been a
often stimulates laying.
Good Leghorn hens may be kept un­ j train robbery in Mexico for more than
a year.
til they are five years old.
When corning to Part Francisco go to
A laying ben should have her food Brooklyn
Hotel, 21*1-212 Bush street.
and drink at regular Intervale.
American or European plan. Room and
board ,1.00 to 11.60 per day; rooms 50cents
It Is essential that confined fowls be to
,1.00 per 'lay; single meals 25 cents.
supplied with plenty of gravel.
Free coach. Chas. Montgomery.
If the hens show an Inclination to
The poorer the family the fatter the
pull feathers, feed them salt pork.
dog.—Atchison Globe.
Eggs Intended for batching should
Gerrgan science announces that
not be kept over four weeks. They everything needed to make a man
must be turned every day or two.
weigh 150 pounds can ire found in the
It will require several pounds of whites and yolks of 1,200 hens' eggs.
skim milk to equal one pound of lean
While You Sleep.
beef for flesh producing qualities.
Do not have too much air blowing
One dollar per bead la the average through your room at night, or Neu­
cost of keeping a fowl a year, and tbs ralgia may creep upon you while you
same amount la a fair eatimats of ths deep. But if it comes, use St. Jacoba
Oil; it warms, soothes and cures.
had falling of the womb, terrible bear­
There ia a good deal of mutton nowa­ ing-down pains and headache. I have
days tryin’ to appear like wolf.
taken two bottles of Lydia E Pink­
ham's Vegetable Compound and feel
like a new woman. I recommend your
medicine to every woman 1 know.”
money-back tea and
baking powder at
Your Grocers
For Mills, Mines, Shops and Farms; Steel Log*
gingnnd Hoisting Engines; Hoe Chisel
Tooth Saws, Albany Grease, etc.
An alliance between the French au­
thorities and the German Emperor
would probably lose but little time in
earning the epithet “brilliant, but
Men requiring unsurpassed treatment should
consult personally or by letter “Free” with the
Pioneer und only exclusive men's specialist» in the
’rilled states. DiaeaHeH of men made 'he
study of a life-time. Unfortunates everywhere
should immediately communicate w ilh I)r. Foote,
of Chicago. Everything confidential. Remedies
sent everywhere in sealed package» and letters in
plain envelopes. Correspondence solicited. Latest
Surgical. Medical ant! Electrical methods
adopted. Deluging tlie stomach with drugs aban­
doned. Avoid drugs recommended by the unau­
thorized and selt-styled specialists in Western
towns. Few genuine specialists locate outside of
New York or Chicago. In these cities your pri
vate affairs are safe. Cnequaled treatment for all
diseases and weaknesses of tlie Genlto-Urinary,
Sexual, Reproductive and Nervous Systems. In»
pediments to marriage removed. “Sy phala”
positively purities the blood, cures syphilis and
removes all white ulcers in throat 08 month. COD
per colored spots on body and eruptions on skin,
also catarrh and rheumatism, “VigorHla,” the
only permanent restorer and invigorator. gives
vigor to vital organs and nerves, prevents and j
cures grip, fl per bottle, 6 for
Trial bottles, I
either remedy, half price.
An Atlanta woman’s lite was saved
by a steel corset stay, which intercept­
ed a bullet. This is another blow at
JOHN BOOLE, P ortland , O beoon ,
can give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. Tlie new
steel IXL windmill, sold by him, is un­
equalled. ___________ _______
In London a paving stone which
weighed 500 pounds, and which was
wedged in on all stdes by other stones
was lifted up by mushrooms.
riTa Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousnes
illw after first day’s use of l)r. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. Send for FKF.K ID.OO trial
bottle and treatise. DR. R. H. KLINE, Ltd., IMO
Arch street» Philadelphia, Pa.
Of tlie houses in Paris, France, there
are still 10,000 (with 200,000 inhabit­
ants) that use well water.
27 to 35 First Street Portland, Or.
«4-36 Irvuiout Bireel, Bun Francisco.
A soil of very deep dark loam; will grow al)
kinds of vegetables, grain, hay—in great abun­
dance. CiiniHte splendid, <‘rop failures im­
possible. Adapted to the raising of cattle,
sheep, hogs; dairy and poultry industries. In
mining district, providing an excellent market
for all products. Also rich cranberry lands.
Magnificent chance if taken at once. Write fot
descriptive book giving full particulars. Ad*
dress today.
<’. R. I» k WITT, Secretary,
28 Thurlow Block. San Francisco, Cal.
Sent you (postpaid) on receipt of 10 cts. iu
postage, if ordered at once. Address
Occidental Publishing Co.,
<> % K LAND. C IL,
You don’t need to suffer from pains
In the back—have sleepless nights —
or continue to have that tired f» cl­
ing. I'se th” remedy that has been
provcn helpful Use
Moore’s Revealed Remedy
• 1 per bottle at your druggist's.
Tbe National
Inventors' Association.
(I ncorporated .)
We do a general PATENT BUHINK8H
secure, introduce and sell patents. Our regis­
tered attorney can get you pate nts direct from
the government without delay. Agents wanted
in every town to sell patented articles. Further
information furnished on request. R oom 618
For Lung ami chest diseases, Piso’sCure
is the best medicine we have used.— Mrs.
J. L. Northcutt, Windsor, Ont., Canada.
Mrs. Virginia Key, a daughter-in-
law of Francis Scott Key, is living
quietly in Chicago at tlie age of 85.
The Pleasantest, Most Powerful and
Effective Neverfaillng Remedy ¡or
La Grippe, Catarrh,
T.... mm Will cure any ache or pain known
In the human body. Send (ur trial bottle, 25e.
This offer lasts B0 days only. Large bottle (300
doses of 5 DROPS each) »1.00or 3 for »2.50.
O regon .
ITCHING Pile« produce moiatureaud cause itching.
This form, an well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Pile« ere cured by Dr. Bosanko'a Pile Remedy
titopH itching and bleeding. A hHorbe t uniors. fide a
Jar at druggiete or Rent by mail. Trcati»« | ree Write
me about your cbm . DR ROAANKO, Philada., Pa.
Iloota Crowned. Bridges Made.
I'ainlewM filling and extraction.
Dr. T. 1!. White, ,
hi 1 tn 5 JsV»
1M7 an» 1S8 Ouarbo n St.. Chicago.
liutriour I
not te atrietur«.
Prav.nta roniafiion.
At last the Great Eastern has been
surpassed for length. Tlie Oceanic,
just launched at Belfast, is 24 feet
longer, or a total of 704 feet.
•‘.tly wife had plmplee on her face, but
•be bM been taking GASCARETS and they
have all disappeared. I had been troubled
with constipation for some time but after tak
Ing tbe first Case are t I have bad no trouble
with this aliment. We cannot speak too high­
ly of Caecarete ”
Fxib W artman .
6708 Germantown Are.. Philadelphia, Pa
!'e»’ Big W for unnatural
diRchargeR, in fi» iiimatloui.
Irritât ions or ulcerations
of inncom membrane«.
PainleM, and not aatrin-
OiNC'NNAtl.O .
.4. A
°r p»'"'-«'»“«-
M«»l<l by llruggiata,
or «ent In plain wrapper,
by ex pre»«, prepaid, for
• l <■). or 3 bottle», 32.75.
Circular »ent on request.
For Gonorrh<pa and Gleet get Pabet’ii Okay Hpeciflc. It
le the ONI Y medicine which will cure re. h and every
r^e. NO ('ARE known it hae ever felled to cure, no
matter how iwrioua or of how long trtamling. Xeaiilta
from its use will aetonifih you. It ia absolutely Rafe,
prevent» etrirture. and can he taken without incon re*
nlence and detention from buelneee, PK1' E. 83 on For
Mie hy all reliable dmgiriete, or »ent prepaid by eipreao.
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by
PABK t CHtMK AL CXI, Chicago, I1L
Circular mailed on requeet.
Cur« Rick Headach«
•od Dyipepfiia, Remove Pimple« and Purify the
Blood. Aid higrRtion and Prevent Biliouitnem Do
not Gripe or Sicken To con vine« you, we will mail
■ample free, or full bo« for 2A . DR. HUSANKU
CO., Pliiladia., 4*nunri. Hold by l>ruggiata.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good Do
Good, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe 10c. 26c. 5Uc
Hvrllsj R.aa.fiy Caopeay. Cbleaf«, NMlrrel.
no - to - iac
Vert. VIA
We rnsrsnte. tollt every cswr w . undertake.
I»o..t put It off; write tor particulars at once.
<'. H. WOOIMKIl a CO., Kapert Truss
Fitters, IOS Second Street, Portland, Or.
|X ■■ f
Auk druggist« for Dr. Martel •
PK f
French Eeniale Pills In inetal tx»x
with French Flag on top In Blue, White
HH f «nd Red
Insist on having ’he genuine
|W| f ’Relief for Women ’ mailed FREF. In plain
sealed letter with te«tlmonialRand particular*.
N. P. N. U.
Pearl St.. New Jerk.
NO. 14—
llKV writing tn advertleore
uieutioo thTe paper.