The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 07, 1899, Image 10

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A second brigade of young soldiers is
being organized.
The I'. S. Army captured Santiago and
Hodson captured U. 8. A. axe, the best
and cheapest warranted axe in the mar­
C. B. Winton has bought Chas. Ear­
hart’s barber shop, and lias employed
Sam Gaunt to assist him. Sam returned
from Portland on Monday.
For frost bites, burns, indolent sores,
eczema, skin disease, and especially
piles, DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve
stands first and best. Look out for dis­
honest people who try to imitate and
counterfeit it. It’s their endorsement of
a good article. Worthless goods are not
imitated. 'let DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve. Rogers Bros.
The damage suit, wherein A. C.
Churchill sued Jeremiah Osborn for
$ 000 damages, came off at McMinnville
last 1'uesdav and as might have been
expected the jury found a verdict for the
Damage suits very rarely
amount to anything more than the
piling up of costs in cases of this kind.
The case was stubbornly contested by­
Cake & Cake of Portland for the prose­
cution and Woodward & Palmer for the
detendant.—New betg Graphic.
As the season of the year when pneu­
monia, la grippe, soar throat, coughs,
colds, catarrh, bronchitis, and lung
troubles are to lie guarded against,
nothing “is a tine substitute,” or is
“just as good” as' One Minute Cough
Cure. That is the one infallible remedy
for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles.
Insist vigorously upon having it if
“something else” is offered you. Rogers
A desperate break for liberty was
made by Magers, the murderer of Ray-
Sink, now coniine«! in the Polk county­
jail, last Saturday evening.
Sheriff Vanorsdel went to give water to
Magers ami a prisoner named Leonard,
they caught his hand ami pulled him
inside the corridor.
They seized him
by the throat ami bound ami gagged
him. One of them went below the
stairs to unhasp the door.
Several per­
sons luid gathered, and when the door
was opened, Magers and Leonard were
ordered to return to the corridor. They
obeyed, ami the sheriff was released.
Vanorsdel was not seriously hurt.
was not armed when the prisoners at­
tempted toesca|>e.
f irst IBaptist Church.
The pastor will preach. Subject of
the morning sermon, ‘‘The Constraining
Power of Christ
evening, -‘A New
The choir will render the
following program:
Morning, organ
prelude; anthem, “Every Hour I Need
riiy Blessing;” organ posthide.
ing, organ prelude; anthem, with so­
prano solo bv Miss Mollie Pattv ami
bass solo l>v Fred Boardman.
Mt-- Virginia Spencer; organ posthole.
Suicide Xeitr .VIcCoy.
Cure u Cold ill One Day.
Miss Eftie Frazier, aged about 2i)
years, and well known in the vicinity of
McCoy and Amity, shot herself at her
home four miles southeast of Amity
about 7 o’clock Wednesday morning.
The deed was performed in a vacant
room while her brother was absent at
the barn. She was found lying beside a
box, upon which she is presumed to have
sat while she held the gun ami pushed
back the trigger with a stick. She lived
but a short time, the charge taking ef­
fect above the heart. The motive which
prompted the young woman to take her
own life is not known. There is a slight
presumption that she was despondent
over the fact that her lover was absent as
a soldier in the Philippines. She was
the daughter of L. B. Fiazier.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each
tablet. For sale by- Rogers Bros.
County Judge Cake of Multnomah,
grand chancellor K. if P., will he here
April 26th, to visit Diana lodge.
Curd of Thunks.
We wish to return our sincere and
heartfelt thanks to all those who so
kindly assisted us during the sickness,
death and funeral of our beloved husband
and father.
Very respectfully,
M rs . J. F. C ook and F amily .
An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed T J Jellison, justice fees................. ♦ 2 38
Geo W Grannis, indigent relief
Limpus is very ill.
fund and board poor . . ............ 11 50
Bettman «St Warren candle their eggs C Butt, attorney for Wiley............ 10 00
Fred Hayes, wood .......................... 3 00
before they leave the store.
Peter Rarmars, care poor
... 10 00
I am able to furnish loans on first-class Orville Parker, janitor................... 25 00
farm security, from $2,Out) upward, at 7 M A Broadwell, care poor and fu­
neral expense.............................. . 18 00
per cent interest; loans to run from 3 to
5 years. Parties wishing to botrow mon­ 11 P Webster, indigent soldier ... .> uO
J H Nelson, clerk '.......................... 150 00
ey, call and see me.
R. L. C onner .
J E Hoff,labor on lawn mower ... 4 25
Family washing, 30c J>er dozen ; family­ Witnesses Stout <& Martin vs Yam­
hill Co............................
37 90
washing, uuironed, 20c per dozen ; shirt, Jurors for March term..................... 215 70
collar and cuffs, 15c per set; blankets J O Rogers, salary............................. 5o 00
and quilts, kOc each ; rag carpet. 4c per J W Breid well, supplies for poor. . 16 Ou
EV Littlefield, salary, stamps, etc 162 00
yard. M c M innville S team L aundry .
O O Rhode, salary............................ 50 50
The city council came together for Lydia Adame, care of poor ............ 9 l.O
business Tuesday evening. All mem­ R P Bird, fare indigent to Antelope 15 o0
bers were present. Minutes of the last II V and C F Mills,witnesses grand
jury................................................... 4 4.)
called meeting and of six meetings with­ Grand jury March term ................ 44 20
out a quorum were read, corrected and J M Yocum, salary, ......................... 14.5 00
approved. Committee on streets reported E R Henderson, salary .................. 50 00
the new tile in working order, ami all W G Henderson, salary................. 186 66
J D Ilibbs, supplies for poor.......... 5 00
adjoining property owners had paid ex­ M>s Sue Dudrow, care “
10 00
cept two. The question of choosing a 8 R Kelsey, moving drift ............ 2 50
superintendent and chief engineer came A N Pressnail, care poor ................ 10 00
up. Councilman Wright said the city Irene Everest, overpaid tax ........ 11 45
J W Ball, corduroy ........................... 14 17
was without an engineer, and one should J W Sargeant, supplies for poor.. 9 94
be elected. Councilman Perry took de­ Valley Transcript, printing .......... 17 00
cided exception to Wright’s premise, and Nash Bros, care of poor.................... 51 41
“ clothing for poor.......... 1 50
said so. An unfortunate difficulty en­
M Underwood, rent.......................... 2 00
sued, which was quite in keeping with Mrs Hugelet, care of poor............ 29 20
these war times, but which would gain Hannah Bond, “
15 U0
14 50
no res|>ectability by appearing in public II F Bedwell, “
8 00
print. A petition from IDO citizens was Jas Thomas,
I. M Smith, wood for poor..........
3 75
read for Mr. Sliget’s reelection. Alter John Shaler, road plow ................ 18 00
order was restore«!. Councilman Nelson D G Stultz, gravel for road............ 6 25
nominated Gus Hartrampf ol Forest W T Macy, salary .......................... 116 65
Grove for the office in question.
ballot stood ttiree tor thia candidate and
three for Mr. Sliger. The deciding vote
was cast for the latter gentleman by
Mayor M.-Phillips.
The bicycle ordi­
nance was repealed on p< tition of 92
By the intelligent use of the
citizens, ami recorder was instructed to
Opothalmoscope. I am prepared
draft a new ordinance for approval. An
to make the internal examination
ordinance was pa-sed proliiuiting laivs
of vour eyes and determine
from jumping upon platfotnts of moving
whether or not the defect is at
trains within the city limits
error of refractions or disease.
I also have the finest Trial ease
licenses were granted to Joe Dultois and
for testing your eves in Yamhill
Willis «t Feeley
Reports of treasurer,
County. Lenses ground for the
collector, marshal and superintendent
most difficult eases.
for months of February and March were
D. A. SMITH. Optician.
presented ami approved.
A few bills
were allowed.
Noxt door to P. O.. McMinnville.
I Will Examine Your
Eyes Free of charge